Chapter 10

Security Policies

Chapter Objectives

After reading this chapter and completing the exercises, you will be able to do the following:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Recognize the importance of security policies

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Understand the various policies and the rationale for them

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Know what elements go into good policies

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Create policies for network administration

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Evaluate and improve existing policies


So far in this book we have explored various threats to networks. And in Chapter 9, “Computer Security Technology,” we examined a variety of technical defenses against such attacks. However, the fact is that technology by itself cannot solve all network security problems. There are some issues that technology cannot stop. Examples include the following:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Antivirus software won’t prevent a user from manually opening an attachment and releasing a virus.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. A technologically secured network is still very vulnerable if former employees (perhaps those who are unhappy with the company) still have working passwords or if passwords are simply put on sticky notes on computer monitors.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. A server is not secure if it is in a room that nearly everyone in the company has access to.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. A network is not secure if end users are vulnerable to social engineering.

Another reason that technology alone is not the answer is that technology must be appropriately applied. Policies are used to guide you in how to implement and manage security, including security technology. In this chapter, we will examine computer security policies, including the elements that go into creating good security policies as well as examples of how to establish a network security policy.

What Is a Policy?

A security policy is a document that defines how an organization will deal with some aspect of security. There can be policies regarding end-user behavior, IT response to incidents, or specific issues and incidents.

Security policies can also be created to deal with regulatory requirements. These types of policies direct members of the organization as to how to comply with certain regulations. A good example would be a policy informing healthcare workers how to comply with HIPAA when using electronic medical records software.

Policies can also be simply advisory, suggesting to employees how they should handle certain items but not requiring compliance. For example, a policy might advise users that emailing from a smart phone using a Wi-Fi hotspot can be unsecure but not forbid it.

Important Standards

There are a number of industry standards that you should refer to when creating security policies. Before we delve into various specifics on policy development and enforcement, on policy development and enforcement, it is important to review relevant standards.

ISO 17999

ISO 17799 is a standard on how to develop policies. Policies are often not viewed as exciting security topics; however, the core of your security posture is your policies. Thus, it is critical to develop policies appropriately.

ISO/IEC 17799:2005 describes best practices related to control objectives and controls in the following areas of information security management:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Security policy

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Organization of information security

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Asset management

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Human resources security

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Physical and environmental security

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Communications and operations management

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Access control

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Information systems acquisition, development, and maintenance

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Information security incident management

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Business continuity management

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Compliance

It is a good idea to develop familiarity with this standard and at least consider its recommendations when developing policies.

Let’s briefly review some of these standards.

NIST SP 800-53

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the United States publishes a number of standards relevant to cybersecurity. NIST SP 800-53 (where SP stands for special publication, though it is often omitted) identifies 18 families of security controls (listed in Table 10.1). NIST 800-53 is a good reference when analyzing your system security policies.

Table 10.1 NIST 800-53 Security Control Families






Access Control


Media Protection


Awareness and Training


Physical and Environmental Protection


Audit and Accountability




Security Assessment and Authorization


Personnel Security


Configuration Management


Risk Assessment


Contingency Planning


System and Services Acquisition


Identification and Authentication


System and Communications Protection


Incident Response


System and Information Integrity




Program Management

ISO 27001

ISO/IEC 27001 requires that management:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Systematically examine the organization’s information security risks, taking account of the threats, vulnerabilities, and impacts.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Design and implement a coherent and comprehensive suite of information security controls and/or other forms of risk treatment (such as risk avoidance or risk transfer) to address those risks that are deemed unacceptable.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Adopt an overarching management process to ensure that the information security controls continue to meet the organization’s information security needs on an ongoing basis.

(Note that ISO 27001 is designed to cover much more than just IT.)

ISO 27002

ISO 27002 recommends best practices for initiating, implementing, and maintaining information security management systems (ISMS). This standard starts with several introductory chapters that provide guidance about terminology and the scope of the standard. The chapters starting with Chapter 5 cover important ISMS topics:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Chapter 5: Information Security Policies

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Chapter 6: Organization of Information Security

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Chapter 7: Human Resource Security

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Chapter 8: Asset Management

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Chapter 9: Access Control

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Chapter 10: Cryptography

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Chapter 11: Physical and Environmental Security

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Chapter 12: Operation Security: Procedures and Responsibilities

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Chapter 13: Communication Security

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Chapter 14: System Acquisition, Development, and Maintenance

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Chapter 15: Supplier Relationships

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Chapter 16: Information Security Incident Management

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Chapter 17: Information Security Aspects of Business Continuity Management

ISO 17799

Perhaps the standard most obviously connected to policy development is ISO 17779 (titled “How to Develop Security Policies”). This standard establishes guidelines and general principles for initiating, implementing, maintaining, and improving information security management in an organization.

ISO/IEC 17799:2005 describes best practices and control objectives in the following areas of information security management:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Security policy

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Organization of information security

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Asset management

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Human resources security

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Physical and environmental security

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Communications and operations management

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Access control

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Information systems acquisition, development, and maintenance

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Information security incident management

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Business continuity management

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Compliance

Defining User Policies

When discussing user policies, there is one rule you must keep in mind: You should have a policy for every foreseeable situation. Failure to have policies that address a given problem usually result in that problem being exacerbated. Something may seem like common sense to you but may not be to someone with no training or experience in computer networks or network security.

The misuse of systems is a major problem for many organizations. A large part of the problem comes from the difficulty in defining exactly what is misuse. Some things might be obvious misuse, such as using company time and computers to search for another job or to view illicit websites. However, other areas are not so clear, such as an employee using her lunchtime to look up information about a car she is thinking of buying. Generally, good user policies outline specifically how people are to use the system and how they should not. For a policy to be effective, it needs to be very clear and quite specific. Vague statements such as “computers and Internet access are only for business use” are simply inadequate. I would recommend something more clear and perhaps more enforceable, such as “Computers and Internet access are only for business purposes during business hours. However, employees may use the computer/Internet access for personal use during nonwork time such as breaks, lunch, and before work. However, such use must be in compliance with Internet usage policies.” This wording is clear, direct, and enforceable.

Other areas for potential misuse are also covered by user policies, including sharing passwords, copying data, leaving accounts logged on while employees go to lunch, and so on. All of these issues ultimately have a significant impact on your network’s security and must be clearly spelled out in your user policies. We will now examine several areas that effective user policies must cover:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Passwords

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Internet use

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Email usage

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Installing/uninstalling software

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Instant messaging

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Desktop configuration

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Bring your own device (BYOD)


Keeping passwords secure is critical. Chapter 8, “Encryption,” discusses appropriate passwords as part of operating system hardening. Most sources indicate that a good password is at least eight characters long, uses numbers and special characters, and has no obvious relevance to the end user. For example, a Dallas Cowboys fan would be ill advised to use a password like cowboys or godallas but might be well advised to use a password such as %trEe987 or 123DoG$$ since those don’t reflect the person’s personal interests and therefore would not be easily guessed. Issues such as minimum password length, password history, and password complexity come under administrative policies, not user policies. User policies dictate how the end user should behave. For reliable security, I recommend using a passphrase that has been altered to include numbers and special characters. This can be something easy to remember but altered so that it will not be vulnerable to guessing or brute-force attacks. An example would be altering the phrase “I like double cheeseburgers” to be something like IliK3double3ch33$eburg3r$. Notice that the Es were changed to 3s, the Ss were changed to $s, and two random letters were capitalized. You now have a 25-character password that is also complex. It is easy to remember and very difficult to break.

However, no password is secure, no matter how long or how complex, if it is listed on a sticky note stuck to the user’s computer monitor. This may seem obvious, but it is not at all uncommon to go into an office and find a password either on the monitor or in the top drawer of the desk. Every janitor or anyone who simply passes by the office can get that password.

It is also not uncommon to find employees sharing passwords. For example, Bob is going to be out of town next week, so he gives Juan his password so that Juan can get into his system, check email, and more. The problem is that now two people have that password. And what happens if during the week Bob is gone, Juan gets ill and decides he will share the password with Shelly so that she can keep checking that system while Juan is out sick? It does not take long for a password to get to so many people that it is no longer useful at all from a security perspective.

Administrative policies need to address issues like minimum length of passwords, password age, and password history. System administrators can force these requirements. However, none of that will be particularly helpful if users don’t manage their passwords in a secure fashion.

All of this means you need explicit policies regarding how users secure their passwords. Those policies should specify the following:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Passwords are never to be kept written down in an accessible place. The preference is that they not be written down at all, but if they are, they should be in a secure area such as a lock box at your home (not in the office right next to your computer).

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Passwords must never be shared with another person for any reason.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. If an employee believes his password has been compromised, he should immediately contact the IT department so his password can be changed and so that logon attempts with the old password can be monitored and traced.

Internet Use

Most organizations provide their users with some sort of Internet access. There are several reasons for this. The most obvious reason is email. However, that is hardly the only reason to have Internet access in a business or academic setting. There is also the Web, and even chat rooms. (Believe it or not, chat rooms are being used for business communications.) The Internet can be used for legitimate purposes within any organization, but it can also bring about serious security problems. Appropriate policies must be in place to govern the use of Internet technologies.

The World Wide Web is a wonderful resource for a tremendous wealth of data. Throughout this book, we have frequently referenced websites where one can find valuable security data and useful utilities. The Internet is also replete with useful tutorials on various technologies. However, even non-technology-related business interests can be served via the Web. Here are a few examples of legitimate business uses of the Web:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Sales staff checking competitors’ websites to see what products or services they offer, in what areas, and to perhaps even get prices

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Creditors checking the business’s AM Best or Standard & Poor’s rating to see how their business financial rating is doing

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Business travelers checking weather conditions and getting prices for travel

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Online training with webinars

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Web meetings

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Online bill payment or in some cases even filing of regulatory and government documents

Of course, there are other web activities that are clearly not appropriate on a company’s network:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Using the Web to search for a new job

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Any pornographic use

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Any use that violates local, state, or federal laws

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Use of the Web to conduct your own business (if you have another enterprise you are involved in other than the company’s business)

In addition, there are gray areas. Some activities might be acceptable to some organizations but not to others. Such activities might include:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Online shopping during the employee’s lunch or break time

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Reading news articles online during lunch or break time

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Viewing humorous websites

What one person might view as absurdly obvious might not be to another. It is critical that an organization have very clear policies detailing specifically what is and what is not acceptable use of the Web at work. It is also important to give clear examples of what is acceptable use and what is not. You should also remember that most proxy servers and many firewalls can block certain websites. This will help prevent employees from misusing the company’s web connection.

Email Usage

Most business and even academic activity now occurs via email. As we have discussed in several previous chapters, email also happens to be the primary vehicle for virus distribution. This means that email security is a significant issue for any network administrator.

Clearly, you cannot simply ban all email attachments. However, you can establish some guidelines for how to handle email attachments. Users should open an attachment only if it meets the following criteria:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. It was expected. (Someone requested documents from a colleague or client.)

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. If it was not expected, it came from a known source. If so, first send that person an email (or phone her) and ask if she sent the attachment. If so, open it.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. It appears to be a legitimate business document (a spreadsheet, a document, a presentation, and so on).

It should be noted that some people might find such criteria unrealistic. There is no question they are inconvenient. However, with the prevalence of viruses, which are often attached to email, these measures are prudent. Many people choose not to go to this level to try to avoid viruses, and that may be your choice as well. Just bear in mind that millions of computers are infected with some sort of virus every single year.

No one should ever open an attachment that meets any of the following criteria:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. It comes from an unknown source.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. It is some active code or executable.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. It is an animation/movie.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. The email itself does not appear to be legitimate. (It seems to entice you to open the attachment rather than simply being a legitimate business communication that happens to have an attachment.)

If the end user has any doubt whatsoever, then she should not open the email. Rather, she should contact someone in the IT department who has been designated to handle security. That person can then either compare the email subject line to known viruses or can simply come check out the email personally. Then, if it appears legitimate, the user can open the attachment.

Fyi: About Attachments

I frequently follow the “better safe than sorry” axiom on opening attachments. When forwarded some joke, image, and so on circulating the Internet, I simply delete it. That may mean that I will miss many humorous images and stories, but it also means I will miss many viruses. You would do well to consider emulating this practice.

Installing/Uninstalling Software

When it comes to installing and uninstalling software, there is an absolute answer: End users should not be allowed to install anything on their machines. This includes wallpaper, screensavers, utilities—anything. The best approach is to limit end users’ login privileges so that they cannot install anything. However, this should be coupled with a strong policy statement prohibiting the installation of anything on their PC. If they wish to install something, it should first be scanned by the IT department and approved. This process might be cumbersome, but it is necessary. Some organizations go so far as to remove or at least disable media drives (CD, USB, and so on) from end-user PCs, so installations can occur only from files that the IT department has put on some network drive. This is usually a more extreme measure than most organizations require, but it is an option you should be aware of. In fact, Windows allows the administrator to disable allowing new USB devices. So the admin can install some USB devices that are approved for corporate use and then disallow any additional devices being added.

Instant Messaging

Instant messaging is widely used and abused by employees in organizations. In some cases, instant messaging can be used for legitimate business purposes. However, it does pose a significant security risk. Some viruses specifically propagate via instant messaging. In one incident, the virus would copy everyone on the user’s buddy list with the contents of all conversations. Thus, if you were subject to the virus, a conversation you thought was private ended up being broadcast to everyone you had ever messaged with.

Instant messaging is also a threat from a purely information security perspective. Nothing stops an end user from instant messaging trade secrets or confidential information without the traceability of email going through the corporate email server. It is recommended that instant messaging simply be banned from all computers within an organization. If you find you absolutely must have it, then you must establish very strict guidelines for its use, including the following:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Instant messaging can only be used for business communications, not personal conversations. Now, this might be a bit difficult to enforce. Rules like this often are. More common rules, such as prohibiting personal web browsing, are also quite difficult to enforce. However, it is still a good idea to have such rules in place. Then if you find a person violating them, you can refer to the company policy that prohibits such actions. However, you should be aware that in all likelihood, you won’t catch most violations of this rule.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. No confidential or private business information should be sent via instant messaging, text messaging, or any sort of messaging app. The exceptions being if it is absolutely vital to send such information and the app has robust security including encryption. The Signal app is one example of a secure communications app.

Desktop Configuration

Many users like to reconfigure their desktops, changing the background, screensaver, font size, and resolution. Theoretically speaking, this is not a security hazard. Simply changing your computer’s background image cannot compromise the computer’s security. However, there are other issues involved.

The first issue is where a background image comes from. Frequently, end users download images from the Internet. This means there is a chance of getting a virus or Trojan horse, particularly one using a hidden extension. (For example, a file that appears to be mypic.jpg may really be mypic.jpg.exe.) There are also human resources/harassment issues involved if an employee uses a backdrop or screensaver that is offensive to other employees. Some organizations simply decide to prohibit any changes to the system configuration for this reason.

The second problem is technical. In order to give users access to change screensavers, background images, and resolution, you must give them rights that also allow them to change other system settings you might not want changed. The graphical display options are not separated from all other configuration options. This means that allowing users to change their screensaver might open the door for them to alter other settings (such as the network card configuration or the Windows Firewall) that would compromise security.

Bring Your Own Device

Bring your own device (BYOD) has become a significant issue for most organizations. Most, if not all, of your employees will have their own smart phones, tablets, smart watches, and activity monitors that they will carry with them into the workplace. Having these devices connected to your wireless network introduces a host of new security concerns. You have no idea what networks each device previously connected to, what software was installed on them, or what data might be exfiltrated by these personal devices.

In highly secure environments, it may be necessary to forbid personally owned devices. However, in many organizations, such a policy is impractical. A workaround for that is to have a Wi-Fi network that is dedicated to BYOD and is not connected to the company’s main network. Another approach, albeit more technologically complex, is to detect the device on connection, and if it is not a company-issued device, significantly limit its access.

Whatever approach you take, you must have some policy regarding personal devices as they are ubiquitous. Just a few years ago, smart phones were common but smart watches were not. It is difficult to predict what new smart devices might loom on the horizon.

There are a variety of approaches to handling user devices on an organization’s network, some of which have their own acronyms:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. CYOD (choose your own device): The company lists acceptable devices (that is, those that meet company security requirements) and allows each employee to choose his or her own device.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. COPE (company owned/personally enabled or company-owned and provided equipment): The company owns and provides the equipment. This clearly offers more security than BYOD or CYOD but also comes at the highest cost.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. COBO (company owned/business only): This model provides the most security. The company owns and operates the equipment, and corporate IT services control the device and options for the device.

Final Thoughts on User Policies

This section has provided an overview of appropriate and effective user policies. It is critical that every organization implement solid user policies. However, these policies will not be effective unless you have clearly defined consequences for violating them. Many organizations find it helpful to spell out specific consequences that escalate with each incident, such as the following:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. The first incident of violating any of these policies will result in a verbal warning.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. A second incident will result in a written warning.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. The third incident will result in suspension or termination. (In the case of academic settings, this would be suspension or expulsion.)

You must clearly list the consequences, and all users should sign a copy of the user policies upon being hired to prevent employees from claiming that they are not aware of the policies.


Termination or Expulsion

Any policy that can lead to expulsion from a school or termination from a job (or even a demotion) should first be cleared by your legal advisor. There can be significant legal ramifications for wrongful termination or expulsion. I am not an attorney or an expert in legal matters and cannot provide you with legal advice. It is imperative that you consult an attorney about these matters.

It is also important to realize that there is another cost to misuse of corporate Internet access: lost productivity. How much time does the average employee spend reading personal email, doing nonbusiness web activities, or social media? It is hard to say. However, for an informal view, go to on any given business day, during business hours, and click on one of the news stories. At the bottom of the story you will see a message board for this story. It lists date and time of posts. See how many posts are made during business hours. It is unlikely that all of those people are out of work, retired, or at home sick. You will find something similar on any social media platform.

Let me be completely clear: The Internet is the single greatest communication tool in human history. And it can have a tremendous positive effect on any business. I conduct almost all of my business activities through the Web. However, many employees abuse their Internet privileges, and using the Web does decrease productivity for those who cannot be self-disciplined. Here are just a few studies supporting this assertion:




Defining System Administration Policies

In addition to determining policies for users, you must have some clearly defined policies for system administrators. There must be procedures for adding users, removing users, dealing with security issues, changing any system, and so on. There must also be standards for handling any deviation from the standard procedures.

New Employees

When a new employee is hired, the system administration policy must define specific steps to safeguard company security. New employees must be given access to the resources and applications their job function requires. The granting of that access must be documented (possibly in a log). It is also critical that the new employee receive a copy of the company’s computer security and acceptable use policies and sign a document acknowledging receipt of such.

Before a new employee starts to work, the IT department (specifically network administration) should receive a written request from the business unit for which the person will be working. That request should specify exactly what resources this user will need and when she will start, and it should have the signature of someone in the business unit with authority to approve such a request. Then the person who is managing network administration or network security should approve and sign the request. After you have implemented the new user on the system with the appropriate rights, you can file a copy of the request.

Departing Employees

When an employee leaves, it is critical to make sure all of his logins are terminated and all access to all systems is discontinued immediately. Unfortunately, this is an area of security that too many organizations do not give enough attention to. You cannot be certain which employees will bear the company ill will and which won’t upon leaving the company. It is imperative to have all of a former employee’s access shut down on his last day of work. This includes physical access to the building. If a former employee has keys and is disgruntled, nothing can stop him from returning to steal or vandalize computer equipment. When an employee leaves the company, you need to ensure that on his last day, the following actions take place:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. All logon accounts to any server, VPN, network, or other resource are disabled.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. All keys to the facility are returned.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. All accounts for email, Internet access, wireless Internet, cell phones, and so on are shut off.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Any accounts for mainframe resources are canceled.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. The employee’s workstation hard drive is searched.

The last item might seem odd. But if an employee was gathering data to take with him (such as proprietary company data) or conducting any other improper activities, you need to find out right away. If you do see any evidence of such activity, you need to secure that workstation and keep it for evidence in any civil or criminal proceedings.

All of this might seem a bit extreme to some readers. It is true that with the vast majority of exiting employees, you will have no issues to be concerned about. However, if you do not make it a habit of securing employees’ access when they depart, you will eventually face an unfortunate situation that could have been easily avoided.

Change Requests

The nature of information technology is change. Not only do end users come and go but requirements change frequently. Business units request access to different resources, server administrators upgrade software and hardware, application developers install new software, and web developers change the website. Change is occurring all the time. Therefore, it is important to have a change control process. This process not only makes the change run smoothly, but it also allows the IT security personnel to examine the change for any potential security problems before it is implemented. A change control request should go through the following steps:

  1. An appropriate manager within the business unit signs the request, signifying approval of the request. In other words, there is no point in pursuing the change request process if the immediate supervisor of the requestor has not approved the request.

  2. The appropriate IT unit (database administration, network admin, email admin, cloud administration) verifies that the request is one it can fulfill technologically, fits within budget constraints, and does not violate IT policies.

  3. The IT security unit verifies that this change will not cause security problems. This is becoming more and more critical in modern times.

  4. The appropriate IT unit formulates a plan to implement the change and a plan to roll back the change in the event of some failure. That latter part is very critical and is often overlooked. There must be some mechanism to roll back the change should it cause any problems.

  5. The date and time for the change is scheduled, and all relevant parties are notified.

Your change control process might not be identical to this one; in fact, it might be much more specific. However, the key to remember is that in order for your network to be secure, you simply cannot have changes happening without some process for examining the impact of those changes prior to implementing them.

Change management activities are frequently managed through a change control board (CCB) process, sometimes also called a change approval board (CAB) process. The change process was detailed previously in this section, but the basic process can be summarized as follows:

  1. Initiate the process with an RFC (request for comments or request for change) document.

  2. Send the RFC for approval.

  3. Set the priority of the process.

  4. Assign the process to whomever makes the change.

  5. Document decisions.

  6. Have the CAB evaluate changes.

  7. Schedule the RFC.

  8. Have the change owner and requester verify successful implementation of the change.

  9. Review the RFC.

This process can involve formal meetings of the CAB and extensive documentation, or it can be informal and conducted via emails with the appropriate parties.

In Practice

Extremes of Change Control

Anyone who has even a few years of experience in the IT profession can tell you that when it comes to change control, there are all sorts of different approaches. The real problem is IT groups that implement unreasonable extremes. I have seen both. Without using the real names of the companies involved, let’s examine a real case of each extreme.

Software consultant Company X was a small company that did custom financial applications for various companies. It had a staff of fewer than 20 developers who frequently traveled to client locations around the country. It literally had:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. No documentation for any of its applications—not even a few notes.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. No change control process. When someone did not like a setting on a server or some part of the network configuration, he simply changed it.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. No process for handling former employee access. In one case, a person had been gone for 6 months and still had a valid logon account.

Now, clearly this is alarming from several perspectives, not just from a security viewpoint. However, that is one extreme—one that makes for a chaotic environment that is very unsecure. Security-minded network administrators tend to move toward the opposite extreme, one that can have a negative impact on productivity.

Company B had more than 2000 employees, with an IT staff of about 100 people. In this company, the bureaucracy had overwhelmed the IT department to the point that their productivity was severely impacted. In one case, a person was a web server administrator, and the decision had been made that he also needed database administration rights on a single database server. The process, however, took 3 months with one face-to-face meeting between his manager and the CIO, as well as two phone conferences and a dozen emails between his manager and the manager of the database group.

The company’s convoluted change control process had a severely negative impact on productivity. Some employees informally estimated that even the low-level IT supervisors spent 40% of their time in meetings/conferences, reporting on meetings/conferences, or preparing for meetings/conferences. And the further one went up the IT ladder, the more one’s time became consumed in bureaucratic activities.

Both of these examples are meant to illustrate two extremes in change control management that you should try to avoid. Your goal in implementing change control management is simply to have an orderly and safe way of managing change, not to be an impediment to productivity.

Security Breaches

Unfortunately, the reality is that your network will probably, at some point, experience a security breach of some kind. You may be the target of a denial of service (DoS) attack, your system might be infected with a virus, or perhaps a hacker will gain entrance and destroy or copy sensitive data. You must have some sort of plan for how to respond should any such event occur. This book cannot tell you specifically how to deal with each and every event that might occur; however, we can discuss some general guidelines for what to do in certain general situations. We will look at each of the main types of security breaches and what actions you should take for each.

Virus Infection

When a virus strikes your system, immediately quarantine the infected machine or machines. This means literally unplugging the machines from the network. If it is a subnet, then unplug its switch or disconnect wireless access. Isolate the infected machines (unless your entire network is infected, in which case simply shut down your router/ISP connection to close you off from the outside world and prevent spread beyond your network). After implementing the quarantine, you can safely take the following steps:

  1. Scan and clean each and every infected machine. Since the machines are now off the network, this will be a manual scan.

  2. Log the incident, the hours/resources taken to clean the systems, and the systems that were affected.

  3. When you are certain the systems are clean, bring them online in stages (a few at a time). With each stage, check all machines to see that they are patched, updated, and have properly configured/running antivirus.

  4. Notify the appropriate organization leaders of the event and the actions you have taken.

  5. After you have dealt with the virus and notified the appropriate people, have a meeting with appropriate IT staff to discuss what can be learned from this breach and how you might prevent it from occurring again in the future.

DoS Attacks

If you have taken the steps outlined earlier in this book (such as properly configuring your router and your firewall to reduce the impact of any attempted DoS attack), then you will already be alleviating some of the damage from DoS attacks. In addition, consider taking the following measures:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Use your firewall logs or IDS to find out which IP address (or addresses) originated the attacks. Note the IP address(es) and then (if your firewall supports this feature—and most do) deny the IP address(es) access to your network.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Use online resources ( and so on) to find out who the address belongs to.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Contact that organization and inform it of what is occurring.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Log all of these activities and inform the appropriate organizational leaders.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. After you have dealt with the DoS attack and notified the appropriate people, have a meeting with appropriate IT staff to discuss what can be learned from this attack and how you might prevent it from occurring in the future.

Intrusion by a Hacker

What do you do if a malicious hacker has intruded into your network? In other words, what are the basics of incident response? Consider taking the following measures in the event of intrusion by a hacker:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Immediately copy the logs of all affected systems (firewall, targeted servers, and so on) for use as evidence.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Immediately scan all systems for Trojan horses, changes to firewall settings, changes to port filtering, new services running, and so on. In essence, you need to perform an emergency audit to see what damage has been done.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Document everything. Of all of your documentation, this must be the most thorough. You must specify which IT personnel took what actions at what times. Some of this data may be part of later court proceedings, so absolute accuracy is necessary. It is probably a good idea to log all activities taken during this time and to have at least two people verify and sign the log.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Change all affected passwords. Repair any damage done.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Inform the appropriate business leaders of what has happened.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. After you have dealt with the breach and notified the appropriate people, you should have a meeting with appropriate IT staff to discuss what can be learned from this breach and how you might prevent another one from occurring in the future.

These are just general guidelines, and some organizations may want to take much more specific actions in the event of some security breach. You should also bear in mind that throughout this book when we have discussed various sorts of threats to network security, we have mentioned particular steps and policies that should be taken. The policies in this chapter are meant to be in addition to any already outlined in this book. It is an unfortunate fact that some organizations have no plan for what to do in case of an emergency. It is important that you do have at least some generalized procedures you can implement.

Defining Access Control

An important area of security policies that usually generates some controversy in any organization is access control. There is always a conflict between users’ desire for unfettered access to any data or resources on the network and the security administrator’s desire to protect that data and resources. This means that extremes in policies are not practical. You cannot simply lock down every resource as completely as possible since doing so would impede users’ access to those resources. Conversely, you cannot simply allow anyone and everyone complete access to everything. The core of access control is the concept of least privileges, introduced in Chapter 1, “Introduction to Computer Security.” According to this concept, each person is given the minimum privileges necessary to do her job—no more and no less.

The idea of least privileges is simple: Each user, including IT personnel, gets the least access he can have and still effectively do his job. Rather than ask the question, “Why not give this person access to X?” you should ask, “Why give this person access to X?” And if you don’t have a very good reason, then don’t. This is one of the fundamentals of computer security. The more people who have access to any resource, the more likely some breach of security is to occur.

Along with, and related to, least privileges is the concept of implicit deny. Implicit deny means that all users are implicitly denied access to network resources until an administrator explicitly grants them.

Separation of duties, job rotation, and mandatory vacations are also important and related concepts. Separation of duties means that no one person can perform critical tasks; at least two individuals are needed. This prevents one person from accidently (or intentionally) causing some security breach via inappropriate use of critical functions. Both job rotation and mandatory vacations are used to make sure that, periodically, the person performing a given job changes. This makes it more difficult for one person to exploit her position to breach security.

Obviously, trade-offs must be made between access and security. Examples abound. One common example involves sales contact information. Clearly, a company’s marketing department needs access to this data. However, what happens if your competitors get all of your company’s contact information? That could allow them to begin targeting your current client list. This requires a trade-off between security and access. In this case, you would probably give salespeople access only to the contacts that are within their territory. No one other than the sales manager should have complete access to all the marketing data.

Development Policies

Many IT departments include programmers and web developers. Unfortunately, many security policies do not address secure programming. No matter how good your firewalls, proxy server, virus scanning, and policies are, if your developers create code that is flawed, you will have security breaches. Clearly, the topic of secure programming could fill its own separate volume. Nonetheless, we can consider a brief checklist for defining secure development policies. If your company currently has no secure programming initiatives, using this checklist is certainly better than developing in a vacuum. It can also serve as a starting point to get you thinking and talking about secure programming:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. All code, especially code written by outside parties (contractors, consultants, and so on) must be checked for backdoors/Trojan horses.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. All buffers must have error handling that prevents buffer overruns.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. All communication (such as using TCP sockets to send messages) must adhere to your organization’s secure communications guidelines.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Any code that opens any port or performs any sort of communication needs to be thoroughly documented, and the IT security unit must be apprised of the code, what it will do, and how it will be used.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. All input should be filtered for items that might facilitate an attack, such as an SQL injection attack.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Every vendor should supply you with a signed document verifying that there are no security flaws in its code.

Following these guidelines will not guarantee that flawed code will not be introduced into your system, but it will certainly lower the odds significantly. And the unfortunate fact is that these simple steps alone are more than most organizations are taking. A very good place to look at security policies is the SANS Institute (

Standards, Guidelines, and Procedures

Related to policies are standards, guidelines, and procedures. All of these documents are related to security policies and in fact support those policies. A standard is a general statement of the desired level of operation. For example, requiring 99.5% network uptime would be a standard. A guideline is a general suggestion about how to achieve some standard. Guidelines are broad and are sometimes optional (not mandatory). Procedures are specific instructions on how to handle specific issues.

Data Classification

It is critical to classify information within an organization. This process is common in Department of Defense (DoD)–related agencies and organizations. It is less common in the civilian sector. Classifying information provides employees with guidance on how to handle data. Classification can be as simple as using two categories:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Public information is information that can be disseminated publicly to anyone. There are no restrictions on who can view the data.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Private information is intended only for use internally in the organization. This type of information can potentially embarrass the company, disclose trade secrets, reveal corporate strategy, expose private personal data of employees or customers, or otherwise reveal information that your organization does not want revealed.

This two-tier approach to data classification is rather elementary. Most organizations will have multiple tiers. Each tier is defined by the damage that information disclosure could cause. We will take a look at U.S. DoD clearance levels. These provide some insight into varying security classifications. Even if you work in an entirely civilian environment, reviewing the DoD approach can give you some suggestions on how to classify your data and how to properly evaluate which personnel should have access.

DoD Clearances

The terms secret and top secret have specific meanings. The United States has a specific hierarchy of classification. The lowest is confidential. This is information that, if disclosed, might damage national security. Secret information is data that, if disclosed, might cause serious damage to national security. Top secret information is data that, if disclosed, could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to national security. There is another designation: top secret SCI (sensitive compartmented information).

Each of these clearances requires a different level of investigation. A secret clearance requires a complete background check including criminal, work history (for the past 7 years), credit check, and checks with various national agencies (Department of Homeland Security, Immigration, State Department, and so on). This type of background check is referred to as an NACLC, or National Agency Check with Law and Credit. The secret clearance may or may not include a polygraph.

The top secret clearance is more rigorous, as you might imagine. It involves a Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI)—a complete NACLC for the subject and spouse that goes back at least 10 years. It also involves a subject interview conducted by a trained investigator. Direct verification of employment, education, birth, and citizenship are also required. At least four references are necessary, and at least two of those will be interviewed by investigators. A polygraph is also used. The SSBI is repeated every 5 years.

An SCI is assigned only after a complete SSBI has been completed. An SCI may have its own process for evaluating access; therefore, a standard description of what is involved is not available.

Disaster Recovery

Before we can discuss disaster recovery, we have to define what a disaster is. A disaster is any event that significantly disrupts an organization’s operations. A hard drive crash on a critical server is a disaster. Other examples include fire, earthquake, the telecom provider being down, a labor strike affecting shipping to and from your business, and a hacker deleting critical files. Any event that can significantly disrupt an organization’s operations is a disaster.

Disaster Recovery Plan

A disaster recovery plan (DRP) is a plan you have in place to return business to normal operations after a disaster occurs. A DRP must include a number of items. It must address personnel issues, including being able to find temporary personnel, if needed, and being able to contact the personnel you have employed. It also includes having specific people assigned to specific tasks. Your DRP needs to address who in your organization is tasked with the following:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Locating alternative facilities

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Getting equipment to those facilities

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Installing and configuring software

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Setting up the network at the new facility

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Contacting staff, vendors, and customers

These are just a few areas that a disaster recovery plan must address.

Business Continuity Plan

A business continuity plan (BCP) is similar to a DRP but with a different focus. A DRP is designed to get the organization back to full functionality as quickly as possible. A BCP is designed to get minimal business functions back up and running at least at some level so you can conduct some type of business. An example would be a retail store whose credit card processing system is down. Disaster recovery is concerned with getting the system back up and running, and business continuity is concerned with simply getting a temporary solution, such as processing credit cards manually.

To successfully formulate a BCP, you must consider those systems that are most critical for your business and have an alternative plan in case those systems are down. The alternative plan need not be perfect, just functional.

Impact Analysis

Before you can create a realistic DRP or BCP, you have to do an impact analysis of what damage to your organization a given disaster might cause. This is called a business impact analysis or business impact assessment (BIA). Consider a web server crash. If your organization is an e-commerce business, then a web server crash is a very serious disaster. However, if your business is an accounting firm and the website is just a way for new customers to find you, then a web server crash is less critical; you can still do business and earn revenue while the web server is down. You should make a spreadsheet of various likely or plausible disasters and do a basic BIA for each.

One item to consider for a BIA is the maximum tolerable downtime (MTD). How long can a given system be down before the effect is catastrophic and the business is unlikely to recover? Another item to consider is the mean time to repair (MTTR). How long is it likely to take to repair a given system if it is down? These factors help you determine the business impact of a given disaster.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Standards

Several standards might be useful to you in forming a BCP and a DRP. Familiarizing yourself with existing standards can aid you in forming your own DRP and BCP:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. ISO 27035: This standard is about incident response. It requires a structure, planned approach to detecting and reporting incidents, as well as responding.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. NIST 800-61: This standard is concerned with establishing incidence response policies. It provides guidance on incidence response teams, response procedures, and related items.

Both of these are good, general disaster recovery standards. Either can provide a basis for your own disaster recovery planning.

Fault Tolerance

The fact is that at some point, all equipment fails. So fault tolerance is important. At the most basic level, fault tolerance for a server means a backup. If the server fails, did you back up the data so you can restore it? While database administrators may use a number of different types of data backups, from a security point of view, there are three primary backup types to be concerned with:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Full: All changes

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Differential: All changes since last full backup

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Incremental: All changes since last backup of any type

Consider a scenario in which you do a full backup at 2 a.m. each morning. But you are concerned about the possibility of a server crash before the next full backup, so you want to do a backup every 2 hours. Well, the type of backup you choose will determine the efficiency of doing those frequent backups and the time needed to restore. So let’s consider each scenario and what would happen if the system crashed at 10:05 a.m.:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Full: Say that you do full backups at 4 a.m., 6 a.m., … 10 a.m., and then the system crashes. Well, to restore, you just have to restore the last full backup, which was done at 10 a.m. This makes restoration much simpler. However, running a full backup every 2 hours is very time-consuming and resource intensive, and it will have a significant negative impact on your server’s performance.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Differential: Say that you do differential backups at 4 a.m., 6 a.m., … 10 a.m., and then the system crashes. To restore, you will need to restore the last full backup, which was done at 2 a.m., and the most recent differential backup, which was done at 10 a.m. This is just a little more complicated than the full backup strategy. However, those differential backups are going to get larger each time you do them, and thus they will be more time-consuming and resource intensive. While they won’t have the impact of the full backups, they will still slow down your network.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Incremental: Say that you do incremental backups at 4 a.m., 6 a.m., … 10 a.m., and then the system crashes. To restore, you need to restore the last full backup, which was done at 2 a.m., and then each incremental backup done since then, and they must be restored in order. This type of restoration is much more complex, but each incremental backup is small and does not take much time or consume many resources.

There is no “best” backup strategy. Which one you select will depend on your organization’s needs. Whatever backup strategy you choose, you must periodically test it. The only effective way to test your backup strategy is to actually restore the backup data to a test machine.

The other fundamental aspect of fault tolerance is RAID, or redundant array of independent disks. RAID allows your servers to have more than one hard drive, so that if the main hard drive fails, the system keeps functioning. The primary RAID levels are described here:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. RAID 0 (striped disks): RAID 0 distributes data across multiple disks in a way that gives improved speed at any given instant. There is no fault tolerance.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. RAID 1 (mirroring): RAID 1 mirrors the contents of the disks, making a form of 1:1 ratio real-time backup.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. RAID 3 or 4 (striped disks with dedicated parity): RAID 3 or 4 combines three or more disks in a way that protects data against loss of any one disk. Fault tolerance is achieved by adding an extra disk to the array and dedicating it to storing parity information. The storage capacity of the array is reduced by one disk.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. RAID 5 (striped disks with distributed parity): RAID 5 combines three or more disks in a way that protects data against the loss of any one disk. It is similar to RAID 3, but the parity is not stored on one dedicated drive; instead, parity information is interspersed across the drive array. The storage capacity of the array is a function of the number of drives minus the space needed to store parity.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. RAID 6 (striped disks with dual parity): RAID 6 combines four or more disks in a way that protects data against loss of any two disks.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. RAID 1+0 (or 10): RAID 1+0 is a mirrored data set (RAID 1) that is then striped (RAID 0), hence the “1+0” name. A RAID 1+0 array requires a minimum of four drives: two mirrored drives to hold half of the striped data, plus another two mirrored for the other half of the data.

A server without at least RAID 1 is gross negligence on the part of the network administrator. RAID 5 is actually very popular with servers.

While RAID and backup strategies are the fundamental issues of fault tolerance, any backup system provides additional fault tolerance. This can include uninterruptable power supplies, backup generators, and redundant Internet connections.

Zero Trust

CrowdStrike defines Zero Trust as follows:6


Zero Trust is a security framework requiring all users, whether in or outside the organization’s network, to be authenticated, authorized, and continuously validated for security configuration and posture before being granted or keeping access to applications and data. Zero Trust assumes that there is no traditional network edge; networks can be local, in the cloud, or a combination or hybrid with resources anywhere as well as workers in any location.

This is a good definition. Zero Trust is about having no special, or trusted, systems. Every computer is treated as if it is an unknown system connecting from the Internet. Computers on your own network are not inherently trusted just because they are on your network.

Oracle describes Zero Trust as follows:7


  1. All data sources and computing services are considered resources.

  2. All communication is secure regardless of network location; network location does not imply trust.

  3. Access to individual enterprise resources is granted on a per-connection basis; trust in the requester is evaluated before the access is granted.

  4. Access to resources is determined by policy, including the observable state of user identity and the requesting system, and may include other behavioral attributes.

  5. The enterprise ensures all owned and associated systems are in the most secure state possible and monitors systems to ensure that they remain in the most secure state possible.

  6. User authentication is dynamic and strictly enforced before access is allowed; this is a constant cycle of access, scanning and assessing threats, adapting, and continually authenticating.

There are standards governing Zero Trust, including NIST SP 800-207, “Zero Trust Architecture,” and NIST SP 800-205, “Network Requirements for Zero Trust.” Familiarizing yourself with such standards will make it easier to implement Zero Trust.

Important Laws

There are a number of computer laws in various countries, states, and provinces. It is important to be familiar with the laws that are relevant to your jurisdiction. However, there are a few laws that are most critical in the United States. We will discuss each of them here.


The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a U.S. federal regulation that mandates national standards and procedures for the storage, use, and transmission of personal medical information. Passed into law in 1996, HIPAA has caused a great deal of change in healthcare record keeping.

HIPAA covers three areas—confidentiality, privacy, and security of patient records—and was implemented in phases to ease the transition. Confidentiality and privacy of patient records had to be implemented by a set date, followed by security of patient records. Standards for transaction codes in medical record transmissions had to be completed by a given date as well.

The penalties for HIPAA violations are very stiff: They can be as high as $250,000, depending on the circumstances. A medical practice is required to appoint a security officer. All related parties, such as billing agencies and medical records storage facilities, are required to comply with these regulations.


The Sarbanes-Oxley Act is legislation that came into force in 2002, introducing major changes to the regulation of financial practice and corporate governance. Named after Senator Paul Sarbanes and Representative Michael Oxley, this law is designed to make publicly traded corporations more accountable.

The legislation focuses primarily on financial issues, but it also affects IT departments that are responsible for storing a corporations’ electronic records. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act states that all business records, including electronic records and electronic messages, must be saved for “not less than five years.” The consequences for noncompliance are fines, imprisonment, or both.

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards

While not a law, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) is certainly something any IT security professional who works for a company that handles credit cards and debit cards should be familiar with. PCI DSS is a proprietary information security standard for organizations that handle branded credit cards from major companies, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.


In this chapter, you learned that technology is not enough to ensure a secure network. You must have clear and specific policies detailing procedures on your network. Those policies must cover employee computer resource use, new employees, outgoing employees, access rights, how to respond to an emergency, and even the security of code in applications and websites.

User policies must cover all aspects of how the user is expected to use company technology. In some cases, such as with instant messaging and Web use, policies may be difficult to enforce, but they must still be in place. If your user policies fail to cover a particular area of technology use, then you will have difficulty taking any action against an employee who performs that particular misuse.

You also learned that it is not just the end user who will need policies. The IT staff needs clearly delineated policies covering how to handle various situations. Of particular concern are policies dictating how to handle new users or exiting users. You also need a carefully considered change management policy.

Test Your Skills

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following does not demonstrate the need for policies?

A. Antivirus software cannot prevent a user from downloading infected files.

B. The most secure password is not at all secure if it’s posted on a sticky note by the computer.

C. End users are generally not particularly bright and must be told everything.

D. Technological security measures are dependent upon the employees’ implementation.

2. Grace is a network administrator who is trying to implement a Zero Trust architecture. Which of the following standards would be most helpful for Grace?

A. NIST 800-171

B. NIST 800-61

C. NIST 800-207

D. NIST 800-53

3. Which of the following is not an example of a user password policy?

A. Users may not keep copies of passwords in their office.

B. Passwords must be eight characters long.

C. A user may only share passwords with his or her assistant.

D. Passwords may not be shared with any employee.

4. What should an employee do if she believes her password has been revealed to another party?

A. If it is a trusted employee or friend, just ignore it.

B. Change the password immediately.

C. Notify the IT department.

D. Ignore it.

5. What standard is the most appropriate when considering security controls?

A. ISO 27002

B. NIST 800-61

C. NIST 800-205

D. NIST 800-207

6. Which of the following is the best reason users should be prohibited from installing software?

A. They may not install it correctly, which could cause security problems for the workstation.

B. They may install software that circumvents security.

C. Software installation is often complex and should be done by professionals.

D. If a user’s account does not have installation privileges, then it is likely that a Trojan horse will not be inadvertently installed under their account.

7. Which of the following is not a significant security risk posed by instant messaging?

A. Employees may send harassing messages.

B. Employees might send out confidential information.

C. A virus or worm might infect the workstation via instant messaging.

D. An instant messaging program could actually be a Trojan horse.

8. What must all user policies have in order to be effective?

A. They must be reviewed by an attorney.

B. They must state consequences.

C. They must be notarized.

D. They must be properly filed and maintained.

9. Which of the following is the appropriate sequence of events for a new employee?

A. IT is notified of the new employee and the requested resources > employee is granted access to those resources > employee is briefed on security/acceptable use > employee signs acknowledging receipt of a copy of security rules.

B. IT is notified of the new employee and the requested rights > employee is given access to those resources > employee signs acknowledging a receipt of a copy of security rules.

C. IT is notified of the new employee and assigns default rights > employee is briefed on security/acceptable use > employee signs acknowledging receipt of a copy of security rules.

D. IT is notified of the new employee and assigns default rights > employee signs acknowledging receipt of company security rules.

10. Which of the following is the appropriate sequence of events for a departing employee?

A. IT is notified of the departure > all logon accounts are shut down > all access (physical and electronic) is disabled.

B. IT is notified of the departure > all logon accounts are shut down > all access (physical and electronic) is disabled > the employee’s workstation is searched/scanned.

C. IT is notified of the departure > all physical access is shut down > all electronic access is shut down.

D. IT is notified of the departure > all electronic access is shut down > all physical access is shut down.

11. Which of the following is the appropriate sequence for a change request?

A. Business unit manager requests change > IT unit verifies request > request is implemented.

B. Business unit manager requests change > IT unit verifies request > security unit verifies request > request is scheduled with rollback plan > request is implemented.

C. Business unit manager requests change > IT unit verifies request > request is scheduled with rollback plan > request is implemented.

D. Business unit manager requests change > IT unit verifies request > security unit verifies request > request is implemented.

12. What is the first step when discovering a machine(s) has been infected with a virus?

A. Log the incident.

B. Scan and clean the infected machine(s).

C. Notify appropriate management.

D. Quarantine the infected machine(s).

13. What is the rule in access control?

A. Grant the most access you can securely give.

B. Grant the least access job requirements allow.

C. Grant standard access for all users.

D. Strictly limited access for most users.

14. After dealing, on a technical level, with any security breach, what is the last thing to be done for a security breach?

A. Quarantine infected machines.

B. Study the breach to learn how to prevent recurrence.

C. Notify management.

D. Log the incident.

15. Which of the following is a list of items that should be implemented in all secure code?

A. All code checked for backdoors or Trojans, all buffers have error handling to prevent buffer overruns, all communication activity thoroughly documented

B. All code checked for backdoors or Trojans, all buffers have error handling to prevent buffer overruns, all communication adheres to organizational guidelines, all communication activity thoroughly documented

C. All code checked for backdoors or Trojans, all buffers have error handling to prevent buffer overruns, all communication adheres to organizational guidelines

D. All code checked for backdoors or Trojans, all communication adheres to organizational guidelines, all communication activity thoroughly documented


Each of these exercises is intended to give you experience writing limited portions of a policy. Together, the exercises create a complete policy for a college campus computer network.

EXERCISE 10.1: User Policies

Using the guidelines provided in this chapter (and other resources, as needed), create a document that defines user policies. The policies should clearly define acceptable and unacceptable use for all personnel. You may require some separate policies for administration, faculty, and students.

EXERCISE 10.2: New Student Policy

Using the guidelines provided in this chapter (and other resources, as needed), create a step-by-step IT security policy for implementing a new user account for a student.The policy should define what resources the student has access to, what she does not have access to, and for how long access is granted.

EXERCISE 10.3: Leaving Student Policy

Using the guidelines provided in this chapter (and other resources, as needed), create a step-by-step IT security policy for handling user accounts/rights for a student who is leaving prematurely (drops, is expelled, and so on).

You will need to consider specialized student scenarios, such as a student who works as an assistant to a faculty member or as a lab assistant in a computer lab and may have access to resources most students do not have access to.

EXERCISE 10.4: New Faculty/Staff Policy

Using the guidelines provided in this chapter (and other resources, as needed), create a step-by-step IT security policy for implementing a new user account for a faculty or staff member.

The policy should define what resources the faculty or staff member has access to, what she does not have access to, and any restrictions. (Hint: Unlike with student policies, you don’t need to define an amount of time since it should be indefinite.)

EXERCISE 10.5: Leaving Faculty/Staff Policy

Write a policy for how to handle a faculty departure (quit, fired, retired, and so on). Use the guidelines in this chapter and any other resources you like to get started.

Make certain you consider not only shutting down access but also the possibility of proprietary research material existing on the faculty/staff member’s workstation.

EXERCISE 10.6: Student Lab Use Policy

Considering the material in this chapter, create a set of policies for acceptable use of computer lab computers.

Make sure to specify web use, email use, and any other acceptable uses.

Carefully spell out unacceptable usage. (For example, is game playing acceptable?)


PROJECT 10.1: Examining Policies

  1. Examine the following web resources that discuss security policies:

  2. Summarize the main theme of these policy recommendations. Pay particular attention to any area where these recommendations differ from or exceed the recommendations of this chapter.

  3. Choose which policy recommendation you believe is the most secure and state the reasons for your choice.

PROJECT 10.2: Real-World Security Policies

Ask a local business or your college to let you see its security policies. Study the policies carefully.

  1. Summarize the main theme of these policy recommendations. Pay particular attention to any area where these recommendations differ from or exceed the recommendations of this chapter.

  2. Choose which policy recommendation you believe is the most secure and state the reasons for your choice.

PROJECT 10.3: Creating Security Policies

Note: This project works well as a group project.

At this point in the book, you have studied security, including policies. In this chapter and the preceding exercises and projects, you have examined several policies from various web resources and the policies of some actual organizations.

Expand the brief policies you created for the exercises in this to create an entire working security policy for your college. You will need to add administrative policies, development policies, and more.

Case Study

Hector is a security administrator for a defense contractor. This business frequently works with highly sensitive classified material. Hector has developed a policy for departing employees. This policy handles everything mentioned in this chapter:

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. All logon accounts to any server, VPN, network, or other resource are disabled.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. All keys to the facility are returned.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. All accounts for email, Internet access, wireless Internet, cell phones, and so on are shut off.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. Any accounts for mainframe resources are canceled.

  • A shaded box with a faded outline. The employee’s workstation hard drive is searched.

Given the highly sensitive nature of the work at this company, what other actions might you add to this policy?

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