Adding lines to scatter charts

So far, all the recipes in this chapter have only created one type of chart. Incanter also lets us combine chart types. This allows us to add extra information and create a more useful, compelling chart. For instance, showing the interaction between the raw data and the output of a machine learning algorithm is a common use for overlaying lines onto scatter plots.

In this recipe, we'll take the chart from the Creating scatter plots with Incanter recipe and add a line from a linear regression.

Getting ready

We'll use the same dependencies in our project.clj file as we did in Creating scatter plots with Incanter. We'll also use this set of imports in our script or REPL:

(require '[incanter.core :as i]
         '[incanter.charts :as c]
         '[ :as iio]
         '[incanter.stats :as s])

We'll start with the chart we made in Creating scatter plots with Incanter. We'll keep it assigned to the iris-petal-scatter variable.

How to do it...

For this recipe, we'll create the linear model and then add it to the existing chart from the previous recipe:

  1. First, we have to create the linear model for the data. We'll do that using the incanter.stats/linear-model function:
    (def iris-petal-lm
        (i/sel iris :cols :Petal.Length)
        (i/sel iris :cols :Petal.Width)
        :intercept false))
  2. Next, we take the :fitted data from the model and add it to the chart using incanter.charts/add-lines:
      (i/sel iris :cols :Petal.Width)
      (:fitted iris-petal-lm)
      :series-label "Linear Relationship")

    Once we've added that, our chart resembles the following screenshot:

    How to do it...

How it works...

The fitted values for the linear regression are just a sequence of y values corresponding to the sequence of x values. When we add that line to the graph, Incanter pairs the x and y values together and draws a line on the graph linking each point. Since the points describe a straight line, we end up with the line found by the linear regression.

See also

  • The Modeling linear relationships recipe in Chapter 7, Statistical Data Analysis with Incanter.
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