
Apart from the efforts of the authors, the success of this book has depended on many other people who have made this possible.

First, thanks go to the OASIS TC, without whom there would be no CMIS in the first place. Writing about the protocol is certainly hard, but writing the protocol in the first place is much harder!

Second, we thank all the individuals who gave us support in the form of content based on their specific areas of expertise, as well as the staff at Manning Publications, who guided and encouraged us every step of the way through the publication process.

We thank the many reviewers of the book who helped us with their feedback through numerous readings of the manuscript during development: Andreas Krieg, Andrei Bautu, Bashar Nabi, Blake Girardot, Dave Brosius, Dirk Jablonski, George Gaines, Gregor Zurowski, John W. Reeder, Jose Rodriguez, Martin Hermes, Musannif Zahir, Nadia Noori, Robert Casazza, Ryan McVeigh, Sebastian Danninger, and Stephen Rice.

Special thanks go to David Caruana who, in his role as technical proofreader, took on the enormous task of going though every page of the book and verifying each of the code examples for all of the subject areas and programming languages.

We are grateful to Richard J. Howarth at IBM and John Newton at Alfresco and AIIM for generously contributing the forewords to the book and for endorsing our work.

We’d also like to acknowledge Jane Doong (Software Engineer, Enterprise Content Management, IBM) for her significant contribution of technical material for chapter 5 (“Query”) and her role in helping make sure that the information on CMIS Query that we presented was not only current but complete and authoritative.

We were fortunate enough to have Matt Mooty (Software Development Engineer, Microsoft) at our disposal for the DotCMIS section in chapter 9. And, later in that chapter, Richard McKnight (Principal Technical Consultant, Alfresco) pitched in with the PHP section. We’re grateful these guys were able to give their time to the project.

Chapter 10, which covers developing mobile applications with CMIS, wouldn’t have been possible without Jean-Marie Pascal (Mobile Engineer, Alfresco), who contributed the Android section, and Gi Lee (Technical Architect, Zia Consulting) who contributed the iOS section. Thanks to you and your respective teams and companies for the great content.

Also, many thanks to Jens Hübel (Software Architect, SAP AG), whose contribution of the OpenCMIS Server (among many other things, including all the content from our JavaScript development appendix) made it possible for us to include our own server with this book.

Thanks to Dave Sanders (Senior Developer, Enterprise Content Management, IBM) who tested and converted all The Blend metadata into FileNet’s XML metadata import format. Now readers who want to run the part 2 examples on a test FileNet server can do so just by importing the data we’ve included with the book.

Thanks to all of you, and to the many others who provided support, both technical and otherwise, and who would be too numerous to list here. We’d also like to thank our families and friends, who showed patience and understanding when we had to stay glued to our laptops for the many nights and weekends it took to complete this project.

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