acceptance, 104-108

active listening, 70-72

emotional, 72

intellectual, 70-71

physical, 71-72

adaptors, 33-34, 36

advocate, identifying an, 153-155

appearance, 49-50

asking good questions, 156-163


bad questions, 88-90

bad solution selling, fixing, 164-168

barriers, 34-36

baselining, 24-30

being provocative, 68-70

boosting ego, 93-94

building trust, 163-164

buying time, 186-187


categories of movement, 30-36

certainty, 97, 99, 116-117

closed body language, 42-43

comfort, 115

commonalities in movement, 36-41

cultural, 40-41

compound questions, 90

condescension, 113-114

confusion, 110-111

connection, 53, 55-67

control questions, 83-84

conversation motivators, 183-186

conversation motivators, 98-99

curiosity, 53-54, 68-72

customer need and desires, 129-137

historical, 134-137

moral, 130-131

practical, 129-130

social, 131-132

spiritual, 132-134


deference, 54, 73-75

deferral, 107-108

deflating ego, 94-96

delight, 114

desire, 54-55, 78-79, 117

direct questioning, 82-90, 101

disapproval, 109

discomfort, indicators of, 194-204

distraction, 111-112


easing fears, 96


boosting, 93-94, 100

deflating, 94-95, 100

suspending your, 63

embarrassment, 112-113

emotional active listening, 72

emotional appeal, enhancing, 91-93, 100

emphasis, 47-48

energy level, 60

enhancing emotional appeal, 91-93

expertise selling, 171-187


fear selling, 213-223

risks of, 215-219

fears, easing, 96, 99

fillers, language, 48-49

fixing bad solution selling, 164-168

flattery, 64


getting your prospect talking and moving, 65-67

good questions, 83-88, 156-163


hoarseness, vocal, 46

hope, 115-116


ideas sales, 15

ideas-product hybrid sales, 16

identifying an advocate, 153-155

illustrators, 31-32, 36

incentives, offering, 91, 100

incoming projection, 30

indecision, 106-107

indicators of discomfort, 194-204

intellectual active listening, 70-71


key responses, 104-108


language fillers, 48-49

leading question, 89

learning to read body language, 42-43

listening, 64-65


managing threats to your expertise, 179-180

mechanics of finding solutions, 153-164

mirroring, 59-60

energy level during, 60

movement during, 60

pacing during, 59

word choice during, 59

moods and mental states, 108-117

negative, 109-114

positive, 114-117


categories of, 30-36

commonalities in, 36-41

movement, 60


natural sales skills, 17-21

needs and desires, customer, 129-137

historical, 134-137

moral, 130-131

practical, 129-130

social, 131-132

spiritual, 132-134

negative questions, 89

non-pertinent questions, 86


offering incentives, 91

open body language, 42-43

reinforcing trust through, 61-63

outgoing projection, 30


pace, vocal, 45-46

pacing, 59

persistent questions, 84-85

physical active listening, 71-72

pitch, vocal, 44-45

pitfalls of relationship selling, avoiding, 137-141

praise, 64

preference, 54, 75-77

product sales, 16

product-services hybrid sales, 16-17

props, 49-50

provocative, being, 68-70



bad, 88-90

compound, 90

control, 83-84

direct, 82-90

direct, 83, 101

good, 83-88, 156-163

leading, 89

negative, 89

non-pertinent, 86

persistent, 84-85

repeat, 84

summary, 85-86

vague, 89-90


recovering from pitfalls of relationship selling, 141-148

regulating stress, 118-121

regulators, 32-33, 36

reinforcing trust through open body language, 61-63

rejection, 105-106

relationship selling, 127-149

avoiding pitfalls of, 137-141

recovering from pitfalls of, 141-148

repeat questions, 84

risks of fear selling, 215-219

ROI selling, 189-211

ROI, classes of, 206-207


safety, 116


ideas, 15

ideas-product hybrid, 16

product, 16

product-services hybrid, 16-17

services, 16

types of, 15-17

sales skills, natural, 17-21

services sales, 16

silence, 97-98, 100

smiling with your eyes, 56

solutions, mechanics of finding, 153-164

speaking about yourself, 58-59

stress, regulating, 118-121, 180-182

stridency, vocal, 46

summary questions, 85-86

suspicion, 109-110


threats to your expertise, managing, 179-180

tone, vocal, 45

treating people with respect, 61

trust, looking for, 205-211

turnaround technique, 178-179

turning fear selling into relationship selling, 219-223


uncertainty, 97, 99

using touch, 57-58


vague questions, 89-90


characteristics, 44-48

hoarseness, 46

pace, 45-46

pitch, 44-45

stridency, 46

tone, 45

volume, 46

volume, vocal, 46


white lie, 193-204

word choice, 59

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