
6.1 Introduction

There are many different ways to display numerical results and these different ways depend on whether the data are discrete, are obtained from expressions, require logarithmic compression, are to be represented in 2D or 3D, or are specific to a given application area such as statistics (histograms, bar charts, and pie charts), computational geometry (Voronoi diagrams and convex hulls), wavelet analysis, or controls (Bode, Nichols, and root locus plots). To accommodate these wide-ranging needs, Mathematica provides a large set of high-level plotting commands that require little user involvement to generate a basic figure; that is, one with minimum annotation. However, for each plot command, one is given the means to control virtually all aspects of the graph, thereby providing a high degree of flexibility in enhancing a figure. We shall discuss a subset of these plot commands and introduce instructions that can be used to modify, enhance, and individualize the graph’s curves and the overall figure.

Mathematica also provides a set of straightforward commands for creating an interactive environment for the presentation of numbers, expressions, and graphics by using Manipulate. This command is introduced in Chapter 7.

The introduction and usage of the various 2D and 3D plotting commands and their enhancement are introduced, primarily, via tables. The usage of these enhancements is then illustrated by examples from engineering topics.

6.2 2D Graphics

6.2.1 Basic Plotting

The basic forms of the 2D plotting commands that will be introduced in this chapter are presented in Table 6.1. They are divided into four categories: those that display the numerical evaluation of expressions using linear axes and those using logarithmic axes; and those that display lists of data using linear axes and those using logarithmic axes. It is mentioned that each plotting command that numerically evaluates an expression uses an internal procedure to determine the number and spacing of the values of the independent variable. These values are determined in a recursive fashion and the number of recursions that are used is, by default, determined automatically. However, if one wants to specify the number of recursions to n recursions, where n is a positive integer, this is done with the option MaxRecursion->n which is one of the optional arguments in the plotting command. Examples of the use of the 2D plot commands in Table 6.1 are shown in Tables 6.2 to 6.4.

Table 6.1 2D plotting commands for plotting one or more expressions or one or more lists of values. Optional enhancements, which are denoted enh, are comma-separated options given in subsequent tables

Plotting type Mathematica function*
Linear axes
  Basic Plot[{f,g,…},{x,xs,xe},enh]
  Parametric ParametricPlot[{f,g},{x,xs,xe}},enh]
  Polar PolarPlot[r,{th,ths,the}},enh]
  Contour ContourPlot[h,{x,xs,xe},{y,ys,ye}},enh]
  Region RegionPlot[reg+,{x,xs,xe},{y,ys,ye}},enh]
Plotting expressions with logarithmic axes
  y-axis logarithmic, x-axis linear LogPlot[{f,g,…},{x,xs,xe}},enh]
  y-axis linear, x-axis logarithmic LogLinearPlot[{f,g,…},{x,xs,xe}},enh]
  y-axis logarithmic, x-axis logarithmic LogLogPlot[{f,g,…},{x,xs,xe}},enh]
Plotting of lists of coordinate pairs with linear axes
  Basic: plot points only ListPlot[{list1,list2,…} },enh]
  Basic: connect data values ListLinePlot[{list1,list2,…} },enh]
  Polar ListPolarPlot[{listr1,listr2,…} },enh]
  Contour ListContourPlot[lst,enh]
Plotting lists of coordinate pairs with logarithmic axes
  y-axis logarithmic, x-axis linear ListLogPlot[{list1,list2,…} },enh]
  y-axis linear, x-axis logarithmic ListLogLinearPlot[{list1,list2,…} },enh]
  y-axis logarithmic, x-axis logarithmic ListLogLogPlot[{list1,list2,…} },enh]

af = f(x), g = g(x); r = r(θ); h = h(x,y);

list1, list2,  … , are lists of Cartesian coordinate pairs {{x1,y1},{x2,y2},…} ;

listr1 , listr2 , … , are lists of polar coordinate pairs {{th1,r1},{th2,r2},…} ;

xs or ys or ths = start value;

xe or ye or the = end value;

lst = {{x1,y1,f1},{x2,y2,f2},…}

b reg = is a set of relational equations each of which is separated by && ; reg is plotted only for those values of x and y that satisfy the set of relational equations.

Table 6.2 Examples of basic plotting expressions with linear axes

Plot command Expressions plotted and the plotting program Figure created
Plot inline f[t_]:=Exp[-0.15 t] Sin[t] Plot[{f[t],f’[t]},{t,0,25},     PlotRange->All] inline
ParametricPlot inline f[t_]:=Exp[-0.15 t] Sin[t] ParametricPlot[{f[t],f’[t]},     {t,0,25},PlotRange->All] inline
PolarPlot r(θ) = |J0(2π(0.6 − cos θ))| r[inlineθ_]:=Abs[BesselJ[0,     2 inline (0.6-Cos[ inlineθ])]] PolarPlot[r[inlineθ],{ inlineθ,0,2 inline}] inline
ContourPlot w(x, y) = sin (2πx)sin (3πy) w[x_,y_]:=Sin[2 inline x] *     Sin[3 inline y] ContourPlot[w[x,y],     {x,0,1},{y,0,1}] inline
RegionPlot 13cos 2(x + y) ⩽ 92(x − 3)2 + 0.3(y − 1)2 ⩽ 3 RegionPlot[     13 Cos[x+y]^2 <=9&&     2(x-3)^2+0.3 (y-1)^2 <=3,     {x,1.3,4.5},     {y,-2.5,4.5},     AspectRatio->Automatic] inline

Table 6.3 Examples of plotting expressions with logarithmic axes

Plot command Expressions plotted and the plotting program Figure created
LogPlot H(Ω) = {(1 − Ω2)2 + (0.1Ω)2}− 1/2 h[inline_]:=1/Sqrt[(1-inline^2)^2+     (0.1 inline)^2] LogPlot[h[inline],{inline,0.01,10}] inline
LogLinearPlot H(Ω) = {(1 − Ω2)2 + (0.1Ω)2}− 1/2 h[inline_]:=1/Sqrt[(1-inline^2)^2+     (0.1 inline)^2] LogLinearPlot[h[inline],     {inline,0.01,10},     PlotRange->All] inline
LogLogPlot H(Ω) = {(1 − Ω2)2 + (0.1Ω)2}− 1/2 h[inline_]:=1/Sqrt[(1-inline^2)^2+     (0.1 inline)^2] LogLogPlot[h[inline],     {inline,0.01,10}] inline

Table 6.4 Examples of plotting of lists with linear axes. See also Table 6.15

Plot command Expressions used to generate discrete data and the plotting program Figure created
ListPlot inline f[t_]:=Exp[-0.15 t] Sin[t] tau=Range[0,25,0.5]; lst1=Table[{t,f[t]},     {t,tau}]; lst2=Table[{t,f’[t]},     {t,tau}]; ListPlot[{lst1,lst2},     PlotRange->All] inline
ListLinePlot inline f[t_]:=Exp[-0.15 t] Sin[t] tau=Range[0,25,0.5]; lst1=Table[{t,f[t]},     {t,tau}]; lst2=Table[{t,f’[t]},     {t,tau}]; ListLinePlot[{lst1,lst2},     PlotRange->All] inline

All figures can have their displayed size adjusted by employing the option

…[…, ImageSize->sz,…]

where typically sz is either Tiny, Small, Medium, or Large.

6.2.2 Basic Graph Enhancements

To enhance a figure, the arguments of the basic plotting commands given in Table 6.1 can be augmented with a very large set of optional instructions. We shall introduce several of them in this section and several others in the following sections.


The named color attributes available for equations, text, curves, fill, regions, points, background, and graphics primitives are listed in Table 6.5. In addition to these named colors, each of the main colors can be made lighter by using Lighter or darker by using Darker as indicated in this table.

Table 6.5 Named color attributes available for equations, text, curves, fill, regions, graphics primitives, background, and points


There is also available a very large number of color schemes for use by such commands as ContourPlot, ListContourPlot, ParamentricPlot, RegionPlot, Plot3D, SphericalPlot3D, and the Filling option in Plot, ListPlot, and others. The color schemes are accessed with the Color Schemes palette obtained from the Palettes menu as shown in Figure 6.1 in either of two ways. The first way is to use


Figure 6.1 Selection of color schemes that are available from the Color Schemes palette

ColorFunction->ColorData["Color scheme name"]

where “Color scheme name” (quotation marks required) can be entered manually from any of the choices appearing in the palettes in any of the four headings: Gradient, Physical, Named, and Indexed. Shown in Figure 6.1 are the first few choices appearing under Gradient. The other choices become visible by scrolling down with the slider. The second way is to use the palette directly by typing the plotting option as


Leaving the cursor after the “>”, one goes to the palette menu and clicks on the desired selection and then clicks on Insert. When this is done for the palette selection shown in Figure 6.1, the following will appear


Curve Characteristics

Mathematica automatically selects the properties of the curves that it displays such that each curve is a different color, but each line is solid and has the same thickness. This automation can be overridden and line colors, line thickness, and the line type – solid or dashed – can be selected for each curve. The instruction to perform these changes is PlotStyle and illustrations of its usage are given in Table 6.6.

Table 6.6 Curve enhancements using PlotStyle

PlotStyle->{{curve 1 attribute #1, curve 1 attribute #2,…},
                                    {curve 2 attribute #1, curve 2 attribute #2,…},…}*
Option curve k attribute #m
Dashed lines Dashing[arg]       arg = Tiny, Small, Medium, or Large ; arg = {} specifies a solid line
Line thickness Thickness[arg]       arg = Tiny, Small, Medium, or Large or decimal number 0 ≤ p ≤ 0.1
Color From Table 6.5
    Default     h[t_,p_]:=Exp[-0.15 t] Sin[t-p]     Plot[{h[t,0],h[t,inline/3.]},         {t,0,15}]
    (Note: Line colors are different)
    Modified     h[t_,p_]:=Exp[-0.15 t] Sin[t-p]     Plot[{h[t,0],h[t,inline/3.]},{t,0,15},         PlotStyle->{{Dashing[{}],             Thickness[0.015],Black},             {Dashing[Small],             Thickness[Large],Red}}] inline

aOrder of attributes is arbitrary.

bTypical region for p.

Text Characteristics

The characteristics that text can have are listed in Table 6.7. These text enhancement attributes can be employed in the text creation portions of labeling the axes (AxisLabel), in creating a legend (PlotLegend), in giving a plot a title (PlotLabel), in framing the figure (FrameLabel), in identifying individual curves (Epilog, Inset, and Tooltip), and in placing text annotation anywhere within a figure (Epilog and Inset).

Table 6.7 Options for text. See Table 6.8 for typical usage.

Option Instruction
Font size Large
n (For text, equals number of points: default is 12) p (For points, decimal number where typically 0.01 ≤ p ≤ 0.1)
Font attribute Bold (Can be used with Italic and Underlined)
Italic (Can be used with Bold and Underlined)
Underlined (Can be used with Bold and Italic)
Plain (None of the above: default)
Font style "Times"
"Courier" (default)

Text can include subscripts and superscripts and other mathematical notation as described in Section 1.5.2, numerical values can have the number of digits specified as described in Section 1.9.2, and the format of equations can be specified as described in Section 1.9.2.

In creating text for labels, Style is used to specify the attributes of the text or an equation. The general means of employing Style is shown in Figure 6.2. Several examples of how Style is used with text and equations are given in Table 6.8. Additional examples of the use of Style are given subsequent examples. Text can also be framed and its background color can be selected using Frame and Background as indicated in Figure 6.2 and shown in Table 6.8.

Table 6.8 Examples of text enhancement using Tables 2.1, 6.5, and 6.7, Figure 6.2, and Sections 1.5.2 and 1.9.2

Mathematica statements Output
modexpr=Style[Framed["Text"],Blue,12,     Bold,Italic,FontFamily->"Helvetica",         Background->Yellow] inline
expr=TraditionalForm[Sqrt[x+y^2]]; modexpr=Style[expr,Blue,14,Bold,         FontFamily->"Times"] inline
expr=NumberForm[Sqrt[5.],6]; modexpr=Style[Framed[expr],14,Bold,         FontFamily->"Times"] inline
n1=TraditionalForm[Sqrt[1+Cos[k inlineθ]]]; n2=NumberForm[Sin[inline/5.]^2,4]; label=Row[{inline3,"=",         n1," and ",         Style["h",Italic]inline,n2}] inline
n1=TraditionalForm[Sqrt[1+Cos[k inlineθ]]]; n2=NumberForm[Sin[inline/5.]^2,4]; label=Column[{Row[{inline3,         " = ",n1}],Row[{         Style["h",Italic]inline,         " = ",n2}]}] inline
m=1;    n=2;    Ω=3.512; str=StringJoin[ToString[n],ToString[m]] Row[{Ωinline," = ",NumberForm[inline^2,4]}] inline
n=3; ex=Row[{"-",n}]; label="α= 10"ex α = 10−3

Figure 6.2 General approach to creating labels using Style : color is taken from Table 6.5, and font size, font attribute, and font style are taken from Table 6.7. See Table 6.8 for examples of usage

Axes Characteristics

There are two ways in which axes can appear. The first way is for the axes to appear with tick marks and with tick labels. This is the default way in which axes are displayed. The second way is for the axes to appear without tick marks and without labels and instead the entire figure is framed and the tick marks appear on the inside of the frame and the tick labels appear on the outside of the frame. This option is applied by using the option Frame->True. The characteristics of the axes can be changed as shown in Table 6.9 and those for frames as shown in Table 6.10.

Table 6.9 Options for figure axes

Axes-> Instruction
Option Instruction
Axes drawn Draw axes (Default) True or omit the option
Omit axes False
Draw only x-axis {True,False}
Draw only y-axis {False,True}
PlotRange-> Instruction
Option Instruction
Axes limits Use all values All
Use most points, omitting outliers Automatic (default)
Set specific limits {{xmin,xmax},{ymin,ymax}}
AxesStyle->{{x-axis attribute #1, x-axis attribute #2,…}, {y-axis attribute #1, y-axis attribute #2,…}}*
Option x-axis or y-axis attribute
Axes characteristics Change color of axis, ticks, and tick labels Color from Table 6.5
Size of tick labels Font size from Table 6.7
Tick label style Font attribute from Table 6.7
Use default attributes None or omit the option
Axis thickness Thickness[…] (see Table 6.6)
Axis dashed Dashing[…] (see Table 6.6)
AxesLabel->{x-axis instruction, y-axis instruction}
Option x-axis or y-axis instruction
Axes labels (appear at end of each axis) No label (Default) {None,None} or omit the option
Labels {labelx,labely}
Label only x-axis {labelx,None}
Label only y-axis {None,labely}
Ticks->{x-axis instruction, y-axis instruction}
Option x-axis or y-axis instruction
Tick mark characteristics and labels System decides locations and their labels (default) Automatic
No tick marks None or omit the option
Specify locations and system determines labels {loc} = list of x or y coordinates
Specify locations and their respective labels {{loc1,lab1},{loc2,lab2},…}

aIf only one attribute is selected and it is to be applied to both axes, then all braces may be omitted

b labelx and labely are, in general, given by label shown in Figure 6.2.

clocN is either the value of the x-coordinate along the x-axis or the value of the y-coordinate along the y-axis

Table 6.10 Options for figure frames

Option Instruction
    No frame (default) False or None or omit the option
    Draw frame on all four sides True
    Draw any combination of portions of frame {{True or False,True or False},     {True or False,True or False}} where the locations are {{left, right},{bottom, top}}
FrameLabel-> Instruction
    No labels (default) None or omit the option
    Label at bottom edge label*
    Label at bottom and left edges {bottom,left}
    Label all edges {{left,right},{bottom,top}}
FrameTicks-> Instruction
    No tick marks None or omit the option
    Place tick marks automatically Automatic
    Place tick marks automatically on bottom and left edges True
    Place tick marks automatically on all edges All
    Specify locations and labels for each tick mark on each edge {{left,right}{bottom,top}}     left={{loc1,label1},{loc2,label2},…}                     or None or Automatic Similarly for right, bottom, and top

alabel or labelN is given by the general form shown in Figure 6.2

bbottom, top, left, and right specify edge location based on its position in the list; when implemented, an appropriate label of the general form given in Figure 6.2 replaces each of these identifiers

clocN equals x-coordinate value for bottom and top and equals the y-coordinate value for left and right

6.2.3 Common 2D Shapes: Graphics[]

There are several commands that create common 2D shapes. These commands can be used to create separate figures or to enhance a figure. They can also be used to create plot markers as shown in Table 6.15. A list of these shapes is given in Table 6.11. They are created with the following command

Table 6.11 Built-in 2D shapes

Shape Mathematica function
Lines Line[{{x1,y1},{x2,y2},…}]
Connected lines with the last point containing an arrowhead (unless Arrowheads indicates otherwise) Arrow[{{x1,y1},{x2,y2},…}]
Arrowhead size or size of two arrowheads, one at each end of line Arrowheads[p] for arrowhead at last point (typically, 0 < p ≤ 0.1) Arrowheads[{-p1,p2}] for arrowheads at first and last points: p1 size of arrowhead of first point (minus sign required), p2 size of arrowhead of last point. Note: must be used to draw two arrowheads and this specification must precede Arrow.
Points Point[{{x1,y1},{x2,y2},…}]
Circle or arc of circle Circle[{x0,y0},r,{inlineθ1,inlineθ2}]     {x0,y0} = coordinates of circle center     r = radius of circle (if omitted, r = 1)     {inlineθ1,inlineθ2} = angles of an arc of the circle (if omitted, complete             circle)
Disk or disk sector Disk[{x,y},r,{ inlineθ1,inlineθ2}]     {x,y} = coordinates of disk center     r = radius of disk (if omitted, r = 1)     {inlineθ1,inlineθ2} = angles of a sector of the disk (if omitted, complete             disk)
Ellipse Disk[{x,y},{rx,ry}]     {x,y} = coordinates of ellipse center     rx = semi-axis length parallel to x-axis     ry = semi-axis length parallel to y-axis
Rectangle Rectangle[{xl,yl},{xu,yu}]     {xl,yl} = coordinates of lower left hand corner     {xu,yu} = coordinates of upper right hand corner
Polygon Polygon[list]     list = list of coordinates of the vertices

Table 6.12 Additional figure enhancements: see Table 6.13 for typical usage

Enhancement Instruction
Filling area under a curve, place a line under a point, or place a “volume” under a surface Filling->loc     loc = None ; no filling (default)     loc = Axis ; fill to x-axis     loc = Top ; fill to top of plot     loc = Bottom ; fill to bottom of plot     loc = {1->{2}} ; fill between the first and second curves drawn
FillingStyle->typ     typ = Automatic (default)     typ = {col,opa,thk,dash}         opa = Opacity[n] (0 ≤ n ≤ 1)         col = color from Table 6.5         thk = Thickness[…] from Table 6.6         dash = Dashing[…] from Table 6.6
Grid lines GridLines->spec     spec = None (default)     spec = Automatic     spec = {listx,listy}, where listx and listy specify                      locations of grid lines in each direction: listx or                      listy can equal None or can equal Automatic
Plot title PlotLabel[label]*
Place additional objects on a figure Epilog->{{obj1},{obj2},…}     objN is typically a graphics primitive or an Inset object
Rotate a graphics object including an entire figure created by any plot command Rotate[obj,th,{xo,yo}]     obj = object to be rotated     th = counterclockwise angle of rotation (radians)     {xo,yo} = optional point about which rotation occurs

alabel is, in general, of the form given in Figure 6.2.

Table 6.13 Examples of graph enhancement using the options listed in Table 6.12

h[t_,p_]:=Exp[-0.15 t] Sin[t-p]; gx=Table[g,{g,Range[1,15,1]}]; (* Coordinates of grid lines for         x-axis *) lab=Style["Two curves",Blue]; eq=Table[{n,h[n,0]},{n,2.inline/3,14.inline/3,inline}]; (* See footnote *) p1=Plot[{h[t,0],h[t,inline/3.]},{t,0,15},PlotStyle->{{Thickness[Large],     Red},{Thickness[0.01],Black}},options]
options: PlotLabel->lab
options: PlotLabel->lab,     Filling->{1->{2}},     FillingStyle->Orange,     Frame->True
options: PlotLabel->lab,     Filling->{1->{2}},     FillingStyle->Orange,     Frame->True,     GridLines->{gx,Automatic}
options: PlotLabel->lab,     Filling->{1->{2}},     FillingStyle->Orange,     Frame->True,     GridLines->{gx,Automatic},     Epilog->{PointSize[0.02],         Yellow,Point[eq]}
Rotate[p1,inline/2]     using in p1 the options:     PlotLabel->lab,     Filling->{1->{2}},     FillingStyle->Orange,     Frwme->True,     GridLines->{gx,Automatic},     Epilog->{PointSize[0.02],         Yellow,Point[eq]} inline

a Coordinates of curves’ intersections

Table 6.14 Graph enhancement using legends

plt=Sequence[{BesselJ[0,x],Exp[-(x-4)^2/2]},{x,0,10}]; lst1=Table[{x,BesselJ[0,x]},{x,Range[0,10,0.15]}]; lst2=Table[{x,Exp[-(x-4)^2/2]},{x,Range[0,10,0.15]}]; pstyl=Sequence[PlotStyle->{{Dashing[{}],Black},{Dashing[Medium],Blue}}]; lstl=Sequence[{TraditionalForm[BesselJ[0,x]],TraditionalForm[Exp[-(x-4)^2/2]]}]; frd=Sequence[{RoundingRadius->10,Background->Yellow,FrameStyle->Blue}];
Plot[Evaluate[plt],Evaluate[pstyl],     PlotLegends->Placed["Expressions",Right]]
Plot[Evaluate[plt],Evaluate[pstyl],     PlotLegends->Placed[LineLegend[     {"Bessel","Exponential"}],Right]]
Plot[Evaluate[plt],Evaluate[pstyl],PlotLegends->     Placed[LineLegend["Expressions",     LegendLabel->"Functions"],Right]]
Plot[Evaluate[plt],Evaluate[pstyl],     PlotLegends->Placed[LineLegend["Expressions",     LegendLabel->"Functions",     LegendFunction->Framed],Right]]
Plot[Evaluate[plt],Evaluate[pstyl],     PlotLegends->Placed["Expressions",Top]]
Plot[Evaluate[plt],Evaluate[pstyl],     PlotLegends->Placed[LineLegend["Expressions",         LegendLabel->"Functions",LegendFunction->         (Framed[#,Evaluate[frd]] &)],Right]]
ListLinePlot[{lst1,lst2},PlotLegends->     Placed[LineLegend[Sequence[lstl],     LegendLabel->"Functions"],Right]]
ListPlot[{lst1,lst2},PlotLegends->     Placed[PointLegend[Sequence[lstl],     LegendLabel->"Functions"],Right]]
ListLinePlot[{lst1,Legended[lst2,     TraditionalForm[Exp[-(x-4)^2/2]]]},PlotLegends->     Placed[LineLegend[None,LegendLabel->"Function",     LegendFunction->Framed],Right]]
ContourPlot[Sin[2 x] Sin[y],{x,0,1},{y,0,1},     ColorFunction->ColorData["Rainbow"],     PlotLegends->Placed[BarLegend[Automatic],             Right]]
Plot[Evaluate[plt],Evaluate[pstyl],     PlotLegends->Placed["Expressions",{0.8,0.8}]]

Table 6.15 Examples of using PlotMarkers and Filling

Objective Program* Output
Use default values lst1=Table[{n inline/4.,Sin[n inline/4.]},{n,0,16,0.5}]; lst2=Table[{n inline/4.,Exp[-n inline/16.]},{n,0,16}]; ListPlot[{lst1,lst2},PlotMarkers->Automatic] inline
Use default values lst1=Table[{n inline/4.,Sin[n inline/4.]},{n,0,16,0.5}]; lst2=Table[{n inline/4.,Exp[-n inline/16.]},{n,0,16}]; ListLinePlot[{lst1,lst2},PlotMarkers->     Automatic] inline
Select fill and marker characteristics lst1=Table[{n inline/4.,Sin[n inline/4.]},{n,0,16}]; ListPlot[lst1,Filling->Axis,     FillingStyle->{Dashing[Medium],         Blue,Thickness[Large]},     PlotMarkers->{Graphics[{Red,Rectangle[]}],         0.03}] inline
Place a series of points whose locations differ from those used to plot curve lst1=Table[{n inline/5.,Sin[n inline/5.]},{n,0,20}]; Plot[Sin[x],{x,0,4 inline},},Filling->Axis,     Epilog->{Red,PointSize[0.025],Point[lst1]}] inline
Place different markers at same x location lst1=Table[{n inline/5.,Sin[n inline/5.]},{n,0,20}]; lst2=Table[{n inline/5.,0.8 Sin[n inline/5.]},{n,0,20}]; Show[ListPlot[lst1,Filling->Axis,     FillingStyle->{Blue,Thickness[Medium]},     PlotMarkers->         {Graphics[{Red,Rectangle[]}],0.03}],     ListPlot[lst2,PlotMarkers->         {Graphics[{Black,Disk[]}],0.03}]] inline

aAdditional plot marker shapes, which include the shapes shown above, can be obtained by using Polygon and symbols from the palette shown in Figure 1.2b.


where opt are options such as Axes and Frame that can be used to further modify the figure and


In these expressions,

  •     colK, col1K, and col2K are colors from Table 6.5;
  •     thkK, thk = Thickness[…] specifies the line thickness as shown in Table 6.6;
  •     dashK, dash = Dashing[…] specifies a dashed line as shown in Table 6.6;
  •     Opacity[n] is the degree of opaqueness, where n is a number from 0 to 1 with 1         being opaque and 0 being invisible: default is opaque.
  •     shape = Disk (Ellipse), Rectangle, or Polygon
  •     cla = Circle, Line, Point, or Arrow
  •     EdgeForm controls the properties of the perimeter of the shape

With regard to Point, the options dash and thk are replaced with


where arg is either Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, or a decimal number that typically is in the range 0 < p ≤ 0.1.

The usage of these shapes is illustrated with the following statement


Figure 6.3 Application of several built-in 2D shapes


the execution of which yields Figure 6.3.

For another illustration, two of these built-in shapes are used to create n concentric circles and n concentric unfilled rectangles as follows. It is assumed that the rectangle and the circle are centered at (xc,yc), the width of the rectangle is a and its height is b, and the radius of the circle is r. The coordinates of the end points of the rectangle in terms of xc and yc are given by (xcna/2, ycnb/2) for the lower left corner and by (xc + na/2, yc + nb/2) for the upper right corner, where n = 1, 2, … , is the number of rectangles to be drawn. If it is assumed that xc = 1, yc = 1, b = 0.5, a = r and r varies from 0.5 to 2 in increments of 0.5, then the program to draw these concentric shapes is


Figure 6.4 Concentric circles and concentric rectangles using built-in 2D shapes

xc=1;    yc=1;    a=1;    b=0.5;
  Rectangle[{xc-n a/2,yc-n b/2},{xc+a n/2,yc+b n/2}]},

where we have used EdgeForm to define the perimeter of the rectangle independently of the rectangle’s opaqueness, which has been set to 0 (invisible). The execution of this program produces Figure 6.4.

6.2.4 Additional Graph Enhancements

In addition to the enhancements described above, there are several other enhancements that are often used to increase the visual impact of a figure. These are: filling regions under curves, drawing grid lines, placing additional objects within the figure, placing a figure title, and rotating the figure. Typical objects are text, graphics shapes, or another figure. These figure enhancements are listed in Table 6.12 and illustrated in Table 6.13.


The basic legend commands that are introduced are: PlotLegend s, which creates legends; LegendLabel, which places a title over the legends; LineLegend, which selects the characteristics of the legend identifiers such as line colors and their labels; and LegendFunction, which specifies the characteristics of the box that contains the legends. To have additional flexibility when using legends, two additional commands are often employed. The first is


which places expr at the location {xp,yp}. The magnitude of {xp,yp} is a function of the command in which it is used. For graphs, it is typically a pair of positive numbers between 0 and 1. The second command is


which, when used with the appropriate legend commands, will associate label with expr. It is used when only selected curves are to be identified in a legend.

Examples of the use of these commands are given in Table 6.14 for Plot, ListPlot, ListLinePlot, and ContourPlot. In addition, to improve readability of the programs in Table 6.14, the command


is used. The quantity arg represents a sequence of comma-separated arguments that can be placed into any function. In Table 6.14, it is used to specify the characteristics of line and point styles of the graphs and is implemented with Evaluate.

Plot Markers

Plot markers are a way to specify the shape and size of the symbol used to plot the data values that appear in the ListPlot family of plotting functions. The basic option is


To specify a specific shape, color, and size of the plot marker, the following is used


wherecolor is a the color selected from Table 6.5, shape is a graphic shape selected from Table 6.11, and n is a number, a typical value of which is 0.03. Examples of the usage of PlotMarkers are given in Table 6.15.

Placement of an Object within a Figure

One or more objects can be placed anywhere in a figure by using Epilog, Insert, and the definitions in Figure 6.5. The Inset command is


Figure 6.5 Definitions of the parameters used by Inset for placement of a figure within a figure


where obj is a graphics object or text, loc = {xo,yo} is the location where the center of the object’s coordinate system will be placed, sft={xs,ys} is the location with respect to the inserted figure’s coordinate system, and sz={ inlineΔx,inlineΔy}. When used with LogPlot, LogLinearPlot, and LogLogPlot, the following transformation has to be performed on the location coordinates:

LogPlot → loc = {x1,Log[y1]}
LogLinearPlot → loc = {Log[x1],y1}
LogLogPlot → loc = {Log[x1],Log[y1]}

As an example, consider following statements


Figure 6.6 Illustration of Inset that placed a figure within a figure


which produces Figure 6.6.

These graph enhancement techniques are now illustrated with the following examples.

Table 6.16 Output of Example 6.1 as a function of plot enhancements

Plot[h[x],{x,-1,2},PlotRange->{{-1,2},{-10,100}},options] opt1=Sequence[PlotLabel->plab,Filling->Axis,FillingStyle->Orange]; opt2=Sequence[AxesLabel->{"x","h(x)"},LabelStyle->{14,Blue}]; opt3=Sequence[{PointSize[Large],Point[{xmin,hmin}]}]; opt4=Sequence[{Dashing[Medium],Line[{{0,hmax},{1.5,hmax}}]},     {Arrowheads[0.03],Arrow[{{0.7,80},{xmax,hmax}}]},     Inset[hminlab,{0.8,7.}],Inset[hmaxlab,{0.4,80}]];
options:noneinline options: Evaluate[opt1]inline
options: Evaluate[opt1],     Evaluate[opt2],     Epilog->{Evaluate[opt3]} options: Evaluate[opt2],     Evaluate[opt2],     Epilog->{Evaluate[opt3],     Evaluate[opt4]}
inline inline

Figure 6.7 Results from Example 6.2


Figure 6.8 Results from Example 6.3


Figure 6.9 Insertion of a representation of a base-excited spring–mass system using graphics primitives

6.2.5 Combining Figures: Show[] and GraphicsGrid[]

The command Show allows one to combine several graphical entities into one figure, including the combination of those created with different plotting commands such as Plot and ListPlot. However, the major labeling and overall appearance of the final graphic will be determined by the first plotting or graphics command appearing in Show. Therefore, one should place the desired overall graphic options in this command.

Show combines several distinct graphs onto one graph. If one wants to keep several distinct graphs separate, but arrange them in a specific manner based in some sort of grid, then there are three other commands to perform this function. The first command is GraphicsGrid, which arranges the graphs on an n × m grid. The second is GraphicsColumn, which place the graphs in a column one below the other. The third command is GraphicsRow, which places the graphs adjacent to each other in a row. These commands and their respective output are illustrated in Table 6.17.

Table 6.17 Various ways of grouping individual figures into one figure entity

images images

The use of Show is illustrated with the following example.


Figure 6.10 Sudoku grid with yellow squares highlighting the initial values and thick lines delineating the 3 × 3 sub arrays


Figure 6.11 Example of (a) a default contour plot; (b) modified contour plot shown in (a)

6.2.6 Tooltip[]

Tooltip is a graph enhancement that allows one to use a mouse pointer to display information about curves or data points when the mouse pointer is over a curve or a data point. Its form is


where label will be displayed in a framed box. The use of Tooltip in plotting is shown in Table 6.18.

Table 6.18 Examples of ToolTip usage

Tooltip objective Instructions Figure*
Identify each curve c1=Tooltip[Sin[x],     TraditionalForm[Sin[x]]]; c2=Tooltip[Cos[2 x],     TraditionalForm[Cos[2 x]]]; Plot[{c1,c2},{x,0,5 inline}] inline
Display values of individual data points [unformatted] lst1=Table[Tooltip[{x,Sin[x]}],     {x,Range[0,5. inline,5 inline/51.]}]; ListPlot[lst1] inline
Display values of individual data points [formatted] lst1=Table[Tooltip[     {x,Sin[x]},Column[{Row[{"x = ",     NumberForm[x,3]}],     Row[{"sin(x) = ",     NumberForm[Sin[x],3]}]}]],     {x,Range[0,5. inline,5 inline/51.]}]; ListPlot[lst1] inline
Display values of individual data points and connect data points [unformatted] ListLinePlot[Table[Tooltip[     {x,Sin[x]},{x,Sin[x]}],     {x,Range[0,5. inline,5 inline/102.]}],     PlotMarkers->{Automatic,5}] inline
Display values of individual data points, connect data points, and identify data set [unformatted] lst1=Table[Tooltip[{x,Sin[x]},     Column[{"Data set #1",     {x,Sin[x]}}]],     {x,Range[0,5. inline,5 inline/102.]}]; lst2=Table[Tooltip[{x,Cos[x]},     Column[{"Data set #2",     {x,Cos[x]}}]],     {x,Range[0,5. inline,5 inline/102.]}]; ListLinePlot[{lst1,lst2},     PlotMarkers->{Automatic,5}] inline

aArrow indicates cursor position and text in box is produced by Tooltip. For graphs with two curves, both tooltips are shown; however, in actuality, only one can appear at a time.

bPlotmarkers is required otherwise Tooltip will not appear.

6.2.7 Exporting Graphics

Graphic entities can be saved to a directory of choice and in one of several formats by using Export. Its form is


where Path is the directory where the graphic is to reside, FileName is the file name that the user gives to the graphic, .ext is the extension to the file name that dictates the form in which the graphic is to be saved such as .eps, .tif, and .jpg, and “Graphics” is one of several descriptors that is used to define the type of graphic/image that is being exported. The quantity fig represents the graphic or image to be exported. It can be the graphic or image itself or a symbol defined by the figure.

6.3 3D Graphics

There are numerous three-dimensional plotting functions that are available in Mathematica. The ones that we shall discuss are listed in Tables 6.19. The plotting can be enhanced in the same manner that the 2D plotting functions were; that is, one may use the options appearing in Tables 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.9, 6.12, and 6.18. However, there are three additional commands that are specific to 3D graphs: Boxed, Mesh, and ViewPoint. These are listed in Table 6.20. Also, for 3D graphics, one can rotate the display interactively by placing the cursor over the figure. A pair of curved lines, each with an arrowhead appearing head to tail, will become visible. Depressing the mouse button and moving this cursor will cause the figure to change orientation.

Table 6.19 3D plotting commands for plotting surfaces

Plotting type Mathematica function
Basic Plot3D[{f,g,…},{x,xs,xe},{y,ys,ye}]     f = f(x,y), g = g(x,y), … are the z coordinates of the surfaces for xsxxe         and ysyye
Parametric ParametricPlot3D[{f,g,h},{u,us,ue},{v,vs,ve}]     f = f(u,v), g = g(u,v), and h = h(u,v) are the (x,y,z) coordinates of a point on the         surface
Surface of revolution RevolutionPlot3D[{fr,gz},{t,ts,te},{th,ths,the}]     fr = f(t) is the radial coordinate value at t for tstte     gz = g(t) is the value of z at a value of t for tstte     th = angle of rotation of fr and gz starting at ths and ending at the
List of values ListPlot3D[{{x1,y1,f1},{x2,y2,f2},…}]     fN = f(xn, yn) = value of the z-coordinate corresponding to xn = xN and yn = yN

Table 6.20 Additional options for three-dimensional graphics: see Table 6.22 for typical usage

Boxed-> Instruction
Option Instruction
Bounding box Draw box (default) True
Omit box False
Mesh-> Instruction
Option Instruction
Mesh Draw mesh (default, using n = 15) True (or Mesh omitted)
Omit mesh False
Draw mesh using all regular points Full
Draw n equally spaced meshes Positive integer
ViewPoint-> Instruction*
Option Instruction
View point Default {1.3,-2.4,2}
Top Top
Bottom Bottom
Front Front
Back Back
Left Left
Right Right
Combined {Top,Front},{Top,Left}, etc.

aThere are numerous ways to invoke this option; see ViewPoint in Documentation Center for other choices

As was the case for 2D graphics, Mathematica provides commands that can create common 3D objects. These commands can be used to create separate figures or to enhance a figure. A list of these shapes is given in Table 6.21. They are created with the following command

Table 6.21 Three-dimensional shapes

Shape Mathematica function
Connected lines Line[{{x1,y1,z1},{x2,y2,z2},…}]
Connected lines with the last point containing an arrowhead Arrow[{{x1,y1,z1},{x2,y2,z2},…}]
Points Point[{{x1,y1,z1},{x2,y2,z2},…}]
Polygon Polygon[{{x1,y1,z1},{x2,y2,z2},…}]     {xN,yN,zN} = coordinates of vertices
Cone Cone[{{x1,y1,z1},{x2,y2,z2}},r]     {x1,y1,z1} = location of center of base     {x2,y2,z2} = location of tip of cone     r = radius of base
Cylinder Cylinder[{{x1,y1,z1},{x2,y2,z2}},r]     {x1,y1,z1} = location of center of one end of cylinder     {x2,y2,z2} = location of center of the other end of cylinder     r = radius of cylinder
Cuboid (rectangular parallelepiped) Cuboid[{xl,yl,zl},{xu,yu,zu}]     {xl,yl,zl} = coordinates of lower left-hand corner of cuboid     {xu,yu,zu} = coordinates of upper right-hand corner of cuboid
Sphere Sphere[{x1,y1,z1},r]     {x1,y1,z1} = location of center of sphere     r = radius of sphere
Tube (connected lines made into a cylindrical tube) Tube[{{x1,y1,z1},{x2,y2,z2},…},r]     r = radius of the tube


where opt are options such as Axes, Mesh, Boxed, ViewPoint, and MaxRecursion that can be used to modify the figure and

  •     sK={col1K,EdgeForm[{col2K,thkK,dashK}],Opacity[n],shape}
  •     cK={colK,thk,dash,pla}
  •     colK, col1K, col2K = color from Table 6.5
  •     thkK = Thickness[…] : line thickness from Table 6.6
  •     dashK = Dashing[…] : dashed lines from Table 6.6
  •     Opacity[n] = degree of opaqueness: n is a number from 0 to 1, where 1 is opaque and
                                    0 is invisible. If omitted, the shape is opaque.
  •     shape = Cone, Cuboid, Cylinder, Sphere, or Tube
  •     pla = Point, Line, Polygon, or Arrow

In addition to the 3D shapes listed in Table 6.21, one can create a three-dimensional object of arbitrary complexity by using


where vec is a list of K triplets of numbers and prim denotes the connectivity of the vertices of the object. Thus,


The argument of prim is a list of lists of integers, with each integer corresponding to a point in vec. The order of these integers is used by ComplexGraphics to create a surface with these vertices for each element of prim. For example,


indicates that the vertices of the first implementation of prim is composed of the points connected in the order given; that is,


To illustrate the use of this command, we shall create a frustum of a right pyramid whose base is 1 by 1 units and whose top is 0.25 by 0.25 units and 2 units from the base. This object consists of six 4-sided polygons and its creation, which is shown in Figure 6.12, is obtained from


Figure 6.12 Frustum of a right pyramid created with GraphicsComplex


The detailed characteristics of a three-dimensional shape can be significantly altered by the options selected. To give an indication of how these options can alter a three-dimensional figure, we have chosen to show the effects of several of them on the parametric surface

unnumbered Display Equation

for 0 ≤ u ≤ 2π, −15 ≤ u ≤ 6, a = 1.13, and b = 1.14. The program that displays this shape is given in Table 6.22 as a function of several options.

Table 6.22 Illustration of the effects of several 3D graphics options


We shall now illustrate the use of the three-dimensional plot commands appearing in Tables 6.19 to 6.21. ParametricPlot3D has been illustrated in Table 6.22. The following examples illustrate the use of Graphics3D, Plot3D, ListPlot3D, and RevolutionPlot3D.


Figure 6.13 Sine wave on the surface of a cylinder


Figure 6.14 Arbitrary arrangement of built-in 3D shapes


Figure 6.15 Intersection of two surfaces and the use of Filling


Figure 6.16 Mode shape of a clamped circular membrane where dashed lines indicate locations of nodal circle and nodal diameter: (a) no horizontal plane; (b) with horizontal plane; (c) with horizontal plane represented by a very thin cylinder


Figure 6.17 Surface of revolution created by the rotation of a generatrix through 3π/2 radians

6.4 Summary of Functions Introduced in Chapter 6

The 2D plot commands are listed in Tables 6.1 to 6.4 and the built-in 2D geometric shapes are listed in Table 6.11. The options that are available to these graphics commands are listed in Tables 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.9, 6.10, 6.12, 6.14, 6.15, and 6.18. The 3D plotting functions are given in Table 6.19 and the options specific to 3D graphics are listed in Table 6.20. The built-in 3D geometric shapes are listed in Table 6.21.


Figure 6.18 Solution to Exercise 6.1


  1. P. K. Kundu and I. M. Cohen, Fluid Mechanics, 4th edn, Academic Press, Burlington, Massachusetts, 2008, p. 753.
  2. E. W. Weisstein, CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics, 2nd edn, Chapman Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, 2003, p. 2129–30.
  3. A. Leissa, Vibration of Shells, NASA Sp-288, 1973, p. 44.
  4. F. P. Incropera and D. P. Dewitt, Introduction to Heat Transfer, 4th edn, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2002, p. 675.


Section 6.2

  • 6.1 The relationship between an oblique shock wave at an angle σ and the deflection angle δ as a function of the incident Mach number M1 is [1]

    where γ is the ratio of the specific heats of the gas. For a given M1, there is a value of σ for which δ is a maximum. We denote these values as σmax and δmax. Then for a given M1 those values of σ > σmax for which δ < δmax the downstream Mach number M2 is less than 1 and the shock waves are called strong shock waves. For those values σ < σmax for which δ < δmax, the downstream Mach number M2 is greater than 1 and the shock waves are called weak shock waves. With this information, use Eq. (6.1) to obtain Figure 6.18. This figure was obtained with γ = 1.4.

  • 6.2 For a given value of y, the value of p is determined from
    unnumbered Display Equation

    where h = 10p, k1 = 2.5 × 10−4, k2 = 5.6 × 10−11, and k3 = 1.7 × 10−3. Plot the value of p when 0.00001 ≤ y ≤ 2.5.

  • 6.3 The Cartesian locations of bi-cylinder coordinates are given by
    unnumbered Display Equation

    If a = 1.5, −1 ≤ η ≤ 1, and 0 ≤ ϕ ≤ 2π, replicate Figure 6.19.


    Figure 6.19 Solution to Exercise 6.3


    Figure 6.20 Solution to Exercise 6.4

  • 6.4 One can draw n circles, n ≥ 3, that are tangent to a central circle of radius rb and to each adjacent circle as shown in Figure 6.20 for n = 10. The radius of the outer circles is
    unnumbered Display Equation

    Write a program that replicates this figure and similar figures for arbitrary n. In this case, the outer circles (disks) are blue.


    Figure 6.21 Solution to Exercise 6.5

  • 6.5 A Pappus chain is a series of n tangent circles inscribed in the area between three semicircles as shown in Figure 6.21. The radius of the outer circle is Ro and the radii of the other two circles are RL and RR, RL RR. The location of the center of the nth circle is [2]
    unnumbered Display Equation

    and its radius is

    unnumbered Display Equation

    where r = 2RL/(RL + RR). The ellipse that connects the centers of the circles is given by

    unnumbered Display Equation

    Replicate Figure 6.21, which has been obtained for n = 4, Ro = 1/2, RL = 1/4, and RR = 1/4. Color the four complete circles yellow and their background green. The right semicircle is colored magenta and the left one red.

  • 6.6 A piece-wise linear map is defined by the points with the coordinates
    unnumbered Display Equation

    Obtain a plot for the coordinate points when x1 = 1, y1 = 3.65, and N = 15,000. The resulting figure is sometimes referred to as the gingerbread man.

  • 6.7 The following relation is used to determine the value of a pipe’s coefficient of friction λ for a given Reynolds’ number Re, pipe diameter d, and surface roughness k
    unnumbered Display Equation

    Using this relation, replicate Figure 6.22.


    Figure 6.22 Solution to Exercise 6.7


    Figure 6.23 Solution to Exercise 6.8


    Figure 6.24 Solution to Exercise 6.9

  • 6.8 The following equation will plot a Joukowsky airfoil over the range −0.5 ≤ x ≤ 0.5
    unnumbered Display Equation

    where the plus sign describes the top of the airfoil and the negative sign its bottom. With h = 0.08 and t = 0.13, replicate the Figure 6.23.

  • 6.9 A normalized structural damping factor describing the losses in a vibrating thin plate with a damping layer is given by
    unnumbered Display Equation

    where α is the ratio of the layers’ moduli and ξ is the ratio of the layers’ thickness. Replicate the logarithmic plot shown in Figure 6.24. The x-locations of the curves’ labels and their individual orientations have been done iteratively.

  • 6.10 Given the following polynomial [3]


    unnumbered Display Equation

    For ν = 0.3, h = 10−5, and n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, plot the smallest positive value of Ω that satisfies Eq. (6.2) for 0.5 ≤ π/λ ≤ 100. The results should look like those shown in Figure 6.25. The placement of the labels on the curves should appear as shown even if the value of h changes.


    Figure 6.25 Solution to Exercise 6.10


    Figure 6.26 Solution to Exercise 6.11


    Figure 6.27 Solution to Exercise 6.14

  • 6.11 The spectral emissive power is given by the Planck distribution [4]
    unnumbered Display Equation

    where c1 =3.742 × 108 W μm4·m−2 and c2 = 1.4388 × 104 μm K. For T = {2000., 1000., 400., 100.} K, obtain a plot of E versus λ. The result should look like that shown in Figure 6.26. Show in tabular form that for the four temperatures given, λmaxTn = 2898 μm K.

Section 6.3

  • 6.12 Plot the surface described by
    unnumbered Display Equation

    over the region indicated. Label the axes.

  • 6.13 Plot the surface described by
    unnumbered Display Equation

    over the region indicated when a = 0.25. Label the axes.

  • 6.14 The curve that results from the intersection of a sphere of radius 2a centered at the origin and a cylinder of radius a centered at (a,0,0) is given by the parametric equations
    unnumbered Display Equation

    where 0 ≤ ϕ ≤ 4π. If a = 1 and the length of the cylinder is 2, then replicate Figure 6.27. Use a tube radius of 0.04. Color the sphere blue, the cylinder magenta, and the tube yellow.

  • 6.15 Plot the following parametric equations over the regions indicated.
    1. Figure eight torus
      unnumbered Display Equation
    2. Seashell
      unnumbered Display Equation
    3. Astroidal ellipsoid
      unnumbered Display Equation
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