

  • absolute Cartesian coordinates, 129, 428, 429
  • acad.dwt template, 39, 69
  • acadiso.dwt template, 69
  • acceleration, hardware, 424, 425
  • accuracy versus precision, 126
  • actions of dynamic blocks, defining, 373–377
  • Adaptive Grid check box, 75
  • Add-a-Plot Style Table Wizard, 314–315
  • Add-a-Plotter Wizard, 307
  • add-ons, downloading, 21
  • Advanced Render Settings palette, 427
  • aliases, 4, 30
  • Align Below Previous Attribute Definition check box, Attribute Definition dialog box, 342
  • ALign command, 460
  • aligned dimensional constraint, 396
  • aligning 3D objects, 460
  • ALL object selection, 170
  • Allow Exploding check box, Block Definition dialog box, 334
  • Allow Subdivision Below Grid Spacing check box, 75
  • Alternate Units tab, New/Modify Dimension Style dialog boxes, 274
  • Angle button, Hatch Creation tab, 289
  • angle units, 63–64, 73
  • angled brackets, 33
  • angular dimensional constraint, 396
  • angular precision setting, 73
  • ANIPATH command, 484
  • Annotation panel, Ribbon, 26
  • Annotation Scale setting, 76, 159
  • annotational dimensional constraints, 403–405
  • Annotative check box, Block Definition dialog box, 334
  • annotative dimensions, 255, 265, 273, 275
  • annotative hatching, 291–292
  • annotative objects, 224, 226, 233, 244–247
  • Annotative option, Hatch Creation tab, 290
  • anonymous blocks, 471
  • ANSI31 hatch pattern, 53–54
  • APERTURE system variable, 504
  • APParent Intersection mode, Object Snap, 135
  • Application menu, 18–19, 22–24
  • Arc command, 110, 111–112
  • Arc option, ELlipse command, 114, 115
  • arc segment, adding to polyline, 102–104
  • arcball, 437
  • architectural drawing scales, 67
  • Architectural units, 63, 72
  • arcs
  • area selections, 171
  • ARray command, 192, 349, 350–351
  • Array Creation contextual tab, Ribbon, 352–354
  • Array option, COpy command, 181–182
  • ARRAYCLASSIC command, 350
  • ARRAYEDIT command, 176, 351, 357
  • ARRAYPATH command, 176, 355–356
  • ARRAYPOLAR command, 176, 354
  • ARRAYRECT command, 176, 349
  • arrays, 350–351. See also associative arrays
  • arrowheads, 266
  • artifacts, 486
  • associative arrays
    • ARray command, 350–351
    • creating, 351–354
    • defined, 350
    • editing, 351, 356–358
    • overview, 192, 347
    • path arrays, 355–356, 357
    • polar arrays, 354–355
    • rectangular array, 349
    • versus simple arrays, 350–351
    • 3D, 461
  • associative center lines, 263
  • associative dimensions, 267, 281, 383
  • associative hatching, 285, 291
  • Associative option, Hatch Creation tab, 290
  • ATCs (Authorized Training Centers), 501
  • Attach External Reference dialog box, 360–361
  • Attach Image dialog box, 369–370
  • Attach PDF Underlay dialog box, 372, 373
  • attaching
    • DWF files as underlay, 372–373
    • raster images, 369–370
    • xrefs, 360–362
  • ATTdef command, 341
  • ATTDIA system variable, 344
  • Attribute Definition dialog box, 341
  • attributes, block
    • creating definitions, 341–342
    • defining blocks containing attribute definitions, 343
    • definitions, 335, 340
    • editing values, 344
    • exploding, 345
    • extracting data, 344–345
    • inserting blocks containing attribute definitions, 343–344
    • overview, 330, 340
    • values, 340
  • AU (Autodesk University), 500
  • AUGI (Autodesk User Group International), 502
  • Authorized Training Centers (ATCs), 501
  • Auto Constrain, 394–395
  • AutoCAD
    • drawing in, 11–14
    • language packs, 513–514
    • launching, 10–11
    • shortcut icon, customizing, 514
  • AutoComplete feature, 30, 31
  • Autodesk accounts, signing in to, 21
  • Autodesk collections, 513
  • Autodesk resources, 499–502
  • Autodesk University (AU), 500
  • Autodesk User Group International (AUGI), 502
  • AutoLISP programming language, 513
  • automatic update feature of xrefs, 360
  • Automatically Add Scales option, 291


  • background, in 3D models, 482–483
  • BACKGROUND command, 484
  • Background dialog box, 483–484
  • Background Mask dialog box, 239
  • background masking, 238–239, 280
  • .bak file extension, 206
  • base plate and column drawing
    • copying objects, 49
    • creating layers, 43–45
    • crosshatching, adding, 53–54
    • drawing bolts, 46–47
    • drawing column, 50–51
    • drawing hexagon nut, 47–48
    • drawing plate, 46
    • freezing layers, 60
    • mirroring objects, 49
    • moving objects, 48–49
    • overview, 37–38
    • plotting, 57–60
    • saving drawing, 51
    • setting up new drawing, 38–43
    • stretching objects, 54–57
    • zooming and panning, 52
  • base points, 56, 178–179, 333
  • base view, defining, 468
  • BATTMAN command, 343
  • BEdit command, 340
  • bicycle drawing, 11–14
  • binding xrefs, 365–366
  • bitmapped images, 367, 487
  • black-and-white plotting, 300–304
  • BLEND command, 176, 197, 199
  • Block Attribute Manager, 343
  • block authoring, 349
  • Block Definition dialog box, 332–335
  • block definitions
    • creating, 332–335
    • defined, 330
    • purging unused, 345–346
  • Block Editor window, 374–376
  • blocks. See also dynamic blocks
    • anonymous, 471
    • applications, 367
    • attributes, 330, 340–345
    • benefits of using, 330–332
    • block definitions
      • creating, 332–335
      • defined, 330
      • inserting, 336–340
      • purging unused, 345–346
  • blogs, Autodesk, 499
  • bolts, drawing, 46–47, 49
  • Boolean editing operations, 454, 461–462
  • borders, choosing, 69
  • boundaries, of hatches, 288
  • Boundaries panel, Hatch Creation tab, 288
  • Boundary options, for views, 90
  • BOX command, 431
  • brackets, 33
  • BReak command, 176, 196–197
  • b-reps, 423
  • B-splines, 115
  • bulleted lists, 239–241
  • BURST command, 345
  • By Layer button, Hatch Creation tab, 289
  • ByLayer approach, 142–144


  • Cartesian coordinate system, 15–16, 428
  • center lines, 262, 263
  • Center Marks setting, New/Modify Dimension Style dialog boxes, 272
  • CENter mode, Object Snap, 135, 137
  • Center option, ELlipse command, 114
  • Center the Plot check box, Plot dialog box, 302
  • CENTERLINES command, 263
  • CENTERMARK command, 263
  • CHAmfer command, 176, 197–199, 463
  • CHAMFEREDGE command, 463
  • chamfering 3D solids, 463
  • Check Spelling dialog box, 243–244
  • child drawing, 339
  • CHSPACE command, 202
  • Circle command, 13, 47, 110–112
  • circles
    • drawing, 110–112
    • grip editing, 203–205
  • circular arcs, 103
  • Circumscribed option, POLygon command, 47–48
  • Classic Array dialog box, 350
  • CLIP command, 366
  • Clipboard, Windows, 182
  • clipping
    • raster images, 370
    • xrefs, 366
  • cloning hatches, 293
  • Close command, Application menu, 23
  • CLOSEALLOTHER command, 23
  • closed 2D objects
    • extruding, 455–456
    • lofting, 456–457
    • pressing and pulling boundaries, 456
    • revolving, 458
    • sweeping, 457
  • cloud computing, 414–415
  • cloud storage, 414–417
  • coincident geometric constraint, 387, 390, 392
  • Collaborate panel, Ribbon, 26
  • collinear geometric constraint, 387
  • color
    • of drawing area, 10, 20
    • for layers, 44–45, 150–151
    • as object property, 148–149, 150–151
    • plotting, 320–321
  • color-dependent plot style tables (CTBs), 313–316, 318, 319
  • color-dependent plot styles, 71, 311, 312, 313, 316
  • Column Settings dialog box, 242
  • columns, text, 236–237, 242–243
  • command line
    • accessing, 12
    • AutoComplete feature, 30, 31
    • bail out of operation, 32
    • brackets in, 33
    • coordinate entry, 96
    • default actions, accepting, 33
    • drawing techniques, 96
    • general discussion, 29–30
    • keyboard, entering commands with, 30–34
    • locating, 20
    • option keyword message, 32
    • overview, 3–4, 12
    • pasting text into, 182
    • searching for layers on, 155
    • text window, enlarging, 32
  • command options, 33
  • command previews, 193
  • command-first editing, 164, 165, 170–173, 175. See also specific commands
  • commands. See also specific commands
    • aliases, 4, 30
    • on Application menu, 22–23
    • Dynamic Input, 28–29
    • finding on Ribbon, 105, 110
    • typing with keyboard, 30–34
  • commas, as X,Y separator, 12, 16
  • COMPARE command, 207–208, 414
  • compatibility of file formats, 494–495
  • complex solids, 454
  • compound solids, 454
  • computing, cloud, 414–415
  • concentric geometric constraint, 387, 391–392
  • Conceptual visual style, 441
  • configuring printers, 304–307
  • Constrained mode, 3DOrbit, 438
  • constraint bar, 383, 390
  • Constraint Settings dialog box, 394–395, 399–400
  • constraints, 381, 384. See also dimensional constraints; geometric constraints
  • construction lines, 97–98
  • Continuous mode, 3DOrbit, 438
  • convert dimensional constraint, 396
  • Convert to Block radio button, Block Definition dialog box, 335
  • CONVERTPSTYLES command, 313
  • coordinate input, 96, 125, 428–429
  • coordinate systems, 127–131
  • COpy command, 49, 176, 178–179, 181–182
  • COPYCLIP command, 182
  • copying objects, 49, 181–182
  • CPolygon object selection, 170
  • Crosshatch command, 53–54
  • crosshatches. See hatches
  • crossing object selection, 168, 169, 170
  • crossing selection boxes, 54–55, 183–186
  • crossing-polygon selection, 171, 186
  • CTBs (color-dependent plot style tables), 313–316, 318, 319
  • CUI (Customizable User Interface) file, 144
  • culling, 459
  • CULLINGOBJ system variable, 459
  • CULLINGOBJSELECTION system variable, 459
  • current layers, 155
  • current properties, 145
  • curves, drawing
    • arcs, 112–113
    • circles, 110–112
    • commands for, 110
    • donuts, 117–118
    • ellipses, 114–115
    • overview, 109
    • point objects, 120–122
    • from polylines, 99
    • revision clouds, 118–120
    • splines, 115–117
  • custom grips, 379–380
  • custom hatch patterns, 289
  • custom linetypes, 154
  • custom templates, 77–81
  • custom tool palettes, 512
  • Customizable User Interface (CUI) file, 144
  • cylindrical coordinates, 429


  • dash-dot linetypes, 64, 76
  • Data Extraction Wizard, 344–345
  • DATAEXTRACTION command, 251, 514
  • DATALINK commands, 251
  • DDE (Direct distance entry) mode, 125, 138
  • DDPTYPE command, 121
  • Decimal Degrees, 63
  • decimal delimiter, 12, 16
  • Decimal units, 63
  • default actions, accepting, 33
  • default display configuration, 20
  • default drawing templates, 69–71
  • default first break point, 196
  • default lighting, 475–476
  • default value or option, 33
  • DEFAULTLIGHTING system variable, 476
  • deferred object snaps, 134
  • defined working area, 41
  • definition points, 266
  • definitions, attribute
    • creating, 341–342
    • defining blocks containing, 343
    • inserting blocks containing, 343–344
    • overview, 335, 340
  • definitions, block
    • creating, 332–335
    • defined, 330
    • inserting, 336–340
    • purging unused, 345–346
  • Deg/Min/Sec units, 64
  • Delete Duplicate Objects tool, 202
  • Delete radio button, Block Definition dialog box, 335
  • DELOBJ system variable, 456
  • Descartes, René, 15–16
  • design intent, maintaining, 382–386, 399–400
  • Design Web Format (DWF) files
    • attaching as underlay, 372–373
    • creating, 371
    • exporting, 489–490
    • overview, 329, 348, 371
    • securing, 413–414
  • DesignCenter palette, 161–162, 338
  • detaching xrefs, 365
  • DGN files, 348
  • diameter dimensional constraint, 396
  • Diameter setting for circles, 110
  • diazo machines, 300
  • DIESEL programming language, 513
  • digital signatures, 414
  • DIM command, 256–257
  • DimALigned command, 261
  • DimANgle command, 261
  • DimARc command, 262
  • DIMASSOC system variable, 281, 505
  • DimBaseline command, 263
  • DIMBREAK command, 278, 281
  • DIMCENTER command, 262
  • DimCOntinue command, 263
  • DimDIameter command, 261–262
  • DimDisAssociate command, 281
  • Dimension Style Manager dialog box, 269, 270, 271
  • dimensional constraints
    • applying, 396, 399
    • design intent, maintaining, 399–400
    • dynamic and annotational, 403–405
    • example of, 397–398
    • filtering parameters, 402–403
    • formatting appearance of, 399–400
    • overview, 384, 395–396
    • Parameters Manager, 400–403
    • using with geometric constraints, 405
  • dimensions
    • adding to drawings, 256–257
    • annotative, 255, 265, 273, 275
    • associative, 267, 281, 383
    • commands for, 260–264
    • DimLInear command, 257–260
    • editing, 278–281
    • exploded, 267–268, 280
    • on layers, 282
    • lines, 266
    • non-associative, 267
    • overview, 225–226, 255
    • parts of, 266
    • placing, 264–265
    • reasons to use, 259
    • scaling for output, 275–277
    • styles, 266–274
    • substyles, 271
    • subunits, 274
    • system variables, using with, 267
    • text, 266, 281
  • DimJOgged command, 262
  • DIMJOGLINE command, 279
  • DimLInear command, 257–260
  • DimORdinate command, 262
  • DimRAdius command, 261–262
  • DIMREASSOCiate command, 281
  • DIMREGEN command, 281
  • DIMSCALE system variable, 273
  • DIMSPACE command, 279
  • Dimstyle command, 269
  • Direct distance entry (DDE) mode, 125, 138
  • direct-object editing, 164–165
  • discussion groups, Autodesk, 499–500
  • displacements, 56, 178–179
  • Display Dotted Grid in 2D Model Space check box, 75
  • Display Grid Beyond Limits check box, 76
  • distant lights, 477
  • dithering, 320
  • DLine command, 103
  • document tabs, 19
  • DOnut command, 110, 117–118
  • DOS screen menu, 509
  • double floating-point precision, 91
  • double period (..), 364
  • downloading add-ons, 21
  • Drafting & Annotation workspace, 21, 26–27
  • Drafting Settings dialog box, 41–42, 74–76
  • dragging and dropping blocks, 338
  • Draw panel, Ribbon, 97, 110
  • drawing. See also setup, drawing; specific objects; specific tools
    • base plate and column example
      • creating layers, 43–45
      • crosshatching, adding, 53–54
      • drawing objects, 45–51
      • freezing layers, 60
      • overview, 37–38
      • plotting, 57–60
      • setting up new drawing, 38–43
      • stretching objects, 54–57
      • zooming and panning, 52
    • basic 3D objects, 452–453
    • basic bicycle, 11–14
    • generating from 3D models, 466–471
    • on paper versus electronically, 65
  • drawing area, 34–35
  • drawing limits, setting, 40–41
  • drawing properties, for model space setup, 77
  • drawing scale
    • common, 67
    • versus drawing scale factor, 66
    • for model space setup, 76
    • overview, 65–68
    • in paper versus model space layouts, 219
    • text, 230–231
    • viewport, 216–218
  • drawing scale factor, 66, 190, 230, 231, 292
  • Drawing Units dialog box, 63, 72–73
  • Drawing Utilities command, Application menu, 23
  • Drawing View Creation tab, Ribbon, 467–468
  • Drawing View Editor tab, Ribbon, 469
  • drawing window, 18, 19
  • DRaworder command, 370
  • driven dimensions, 395
  • driving dimensions, 395, 396
  • Dropbox Professional, 411
  • DWF files. See Design Web Format files
  • DWFFORMAT command, 490
  • DWFx files, 371, 490
  • DWG Compare palette, 208
  • DWG files
    • files commonly referenced by, 409
    • inserting, 337–338
    • overview, 495–496
    • securing, 413–414
    • sending, 407–409
    • xref path settings, 363–364
  • dynamic blocks
    • manipulating, 379–380
    • overview, 331, 349, 373
    • parameters and actions, defining, 377–379
    • visibility states, 373–377
  • dynamic columns, 242, 243
  • dynamic dimensional constraints, 403–405
  • Dynamic Input, 28–29, 39, 96
  • Dynamic UCS, 431–432


  • EATTEDIT command, 344
  • edges of 3D models, 423
  • Edit Attributes dialog box, 343–344
  • Edit Block Definition dialog box, 334, 374, 377–379
  • Edit Drawing Scales dialog box, 214, 246
  • editing. See also grip editing; specific commands
    • associative arrays, 351, 356–358
    • attribute values, 344
    • choosing style, 165–166
    • command-first, 164, 165, 170–173, 175
    • dimensional constraints, 400–403
    • dimensions, 278–281
    • direct-object, 164–165
    • group selection, 173
    • hatches, 296–297
    • object properties, 201–202
    • in other file formats, 491–495
    • overview, 163
    • PDF files, 491–494
    • selecting objects, 166–170
    • selection-first, 164
    • solid 3D objects, 461–464
    • tables, 249–251
    • text, 235
    • toolkit for, 175–178
    • visibility of objects, controlling, 173–174
    • xrefs, 362–363
  • electronic paper, 65
  • ELEVATION system variable, 430
  • ELlipse command, 110, 114
  • ellipses, drawing, 114–115
  • elliptical arcs, 114, 115, 205
  • ENDpoint mode, Object Snap, 135, 137
  • Engineering units, 63, 72
  • enhanced secondary window (ESW), 339
  • equal geometric constraint, 387, 391
  • Equal X and Y Spacing check box, 75
  • Erase command, 171, 173, 176
  • ETRANSMIT command, 409–411
  • ex-lines, 97–98
  • EXPLODE command, 176, 197
  • exploding
  • EXPort command, 22, 487
  • EXPORTDWF command, 490
  • exporting files, 485–491
  • Express Tools, 25, 27
  • EXtend command, 176, 194–196
  • extension lines, 266
  • EXTension mode, Object Snap, 135
  • extents, 87–88
  • Extents option, Zoom command, 87–88
  • External Reference tab, Ribbon, 363
  • external reference (xref) files
    • advantages of, 359–360
    • applications, 366–367
    • attaching, 360–362
    • automatic update feature, 360
    • versus blocks, 359
    • clipping, 366
    • editing, 362–363
    • layers, 362
    • managing, 365–366
    • Overlay mode, 361–362
    • overview, 331, 332, 347–348, 358–360
    • path settings, 361, 363–365
    • receiving drawings with, 411–412
  • External References palette, 348, 365–366, 370
  • extracting data, 344–345, 514
  • EXTrude command, 455–456


  • F1 key, 35–36
  • faces of 3D models, 423, 482
  • fading objects on locked layers, 157
  • Feedback Community portal, Autodesk, 502
  • feet, entering numeric values in, 130–131
  • Fence object selection, 170
  • file formats. See also specific file formats
    • compatibility issues, 494–495
    • editing in other, 491–495
    • for exporting files, 485–491
    • overview, 485
    • saving files, 79
  • file management, 21–22
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 411
  • files
    • cloud storage, 414–417
    • plotting to, 323
    • receiving, 407–408, 411–412
    • securing, 413–414
    • sending, 407–409
  • FILlet command, 50, 176, 197–199, 463
  • FILLETEDGE command, 463
  • filleting 3D solids, 463
  • filtering parameters, 402–403
  • filters, layer, 157
  • Find and Replace dialog box, 243–244
  • Fit tab, New/Modify Dimension Style dialog boxes, 273
  • Fit to Paper option, Plot dialog box, 68, 302
  • Fit to Paper scale, 308, 311
  • fix geometric constraint, 387, 389
  • fixed height, 229–230
  • FLATSHOT command, 473
  • floating viewports, 446
  • folder for AutoCAD drawing templates, 78
  • Folders tab, DesignCenter palette, 161
  • Follow Dynamic UCS check box, 76
  • fonts, 226, 227–228, 411–412, 493–494
  • fractional units, 63
  • Free mode, 3DOrbit, 437
  • freezing layers, 60, 156, 220
  • FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 411
  • Full Navigation wheel, 440
  • full path, xref, 363
  • full-screen mode, 10


  • generic user-defined lights, 476
  • geographic data, 339
  • Geometric CEnter mode, Object Snap, 135
  • geometric constraints
    • applying, 388–393
    • Auto Constrain, 394–395
    • inferred constraints, 393–394
    • overview, 384, 386–388
    • removing, 388
    • using with dimensional constraints, 405
    • visibility of, 388
  • geometric tolerances, 274
  • gizmos, working with, 459–460
  • glyphs, 477
  • Google Drive, 411
  • gradient fills, 296
  • grads, 64
  • graphic screen, 10, 20
  • GRAPHICSCONFIG command, 425
  • Grid Behavior settings, 75–76
  • Grid display mode, 124
  • grid settings, 41–42, 73–76
  • grip editing
  • grips, 164–165, 203
  • group filter, 157
  • group selection, 173
  • grouping, with blocks, 330, 331


  • half-size plots, 308, 311
  • handles, 165
  • hardware acceleration, 424, 425
  • Hatch and Gradient dialog box, 294–295
  • Hatch command, 285, 297
  • Hatch Creation tab, Ribbon, 53, 284, 287–290
  • Hatch Editor contextual tab, Ribbon, 296–297
  • Hatch Gap option, 136
  • Hatch Transparency button, Hatch Creation tab, 289
  • hatches
    • adding style to, 293–294
    • associative hatching, 285
    • background masking, 238–239
    • in base plate and column drawing, 53–54
    • creating, 284–286, 293–294
    • editing, 296–297
    • Hatch Creation tab, using, 287–290
    • Hatch Gap option, 136
    • overview, 283–284
    • patterns, 288–289, 295–296
    • placing on layer, 285, 287
    • scaling, 290–292
    • solid fills, 296
    • unit types in, 64
  • HELIX command, 452
  • Help menu, 35–36
  • hexagon nut, drawing, 47–48, 49
  • Hidden visual style, 441
  • HIDEOBJECTS command, 157, 174
  • History tab, DesignCenter palette, 162
  • Home panel, Ribbon, 26
  • Home tab, 3D Modeling workspace, 426
  • home view, 439–440
  • horizontal (X) coordinate, 16
  • horizontal dimensional constraint, 396, 399
  • horizontal geometric constraint, 387, 390
  • host drawing, 359


  • icons, used in book, 4–5
  • imperial units, 38–43, 62–63, 270
  • implied windowing, 167–168, 169
  • Import command, Application menu, 22
  • Import PDF dialog box, 492, 493
  • in-canvas viewport control, 446
  • inches, entering numeric values in, 130–131
  • inferred constraints, 124, 131, 393–394
  • InfoCenter, 21
  • In-Place Text Editor, 235, 237, 240
  • Inscribed option, POLygon command, 47–48
  • Insert dialog box, 336–337
  • Insert Field option, mText command, 239
  • Insert panel, Ribbon, 26
  • Insert Table dialog box, 249–250
  • inserting blocks, 330, 336–340
  • INSertion mode, Object Snap, 135
  • Insertion Scale setting, 73
  • Internet features
    • cloud services, 414–417
    • ETRANSMIT command, 409–411
    • FTP, 411
    • mobile devices, 417–418
    • overview, 407–408
    • preparing files to send, 408–409
    • receiving files, 407–408, 411–412
    • Reference Manager utility, 412–413
    • securing files, 413–414
    • sending files, 407–408
    • types of files DWG files commonly referenced, 409
  • Internet resources for AutoCAD, 500–501
  • INtersect command, 461, 462
  • INTersection mode, Object Snap, 135
  • Inventor files, 338, 472–474
  • island detection, 288
  • ISOLATEobjects command, 157, 174
  • isolating layers, 157
  • isolating objects, 174
  • isometric projection, 470
  • isometric views, 436–437, 450, 470


  • Join command, 176, 200–202
  • JPG file format, 323, 486
  • justification, text, 232


  • keyboards
    • coordinate entry with, 128–129
    • typing commands with, 30–34


  • language packs, 513–514
  • Last object selection, 170
  • launching AutoCAD, 10–11
  • Layer Properties Manager palette, 44, 46, 143, 149, 150–154, 156, 220
  • layer states, 156–157
  • Layer States Manager dialog box, 157
  • layers
    • assigning materials by, 481
    • ByLayer properties, 142–144
    • color settings, 44–45
    • creating, 43–45, 149–155
    • dimensions on, 282
    • filters, creating, 157
    • freezing, 60, 156, 220
    • hatches, placing on, 285, 287
    • isolating, 157
    • locking, 156, 157
    • manipulating, 156
    • named objects, 160
    • names of, 150
    • organizing objects on, 97
    • overview, 43, 45, 146–148
    • revision clouds, 119–120
    • searching on command line, 155
    • standards, 146
    • switching between, 47
    • toggling on/off, 156
    • working effectively with, 155
    • xref, 362
  • LAYISO command, 157
  • LAYLOCKFADECTL system variable, 157
  • layout tabs, 20, 215
  • LEADER command, 252
  • leader landing, 252
  • leaders
    • defined, 223
    • multiline, 251–254
  • Length Precision setting, 73
  • length units, 63, 72
  • LENgthen command, 177, 196
  • lighting, in 3D models, 475–479
  • Lighting setting, 73
  • LIGHTINGUNITS system variable, 476
  • Lights in Model palette, 427, 478
  • limits, 87
  • Line command
    • alternatives to, 103
    • base plate, drawing, 46
    • bicycle drawing, 13
    • drawing lines with, 99–100
    • versus PLine command, 98–99
    • on Ribbon, 97
    • using object snap tools with, 125–127, 132–133
  • linear dimensional constraint, 396, 397, 399
  • lines, drawing
    • alternatives to Line and PLine commands, 103
    • grip editing, 203–205
    • with Line command, 98–100
    • overview, 95–96
    • polygons, 106–107
    • polylines, 98–99, 100–104
    • rectangles, 105
    • straight-line drawing commands, 97–98
    • stretching, 184–185
    • techniques for, 96–97
    • 3D, 452
  • Lines tab, New/Modify Dimension Style dialog boxes, 272
  • linetypes
    • custom, 154
    • definition, 154
    • loading, 151–152, 154
    • for model space setup, 76
    • overview, 148
    • scales, 158–159
    • selecting, 151–152
  • Lineweight dialog box, 152–153, 155
  • lineweights
    • overview, 148
    • for plotting, 60, 316–320
    • properties and scale, adjusting, 155
    • selecting, 152–153
    • toggling on/off, 155
  • LIVESECTION command, 473
  • local user groups, 501
  • Lock Position check box, Attribute Definition dialog box, 341, 342
  • locking
  • LOFT command, 456–457


  • M2P mode, Object Snap, 135, 137
  • Macro Recorder, 512–513
  • Manage panel, Ribbon, 26
  • manipulating layers, 156
  • masking, background, 238–239, 280
  • Match properties option, Hatch Creation tab, 201, 290, 293, 297
  • materials, in 3D models, 479–482
  • Materials Browser palette, 427, 479–481
  • Materials Editor palette, 427, 480–481
  • MBUTTONPAN system variable, 85
  • MEASUREINIT system variable, 64–65, 270
  • MEASUREMENT system variable, 64–65, 270
  • medium, 480
  • MENUBAR system variable, 505
  • mesh surfaces, 422
  • Mesh tab, 3D Modeling workspace, 427
  • MIDpoint mode, Object Snap, 135, 137
  • MIRRHATCH system variable, 297
  • MIrror command, 49, 177, 186–187, 297
  • MIRROR3D command, 461
  • mirroring objects, 49, 461
  • MIRRTEXT system variable, 187, 505–506
  • MLeaDer command, 251–253
  • MLeaderAlign command, 254
  • MLeaderCollect command, 254
  • MLeaderEdit command, 254
  • mleaders, 251–254
  • MLeaderStyle command, 254
  • MLine command, 103
  • mobile devices, 417–418
  • model geometry, 209
  • model space
    • adding text and dimensions in, 225, 264–265
    • drawing properties, 77
    • drawing scale, 76
    • linetypes, setting, 76
    • overview, 34, 209–212
    • versus paper space, 68, 218
    • plotting in, 300–304
    • setup of, 72–77
    • snap and grid settings, 73–76
    • units types, choosing, 72–73
    • viewports, 445–450
  • Model tab, 215
  • modify commands, 175–178, 206–207. See also specific commands
  • Modify Dimension Style dialog box, 271–274
  • monochrome plotting, 300–304
  • monochrome.ctb plot style table, 58
  • Move command, 48, 177–181
  • moving objects, 48–49
  • MREDO command, 206
  • mText command
    • background masking, 238–239
    • bulleted and numbered lists, 239–241
    • columns, 236–237, 242–243
    • Insert Field option, 239
    • modifying, 243–244
    • overview, 224, 232, 235–238
  • Mtext Edit option, 243
  • MTJIGSTRING system variable, 509
  • multiline leaders, 251–254
  • multilines, 103
  • Multiple Lines check box, Attribute Definition dialog box, 341
  • multiscale drawings, 276–277
  • MVSETUP command, 473


  • named objects, 159–162
  • named page setups, 321
  • named plot style tables (STBs), 313–316
  • named plot styles, 311, 313, 316
  • named UCS, 433–436
  • named views, 88–91, 483
  • names, of layers, 150
  • Navigate 2D panel, 86
  • Navigate panel, 86, 87
  • Navigation bar, 85
  • NCOPY command, 345
  • NEArest mode, Object Snap, 135
  • .NET programming language, 513
  • NEW command, 22, 69, 71
  • New Dimension Style dialog box, 270–274
  • New Page Setup dialog box, 212
  • New Table Style dialog box, 248
  • New View/Shot Properties dialog box, 89–90
  • NODe mode, Object Snap, 135
  • non-annotative hatches, 292
  • non-associative array, 190
  • non-associative dimensions, 267
  • None button, Hatch Creation tab, 289
  • non-orthogonal line, 256
  • non-system drivers, 305, 307, 326
  • Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline curve, 115
  • noun-verb editing, 164
  • nudging, 178
  • numbered lists, 239–241
  • NURBS curve, 115
  • NURBS surfaces, 422
  • nuts, drawing, 47–48, 49


  • Object ARX programming language, 513
  • object lineweights, controlling plotted lineweights with, 317
  • Object option, Zoom command, 88
  • object properties. See also layers
    • ByLayer approach, 142–144
    • changing, 144–145
    • controlling, 142–145
    • DesignCenter palette, 161–162
    • editing, 201–202
    • linetype scale, 158–159
    • named objects, 159–160
    • overview, 77, 141
    • useful, 148–149
  • object snap tracking, 125, 138–139, 429–430
  • object snaps (osnaps)
    • deferred, 134
    • defined, 125
    • with dimensions, 257–259
    • grip editing, 203–205
    • modes, 135
    • overrides, 125, 131, 132–134
    • running, 131, 132, 135–137
    • Snap mode versus, 140
    • 3D modeling, 429–430
    • using, 125–127
  • objects
    • annotative, 224, 226, 233, 244–247
    • assigning materials to, 482
    • copying, 49, 181–182
    • creating 3D, from 2D, 455–458
    • groups of, 173
    • hiding, 157
    • isolating, 157
    • mirroring, 49
    • moving, 48–49
    • named, 159–162
    • organizing on layers, 97
    • selecting, 166–170
    • stretching, 183–186
    • visibility of, 173–174
  • offset, plot, 324
  • OFFset command, 50–51, 103, 177, 192–194
  • offset distance, 192
  • one-by-one selection, 167
  • OOPS command, 173, 206
  • open 2D objects
    • extruding, 455–456
    • lofting, 456–457
    • pressing and pulling boundaries, 456
    • revolving, 458
    • sweeping, 457
  • Open command, Application menu, 22
  • Open Documents feature, 23
  • Open Drawings tab, DesignCenter palette, 162
  • option keyword, 32
  • Options dialog box, 23, 86, 165–166, 305–306
  • orbiting 3D models, 437–438
  • Origin option, Hatch Creation tab, 290
  • Ortho mode, 125, 137–138, 184, 185
  • orthographic views, 436–437, 450
  • osnaps
    • deferred, 134
    • defined, 125
    • with dimensions, 257–259
    • grip editing, 203–205
    • modes, 135
    • overrides, 125, 131, 132–134
    • running, 131, 132, 135–137
    • Snap mode versus, 140
    • 3D modeling, 429–430
    • using, 125–127
  • OSNAPZ system variable, 430, 506
  • Output panel, Ribbon, 26
  • Output tab, 3D Modeling workspace, 427
  • OVERKILL command, 177, 202
  • Overlay option, xrefs, 361–362


  • Page Setup dialog box, 213, 313
  • Page Setup Manager dialog box, 212, 321–322
  • page setups, 321–322
  • PAGESETUP command, 212–213
  • palettes, 34
  • Pan command, 85
  • panning, 52, 83–85
  • paper size, 301
  • paper space
    • adding text and dimensions in, 225, 265
    • differentiating from model space, 218
    • drawing scale and plotting in, 219
    • versus model space layout, 68
    • overview, 34–35, 57, 209–212
    • plotting, 309–311
    • setup of, 212–215
    • tabs, 215
    • tips for, 219–220
    • viewport scales, 216–218
    • viewport setup, 213–214
  • paper text height, 230–231
  • paper versus electronic drafting, scale in, 65
  • Paragraph dialog box, 241
  • paragraph text, 232
  • parallel geometric constraint, 387, 391
  • PARallel mode, Object Snap, 135
  • parallel projection, 438
  • parallel views, 437
  • parameter, defined, 384
  • Parameters Manager, 400–403
  • parameters of dynamic blocks, defining, 373–377
  • parametric drawing. See also dimensional constraints; geometric constraints
    • compatibility issues, 495
    • constraints, 384–385
    • design intent, maintaining, 382–386
    • overview, 381–382
    • precision, 385–386
    • speed of, 406
  • Parametric panel, Ribbon, 26, 383
  • parent drawing, 339
  • password protection, 413–414
  • PASTEBLOCK command, 182
  • PASTECLIP command, 182
  • path arrays, 355–356, 357
  • paths, xref, 361, 363–365, 366
  • Pattern panel, Hatch Creation tab, 288–289
  • patterns, hatch, 288–289, 295–296
  • PC3 files, 323
  • PDF files
    • attaching as underlay, 372–373
    • creating, 371
    • editing, 491–494
    • exporting, 488–489
    • plotting to, 323
    • saving drawings as, 413
  • PDFIMPORT command, 492
  • PDMODE system variable, 122
  • PDSIZE system variable, 122
  • PEdit (Polyline Edit) command, 116, 177, 203
  • period (.), as decimal delimiter, 12, 16
  • perpendicular geometric constraint, 387, 391
  • PERpendicular mode, Object Snap, 135
  • perspective projection, 438
  • PERSPECTIVE system variable, 437
  • perspective views, 437
  • photometric user-defined lights, 476
  • PICKBOX system variable, 506
  • pixels, 14–15
  • plan view, 437
  • PLine command
    • alternatives to, 103
    • arc segment, adding, 102–104
    • drawing polylines, 100–102
    • versus Line command, 98–99
    • on Ribbon, 97
    • types of polylines, 104
  • PLINEREVERSEWIDTHS system variable, 202
  • p-lines. See polylines
  • PLOT command, 65, 66, 487
  • Plot dialog box
    • Fit to Paper option, 68
    • model space plotting, 301–304
    • options in, 322–325
    • paper space plotting, 309–311
    • plotting drawings, 58–59
  • Plot Object Lineweights check box, 317
  • plot offset, 324
  • Plot Scale Confirm dialog box, 58
  • plot stamps, 324
  • Plot Style Table Editor dialog box, 314–315
  • plot style tables, 313
  • plot styles, 71, 148, 153, 311–316
  • plotted text height, 230–231
  • Plotter Configuration Editor dialog box, 323
  • plotting
    • base plate and column drawing, 57–60
    • in color, 320–321
    • configuring printers, 304–307
    • lineweights, 316–320
    • in model space, 300–304
    • overview, 299
    • page setups, 321–322
    • paper space layout, 309–311
    • in paper versus model space layouts, 219
    • Plot dialog box options, 322–325
    • plot styles, 311–316
    • previewing, 307
    • printing versus, 300
    • scaling for, 307–309
    • sending to service bureaus, 318–319
    • troubleshooting, 325–326
  • plotting convention, 325
  • PNG files, 323, 486–488
  • point filters, 429
  • point lights, 477
  • point objects, 120–122
  • Point Style dialog box, 121–122
  • points, 120
  • polar arrays, 354–355
  • Polar tracking mode, 125, 139, 184
  • PolarSnap mode, 124, 139
  • POLygon command, 47–48, 97, 106–107
  • Polyline Edit (PEdit) command, 116, 177, 203
  • polylines
    • alternatives to PLine command, 103
    • arc segment, adding, 102–104
    • curves made from, 99
    • drawing, 100–102
    • grip editing, 102
    • Line versus PLine command, 98–99
    • offsetting, 192–193
    • PEdit command, 116
    • 3D, 452, 453
    • types of polylines, 104
    • width of, 99, 101–102
  • precision
    • accuracy versus, 126
    • additional techniques, 137–140
    • deferred object snaps, 134
    • importance of precision, 124
    • object snap modes, 135
    • object snap overrides, 131, 132–134
    • object snap tools, 125–127
    • overview, 96, 123, 124–125
    • parametric drawing, 385–386
    • running object snaps, 135–137
    • world coordinate system, 127–131
  • predefined hatch patterns, 295
  • presets, render, 484
  • PRESSPULL command, 456
  • preview feature, 307
  • Previous object selection, 170
  • Previous option, Zoom command, 88
  • Primary Units tab, New/Modify Dimension Style dialog boxes, 273–274
  • primitive solids, 454
  • Print command, Application menu, 23
  • printers
  • printing, 299. See also plotting
  • programming languages, 512–513
  • projection modes, 438
  • properties, object. See object properties
  • properties, of hatches, 289
  • Properties palette, 144–145, 201, 243, 278
  • Properties panel, Hatch Creation tab, 289
  • property filter, 157
  • Publish command, Application menu, 22
  • Publish dialog box, 371
  • PUrge command, 160, 345–346
  • Purge dialog box, 160, 346


  • QDIM command, 263–264
  • qLEader command, 252
  • QNEW command, 79
  • QUAdrant mode, Object Snap, 135
  • Quick Access toolbar, 19, 57
  • Quick Properties palette, 144–145, 201, 243


  • radial dimensional constraint, 396
  • radians, 64
  • Radius setting for circles, 110
  • raster images
    • attaching, 369–370
    • exporting, 486–488
    • incorporating, 368
    • managing, 370–371
    • overview, 14, 348, 367–368
  • RAY command, 97–98
  • Realistic visual style, 441
  • Realtime option, Zoom command, 88
  • real-time panning, 84
  • receiving files, 407–408, 411–412
  • Recent Documents feature, 23
  • RECtang command, 50, 97, 105
  • rectangular array, 349
  • Redo button, Quick Access menu, 207
  • REDO command, 206
  • Reference Manager utility, 412–413
  • REgen command, 91–92
  • REgenAll command, 92
  • regenerating drawings, 91–92
  • REGENMODE system variable, 92
  • regular polygons, 97, 106–107
  • relative Cartesian coordinates, 129, 428
  • Relative Path option, 364
  • relative polar coordinates, 129, 428, 429
  • reloading xrefs, 365
  • remember icon, 5
  • REMEMBERFOLDERS system variable, 507
  • RENDER command, 484
  • RENDERCROP command, 484
  • rendering
    • background, 482–483
    • lighting, 475–479
    • materials, 479–482
    • overview, 442, 474–475
    • presets, 484
  • restoring named views, 90–91
  • Retain radio button, Block Definition dialog box, 335
  • REVCLOUD command, 110, 118–119
  • REVERSE command, 177, 202
  • revision clouds, 118–120, 208
  • revision numbers, 120
  • revolving 2D objects, 458
  • Rewind tool, 440
  • Ribbon. See also specific tabs and options
    • customizing, 24–25, 512, 514
    • Drafting & Annotation workspace, 26–27
    • finding commands on, 105, 110
    • opening panels on, 24, 25
    • overview, 19
    • 3D Modeling workspace, 426–427
  • rollover highlighting, 171
  • ROLLOVERTIPS system variable, 507
  • ROtate command, 177, 188–189
  • Rotation option, ELlipse command, 114
  • running object snaps, 131, 132, 135–137, 257


  • Save As command, Application menu, 22
  • Save Changes to Layout check box, Plot dialog box, 303
  • Save command, Application menu, 22
  • Save Drawing As dialog box, 77–79
  • saving drawing setup, 42–43
  • scale, drawing. See drawing scale
  • SCale command, 67, 177, 189–190
  • scale factor, 66, 190, 230, 231, 292
  • Scale Uniformly check box, Block Definition dialog box, 334
  • scaling
    • dimensions, 275–277
    • hatches, 290–292
    • for plotting, 307–309
  • scientific units, 63
  • screening, 311, 312
  • scroll bars, turning on, 86
  • scroll wheel, zooming and panning with, 84–85
  • Search feature, 24
  • second point, 179
  • SECTIONPLANE command, 473
  • SECTIONPLANEJOG command, 473
  • security features, 413–414, 416–417
  • Select Color dialog box, 44–45, 150–151
  • Select Linetype dialog box, 151–152
  • Select Template dialog box, 69, 70, 71
  • selecting objects, 166–170
  • Selection Cycling button, 173
  • selection preview features, 171
  • selection set, 167, 169–170
  • selection window, 167–168, 169
  • selection-first editing, 164
  • self-scaling annotations, 495
  • sending files
    • cloud services, 414–417
    • ETRANSMIT command, 409–411
    • FTP, 411
    • on mobile devices, 417–418
    • overview, 407–409
    • securing files, 413–414
  • service bureaus, 318–319
  • SETBYLAYER command, 144
  • setup, drawing, 38–43
    • borders, choosing, 69
    • custom templates, 77–81
    • default drawing templates, 69–71
    • drawing properties, 77
    • drawing scale, 65–68, 76
    • drawing scale factor, 66
    • linetypes, setting, 76
    • model space setup, 72–77
    • model space versus paper space layout, 68
    • overview, 61–62
    • snap and grid settings, 73–76
    • units types, choosing, 62–65, 72–73
  • Shaded visual style, 441
  • Shaded with Edges visual style, 441
  • Shades of Gray visual style, 441
  • shadows, 478
  • sheet sets, 325, 511–512
  • shortcut icon, customizing, 514
  • SHX fonts, 227, 493–494
  • single period (.), 364
  • single-line text, 232
  • sketches, 455
  • Sketchy visual style, 442
  • SLice command, 463–464
  • smart breaks, 278
  • smooth geometric constraint, 387
  • Snap and Grid tab, Drafting Settings dialog box, 74
  • Snap mode, 124, 137, 140, 259
  • snap settings, 41–42, 73–76
  • social networks links, 21
  • SOLDRAW command, 473
  • solid fills, 296
  • solid modeling
    • editing, 461–464
    • overview, 423, 453–454
  • Solid tab, 3D Modeling workspace, 427
  • SOLPROF command, 473
  • SOLVIEW command, 473
  • source object, 200
  • spacebar, pressing, 12
  • spaces, 34–35
  • special effects, 226
  • Spell Check, 243–244
  • spherical coordinates, 429
  • SPLine command, 110, 116, 452
  • splines, 115–117, 452
  • spotlights, 477
  • square brackets, 33
  • stamps, plot, 324
  • standardization through customization, 294
  • Start screen, 18
  • static columns, 242, 243
  • status bar, 20, 28, 57, 127, 130, 359
  • STBs (named plot style tables), 313–316
  • SteeringWheels, 440
  • STereoLithography (STL) file format, 490–491
  • Still option, for views, 90
  • Stretch command, 54–57, 177, 178–179, 183–186
  • styles
    • dimension, 266–274
    • hatches, 293–294
    • multileaders, 254
    • plot, 311–316
    • tables, 247–249
    • text, 226–230, 233
  • sub-d modeling, 422
  • subobject selection, 423, 459
  • substyles, dimension, 271
  • SUbtract command, 461, 462
  • subunits, dimension, 274
  • Sun Properties palette, 427, 479
  • surface modeling, 422
  • Surface tab, 3D Modeling workspace, 427
  • Surveyor's Units, 64
  • .sv$ file extension, 207
  • SWEEP command, 457
  • symbol library, 335
  • Symbols and Arrows tab, New/Modify Dimension Style dialog boxes, 272
  • symmetric geometric constraint, 387
  • system printers, 213, 305, 325–326
  • system variables
    • APERTURE, 504
    • ATTDIA, 344
    • CULLINGOBJ, 459
    • DELOBJ, 456
    • DIMASSOC, 281, 505
    • DIMSCALE, 273
    • ELEVATION, 430
    • MBUTTONPAN, 85
    • MEASUREINIT, 64–65, 270
    • MEASUREMENT, 64–65, 270
    • MENUBAR, 505
    • MIRRHATCH, 297
    • MIRRTEXT, 187, 505–506
    • MTJIGSTRING, 509
    • OSNAPZ, 430, 506
    • overview, 503–504
    • PDMODE, 122
    • PDSIZE, 122
    • PERSPECTIVE, 437
    • PICKBOX, 506
    • REGENMODE, 92
    • TASKBAR, 508
    • TOOLTIPS, 507–508
    • using with dimensions, 267
    • VISRETAIN, 508


  • TABLE command, 249–250
  • Table Style dialog box, 247–248
  • tables
    • block, 330
    • compatibility issues, 495
    • creating and editing, 249–251
    • overview, 247
    • styles, 247–249
  • TABLESTYLE command, 247
  • tags, attribute, 342
  • tangent geometric constraint, 387
  • TANgent mode, Object Snap, 135
  • Tangent-Tangent-Radius (Ttr) setting for circles, 111
  • Tangent-Tangent-Tangent setting for circles, 111
  • TASKBAR system variable, 508
  • technical stuff icon, 5
  • Template Options dialog box, 78
  • templates
    • converting drawing files to, 79
    • create new drawing from, 71
    • creating, 77–81
    • default, 69–71
    • dimension styles, 268
    • folder for, finding, 80–81
    • overview, 61
    • for paper space, 220
    • QNEW command settings, 79
    • starting drawing from, 39–40
    • 3D modeling, 426
  • temporary override, 140
  • Test Block tool, 377
  • text. See also dimensions; mText command
    • adding to drawing, 224–225
    • annotative objects, 224, 226, 233, 244–247
    • block attributes, 340–345
    • commands for, 232
    • dimension, editing, 280–281
    • drawing scale, 230–231
    • geometric constraints, 388
    • justification, 232
    • multiline leaders, 251–254
    • overview, 223–224
    • scale and, 66
    • stretching, 186
    • styles, 226–230, 233
    • tables, 247–251
    • TEXT command, 232–235
  • TEXT command, 224, 232–235
  • text fields, 239
  • text height, 226, 229–231, 236, 272–273
  • Text Style dialog box, 226, 228–230, 272–273
  • Text tab, New/Modify Dimension Style dialog boxes, 272–273
  • text window, enlarging, 32
  • TEXTTOFRONT command, 239
  • thickness property, 455
  • thousands delimiter, 12, 16
  • 3D Basics workspace, 424
  • 3D modeling
    • from 2D objects, 455–458
    • aligning objects, 460
    • background, 482–483
    • compatibility issues, 494
    • coordinate input, 428–429
    • drawing basic 3D objects, 452–453
    • editing solids, 461–464
    • generating 2D drawings from, 466–471
    • gizmos, working with, 459–460
    • hardware acceleration, 424, 425
    • Inventor files, 472–474
    • lighting, 475–479
    • materials, 479–482
    • mirroring, 461
    • model space viewports, 445–450
    • modification techniques, 458
    • object snaps and object snap tracking, 429–430
    • older commands, 473
    • orbiting, 437–438
    • overview, 417–418, 443–445, 451–452, 465–466
    • point filters, 429
    • rendering, 442, 474–475, 484
    • solid modeling, 453–454
    • SteeringWheels, 440
    • subobject selection, 423, 459
    • templates, 426
    • 3D Modeling workspace, switching to, 425–426
    • tools for, 424, 426–427
    • types of 3D models, 422–423
    • UCS, managing, 430–436
    • ViewCube tool, 436, 438–440
    • viewing capabilities, 436–440, 471–472
    • viewpoints, 445, 450–451
    • visual styles, 440–442
  • 3D Modeling workspace, 424, 425–427, 447
  • 3D Object Snap, 125, 429
  • 3D polyline, 452, 453
  • 3D printing, 490–491
  • 3DALign command, 460
  • 3DARRAY command, 461
  • 3DMOVE command, 459–460
  • 3DOrbit, 437–438
  • 3DPOLY command, 452, 453
  • 3DROTATE command, 459–460
  • 3DSCALE command, 459–460
  • 3-Point setting for circles, 111
  • tiled viewports, 216, 446–450
  • tip icon, 5
  • title block, creating, 69
  • TOLerance command, 274
  • Tolerances tab, New/Modify Dimension Style dialog boxes, 274
  • Tool Palettes palette, 339, 379
  • toolsets, specialized, 512
  • tooltips, 27, 38–39
  • TOOLTIPS system variable, 507–508
  • Tour Building wheel, 440
  • transmittal setups, 410
  • transparency
    • of hatches, 296
    • overview, 148
    • setting, 153
    • toggling on/off, 155
  • TRim command, 177, 194–196
  • TrueType fonts, 227, 412, 493
  • 2D Wireframe visual style, 441, 451
  • 2-Point setting for circles, 111
  • Type options, for revision clouds, 119


  • U command, 206
  • UCS command, 433
  • UCS dialog box, 433–434, 435
  • UCS icon, 218, 424, 430–431, 434–435
  • Undo button, 207
  • UNDO command, 206
  • Undo option
    • COpy command, 182
    • TRim and EXtend commands, 195
  • UNIon command, 461, 462
  • UNISOLATEobjects command, 174
  • units types, 62–65, 72–73
  • unloading xrefs, 365
  • user coordinate system (UCS), 128–129, 262, 430–436
  • user folder, finding, 80–81
  • user groups, AutoCAD, 501
  • user interface, 17, 20, 21–22. See also specific user interface elements
  • user-defined lighting, 475, 476–478


  • values, attribute, 340, 344
  • variable height, 229–230
  • VBA programming language, 513
  • vector files, 14–15, 368, 486
  • verb-noun editing, 164, 175
  • vertex, 423
  • vertical (Y) coordinate, 16
  • vertical dimensional constraint, 396, 399
  • vertical geometric constraint, 387, 390–391
  • View Manager dialog box, 89–91, 483–484
  • View Object wheel, 440
  • View panel, Ribbon, 26
  • View tab, 3D Modeling workspace, 427, 450
  • VIEWBASE command, 467, 471, 472
  • ViewCube, 86, 436, 438–440, 448–449, 450
  • VIEWDETAIL command, 474
  • Viewpoint Presets dialog box, 437, 451
  • viewpoints, 445, 450–451
  • viewports
  • Viewports dialog box, 447, 448
  • VIEWPROJ command, 468, 471
  • VIEWRES command, 92
  • views
    • named, 88–91
    • overview, 83–84
    • panning and zooming, 84–86
    • regenerating drawings, 91–92
    • 3D modeling, 436–440, 471–472
    • Zoom options, 87–88
  • VIEWSECTION command, 474
  • visibility
    • dynamic blocks, 373–377
    • of geometric constraints, 388
    • of objects, 173–174
  • VISRETAIN system variable, 508
  • visual styles, 440–442, 448
  • Visual Styles Manager palette, 427, 442
  • Visualize tab, 3D Modeling workspace, 427


  • warning icon, 5
  • Wblock command, 335
  • WCS (world coordinate system), 127–131, 431
  • web resources for AutoCAD, 500–501
  • weblights, 477
  • wheel mouse, zooming and panning with, 52, 84–85
  • width, of polylines, 99, 101–102
  • window object selection, 168, 169, 170
  • Window option, Zoom command, 88
  • Windows Clipboard, 182
  • Windows metafile (WMF), 487, 488
  • Windows user folder, finding, 80–81
  • wireframe models, 422
  • Wireframe visual style, 442
  • workspaces, 21, 40
  • world coordinate system (WCS), 127–131, 431
  • WPolygon object selection, 170, 172


  • X (horizontal) coordinate, 16
  • X,Y plane, 428
  • X,Y separator, 12, 16
  • XLine command, 97–98
  • X-ray visual style, 442
  • xrefs
    • advantages of, 359–360
    • applications, 366–367
    • attaching, 360–362
    • automatic update feature, 360
    • versus blocks, 359
    • clipping, 366
    • editing, 362–363
    • layers, 362
    • managing, 365–366
    • Overlay mode, 361–362
    • overview, 331, 332, 347–348, 358–360
    • path settings, 361, 363–365
    • receiving drawings with, 411–412


  • Y (vertical) coordinate, 16
  • YouTube Autodesk channel, 500


  • Z coordinate, 16, 428
  • ZIP files, 411
  • Zoom All command, 179
  • Zoom command, 41, 85, 87–88
  • zooming, 52, 83–85, 87–88
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