

Adverse Event Timeline, by severity 64–67, 113–116

analytical procedures, automatic graphs from 3

annotations 23–24, 161, 168

ARROW function 24

ASAT, distribution of by time and treatment 45–47, 173–176

attribute maps

about 25

GTL 160, 167


automatic graphs, from analytical procedures 3


defined 11, 163

in GTL 160

AXIS statement 15

AXISEXTENT option 113

AXISEXTENT=DATA option 109, 122

AXISTABLE statement 210, 211, 212, 224, 227, 228, 233


BAND statement 93


box plot of QTc change from baseline with 91–92

lab test panel with 147–148

BARCHART statement 210


box plot of QTc change from 29–37, 89–94

panel of LFT shifts from to maximum by treatment 139–141

basic plots 22, 163

bivariate distribution plot 203–207, 236–240

BLOCK statement 142

BLOCKPLOT statement 199

box plot

lab test panel with 147–148

of QTc change from baseline 29–37, 89–94

BOXPLOT statement 210

butterfly plot, of cancer deaths by cause and gender 182–186, 218–222


categorical plots 164

categorization plots 22

cause, butterfly plot of cancer deaths by 182–186, 218–222

CDC chart, for length and weight percentiles 82–86, 132–136

cell 11, 162

Clark Error Grid 75–77, 125–127

COLAXIS statement 140, 146, 148

COLN() function 223

color graphs 6


COLORMODEL option 167

COLUMNLATTICE layout 20, 153, 154, 155


combining statements 22

COMPARE statement 10

conditional statements (GTL) 160

conditionals (GTL) 168

confidence plots 22

container, graph 165

Cravets, Matt 179, 216

CURVELABEL option 107

custom graphs

creating using Graph Template Language (GTL) 4

creating using ODS Graphics Designer application 5

creating using Statistical Graphics (SG) procedures 4


data sets, ODS styles and 5

DATALABEL option 187

DATALATTICE layout 166

DATAPANEL layout 166


discrete axis, median of lipid profile by visit and treatment on 47–48, 101–102

DISCRETEATTRMAP statement 167, 229


DISCRETELEGEND statement 178, 215


of ASAT by time and treatment 45–47, 98–101, 173–176, 211–212

of maximum LFT by treatment 72–74, 122–125

distribution plots 22, 164

draw statements 168

DRAWARROW statement 168

DRAWLINE statement 168

DRAWRECTANGLE statement 168

DRAWTEXT statement 168, 188, 189, 194, 199, 224, 225, 229, 233

DROPLINE statement 123

DYNAMIC statement 168

dynamic variables (GTL) 160, 167–168


END statement 177, 214

ENDGRAPH statement 177, 214

ENDLAYOUT statement 177, 214

entries (GTL) 160

ENTRY statement 168, 188–189, 192, 204, 224, 228, 238

entry statements (GTL) 167

ENTRYTITLE statement 159

expressions (GTL) 160, 168

external "Subjects At-Risk" table, survival plot with 50–52, 104–105

eye irritation, over time by severity and treatment 153–154


fit plots 22, 164

footnotes (GTL) 160, 167

forest plots

of hazard ratios by patient subgroups 191–197, 226–231

of impact of treatment on mortality by study 186–190, 222–226


See specific functions


gender, butterfly plot of cancer deaths by 182–186, 218–222

Graph Template Language (GTL)

See also 9.3 GTL

See also 9.4 GTL

about 1, 157–158

annotate 168

attribute maps 167

conditionals 168

creating custom graphs using 4

draw statements 168

dynamic variables 167–168

entry statements 167

expressions 168

footnote statements 167

getting started 158–159

graphs and terminology 161–163

layout statements 165–166

legend statements 167

macro variables 167–168

plot statements 163–165

simple graph 159–161

title statements 167


defined 11, 162

GTL 161–163

simple GTL 159–161


about 6

box plot of QTc change from baseline in 35–37, 93–94

Clark Error Grid in 76–77, 126–127

distribution of ASAT by time and treatment in 100–101

distribution of maximum LFT treatment in 124–125

immunology panel in 143–144

injection site reaction in 121–122

mean change in QTc by visit and treatment in 97–98

mean change in QTc by visit in 43–44

median of lipid profile by visit and treatment in linear axis in 102–103

median of lipid profile by visit and treatment on linear axis in 48–49

simple forest plot with study weights in 60–61, 110–111

survival plot with internal "Subjects At-risk" table in 53–54, 106–107

swimmer plot for tumor response in 80–81

swimmer plot for tumor response over time in 130–131

vital statistics for patient over time in 154

GRIDDED layout 166

group data, distribution of maximum LFT treatment in grayscale with 124–125

GROUPDISPLAY option 101–102


GTL (Graph Template Language)

See Graph Template Language (GTL)


hazard ratios, forest plot of by patient subgroups 191–197, 226–231

HIGHCAP option 66, 115

HIGHFLOW statement 42

HIGHLABEL option 193

HIGHLOW plot statement 62

HIGHLOWPLOT statement 193, 194

history, of ODS Graphics 1–2


IMAGE function 24

immunology profile, by treatment 142–144

INDENT option 112

injection site reaction 70–71, 120–122

in-line draw, in GTL 161

inner risk table, box plot of QTc change from baseline with 33–35, 91–92

inner table

mean change in QTc by visit and treatment with 96–97

mean change of QTc by week and treatment with 41–43

INNERMARGIN statement 227, 228

inset line name, lab test panel with 147–148

INSET statement 15, 86, 136, 148, 152

insets 11

INTERMARGIN statement 212

internal "Subjects At-risk" table, survival plot with 52–53, 53–54, 105–106, 106–107

ITEMSIZE option 220


KEYLEGEND statement 15, 90, 95

Kopicko, Jeff 179, 216


LATTICE layout 19, 150, 151, 155, 166

layering plots 15–16

LAYOUT LATTICE statement 172, 173–174, 177, 183, 187, 192, 198, 204, 210, 214

LAYOUT OVERLAY statement 172, 173–174, 177, 201, 210, 212, 214

layout statements

defined 163

GTL 165–166


in GTL 160

multi-cell ad hoc 166

single-cell 165–166

legend statements (GTL) 167


defined 11, 163

GTL 160

length percentiles, CDC chart for 82–86, 132–136

LFT safety panel, baseline versus study 144–145

LFT shifts, panel of from baseline to maximum by treatment 139–141

LIFETEST procedure 3, 50–51, 198, 231–232

LINE function 24, 31

linear axis

median of lipid profile by visit and treatment in 102–103

median of lipid profile by visit and treatment on 48–49

LINELENGTH option 90, 102, 151

lipid profile, median of by visit and treatment 47–49

LOCATION=INSIDE option 93, 97, 106

LOCATION=OUTSIDE option 90, 95

LOWLABEL option 43, 66, 115, 193


macro variables (GTL) 160, 167–168

MARKERCHAR statement 42, 57, 62, 77, 172

MARKERCHARACTER option 174, 175, 180, 184, 187–188, 189, 194

MATRIX statement 10

maximum LFT by treatment, distribution of 72–74

mean change

in QTc by visit and treatment 94–98

in QTc by week and treatment 38–44

median, of lipid profile by visit and treatment 47–49, 101–103

%MODSTYLE() macro 25, 43, 49, 56, 68, 70, 77

multi-cell ad hoc layouts 166

multi-cell classification panels 11–12, 166

multi-cell comparative scatter plots 12

multi-column data, distribution of maximum LFT by treatment with 122–123


N() function 168

9.3 GTL

See also Graph Template Language (GTL)

See also SGPLOT procedure

about 171–172

bivariate distribution plot 203–207

butterfly plot of cancer deaths by cause and gender 182–186

distribution of ASAT by time and treatment 173–176

forest plot of hazard ratios by patient subgroups 191–197

forest plot of impact of treatment on mortality by study 186–190

most frequent on-therapy adverse events sorted by relative risk 176–178

product-limit survival estimates 197–202

treatment emergent adverse events with largest risk difference with NNT 179–182

9.3 SGPLOT procedure

about 28

adverse event timeline by severity 64–67

box plot of QTc change from baseline 29–37

CDC chart for length and weight percentiles 82–86

change in tumor size 67–69

Clark Error Grid 75–77

distribution of ASAT by time and treatment 45–47

distribution of maximum LFT by treatment 72–74

injection site reaction 70–71

mean change in QTc by week and treatment 38–44

median of lipid profile by visit and treatment 47–49

simple forest plot 55–61

subgrouped forest plot 62–64

survival plot 50–54

swimmer plot 77–81

9.4 GTL

See also Graph Template Language (GTL)

about 209–210

bivariate distribution plot 236–240

butterfly plot of cancer deaths by cause and gender 218–222

distribution of ASAT by time and treatment 211–212

forest plot of hazard ratios by patient subgroups 226–231

forest plot of impact of treatment on mortality by study 222–226

most frequent on-therapy adverse events sorted by relative risk 213–215

product-limit survival estimates 231–236

treatment emergent adverse events with largest risk difference with NNT 216–218

9.4 SGPLOT procedure

See also SGPLOT procedure

about 88

Adverse Event Timeline by severity 113–116

box plot of QTc change from baseline 89–94

CDC chart for length and weight percentiles 132–136

change in tumor size 117–119

Clark Error Grid 125–127

distribution of ASAT by time and treatment 98–101

distribution of maximum LFT by treatment 122–125

injection site reaction 120–122

mean change in QTc by visit and treatment 94–98

median of lipid profile by visit and treatment 101–103

simple forest plot 107–111

subgrouped forest plot 111–113

survival plot 104–107

swimmer plot 128–131


treatment emergent adverse events with largest risk difference with 179–182, 216–218

NOHEADER option, PANELBY statement 148, 152


ODS Graphics

about 1

history of 1–2

ODS Graphics Designer application

about 1

creating custom graphs using 5

ODS LISTING statement 36

ODS OUTPUT statement 198, 232

ODS styles, data sets and 5

OFFSETMAX option 189, 225


See specific options

outer risk table, box plot of QTc change from baseline with 29–32

outer table, mean change of QTc by week and treatment with 38–40

OVAL function 24, 31

OVERLAY layout 165

OVERLAYED layout 166



PAD option 30, 39

PANEL layout 18, 155

PANELBY statement, NOHEADER option 148, 152

parametric plots 164

PATTERN option 223

plot attributes, in GTL 161

PLOT statement 10

plot statements

defined 11, 162

GTL 163–165


basic 163

categorical 164

categorization 22

confidence 22

distribution 22, 164

fit 22, 164

forest 186–190, 191–197, 222–226, 226–231

in GTL 160

layering 15–16

parametric 164

3-D 165

POLYGON function 24, 88

POLYLINE function 24

product-limit survival estimates 197–202, 231–236

PROTOTYPE layout 166



box plot of change from baseline 29–37

mean change in by week and treatment 38–44


RANGEATTRMAP statement 167

RECTANGLE function 24

REFERENCELINE statement 188, 193, 194, 223

REFLINE statement 34, 58, 73, 113, 140, 141, 148

REGION layout 166

relative risk, most frequent on-therapy adverse events sorted by 176–178, 213–215

ROWAXIS statement 140

ROWHEIGHTS option 198

ROWLATTICE ;layout 21, 155

ROWWEIGHTS option 232

RUN statement 177, 214


SCATTER statement 39, 41, 43, 48, 56, 57, 58, 62, 95, 172, 187, 195, 210, 215

SCATTERPLOT statement 108, 174, 178, 180, 184, 188, 189, 194, 210, 223

SEPARATOR option 97

SERIES statement 38, 95


adverse event timeline by 64–67

Adverse Event Timeline by 113–116

eye irritation over time by 153–154


See Statistical Graphics (SG) procedures

SGANNO option 23, 30, 39, 46, 51

SGPANEL procedure

about 4, 10, 137–138


eye irritation over time by severity and treatment 153–154

immunology profile by treatment 142–144

lab test for patient over time 148–150

lab test panel 146–148

LATTICE layout 19

LFT safety panel, baseline versus study 144–145

multi-cell classification panels using 11–12

PANEL layout 18

panel of LFT shifts from baseline to maximum by treatment 139–141

ROWLATTICE layout 21

syntax for 16–17

vital statistics for patient over time 150–152

SGPLOT procedure

See also 9.3 SGPLOT procedure

See also 9.4 SGPLOT procedure

about 4, 10

optional data roles for 14

plot options for 14

required roles for 14

single-cell graph using 10–11

syntax for 13

SGRENDER procedure 1, 158, 160, 167–168, 205, 239

SGSCATTER procedure

about 4, 10

multi-cell comparative scatter plots using 12

SIDEBAR statement 227

simple forest plot 55–61, 107–111

single-cell graph, using SGPLOT procedure 10–11

single-cell layouts 165–166

SPLITCHAR option 107

statements, combining 22

See also specific statements

StatGraph templates 4, 158, 165, 172

Statistical Graphics (SG) procedures

about 1, 9–10

annotation 23–24

automatic features 12–13

combining statements 22

creating custom graphs using 4

plot layering 15–16


SGPLOT 13–14

styles 24–25

study days, lab test values by subject with 148–149, 149–150

study weights, simple forest plot with 59–61, 108–109, 110–111

STYLEATTRS statement 15, 25, 94, 98, 100, 109, 113, 118, 121, 122, 126, 143–144, 153


GTL 161

SG (Statistical Graphics) procedures 24–25

subgrouped forest plot 62–64, 111–113

survival plot 50–54, 104–107

swimmer plot 77–81, 128–131

SYMBOLCHAR statement 15

SYMBOLIMAGE statement 15


TEMPLATE procedure 1, 4, 25, 157, 160, 172, 177, 210, 214

terminology (GTL) 161–163

TEXT statement 24, 31, 88, 108

3-D plots 165




distribution of ASAT by 45–47, 98–101, 173–176, 211–212

eye irritation over by severity and treatment 153–154

lab test for patient over 148–150

swimmer plot for tumor response over 77–79, 128–130, 130–131

vital statistics for patient over 150–152

titles (GTL) 160, 167


distribution of ASAT by 45–47, 98–101, 173–176, 211–212

distribution of maximum LFT by 72–74, 122–125

eye irritation over time by 153–154

forest plot of impact of on mortality by study 186–190

immunology profile by 142–144

mean change in QTc by 38–44, 94–98

mean of lipid profile by 47–49

median of lipid profile by 101–103

panel of LFT shifts from baseline to maximum by 139–141

tumor size, change in 67–69, 117–119


UNISCALE option 155


VALUES option 90


VBAR statement 69, 70, 119, 120

VBARPARM statement 69, 119

VBOX statement 34, 45, 72–73, 90, 123


mean change in QTc by 94–98

mean of lipid profile by 47–49

median of lipid profile by 101–103


week, mean change in QTc by 38–44

weight percentiles, CDC chart for 82–86, 132–136


XAXIS statement 34, 45, 90

XAXISTABLE statement 88, 89, 90, 93, 95, 97, 99, 104, 106

XERRORLOWER option 228

XERRORUPPER option 228


Y2AXIS statement 42, 43, 85, 135

YAXIS statement 34, 42, 85, 135, 136

YAXISOPTS 175, 189, 212, 225

YAXISTABLE statement 88, 108, 109, 112, 130

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