
The Co-Create model helps bring out the best in teams and individuals.

The power of commitment is immense and will change the business when you focus this force on important projects. So where do you go from here? When I talk to colleagues in other companies about this approach, the conversation invariably turns to a discussion of readiness. Here are several questions that can help you determine your organization’s readiness for using an integrated team project model like this one.

Is the Organization Ready?

Is there dissatisfaction in the organization about how projects or change was managed in the past or are people generally happy with your current project management and change methodologies?

Have there been any recent (or memorable) spectacular project failures or successes?

Is it difficult to get project teams excited about the work?

Are key stakeholders happy with the results or would they like to see improvement?

Are the employees empowered and involved?

Do employees have the technical and interpersonal skill required to complete great project work?

Do you have current employee satisfaction data? What does it tell you?

Is the Executive Team Ready?

Are leaders able to clearly articulate the current state of the business—what’s working and what’s not?

Can they translate that into a vision for moving forward including the projects, competencies or changes required to make it happen (at a high level)?

Are they ready to empower employees to figure out solutions?

Are they willing to invest the time required for the teams to do it right?

Are they willing to fund training for the champion to learn the process?

Are they capable and willing to make tough choices?

Do You have Change Champions?

Is there someone internally who will champion this work?

Do they have the necessary skills and influence in the organization?

Do they see the need for a new way to manage and launch projects and do they have an interest in this work?

Do they have the time to devote to being a champion?

Answering these questions, and others unique to your situation, will give you a good idea as to whether or not a process like the Co-Create model has application in your organization. While I believe that all organizations will benefit from a strong team-based approach to project management and change, readiness and interest are critical.

The Ready Organization

I am often asked what I believe are the hallmarks of a ready organization. To use an inclusive and integrated approach like Co-Create, an organization needs to have:

1. Competent leadership (sponsors and owners) with a grasp on the real issues and opportunities facing the organization.

2. The ability to translate the issues and opportunities into manageable projects—with enough detail for the group to engage.

3. A functional culture that supports the sharing of power with others. The group working on each project should possess a medium-tohigh level of decision-making power.

4. Capable team members—they know their stuff (technical), have the interpersonal skill required to effectively manage differences, and to hold each other accountable. They are willing to accept the challenge.

5. The organization and leaders must have the discipline to give the work the time it needs. The process needs to play itself out.

Here’s to Success!

I wish you the best of success and I hope that this information helps you and your peers unleash the talents and potential of your employees and generate great results. What I have discovered is when our beliefs are aligned with how we work, we are able to grow the business and keep all stakeholders—owners, leaders, customers, partners, and employees—engaged and moving forward.

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