• Achor, Shawn, 33, 77, 105
  • action, 95; as antidote for anxiety, 96, 128; positive, 31–32
  • adaptability, 82, 88, 117; of the brain, 75–76, 83; of Khan, 83–84
  • adrenal fatigue, 53
  • advantage, happiness, 33, 82
  • Africa, burnout in, 15
  • After the Shock (Sansbury), 60
  • Age of Burnout, 3, 11, 49
  • Aha moments, 36, 37, 38, 45, 55
  • Ahhhh moments, 111; breakthroughs as, 36, 55, 97; of Gerbyshak, 125; of Sansbury, 104
  • Anarchis, 118
  • anxiety, 39, 114; action as antidote for, 96, 128; student, 14; workplace, 15
  • Armour, J. Andrew, 90
  • articles and data on burnout, 16
  • Asimov, Isaac, 118
  • assessment, burnout, 17–18
  • assignments, negotiating, 100
  • attitude, 119
  • attrition, 14
  • Australia, burnout in, 14
  • authentic success, 126
  • balance, 5
  • Ban Breathnach, Sarah, 126
  • Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, 115
  • big picture, of work, 55–56
  • body, 45–54, 84, 109–110
  • Borge, Victor, 114
  • boundaries, 95–96, 104; horse sense and, 98–100
  • brain, 73–74, 84; adaptability of, 75–76, 83; heart connection to, 90; humor connection to, 114; training, 40–41
  • brain baloney, 73–74, 81, 83–84
  • breakdown, physical and mental health, 61
  • breakouts, 3, 96, 129; Aha moments created by, 36, 37, 38, 45, 55; context and, 62; potential, 56
  • breakthroughs, 3–4, 5, 19, 45, 96; Ahhhh moments as, 36, 55, 97; body and, 50; energy and, 36; Gerbyshak, 94; Jesse, 87; Khan, 126; organizations and, 79; Sansbury, 125. See also specific topics
  • Bridges, Jeff, 55
  • Brown, Brené, 19, 103
  • Brown, Les, 104
  • Brown, Stuart, 117, 118
  • Buber, Martin, 121
  • Buechner, Frederick, 124
  • building resilience, 4, 6, 11, 36, 128
  • Building Resilience for Success (Cooper, Flint-Taylor, and Pearn), 28
  • burnout: Age of Burnout, 3, 11, 49; articles and data on, 16; assessment, 17–18; definitions of, 12, 37; dimensions of, 1–2; as global epidemic, 13–16; of Jackson, 21, 52–53, 92; of Khan, 20–21, 52; of Sansbury, 60–61, 62. See also specific topics
  • Burn Out (Freudenberger), 12
  • Burnout Gamble, The (Khan), 20
  • Business Insider, 102
  • Buxman, Karyn, 114–115, 116
  • caregiving, 24; elder care, 60, 103, 104–105, 106; of Sansbury, 103–104, 117
  • CAT scan, 96–97
  • Charney, Dennis, 39–40
  • check, assess, and take action (CAT scan), 96–97
  • Chesterton, G. K., 114
  • Childre, Doc, 90–91
  • children, 37–38, 120–121
  • choices, 6, 66–67, 76–77, 107
  • clutter, 110–112
  • Collins, Jim, 31–32
  • commitment, 129
  • communication, 28
  • company culture, 33–34
  • compartmentalization, of life, 19
  • connections, 25, 36–37, 83, 89, 105; head, 81; heart and brain, 90; human, 23–24; humor and brain, 114
  • context, 62
  • control, 28, 95–97, 106–108
  • Cooper, Cary, 28
  • cortisol, 109
  • courage, 92
  • course correction, of life, 50, 52
  • creativity, 118
  • culture, company, 33–34
  • Darwin, Charles, 75–76
  • Das BurnOut! (musical), 14
  • data, and articles on burnout, 16
  • David (pseudonym), 45–46
  • decluttering, 99–100, 110, 111–112
  • Deep Work (Newport), 99
  • definitions: of burnout, 12, 37; of resilience, 35–36
  • depression, 15, 16, 26, 37; play as opposite of, 117
  • Depression, the, 66–67
  • devotion, 12–13
  • difficult people, 30, 59
  • Digital Minimalism (Newport), 99
  • dimensions, of burnout, 1–2
  • distress, 39
  • Divine Comedy, 65
  • Dweck, Carol, 40
  • earthquakes, 107
  • East Asia, 15
  • Einstein, Albert, 37, 45, 73
  • elder care, 60, 103, 104–105, 106
  • emails, 29
  • emotional self-management, 90
  • energy, 1, 89, 101; breakthroughs and, 36; controlling, 95–97; heart, 90–91, 93–94; humor and, 114–117; sources of, 4, 37, 67–68
  • enough, 67, 126–127
  • environment, workplace, 27
  • environmental services, 78
  • epidemic, burnout as global, 13–15
  • equality, 5
  • Erhardt, Moritz, 46–47
  • Europe, 14
  • eustress, 39
  • exercise: group exercises, 25, 31–32; physical, 18, 50, 51, 109–110
  • exhaustion, 2, 15, 46–47, 49, 99
  • experiment, houseplant, 26
  • extending your hands, 103–106
  • family, 37–38, 60–61
  • fatigue, 17, 53
  • financial institutions, global, 47
  • Finland, 120–121
  • Flint-Taylor, Jill, 28
  • Frankl, Viktor E., 76
  • Franklin, Lin, 108, 125
  • Fredrickson, Barbara, 106
  • Freudenberger, Herbert, 12–13
  • friends, 24, 54, 105, 114
  • frugality, 66
  • Gerbyshak, Phil, 56–57, 93, 94, 124–125
  • Get Rid of Stupid Stuff (GROSS), 32
  • Gibran, Kahlil, 78, 123–124
  • Giulioni, Julie Winkle, 79
  • global epidemic, 13–16
  • global financial institutions, 47
  • goal setting, reverse, 80–82
  • Good Doctor, The (Lee), 124
  • Good to Great (Collins), 31
  • GROSS, 32
  • group exercises: Inside Scoop, 25; Mars Group, 31–32
  • growing, 36
  • growth mindset, 40–41, 82
  • Guardian, The (newspaper), 47
  • Guarneri, Mimi, 90–91
  • guidance, 104
  • hands, 4, 37, 98–100, 102; controlling energy and, 95–97; extending, 103–106; know, feel, do technique, 100–101
  • Haney, Lee, 109
  • happiness, 26
  • happiness advantage, 33, 82
  • Happiness Advantage, The (Achor), 77, 105
  • Harvard Business Review, 25
  • head, 4, 37, 62, 73, 84; intelligent optimism of, 86–88; negative self-talk of, 85–86; outmoded thinking of, 74–75; reverse goal setting and, 80–82; seeking help and, 82–83; signature strength and, 77–79; words and, 76–77
  • heart, 4, 37; brain connection to, 90; energy of, 90–91, 93–94; heart rate variability, 91; intuition of, 91–92; power of, 89–90
  • heart brain, 90
  • HeartMath Institute, 90–91
  • heart rate variability (HRV), 91
  • Heart Speaks, The (Guarneri), 90
  • help, seeking, 17, 82–83
  • Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go (Kaye and Giulioni), 79
  • Heraclitus (philosopher), 35–36
  • history, personal, 20
  • hormones, 106, 114
  • horse sense, boundaries and, 98–100
  • hospice, 115, 125
  • houseplant experiment, 26
  • How to Write a Business Plan (program), 81–82
  • HRV, 91
  • Huffington, Arianna, 48, 101–102
  • human connections, 23–24
  • human definition, of resilience, 36
  • humor, 4, 37, 117–121; brain connection to, 114; of Jackson, 116; of Lincoln, 113; positive energy and, 114–117. See also play
  • Hurston, Zora Neale, 5
  • icons of industry, 83
  • identities, 75
  • incompetence, 30–31
  • India, burnout in, 15
  • Inside Scoop (group exercise), 25
  • intelligent optimism, 86–88
  • interns, 47
  • “In the Now” (McDargh), 69
  • intuition, of the heart, 91–92
  • Jackson, Lin: burnout of, 21, 52–53, 92; humor of, 116; support network of, 104
  • jealousy, 61
  • Jensen, Bill, 100, 101
  • Jesse (pseudonym), 86–88
  • jobs, 1, 78, 80; conditions of, 29; security of, 28; work contrasted with, 77
  • Journal of Community Health, 50
  • Joyce, James, 73
  • Kabat-Zinn, Jon, 108
  • karojisatsu (suicide related to overwork), 15
  • karoshi (burnout), 15
  • Kaye, Beverly, 79
  • Kelleher, Herb, 119
  • Keller, Helen, 86
  • Kennedy, John F., 27
  • Khan, Hamza, 83–84, 121, 126; burnouts of, 20–21, 52
  • Kierkegaard, Søren, 64
  • Kim, Yunha, 109
  • kindness, random acts of, 106
  • know, feel, do technique, 100–101
  • Kondo, Marie, 110, 111–112
  • Langer, Ellen, 26
  • leaders, 27–32, 33
  • learning: from others, 6, 52–54; resilience, 39–40
  • Lee, Thomas H., 124
  • legacy, 123
  • levity, 114
  • life, 73; compartmentalization of, 19; course correction of, 50, 52; periods of, 5, 55, 60, 103
  • Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, The (Kondo), 110
  • Lincoln, Abraham, 113
  • listening, 48, 49
  • log, of time, what, and who, 96–97
  • loneliness, 18, 23, 93
  • Love It Don’t Leave It (Kaye), 79
  • management, 2
  • Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl), 76
  • Mars Group (group exercise), 31–32
  • Marti, Mollie, 7
  • Maslach, Christina, 13
  • Maslach Burnout Inventory, 13
  • material choices, 66–67
  • McDargh, Eileen, 12, 69, 74
  • McRaven, William H., 127–128
  • meaning, 37, 128–129; enough and, 126–127; lack of, as trigger, 25–26; why and, 123–124, 125–126
  • meaningless, work as, 12, 80
  • meditation, mindfulness, 108–109
  • meetings, 29, 100–101
  • Microsoft, 102
  • Millicent (pseudonym), 85
  • Milton, John, 73–74
  • mindfulness meditation, 108–109
  • Mindset (Dweck), 40
  • mindsets, 40–41, 82
  • minimalism, 112
  • mirth, 116, 117
  • multitasking, 22
  • Murray, William Hutchison, 128–129
  • Murthy, Vivek, 25
  • Nass, Clifford, 22
  • National Resilience Institute, 7
  • negative self-talk, 85–86
  • negativity, 68, 85, 97
  • negotiating assignments, 100
  • networks, 87, 103–105
  • New England Journal of Medicine, 32
  • Newport, Cal, 99–100
  • no, saying, 98
  • North America, 13–14
  • now, the, 69, 73, 106–107, 109
  • O’Connor, Flannery, 6
  • Oliver, Mary, 129
  • optimism, intelligent, 86–88
  • organizational resilience, 41
  • organizations, 3, 11, 74; breakthroughs and, 79; company culture, 33–34; leaders and, 27–32, 33; positive actions, 31–32
  • organized religion, 64
  • others, learning from, 6, 52–54
  • outdoors, 120–121
  • outmoded thinking, 74–75
  • overworking, 13–15, 29–30
  • oxytocin, 106
  • pacing, body, 47–48
  • Paradise Lost (Milton), 73–74
  • past paralysis, 74
  • Pearn, Michael, 28
  • people, difficult, 59
  • People First tagline, 119
  • periods of life, 5, 55, 60, 103
  • personal history, 20–21
  • perspective, 113, 116
  • physical body, 45–47
  • physical conditions, from stress, 46–47
  • physical exercise, 18, 50, 51, 109–110
  • Picoult, Jodi, 35
  • Pitlik, Noam, 127
  • play, 17, 117–121; of Khan, 121; of Sansbury, 120
  • Play (Brown), 118
  • positive actions, 31–32
  • positive energy, 114–117
  • positive relationships, 93–94
  • post-traumatic growth (PTG), 7
  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 7
  • potential, 125
  • potential breakouts, 56
  • power, of the heart, 89–90
  • power grid, 37
  • Power of Meaning, The (Smith), 26
  • Power of Now, The (Tolle), 68
  • practices, workplace, 28–30
  • prayer, 64
  • prefrontal cortex, 40
  • present, the, 69
  • programs, wellness, 28
  • Psychology Today, 13–14
  • PTG, 7
  • PTSD, 7
  • Pygmalion effect, 80
  • random acts of kindness, 106
  • recreation, 118
  • red-ant thinking, 85–86
  • reduction of stress, 108–109
  • redundancy, 30
  • Reeve, Christopher, 40–41
  • reframing, 115
  • refuel, recharge, and reclaim, 4, 7, 68, 95, 101, 128
  • relationships, 59–62, 93–94; work, 29
  • religion, organized, 64
  • requests, boundaries on, 100
  • requisite variety, 75, 77, 79, 86–88
  • resilience, 38; building, 4, 6, 11, 36, 128; definitions of, 35–36; growth mindset and, 40–41; learning, 39–40; organizational, 41
  • Resilience (Southwick and Charney), 39–40
  • retreats, silent, 64
  • Return to Love, A (Williamson), 126–127
  • reverse goal setting, 80–82
  • Rodin, Judith, 26
  • Rosenthal, Robert, 80
  • Rumi, 89
  • Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, 91
  • Sansbury, Becky: Ahhhh moments of, 104; breakthrough, 125; burnout of, 60–61, 62; caregiving, 103–104, 117; play of, 120; seeking help, 82
  • saying no, 98
  • Scientific American, 23
  • Scottish Himalayan Expedition, The (Hutchison), 129
  • security, job, 28
  • seeking help, 17, 82–83
  • self-management, emotional, 90
  • self-talk, 49–52, 85–86
  • services, environmental, 78
  • siblings, 104–105
  • signature strength, 77–79
  • silent retreats, 64
  • Simple Abundance (Ban Breathnach), 126
  • Simple Habit (app), 109
  • Simplicity Survival Handbook, The (Jensen), 101
  • sitting, 51
  • sleep, 49–50, 51
  • smart phones, 22, 23
  • Smith, Emily Esfahani, 26
  • social support, 105
  • soul, 63–64
  • sources of energy, 4, 37, 67–68
  • Southwest Airlines, 119
  • Southwick, Stephen, 39–40
  • spirituality, 63, 64
  • statistics, 13–15
  • “stop, look, and listen,” 3, 45, 57, 73
  • stopping, 19, 50
  • strength, 77–80
  • stress, 1, 13–15, 38–39; physical body and, 46, 84; reduction of, 108–109
  • Stress Reduction Clinic, University of Massachusetts Medical School, 108
  • student anxiety, 14
  • stuff, 63, 65–68, 93, 110
  • success, authentic, 126
  • suicide, 15, 16, 26
  • support, 106; networks, 103–105; social, 105
  • surveys, 17–18
  • “Surviving & Thriving with Difficult People” class, 59
  • technique, know, feel, do, 100–101
  • technology, 22, 23, 99
  • Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 63
  • Tew, Robert, 111
  • thinking, 87; outmoded, 74–75; red-ant, 85–86
  • Thoreau, Henry David, 95
  • Thrive (Huffington), 48
  • Thrive Global, 48
  • “Thrive Time,” 101–102
  • time, 69, 84, 95, 96–97
  • time, what, and who log, 96–97
  • Tolle, Eckhart, 68
  • triggers, 19–20; caregiving, 24; human connections, 23–24; lack of meaning, 25–26; personal history and voices, 20–21; technology, 22, 23
  • Tuff, Chris, 32–33
  • Turner, Tina, 21
  • 22squared (ad agency), 32–33
  • Ultimate Software, 119
  • Up Is Not the Only Way (Kaye), 79
  • voices, 20–21
  • volunteering, 32, 46, 52–53, 56
  • Wall Street Journal, 22
  • “want” and “need,” 65
  • Washington, George, 66
  • wellness programs, 28
  • Wells, H. G., 123
  • WHO, 1, 16
  • why, 123–124, 125, 126
  • Williamson, Marianne, 126–127
  • Winfrey, Oprah, 98
  • words, 75–77
  • work, 56–57, 79; big picture of, 55–56; jobs contrasted with, 77, 78; as meaningless, 12, 80
  • Work for a Living & Still Be Free to Live! (McDargh), 12
  • “Work-Life Challenge” trial, 102
  • workload, 28
  • workplace: anxiety, 15; environment, 27; practices, 28–30
  • workplace wellness, 28
  • work relationships, 29
  • workweek, 102
  • World Economic Forum, 48
  • World Health Organization (WHO), 1, 16
  • writing, 6, 33, 55–56, 67, 100–101
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