
Implementing, Coaching, and Honing Activities

You just want to hone your craft, whatever it may be.

—Christopher Cross

The middle part of this book (Chapters 721) focuses on the readiness ­activities described by the RICH model to assist the achievement of the Agile mindset and true agile transformation. Readiness is the beginning of conditioning the mind toward the behavior needed to align with Agile values and principles and focuses on making decisions regarding the elements for your implementation. As you incrementally make readiness decisions and continue to focus on the Agile mindset, the implementation process can begin.

image Agile Pit Stop   The ready, implement, and hone activities of the RICH Deployment Model align with the agile notion of inspect and adapt. Anything that gets deployed should be subject to an opportunity for inspection and adaption.

This chapter highlights the key activities within implement, coach, and hone to achieve an agile state of mind and a transformation to Agile (Figure 22-1).


Figure 22-1. RICH model with emphasis on implement, coach, and hone activities

As the readiness activities are decided, they can be implemented in an incremental or holistic manner. With that in mind, the following sections cover the suggested focus areas for the implement, coach, and hone activities.

Implementing Agile

During readiness activities, there is an ever-growing list of people getting involved in the Agile adoption effort. While the Agile Deployment Team has the primary responsibility, they are incrementally involving new people to gain their input, experience, and awareness. When there is a focus on implementation, the visibility and impact of the agile effort expands to the whole organizational scope.

Implementation activities focus on the timely application of agile elements within a team or organization. With proper conditioning during readiness activities, the participants will understand why they are applying Agile and begin to internalize the values and principles. Although you have made decisions during readiness activities, you may need to adapt approaches and ­decisions as implementation becomes real.

The primary goal of implementing is to roll out Agile to the organizational scope. There may be emphasis in getting the mechanics in place, but there should also be a strong focus in changing behaviors.

For everything that is implemented, there should be a follow-up to determine whether the team understands why they are adopting, at what level they are mechanically adopting the agile element, and at what level they are making the cultural shift toward an Agile mindset. This reflective follow-up helps with honing. During this time, it is important to infuse implementation activities with appropriate coaching to ensure the agile mechanics and culture begin to stick.

Executing Deployment Backlog and Communication Plan

Commencement of implementation means you have made a decision to ­initiate the deployment of Agile within your organizational scope. It is time to incrementally begin deployment activities and initiate communication about those activities. As discussed in Chapter 11, a prioritized backlog is beneficial in helping you understand what should be occurring for a successful ­deployment and to track the progress of the backlog items.

At this point, you should have your objectives and motivations, an ­understanding of the scope of the effort, a deployment team to help lead and support the effort, a communication plan to help convey progress, suitable teams identified within the organizational scope, the work prioritized in a deployment backlog, and a plan for applying and adapting the agile process and mindset for ­deployment into the organizational scope.

The communication plan should include how you will encapsulate various messages into various communication types via various communication ­channels to various audiences with various frequencies. Implementation is a time to communicate progress and expectations frequently. As discussed in Chapter 11, an agile communication plan keeps everyone informed and aware of the ­continued support for Agile.

Continuing Education

Education for Agile is a long-term venture. The early steps start with ­promoting awareness and getting the organization trained. Awareness should have begun during readiness to ensure those within the scope are aware of the objective and motivations for moving to Agile.

Promoting Agile Community

Elements of the agile community should now be implemented. This may include launching Agile-related websites and social collaboration venues. The collaboration venue is a place for folks to pose questions to other teams to hear thoughts, share ideas, and discuss lessons learned.

image Agile Pit Stop   The agile community venue provides an opportunity to share, discuss, and collaborate on a variety of topics.

Early on, the members of the Agile Deployment Team may be the biggest responders to questions posed, but they should actively seek contributions from local Agile Champions and other community members. If you have implemented a form of gamification to get people engaged in the community, now is the time to start. Chapter 16 looks at building an agile community and ways to implement gamification.

Initiating Agile Training

The key to implementing training is to conduct the sessions in a ­just-in-time manner before the people playing agile roles need to apply the agile ­framework. At this point, whether you have hired external trainers or use your Agile Coach, Agile trainers should be lined up, training materials should be identified, and the training schedule should be executed. Each set of training materials should include a section about the agile framework that will be used. Although most training benefits from being implemented in a just-in-time manner, this may vary slightly by role.

It is highly recommended that the executives and senior management take the executive overview immediately after there is a commitment to Agile. This should have occurred as a readiness activity, but if not it should be the first education activity done when implementing. Executive overview provides executives and senior management with a summary of Agile principles and values, its business benefits, and their role and responsibility within an Agile culture. The key is getting management at this level to understand the important role they play in helping the organization make the cultural shift to Agile.

The Product Owner (PO) should be the one of the folks trained early by taking a role-specific Product Owner workshop or Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO) training. As soon as Agile is known to be the approach the team will use, the PO should be trained. This is because the PO has to build the Product Backlog, establish personas, build company profiles, and establish the product vision that helps guide the product direction.

image Agile Pit Stop   Depending on the number of teams needing training, you may consider capturing metrics on number trained to gain a sense of training progress.

Next, the Scrum Master should be trained by taking a specific Scrum Master workshop or Certified Scrum Master (CSM) training. This is because the Scrum Master helps set the project up within an agile context, is the facilitator of the agile events, and will act as the guardian and promoter of Agile values and principles.

The members of an Agile Team—specifically the cross-functional team members including developers, QA, and others—should take an Agile Team Foundation course just prior to being asked to use Agile on their new project. This should include training on their role, the Agile values and principles, the agile framework that will be used, and all of the agile events they will participate in. It is beneficial for the Scrum Master and PO to take this training with the team even though they have their own specific training. This promotes team spirit and ties the various roles together.

As a reminder, training is just the beginning of the journey to an Agile culture. Although training can focus on skills and process, its ability to be applied can be undone the moment the trainee moves back into their existing culture. You will need coaching to keep the team on their agile journey and help apply the mindset, process, and skills correctly.

Implementing the Agile Framework

Applying the agile framework takes place the moment that Agile is applied on the project. This isn’t a specific activity. Instead, the implementation of the agile framework being used should be initially discussed during training and then applied on the project. For the first three or four Sprints, coaching can be very advantageous for those teams that have not implemented Agile before in ensuring that the processes and team roles are applied properly.

image Agile Pit Stop   When implementing an Agile framework, consider following the Shu Ha Ri concept of learning (Shu - obey the rule, Ha - adapt the rule, Ri - transcend the rule). First practice by the book. Then you are in a position to adapt and transcend.

Applying Agile Tools

If can be risky to start using a tool right away. A tool often comes with a dictated process. Instead, it is beneficial first to understand the team’s interaction and natural process. What a team may first consider doing is to use the physical story wall to display the stories, if the team is collocated, or use a basic online spreadsheet to manage the backlog prior to moving to a more sophisticated infrastructure. This gives the team a tangible idea of how they would like to use a tool before it is applied, in alignment with the Agile value of “people and interactions over process and tools.”

A preliminary step to implementing tools is to become aware of the ones that can help you effectively deploy Agile and then identify the appropriate tools for your team’s needs. In addition, the tools you use should help you in the pursuit of delivering customer value. Chapter 21 presents the range of tools that can support Agile and details how they can support the value chain of building products customers want.

Implementing a tool infrastructure can take time. As you are planning the installation and set-up of tools, ensure that you provide reasonable lead time between starting the installation and when you would like the team to actually start using the tools. As part of the implementation, ensure that appropriate training and user guides, physical or online, are provided so that users have educational support.

You should have a backlog of tasks that ensures you have considered the tasks for an effective tool deployment. A general outline of tool deployment tasks at an epic level follows:

  • Identification and preparation of the environment: involves a server location for the tool to reside and any accompanying needs for storage.
  • Installation of the tool: involves physically installing the tool in the prescribed location and installing client software.
  • Preparation of your instance of the tool (as appropriate): involves preparing the tool instance and/or configuring in the product to the team’s needs and for the process the team intends to use.
  • Communication of progress: involves sharing with interested parties via the appropriate communication channel the tool deployment strategy, proposed timeline, and progress along the way.
  • Training to support the tool usage you expect: includes sharing the process by which you would like the tool to be used.

The key during implementation is ensuring that the tools serve the needs of the team. This is why it is so important to take the opportunity to hone the tool usage and process. Once a team is using a tool, they may find that the initial process needs to be adapted to better align it with the working interactions and shortcuts that get discovered.

Coaching Agile

Coaching should accompany the readiness, implement, and hone activities. Agile Coaches can provide significant benefit in these areas if they have experience in deploying Agile, are veterans of organizational change, have played Agile roles on a team, and are well versed in working with the business ­benefits of Agile. Coaching activities focus on helping the team and organization adapt and align to the new culture.

As Agile Coaches help teams toward their goals, they should support and facilitate agile deployment efforts during the readiness, implementation, and hone activities. As discussed in Chapter 12, Agile Coaches can address issues and challenges raised by teams that focus on adoption, culture, effect to ­customer value, work flow, and quality of the product being built.

Coaching can take many forms. There are executives, managers, and individuals who may be Agile Champions in their own right who have organizational change experience and can help move the organization toward an Agile culture. They may become Agile Coaches and some may remain Agile Champions. Both can provide coaching in their own ways.

Coach as Navigator on the Path to Agile

Think of an Agile Coach as your navigator who can help you move down the best path for your teams and provide course correction when you either regress or move in a less Agile-favorable direction. This is why it is so critical to hire an Agile Coach who has experience in helping at the level of deployment that you are looking for—team, product, or organization. If you do not have a coach, it is very easy to apply a process incorrectly and go down the less favorable path. Without a coach, it is easier to give up and regress back to the old process. The coach provides you with a better opportunity to go down the best path for the team toward Agile (Figure 22-2).


Figure 22-2. An Agile Coach can help you avoid regressing to old practices and taking wrong turns, and instead help you down the best path for your team or organization

Coaching helps a team adopt an agile process and lays the groundwork for transforming the culture. When discussing the path to adoption, coaches help ensure that elements and the Agile culture surrounding the elements stick.

Providing In-Session Coaching

Training can help teams gain understanding of agile processes and mindset, but at some point the team will implement Agile to gain experience. Because many team members have little agile experience or have a different understanding of what Agile is from past experiences, it can be hard to gauge whether a team is implementing Agile correctly. This is where it is very beneficial to have in-session coaching.

In-session coaching is beneficial as teams begin to implement agile processes and for three to four Sprints. In this context, an experienced Agile Coach sits in on the events and helps a team adapt to their new roles and practices. The coach should have the experience of providing teachable moments without unnecessarily interrupting the flow of an event. By the time the team is in Sprint 3 or 4, the coach should disengage and only periodically check in to see how the team is doing.

For example, in the first Sprint, the coach should attend the Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective events. In the early stages, the coach helps the team with event mechanics. By the third or fourth Sprint, the focus should be more on team dynamics and helping the team achieve a self-organizing state. Because of the principle of self-organizing teams, you do not want a coach participating in agile events beyond several Sprints. You do not want the team to become reliant on the coaches and unable to ­self-organize.

Grooming In-House Talent

As a team is starting to learn their agile process, it is beneficial for a coach to have one-on-one sessions with the Scrum Masters and POs, allowing these two roles charged with championing the agile process to ask specific questions to gain further familiarity with their roles, the mechanics, and the culture that is expected. For the first several Sprints, these sessions can be held weekly, then they should be reduced to once a month or as otherwise appropriate.

If a company is large enough and has several Scrum Masters and POs, another way to groom in-house talent is to hold periodic Q&A sessions for all the exponents of a given role. This is a good way to leverage a coach’s time by fielding questions of general application. At the same time, those Scrum Masters or POs who attend can hear each other’s challenges and realize that they are not alone. This is also an opportunity for bringing the Scrum Master or PO groups together to form the beginning of an agile community by role.

Building an In-House Coaching Circle

If an organization is large enough, there may be a benefit to grooming ­internal staff who have an affinity for Agile to become internal Agile Coaches. An experienced Agile Coach is needed to groom internal coaches, because it requires someone with deep knowledge and experience in Agile and the ­ability to groom enthusiasts to become coaches. This collection of internal Agile Coaches forms the basis for the coaching circle.

An Agile coaching circle is a support network of like-minded Agile enthusiasts who are interested in gaining knowledge and hearing others’ experiences in readying, implementing, and honing teams in Agile. As an organization implements Agile, some folks will more naturally adapt to it. The pool of potential internal coaches may belong to Agile Team members, Scrum Masters, POs, and local Agile Champions. An organization needs to make a commitment to the internal Agile Coaches to allow them to help teams beyond their current role.

Honing Agile

One of the Agile principles states that “at regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.” Having the opportunity to reflect ensures that the team can continuously hone its agile practice and mindset over time. The event that first comes to mind is the Sprint Retrospective. That is just one opportunity to reflect and adjust at the team level. There also needs to be honing at the product and organizational levels.

Keep in mind that honing can occur the moment any agile element is implemented. Improving the agile mechanics tend to be the early focus of reflecting and honing. However, over time, there should be a strong focus on whether the team is aligning with the Agile values and principles and achieving the transformation an organization or team is looking for.

image Agile Pit Stop   When honing, consider honing the “3 P”s: people, process, and product.

The challenge with reflecting and honing is to identify opportunities for improvement while still staying true to the Agile values and principles. As improvement opportunities are discussed, ask whether they align with Agile values and principles. If they do, this is a good sign and shows that it further supports the transformation toward Agile. The rest of this chapter examines various opportunities for continuously improving over time and achieving an Agile mindset.

Using the Retrospective for Continuous Improvement

The Sprint Retrospective is the first and foremost way to continuously reflect and hone. The goal is to identify what went well in the Sprint and what can be improved. It is an opportunity for the Scrum Team to reflect on the past Sprint’s activities, including team dynamics, processes, tools, and culture. It is equally important to discuss what went well and what can be improved.

Once improvement opportunities are identified, they are prioritized by the team. The highest priority improvement opportunities are discussed by the team, and a root-cause analysis should be applied to get to the core of the problem. This ensures the team is providing the right solution to the ­problem. Then the team commits to those solutions as actions and they become improvement tasks for the next Sprint. This type of reflection and honing occurs on a Sprint-by-Sprint basis.

Using Empirical Data for Improvement Input

As part of honing, it is very useful to use empirical data from meaningful metrics to help a team identify opportunities for improvement. Trend metrics based on empirical data can help you reflect and hone. There are times where team members have a “gut feeling” about something and empirical data can help them take it from instinct to objective fact.

For example, a team is sensing that they are not getting enough time to build their stories during a Sprint. How can they prove this in an empirical manner? To gain empirical data, each team member can review their calendar during the length of a Sprint and see how much of their time is spent in meetings. This empirical data can help someone objectively validate the gut feeling and determine whether a course of action is warranted.

Say, for example, that it is empirically discovered that over 30 percent of the team’s total time is spent in non–Agile-related meetings. Now that the team has baseline data to work with, it is possible to determine over successive Sprints if the action of reducing meetings has a positive effect on the amount of time a team has to build stories.

Conducting Periodic Agile Assessments

Agile assessments can provide insight into the level of implementation of the mechanical elements or the cultural and behavioral elements of Agile. The key is to create a baseline with the current level and periodically reassess to determine whether improvement has occurred. Baselining provides visibility into your starting point and information to help you adapt when moving ­forward. The results of an assessment can provide data points into what areas are thriving and what areas can be honed for improvement.

The Agile Mindset, Values, and Principles (MVP) Advisor is used to answer the question, “How do you know you are Agile?” (see Chapter 13). This assessment may occur at the team or organization level. The results of this survey provide visibility into the behavioral transformation toward the Agile values and principles. This assessment should be first conducted prior to implementation to gauge a team’s current alignment to Agile values and principles. This forms the baseline by which subsequent assessments can be compared. Progress can be tracked by comparing the previous assessment and the current one. The results can be reflected on, and improvement opportunities can be identified based on the results. This honing activity may occur every three to six months depending on how regularly you would like to track your behavioral alignment to Agile.

image Agile Pit Stop   The Agile MVP Advisor focuses on the transformation toward the Agile values and principles, whereas the Agile Practices Adoption survey focuses on a team’s mechanical adoption level of an agile process.

The Agile Practices Adoption survey is used to answer the question, “How do you know you have adopted the agile processes and practices?” (see Chapter 13). The results of this team-level survey provide visibility into a team’s mechanical adoption level of the agile process and practices that are being applied. This assessment mechanism should be first conducted after a team has had training and has been implementing their agile framework for three or four Sprints or a similar time period. This honing activity may occur every three to six months or pre-release, depending on how regularly you want to track adoption levels.

Improving Velocity

As a team tracks its velocity, members should look for opportunities to improve their pace. Velocity is a measure that can help you understand a team’s sustainable pace by tracking the amount of story points of customer value a team can deliver in a Sprint. As new teams get started with Agile, their velocity trend line is initially inconsistent, but it will eventually become stable and reliable. When a team sees its velocity trend line plateau, it may be time to look for improvement opportunities.

Improving velocity is often a long-term exercise. It can start with identifying and removing impediments and dependencies that slow the team down. Although this action may initiate in a Retrospective, it may require further analysis of challenges that may take several Sprints to fully implement. Some techniques for increasing team velocity follow:

  • Look for software reuse opportunities. Software reuse is a process whereby product teams may use software components that represent standard functionality and incorporate them into their product. Software reuse can significantly decrease effort spent on building the same functionality. It entails an amount of integration work to understand the code, assess its quality, and integrate it with the product’s current code base.
  • Increase test automation. Test automation is a process that takes manual testing routines and applies coding that executes those tests based on a trigger. Automation can result in a significant decrease in effort spent in executing manual tests. There is effort in getting to a level of automation before it reduces team effort.
  • Apply open-source solutions. Open source provides you the ability to use peer-reviewed, high-quality code instead of building it internally. If there is a well-architected code structure, the ability to insert open-source code can accelerate pace and lower costs. There needs to be an investment to understand the open-source code that is available, assess its quality, and integrate it with the product’s current code base.
  • Applying a colocation strategy. Colocation is a working environment where a team is in one location. This can be challenging for companies that have distributed staff. Colocation promotes face-to-face communication, which is one of the Agile principles. This activity involves determining if a more colocated team is possible. This may become possible if you are working with several sites where each has seven or more team members. If initially QA was in one location, then QA responsibilities can be distributed. This requires changes for a team, but there can be a benefit to velocity when colocation and face-to-face communication occur.

Promoting Customer Validation

Often forgotten as a honing activity is customer validation. Engaging the customer is one of the most effective ways to hone the product toward building customer value. Gaining continuous customer feedback of working software and incorporating that feedback ensures that you are constructing a valuable solution. As discussed in Chapter 17, the Sprint Review is the gold standard for customer validation events at which the customer gets an opportunity to view the working software.

Other validation activities can also help hone the product toward building customer value. Aside from the Sprint Review, you can gain customer feedback in the review of the product vision and in an alpha-type environment where the customer can exercise the software in a hands-on manner. When a customer attends a validation session of working software, what they are really doing is reflecting on the software and determining if it meets their needs. This information allows a team to hone the software to better align with building customer value.

Promoting Giving Back

As you saw in Chapter 16, the notion of giving back applies to employees who have gained enough skills, experience, and confidence that they are capable of giving back to their community. When employees have reached this level of experience and are willing to give back, they start helping others. In relation to Agile, this is a form of self-organization in which a group of local Agile Champions feels ownership of the mission to enhance culture and is willing to support the transformation to Agile.

Equally important, giving back is a form of individual honing for further understanding of agile concepts. To give back to the community, this person must reflect on their own experience to hone his or her thoughts to determine what they contribute back to the community. Honing your thoughts to give back can occur in several ways:

  • Contributing your experiences and providing answers within the local agile social collaboration venues. Providing answers to a Q&A venue require a reflection and fine-tuning of one’s thoughts prior to responding.
  • Writing a blog article on an agile topic or experiences you have had on an Agile Team. Authoring an article requires reflection and articulation of one’s thoughts, knowing that readers will take your writings seriously.
  • Participating as co-lead in agile training. Preparing for training and being in front of a crowd can motivate a strong need to reflect and hone your understanding of a topic and the delivery approach.
  • Drafting and delivering seminars and webinars. Creating and delivering information likewise requires reflection and honing.

Are We Adapting and Improving Yet?

The key to the RICH Deployment Model is that you continually hone your product, process, and people. You hone the product by building in validation activities to ensure that the product meets the needs of your customers and provides them with value. You hone your process through reflection activities that allow a team to improve the process by which they work. You hone your people by providing the opportunity to adapt to the Agile culture, become Agile Champions through grooming by Agile Coaches, and by giving them the opportunity to give back to their community.

Ultimately, the goal is adaption toward improvement. Following the Agile ­values and principles, adaptation becomes a natural part of the process. But to effect this self-transformation, teams must be self-organized and reside in an environment where reflection is allowed and positive change is willingly accepted so that they can home in on their target of building customer value in an effective and high-quality manner.

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