
English meaning Symbol
Apparent extraterrestrial irradiation (W.m-2) A
Absorption chiller abc
Avoided cost ($) AC
Collector area (m2) Aco
Solar angular hour (deg) AH
Analytic hierarchy process AHP
Ambient amb
Annual saving AS
Aggregated thermal demand (kW) ATD
Azimuth angle (deg) az
Atmospheric extinction coefficient (-) B
Boiler b
Boiler size (kW) B
Buying electricity be
Cooling load (kW) C
Ratio of diffuse radiation on horizontal surface to direct normal irradiation (-) C
Combined cooling, heating, and power CCHP
Carbon dioxide emission CDE
Cash flow (USD) cf
Combined heating and power CHP
Closeness number CN
Collector co
Coefficient of performance (%) COP
Main criteria Cr
Conventional separate production of energy CSP
Combined weight CW
Domestic hot water load (kW) D
Decibel, dry bulb (temperature) db
Building demand dem
Diffuse radiation falling on a horizontal surface dH
Day length (HR) DL
Direct normal DN
Diffuse radiation
Electricity (kW) E
Electrical e
Economic EC
Entropy information method EIM
Emission production mass (g) Em
Easiness of maintenance in Iran EMI
Environmental EN
Earnings (USD) er
Energy utilization factor EUF
Expenses (USD) ex
Exergy increase ratio (%) EXIR
Fuel energy (kW) F
Fuzzy algorithm FA
Fan coil unit FCU
Following electrical load FEL
Fuel energy saving ratio (%) FESR
Full load operation FLO
Following seasonal load FSL
Following thermal load FTL
Angle factor between surface and Earth (-) Fsg
Angle factor between the surface and sky (-) Fss
Electricity grid g
Natural gas Gas
Grey incident approach GIA
Grey incident grade GIG
Enthalpy (−1) h
Heating load (kW) H
Heat exchanger HE
Hour HR
Heat recovery steam generator HRSG
Heat pump hp
Pollution index (kg.MWh−1) i
Price index (USD.kW−1) i
Initial capital cost (USD) I
Thermodynamic state i
Exergy destruction rate (kW) i
Internal combustion engine IC
Import and export limitations IEL
Input, output in, out
The domestic hot water system is using the recoverable heat from the engine as well intg-DHW
Operation and maintenance cost (USD) IOM
Judgment matrix J
Lifetime of project (year) L
Latitude angle of collector position (deg) LAT
Load ratio LR
Prime mover options number m
Mass flow rate (kg.s−1) m˙ image
Maximum, minimum max, min
Multicriteria decision-making MCDM
Multicriteria sizing method MCSM
Miscellaneous ME
Micro-gas turbine MGT
Maximum rectangle method MRM
Normalized, day number in a year, time period N
Number of decision-making criteria n
Nominal (Equipment size) nom
Number of units in the building NOU
Net present value (RLS) NPV
Overall o
Optimum opt
Organic Rankine cycle ORC
Absorber plate of collector p
Phosphoric acid fuel cell PAFC
Payback period (year) PB
Pairwise comparison matrix PC
Proximity degree PD
Primary energy consumption (kW) PEC
Primary energy saving (kW) PES
Power to heat ratio (-) PHR
Prime mover PM
Conventional power plant pp
Heat (kW) Q
Useful heat gained by collector (W.m−2) qu
Interest rate of money (%) r
CO2 emission ratio R
Reflectance re
Recoverable rec
Relative humidity (%) RH
Radiation intensity (W.m−2) RI
Recoverable and solar rs
Entropy of information S
Specific entropy (−1.K−1) s
Subcriteria Sc
Selling electricity se
Separate production sp
The domestic hot water system is not using the recoverable heat from the engine sprt-DHW
Stirling engine STR
Salvage value SV
Summer, winter sum, win
Tariff (USD.kWh−1) t
Temperature (°C) T
Thermally activated technology TAT
Technological TE
Total horizontal irradiation tH
Thermal th
Total solar irradiation
User friendliness for control and regulations UFCR
Upward heat loss coefficient, W.m−2.K−1 UL
Volume flow rate (liter.s−1) V˙ image
Weight of each criterion or subcriterion W
Work, power (kW) W˙ image
Wet bulb (temperature) wb
Water heater wh
Water density (kg.liter−1) ρwtr
Energy magnitude (power or heat) (kW) x
Reduction ratio of X (%) XRR
Number of time increments of a year Y
Year number y
Absorptance of plate (-) α
Effectiveness (%) image
Collector-sun azimuth angle (deg) γ
Solar declination angle (deg) δ
Thermodynamic first-law efficiency (%) η
Incident angle (deg) θ
Linear combination coefficient λ
Distinguishing coefficient ξ
Balance coefficient μ
Exergy efficiency (%) π
Collector tilt angle (deg) Σ
Collector azimuth angle (deg) ψ
Solar longitude (deg) σ
Transmittance of cover (-) τ
Exergy rate (kW) ϕ˙ image
Reflectance of the foreground (-) ρg
Thermodynamic dead state (1 atm, 20°C) 0
AND, OR (logical symbols) image, ∨
Triangular fuzzy number components (a,b,c)

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