As I’m sure you noticed, the quotes in the previous section were expressed for the most part in the familiar “user friendly” terminology of tables, rows, and columns (or fields). In this book, by contrast, I’ll tend to favor the more formal terms relation, tuple (usually pronounced to rhyme with couple), and attribute. I apologize if this decision on my part makes the text a little harder to follow, but I do have my reasons. As I said in SQL and Relational Theory:[3]

I’m generally sympathetic to the idea of using more user friendly terms, if they can help make the ideas more palatable. In the case at hand, however, it seems to me that, regrettably, they don’t make the ideas more palatable; instead, they distort them, and in fact do the cause of genuine understanding a grave disservice. The truth is, a relation is not a table, a tuple is not a row, and an attribute is not a column. And while it might be acceptable to pretend otherwise in informal contexts—indeed, I often do exactly that myself—I would argue that it’s acceptable only if we all understand that the more user friendly terms are just an approximation to the truth and fail overall to capture the essence of what’s really going on. To put it another way, if you do understand the true state of affairs, then judicious use of the user friendly terms can be a good idea; but in order to learn and appreciate that true state of affairs in the first place, you really do need to come to grips with the formal terms.

To the foregoing, let me add that (as I said in the preface) I do assume you know exactly what relations, attributes, and tuples are!—though in fact formal definitions of these constructs can be found in Chapter 5.

There’s another terminological matter I need to get out of the way, too. The relational model is, of course, a data model. Unfortunately, however, this latter term has two quite distinct meanings in the database world.[4] The first and more fundamental one is this:

  • Definition: A data model (first sense) is an abstract, self-contained, logical definition of the data structures, data operators, and so forth, that together make up the abstract machine with which users interact.

This is the meaning we have in mind when we talk about the relational model in particular: The data structures in the relational model are relations, of course, and the data operators are the relational operators projection, join, and the rest. (As for that “and so forth” in the definition, it covers such matters as keys, foreign keys, and various related concepts.)

The second meaning of the term data model is as follows:

  • Definition: A data model (second sense) is a model of the data—especially the persistent data—of some particular enterprise.

In other words, a data model in the second sense is just a (logical, and possibly somewhat abstract) database design. For example, we might speak of the data model for some bank, or some hospital, or some government department.

Having explained these two different meanings, I’d like to draw your attention to an analogy that I think nicely illuminates the relationship between them:

  • A data model in the first sense is like a programming language, whose constructs can be used to solve many specific problems but in and of themselves have no direct connection with any such specific problem.

  • A data model in the second sense is like a specific program written in that language—it uses the facilities provided by the model, in the first sense of that term, to solve some specific problem.

It follows from all of the above that if we’re talking about data models in the second sense, then we might reasonably speak of “relational models” in the plural, or “a” relational model (with an indefinite article). But if we’re talking about data models in the first sense, then there’s only one relational model, and it’s the relational model (with the definite article).

Now, as you probably know, most writings on database design, especially if their focus is on pragma rather than the underlying theory, use the term “model,” or “data model,” exclusively in the second sense. But—please note carefully!—I don’t follow this practice in the present book; in fact, I don’t use the term “model” at all, except occasionally to refer to the relational model as such.

[3] I remind you from the preface that throughout this book I use SQL and Relational Theory as an abbreviated form of reference to my book SQL and Relational Theory: How to Write Accurate SQL Code (2nd edition, O’Reilly, 2012).

[4] This observation is undeniably correct. However, one reviewer wanted me to add that the two meanings can be thought of as essentially the same concept at different levels of abstraction.

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