About the Contributors

Michael Armano is a Partner with Essex Partners and is a recognized global leader in the human resources and consulting fields. He has worked as a senior executive in several of the world’s most highly regarded professional services, financial services, and technology firms, including as Vice President IBM Global Services, Chief People Officer Mainspring, Director Global Human Resources with the Boston Consulting Group, and Vice President Global Workforce Planning for Fidelity Investments. Michael has completed work toward a Master’s degree in Vocational and Psychological Counseling from the University of Massachusetts and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Suffolk University. During his time at IBM, he co-invented the Business Practices Alignment Method, which is the basis of Tangible Culture and filed for patent in 2004.

Barbarajo “BJ” Bliss is a Certified Managing Consultant in the Change & Program Strategy Practice of IBM’s Business Consulting Services Group. With 26 years of consulting experience, BJ helps organizations achieve strategic performance objectives by identifying priority barriers and developing robust business transformation strategies. She is recognized within and outside of IBM as a strategic change management thought leader and serves as global expert for IBM’s Culture Transformation Community of Interest. BJ holds a Master of Science degree in Communications Management from Simmons College of Boston, Massachusetts, and was the 2001 Beltz Prize recipient. She has authored a senior management seminar that helps develop the skills necessary to effectively respond to the cultural communication challenges associated with M&A implementations. She has been a featured speaker at regional and national professional associations, addressing a variety of topics such as managing the human side of mergers and acquisitions, strategic change management, and transformational leadership.

Jeanette Blomberg manages the Work in Organizational Context group at the IBM Almaden Research Center. Her research focuses on the interplay between people, technology, and organizational practices. Jeanette is also an industry-affiliated Professor of Human Work Science at the Blekinge Institute of Technology in Sweden, where she advises Ph.D. students and organizes a biennial Ph.D. course on Work Practice and Design for students throughout the Nordic countries. Prior to assuming her current position at IBM, Jeanette was Director of Experience Modeling Research at Sapient Corporation, where she helped establish the Experience Modeling practice and managed Sapient’s San Francisco Experience Modeling group. Jeanette was also a founding member of the pioneering Work Practice and Technology group at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). Over the years, her research has explored issues in social aspects of technology production and use, ethnographically informed organizational interventions, participatory design, case-based prototyping, and work practice studies. She has published on these topics, given numerous invited talks, and offered workshops in the United States and Europe on the topic of aligning ethnography with product and service design. Jeanette received her Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of California, Davis, where she taught courses in cultural anthropology and sociolinguistics.

Susan “Sue” Blum is a Managing Consultant with 27 years working experience (15 of which have been as a Consultant) in IBM’s Business Consulting Services group. She is the Global Leader for IBM’s Culture Transformation Community of Interest. Sue has a particular expertise in pragmatic approaches to embedding change and a passion for ensuring value is elicited from organizational behaviors. Susan has an MBA from Manchester Business School and an MA (Hons) in Psychology from St. Andrews University. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a member of the Association of Management Consultants (UK).

Melissa Cefkin is a Research Staff Member in IBM Research. A member of the Human Systems group with Almaden Services Research, Melissa is a business and design anthropologist with more than 12 years experience in research, management, and consulting. Melissa is a specialist in workplace ethnography with a focus on services research, product and service design and deployment, technology adoption strategies, organizational change management, and training and program development. Prior to joining IBM in 2005, Melissa was a Director of Advanced Research at Sapient Corporation, and previously held a Senior Research Scientist position at the Institute for Research on Learning. A Fulbright award grantee with a Ph.D. in Anthropology from Rice University, Melissa has conducted research globally and designed and taught university courses in cultural anthropology. She is a frequent invited speaker at universities and is a regular contributor to conferences and publication review boards. Currently serving on two member-elected positions for the American Anthropological Association, she is a former member of the Research Committee for the American Society for Training and Development and of the Board of Trustees for the Society for Organizational Learning. Melissa has authored numerous articles, reviews, and book chapters.

Andrew Duncan is a Partner in IBM’s Business Consulting Services group. He joined IBM from PwCC, where he led the European Merger Integration practice in Financial Services from 1987 through 2003 from London. He has worked with many large banks and insurers on their merger agendas, including AXA, Aviva, Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland Group, Abbey National, Irish Life & Permanent, and CIBC. His work focuses on getting the best results from the combination of capabilities and experience from the merger of two businesses—the post-merger integration phases. The creation of one new business following a merger is, in Andrew’s view, the largest change program that any company can go through, touching almost everyone in the process. Andrew supports CEOs and Merger Directors through this process. Andrew was educated at Edinburgh’s Heriot Watt University and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland. He has spoken at many international conferences on merger integration and on business management in the fund management industry. For 8 years, he authored IBM’s annual Investment Management Survey, a review of operational performance in the industry.

Ron Frank is the Partner within IBM Business Consulting Services who leads the Strategy and Change Services practice serving the internal IBM account. His areas of expertise include business and customer strategy, operations strategy, and process redesign and organizational alignment. Ron holds a BA in mathematics from Queens College, City University of New York, and a Ph.D. in Operations Research and Industrial Engineering from the Johns Hopkins University. He has written published articles about leadership and growth, and was an Assistant Professor at Harvard Business School and a director/trustee at Milton Academy, Wordwave, and RadiusPD.

Cheryl Grise is a Partner with IBM’s Business Consulting Services group and the Americas Organization Change Strategy Leader. Cheryl has more than 11 years of consulting experience advising the senior management of large corporate organizations. She has expertise in areas including organization strategy and design, change management, and program management. She also has considerable experience in team design and development, process improvement, CRMS visioning and blueprint design, benefits realization, and business transformation. Cheryl has spent the past 4 years working with a multinational entertainment and media company, leading the Business Transformation program to restructure the HR, finance, and IT functions across 86 business units to realize between $130M and $200M in annual labor savings. The effort was led in parallel with a five-wave ERP back-of-house systems implementation and the migration to shared services. Cheryl has an MBA, Information Systems and Management, from the University of Central Florida, a BA, Business Administration, from Richmond College in London, England, and has completed the Information Systems Management Program with General Electric Aerospace. She coauthored and developed the RealProjectTeams methodology to improve project team performance throughout the life cycle of highly complex, global projects.

Anthony Harris is a Managing Consultant with IBM Business Consulting Services group and a Subject Matter Expert in IBM’s Culture Transformation Community of Interest for the Asia Pacific Region. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Bowling Green State University, Ohio, and has attended Organization Behavior studies at Arizona State University, Tempe. Anthony has more than 20 years of industry and consulting experience concentrating on issues relating to culture and behavioral change, organizational effectiveness, change management, leadership development, strategic planning/alignment, and program management. He has presented at numerous conferences, including the American Society for Training & Development, National Society for Performance and Instruction, Organization Development Network, and University of Colorado School of Business. Anthony is the author of Step-by-Step Problem-Solving ToolKits and co-author of Tools for Valuing Diversity.

Lisa D. Kreeger is a member of the IBM Almaden Services Research group based in San Jose, California. Lisa’s professional and academic expertise is in the development and creation of value through interorganizational services relationships. Her background includes five years in a consulting group focused on building and optimizing business relationships at the senior executive level and more than 10 years in the health-care industry as a nurse, researcher, and consultant in business and technology strategy. Lisa is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Leadership and Change from Antioch University. She holds an MBA from Seattle University and Bachelor degrees in Nursing and Psychology from DePaul University.

Jeff Kreulen is the Manager of Operations Technologies at the IBM Almaden Research Center. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in applied mathematics (computer science) from Carnegie-Mellon University, a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering both from Pennsylvania State University. Since joining IBM in 1992, he has worked on multiprocessor systems design and verification, operating systems, systems management, Web-based service delivery, and integrated text and data analysis. Most recently, Jeff has been leading research and development in services enabling technology efforts for the Almaden Service Research function. He has published in both journals and conference proceedings and holds 10 U.S. patents.

Eric Lesser is an Associate Partner in IBM’s Institute for Business Value, responsible for developing research and thought leadership for IBM’s Human Capital Management practice. He has conducted a wide variety of studies and consulted with clients in the knowledge, learning, and human capital areas. He has edited three books: Creating Value with Knowledge: Insights from the IBM Institute for Business Value with Larry Prusak (Oxford University Press, 2003), Knowledge and Communities with Michael Fontaine and Jason Slusher, and Knowledge and Social Capital (both with Butterworth-Heinemann 2000). His articles have appeared in Sloan Management Review, International Human Resource Information Management Journal, IBM Systems Journal, and the Ivey Business Journal. Eric holds an MBA from the Goizueta School of Business at Emory University (where he was a Robert W. Woodruff fellow) and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Brandeis University.

Dave Lubowe is a partner in IBM Business Consulting Services’ Strategy & Change practice, and is the Global and Americas Leader for Operations Strategy. Dave has more than 20 years of industry and consulting experience, primarily in operations management. Starting out at Procter & Gamble, Dave had roles of increasing responsibility in manufacturing management and project management, as well as a two-year assignment in finance. Following P&G, Dave set up and managed operations for an electronics start-up, and participated in development of several generations of the product. Then, Dave entered the consulting world, joining Price Waterhouse Consulting. His consulting work has focused on designing, implementing, managing, and continuously improving business processes, including extensive experience with managing outsourcing effectively. Clients have included Applied Materials, Franklin Covey, Union Pacific Railroad, Lam Research, AMD, and Arrow. Dave holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Princeton University and five U.S. patents.

Michael Lueck is a Managing Consultant in the Organizational Strategy practice within IBM Business Consulting Services. He has led organization transformation, merger integration, and business strategy projects for clients across 11 industries and every business function. Michael received a Bachelor of Science degree from Texas A&M University and an MBA from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business.

Paul Maglio is Senior Manager of Human Systems Research at the IBM Almaden Research Center, an interdisciplinary group of social, cognitive, and computer scientists focused on supporting the way people work in IBM’s Global Services division. In his nine years at IBM Research, Paul has published more than 60 scientific papers and holds 12 patents in areas including human-computer interaction, intelligent agents, Web intermediaries, system management, and autonomic computing. He has a Ph.D. in cognitive science from UCSD, and an SB in Computer Science and Engineering from MIT.

Doug McDavid is an Executive Research Consultant and member of the prestigious IBM Academy of Technology with more than 30 years of experience in bridging the gap between business people and technologists. He has taken leadership roles and performed hands-on modeling and requirements definition on numerous successful engagements in such diverse industries as insurance, public utilities, military, aerospace, telecommunications, manufacturing, travel, and entertainment. He led development of an enterprise database for the world’s largest value-added data communications carrier that supports network management, fixed-asset tracking, internal and external order processing, usage-sensitive and fixed monthly billing, and telco bill reconciliation, from a single, integrated database. He has published widely, including two articles in IBM Systems Journal: “Business Language Analysis for Object-Oriented Information Systems” (v. 35, no. 2, 1996) and “A Standard for Business Architecture Description” (vol. 38, no. 1, 1999), and was on the editorial board for the Handbook of Object Technology from CRC Press and authored a chapter on systems envisioning.

Patrick McDonnell is a Senior Partner and member of the Leadership Team in the Strategy and Change Practice of IBM’s Business Consulting Services Business. Pat is Director of IBM’s Strategic Leadership Program (SLP), where he assists global and national organizations in transforming their businesses through an innovative integration of strategy, execution, and change and performance management strategies. He worked with the Harvard Business School to develop the SLP as a commercial offering in 2001—it is based on IBM’s current internal Strategic Development Process. Pat was the Leader of the Business and Operations Strategy Practice for PwCC and IBM Canada, where he co-authored IBM’s Merger Integration methodology, and was a member of the IBM/PwCC Global Integration Team. He has supported numerous integration projects in multiple industries. Pat has more than 25 years business experience, was a graduate of California State University San Diego, and has numerous Advanced Management Certification Programs from the University of Southern California and the Wharton School of Business.

Len Nanjad is a Senior Consultant in the Organization and Change Strategy practice within IBM Business Consulting Services. Over the past decade, he has worked and advised on organizational change management programs for Customer Relationship Management and technology-driven business transformations. He has served large clients in several industries, including media and entertainment, telecommunications, consumer packaged goods, automotive, and financial services. His focus is on driving high-value change interventions and strategic leadership. Len holds an MBA from the Ivey School of Business, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and Economics from the University of Western Ontario, Canada.

Kris Pederson is an expert in large-scale business transformation associated with business process and system integration efforts. She currently holds three leadership positions within IBM Business Consulting Services: (1) Global Organization and Change Strategy Leader, includes oversight of 650 practitioners and 30 partners with competency focus on change management, cultural change, organization design, and change leadership; (2) Global Value Creation Leader, which includes business case development, benchmarking, shareholder value analysis, value pricing; (3) Global Executive of IBM’s Global Relationship Partner Program, a team of partners/executives that manage the largest IBM accounts. Kris holds an MBA from Harvard University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and Business Administration from UCLA.

George Pohle is a Vice President and Partner in Business Consulting Services. He is the Global Leader of IBM’s Institute for Business Value (described below). He has spent 18 years in line leadership and consulting roles and has held senior leadership positions in both start-ups and Fortune 50 organizations. In addition to consulting, he writes and speaks frequently on issues related to corporate strategy and operations management. George holds an MBA from INSEAD (Institut Europeen d’ Administration des Affaires) in Fontainebleau, France, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Johns Hopkins University.

Mary Sue Rogers is Global Leader for Human Capital Management within IBM Business Consulting Services. Mary Sue is a specialist in the Human Capital Management area, primarily focusing on the transformation of the HR function and the strategically related HR activities. She is a graduate of Oakland University with a degree in Political and Computer Science. She has written and presented numerous articles for organizations such as CARS, HR Technology Conference, Times, HRPS, and a variety of professional HR journals.

Lynn Schuster is an Executive Organization and Leadership Consultant with lead responsibility for most senior executives in IBM Global Services Americas. She is one of the leads for Global Executive and Organization Capability’s new Go-To-Market Model “Collaborate for Growth.” Lynn is a Graduate of Manhatanville College with Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. Prior to IBM, she was a mergers and acquisitions specialist with more than 25 years experience working in a cross-section of industry both domestic and international. Lynn’s areas of expertise include organization growth and change, strategy development and execution, executive integration, leadership and team development, organization design, and results-oriented problem solving for bottom-line impact. She is a published author and speaker on these topics.

Dean Spitzer is a Senior Researcher and Consultant with IBM Corporation. He is an IBM Thought Leader in the area of performance management and measurement and is currently leading groundbreaking research at IBM on business measurement models and on “the socialization of measurement.” He has more than 25 years experience in helping individuals and organizations achieve superior performance, and has directed more than 100 successful training and performance-improvement projects. Prior to joining IBM, Dean was a Training/HRD Manager and Internal Consultant with several Fortune 100 companies, Assistant Director of a U.S. government education center, and served as a professor at five universities. He is the author of 6 books and more than 130 chapters and articles on various areas of human performance improvement, organizational development, and performance management. He has lectured and consulted on five continents. Dean earned his Ph.D. with honors from the University of Southern California and his Master of Arts from Northwestern University. He also pursued both undergraduate and graduate studies at the London School of Economics.

Jim Spohrer is the Director of IBM’s Almaden Services Research group, which focuses on innovation for IBM Global Services. Human sciences, On Demand Innovation Services (ODIS), deep industry knowledge of future trends, and service-oriented technology are areas of active exploration. He has also been the CTO of IBM’s Venture Capital Relations Group, where he identified technology trends and worked to establish win-win relationships between IBM and VC-backed portfolio companies. Previously, Jim directed the IBM Computer Science Foundation Department, and was Senior Manager and co-strategist for IBM’s User Experience/Human Computer Interaction Research effort. Prior to joining IBM, he was a DEST (Distinguished Engineer, Scientist, and Technologist) and Program Manager of learning technology projects in Apple’s Advanced Technology Group. Jim received a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from MIT and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Yale University. He has been a visiting scholar at the University of Rome La Sapienza and lecturer at major universities across Europe. Jim has published broadly in the areas of speech recognition; empirical studies of programmers; artificial intelligence; authoring tools; online learning communities; open source software; intelligent tutoring systems and student modeling; new paradigms in using computers; implications of rapid technical change; and the co-evolution of social, business, and technical systems. Jim is a frequent advisor to the National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Education, and others on the implications of rapid technological change to the future of education.

Ray Strong is an IBM Research Staff Member. He received a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Washington. In more than 30 years of experience with IBM, Ray has managed projects including Theory of Programming, Semantic Information Processing, and Distributed Computing & Information Processing. He has worked in the research areas of access methods, machine architectures, communication and synchronization, fault-tolerant distributed algorithms, systems management, and service delivery. He was a member of the project that produced the world’s first Relational Database Management System. He is an author of numerous technical publications and presentations and an inventor of numerous patents, especially in the area of fault-tolerant distributed systems. His recent focus at IBM has been on research strategy for optimal impact on IBM’s services business. Ray’s strengths include systems architecture, technical project planning and organization, expertise in distributed algorithms and systems, and experience in multi-enterprise interoperation of autonomous database systems.

Jennifer Q. Trelewicz is the Executive Assistant to Nicholas Donofrio, Executive Vice President of Innovation and Technology, in IBM Corporate Headquarters in Armonk, New York. She was previously the Research Relationship Manager for Russia and Eastern Europe and the Manager of the Business Models department in the IBM Almaden Research Center, where she worked with clients, business partners, and academics in Russia and Eastern Europe to develop new tools for analyzing businesses, and to build practical market solutions with IBM technology, services, and solutions. Jennifer holds a Ph.D. in signal processing, which was funded by a NASA Graduate Student Researcher fellowship, and an MNS degree in mathematics. She is a member of the IBM Academy of Technology, a member-at-large of the board of governors of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, and has more than 30 publications in international journals and conference proceedings, 7 issued patents and many more pending.

Kristin von Donop is a Senior Organization Leadership Consultant with IBM’s Global Executive and Organization Capability (GEOC), providing leadership and organizational consulting to IBM’s Senior Leadership Team members. Kristin has extensive experience in business consulting, executive coaching, leadership team effectiveness, and large-scale organizational change initiatives. She received her Master of Science degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York, and her graduate thesis was on organizational trust. She also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, where she concentrated on international business.

IBM Almaden Services Research (ASR) is the newest function at the IBM Almaden Research Center. Our focus is on innovations that impact IBM Global Services and IBM clients. Our team acts as a catalyst to increase the quantity and quality of Research’s interactions with Global Services, IBM’s largest division. ASR is performing pioneering human systems research in the social, organizational, and behavioral sciences. To work more effectively with clients, ASR is developing deep knowledge of specific industries, providing connections between client needs and the entire IBM Research organization. ASR provides connections and assistance for IBM consultants and specific architectural and technical assistance to IBM outsourcing service providers. In summary, Almaden Services Research is about understanding people in sociotechnical systems, improving service delivery, and linking innovation with business needs. For more information, visit us on the Web at

IBM Business Consulting Services (BCS) is the world’s largest consulting organization, a business services partner of unmatched breadth and depth. It employs close to 60,000 professionals in 160 countries, with deep experience and expertise in more than 20 industries. BCS offers a broad set of solutions spanning strategic change, customer relationship management, supply-chain operations, financial management, human capital, IT, and business-process outsourcing. BCS features technology from IBM’s Center for Business Optimization and provides Component Business Modeling Technology and access to IBM Research through the On Demand Innovation Services initiative. For more information, visit us on the Web at

The IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV) develops leading-edge thinking and practical insights for senior business executives. It provides senior executives with strategic insights and recommendations that address critical business challenges and capitalize on new opportunities, all with an eye on creating value. Comprised of experienced consultants from around the world, the IBV conducts research and analysis in 17 industries and examines 6 functional disciplines. We work in collaboration with industry experts, leading-edge clients, and our own field practitioners to provide practical recommendations built on a foundation of fundamental research. For more information, visit us on the Web at

IBM On Demand Innovation Services (ODIS). The insights and concepts contained in Tangible Culture were created through a collaborative effort between IBM Research and Business Consulting Services. IBM offers this same opportunity to combine world-class research and business consulting expertise to clients. IBM’s ODIS brings together members of IBM Research and Business Consulting Services to help clients solve problems and create new business opportunities through a wide array of inventions, tools, technology, and expertise. For more information, visit us on the Web at

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