

acquisitions, 122

benefits of, 122

business challenges, 122-124

culture challenges, 124-126

detriments of, 122

due diligence, cultural applications, 127-129

GE (General Electric), successes, 124

Human Resources, planning, 127

integration, cultural applications, 129-136

overcapacity, 123

“people” risks, 126-127

reasons for, 123

success rates, 123

Tangible Culture, benefits of, 141

work steps, 137, 139-141

action plans, prioritized action plans, 136, 156

“adopt and go” strategy, 20

alliances, 144, 161

business challenges, 144-146

culture challenges, 146-148

leverage phase

Tangible Culture, 152-157

work steps, 158-160

negotiations, Tangible Culture, 149-150, 152

“people” risks, 148-149

research, Tangible Culture, 149-150, 152

approaches (culture)

attributes/characteristics approach, 42-44

behaviors approach, 39-42

combining, 45

principles approach, 38-39

Right vs. Right approach, 68-72, 82

application of, 81-82

benefits of, 80-81

development of, 72-74

examples, 74, 76-77

mindsets, 76

originality of, 78-80

policies, 76

priorities, 76

reconciliation session, 78

uneven scale, 74

Theory in Action, 96

traditional approaches, effectiveness, 45-46

values approach, 34-38

Argyris, Chris, 96

Armano, Mike, 5, 21

as-is culture assessment, BCS (Business Consulting Services), 23

Ashkenas, Ron, 7

attributes/characteristics approach (culture), 42-44


Baba, Marietta L., 71

Bailey, George, 29

Bardswick, Kathy, 229

BCS (Business Consulting Services), 19

Change and Culture workstream, 22-23

climate checks, 28

combined work effort, 28

geography and workstream interlock, 27

high-level to-be culture dimensions, 24-25

leadership model, 27

risk assessment, 23

stakeholder assessment, 23

to-be culture blueprint and transition approach, 26-27

vision and operating principles, 24-25

creation of, 19

initial vision for, 19

behavioral gap assessments, 41

behaviors approach (culture), 39-42

Berger, Cindy, 146

Best Practices, selecting and implementing, 210-212

BIS (Business Innovation Services), 18

Bitner, Mary Jo, 166

Blomberg, Jeanette, 95

Bossidy, Larry, 6

Bower, Joseph, 123

Bower, Marvin, 87

BPA (Business Practices Alignment) method, 104-116

benefits of, 114-116

possibilities, 114

Brown, John Seely, 58, 96

Business Consulting Services (BCS), 19

Business Leadership Model, 96

Business Practices, 13, 15, 86, 88, 101, 104, 223, 228, 251-252

application, 98, 101

benefits of, 97-98

Best Practices, selecting and implementing, 210-212

CRM (Client Relationship Management), 234-237

discovery of, 88-89

elements, 90-93

examples, 94

global operations, 219, 221-222

hiring practices, 216-219

identifying, 98, 100

laissez faire approach to, 206

originality, 95, 97

performance, measuring, 214-216

strategies, propelling, 204-205

targeting, 207-208

technology, selecting and implementing, 212-213

business processes, 252


Cameron, Kim, 7, 80

Campbell, Alasdair, 238

Campbell, John, 80

Case-Lee, Jenna, 248

categories, culture, 10-12

Cefkin, Melissa, 96

CfG (Collaborate for Growth) initiative, 242-243

Change and Culture workstream, 22

as-is culture assessment, 23

climate checks, 28

combined work effort, 28

geography and workstream interlock, 27

high-level to-be culture dimensions, 24-25

leadership model, 27

risk assessment, 23

stakeholder assessment, 23

to-be culture blueprint and transition approach, 26-27

vision and operating principles, 24-25

characteristics/attributes approach (culture), 42-44

Charan, Ram, 6

charters, transformations, 192

Client Relationship Management (CRM). See CRM (Client Relationship Management)

climate checks, BCS (Business Consulting Services), 28

Co-operators Group Limited, 228-229

CRM (Client Relationship Management), 230-232, 237

culture challenges, 232-237

Tangible Culture, 238-239

Collaborate for Growth (CfG) initiative, 242-243

Collins, Harry, 96

Collins, Mike, 24

combined work effort, BCS (Business Consulting Services), 28

“The Coming Commoditization of Processes,” 252

communications, alliances and partnerships, 149

Competing Values model, 80

Corporate Cultures, 97

Corporate Legends and Lore—The Power of StoryTelling as a Management Tool, 58

Covey, Stephen, 58, 79

CRM (Client Relationship Management), 228

Business Practices, 234-237

Co-operators Group Limited, 230-232, 237-239

culture challenges, 232-237

operating principles, 234

stakeholder strategies, 232-233

culture challenges

alliances and partnerships, 146-148

CRM (Client Relationship Management), 232-237

mergers and acquisitions, 124-126

restructuring, 167-168

transformations, 186-189


categories, 10, 12

deficiencies, consequences, 9-10

importance of, 6-9, 34

perceptions, 86

customers, internal customers, partnering with, 178

Cynefin Framework, 57


D’Aveni, Richard, 188

data collection, Right vs. Right technique, analyzing, 246-248

Davenport, Tom, 6, 252

“Day in the Life” narratives, 52, 57

Deal, Terrence, 7, 97

Denison, Daniel, 43

Denison Organizational Culture Survey and Human Synergistic’s Organizational Culture Inventory, 43

Denning, Stephen, 58

desired outcomes (Outcome Narratives), 59

Deters, Dennis, 229

Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture, 80

distributed organizational infrastructures, 184

Dockray, David, 24

Don’t Jump to Solutions: Thirteen Delusions That Undermine Strategic Thinking, 189

due diligence, mergers and acquisitions, cultural applications, 127-129


e-businesses, 183

entrepreneurial ventures, building, 206-209

expectations, Outcome Narratives, 50, 64

benefits of, 62

creating, 63-64

development of, 50-56

elements, 59

examples, 60-62

originality of, 57-59

purposes, 60

extended enterprise networks, 184

free-trade agreements, 145

future-state definitions, testing, 209-210

future-state visioning, transformations, 189


game theory, 79

gap assessments, 135-136, 156

restructuring, 173

transformations, 195

gaps (behaviors), assessments, 41

Garfinkel, Harold, 95

GE (General Electric), acquisition success, 124

geography interlock, BCS (Business Consulting Services), 27

Gerstner, Lou, 8, 90

global operations, Business Practices, 219, 221-222

GLOBE (Global Leadership & Organizational Behavior Effectiveness) Study, 9


importance of, 148

restructuring, 169

Grayson, Jack, 90

Groh, Katalina, 58

Grosch, Philip, 231


Harris, Anthony, 21

Harrison Culture Assessment, 42

Haspeslagh, Philippe, 124

hiring practices, Business Practices, 216-219

Horn, Paul, 113

Human Resources, mergers and acquisitions, planning for, 127

Hupka, Larry, 22

Hypercompetition, 188



PwCC (PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting)

integration of, 18-31

purchase of, 18-19

shared knowledge, motivations for, 5

If Only We Knew What We Know, 90

IGS (IBM Global Services), PwCC (PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting)

addition of, 18

integration of, 18-31

in-scope roles (Outcome Narratives), 59

Institute for Global Ethics, 79


“adopt and go” strategy, 20

mergers and acquisitions, cultural applications, 129-136

workstreams, 20

internal customers, partnering with, 178

interview process, Business Practices, 216-219


jams, values, 35-36

job searches, Business Practices, 216-219

Johnson, Barry, 79

Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, 57

Kennedy, Allan, 7, 97

Kenny, Carolyn, 50

Kerr, Steve, 7

Kluckhorn, Clyde, 86

Kotter, John, 6

Kroeber, Alfred, 86

Kurashige, Hideki, 24

Kusch, Martin, 96


Lafley, A.G., 183

“launch and learn” stage of development, 5

Lave, Jean, 96

Leader’s Guide to Storytelling: Mastering the Art and Discipline of Business Narrative, The, 58

leadership model, BCS (Business Consulting Services), 27

leverage phase, alliances and partnerships, 152-157

work steps, 158-160

Liang, Jim, 125

Lueck, Michael, 21


MacDonald, J. Randall, 92

“Maintaining Momentum in Mergers”, 124

Markovits, Mike, 40

McCombie, Rick, 238

measured risk taking, 51-52

measuring performance, 214-216

mergers, 122

benefits of, 122

business challenges, 122-124

culture challenges, 124-126

detriments of, 122

due diligence, cultural applications, 127-129

Human Resources, planning, 127

integration, cultural applications, 129-131, 133-136

overcapacity, 123

“people” risks, 126-127

reasons for, 123

success rates, 123

Tangible Culture, benefits of, 141

work steps, 137, 139-141

Moffat, Bob, 87

Moulton Reger, Sara, 5, 21


Negotiations, alliances and partnerships, 149-152

Neuhauser, Peg, 58

Newberry, Steve, 169

Nickerson, Christopher, 244, 248

O’Reilly, Charles A., 97

On Demand businesses, 183

business challenges, 185

open standards, 144

operating principles

BCS (Business Consulting Services), 24-25

CRM (Client Relationship Management), 234

organization design, restructuring, 168

organizational change management

alliances and partnerships, 149

restructuring, 169

Organizational Culture and Leadership, 10, 86

Orr, Julian, 57, 95

Outcome Narratives, 14-15, 50, 64, 86, 104-106, 134, 154, 252-253

benefits of, 62

careful wording of, 253

company changes, 132

creating, 63-64

development of, 50-56

elements, 59

examples, 60-62

future-state definitions, testing, 209-210

originality of, 57-59

purposes, 60

restructuring, 172

transformations, 194

visions, testing, 209-210

overcapacity, 123


Pal, Nirmal, 53

Palmisano, Sam, 8, 35, 183

partnerships, 161

business challenges, 144-146

culture challenges, 146-148

internal customers, 178

leverage phase, 152-157

work steps, 158-160

negotiations, 149-152

“people” risks, 148-149

research, 149-152

Pelander, Eric, 126

“people” risks

alliances and partnerships, 148-149

mergers and acquisitions, 126-127

restructuring, 168-169

transformations, 189-190

performance, measuring, 214-216

Polarity Management, 79

Practices Charters, 133, 153-154

restructuring, 171-172

PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting (PwCC)

IBM acquisition of, 5, 18-19

IGS (IBM Global Services), integration, 18-31

principles approach (culture), 38-39

prioritized action plans, 136, 156

restructuring, 174

transformations, 195-196

progress evaluations, 136, 157-158

restructurings, 174

transformations, 196

Prusak, Larry, 58


Quinn, Robert, 7, 80

reconciliation session, Right vs. Right, 78

research, alliances and partnerships, 149-152

restructuring, 164, 179

business challenges, 165-167

culture challenges, 167-168

governance, 169

internal customers, partnering with, 178

organization design, 168

organizational change management, 169

“people” risks, 168-169

reasons for, 164

shared services, 168

adopting, 165-166

Tangible Culture, 170-174

work steps, 175, 178

Right vs. Right approach, 14-15, 68-72, 82, 86, 104, 208, 251

application of, 81-82, 244-245

benefits of, 80-81, 248-249

careful wording of, 253

choosing, 244

data collection, analyzing, 246-248

development of, 72-74

examples, 74, 76-77

mindsets, 76

originality of, 78, 80

policies, 76

priorities, 76

reconciliation, work steps, 139-140

reconciliation session, 78

Sales Pipeline Project, 243-244

uneven scale, 74

risk assessment, 23

risk taking, 51-52

Rohrbaugh, John, 80

role behaviors and actions (Outcome Narratives), 59

Rometty, Ginni, 24, 108

Rouse, William B., 189


Sacks, Harvey, 95

Sales Pipeline Project, 243-244

Sanford, Linda, 186

Schein, Edgar H., 10, 86-87

Schneider, Benjamin, 35

Schön, Donald, 96

Shape of Actions, The, 96

shared services

adopting, 165-166

restructuring, 168-174

worksteps, 175, 178

Situated Learning, 96

situation statements (Outcome Narratives), 59

Skillen, Lynn, 238

“skunk works” ventures, 206

stakeholder assessment, BCS (Business Consulting Services), 23

stakeholder strategies

CRM (Client Relationship Management), 232-233

transformations, 189

start-up ventures, building, 206-209

storytelling, Outcome Narratives, 50, 64

benefits of, 62

creating, 63-64

development of, 50-56

elements, 59

examples, 60-62

originality of, 57-59

purposes, 60

Storytelling in Organizations: Why Storytelling Is Transforming 21st Century Organizations and Management, 58

strategic options, evaluating, 204-206

studies, cultural barriers to business, 8-9


Talking About Machines, 57

Tangible Culture

acquisitions and mergers, 130-136

benefits of, 141

Co-operators Group Limited, 238-239

establishment of, 21

restructuring, shared services, 170-174


applying to, 190-196

work steps, 197-199

technology, selecting and implementing, 212-213

Theory in Action approach, 96

to-be culture dimensions, BCS (Business Consulting Services), 24-27

traditional approaches (culture), effectiveness, 45-46

transformations, 182, 200

business challenges, 182-186

culture challenges, 186-189

distributed organizational infrastructures, 184

extended enterprise networks, 184

future-state visioning, 189

“people” risks, 189-190

reasons for, 182

stakeholder strategies, 189

Tangible Culture, applying to, 190-196

transition strategies, 190

virtual work, 184

work steps, 197-199

transition strategies, transformations, 190

Travis, Lance, 150

Tribal Warfare in Organizations, 58

Trompenaars, Fons, 78

Tushman, Michael, 97


Ulrich, Dave, 7

uneven scale, Right vs. Right, 74

values approach (culture), 34-38

jams, 35-36

virtual work, 184

visions, testing, 209-210

Watchorn, Dan, 230

Watson, Thomas, 35

Weibull, Jorgen, 79

Welch, Jack, 7

Wenger, Etienne, 96

Winning Through Innovation, 97

work steps

alliances and partnerships, leverage phase, 158-160

cultural fit, assessing, 150

mergers and acquisitions, 137, 139-141

restructuring, shared services, 175, 178

transformations, 197, 199


Change and Culture workstream, 22

as-is culture assessment, 23

climate checks, 28

combined work effort, 28

geography and workstream interlock, 27

high-level to-be culture dimensions, 24-25

leadership model, 27

risk assessment, 23

stakeholder assessment, 23

to-be culture blueprint and transition approach, 26-27

vision and operating principles, 24-25

integration workstream, 20

interlocking, 27

Wright, Robert, 79

Young, Janet, 148

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