
Adorno, Theodor, 2, 27, 38, 41, 42, 54, 86, 88;

see also Frankfurt School advertising, 239, 243;

and American broadcasting, 156;

and British broad-casting, 1426;

and economic growth, 184;

and international broadcasting, 17680, 1783;

structuralist analysis of, 9596

Agatha, St, 201

agenda-setting function of the media, 237, 245, 246, 247, 259

Agnew, Spiro, 279

Aldgate, Anthony, 2892

alienation, 33, 162

Althusser, Louis, 2, 3, 18, 27, 44, 45, 47, 49, 71, 72, 74, 78, 102, 107;

and the reproduction processes of capitalism, 48;

on ideological state apparatuses, 19, 83;

on ideology, 19, 483;

on the concept of interpellation, 19

American Dream, the, 56, 236

American sociology, 3537;

see also behaviourism

American Telephone and Telegraph Company, 130

amplification spiral, 297298

Anderson, Perry, 30

Anglia Television, 134

Anglia Television Group Ltd, 134

Anglican Church, the, 215

Annan Report, 164;

on the impartiality of television news, 3014;

on the Yesterday's Men controversy, 165

“Annenberg School of Communication, 253, 254

anomie, 33, 57

Arendt, Hannah, 27, 32

Aristotle, 203

Arnold, Matthew, 27, 30

articulation, theory of, 7579

Ascherson, Neal, 134

Asquith, Herbert, 206

Associated Communications Corpora-tion, 118, 134

Associated Newspapers, 134, 139

ATV, 115, 167

ATV Network Ltd, 1349


effects of mass communica-tions on, 245, 2571, 259;

media perceptions of, 166

avant-garde films, 19, 104

Bachrach, P., 595

Baldwin, Stanley, 207

Bank of England Nominees, 134

Baratz, M., 595

Barthes, Roland, 3, 18, 61, 75;

and semiology, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96

base/superstructure, 16, 22, 438, 105

Baudelaire, Charles, 41

BBC, 96, 149, 164, 169;

and relations to the state, 45, 8283;

formation of, 1527;

relationships between BBC and ITV, 1549;

see also broadcasting

Beaverbrook, Lord, 20612

Beaverbrook Group, 114

Becker, Howard, 7, 58

behaviourism, 2, 518, 56, 89

Bell, Daniel, 33, 36, 55

Benjamin, Louis, 134

Benjamin, Walter, 41, 94

Bennett, Arnold, 34

Bennett, Tony, 2, 195196

Bensman, Joseph, 35

Berelson, B., 9, 239

Berger, Peter, 62

Berle, Adolf, 124, 1296

Bernard of Clairvaux, St, 199

Bernstein, Alex, 134

Bernstein, Basil, 75

Bernstein, Cecil, 134

Bernstein, Lord, 134

Bernstein family trusts, 134

Blumler, Jay, 7, 14, 147, 195195, 210

Bon, Gustave Le, 27

Bond, James, structuralist analysis of, 917

book, rise of the, 21120

Bourdieu, Pierre, 75

bourgeois culture, 40, 86;

ideology of, 260

bourgeoisie, the, 37, 40, 42, 43, 46, 102

Boyd, Gavin, 134

Boyd-Barrett, Oliver, 111

Braham, Peter, 195196

Bramson, Leon, 27

Brecht, Bertolt, 43

Breichner, J., 267

Brewer, J., 217

broadcasting, 82;

and relations to the state, 1151, 1527, 1572;

and the British political system, 20916, 2228;

development of commercial broadcasting in Britain, 1548

Brooke, C, 204

Brougham, Lord, 205

Brown, William, 134

Brunce, Richard, 134

bureaucracy, theories of, and the media, 15970

Burgelin, O., 89

Burke, Edmund, 2162

Burnham, James, 124

Burns, Tom, 149, 156, 158, 164, 169

Buscome, Edward, 97

Butterworth, E., 26670

Callaghan, James, 210, 284

Camargo, M., 75

Campaign for Relief of Need, 275

Campbell, Lord, 218

Cantril, H., 88

capitalism, 2, 21, 37, 40, 46, 86, 123, 131, 138, 176, 183;

advanced, 2, 37;

and relationships to the media, 121, 128, 130;

monopoly, 40, 86;

theories of, 120, 1405, 144

Carey, James, viii

Carnoy, M., 191 Carter, President J., 100

chain reaction model of communication effect, 237

Chandler, Raymond, 92

Charlemagne, Emperor, 202

Chibnall, S., 8

Chomsky, Noam, 66

Christ, Jesus, 199

Clark, Robert, 134

class, 4346, 47;

and class relationships, 100, 235;

capitalist class, 120, 121, 125, 128, 131, 133, 137, 139, 140;

consciousness, 137;

struggle, 21, 105-3;

see also bourgeoisie, proletariat, middle class and working class

Coase, R.L., 153

cognition, media effects on, 2361, 245

Cohen, Stanley, 8, 296298

Cold War, 36, 92, 105

Collins, Norman, 134

Complaints Commission, 164

commercial press, development of, 2155

commercial television, rise of, 1548

commonsense theory, 68, 717

communications industry, ideology of, 121

Communist Party, 38

Community Relations Council, 267

Comstock, G., 234

Comte, Auguste, 120

Congress, US, 252

Connell, B., 123

Connell, Ian, 16, 3036

connotation, 75, 95


concept of, 461;

critical, 138;

popular, 144;

public, 237


the media and, 552;

break-up of, 575

consent, the production of, 808

Conservative Party, 207, 242, 248

conspiracy theory, 139

Constable, John, 94

Constantine, Emperor, 199

consumer sovereignty, 1405, 144

consumerism, the media and economic development, 1837

content analysis, 59, 883, 246, 254;

analysis/semiology compared, 90

Coser, Lewis, 162

Counter-Reformation, 215

Coward, Rosalind, 67

creativity, and autonomy, 160, 162

cultivation analysis, 238

cultural dependency, 171, 174

cultural imperialism, 177, 179, 184

cultural pluralism, 181

cultural theorists, 27, 30, 34, 41

culturalism, 2, 106;

and approaches to the study of the media, 218

culturalists, and structuralism, 22

culture, 18, 22, 36, 40, 41, 49, 99, 179, 255;

imports of, 176, 177, 178, 190;

industry, the, 2, 21, 27, 377, 86, 102, 1206, 125;

see also folk, mass and popular culture

Curran, James, 2, 2, 13, 142, 143, 195

Curran, Sir Charles, 82, 286

Curti, Lidia, 3047

Daily Express, 33, 134, 2649, 268, 271, 275

Daily Mail, 205, 271, 2748

Daily Mirror, 268, 275

Daily Sketch, 2748

Daily Telegraph, 271, 2748

Daily Telegraph Ltd, 134

Darna, Charles, 127

democracy, 361

Democratic Party (US), 2494

denotation, 75, 95

dependency theory, 1715, 174, 176, 177, 189, 190, 231

determinism, 101, 102, 140, 176, 178

deviancy theory, 2, 3

deviants, media representations of, 575, 62, 293301

discourse theory, 2, 7072, 105;

and film analysis, 89, 103

dissonance theory, 6

Dodd, William, 205

dominance, concept of, 795

Dowing, J., 275

Durkheim, Emile, 27, 58, 1593

Eastern Counties Newspapers, 134

Eckersley, Peter, 152, 153

Eco, Umberto, 3, 65, 92, 93

effects studies, 7, 10, 51, 539, 238, 258;

see also media effects

Eisenhower, Dwight, 249

Eisenstein, E., 212

election broadcasting, 243

election campaigns, study of, 2394, 242, 244, 248, 249, 253;

see also general elections and presidential elections

Eliot, T.S., 27, 30

élites, 27, 32, 33, 36, 104, 111;

and control over media, 180, 181, 239;

élite theory and pluralism, 1249;

in the Third World, 173, 176, 181, 1849;

theories of, 29, 37

Elizabethan Settlement, the, 215

Elle, 938, 95

Elliott, Philip, 13, 160

Ellis, John, 67

Elton, G.R., 214

EMI, 129, 134, 139

empiricism, 34, 35;

and theory in media research, positions compared, 610, 18

Engels, Frederick, 16, 38, 43, 79

Epstein, E., 157

ethnomethodology, 62

ETV, 188

Evans, Harold, 274, 276, 279

Evening News, 270

false consciousness, 21, 46, 102, 107

Fascism, 5, 38, 238

Federal Communications Commission, 152

feudal society, 33

film noir, 90

Financial Times, 114

Fiske, J., 963

folk culture, 32;

tales, Russian, 916

Fox, Charles James, and Libel Act of 218

Franco, General Francisco, 28690

Frankfurt School, 2, 18, 27, 43, 539, 102;

and the culture industry, 40, 862;

critique of liberal pluralism, 416

Freud, Sigmund, 41

Friedrich, Carl, 32

functionalism, 49, 173

Galbraith, John, 124

Gallagher, Margaret, 111

gangster films, study of, 89, 91;

see also film noir

Garnham, Nicholas, 20, 63

gatekeeper, concept of, 150

Gaudet, H., 239

Gemeinschaft, 53, 179

General Elections, studies of (1959), 2394, 248;

1964, 244, 248;

see also election campaigns

Gerbner, George, 25360, 259

Giddens, Anthony, 120

Gill, Jack, 134

Glasgow Media Group, 64, 3016

Golding, Peter, vi, 13, 20, 21, 63

Goldsmith, Sir John, 127, 142

Gone With the Wind, 156

Grade, Sir Lew (later Lord), 118, 134

Gramsci, Antonio, 3, 18, 22, 49, 70, 74, 76, 795, 105, 107, 298, 301;

and com-mon sense, 68;

see also hegemony

Granada Group Ltd, 115, 134

Granada Television, 134

Greeley, Horace, 127

Green, Sir Hugh Carlton, 276

Greene, Sir Hugh, 157

Gregory I, Pope, 202

Gregory VII, Pope, 204

Grundberg, Carl, 38

Guarantee Nominees, 134

Guardian, 134, 2682, 270, 2748

Guevera, Che, 40

Gurevitch, Michael, 2, 2, 7, 14, 147, 195195, 210

Gurney, May Holdings, 134

Hall, Stuart, 23, 8, 18, 628, 75, 79, 88;

and television news, 3047;

and the analysis of news photographs, 95;

and the definition of cultural studies, 2122;

et al. and Policing the Crisis, 10510, 2983

Halloran, James, vi

Hanson, Sir James, 134

Hartley, John, 963

Hartmann, P., 9, 269

Heath, P., 214

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 41, 42, 45

hegemony, 3, 22, 49, 105, 111, 235;

post-war crisis of, 298;

theory of, 7579, 80

Hemingway, Ernest, 34

Henry IV, Kaiser, 204

Henry VIII, 212

Himmelweit, Professor, 302

Hiro, Dilip, 264

Hirst, Paul Quentin, 20, 46

Hitler, Adolf, 38, 28690, 291

Hobbes, John, 212

Hoggart, Richard, 21, 150, 301

Hollywood, 19, 143, 144

Horkheimer, Max, 27, 38, 86;

see also Frankfurt School

Husband, C, 27680, 280

Hutchinson Publishing Group Ltd, 115

iconography, 94


and discourse theory, 705;

and hegemony, 7579;

and the class struggle within language, 719;

and the media, 13, 184, 21, 23, 38, 43, 133, 134, 1394, 234, 238;

and the structuralist study of language, 6167;

class basis of, 102;

concepts and theories of, 4, 38, 438, 46, 88, 93, 96, 100, 105;

in film and television, 993, 1038;

Marx's views on, 438;

papal, 2008, 20714;

professional, 1314, 15, 149, 159, 176;

reductionist analysis of, 993, 101, 102;

relative autonomy of, 794;

the end of ideo-logy, 552, 59

Illiffe, Lord, 114

Imperial Tobacco Pension Fund, 134

imperialism, 171, 177

Independent Television Corporation, 167

industrial society, theories of, 120, 123, 144

instrumentalism and media theory, critique of, 1218, 131, 133, 1373

interactionism, 62

Ironside, 100

Isaacs, Jeremy, 277

ITV, 83

Jacobson, Roman, 63

James, St, 199

Jameson, Frederick, 905

Janowitz, Morris, 35

John, King, 209

Johnson, Richard, 18

Jones, C., 280

Kantianism, 65

Kantorowicz, E.H., 200

Katz, Elihu, 6, 7, 243

Kemsley, Lord, 206

Kerner Commission, 268

Keynesianism, 39

Klapper, J., 6, 7, 240

Klute, 103

Kotz, D., 129

Kushnick, L., 275

labelling theory, 2947

Labour Party, 242, 248

Lacan, Jacques, 3, 18, 19

Laclau, Ernesto, 3, 76, 79, 105, 301


referential theories of, 707;

structuralist analysis of, 6167;

theories of and the media, 2848;

see also linguistics

law and order, media representations of, 2982

Lazarsfeld, Paul, 6, 7, 9, 35, 53, 149, 239, 240

Leavis, F.R., 30, 34

Leavis, Q.D., 34

Leeds Mercury, 219

Lent, J.A., 178

Lerner, D., 183

Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 3, 18, 617, 653, 90

Liberal Party, 248

liberal-pluralism, 3, 27, 35, 36, 37, 41, 150, 234;

and relationships to Marx-ism, viii, 22, 5, 18;

see also pluralism

liberalism, 28, 29

linguistics, 2, 3, 16, 18, 47, 61, 895, 1048

Lipset, Seymour, 55

Lloyd George, David, 206

Lloyds Bank, 41

Lloyd's Weekly, 205

London Weekend Television, 115, 127, 134

Luckmann, Thomas, 62

Lukács, Georg, 47, 595;

and ideology, 4546

Lukes, Steven, 595, 120

Luther, Martin, 212

LWT (Holdings) Ltd, 134

MacCabe, Colin, 2, 284;

and the classic realist text, 1038

McCombs, M., 7

McCorn, R., 9

McKensey Report, 165

McLeod, J., 7, 232

McQuail, Dennis, vi, 9, 197

Maisel, R., 197

managerial revolution, 1249, 1262, 130

managerialism, theory of, 1283, 130, 132

Manchester Evening News, 134, 274

Maoism, 40

Marcuse, Herbert, 2, 8, 9, 38, 394, 41;

see also Frankfurt School

Margaret, St, 201

Marx, Karl, 33, 37, 38, 41, 137;

and the reproduction processes of capitalism, 48;

base superstructure metaphor, 16, 438;

experiences as a journalist, 126-vi;

media ownership in capitalist societies, 1207;

on ideology, 16, 439, 794, 1005

Marxism, 37, 42, 43, 45, 48, 171;

and alliance with semiology, 93, 100, 103, 1059;

and capitalism, 472, 1015, 124, 1286, 253;

and culture, 18, 107, 1405;

and ideology, viii, 23, 164, 23, 27, 4346, 49, 94, 1004, 106

(see also ideology);

and the media, viviii, 22, 5, 7, 8, 13, 1316, 272, 38, 49, 86, 103, 105, 111, 138, 150, 23440, 253, 2574;

relationship to liberal-plura-lism, viviii, 22, 5, 10, 141, 184, 21

(see also neo-Marxism);

reproduction processes of, 472

mass communications, 6, 7, 16, 252, 86

mass culture, 32, 36, 52, 86

mass man, 306

mass media:

and the medieval Catholic Church, power compared, 2218;

effects of, 147, 190, 231, 232, 235, 236, 238, 240, 241, 257, 259;

theories of, 254

mass psychology, 27, 28;

and elections, 2416

mass society, 6, 18, 327;

outlook and early American media research, 3237;

theories of, 2, 6, 272, 38, 528, 57, 238

materialism, 20, 107

Matisse, Henri, 41

Matta, F.R., 180

Matthews, Victor, 134

Matza, David, 62

Mean, Gardiner, 124, 1286


allocative control of, 1175, 128, 130, 134;

and social change, 236;

and the relationship to ownership, 1173, 123, 1405, 176, 178, 235

(see also ownership);

as definers of social reality, 22, 585, 1951, 25360, 2594, 284306;

control, nature of, 149, 152, 156, 158, 169;

corporate control of, 1189;

effects on attitudes, 2361;

effects on violence, 89, 13, 88, 106, 190, 231;

effects on voting behaviour, 913

(see also election campaigns);

imperialism, 177;

institu-tions, 10, 1113;

interactions with socio-political environment, 141;

media control over communication channels, 149, 163, 176;

messages, 6, 10, 13, 15, 25, 35, 36, 88, 949, 147, 234, 2593;

operational control of, 117;

political economy of, 1313;

power of, 523, 11116, 231, 23440, 239, 241;

research, the ‘critical para—digm’, 6083;

sociology, 36, 44;

technology, 2328

Merton, Robert, 57

methodological individualism, 235

M & G (Unit Trust), 134

middle class, 29, 30

Midland Bank Trust, 134

Miliband, Ralph, 37, 137, 139

Mill, James, 219

Mill, John Stuart, 27;

and the tyranny of the majority, 284

modernization, 183, 185

mods and rockers, media representa-tions of, 296298

Moerbeke, William of, 203

Montagu, Samuel (Nominees), 134

Monty Python, 164

Morley, David, 9, 296

Morning Advertizer, 121

Morning Post, 121

Morning Star, 139

Mosca, Gaetano, 27

Muir, Frank, 128

Mussolini, Benito, 288

myth, 61, 66, 67, 70, 93, 94, 97, 179, 253

National Coal Board Pensions, 134

Nazism, 32, 36

Neilsen Marketing Research Territory, 156

neo-Kantianism, 65

neo-Marxism, 112, 123, 130, 140, 173, 176

New York Daily Tribune, 127

New York Times, 274


frameworks and the reporting of race, 2729;

values and the reporting of race, 26675

News International Ltd, 134

Newton, F., 161

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 27;

and mass society theory, 29

Nin, Andre, 291

Nordenstreng, K., 176, 178

Northcliffe, Lord, 206

Northern Ireland, television coverage of, 158

Norwich Union Life Insurance, 134

Now Magazine, 127

Observer, 114, 131, 134

Ortega y Gasset, José, 29

Orwell, George, 28695

ownership of the media, 21, 11347, 149;

legal and economic aspects, 1173, 1383;

of media conglomerates, 113-14, 1341;

of newspapers, 114;

of television, 1349;

of the record industry, 115

Pahl, R., 117

Pakula, Alan, 103

Panofsky, E., 94

Panorama, 296

papacy, and press barons, power compared, 207

Pareto, Vilfredo, 27

Paris-Match, 97

Parsons, Talcott, 55

Partido Obrero de Unificacion Marxista (POUM), 2914

Peacock, Michael, 1272

Pearl Assurance, 134

Pearson, S., and Son, 114, 137, 139

Pêcheux, Michel, 71

Penguin Books, 114, 137

Pentagon Papers, 134

Perry, James, 205

Peter, St, 199

phenomenology, 61

Picayune Times, 268

Pilkington Committee, 158

Plato, 41

pluralism, viviii, 23, 8, 13, 15, 36, 235;

and conception of élites, 125;

and neo-Weberianism, 172, 173;

criticisms of, 5157, 595, 80, 100, 104;

relationship to Marxism, 14, 15, 184, 21, 2571

political communication, effects of, 241, 243, 244, 249

political economy, 2, 71;

approach to the study of the media, 206

Popper, Sir Karl, 42

popular culture, 144, 254

positivism, 22, 35, 52, 177, 190

Poulantzas, Nicos, 48, 140

Powell, Enoch, 195, 2773

power, contrasting models of, 595, 1184, 123

presidential elections, study of, 242; 239, 2405;

72, 246, 251

press, the:

and the British political system, 20916, 221;

control of, 2162;

radical, and working class politics, 216, 2206

press barons, power of, 20512

Press Council, 267, 272

Presse, Die, 121

print culture, and the rise of Protestan-tism, 21420

proletariat, the, 46

propostion, the entailment of, 705

Propp, V., 91, 93

Prudential Assurance, 134

psychoanalysis, 61, 71, 105;

Freudian, 67;

Lacanian, 67

Public Enemy, 89

Punch, 121

race, media definitions of, 195, 26485, 27682

Radiotelevision Italiana, 167

Rank Organization, 133, 134

Reagan, President Ronald, 100

realism, classic realist text, 1038;

in the cinema, 103, 105

Reeves, B., 232

reflection theory, 47, 59, 100, 2848

Reform Bill (1867), 30

Reich, Wilhelm, 27

Reith, John, 211, 302;

and the role of broadcasting, 1526

Republican Party (US), 2494

Resler, H., 134

Richfield, Atlantic, 114, 131, 134

Robinson, John, 249

Robinson, Michael J., 251, 252, 259

role/goal conflict, 1637

Roman Catholic Church and control over medieval communications, 198-4, 20714

Romulus Films, 134

Rothermere, Viscount, 20612

Royal Commission on the Press, 137, 140

Russian Formalism, 91

Saint-Simon, Claude Henri, 120, 124

Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, the, 61

satellite communications, 174, 176, 177

Saussure, Ferdinand de, 18, 61, 63, 90, 93, 284

Schiller, H.I., 1738, 178

Schumpeter, Joseph, 36, 37

science fiction, 93

Scottish Daily Express, 274

Scottish Daily News, 142

Screen, 19, 1038

Scrutiny Group, 34

Seaton, Jean, 13

Seiden, Martin, 125

semiology/semiotics, 2, 3, 16, 49, 61, 79, 883, 90, 91, 93, 94, 962, 102, 104, 107, 190

Seymour-Ure, C., 278

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 41

Shils, Edward, 35, 41, 55

sign, the, 90, 93, 94;

multi-accentuality of, 72

signification, 4, 19, 22, 47, 49, 89, 97, 99, 104, 107, 174

signifier/signified, 85, 907, 95, 97

signifying practice, 59, 728, 103;

systems, 43, 44, 45, 47, 88, 90, 93, 94, 96, 105, 106, 107

Silvester, Pope, 199

Simpson, George, 297

Smith, Anthony, 153, 157

social action analysis, 1504

social conflict, 120, 245, 251

social control, 58, 150, 156

social order, 58, 259

social stratification, 235

social structure, 42, 237

socio-cultural imperialism, 174

sociological tradition, the, 29

South London Press, 272

Southern Television Ltd, 134

Spanish Civil War, 195, 28695

Spy Who Loved Me, The, 92

Stalinism, 32, 38

Star, 142

Star Wars, 92

Starsky & Hutch, 100

Stevenson, Adlai, 249

Stewart, Sir Ian, 134

structural analysis, 91, 1195, 123;

functionalist, 173, 185;

see also functionalism

structuralism, viii, 23, 168, 49, 62, 68, 89, 90, 94, 102, 105, 107;

see also language, structuralist analysis of

subcultures, 57

subject, theories of, 67, 72, 76, 105

Sun, 271, 275

Sunday Times, The, 210, 2748

Sweeney, The, 92, 100

systems analysis, 1493

Telefusion Ltd, 139 television: bardic function of, 973;

news, 96, 2595;

political use of, 2438, 248

Thames Television, 129, 134

Thames Valley Broadcasting, 129

That Was the Week that Was, 164

Thompson, E.P., 21

Thomson, D.C., 133, 134

Times, The, 41, 137, 2682, 271, 278

Tocqueville de, Alexis, 27

Tönnies, Ferdinand, 27

Toscanini, Arturo, 42

totalitarianism, 32, 36, 181

Townsend, Marquis of Kaynham, 134

Tracey, Michael, 150, 155, 158, 164, 166, 169

Trade Unions, and the media, 64, 783, 96, 3026

Trafalgar House, 114;

BPM Holdings, 134

Trenaman, J., 9

Trevor-Roper, Hugh, 183

Trident Television Ltd, 134

Trotsky, Leon, 2903

Tunstall, Jeremy, 147, 164, 268

Tyne Tees Television, 134

Ullmann, W.W., 200


United Empire Party, 207

United Newspapers, 134

Universal Instruments, 114

University of Colombia, 38

uses and gratification studies, 237

Veron, E., 66

Vidich, Arthur J., 35

Vološinov, V.N.: and ideology, 7276;

and theory of language, 461

Vroey, M.De, 130

Wall, Max, 273

Watergate, 251

Weber, Max:

on bureaucracy, 159;

on the protestant ethic, 183

Weberian, neo-, 173, 174

Wedell, G., 178

Wednesday Play, The, 164

Weimar Germany, 38

Wells, A., 184

Wemyss, Earl of, 134

West Unit Nominees, 134

Westergaard, J., 134

Western Daily Press, 274

Westinghouse Electric, 134

Westminister Review, 219

Whale, John, 125

Whannel, Garry, 8

Wheldon, Huw, 155

White, David, 150

Wilkes, John, and the struggle for press freedom, 2173, 219

Wilkinson, John, 134

Williams, Raymond, 18, 21, 101, 102, 144, 153

Wilson, H.H., 154

Winkler, J., 117

Wolverhampton Express and Star, 279

Woollacott, Janet, 23

working class, 30, 38, 99, 102, 143, 144, 235

World War, First, 5

Yesterday's Men, controversy over, 1648, 169

Yorkshire Post, 26670

Yorkshire Television, 134

Zeitlin, M., 129

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