
  1. Al Alawi, Nabil family and background
  2. Al Alawi, Nabil, interview
    1. America in Syria
    2. assumption
    3. backup
    4. Basha Syndrome
    5. blacklisting
    6. CEO culture
    7. conditions demand
    8. contract price
    9. culture
    10. customer is king (slogan)
    11. customers' expectation
    12. no-fly zone
    13. number focus
    14. objective
    15. optimism
    16. perfectionism
    17. setbacks
    18. Shell Oil in Syria
    19. Shelton Baker (company)
    20. “slickline” wire
    21. success, methods for
    22. “take it easy,”
    23. values compromising
    24. wire
    25. workforce attitude
  3. Al Kitani, Harib family and background
  4. Al Kitani interview
    1. alignment, out of
    2. change, scared to
    3. chronic unease
    4. communications
    5. culture push
    6. culture transformation
    7. failure and setbacks
    8. integration accomplishment
    9. leaders as slave of company
    10. leadership
    11. marketing activities
    12. message sent
    13. mind-set
    14. momentum
    15. Oman employment
    16. Oman LNG
    17. Qalhat LNG
    18. siloes, broken
    19. strength vs. weakness
    20. success comes on shore of struggle
    21. success vs. target
    22. total alignment
  5. Albers, John
  6. American Marketing Association (AMA)
  7. Archila Cabal, Juan Carlos family and background
  8. Archila Cabal, Juan Carlos, interview
    1. America Movil
    2. balance
    3. Blackberry
    4. Brightstar Corp
    5. Cade 2000 Plus
    6. Claro
    7. cultural transformation
    8. customer-centric company
    9. discipline with passion
    10. economic crisis of
    11. expectations
    12. experience vs. newness
    13. inner transformation
    14. integrity
    15. Motorola
    16. Nokia
    17. relationships legacy
    18. timing
    19. transformation effort
  10. Behavior
  11. Benko, Cathy family and background
  12. Benko, Cathy, interview
    1. brains
    2. careers
    3. change
    4. Connecting the Dots
    5. Deloitte culture
    6. Deloitte LLP
    7. Deloitte University
    8. e-business
    9. enable vs. entitle
    10. global e-business
    11. Good to Great (Collins, Jim)
    12. Initiative for the Retention and Advancement of Women
    13. leadership
    14. Mass Career Customization
    15. MBA reunion
    16. mental permission
    17. mentality
    18. moxie
    19. overthinking things
    20. resilience
    21. role model
    22. transition to
  13. Bharathi, Deva family and background
  14. Bharathi, Deva interview
    1. changes, unexpected
    2. Chief Turnaround Officer (CTO)
    3. coherence
    4. constraints theory
    5. core, inner/outer
    6. creativity
    7. Cultural Transformational Model
    8. cultural transformations
    9. culture
    10. dreams
    11. energy sources
    12. expatriates
    13. expectations
    14. failure
    15. fear zone
    16. Fluid Systems Corporation LLC Oman
    17. follow up
    18. Harvard Business Review
    19. hope, loss of
    20. human relations
    21. improvising
    22. inner core
    23. leaders, transformational
    24. leadership, strong
    25. learning curve
    26. levels and ideas
    27. management teams
    28. master/slave mentality
    29. micromanagement
    30. mind-set relaxed
    31. oil prices
    32. organizations turning around
    33. passions within
    34. planning effort
    35. Qaboos Bin Said, His Majesty Sultan
    36. relationships, superior and subordinate
    37. roles
    38. self-discovery
    39. shale gas boom
    40. silence
    41. solar power plant energy
    42. strategies
    43. windmills
    44. workforce empowered
  15. Branson, Richard
  17. Canekeratne, Kris family and background
  18. Canekeratne, Kris interview
    1. core values
    2. culture creation
    3. e-mail messages
    4. employee engagement platform
    5. ethos
    6. goals
    7. interview
    8. leadership
    9. organizational culture
    10. paradigm shift
    11. software platforms
    12. success
  19. Collins, Jim
  20. Core, inner
  21. Critical steps to transform culture
    1. doing different, think big culture
    2. ineffective leader's character and behavior
  22. Culture. See also Final Thoughts; Organization culture
    1. doing different, think big
    2. organization
    3. predictor
    4. transformation of
  24. Doing different, think big culture
  25. frenzy
  26. Final Thoughts
    1. affairs, must change
    2. can do culture
    3. C-level team and CEO
    4. courage
    5. cultural malpractice
    6. cultural transformation difficulty
    7. culture, measuring
    8. culture elements
    9. culture health and vibrancy of
    10. culture survey
    11. engagement survey
    12. invest heavily in leadership development
    13. leaders' development investment
    14. marathon vs. sprint
    15. must do culture
    16. organization culture and initiatives
    17. organization want vs. need
    18. predictor cultures
    19. predictive information
    20. prescription before diagnosis
    21. state of affairs change
    22. strong culture
    23. success of initiative
    24. surveys, culture vs. satisfaction
    25. team performance culture
    26. vibrant culture
    27. will do culture
  27. Fuller, Buckminster
  29. Good to Great (Collins, Jim)
  31. His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said
  33. Klein, Russ family and background
  34. Klein, Russ Interview
    1. advertising
    2. Albers, John
    3. American Marketing Association (AMA)
    4. American Red Cross
    5. awards created
    6. brands
    7. bystander effect
    8. CEO experience
    9. change management
    10. coaching
    11. culture on th basis of empirical proof
    12. curiosity and gratefulness
    13. dissatisfaction
    14. enabling strategies
    15. “future back” project
    16. Genovese, Kitty
    17. Genovese syndrome
    18. Great Recession
    19. job offers
    20. McKeogh, Gene
    21. Mulally, Allan
    22. OODA mentality
    23. parenting
    24. partnership
    25. performance language
    26. stakeholder-built strategic plan
    27. tactics
    28. Top 50 Companies to Work For
    29. Voltaire
  35. Klopp, Kenneth “Hap” family and background
  36. Klopp, Kenneth “Hap” interview
    1. book creation
    2. brands
    3. changing people and culture
    4. company culture
    5. consulting companies
    6. “cash light,”
    7. cultural variety
    8. cultures of entrepreneurialism
    9. embracing the culture
    10. on failure
    11. on failure rate
    12. higher calling
    13. leader understanding
    14. leadership
    15. leadership gifts
    16. levels of goals
    17. on negatives
    18. passion
    19. on people
    20. politics
    21. on Possibility Thinking
    22. reading
    23. Scotch Principle
    24. short-term focus
    25. on society imperfections
    26. strategic plans
    27. on “swinging for the fences” businesses
    28. trial and error
    29. urgency sense
    30. on venture capital pools
    31. wilderness
  38. Leaders
    1. identification and development
    2. ineffective character and behavior
  40. Machaalani, Eddie family background
  41. Machaalani, Eddie interview
    1. about failure
    2. awards
    3. Bezos, Jeff
    4. Bigcommerce
    5. bottlenecks to growth
    6. Bucket One
    7. Bucket Two
    8. company culture
    9. continuous growth and improvement
    10. cultural transformation
    11. curiosity
    12. entrepreneurs, startup
    13. freedom
    14. humility
    15. leadership challenges
    16. leadership change
    17. mind-set
    18. on people
    19. prioritizing
    20. progressing
    21. strength focus
    22. success defining
    23. toxic culture
    24. University of Technology
    25. values and ideals
    26. values of honest fairness
    27. venture capital
    28. what and why and who
    29. win desire
  42. Mazzarella, Kathy family and background
  43. Mazzarella, Kathy interview
  44. Mehrotra, Rohit family and background
  45. Mehrotra, Rohit, interview
    1. asset allocation
    2. Boston Consulting Group
    3. core group
    4. CPSG Partners, LLC
    5. culture creation
    6. elite schools
    7. innovation
    8. life perspective
    9. loyalty
    10. mergers
    11. money management business
    12. ONE Community, Inc.
    13. organizational socialization,endsubhb123
    14. Paranet Solutions
    15. on people
    16. “The Platinum Group,”
    17. quality focus
    18. reputation
    19. standard
    20. team success
    21. U.S. SEALS
    22. Vivare
    23. Workday
  46. Mind-sets
  48. Organization culture
    1. about
    2. alignment culture
    3. capability culture
    4. commitment culture
    5. culture and need match
    6. culture importance
    7. culture of leadership
    8. individual performance culture
    9. leaders' identification and development
    10. problems
    11. reflection time
    12. team performance culture
    13. transforming culture
  49. Organization(s)
    1. core values of
    2. culture understanding and creating
  50. Out-Executing The Competition (Rothman, I.)
  51. “Paying Forward” (Hayes, Woody)
  53. Petroleum Development Oman (PDO)
  55. Rothman, Irv family and background
  56. Rothman, Irv interview
    1. AT&T Capital
    2. AT&T Credit
    3. about culture
    4. captive finance company
    5. career path
    6. CFO
    7. children
    8. Compaq
    9. Compaq/HP deal
    10. culture aspect
    11. governance
    12. guts ball
    13. leadership
    14. leadership team
    15. model philosophy
    16. operating efficiency
    17. operating experience
    18. operating model
    19. operating principles
    20. ownership, belief in
    21. P&L responsibility
    22. people hiring
    23. self-managed teams
    24. son
  58. Team put on board
    1. transformation design
    2. transformation leading and managing
    3. transformation strategy
  59. Transformations
  60. Tyagarajan, NV “Tiger” family and background
    1. sleeping well at night,endsubhb197
  61. Tyagarajan, NV “Tiger,” interview
    1. behaviors, search for
    2. Chesebrough-Ponds
    3. client, satisfaction
    4. clients and culture
    5. company, growth of
    6. compounding long-term
    7. cultural change
    8. cultural change is continuous
    9. culture, metrics driven
    10. culture keepers
    11. culture of continuous improvement
    12. employees' questions
    13. GE culture
    14. Gecis (Genpact)
    15. god of the company
    16. leadership, development
    17. Lean Six Sigma
    18. maniacal focus of client
    19. passion
    20. rational decision-making
    21. relationships, building
    22. say-do ratio
    23. society, life of
    24. technology
    25. today vs. tomorrow
    26. Unilever
  63. Values, good work ethic
  64. Venture capital
  66. Wall Street Journal
  67. Wedo, Anthony
  1. 12 Commandments of Leadership
  2. Corporate Turn Around CEO
  3. family and background
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