Before going any further, I need to review the familiar concept of keys, in the relational sense of that term. First of all, as I’m sure you know, every relvar has at least one candidate key. A candidate key is basically just a unique identifier; in other words, it’s a combination of attributes—often but not always a “combination” consisting of just a single attribute—such that every tuple in the relvar has a unique value for the combination in question. For example, with respect to the database of Figure 1-1:

  • Every supplier has a unique supplier number and every part has a unique part number, so {SNO} is a candidate key for S and {PNO} is a candidate key for P.

  • As for shipments, given the assumption that there’s at most one shipment at any one time for a given supplier and a given part, {SNO,PNO} is a candidate key for SP.

Note the braces, by the way; to repeat, candidate keys are always combinations, or sets, of attributes (even when the set in question contains just one attribute), and the conventional representation of a set on paper is as a commalist of elements enclosed in braces. Note: The useful term commalist can be defined as follows: Let xyz be some syntactic construct (for example, “attribute name”). Then the term xyz commalist denotes a sequence of zero or more xyz’s in which each pair of adjacent xyz’s is separated by a comma (as well as, optionally, one or more spaces before or after the comma or both).

Next, as I’m sure you also know, a primary key is a candidate key that’s been singled out in some way for some kind of special treatment. Now, if the relvar in question has just one candidate key, then it doesn’t make any real difference if we call that key primary. But if the relvar has two or more candidate keys, then it’s usual to choose one of them to be primary, meaning it’s somehow “more equal than the others.” Suppose, for example, that suppliers always have both a unique supplier number and a unique supplier name, so that {SNO} and {SNAME} are both candidate keys. Then we might choose {SNO}, say, to be the primary key.

Observe now that I said it’s usual to choose a primary key. Indeed it is usual—but it’s not 100 percent necessary. If there’s just one candidate key, then there’s no choice and no problem; but if there are two or more, then having to choose one and make it primary smacks a little bit of arbitrariness, at least to me. (Certainly there are situations where there don’t seem to be any good reasons for making such a choice. There might even be good reasons for not doing so. Appendix A elaborates on such matters.) For reasons of familiarity, I’ll usually follow the primary key discipline myself in this book—and in pictures like Figure 1-1 I’ll indicate primary key attributes by double underlining—but I want to stress the fact that it’s really candidate keys, not primary keys, that are significant from a relational point of view, and indeed from a design theory point of view as well. Partly for such reasons, from this point forward I’ll use the term key, unqualified, to mean any candidate key, regardless of whether the candidate key in question has additionally been designated as primary. (In case you were wondering, the special treatment enjoyed by primary keys over other candidate keys is mainly syntactic in nature, anyway; it isn’t fundamental, and it isn’t very important.)

More terminology: First, a key involving two or more attributes is said to be composite (and a noncomposite key is sometimes said to be simple). Second, if a given relvar has two or more keys and one is chosen as primary, then the others are sometimes said to be alternate keys (see Appendix A). Third, a foreign key is a combination, or set, of attributes FK in some relvar R2 such that each FK value is required to be equal to some value of some key K in some relvar R1 (R1and R2 not necessarily distinct).[7] With reference to Figure 1-1, for example, {SNO} and {PNO} are both foreign keys in relvar SP, corresponding to keys {SNO} and {PNO} in relvars S and P, respectively.

[7] This definition is deliberately a little simplified (though it’s good enough for present purposes). A better one can be found in SQL and Relational Theory.

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