Chapter 1. Overview

Talking to Machines

  • “A workman is only as good as their tools.” [anon]

  • “Only a poor workman blames his tools.” [anon]

  • “A bad worker quarrels with his tools.” [anon]

  • “Give me a lever and a place to stand, and I will move the world.” [Archimedes]

This is a book on how to talk to satellites. Most communications books of this type will welcome you to the exciting world of radio. And I agree. Nearly every ham radio person or AMSAT member or communications enthusiast loves what they do. They revel in the details, and they get great pleasure from pulling off magnificent acts of technical competence to span this world—and others—using simple electronics.

I only want to talk to machines. I just want it to work. I want my satellite communications as a commodity, not an art.

This book, therefore, pays utmost respect to those who are ever advancing the performance frontiers, but tackles it from the base utility view of a plebe. This book will simultaneously provide you with a lay view of how you can talk to satellites, and a peek into the rapidly changing world of satellite radio communications.

Rapidly changing is almost an understatement. In the month before I wrote this introduction, 64 CubeSats were launched or deployed. One new 3000-station comm network was set up by a single amateur operation. So this book will, by the time it’s published—one month after final edits—probably be ignorant of the newest advances. For this reason, I talk very little on specific models of hardware or protocols, and instead focus on system engineering principals required to assess then develop your entire ground and communications network.

In this age of Making, you can find endless case studies of hardware. This book is intended as the missing manual to provide understanding of the entire end-to-end process necessary for accurately commanding and then receiving data from your satellite. If you only walk away with two pieces of knowledge from this book, let them be these: calculate your actual bandwidth and don’t overpromise on your mission (which often will deal in kilobytes of data, not megabytes or gigabytes) until you run your comms budgets, and understand that satellite radio is just like “ground radio plus Doppler shift” (Doppler shift is covered in Chapter 3).

Some people view communications as a means to an end; I admit I do. Hopefully this book will convey to you not just the current means, but the trends and directions that are creating new ways of playing with our classical elements of signal, gear, and smarts to let anyone—even me—better talk to machines. In one month in 2013, there were 65 CubeSats launched. What will the future bring—crowding and less spectrum, or shared networks and easier access? This book will hopefully ground you in the core systems engineering principles needed to ensure your satellite has reliable, consistent, accessible communication.

Operations is always a compromise between improvement and risk, between wants and costs. A good operations mentality is to understand that risk is not binary, and that “pause and assess” is more important than quick decisions. Early in your design stage, you can go for wacky ideas and embrace risk. Once you are maintaining your system, however, incremental improvement and risk avoidance are more important. In any project, multiple types and viewpoints are not just good but essential for strong mission operations. Always try to fall back to:

  1. Why are we doing this?

  2. How does this serve the mission?

  3. Is this the standard approach?

  4. Is this the best approach?

Parts of a Comm System

There are several parts to a comms system. To get data down from the satellite, you need a downlink system. This can be as simple as a premade Cubesat transmitter board, driven by your satellite CPU of choice, sending through a simple tape antenna, and being picked up by a ham radio enthusiast using a simple Yagi directional antenna and a handheld radio. “Beep,” hears the ham from the satellite. Connect a laptop computer to the radio, and that beep can be decoded to read “Hello world.” We call these beepsats, though often not favorably—they are old style missions, and current picowork is doing far more with satellites.

Or, you can use a custom transponder driven by your satellite CPU to send data via an aimed directional antenna to a NASA White Sands ground dish capable of receiving tightly focused signals. The data is then processed and routed by their network to your Mission Operations Center, where all the data is sent to different computer consoles based on their function (health data, science data, etc.) for individual handling by your team of skilled mission operators.

Finally, you might have a contract with a comm provider to relay data via their existing network to an Internet center, which allows any distributed user to access it via smartphone or similar device.

Whichever way you get data from your satellite, it’s still the same principles. Your satellite data is parsed by the satellite CPU and converted with software and hardware into a radio signal. This is sent by satellite radio hardware out through an antenna and received by, well, whomever is handling your comm receiving. On the ground, hardware and software decodes the data and massages it into a meaningful form, and delivers it to your user or users.

Similarly, to command or control your satellite, you need an uplink system, a way to get data from the user to the satellite. The flow for uplink is to have ground software generate commands that get translated by hardware or software to something the satellite can listen to. These signals get sent by the comm network to the satellite, which receives it via an antenna. The signal is decoded by hardware and software and then parsed or interpreted by the satellite’s computer.

Note that these uplink components are pretty much the identical components as for downlink, just pointing in the other direction. You won’t have to invest in two systems, just one. The transceiver both receives and transmits. The antenna on the satellite won’t change. You may use one ground antenna (to either send or receive, but not both at the same time), or two antennas—one to send, one to receive. The biggest difference is the level of software required.

Many amateur satellites adopt a mode where anyone can use the data, but only specific designated sites can command the satellite. This is both a security and practicality issue. Much as commercial radio has one producer and many listeners, a good satellite should have only one or two commanders, and many amateur listeners.

In terms of implementation, receiving data and doing something useful with it is handled by one software set, which you can distribute to anyone interested in using your satellite. Creating command loads is a separate bit of software, which usually is not widely provided to the world. Commanding a satellite is significantly more involved than receiving data. Think of the difference between writing and performing a musical piece, versus just listening to it.

Command software packages exist, with no clear lead or winner on which is best. We’ll cover several, including CFS, Hummingbird, and home-built AX.25 packet systems.

Encoding and decoding the signal to a format (like the oft-mentioned AX.25) can be done by software—computer code that converts “turn on satellite” into a series of rigidly formatted 8-bit packets. Or by hardware, most often a programmable chip (e.g., a PIC) that does the conversion for you.

The transceiver hardware is fundamental radio gear, attached to your antenna. We’ll discuss some configurations and a heap of books from the ARRL that can teach you more.

The satellite receiving antenna and receiver hardware are something you already bought or built. They mimic the ground system in that they must use the same frequency, and have an appropriate power level to connect to each other. We’ll discuss how these interact and the concept of link budgets, which lets you determine how much data you can transmit in any given time.

You will find your comm system defines the fundamental limits for your mission in terms of the amount of commanding you can do, and the amount of data you can receive. By analogy, if you had a cell phone with a 1GB/day data cap, you’re obviously limited to 1GB/day of data. You must also consider whether your phone can see the network (yay, 4 bars!) or is out of contact (no signal, try again later).

Satellites have these limits too. They arise from understanding (a) how fast your radio system can transmit, and (b) how often you can make contact with your satellite. The number of contact passes you get with your satellite, multiplied by the number of minutes each pass lasts, multiplied by the data rate your hardware can sustain during a pass, yields your total daily data limits for your mission.

Comm for the Impatient

OK, so you want to quickly build a satellite comm test rig. Here we go, starting with Sputnik-level hardware.

Two Walkie-Talkies

Turn on both walkie-talkies. Tape down the beep button on the one representing the satellite. Now have a friend run around the block as the satellite, and notice when you can and cannot hear the beep.

The range of these walkie-talkies is limited, so you’ll probably find you only hear the beep when your friend is both close and in line of sight (no buildings blocking). It also helps to point the walkie-talkie in their direction.

This illustrates the basics of satellite comm. Everything else is just a fancier way to send more meaningful data than a beep, and to enable you to reply to the satellite. But this exercise does illustrate the core properties we’re dealing with in this book.


Now let’s build a good test setup for prototyping your future satellite build. The key components are a realistic low-powered flatsat or satellite simulator, combined with a laptop-based ground system for doing real data sends and receives. The primary hardware difference between this bench test rig and your eventual final station is primarily in the antenna sizes (small) and transceiver power (not many watts) used in this test rig.

Put simply, add a bigger antenna and more watts in the transmitter, and you may be ready to fly with something similar to the “$50 satellite” Eagle-2 with handheld radio plus the actual satellite, shown here:

ccas 0101

Bidirectional Bench Test Hardware

  • Arduino with transmitter and receive modules and a simple wire antenna

  • Laptop

  • SDR dongle attached to an antenna

The Instructables on downloading NOAA satellite images with a laptop is a great start. You can also look up SDR satellites, short for software-defined radio, and find a wealth of always-current articles on this.

Hook up the modules to the Arduino as per these Instructables or BuildCircuit plans. Let’s say you have an Arduino, and a Radiometric transceiver hooked up to the serial lines of the Arduino. Conceptually, a transmitter is identical to a sensor. A sensor (as in Book 3, DIY Instruments for Amateur Space) sends signals that the Arduino converts to digital—either through a protocol like I2C or serial lines, or via the built-in ADCs. Similarly, a transmitter involves the Arduino sending out voltages along the pins expected by the transmitter. Most often, this is via serial lines.

Program the Arduino to send a string like hello world if and only if the receiver gets the string go.

Send the string go from the laptop. Wait for the return message.

If this works, you have a basic working comm system.

Power, Range, and Licensing

The first step is to determine what frequencies are available for your task:

Amateur low-power

What frequencies are legal, and what gear do you have?

Amateur high-power

Apply for allocation. For satellites, IARU provides guidelines on available frequencies and how to request use of them.

Commercial low-power

What gear do you have? (The company already got FCC approval for that gear.)

Commercial high-power

What gear do they require to use their comm network?

Low power means short range. It’s the power level that toy store walkie-talkies, hobby shop radio-controlled (R/C) cars, and electronics store WiFi routers use. The power is low so it doesn’t interfere or overlap with others in a significant way. The manufacturer of the device has ensured it has passed the tests to comply with (in the US) Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requirements.

In fact, these devices all include a little sticker saying the device follows FCC guidelines. If you modify these—increase the signal or power, change the antenna to improve range—you may actually be violating the licensing by making them more intrusive.

Notice that all high-power comm requires licensing. The FCC coordinates all US licensing, and other countries have their equivalent of the FCC. Both amateur radio and amateur satellites are allowed to use a portion of the radio range for their work, but there are legal and licensing regulations for using that.

In the US, amateur radio enthusiasts can take their ham radio license tests—“Technician Class” is the first level—to talk worldwide using radio. Higher power levels or longer broadcast intervals (such as a radio station) or using radio frequencies not allowed for amateurs requires additional licensing.

All of this is a fancy way of saying a cheap, short-range walkie-talkie doesn’t require a license to use, and the manufacturer got it certified as saying “doesn’t need a license.” Amateur radio gear requires you take a test, then only use it for specific radio frequencies and according to specific legal requirements (such as always announcing your identity when transmitting). Radio stations and other broadcasts, even at low power, require following specific rules and keeping to specific radio frequencies. The longer the range your radio signals travel, the more you have to deal with licensing issues.

Higher Power Licensing

“High power” equals “long range,” so for satellite use, we need high-power solutions. However, you should study the low-power implementations because that is how your test apparatus works. For a given allocated high-power frequency, you can build low-power (unlicensed or commercial) test rigs in your lab for integration and testing. Your high-power licensing is only needed for the main event. I keep coming back to allowed radio frequencies. Your computer’s WiFi router has a specific frequency allocated to it. Your cordless phone has a different frequency, and your smartphone yet another. AM and FM radio stations each have their own little bands of radio frequencies. Meanwhile, broadcast digital TV uses yet another set of frequencies. Airport radar occupies another range of frequencies. The radio spectrum is carved out into different frequency bands and who gets to own or use each band is fiercely negotiated between stakeholders—companies, consumers, emergency services, and amateurs.

The result of all the fighting is that some bands are potentially open for satellite (or drone or hobby or ham) communication, depending on how you plan to share it. For low-power or short-term use, things are easier. Higher power requires more advance preparation and potential licensing.

In this model, though, we are talking about how you get permission for whichever device (ground or satellite) that is transmitting. Just receiving data, it turns out, is easy. Just as you need a license to run a radio music station but anyone can listen, you need a license to run a satellite but anyone can listen to your satellite.

Establishing a Ground Network

You can always receive ANY radio signal without a license. Receiving is passive—you build a box that picks up the signal (see “Are You Receiving Me?”). This means you can use a scanner to listen to police chatter or pirate radio, without fear. More practically, you can (and should!) use your radio gear or laptop plus an SDR to listen to satellites. For example, you can get radio data from NOAA weather satellites to build your own weather maps in real time, before the Weather Channel broadcasts.

Transmitting, however, requires you use a licensed device in the appropriately licensed way. Transmitting means any transmission—from ground to satellite and from satellite to ground are both transmission. In order to send commands to a satellite or receive data from a satellite, you must have both a transmitter and a receiver.

  • Send commands: data transmitted from the ground (licensed) is heard by the satellite receiver (unlicensed).

  • Receive data: data transmitted from the satellite (licensed) is picked up by a receiver on the ground (unlicensed)

Sending up data from ground to satellite is the uplink. Sending data from the satellite to the ground is the downlink. In both cases, the transmitter must be licensed, but the listener is passive—anything that hears the signal can use it.

Further, for amateur radio, data sent down with IARU (or equivalent) approval must be unencrypted with a data format specified to everyone. However, the data you use for commanding can be private and not provided to anyone.

From this, we get two models. The design model clearly indicates both the satellite and commanding station need licenses, because they are both transmitting. The user model indicates that anyone transmitting commands needs a license, but you can have people help with receiving data and those users don’t need a license to help with the downlinks.

From the user model, this means you can build a very large downlink network—to get your satellite’s data—among the general public. At the same time, you can legally restrict the number of participants that can actually command your satellite. The uplinkers have to be both licensed (for transmitting at high power) and be privy to your secret command packet format.

Add in that you typically need to send very few command packets, and downlink is your primary communication budget. This is similar to upload/download rates for Earth-based Internet providers: they assume you are taking in a lot of content (streaming videos, web pages, incoming emails, tweets you are following) and sending out proportionally fewer (items you upload to websites, emails you write, tweets you author). For your satellite, you likely have small command uplinks akin to “OK, send me data,” “hey, here’s a new instrument config,” and “here’s where I’d like you to point to next,” and proportionally larger data downloads: “OK, here’s that picture you asked me to take” and “right, here’s the 12 hours of data you’ve been waiting for.”

In summary, a good ground network will have lots of sites to receive data and share or forward it to you, and a much smaller group authorized and given the access so they can issue commands to your satellite. Data down is public, and commands can be private, so the model matches pragmatic use as well.

Breaking International Law

I have had inquiries along the lines of, “Can I launch a picosatellite so people in [oppressed country X] can communicate despite censorship attempts by their local governments?”

Satellites are by default world-spanning. Any country can launch a satellite that then occupies the airspace of other countries. Any communications satellite can be used to allow disenfranchised people to communicate.

Whether you can do so legally is a different matter, and the answer is usually no. If you license via the IARU, you are bound by their laws, which tend to respect the laws of whichever countries you fly over. In practical terms, this means using a satellite to circumvent agreed international radio rules is not recommended.

This is akin to saying that because “X” is legal in your country, you have a right to do “X” in a foreign country. If you wish to use a satellite as a communications station to break the laws of a given country, please consult a specialist in international law. Who knows, your plan might be possible. If a given country doesn’t have a law forbidding your action (as advised by your lawyer), you might even have found a new business niche.

If you get arrested, note I said “consult a lawyer,” and I claim no responsibility. If you succeed and make millions, though, feel free to buy me lunch and thank for me for my advice.

Housekeeping Data

There is key satellite telemetry data you will need to display on your ground system. These fall into the housekeeping (HK) category, items that tell you on the ground the health and safety of your satellite in orbit.

You will usually compare the HK values, on the ground, with the ideal operating conditions.

Housekeeping: Bus and Instrument Are Separate

  • Temperatures

  • Voltages (bus per system, payload per instrument)

  • Power levels and battery status

  • Data fill rates

  • Spacecraft clock

  • Last uplink, last downlink (who accessed and when?), buffers

  • Smart instrument status details (calibration levels, etc.)

  • Attitude (inertial or other)

  • Position (inertial or other)

In addition to displaying the value of these Health and safety items, your design should include an assessment of what the valid or good (green) ranges are, when the values are starting to get worrisome (yellow), and when a value or subsystem is in serious danger (red).

For example, if your power bus is supposed to supply “3.5 volts,” what does that really mean? It will not supply 3.5 volts exactly. You need to understand and track the allowable limits. For example, your system might work in the range of 3.3-3.6 volts, but gets flaky below 3.3 volts and above 3.6 volts. At the range of 3.0 volts or lower, or above 4.0 volts, the system may suffer damage and need to power down. So your green limits are 3.3-3.6 volts, your yellow limits are 3.0-3.3 volts or 3.6-4.0, and your red limits are <3.0 volts or >4.0 volts.

Alerts and Pages

A good ground system will take the HK data, compare it against your desired ranges, then alert you if anything is out of spec. This is the equivalent of the idiot lights on your car—oil low or check engine flash on if a monitored parameter is out of spec, warning you to examine it more deeply.

Displaying these as color bars in your command software is an easy way to, at a glance, assess the status of your spacecraft. Green = good, yellow = keep an eye on it, red = trouble. This intuitive system is used for the big satellites, and should be used for yours.

Limits Displays: Green, Yellow, Red

An alert is your system notifying you something is out-of-spec. A page is when your system actively tries to reach you tell you about it, via a text or a phone page or a tweet or a robot named Alfred the Butler that walks over and taps you on the shoulder to hand you an urgent note. Software typically sends pages by email or text message to a preselected address if any HK data moves into the yellow or red range. Email is the most common way to send pages. Some missions, such as NASA’s Tropical Rainforest Measurement Mission, developed an iPhone app to push these pages to a phone.

Data Integrity

Regardless of the power and means for transmitting data, there’s a separate issue of data integrity. The core methods to think about include having a verification method, such as checksums, for ensuring your data is complete. Allow for redundant transmission and the ability to retransmit—in essence, expect errors will occur and save some bandwidth to recover from them. In general, assume you have to be able to assemble full data sets from pieces or packets that arrived out of order. As long as each packet is tagged with a timestamp, you can reassemble on the ground in any decent database. Further, use the health and safety data to qualify how good or bad a particular data set is, as a measure of how well the instrument is tuned or in spec when that data was acquired.

Requirements Checklist

Comms is “the set of components that transport and deliver information from a source to one or more destinations.” In this book, we will elaborate on these checklist items. What is your comm network handling?

  • Mission Operations Center (MOC) to ground station

  • Ground station to satellite

  • Satellite to ground station

  • Ground station to MOC

  • Ground station to data archive

  • Flight Dynamics Facility (FDF) orbital ranging data to MOC

  • Ranging to FDF

  • Ranging to MOC

  • MOC telephone system (!)

A good designer looks at a top-down structured approach:

  1. Evaluate requirements

  2. Identify solutions

  3. Create architectureRequirements

Performance Requirements

Your mission is defined and driven by its requirements. A sample list of performance requirements includes:

  • Data rate

  • Bit-error-rate (BER)

  • End-to-end delay (E/E)

  • Link availability

  • Anti-jam (A/J) capability

  • Multi-path needs

  • Security: COMSEC and TRANSEC

  • Standardization

  • Backwards compatibility

  • Spacecraft orbit drivers

  • Spacecraft mobility

  • User-terminal characteristics

  • Anti-jamming requirements

Security & Anti-Jamming

  • COMSEC: Communications security, encryption

  • TRANSEC: Transmission method (e.g., spread-spectrum or frequency hopping)

  • Anti-jamming:

    • Blocking friendly accidental interference (e.g., RFI)

    • Blocking intentional electronic warfare

  • Multi-access comm theory (FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, etc.)

  • Standardization and compatibility and user terminals (obvious)

Spacecraft Orbits

Key mission-driven requirements, including:

  • Coverage area (what the spacecraft can see)

  • Slant range aka line-of-sight distances visible

  • Elevation angle limits

  • …all leading to viewing time

Frequency Allocation

  • Limited by hardware

  • Regulated by government agencies:

    • FCC (Federal Communications Commission) for industry and amateurs

    • IRAC (Interdepartmental Radio Advisory Committee) for military

    • For other countries, their FCC equivalent

  • IARU (International Amateur Radio Union) for amateurs

  • ITU (International Telecommunications Union) sets standards

  • World Administrative Radio Conference (WARC) advises on standards

Physical Constraints

(aka hardware limits)

  • Antenna size

  • Transmit power

  • Cost

  • Channel constraints (air, wire, fiber, space)

  • Atmospheric absorption

  • Ionospheric attenuation

  • Rain attenuation

  • Foliage (!)

  • Dust attenuation (and volcanoes)

  • Solar activity

Architecture Choices

  • Single ground station to spacecraft (s/c) (e.g., NASA White Sands)

  • Linked ground stations (e.g., NASA’s Deep Space Network (DSN) of ground antennas)

  • Both: One or multiple ground stations using satellite repeaters

  • Crosslink network or constellation of comm providers (e.g., Iridium)

  • Multi-access: Multiple ground→Satellite→multiple s/c (e.g., NASA’s TDRSS system)

How do you choose from all these checklist items? You take your mission inputs—options, requirements, existing infrastructure, and experience—as your input data. These all lead into your feasibility analysis, the result of which is the set of operational, technical, schedule, and cost limits. You analyze these and generate outputs (aka solutions) that in sum yield your objective architecture.

Comparing a Space-Based Network to a Ground-Based Network

NASA’s Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS)

  • Eight satellites currently in service; three geosync.

  • TDRS available for NASA use providing; 24-hour coverage for any satellite.

  • Primary ground station is White Sands Complex (WSC) with Network Control Center at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC).

  • Each TDRS has an S band, Ku band, and Ka band (second and third generation only), forward, return, and telecommunications (source: TDRS homepage).

  • Can support 32 satellites simultaneously!

  • Over 300 Mbits/sec capability; 2-48 Mbit/sec avail to ind. missions (S-band only is <6 Mb/s; both S- and Ku-band > 6 Mb/s)

TDRSS cost information is available at the Federal Register and at Instructables, with rates from $10-$131 per minute. This requires a TDRSS-suitable transponder, which tend to be too large and power-hungry for CubeSats. 2015 data indicates TDRSS will phase out per-minute rates in favor of percentage-of-use.

NASA’s Deep Space Network (DSN)

  • Trio of Goldstone, Madrid, and Canberra ground stations, linked to JPL’s Deep Space Operations Center (DSOC).

  • Each has a 70-meter and 26-meter antenna, and multiple 34-meter antennas.

  • Can support two satellites at a time (simultaneously).

  • Currently limited to 6 Mb/sec downlink and 25 Mb/sec internal, upgrading to 150 Mb/sec downlink (3-band) and 100 Mb/sec internal. Uplink rate is 2 kb/sec (!) (source: Space Policy Online) (see also ESA’s ESTRACK, the Soviet DSN, the Indian DSN, and the Chinese DSN).

Near Earth Network

  • NASA ground stations plus some commercial partners

  • Maintained by GSFC

  • Part of NASA’s Space Operations Mission Directorate (SOMD)

  • Located at Wallops Island (VA), McMurdo (Antarctica), Merritt Island (FL), White Sands (NM), Svalbard (Norway)

The NEN provides these services to customers with satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO), geosynchronous orbit (GEO), highly elliptical orbit (HEO), and Lunar orbit and to missions with multiple frequency bands. Customers are both national and international, government and commercial entities, NASA (Earth Science, Space Science, and Human Explorations missions) and non-NASA (source: Space Comm and Navigation).

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