
A, 88

Adidas Soccer MySpace blog, 17-21

The Adventures in Organization, Rubbermaid, 10-11

advertising, blogs, 167

Alex King blog, 53

announcing blog launch to other communities, 129

anonymous comments, 75

APIs, Web 3.0, 155-156

Ars Technica, 8

Arvada, CO, 34-36

assistants, online marketing, 26

audiences, 12

driving people to blogs, 13

feed readers, 13

listening to, 66

sharing, 67-69

tools to help you listen, 69-73

two-way discussions, 66-67

audio, 140

authentic content, 101-102

authors, identifying for blogs, 96-97

marketing department, 98-99

multiple authors, 98

AutoAdmit, 78


Bavaria’s Delicious Days blog, 123

Being Peter Kim Web site, 17

Berners-Lee, Tim (Web 3.0), 153

Bleeding Edge TV blog, 49

Blendtec, 147-150

blog software, 46-48

blog-sharing tools, 87

Blogads, 167

BlogClicker, 169-170

BlogExplosion, 169

Blogger, 44

blogger outreach, 118-119

bloggers, hiring, 102

creating blogging positions, 104-107

from your industry, 103-104

tips for, 102-103

blogging platforms, 40

Blogger, 44

LiveJournal, 45

TypePad, 42-43

Vox, 44

WordPress, 40-42

blogging positions, 104

advantages of hiring, 106-107

fitting in with company dynamic, 105

Social Media Director, 104-105

supplying more than content, 106

Bloglines, 31-32, 164

blogrolls, 120-121

blogs, 6

advertising on, 167

audiences, 12

driving people to blogs, 13

feed readers, 13

crowdsourcing, 13-15

exposure, 8, 10

internal blogs, 90

for communication, 90-91

for project management, 91-92

popularity of, 8

product blogs, 92-94

promoting products and services, 10

writing, 84

industry resource blogs, 84-86

online communities, 86-88

Boing Boing, 112

Bradley, Adam, 124

Brew 2.0, 79-80

Briggs, Rex, 18

BusinessWeek, 60-61

Bustos, Linda, 107


C2C (customer-to-customer), 18

Camtasia, 146

Canucks Fan Zone, 88-90

captcha, 74, 104

case studies

Adidas Soccer MySpace blog, 17-21

Arvada, CO, 34-36

BusinessWeek, 60-61

Canucks Fan Zone, 88-90

Elastic Path, 107-110

Intel Inside Scoop blog, 15-17

KCBS Radio, 62

Molson Coors Brewing Company, 78-81

Sacramento Bee, 36-38, 160-161

Vancouver Opera, 125-126

chambers of commerce, 26

Chan, Ling, 125

ChatCatcher, tracking mentions, 70

Check Out blog, 121

checking rankings, 127

Chin, Jeff, 115

The Cleanest Line, 124

client services, 99-100

Coast Hotels, 118

colors, 116

comment forms, 66

commenting, 117


anonymous comments, 75

forms, 74

moderating, 74-76

negative feedback, 76-78

replying to, 74

spam, 75

communication, internal blogs, 90-91

communities, announcing blog launch to, 129

companies, writing blogs from within, 96

authentic content, 101-102

client services and tech support, 99-100

identifying authors, 96-99

company profiles, 124

Connally, Kathleen, 50


authentic, 101-102

private, 141-142

contests, listening to audiences, 67-68

conversational tones, 67

Creative Commons license, protecting public content, 137-139

crowdsourcing, 13-15

customer-to-customer (C2C), 18


subscribing to blogs, 33

taking care of, 33-34


DERI (Digital Enterprise Research Institute), 159

designing effective blogs, 116-117

Devins, Ferg, 78-80

Dickson, Tom, 149

Digg, 156, 169

Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), 159

Director of Social Media, 100, 105

Disney Parks Blog, 114, 156-157

Doritos, 68

Drupal, 48


e-mail marketing, 24

Eastman Kodak Company, 93

editing podcasts, 144-146

effective writing

be human, 114-115

be readable, 115

design, 116-117

editing for word count and brevity, 112-114

Elastic blog (Bustos, Linda), 107-110

Elastic Path, 107-110

Email Marketing Software Comparison Web site, 25

events, 128

external blogs, product blogs, 92-94


Facebook, 8, 56-57, 88

feed readers, 13

feedback, negative feedback, 73, 76-78

FeedBurner, 130, 145

Ferox, Zeno, 6

Flickr, 68, 113, 119, 133-135

protecting public content, 138

Flickr Pro, 135

following how far a blog has reached, 106

fonts, 116

forms, comments, 74

free trials, online marketing, 28

Frogloop, 30



driving people to blogs, 13

Open Source initia-tives, 115

tracking mentions, 69

Webmaster tools, 127

Google Alerts, 29

Google Alerts Setup page, 69

Google Analytics, 29

Google Maps Mania Blog, 107, 127


Halfway There blog, 6

Hammer, Tonia, 79

hashtags, 118

Heald, John, 101

highlighting industry players, 122-123

Hill & Knowlton, 86

hiring bloggers, 102

creating blogging positions, 104-107

from your industry, 103-104

tips for, 102-103

Huddle, 173

Huffington Post, 9


identifying authors for blogs, 96-97

marketing department, 98-99

multiple authors, 98

images, 135

keywords and titles, 135-136

listening to audiences, 68-69

tagging private images, 137

tagging public images, 136

industry players, highlighting, 122-123

industry resource blogs, writing, 84-86

InnoCentive, crowd-sourcing, 14

Intel Inside Scoop blog, 15-17

internal blogs, 90

for communication, 90-91

for project management, 91-92

iPods, podcasting, 51

iTunes, 140

podcasts, 146


KCBS Radio, 62

keywords, 128-129

images, 135-136

Libre Tea, 69

LinkedIn, 57-58, 119


to incoming links, 119-120

to other blog posts, 121-122

listening to audiences, 66

sharing, 67

feedback through polls and contests, 67-68

images or photos, 68-69

tools to help you listen, 69-73

two-way discussions, 66-67

LiveJournal, 45-46



e-mail marketing, 24

offline marketing, 29-31

online marketing

e-mail marketing, 24

part-time assistants, 26

pushing information via RSS, 31-34

tools, 27, 29

websites, 24

marketing department, writing blogs, 98-99

Marketwire, 130

mash up, 156-158

agents working for blogs, 159-160

integrating semantic technologies, 158-159

“Meet the Food Bloggers,” 123

members-only content, 141-142

mentions, tracking, 69-71

message threads, 12

microblogs, 53

mind share, 40, 72

mobile audiences, listening to your audience, 72-73

moblogs, 55

moderating comments, 74-76

Moffat, Adam, 80

Molson Coors Brewing Company, 78-81

Movable Type, 17, 47

multimedia blogging, 133-134

audio, 140

case studies, Blendtec, 147-150

content for all, 134

images, 135

keywords and titles, 135-136

tagging private images, 137

tagging public images, 136

protecting public content, 137-139

slideshows, 141

music, podcasting, 144

MusicAlley, 144

MySpace, 8, 56

Adidas Soccer MySpace blog, 17-21


negative feedback, 73, 76-78

Newsgator, 164

newsletter members, targeting for blog promotion, 130

newspaper industry, 6

Not Without Salt blog, 123


Odeo, 166

offline marketing, 29-31, 93

Ollivier, Jamie, 88

OmniDazzle, 147

online communities, creating, 86-88

online marketing, 24-25

e-mail marketing, 24

part-time assistants, 26

pushing information via RSS, 31-33

getting customers to subscribe, 33

taking care of your readers, 33-34

tools, 27-29

websites, 24

online media, 6

Operamania blog, 125

optimizing search engines, 120


Pacific Crest Trail, 124

part-time assistants, online marketing, 26

Patogonia, The Cleanest Line, 124

PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), 103

Pegg, Mike, 107

people, driving to blogs, 13

photo-sharing services, Flickr, 133-135

photoblogs, 50-51

photos, listening to audiences, 68-69

ping search engines, 167, 27

Pingomatic, 167

PodBean, 140-142

Podblaze, 144

podcasting, 51-52, 142-143

creating and promoting, 143

editing and publishing, 144-146

music, 144

show notes, 143-144

podcasts, 140

Podnova, 166

PodPress, 145

Podsafe Music Network, 144

polls, listening to audiences, 67-68

popularity of blogging, 8

preferred blogs, 118

press releases, 130

private content, 141-142

private images, tagging, 137

PRNewswire, 130

Problogger, 113

product blogs, 92-94

products, promoting, 10

project management, internal blogs, 91-92

promotion, 129

announcing blog launch to other communities, 129

podcasting, 143

press releases, 130

products and services, 10

screencasts, 147

social media networks, 129

targeting newsletter members, 130

protecting public content, 137-139

PRWeb, 130

public images, tagging, 136

publishing podcasts, 144-146


rankings, checking, 127, 114

readers, taking care of, 33-34

replying to comments, 74

RSS (Really Simple Syndication), 13, 31, 94

pushing information via, 31-33

getting customers to subscribe, 33

taking care of your readers, 33-34

RSS feeds, 98

Rubbermaid, The Adventures in Organization, 10-11


SAAS (Software as a Service), 171

Sacramento Bee, 36-38

Sam’s Club, Check Out blog, 121

Schmidt, Eric, 152

screencasts, 146

creating and promot-ing, 147

ScreenFlow, 146

search engine optimization, 120, 126

checking rankings, 127

clean URLs, 128

keywords, 128-129

tags, 128-129

search engines, driving people to blogs, 13

searchability, 126-127

checking rankings, 127

clean URLs, 128

keywords, 128-129

tags, 128-129

Semantic Web, mash up, 158-159

services, promoting, 10

sharing, listening to audiences, 67

feedback through polls and contests, 67-68

images or photos, 68-69

tools to help you listen, 69-73

show notes, podcasting, 143-144

Sindice, 159-160

site statistics, 71-72

Slashdot, 169, 171

Slideshare, 141

smartphones, 55

Smith, Thomas, 115

Snapz Prox, 147

Social Media Director, 104-105

social media networks, promotion, 129

social networking sites, combining with blogging, 56

Facebook, 57

LinkedIn, 58

MySpace, 56

Twitter, 59

Socialcast, 171

Socialtext, 171

software for blogging, 46-48

Software as a Service (SAAS), 171

spam, comments, 75

Starbucks, crowdsourcing, 14

subscribing to blogs, encouraging customers to, 33

Success Stories series, LinkedIn, 119

Swirl, 154-155


tagging, images

private, 137

public, 136

tags, 128-129

targeting newsletter members, 130

tech support, 99-100

Technorati, 6, 164

popularity of blogs, 8

Thingamablog, 48

thought share, 40

Times Online, 123

timing, 30

titles, images, 135-136


to help you listen to audiences, 69

mobile audiences, 72-73

site statistics, 71-72

trackbacks, 73

tracking mentions, 69-71

for online marketing, 27-29

Tourism Victoria, 118

trackbacks, 73

tracking mentions, 69-71

traditional marketing, 29-31

tumblelogs, 52-53

Twitter, 59, 100

tracking mentions, 70

two-way discussions, 66-67

TypePad, 42-43


Ubercaster, 144, 160-161

URLs, clean URLs, 128

Utterli, 140

Vancouver Opera, 125-126

Vimeo, 68, 139

vlogs, 49-50

Vox, 44


Wal-Mart, Check Out blog, 121

Warren, Bruce, 88

Waterside Productions, 27

Web, 6

Web 2.0, 151

Web 3.0, 152

APIs and widgets, 155-156

overview, 153

Wikipedia, 154-155

Web logs. See blogs

websites, online marketing, 24

Whole Foods Markets, Natural and Organic Grocery, 85

widgets, Web 3.0, 155-156

Wikipedi, 154-155

WordPress, 40-42, 72, 97

comments, moderation, 75, 40, 41

WPtouch plug-in, 72


blogs, 84

industry resource blogs, 84-86

online communities, 86-88

effectively, 112

be human, 114-115

be readable, 115

design, 116-117

editing for word count and brevity, 112-114

writing blogs

authentic content, 101-102

client services and tech support, 99-100

from within a company, 96

identifying authors, 96-99

hiring bloggers, 102

creating blogging positions, 104-107

from your industry, 103-104

tips for, 102-103

writing interesting content

case studies, Vancouver Opera, 125-126

company profiles, 124

highlighting industry players, 122-123

YouTube, protecting public content, 138

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