Chapter 6

Instrumental Variable Method for Addressing Selection Bias

R. Scott Leslie
Hassan Ghomrawi


6.1 Introduction

6.2 Overview of Instrumental Variable Method to Control for Selection Bias

6.3 Description of Case Study

6.4 Traditional Ordinary Least Squares Regression Method Applied to Case Study

6.5 Instrumental Variable Method Applied to Case Study

6.6 Using PROC QLIM to Conduct IV Analysis

6.7 Comparison to Traditional Regression Adjustment Method

6.8 Discussion

6.9 Conclusion





Observational data can provide powerful answers to research questions when properly addressing selection bias due to non-randomization. The medical literature has relied mostly on conventional regression and propensity score methods, which rely on observed variables, to adjust for selection bias. Such methods might deliver biased estimates due to unmeasured confounding. In this chapter, we introduce the instrumental variable method, an econometric method, to adjust for selection bias and illustrate its use in evaluating treatment effects on medication compliance. If properly applied, this method might be more useful in addressing selection bias.


6.1 Introduction

A key strength of observational studies is their ability to estimate the effect of treatments and interventions in real-world conditions. However, the lack of random group assignment may impose a serious threat to the results of observational studies (D’Agostino and Kwan, 1995). Non-randomized groups usually differ on observed and unobserved characteristics, which in turn result in differential selection into treatment groups. This non-random sampling selection is one form of selection bias that distorts the effect of treatment on outcomes. In other words, it is unclear whether the observed treatment effect is due to the treatment itself or to the differential selection into treatment groups due to non-randomization.

This selection bias problem has been shown to have a substantial impact on the treatment effect in some studies, while in other studies adjusting for selection bias has resulted in minor changes in the treatment effect (Wang, 2005; Foster, 2000; McClellan, 2000; Grimes, 2002; Glesby, 1996). Therefore, several studies caution that overestimating the selection bias may lead to further biased estimates (Hernán, 2006; Stukel, 2007). In this chapter, we provide an overview of instrumental variable (IV) methodology and demonstrate an example of applying this approach to adjust for selection bias using administrative claims data. The IV approach is an econometric method that is less prevalent in the medical literature than methods of matching, stratification, conventional regression, and propensity scoring, but it may have advantages over these methods if used appropriately.


6.2 Overview of Instrumental Variable Method to Control for Selection Bias

Observational studies that lack randomization of subjects into treatment groups must address selection bias to properly estimate the effect of treatment while addressing potential confounds. Instrumental variable (IV) analysis is a common tool in economics and social sciences to adjust for selection bias but less used in health care research. Where conventional selection adjustment methods use only observed variables, the IV method, on the other hand, acknowledges that a set of observed variables may not capture residual confounding due to unobserved factors (Angrist et al., 1996). By implementing the IV method, researchers find variables, called instruments or instrumental variables, which are highly correlated with the treatment selection but not directly correlated with the outcome variable. When incorporated into the analysis, the IV creates additional variance that is unaccounted for from the observables to obtain an unbiased estimate of the effect of treatment on the outcome. In 2000, the Health Services Research journal published a special supplemental issue devoted to IV analysis (McClellan and Newhouse, 2000). This issue contains explanations of the methodology and provides examples of its use in health outcomes research.

Figure 6.1 illustrates how an instrumental variable works. Observable risk factors or confounders (X) (such as age, gender, and co-morbid conditions) may affect both the outcome (Y) and treatment (T). The presence of this association makes treatment allocation dependent on observables and not truly an independent variable. That is, treatment is correlated with the error term in the model. Thus, estimating the effect of treatment (T) on outcome (Y) without any adjustment creates difficulty in deciphering cause and effect between treatment and outcome. Traditional regression methods can account for observables but won’t capture bias from unobservables. The goal of IV analyses is to find an instrument or instruments that are correlated with treatment selection but are not directly correlated with the outcome variable. These IVs are then used in estimating a treatment effect that is independent from the observables (X). The objective is to mimic randomization of subjects into treatment groups to be able to attribute changes in outcome due to treatment rather than observables.

Figure 6.1 Schematic Representation of IV Methodology


While the intuition of IV methodology is appealing, the difficulty in finding a valid instrument may be the reason for its relatively limited use. For the IV method to overcome unmeasured confounding, several assumptions must be addressed (Angrist, 1996; Landrum, 2001; Greenland, 2000). Most noteworthy assumptions include the independence assumption, exclusion restriction, and non-zero causal effect of the instrument on treatment. The independence assumption states the lack of relation between the instrument and the observed risk factors. The exclusion restriction requires that the IV have no effect on the outcome other than through treatment or that the IV affect the outcome exclusively through treatment. The non-zero causal effect of the instrument on treatment assumes that the instrument is associated with treatment or a predictor of treatment.

In order to estimate a treatment effect that is adjusted for selection bias using the instrumental variable approach, two equations need to be estimated. The first equation estimates the effect of the IV and observables (X) on treatment (T). The second equation estimates the effect of observables (X) and treatment (T) on outcome (Y). The maximum likelihood ratio method is usually used in conducting this two-stage regression estimation of treatment on outcome. Using the Heckman two-stage estimation to calculate the inverse Mills ratio is another way to accomplish the IV approach (Heckman, 1978).

The remaining sections of this chapter discuss an example of using the instrumental variable methodology to evaluate the effect of drug choice on medication adherence in a population of diabetic patients. Determining differences between treatments is important because increased adherence to medications may indicate better diabetes disease management, which consequently may slow disease progression. These data are often used when deciding on a preferred treatment for larger populations. We conducted our instrumental variable analysis using the Qualitative and Limited Dependent Model (QLIM) procedure in SAS/ETS.


6.3 Description of Case Study

A large pharmacy claims database was used to identify newly started patients using one of two oral antidiabetic medications in a 7-month time period (N=19,433). The purpose of the study was to compare compliance rates over a 180-day period between the two treatments. Compliance was measured as the proportion of days a medication was covered or supplied to the patient after treatment initiation (Benner, 2002). Patients new to therapy, or new starts, were chosen for review because this sample gives a more accurate estimate of initial compliance with the medication. New starts are also less confounded by previous medication use and more exposed to selection of treatment through the prescriber. We suspected the presence of selection bias because evidence shows the two drug treatments differ in patient tolerance, adverse events, and side effects, which possibly influence treatment selection as well as compliance with each drug (Lago et al., 2007; Lincoff et al., 2007). Additionally, selection of treatment is influenced by recent findings, changes in clinical guidelines, and policy changes (Schneeweiss, 2002). Knowing that traditional regression techniques may fall short in estimating the treatment net effect on the outcome, we chose the IV approach to minimize bias attributed to unmeasured data.

The TABULATE procedure code in Program 6.1 was used to create a table displaying patient characteristics by drug treatment for the new starts sample. Additionally, PROC TTEST and PROC FREQ were used to test for differences and associations between groups. Descriptors include demographic variables (age, gender), type of health plan insurance, and medication use in a 6-month period prior to treatment initiation (baseline period). Age was the age of the patient at date of treatment initiation (index date). Type of insurance was categorized by health maintenance organization (HMO) or other. Prior medication use was measured for sulfonylureas, antihypertensives, lipid lowering agents as well as asthma and antidepressant medications. Refill patterns of medications for chronic diseases, or maintenance medications, were used to estimate patient compliance behavior with the following prescribed dosings.

Program 6.1 Displaying Patient Characteristics by Drug Treatment Using PROC TABULATE

proc format;
  picture pct 0-100=009.0% (mult=1000);

proc tabulate data=newstarts;
  class tx;
  var age age_18to44 age_45to54 age_55to64 age_65plus b_hmo b_medicaid
     b_medicare b_self pre_sulf _0106 _0109 _0112 _0113 _0149 female
      maintrefillratio pre_stc_class_cnt_subset pre_drug_cnt_subset;
  table N='Member Count'*f=comma8.
      (age='Age')*(mean std='SD')*f=4.1
      (age_18to44='Age Group 18-44' age_45to54='Age Group 45-54'
         age_55to64='Age Group 55-64' age_65plus='Age Group >=65'
      (b_hmo='HMO Enrollee')*(mean='')*f=pct.
      (pre_drug_cnt_subset='# of Drugs Utilized')*(mean std='SD')*f=4.1
      (maintrefillratio='Maintenance Medication Refill %')*(mean='')*f=pct.
      (pre_sulf='Sulfonylurea' _0106='Hypertension' _0109='Lipid
         Irregularity' _0112='Pain Management' _0113='Antidepressant'
       , tx='Treatment' /box='Unadjusted Demographic and Baseline

proc ttest data=newstarts;
  var age pre_drug_cnt_subset maintrefillratio;
  class tx;

proc freq data=newstarts;
  tables tx*(female b_hmo pre_sulf _0106 _0109 _0112 _0113 _0149)/chisq;


Output from Program 6.1

Unadjusted Demographic and Baseline Characteristics Treatment
Drug A Drug B
Member Count 611 815
Age Mean 55.5 56.0
SD 11.8 12.6
Age Group 18-44   16.3% 16.3%
Age Group 45-54   30.9% 28.3%
Age Group 55-64   32.8% 34.1%
Age Group >=65   19.8% 21.2%
Female   44.6% 46.3%
HMO Enrollee *   65.3% 74.8%
# of Drugs Utilized Mean 3.1 3.3
SD 3.1 3.8
Maintenance Medication Refill % *   36.3% 41.3%
Sulfonylurea   27.6% 31.5%
Hypertension   56.6% 57.7%
Lipid Irregularity   34.5% 38.7%
Pain Management *   21.1% 26.1%
Antidepressant   14.5% 13.6%
Asthma *   7.2% 10.6%

* p < .05

Output from Program 6.1 describes the two treatment groups. Those observables that differed significantly in the two groups of patients include type of insurance (proportion of patients enrolled in an HMO), previous refill rate for maintenance medication, asthma medication use, and pain medication use. Differences in observables between groups led us to believe differences existed in unobservables between the two groups.

To compare methods to control for selection bias, our analytic plan proceeds as follows. We use three methods in estimating the difference in outcome between Drug A and Drug B. First, a simple t-test crudely compares the mean compliance rates for drugs A and B using PROC TTEST. Second, we use conventional ordinary least squares regression to compare drug effectiveness on compliance for Drugs A and B, adjusting for measured covariates. Third, we estimate compliance rates for the two treatments, adjusting for selection bias using the IV method.

Our compliance outcome was measured as the proportion of days the medication was supplied over the 180-day period; hence, the maximum allowable value was 1. Mean compliance for Drug A and Drug B was 0.4774 and 0.5122, respectively. The unadjusted comparison of mean compliance values using PROC TTEST (Program 6.2) indicates the difference is approaching statistical significance (p = 0.0609) at the 0.05 level of significance. This unadjusted 3% difference in compliance between treatments indicates better compliance to prescribed dosings, which may translate into better diabetes disease management. Such evidence can influence formulary management decisions on the preferred treatment for large populations. Displaying distributions of the outcome for the two treatment groups can be done using the CLASS statement in PROC UNIVARIATE, as shown in Program 6.2.

Program 6.2 Computation of t-test Comparison of Mean Compliance Values and Generation of Histograms

proc ttest data=newstarts;
  var pdc;
  class tx;

proc univariate data=newstarts noprint plot;
  var pdc;
  class tx;
  histogram pdc / ctext=purple cfill=blue
    kernel (k=normal color=green w=3 l=1)
    normal (color = red w=3 l= 2)
    ncols=1 nrows=2;
  inset n='N' (comma6.0) mean='Mean' (6.2) median='Median' (6.2)
    normal kernel(type)/ position=NW;


Output from Program 6.2


The TTEST Procedure



Variable tx N Lower CL
Mean Upper CL
Lower CL
Std Dev
Std Dev Upper CL
Std Dev
Std Err
pdc Drug A 611 0.4494 0.4774 0.5055 0.3345 0.3532 0.3742 0.0143
pdc Drug B 815 0.4887 0.5122 0.5356 0.3248 0.3405 0.3579 0.0119
pdc Diff (1-2)   -0.071 -0.035 0.0016 0.3338 0.346 0.3592 0.0185




Variable Method Variances DF t Value Pr > |t
pdc Pooled Equal 1424 -1.88 0.0609
pdc Satterthwaite Unequal 1288 -1.87 0.0623


Equality of Variances


Variable Method Num DF Den DF F Value Pr > F
pdc Folded F 610 814 1.0 8 0.3317



6.4 Traditional Ordinary Least Squares Regression Method Applied to Case Study

Using ordinary least squares regression methods to adjust for observed risk factors, we obtained adjusted estimates of compliance for the two treatment groups. The GLM procedure can conduct an analysis of variance to calculate least squares means while using the Tukey-Kramer (Kramer, 1956) adjustment for multiple comparisons (Program 6.3). Tests of univariate associations with the outcome were used to select the independent variables in this model.

Program 6.3 Creating Adjusted Outcome Values Using PROC GLM

proc glm data=newstarts;
  class tx age_18to44 female b_hmo pre_sulf _0112;
  model pdc = tx age_18to44 female b_hmo maintrefillratio _0112


Output from Program 6.3

The GLM Procedure
Least Squares Means
Adjustment for Multiple Comparisons: Tukey-Kramer


tx pdc LSMEAN H0:LSMean1=
Pr > |t|
Drug A 0.47863394 0.0747
Drug B 0.51124635  


tx pdc LSMEAN 95% Confidence Limits
Drug A 0.478634 0.451623 0.505645
Drug B 0.511246 0.487889 0.534604


Least Squares Means for Effect tx


i j Difference
Simultaneous 95%
Confidence Limits for
1 2 -0.032612 -0.068480 0.003255

Adjusted compliance means for Drug A and Drug B are 0.4786 and 0.5112, respectively. The difference between means using the Tukey-Kramer adjustment shows no statistically significant difference in mean compliance values. Comparing these adjusted mean values to unadjusted mean values (Section 6.3) shows little change when adjusting for these observables.


6.5 Instrumental Variable Method Applied to Case Study

Suspecting that selection bias is not resolved with standard ordinary least squares methods, we employed the IV method. Among the few studies that apply the IV approach when comparing the treatment effectiveness of drugs, Brookhart and colleagues (2006, 2007) used physician prescribing preference as an instrumental variable when assessing drug treatment effectiveness on morbidity and mortality outcomes. The authors used these preference-based instruments in two separate studies to assess the risk of gastrointestinal toxicity associated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug treatment and the mortality in elderly patients using types of antipsychotic medications. Replicating their instruments, we used the last prescription written by the prescriber for the drug class (Drug A or Drug B) as the instrument for our study. Brookhart and colleagues hypothesized that a physician’s immediate history of prescribing as measured by the last written prescription estimates the prescriber’s preference for one treatment or another. That choice, according to the hypothesis, therefore, affects the choice of treatment for the prescriber’s next patient. We believed that in our study this measure would act as a valid instrument because it influences the treatment choice but is uncorrelated with the outcome for the next patient. To construct our IV, prescribers of the initial prescription for each of the 1,426 study patients were identified. Prescription claims for these prescribers for the two drugs were extracted in a period preceding this initial prescription to calculate the prescriber’s preference. Prescribers were classified as a Drug A prescriber or a Drug B prescriber based on their most recent prescription in the drug class. Some prescribers were not identified correctly. Some prescribers had no history of prescribing either drug; therefore, patients with these physicians were excluded from the analysis. A total of 1,226 prescribers were classified.

As stated earlier, the validity of an instrumental variable relies on many assumptions. Administrative data can’t confirm these assumptions, but they can be used to look into the credibility of the assumptions. To test the validity of our method, we first looked at the distribution of the IV to show that prescribers’ preference to prescribe these two drugs varied. Preference for Drug A or Drug B for the 1,226 identified prescribers was 47% and 53%, respectively. To address the non-zero causal effect of IV treatment assumption, we evaluated associations between the instrument and treatment selection by using PROC FREQ to estimate how well our instrument predicted treatment or the extent of prescriber preference in predicting the treatment choice of the prescriber’s next patient (Program 6.4). Results showed a strong, positive relationship between our IV and treatment selection. Prescribers with a preference for Drug A were more than three times more likely to prescribe Drug A for the identified patient in our sample (OR = 3.44, CI = 2.766 – 4.293).

To address the independence assumption, we checked relationships between our IV and observables factors. Potential violations of the independent assumption could include differing patient profiles by prescriber group (that is, Drug A prescribers treating patients who are much different than patients seen by Drug B prescribers). A stratification of patient demographic and baseline characteristics by prescriber preference using the TABULATE, TTEST, and FREQ procedures can compare observables by the instrument. More complicated models can address time variant clustering relationships (Brookhart, 2007). Smaller differences between groups indicate treatment choice by the prescriber for the previous patient is unrelated to the observables of the current patient. Those differences that persist suggest possible violations of this assumption; however, those covariates can be addressed later in the two-stage least squares regression.

The exclusion restriction requires that our IV have no effect on the outcome other than through treatment. Prescriber preference may be correlated with physician skill or other preferences of the prescriber that may affect outcome (Brookhart, 2006). Prescriber preference might affect compliance through other services provided by the prescriber or because of differing skill level among providers. However, review of the literature shows patients’ long-term adherence to medications is mostly due to the self-efficacy of the patient or the patient’s beliefs and behavior (Bodenheimer et al., 2002; Jerant et al., 2005) rather than instruction by the prescriber (Haynes, 2002). The degree of physician skill on our compliance outcome is difficult to measure so we use this research to defend the possibility of violating the exclusion restriction.

Program 6.4 Code Used in Validating IV Assumptions

proc freq data=newstarts;
  tables iv*tx/chisq measures;

proc format;
  picture pct 0-100=009.0% (mult=1000);

proc tabulate data=newstarts;
  class tx iv;
  var age age_18to44 age_45to54 age_55to64 age_65plus b_hmo b_medicaid
      b_medicare b_self pre_sulf _0106 _0109 _0112 _0113 _0149 female
      maintrefillratio pre_stc_class_cnt_subset pre_drug_cnt_subset;
  table N='Member Count'*f=comma8.
      (age='Age')*(mean std='SD')*f=4.1
      (age_18to44='Age Group 18-44' age_45to54='Age Group 45-54'
        age_55to64='Age Group 55-64' age_65plus='Age Group >=65'
      (b_hmo='HMO Enrollee')*(mean='')*f=pct.
      (pre_drug_cnt_subset='# of Drugs Utilized')*(mean std='SD')*f=4.1
      (maintrefillratio='Maintenance Medication Refill
      (pre_sulf='Sulfonylurea' _0106='Hypertension' _0109='Lipid
        Irregularity' _0112='Pain Management' _0113='Antidepressant'
      , iv='IV (Prescriber Preference)' /box='Unadjusted Demographic and
        Baseline Characteristics';


Output from Program 6.4

 Table of iv by tx
iv tx Total
Row Pct
Col Pct
Drug A Drug B
Drug A 390

Drug B 221

Total 611
Statistic DF Value Prob
Chi-Square 1 125.9656 <.0001
Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square 1 127.5668 <.0001
Continuity Adj. Chi-Square 1 124.7647 <.0001
Mantel-Haenszel Chi-Square 1 125.8773 <.0001
Phi Coefficient   0.2972  
Contingency Coefficient   0.2849  
Cramer's V   0.2972  
Estimates of the Relative Risk (Row1/Row2)
Type of Study Value 95% Confidence Limits
Case-Control (Odds Ratio) 3.4463 2.7665 4.2931
Cohort (Col1 Risk) 2.0138 1.7717 2.2890
Cohort (Col2 Risk) 0.5843 0.5281 0.6465
Unadjusted Demographic and Baseline Characteristics IV (Prescriber Preference)
Drug A Drug B
Member Count 666 760
Age* Mean 54.7 56.7
SD 11.7 12.6
Age Group 18-44   18.3% 14.6%
Age Group 45-54   28.5% 30.2%
Age Group 55-64   35.8% 31.5%
Age Group >=65   17.2% 23.5%
Female   45.1% 46.0%
HMO Enrollee*   66.0% 74.8%
# of Drugs Utilized Mean 2.8 3.5
SD 3.0 3.9
Maintenance Medication Refill %   35.1% 42.8%
Sulfonylurea*   26.7% 32.6%
Hypertension*   53.0% 61.0%
Lipid Irregularity*   33.0% 40.3%
Pain Management   22.0% 25.6%
Antidepressant   13.5% 14.4%
Asthma   8.5% 9.7%

* p < .05.

This output reinforces our choice of instrument for estimating treatment effectiveness in the presence of unmeasured confounding. Next, we applied the two-stage IV method to our study example. First, we used our instrument variable and other observables to predict the treatment (see Figure 6.2).

Figure 6.2 Schematic Representation of First Stage of IV Analysis


In the second stage of the process, an outcome equation approximates the compliance outcome by using the predicted treatment (from the first model) and other observables (see Figure 6.3). This two-stage approach has the advantage of incorporating the predicted treatment into the outcome model because it represents the portion of treatment selection related to prescriber preference.

Figure 6.3 Schematic Representation of Second Stage of IV Analysis



6.6 Using PROC QLIM to Conduct IV Analysis

The two-stage IV process described here can be done in one step using the Qualitative and Limited Dependent Model (QLIM) procedure in SAS/ETS. We chose the QLIM procedure because of its capability to analyze models that involve simultaneous relationships. This fits our example because we are simultaneously estimating treatment selection and compliance. The QLIM procedure let us submit two model statements in one procedure, allowing us to simultaneously estimate an unbiased effect of treatment on the outcome.

Proper modeling in PROC QLIM requires a subject-level data set (for example, one observation per patient). A quick look at the data set using PROC PRINT shows noteworthy variables of the data set (Program 6.5).

Program 6.5 Creating IV-Adjusted Outcome Value Using PROC QLIM

proc print data=newstarts (obs=10);
 var tx druga iv pdc age female b_hmo copay_idxdrug
     pre_sulf _0106 _0109 _0112 _0113 _0149 maintrefillratio;

proc qlim data = newstarts ;
 class iv;
 model druga = iv age female copay_idxdrug pre_drug_cnt_subset
      maintrefillratio pre_sulf _0106 _0109 _0112 _0113 _0149 /discrete;
 model pdc = age female copay_idxdrug pre_drug_cnt_subset
      maintrefillratio pre_sulf _0106 _0109 _0112 _0113 _0149
 output out=drugb predicted;



    druga = treatment selection indicator

    tx = treatment classification variable

    iv = instrumental variable (prescriber preference)

    pdc = outcome (compliance as proportion of days of medication covered)

    age = age of patient at date of treatment initiation (index date)

    female = indicator variable

    b_hmo = HMO enrollee

    copay_idxdrug = patient co-payment for initial prescription

Remaining variables describe utilization in the pre-treatment baseline period:

    pre_drug_cnt = number of distinct medications utilized

    pre_sulf = use of sulfonylurea

    _0106 = use of antihypertensive

    _0109 = use of asthma medication

    _0112 = use of pain medication

    _0113 = use of lipotropic

    _0149 = use of antidepressant

    maintrefillratio = refill percentage for maintenance medications

The first MODEL statement is a selection equation that uses the probit model (indicated by using the DISCRETE option) and creates the predicted probability of each subject receiving Drug B based on our IV and other observables. The second MODEL statement is the outcome equation, which uses linear regression to model the compliance outcome while controlling for covariates. This assesses the effect of the treatment while controlling for the probability produced from the first equation plus other believed confounders. Some believe that including independent variables other than the treatment group in this step is redundant because they are included in the first MODEL statement. We believe that adding variables to the model provides additional information on predictors of the outcome. The selection model can include covariates believed to be predictive of treatment where the outcome model can include covariates prognostic of outcome. The OUTPUT statement creates a data set named DrugB. With the addition of the PREDICTED option, the newly created data set includes all variables from the input data set plus two new variables named P_druga and P_pdc, which contain predicted values of the treatment and compliance values, respectively. The predicted compliance outcome values are generated for all subjects in the sample, assuming that all patients have been prescribed Drug B.

Output from Program 6.5


Obs tx druga iv pdc age female b_hmo copay_idxdrug pre_drug_cnt_
pre_sulf _0106 _0109 _0112 _0113 _0149 Maintrefill
1 Drug A 1 Drug B 0.00556 55 0 0 23.000 11 1 1 1 0 1 0 0.45946
2 Drug B 0 Drug B 0.16667 76 1 0 20.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00000
3 Drug A 1 Drug A 0.07222 44 1 0 0.000 10 1 0 0 1 0 0 0.00000
4 Drug B 0 Drug B 0.91111 74 1 0 15.333 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.50000
5 Drug B 0 Drug B 0.16667 77 0 0 7.000 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1.00000
6 Drug A 1 Drug A 0.61667 74 0 0 109.362 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00000
7 Drug B 0 Drug A 0.16667 59 1 0 0.000 5 1 1 1 1 0 0 0.00000
8 Drug A 1 Drug B 0.28333 51 1 0 0.000 4 0 1 1 1 0 1 0.22222
9 Drug B 0 Drug A 0.27778 43 1 0 0.000 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.29167
10 Drug A 1 Drug A 0.16667 69 0 0 0.000 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.00000
Parameter Estimates
Parameter   Estimate Standard Error t Value Approx
Pr > |t|
pdc.Intercept   0.468902 0.064961 7.22 <.0001
pdc.age   0.001444 0.000929 1.55 0.1201
pdc.female   -0.068086 0.022960 -2.97 0.0030
pdc.copay_idxdrug   -0.001525 0.000305 -4.99 <.0001
pdc.pre_drug_cnt_subset   -0.001683 0.004240 -0.40 0.6915
pdc.maintrefillratio   0.168015 0.036034 4.66 <.0001
pdc.pre_sulf   -0.042180 0.025716 -1.64 0.1010
pdc._0106   -0.001649 0.025733 -0.06 0.9489
pdc._0109   0.047814 0.025504 1.87 0.0608
pdc._0112   -0.045605 0.028238 -1.61 0.1063
pdc._0113   -0.008500 0.034562 -0.25 0.8057
pdc._0149   -0.006435 0.038786 -0.17 0.8682
_Sigma.pdc   0.297051 0.009963 29.82 <.0001
druga.Intercept   -0.420098 0.186430 -2.25 0.0242
druga.iv Drug A 0.740991 0.074652 9.93 <.0001
druga.iv Drug B 0 . . .
druga.age   -0.000008433 0.003272 -0.00 0.9979
druga.female   -0.112074 0.076919 -1.46 0.1451
druga.copay_idxdrug   0.000094205 0.001086 0.09 0.9308
druga.pre_drug_cnt_subset   0.004108 0.014939 0.28 0.7833
druga.maintrefillratio   -0.206794 0.118055 -1.75 0.0798
druga.pre_sulf   -0.100354 0.087456 -1.15 0.2512
druga._0106   0.108600 0.088306 1.23 0.2188
druga._0109   -0.078342 0.087028 -0.90 0.3680
druga._0112   -0.211746 0.098552 -2.15 0.0317
druga._0113   0.105211 0.117267 0.90 0.3696
druga._0149   -0.179984 0.139948 -1.29 0.1984
_Rho   -0.235728 0.162230 -1.45 0.1462

Output from the QLIM procedure in Program 6.5 includes a table of parameter estimates for both MODEL statements (first for the outcome equation and second for the treatment selection equation), indicating direction and magnitude of the effect of each independent variable. Of most importance are the treatment selection/IV parameter (drugb.iv in our example), which indicates the effect of the IV on treatment selection, and the _rho parameter estimate, which indicates correlation between the error terms in the two equations. A significant rho parameter estimate indicates the presence of treatment selection bias in the outcome equation. The drugb parameter estimate indicates a strong effect of the IV on treatment selection (p <. 0001), and the _rho parameter estimate indicates the effect of treatment selection bias on the outcome. In this case, the estimate is -0.235728 (p=0.1462).

A second submission of this code was done to estimate compliance values if all patients received Drug A. By changing the SELECT option in the first MODEL statement to druga=1 we generated predicted compliance values if all patients used Drug A. Comparing these predicted compliance values to the first scenario—wherein all patients were assumed to have used Drug B—gave us comparative effectiveness on compliance. Mean estimated compliance if all members were on Drug A was 0.5353. Mean estimated compliance if all patients were on Drug B was 0.5276. After running code for both scenarios, the two newly generated data sets were sorted and merged by subject. Using this final patient-level data set, containing predicted compliance values for each scenario, we can compare means using a paired t-test via PROC TTEST to test for an estimated treatment difference.


6.7 Comparison to Traditional Regression Adjustment Method

Table 6.1 compares results from the IV approach to an unadjusted result and, more notably, to a traditional regression adjustment method (adjusted OLS model) that adjusts for observables. The mean unadjusted compliance for Drug A and Drug B was 47.7% and 51.2%, respectively. Calculating adjusted compliance values using PROC GLM show the mean values change slightly, although the model controls for the various factors. Calculated values from the QLIM procedure show the effect of selection bias. Mean compliance values increase to 0.5390 and 0.55327 for Drug A and Drug B, respectively. Although our example shows minimal change in compliance when using the IV approach, many studies show considerable differences between methods (Brookhart, 2006; Landrum, 2001).

Table 6.1 Mean Compliance by Treatment: IV Model vs. Adjusted Model

Model Treatment Compliance Outcome 95% Confidence Limits
Unadjusted Model      
  Drug A 0.477 0.449 0.504
  Drug B 0.512 0.488 0.535
  Estimated Treatment Difference -0.034 -0.071 0.001
Regression Adjusted Model      
  Drug A 0.478 0.451 0.505
  Drug B 0.511 0.487 0.534
  Estimated Treatment Difference -0.032 -0.068 0.003
IV Adjusted Model      
  Drug A 0.535 0.530 0.540
  Drug B 0.527 0.522 0.533
  Estimated Treatment Difference 0.007 0.003 0.011


6.8 Discussion

Where traditional regression adjustment techniques use observable measures to control for confounding, IV methods rely on instrumental variables to account for measured as well as unmeasured factors. This added element of the IV approach is valuable when compared with conventional methods to adjust for risk factors such as propensity scoring. The rather large assumption with propensity scoring is that all factors that affect group assignment and outcome are used in modeling. The abundance of unmeasured factors should not be overlooked by researchers. Among patient attitudes and other influencing factors, selection of treatment or group assignment is also prompted by changing guidelines and policies (Schneeweiss, 2002). Implementation of IV methods can be especially helpful when analyzing data sets not generated for the purpose of the research question. That is, studies relying on existing databases contain limited information. Those studies that can prospectively gather data on hypothesized confounders may depend less on unobservables.

Challenges to IV methods include the difficulty of identifying a proper instrument and of validating the instrument when found. Exercise caution when using an instrument because it could do more harm than good (Murray, 2006). Validation of instruments by subject matter experts is helpful to counter arguments of invalid instruments. The relationship between IV and treatment is based on hypothesis. It is empirically hard to test. Murray (2006) points to using a conditional likelihood ratio test when an instrument is weakly correlated with treatment. Another trade-off when using the two-stage least squares estimator is the presence of larger standard errors as compared with ordinary least squares.

In the demonstrated example, available data allowed us to address some but not all assumptions stated by Angrist (1996) and Landrum (2001). The stable unit treatment value assumption states that there is no relationship between the treatment statuses of other patients. We assumed that the prescriber’s preference affects the treatment of the next patient. It is unlikely that one patient’s treatment influences another patient’s choice of treatment. It was also challenging to address the monotonicity of our instrument. It holds naturally that if a patient received Drug A from a Drug B prescriber, the patient would have also received Drug A from a Drug A prescriber. The difficulty in addressing the many assumptions for IV validity provides evidence of the difficulty in finding a strong instrument. In many examples, consistency of results using a combination of methods may suggest limited selection bias and/or not capturing the bias with observed and unknown data elements.

Limitations to study design that are present for both methods include the possibility that actual compliance may differ from observed compliance. Also, there may well be additional predictors of treatment selection and adherence that are not captured, including patient attitudes, socioeconomic status, education level, and number of other medications used.

One can conduct the IV method with SAS procedures other than SAS/ETS using the same two-step process described in our example. The LOGISTIC and GENMOD procedures can both estimate predicted probabilities for a response value. Using PROC LOGISTIC for the first treatment selection model would create the predicted treatment based on the IV. With these predicted treatment values, we could conduct the second step, the outcome model, using PROC GLM to assess treatment on the outcome while controlling for the predicted treatment values plus other observables that may affect the outcome. In other case studies, PROC REG or PROC LOGISTIC can be used depending on the nature of the outcome. We are not, however, aware of developed and validated SAS code that could be readily used.


6.9 Conclusion

Although observational studies can yield unique findings on treatment effectiveness on outcomes in routine care settings, the non-randomized nature of observational studies calls for addressing potential selection bias. Using conventional regression techniques that account for observables may resolve some bias, but it may also be biased when covariates are correlated with the error term in the model. Accounting for unobservables is necessary to maximize bias control; however, no method can totally eliminate selection bias when you are using observational data.

In this study, we demonstrate that controlling for observables alone shows little adjustment from crude, unadjusted mean values in compliance between two drug treatments. When using an IV approach that contains additional variance that is unaccounted for from the observables, we created a less biased estimate of the treatment effect on our compliance outcome. The result was a change in mean compliance values, with the conclusion that there was no difference in compliance between treatments.

We showed only one approach to conducting IV methods. Variations to IV approach depend on the type of treatment and the type of outcome, such as multiple treatments and nonlinear outcome measures.

Although IV methodology is less known and less widely used in observational and clinical studies, it can be used in conjunction with traditional risk adjustment techniques, such as propensity scoring and multivariable regression, to reduce selection bias. If applied correctly, IV can adjust for unobservables and add value to comparative effectiveness studies.



The authors would like to thank M. Alan Brookhart, Bradley Martin, and reviewers for their guidance, review, and comments.



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