In preceding chapters we studied probability distributions in general. In this chapter we will study some commonly occurring probability distributions and investigate their basic properties. The results of this chapter will be of considerable use in theoretical as well as practical applications. We begin with some discrete distributions in Section 5.2 and follow with some continuous models in Section 5.3. Section 5.4 deals with bivariate and multivariate normal distributions and in Section 5.5 we discuss the exponential family of distributions.


In this section we study some well-known univariate and multivariate discrete distributions and describe their important properties.

5.2.1 Degenerate Distribution

The simplest distribution is that of an RV X degenerate at point k, that is, images and = 0 elsewhere. If we define


the DF of the RV X is images. Clearly, images, images, and images. In particular, images. This property characterizes a degenerate RV. As we shall see, the degenerate RV plays an important role in the study of limit theorems.

5.2.2 Two-Point Distribution

We say that an RV X has a two-point distribution if it takes two values, x 1 and x 2, with probabilities


We may write


where IA is the indicator function of A. The DF of X is given by




In particular,




If images, images, we get the important Bernoulli RV:


For a Bernoulli RV X with parameter p, we write X ~ b(1, p) and have


Bernoulli RVs occur in practice, for example, in-coin-tossing experiments. Suppose that images, images, and images. Define RV X so that images and images. Then images and images. Each repetition of the experiment will be called a trial. More generally, any nontrivial experiment can be dichotomized to yield a Bernoulli model. Let (Ω, images, P) be the sample space of an experiment, and let images with images. Then images. Each performance of the experiment is a Bernoulli trial. It will be convenient to call the occurrence of event A a success and the occurrence of Ac, a failure.

5.2.3 Uniform Distribution on n Points

X is said to have a uniform distribution on n points {x 1, x 2, … , xn } if its PMF is of the form


Thus we may write




if we write images. Also,


If, in particular, images,


5.2.4 Binomial Distribution

We say that X has a binomial distribution with parameter p if its PMF is given by

Since images, the pk ’s indeed define a PMF. If X has PMF (17), we will write X ~ b(n, p). This is consistent with the notation for a Bernoulli RV. We have


In Example 3.2.5 we showed that




where images. Also


The PGF of images is given by images.

Binomial distribution can also be considered as the distribution of the sum of n independent, identically distributed b (1, p) random variables. If we toss a coin, with constant probability p of heads and 1 − p of tails, n times, the distribution of the number of heads is given by (17). Alternatively, if we write


the number of heads in n trials is the sum images. Also






5.2.5 Negative Binomial Distribution (Pascal or Waiting Time Distribution)

Let (Ω, images, P) be a probability space of a given statistical experiment, and let images with images. On any performance of the experiment, if A happens we call it a success, otherwise a failure. Consider a succession of trials of this experiment, and let us compute the probability of observing exactly r successes, where images is a fixed integer. If X denotes the number of failures that precede the rth success, images is the total number of replications needed to produce r successes. This will happen if and only if the last trial results in a success and among the previous images trials there are exactly X failures. It follows by independence that

Rewriting (22) in the form


we see that


It follows that


Let X be a b(n, p) RV, and let Y be the RV defined in (28). If there are r or more successes in the first n trials, at most n trials were required to obtain the first r of these successes.

We have


and also


In the special case when images, the distribution of X is given by

An RV X with PMF (33) is said to have a geometric distribution. Clearly, for the geometric distribution, we have


5.2.6 Hypergeometric Distribution

A box contains N marbles. Of these, M are drawn at random, marked, and returned to the box. The contents of the box are then thoroughly mixed. Next, n marbles are drawn at random from the box, and the marked marbles are counted. If X denotes the number of marked marbles, then

Since x cannot exceed M or n, we must have


Also images and images, so that


Note that


for arbitrary numbers a, b and positive integer n. It follows that


5.2.7 Negative Hypergeometric Distribution

Consider the model of Section 5.2.6. A box contains N marbles, M of these are marked (or say defective) and images are unmarked. A sample of size n is taken and let X denote the number of defective marbles in the sample. If the sample is drawn without replacement we saw that X has a hypergeometric distribution with PMF (40). If, on the other hand, the sample is drawn with replacement then images where images.

Let Y denote the number of draws needed to draw the rth defective marble. If the draws are made with replacement then Y has the negative binomial distribution given in (22) with images. What if the draws are made without replacement? In that case in order that the kth draw (images) be the rth defective marble drawn, the kth draw must produce a defective marble, whereas the previous images draws must produce images defectives. It follows that


for images. Rewriting we see that

An RV Y with PMF (50) is said to have a negative hypergeometric distribution.

It is easy to see that




Also, if images, and images as images, then


which is (22).

5.2.8 Poisson Distribution

Remark 2. The converse of this result is also true in the following sense. If X and Y are independent nonnegative integer-valued RVs such that images, images, for k = 0,1, 2, … , and the conditional distribution of X, given images, is binomial, both X and Y are Poisson. This result is due to Chatterji [13]. For the proof see Problem 13.

5.2.9 Multinomial Distribution

The binomial distribution is generalized in the following natural fashion. Suppose that an experiment is repeated n times. Each replication of the experiment terminates in one of k mutually exclusive and exhaustive events A1, A2, , Ak. Let pj be the probability that the experiment terminates in Aj, images, and suppose that pj (images) remains constant for all n replications. We assume that the n replications are independent.

Let x1, x2, , xk−1 be nonnegative integers such that images. Then theprobability that exactly xi trials terminate in Ai, images and hence that images trials terminate in Ak is clearly


If (X1, X2,, Xk) is a random vector such that Xj = xj means that event Aj has occurred xj times, xj = 0,1, 2, , n, the joint PMF of (X1, X2, , Xk) is given by


From the MGF of (X1, X2, … , Xk−1) or directly from the marginal PMFs we can compute the moments. Thus


and for images, and images,


It follows that the correlation coefficient between Xi and Xj is given by


Finally, we note that, if images and images are two independent multinomial RVs with common parameter (p1, p2, … , pk), then images is also a multinomial RV with probabilities (p1, p2, … , pk). This follows easily if one employs the MGF technique, using (57). Actually this property characterizes the multinomial distribution. If X and Y are k-dimensional, nonnegative, independent random vectors, and if images is a multinomial random vector with parameter (p 1 , p 2, … , pk ), then X and Y also have multinomial distribution with the same parameter. This result is due to Shanbhag and Basawa [103] and will not be proved here.

5.2.10 Multivariate Hypergeometric Distribution

Consider an urn containing N items divided into k categories containing n 1, n 2, … , nk items, where images. A random sample, without replacement, of size n is taken from the urn. Let Xi = number of items in sample of type i. Then

where images and images

We say that (X 1, X 2 , … , X k−1) has multivariate hypergeometric distribution if its joint PMF is given by (65). It is clear that each Xj has a marginal hypergeometric distribution. Moreover, the conditional distributions are also hypergeometric. Thus




and so on. It is therefore easy to write down the marginal and conditional means and variances. We leave the reader to show that




5.2.11 Multivariate Negative Binomial Distribution

Consider the setup of Section 5.2.9 where each replication of an experiment terminates in one of k mutually exclusive and exhaustive events A 1, A 2, … , Ak .Let images, j = 1, 2, … , k. Suppose the experiment is repeated until event Ak is observed for the rth time, images. Then

for images, images, images, images, and images.

We say that (X 1, X 2, … , X k−1) has a multivariate negative binomial (or negative multinomial) distribution if its joint PMF is given by (66).

It is easy to see the marginal PMF of any subset of {X 1 , X 2 , … , X k–1} is negative multinomial. In particular, each Xj has a negative binomial distribution.

We will leave the reader to show that





    1. Let us write

      Show that, as k goes 0 to n, b(k; n, p) first increases monotonically and then decreases monotonically. The greatest value is assumed when images, where m is an integer such that


      except that images when images.

    2. If images, then

      and if images, then

  1. Generalize the result in Theorem 10 to n independent Poisson RVs, that is, if X1, X2, … , Xn are independent RVs with images, the conditional distribution of X 1, X 2,…Xn given images, is multinomial with parameters t, images.
  2. Let X 1, X 2 be independent RVs with images. What is the PMF of images?
  3. A box contains N identical balls numbered 1 through N. Of these balls, n are drawn at a time. Let X 1, X 2, … , Xn denote the numbers on the n balls drawn. Let images. Find var(Sn ).
  4. From a box containing N identical ball marked 1 through N, M balls are drawn one after another without replacement. Let Xi denote the number on the ith ball drawn, images, images. Let images. Find the DF and the the PMF of Y. Also find the conditional distribution of X1, X2, … , XM given Y = y. Find EY and var(Y).
  5. Let f(x; r, p), images, denote the PMF of an NB(r; p) RV. Show that the terms f(x; r, p) first increase monotonically and then decrease monotonically. When is the greatest value assumed?
  6. Show that the terms

    of the Poisson PMF reach their maximum when k is the largest integer ≤ λ and at (λ – 1) and λ if λ is an integer.

  7. Show that

    as n → ∞ and p → 0, so that np = λ remains constant.

    [Hint: Use Stirling’s approximation, namely, images as n → ∞.]

  8. A biased coin is tossed indefinitely. Let p(0 < p < 1) be the probability of success (heads). Let Y 1 denote the length of the first run, and Y 2, the length of the second run. Find the PMFs of Y 1 and Y 2 and show that EY 1 = q/p + p/q, EY 2 = 2. If Yn denotes the length of the nth run, n ≥ 1, what is the PMF of Yn ? Find EYn .
  9. Show that

    as N → ∞.

  10. Show that

    as p → 1 and r → ∞ in such a way that r(1 – p) = λ remains fixed.

  11. Let X and Y be independent geometric RVs. Show that min (X, Y) and X – Y are independent.
  12. Let X and Y be independent RVs with PMFs images, 1, 2, … , where pk , qk > 0 and images. Let

    Then αt = α for all t, and


    where images, and - θ > 0 is arbitrary.

    (Chatterji [13])

  13. Generalize the result of Example 10 to the case of k urns, k ≥ 3.
  14. Let (X 1, X 2, … , X k–1) have a multinomial distribution with parameters n, p 1, p 2, … , p k−1. Write

    where pk = 1 – p 1imagesp k–1, and images. Find EY and var(Y).

  15. Let X 1, X 2 be iid RVs with common DF F, having positive mass at 0, 1, 2,… Also, let U = max(X 1, X 2) and images. Then

    For all j if and only if F is a geometric distribution.

    (Srivastava [109])

  16. Let X and Y be mutually independent RVs, taking nonnegative integer values. Then

    Holds for n = 0, 1, 2,… and some α > 0 if and only if


    [Hint: Use Problem 3.3.8.]

    (Puri [83])

  17. Let X1, X2,… be a sequence of independent b(1, p) RVs with images. Also, let images, where N is a P(λ) RV which is independent of the Xi ’s. Show that ZN and N – ZN are independent.
  18. Prove Theorems 5, 7, 8 and 11.
  19. In Example 2 show that
    1. images
    2. images


In this section we study some most frequently used absolutely continuous distributions and describe their important properties. Before we introduce specific distributions it should be remarked that associated with each PDF f there is an index or a parameter θ (may be multidimensional) which takes values in an index set Θ. For any particular choice of θ ∈ Θ we obtain a specific PDF fθ from the family of PDFs {fθ , θ ∈ Θ}.

Let X be an RV with PDF fθ (x), where θ is a real-valued parameter. We say that θ is a location parameter and {fθ } is a location family if X – θ has PDF f(x) which does not depend on θ. The parameter θ is said to be a scale parameter and {fθ } is a scale family of PDFs if X/θ has PDF f(x) which is free of θ. If images is two-dimensional, we say that θ is a location-scale parameter if the PDF of (X–μ)/σ is free of μ and σ. In that case {fθ } is known as a location-scale family.

It is easily seen that θ is a location parameter if and only if images, a scale parameter if and only images, and a location-scale parameter if images, images for some PDF f. The density f is called the standard PDF for the family {fθ, θ ∈ Θ}.

A location parameter simply relocates or shifts the graph of PDF f without changing its shape. A scale parameter stretches (if images) or contracts (if images) the graph of f. A location-scale parameter, on the other hand, stretches or contracts the graph of f with the scale parameter and then shifts the graph to locate at μ. (see Fig. 1.)


Fig. 1 (a) Exponential location family; (b) exponential scale family; (c) normal location-scale family; and (d) shaped parameter family images.

Some PDFs also have a shape parameter. Changing its value alters the shape of the graph. For the Poisson distribution λ is a shape parameter.

For the following PDF


and = 0 otherwise, μ is a location, β, a scale, and α, a shape parameter. The standard density for this location-scale family is


and = 0 otherwise. For the standard PDF f, α is a shape parameter.

5.3.1 Uniform Distribution (Rectangular Distribution)

Indeed, images implies, that, for every images, images. Since images is arbitrary and F is continuous on the right, we let ε → 0 and conclude that images. Since images implies images by definition (7), it follows that (8) holds generally. Thus


Theorem 2 is quite useful in generating samples with the help of the uniform distribution.

To complete the proof we consider the case where x is a positive irrational number. Then we can find a decreasing of positive rational x 1, x 2,… such that xn x. Since f is right continuous,


Now, for images,


Since images, we must have images, so that


This complete the proof.

5.3.2 Gamma Distribution

The integral

converges or diverges according as images or ≤ 0. For images the integral in (9) is called the gamma function. In particular, if images, images. If images, integration by parts yields


If images is a positive integer, then


Also writing images in images we see that


Now consider the integral images. We have


and changing to polar coordinates we get


It follows that images

Let us write images, images, in the integral in (9). Then


so that

Since the integrand in (13) is positive for images, it follows that the function

defines a PDF for images, images

The special case when images leads to the exponential distribution with parameter β. The PDF of an exponentially distributed RV is therefore


Note that we can speak of the exponential distribution on (−∞, 0). The PDF of such an RV is


Clearly, if images, we have


Another special case of importance is when images, images (an integer), and images.

If X ~ χ2(n), then




5.3.3 Beta Distribution

The integral

converges for images and images and is called a beta function. For images or images the integral in (37) diverges. It is easy to see that for images and images




It follows that

defines a pdf.

Let X1,X2,…,Xn be iid RVs with the uniform distribution on [0, 1]. Let X(k) be the kth-order statistic.

5.3.4 Cauchy Distribution

We will write images for a Cauchy RV with density (49)

Figure 4 gives graph of a Cauchy PDF.


Fig. 4 Cauchy density function.

We first check that (49) in fact defines a PDF. Substituting images , we get


The DF of a images(1, 0) RV is given by


It follows from Theorem 17 that the MGF of a Cauchy RV does not exist. This creates some manipulative problems. We note, however, that the CF of images is given by

In particular, if X 1,X2, … , Xn are iid images(1,0) RVs, n—1Sn is also a images (1,0) RV. This is a remarkable result, the importance of which will become clear in Chapter 7. Actually, this property uniquely characterizes the Cauchy distribution. If F is a nondegenerate DF with the property that n-1Sn also has DF F, then F must be a Cauchy distribution (see Thompson [113, p. 112]).

The proof of the following result is simple.

We emphasize that if X and 1 /X have the same PDF on (−∞,∞), it does not follow* that X is images(1,0), for let X be an RV with PDF


Then X and 1 /X have the same PDF, as can be easily checked.

5.3.5 Normal Distribution (the Gaussian Law)

One of the most important distributions in the study of probability and mathematical statistics is the normal distribution, which we will examine presently.

If X is a normally distributed RV with parameters μ and σ, we will write images . In this notation φ defined by (53) is the PDF of an images(0,1) RV. The DF of an images(0, 1) RV will be denoted Φ (x), where


Clearly, if images , then images. Z is called a standard normal RV. For the MGF of an images RV, we have


for all real values of t. Moments of all order exist and may be computed from the MGF. Thus






Clearly, the central moments of odd order are all 0. The central moments of even order are as follows:


As for the absolute moment of order α, for a standard normal RV Z we have


As remarked earlier, the normal distribution is one of the most important distributions in probability and statistics, and for this reason the standard normal distribution is available in tabular form. Table ST2 at the end of the book gives the probability images for various values of images in the tail of an images RV. In this book we will write za for the value of Z that satisfies images.

We remark that if X1, X2, … , Xn are iid RVs with images such that images also has the same distribution for each images, that distribution can only be images(0,1). This characterization of the normal distribution will become clear when we study the central limit theorem in Chapter 7.

If X and Y are independent normal RVs, images is normal by Theorem 22. The converse is due to Cramér [16] and will not be proved here.

In Chapter 6 we will prove the necessity part of this result, which is basic to the theory of t-tests in statistics (Chapter 10; see also Example 4.4.6). The sufficiency part was proved by Lukacs [67] , and we will not prove it here.

We remark that the converse of this result does not hold; that is, if images is the quotient of two iid RVs and Z has a images (1, 0) distribution, it does not follow that X and Y are normal, for take X and Y to be iid with PDF


We leave the reader to verify that images is images(1, 0).

5.3.6 Some Other Continuous Distributions

Several other distributions which are related to distributions studied earlier also arise in practice. We record briefly some of these and their important characteristics. We will use these distributions infrequently. We say that X has a lognormal distribution if images X has a normal distribution. The PDF of X is then

and images for images, where images. In fact for images


Where Φ is the DF of a images(0, 1) RV which leads to (65). It is easily seen that for n≥0


The MGF of X does not exist.

We say that the RV X has a Pareto distribution with parameters images and images if its PDF is given by

and 0 otherwise. Here θ is scale parameter and α is a shape parameter. It is easy to check that


for α > 2. The MGF of X does not exist since all moments of X do not.

Suppose X has a Pareto distribution with parameters θ and α. Wright images we see that Y has PDF

and DF


The PDF in (69) is known as a logistic distribution. We introduce location and scale parameters μ and σ by writing images taking images and then the PDF of Z is easily seen

to be


for all real z. This is the PDF of a logistic RV with location-scale parameters μ and σ. We leave the reader to check that


Pareto distribution is also related to an exponential distribution. Let X have Pareto PDF of the form

and 0 otherwise. A simple transformation leads to PDF (72) from (67). Then it is easily seen that images has an exponential distribution with mean 1/α. Thus some properties of exponential distribution which are preserved under monotone transformations can be derived for Pareto PDF (72) by using the logarithmic transformation.

Some other distributions are related to the gamma distribution. Suppose images.

Let images. Then Y has PDF

and 0 otherwise. The RV Y is said to have a Weibull distribution. We leave the reader to show that


The MGF of Y exists only for images but for images it does not have a form useful in applications. The special case images and images is known as a Rayleigh distribution.

Suppose X has a Weibull distribution with PDF (73). Let images. Then Y has DF


Setting images and images we get


with PDF

for images and images. An RV with PDF (76) is called an extreme value distribution with location-scale parameters θ and σ. It can be shown that


where images is the Euler constant.

The final distribution we consider is also related to a G(1, β) RV. Let f 1 be the PDF of G(1, β) and f 2 the PDF


Clearly f 2 is also an exponential PDF defined on images. Consider the mixture PDF


and the PDF f defined in (79) is called a Laplace or double exponential pdf. It is convenient to introduce a location parameter μ and consider instead the PDF

where images. It is easy to see that for RV X with PDF (80) we have


for images.

For completeness let us define a mixture PDF (PMF). Let images be a PDF and let h(θ) be a mixing PDF. Then the PDF

is called a mixture density function. In case h is a PMF with support set {θ1, θ2, …, θ κ }, then (82) reduces to a finite mixture density function


The quantities h(θ i ) are called mixing proportions. The PDF (78) is an example with images, and images.


  1. Prove Theorem 1.
  2. Let X be an RV with PMF images given below. If F is the corresponding DF, find the distribution of F(X), in the following cases:
    1. images
    2. images
  3. Let images. Show that

    where X 1, X 2, … , X n are iid U[0,1] RVs. If U is the number of Y1, Y 2 , … , Yn in [t, 1], where images, show that U has a Poisson distribution with parameter – log t.

  4. Let X 1, X 2, … , X n be iid U[0,1] RVs. Prove by induction or otherwise that images has the PDF

    where images if images if images.

    1. Let X be an RV with PMF images , images, and let F be the DF of X. Show that

      where images.

    2. Let images for images and images. Show that

      with equality if and only if images for all j.

    (Rohatgi [91] )
  5. Prove (a) Theorem 6 and its corollary, and (b) Theorem 10.
  6. Let X be a nonnegative RV of the continuous type, and let images . Also, let images. Then the RVs Y and Z are independent if and only if X is G(2, 1/λ) for some images.

    (Lamperti [59])

  7. Let X and Y be independent RVs with common PDF images if images, and = 0 otherwise; images. Let images and images . Find the joint PDF of U and V and the PDF of images. Show that U/V and V are independent.
  8. Prove Theorem 14.
  9. Prove Theorem 8.
  10. Prove Theorems 19 and 20.
  11. Let X 1, X 2 , … , Xn be independent RVs with images, images. Show that the RV images is also a Cauchy RV with parameters images and images , where
  12. Let X1, X2, … , Xn be iid images(1,0) RVs and images, bi , images, be any real numbers. Find the distribution of images.
  13. Suppose that the load of an airplane wing is a random variable X with images(1000, 14400) distribution. The maximum load that the wing can withstand is an RV Y, which is images(1260,2500). If X and Y are independent, find the probability that the load encountered by the wing is less than its critical load.
  14. Let X ~ images(0,1). Find the PDF of images. If X and Y are iid images(0,1), deduce that images is images(0,1/4).
  15. In Problem 15 let X and Y be independent normal RVs with zero means. Show that images is normal. If, in addition, images show that images is also normal. Moreover, U and V are independent.

    (Shepp [104] )

  16. Let X 1 ,X 2 ,X 3 ,X 4 be independent images(0,1). Show that images has the PDF images, images.
  17. Let X ~ images(15,16). Find (a) images, (b) images, (c) images and (d) images.
  18. Let X ~ images(−1, 9). Find x such that images. Also find x such that images.
  19. Let X be an RV such that images is images(μ, σ2). Show that X has PDF

    If m 1, m 2 are the first two moments of this distribution and images is the coefficient of skewness, show that a, μ, σ are given by




    where η is the real root of the equation images.

  20. Let images and let images .
    1. Find the PDF of Y.
    2. Find the conditional PDF of X given images .
    3. Find images.
  21. Let X and Y be iid images(0,1) RVs. Find the PDF of X/|Y|. Also, find the PDF of |X|/|Y|.
  22. It is known that images and images. If images, find α and β.

    [Hint: Use Table ST1.]

  23. Let X 1 , X 2 , … , Xn be iid images(μ, σ2) RVs. Find the distribution of
  24. Let F 1, F 2 , … , Fn be n DFs. Show that min[F 1(x 1),F 2(x 2), … , Fn (xn )] is an n-dimensional DF with marginal DFs F 1, F 2 , …Fn. (Kemp [50] )
  25. Let X ~ NB(1;p) and Y ~ G(1, 1). Show that X and Y are related by the equation

    where [x] is the largest integer ≤ x. Equivalently, show that


    where images

    (Prochaska [82]).

  26. Let T be an RV with DF F and write images . The function F is called the survival (or reliability) function of X (or DF F). The function images is called hazard (or failure-rate) function. For the following PDF find the hazard function:
    1. Rayleigh: images.
    2. Lognormal: images.
    3. Pareto: images, images, and = 0 otherwise.
    4. Weibull: images, images.
    5. Logistic: images, images.
  27. Consider the PDF

    and = 0 otherwise. An RV X with PDF f is said to have an inverse Gaussian distribution with parameters μ and λ, both positive. Show that

  28. Let f be the PDF of a images(μ, σ 2) RV:
    1. For what value of c is the function cfn, n > 0, a pdf?
    2. Let Φ be the DF of Z ~ images(0,1). Find E{Z Φ (Z)} and E{Z2 Φ (Z)}.


In this section we introduce the bivariate and multivariate normal distributions and investigate some of their important properties. We note that bivariate analogs of other PDFs are known but they are not always uniquely identified. For example, there are several versions of bivariate exponential PDFs so-called because each has exponential marginals. We will not encounter any of these bivariate PDFs in this book.

We first show that (1) indeed defines a joint PDF. In fact, we prove the following result.

Furthermore, we have

where βx is given by (4). It is clear, then, that the conditional PDF images given by (5) is also normal, with parameters βx and images. We have



In order to show that ρ is the correlation coefficient between X and Y, it suffices to show that images. We have from (6)


It follows that


Remark 1. If ρ2 = 1, then (1) becomes meaningless. But in that case we know (Theorem 4.5.1) that there exist constants a and b such that images. We thus have a univariate distribution, which is called the bivariate degenerate (or singular) normal distribution. The bivariate degenerate normal distribution does not have a PDF but corresponds to an RV (X, Y) whose marginal distributions are normal or degenerate and are such that (X, Y) falls on a fixed line with probability 1. It is for this reason that degenerate distributions are considered as normal distributions with variance 0.

Next we compute the MGF M(t 1 , t 2) of a bivariate normal RV (X, Y). We have, if f(x, y) is the PDF given in (1) and f 1 is the marginal PDF of X,





The following result is an immediate consequence of (8).

In particular, take f and g to be the PDF of images(0,1), that is,


and let (X, Y) have the joint PDF h(x, y). We will show that images is not normal except in the trivial case images, when X and Y are independent.

Let images. Then


It is easy to show (Problem 2) that cov images , so that var images. If Z is normal, its MGF must be


Next we compute the MGF of Z directly from the joint PDF (10). We have




Where Z1 is an images(0, 1) RV

It follows that


If Z were normally distributed, we must have images for all t and all images, that is,

For images, the equality clearly holds. The expression within the brackets on the right side of (15) is bounded by images , whereas the expression r (α/π)t2 is unbounded, so the equality cannot hold for all t and α.

Next we investigate the multivariate normal distribution of dimension n, images. Let M be an n × n real, symmetric, and positive definite matrix. Let x denote the n × 1 column vector of real numbers (x 1, x 2, … , xn )' and let μ denote the column vector (μ 1, μ 2, … , μn )', where images are real constants.

Since M is positive definite, it follows that all the n characteristic roots of M, say m 1 , m 2, … , mn, are positive. Moreover, since M is symmetric there exists an n × n orthogonal matrix L such that L′ML is a diagonal matrix with diagonal elements m 1 , m 2 , … , mn. Let us change the variables to z1, z 2 , … , zn by writing images where images , and note that the Jacobian of this orthogonal transformation is |L|. Since images, where In is an n × n unit matrix, images and we have

If we write images then images. Also LML = diag(m1,m2, … , m n) so that images. The integral in (20) can therefore be written as


If follows that

Setting images, we see from (18) and (21) that


By choosing

we see that f is a joint PDF of some random vector X, as asserted. Finally, since


we have




It follows from (21) and (22) that the MGF of X is given by (17), and we may write


This completes the proof of Theorem 3.

Let us write images Then


is the MGF of images . Thus each Xi is images.For images, we have for the MGF of Xi and Xj


This is the MGF of a bivariate normal distribution with means μi, μj, variances σii, σjj, and covariance σij . Thus we see that


is the mean vector of images,




The matrix M–1 is called the dispersion (variance-covariance) matrix of the multivariate normal distribution.

If images for images , the matrix M–1 is a diagonal matrix, and it follows that the RVs X 1 ,X 2, …, Xn are independent. Thus we have the following analog of Theorem 2.

The following result is stated without proof. The proof is similar to the two-variate case except that now we consider the quadratic form in n variables: images.

We have from (27) and (28)


since images. It follows that


and Corollary 2 follows.

Many characterization results for the multivariate normal distribution are now available. We refer the reader to Lukacs and Laha [70, p. 79].


  1. Let (X, Y) have joint PDF


    1. Find the means and variances of X and Y. Also find ρ.
    2. Find the conditional PDF of Y given images and E{Y|x}, var{Y|x}.
    3. Find images
  2. In Example 1 show that cov images .
  3. Let (X, Y) be a bivariate normal RV with parameters images. and ρ. What is the distribution of images? Compare your result with that of Example 1.
  4. Let (X, Y) be a bivariate normal RV with parameters images and ρ, and let images , images, and images , images. Find the joint distribution of (U, V).
  5. Let (X, Y) be a bivariate normal RV with parameters images, and images. Find images.
  6. Let X and Y be jointly normal with means 0. Also, let

    Find θ such that W and Z are independent.

  7. Let (X, Y) be a normal RV with parameters images, and ρ. Find a necessary and sufficient condition for images and images to be independent.
  8. For a bivariate normal RV with parameters μ1, μ2, σ1, σ2 and ρ show that

    [Hint: The required probability is images. Change to polar coordinates and integrate.]

  9. Show that every variance-covariance matrix is symmetric positive semidefinite and conversely. If the variance-covariance matrix is not positive definite, then with probability 1 the random (column) vector X lies in some hyperplane images with images.
  10. Let (X, Y) be a bivariate normal RV with images, images, and cov images. Show that the RV images has a Cauchy distribution.
    1. Show that

      is a joint PDF on imagesn.

    2. Let (X1, X2, … , Xn) have PDF f given in (a). Show that the RVs in any proper subset of {X1, X2, … , Xn} containing two or more elements are independent standard normal RVs.


Most of the distributions that we have so far encountered belong to a general family of distributions that we now study. Let Θ be an interval on the real line, and let {f : θ ∈ Θ} be a family of PDFs (PMFs). Here and in what follows we write images unless otherwise specified.

Some other important examples of one-parameter exponential families are binomial, G(α, β) (provided that one of α, β is fixed), B (α, β) (provided that one of α β is fixed), negative binomial, and geometric. The Cauchy family of densities and the uniform distribution on [0, θ] do not belong to this class.

Once again, if images) and Xj are iid with common distribution (2), the joint distributions of X form a k-parameter exponential family. An analog of Theorem 1 also holds for the k-parameter exponential family.


  1. Show that the following families of distributions are one-parameter exponential families:
    1. images .
    2. images, (i) if α is known and (ii) if β is known.
    3. images, (i) if α is known and (ii) if β is known.
    4. images , where r is known, p unknown.
  2. Let images . Show that the family of distributions of X is not a one-parameter exponential family.
  3. Let images , images. Show that the family of distributions of X is not an exponential family.
  4. Is the family of PDFs

    an exponential family?

  5. Show that the following families of distributions are two-parameter exponential families:
    1. images , both α and β unknown.
    2. images , both a and β unknown.
  6. Show that the families of distributions U[α, β] and images(α, β) do not belong to the exponential families.
  7. Show that the multinomial distributions form an exponential family.


  • again has the same distribution F. Examples are the Cauchy (see the corollary to Theorem 18) and normal (discussed in Section 5.3.5) distributions.
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