Role-Based Security

Security roles can be supported at the method, class, assembly, and interface levels. As you start to implement different levels of security, you will start to see the power of role-based security. Often in the development process, people look for ways to reuse components. One way to accomplish this is to use the same components but restrict access to portions of the information based on what role the users are in.

As an example, roles would be useful in an application used by stockbrokers. The application might restrict the type of transaction being processed, depending on whether the user is a stockbroker or a manager. Stockbrokers might have authorization to purchase only 1,000 shares of stock, whereas the managers might have an unlimited amount available to them.

Role-based security also can be used when an application requires multiple actions to complete the process. One example is a purchasing system that enables a customer representative to generate a purchase request but that allows only a supervisor to authorize that request, which then becomes a purchase order.

Take a look at Listings 15.1 and 15.2, which use role-based security, to get an idea of what is involved and where you might run into problems.

Listing 15.1. Simple Role-Based Security (C#)
using System; 
using System.Reflection; 
using System.Windows.Forms; 
using System.EnterpriseServices; 

// The ApplicationName attribute specifies the name of the 
// COM+ Application that will hold assembly components 
[assembly: ApplicationName("RoleBasedApp")] 

// The ApplicationActivation.ActivationOption attribute specifies 
// where assembly components are loaded on activation 
// Library : components run in the creator's process 
// Server : components run in a system process, dllhost.exe 
[assembly: ApplicationActivation(ActivationOption.Server)] 

// AssemblyKeyFile specifies the name of the strong key 
// that will be used to sign the assembly. 
// The .snk file can be generated with sn.exe from the command prompt 

  [assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("RolebasedKey.snk")] 

// ApplicationAccessControl is a COM+ security attribute that 
// enables and configures application-level COM+ security 
// The attribute maps to the Securities tab in a COM+ 
// application properties page 
[assembly: ApplicationAccessControl] 

namespace RoleBasedSecurity 
    // ComponentAccessControl enables security checking 
    // at the component level. The attribute maps to the 
    // securities tab in a component within a COM+ application 

    // SetEveryoneAccess(true) indicates we 
    // we want the role to be populated with 'Everyone' when created 
    [SecurityRole("EveryoneRole", SetEveryoneAccess = true)] 

    public class MySecurityObject : ServicedComponent 
        public bool IsCallerInRole() 
            // Check if the user is in the role 
            return ContextUtil.IsCallerInRole("SecurityAppDeveloper"); 


        public string GetCallerAccountName() 
            string ret = "Caller Unknown"; 

            if (ContextUtil.IsSecurityEnabled) 
                SecurityCallContext sec; 

                // get a handle to the context of the current caller 
                sec = SecurityCallContext.CurrentCall; 

                // get the current caller account name 
                ret = sec.DirectCaller.AccountName; 

            return ret; 

Listing 15.2. Simple Role-Based Security (Visual Basic .NET)
Imports System 
Imports System.Reflection 
Imports System.Windows.Forms 
Imports System.EnterpriseServices 
' The ApplicationName attribute specifies the name of the 
' COM+ Application that will hold assembly components 
<Assembly: ApplicationName("RoleBasedApp")> 

' the ApplicationActivation.ActivationOption attribute specifies 
' where assembly components are loaded on activation 
' Library : components run in the creator's process 
' Server : components run in a system process, dllhost.exe 

<Assembly: ApplicationActivation(ActivationOption.Server)> 

' AssemblyKeyFile specifies the name of the strong key 
' that will be used to sign the assembly. 
' The .snk file was generated with sn.exe 

<Assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("RolebasedKey.snk")> 

' ApplicationAccessControl is a COM+ security attribute that 
' enables and configures application-level COM+ security 
' The attribute maps to the Securities tab in a COM+ 
' application properties page 

<Assembly: ApplicationAccessControl()> 

Namespace RoleBasedSecurity 

      ' ComponentAccessControl enables security checking 
      ' at the component level. The attribute maps to the 
      ' securities tab in a component within a COM+ application 

<ComponentAccessControl(), SecurityRole("EveryoneRole", 
SetEveryoneAccess:=True)> _ 
    Public Class RBSecurityObject 

        ' SecurityRole configures a role named RbSecurityDemoRole 
        ' on our component. SetEveryoneAccess(true) indicates 
        ' we want the role to be populated with 'Everyone' when created 

        Inherits ServicedComponent 

        Public Function IsCallerInRole() As Boolean 
               ' Check if the user is in the role 

               Return ContextUtil.IsCallerInRole("EveryoneRole") 
           End Function 

           Public Function GetCallerAccountName() As String 
               Dim ret As String = "Caller Unknown" 

               If ContextUtil.IsSecurityEnabled Then 
                   Dim sec As SecurityCallContext 

                   ' CurrentCall is a static property which 
                   ' contains information about the current caller 
                   sec = SecurityCallContext.CurrentCall 

                   ' retrieve the current caller account name 
                   ret = sec.DirectCaller.AccountName 
               End If 

               Return ret 
           End Function 
       End Class 
End Namespace 

Listings 15.1 and 15.2 should give you a feel for how .NET role-based security can be used, but now take a look at a more real-life scenario.

Let’s say that you are building a web-based trading system for a financial firm. One of the issues that you run into first is how you will control security for different people using the system. Here is an example: A stockbroker has an assistant. The assistant needs to be able to add or modify information for clients. But the assistant is not allowed to place trades on the system; only the stockbroker is. This is where roles are really handy. Let’s take a look at an example in which the roles are not set up correctly for the situation just described (see Listings 15.3 and 15.4).

Listing 15.3. Complex Role Configuration (C#)
namespace TradingApp 
        // ComponentAccessControl enables security checking 
        // at the component level. The attribute maps to the 
        // securities tab in a component within a COM+ application 

        // SetEveryoneAccess(true) indicates 
        // we want the role to be populated with 'Everyone' when created 
        [SecurityRole("EveryoneRole", SetEveryoneAccess = true)] 

        public class MyTradingObject : ServicedComponent 

              public void Buy(string symbol,int shares) 
                     // Check if the user is in the role 
                     bool bl; 
                     bl = ContextUtil.IsCallerInRole("StockBroker"); 

                            //Allow the trade to go through 
                            //Don't allow the trade 


              public void Sell(string symbol,int shares, string accountid) 
              // Check if the user is in the role and if the account is his/hers 

                            string acctname; 

                            if (ContextUtil.IsCallerInRole("StockBroker")) 
                                  SecurityCallContext sec; 
                           // get a handle to the context of the current caller 
                                 sec = SecurityCallContext.CurrentCall; 

                                 // get the current caller account name 
                                 acctname = sec.DirectCaller.AccountName; 

                           //verify if this account belongs to this user 
//Do some code to check user name against account 
                           //if the account belongs to the user allow the user 
                           //to sell the stock 
                           //Don't allow the trade 



Listing 15.4. Complex Role Configuration (Visual Basic .NET)
Namespace TradingApp 

    ' ComponentAccessControl enables security checking 
    ' at the component level. The attribute maps to the 
    ' securities tab in a component within a COM+ application 

    ' SetEveryoneAccess(true) indicates 
    ' we want the role to be populated with 'Everyone' when created 
    <SecurityRole("EveryoneRole", SetEveryoneAccess = true)> 

    Public Class MyTradingObject 
        Inherits ServicedComponent 

        Public Sub Buy(ByVal symbol As String, ByVal shares As Integer) 

            ' Check if the user is in the role 
            Dim bl As Boolean 

            If (ContextUtil.IsCallerInRole("StockBroker")) Then 

                'Allow the trade to go through 


                'Don't allow the trade 
            End If 
        End Sub 

        Public Sub Sell(ByVal symbol As String, ByVal shares As Integer, 
ByVal accountid As String) 

            ' Check if the user is in the role and if the account is his/hers 

            If (ContextUtil.IsSecurityEnabled) Then 

                Dim acctname As String 

                If (ContextUtil.IsCallerInRole("StockBroker")) Then 

                    Dim sec As SecurityCallContext 

                    ' get a handle to the context of the current caller 
                    sec = SecurityCallContext.CurrentCall() 

                    ' get the current caller account name 
                    acctname = sec.DirectCaller.AccountName 

                    'verify if this account belongs to this user 
                    'Do some code to check user name against account 
                    'if the account belongs to the user allow the user 
                    'to sell the stock 

                    'Don't allow the trade 
                End If 
            End If 

        End Sub 

    End Class 
End Namespace 

You’ll notice that these listings have implemented multiple levels of security based on which role the user is in. This gives you more of a granular approach to applying security to the components, which is great. Now let’s take a look at where all these information and configuration settings are maintained and controlled.

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