

3D images

data representation using tensors 75-76

loading 76

7-Zip website 252


ablation studies 367

activation functions 143, 145

capping output range 146

choosing 148-149

compressing output range 146-147

actual nodules 372

Adam optimizer 388

add_figure 431

add_scalar method 314

advanced indexing 85

affine_grid 347, 385

AlexNet 19-22

align_as method 49

Android Studio IDE 472

annotations.csv file 258

app.loop.call_at 452

app.loop.run_in_executor 454

argmax 179

argument unpacking 122

arithmetic mean 329

array dimensions 265

arXiV public preprint repository 7

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) 94-95

assetFilePath method 474

async method 452

asynchronous function generators 449

asyncio module 452

asyncio.Lock 452

aten operators 456

AUC (area under the ROC curve) 420


abstract 435

regularization and 435

augmentation_dict 352, 380

augmenting datasets 190, 346

autograd component 123-138

computing gradient automatically 123-127

accumulating grad functions 125-127

applying autograd 123-124

grad attribute 124

evaluating training loss132-133

generalizing to validation set 133-134

optimizers 127-131

gradient descent optimizers 128-130

testing optimizers 130-131

splitting datasets 134-136

switching off 137-138

average pooling 203


backpropagation 148, 225

bad_indexes tensor 85

--balanced 342

batch direction 76

batch normalization25, 222-223, 227

batch_tup 289

--batch-size 283

batching requests 449

bias parameter 200

bikes tensor 89

bikes.stride() method 90

birds vs. airplanes challenge 172-191,196-207

building dataset 173-174

detecting features 200-202

downsampling 203-204

fully connected model174-175

limits of 189-191

output of classifier 175-176

padding boundary 198-200

pooling 203-204

representing output as probabilities 176-180

training the classifier 182-189

BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) 53

blocks 290

bool tensors 51

Bottleneck modules 23

bounding boxes 372-375

boundingBox_a 373

boxed numeric values 43

boxing 50

broadcasting 47, 111, 155

buffer protocol 64

_build2dTransformMatrix function 386

byte pair encoding method 97



C++ API 468-472

LibTorch 465-472

running JITed models from C++ 465-468

__call__ method 152-153

cancer detector project

classification model training

disconnect 315-316

evaluating the model308-309

first-pass neural network design 289-295

foundational model and training loop 280-282

graphing training metrics 309-314

main entry point for application 282-284

outputting performance metrics 300-304

pretraining setup and initialization 284-289

running training script 304-307

training and validating the model 295-300

CT scans 238-241

data augmentation 346-354

improvement from352-354

techniques 347-352

data loading

loading individual CT scans 262-265

locating nodules 265-271

parsing LUNA's annotation data 256-262

raw CT data files 256


enterprise serving of PyTorch models 476

exporting models 455-458

interacting with PyTorch JIT 458-465

LibTorch 465-472

mobile 472-476

serving PyTorch models 446-454

difficulty of 245-247

end-to-end analysis 405-407

bridging CT segmentation and nodule candidate classification 408-416

diagnosis script 432-434

independence of validation set 407-408

predicting malignancy 417-431

quantitative validation416-417

training, validation, and test sets 433-434

false positives and false negatives 320-322

high-level plan for improvement 319-320

LUNA Grand Challenge data source

downloading 251-252

overview 251


graphing positives and negatives 322-333

nodules 249-250

overview 236-237

preparing for large-scale projects 237-238

second model 358-360


semantic segmentation 361-366

types of 360-361

updating dataset for369-386

updating model for366-369

updating training script for 386-399

structure of 241-252

candidate_count 412

candidateInfo_list 381, 414

CandidateInfoTuple data structure 377

candidateLabel_a array 411

center_crop 464

center_index - index_radius 373

center_index + index_radius 373

chain rule 123

ChainDataset 174

channel dimension 76

channels 197

CIFAR-10 dataset 165-173

data transforms 168-170

Dataset class 166-167

downloading 166

normalizing data 170-172

CIFAR-100 166

cifar2 object 174

class balancing 339-341

class_index 180


classifying by diameter419-422

to reduce false positives412-416

classification model training

disconnect 315-316

evaluating the model308-309

first-pass neural network design 289-295

converting from convolution to linear 294-295

core convolutions 290-292

full model 293-295

initialization 295

foundational model and training loop 280-282

graphing training metrics 309-314

adding TensorBoard support to the metrics logging function 313-314

running TensorBoard309-313

writing scalars to TensorBoard 314

main entry point for application 282-284

classification model training (continued)

outputting performance metrics 300-304

constructing masks302-304

logMetrics function301-304

pretraining setup and initialization 284-289

care and feeding of data loaders 287-289

initializing model and optimizer 285-287

running training script304-307

enumerateWithEstimate function 306-307

needed data for training 305-306

training and validating the model 295-300

computeBatchLoss function 297-299

validation loop 299-300

classification threshold 323

classificationThreshold 302


classifyCandidates method 410

clean_a 411

clean_words tensor 96

clear() method 452

CMake 468

CMakeLists.txt 472

Coco 166

col_radius 373

comparison ops 53

computeBatchLoss function 297-300, 390, 392

ConcatDataset 174

contextSlices_count parameter 380

contiguous block 467

contiguous method 61

contiguous tensors 60

contrastive learning 437

conv.weight 198

conv.weight.one_() method 200

convolutional layers 370

convolutions 194-229

birds vs. airplanes challenge 196-207

as nn module 208-209

detecting features 200-202

downsampling 203-204

padding boundary 198-200

pooling 203-204

function of 194-196

model design 217-229

comparing designs228-229

depth of network 223-228

outdated 229

regularization 219-223

width of network 218-219

subclassing nn module207-212

training 212-217

measuring accuracy 214

on GPU 215-217

saving and loading 214-215

ConvTransposed2d 469

copying 449

coroutines 449

Cortex 476

cost function 109

cpu method 64

create_dataset function 67

creation ops 53

CrossEntropyLoss 297

csv module 78

CT (computed tomography) scans 75, 240

Ct class 256, 262, 264, 271,280, 289

CT scans 238-241

bridging CT segmentation and nodule candidate classification 408-416

classification to reduce false positives 412-416

grouping voxels intonodule candidates411-412

segmentation 410-411

caching chunks of mask in addition to CT 376

calling mask creation during CT initialization 375

extracting nodules from270-271

Hounsfield units 264-265

loading individual 262-265

scan shape and voxel sizes 267-268

ct_a values 264

ct_chunk function 348

ct_mhd.GetDirections() method 268

ct_mhd.GetSpacing() method 268

ct_ndx 381

ct_t 382, 394

Ct.getRawCandidate function 274, 376

ct.positive_mask 383

cuda method 64

cuDNN library 460

CycleGAN 29-30, 452, 458,464, 468

cyclegan-cpp-api 472


data augmentation 346-354

improvement from 352-354

on GPU 384-386

techniques 347-352

mirroring 348-349

noise 350

rotating 350

scaling 349

shifting 349

data augmentation strategy 191

data loading

loading individual CT scans 262-265

locating nodules 265-271

converting between millimeters and voxel addresses 268-270

CT scan shape and voxel sizes 267-268

extracting nodules from CT scans 270-271

patient coordinate system 265-267

parsing LUNA's annotation data 256-262

training and validation sets 258-259

unifying annotation and candidate data 259-262

raw CT data files 256

caching candidate arrays 274

data loading (continued)

constructing dataset in LunaDataset.__init__ 275

rendering data 277

segregation betweentraining and validation sets 275-276

data representation usingtensors

images 71-75

3D images 75-76

adding color channels 72

loading image files 72-73

normalizing data 74-75

tabular data 77-87

categorization 83-84

one-hot encoding 81-83

real-world dataset 77-78

representing scores 81

thresholds 84-87

text 93-101

converting text to numbers 94

one-hot encoding whole words 96-98

text embeddings 98-100

text embeddings as blueprint 100-101

time series 87-93

adding time dimensions 88-89

shaping data by time period 89-90

training 90-93

Data Science Bowl 2017 438

data tensor 85

data.CIFAR10 dataset 167

DataLoader class 11, 280, 284, 288, 381, 414

DataParallel 286, 387

dataset argument 418

Dataset class 11, 166-167

Dataset subclass 173, 256,271-273, 275, 279, 284,339, 378, 414

dataset.CIFAR10 169

datasets module 166

deep learning

exercises 15

hardware and software requirements 13-15

paradigm shift from 4-6

PyTorch for 6-9

how supports deep learning projects 10-13

reasons for using 7-9

def __len__ method 272

dense tensors 65

DenseNet 226


enterprise serving of PyTorch models 476

exporting models 455-458

ONNX 455-456

tracing 456-458

interacting with PyTorch JIT 458-465

dual nature of PyTorch as interface and backend 460

expectations 458-460

scripting gaps of traceability 464-465

TorchScript 461-464

LibTorch 465-472

C++ API 468-472

running JITed models from C++ 465-468

mobile 472-476

serving PyTorch models446-454

Flask server 446-448

goals of deployment448-449

request batching 449-454

depth of network 223-228

building very deep models 226-228

initialization 228

skip connections 223-226

device argument 64

device attribute 63-64

device variable 215

diameter_mm 258

Dice loss 389-392

collecting metrics 392

loss weighting 391

diceLoss_g 391

DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) 76, 256, 267


Dirac distribution 187

discrete convolution 195

discrete cross-correlations 195

discriminator network 28

diskcache library 274, 384

dispatching mechanism 65

DistilBERT 475

distillation 475

doTraining function296, 301, 314

doValidation function301, 393, 397

downsampling 203-204

dropout 25, 220-222

Dropout module 221

DSB (Data Science Bowl) 438

dtype argument 64

precision levels 51

specifying numeric types with 50-51

dtype torch.float 65

dull batches 367


edge detection kernel 201

einsum function 48

embedding text

as blueprint 100-101

data representation with tensors 98-100

embeddings 96, 99

end-to-end analysis 405-407

bridging CT segmentation and nodule candidate classification 408-416

classification to reduce false positives 412-416

grouping voxels intonodule candidates411-412

segmentation 410-411

diagnosis script 432-434

independence of validation set 407-408

predicting malignancy 417-431

classifying by diameter 419-422

reusing preexisting weights 422-427

TensorBoard 428-431

end-to-end analysis (continued)

quantitative validation416-417

training, validation, and test sets 433-434

English Corpora 94

ensembling 435-436

enterprise serving 476

enumerateWithEstimate function 297, 306-307

epoch_ndx 301

error function 144-145

eval mode 25


F1 score

updating logging output to include 332

face-to-age prediction model 345-346

false negatives 324, 395

false positives 321-322, 326, 329, 395, 401

falsePos_count 333

falsifying images, pretrainednetworks for 27-33

CycleGAN 29-30

GAN game 28

generating images 30-33

Fashion-MNIST 166

Fast R-CNN 246

feature engineering 256

feature extractor 423

fine-tuning 101, 422

FishNet 246

Flask 446-448

flip augmentation 352

float array 466

float method 52

float32 type 169

float32 values 274

floating-point numbers 40-42, 50, 77

fnLoss_g 391

for batch_tup in self.train_dl 289

for loop 226, 464

forward function 152, 207,218, 225

forward method 294, 368, 385

forward pass 22

FPRED (False positive reduction) 251

from_blob 466

fullCt_bool 380

function docstring 307


GAN (generative adversarialnetwork) game 17, 28

generalized classes 345

generalized tensors 65-66

generator network 28

geometric mean 331

get_pretrained_model 458

getattr function 418

getCandidateInfoDict function 375

getCandidateInfoList function 259, 275, 373,375, 377

getCt value 274

getCtRawCandidate function 274, 376, 383

getCtRawNodule function 272

__getitem__ method 272-274, 351, 381

_getitem__ method 272

getitem method 166

getItem_fullSlice method 382

getItem_trainingCrop 383

getRawNodule function 271

ghost pixels 199

GIL (global interpreter lock) 449

global_step parameter 314, 428

Google OAuth 252

GPUs (graphical processing units) 41

moving tensors to 62-64

training networks on 215-217

grad attribute 124-125

grad_fn 179

gradient descent algorithm 113-122

applying derivatives to model 115

computing derivatives 115

data visualization 122

decreasing loss 113-114

defining gradient function 116

Iterating to fit model 116-119

overtraining 118-119

training loop 116-117

normalizing inputs 119-121

grid_sample function347, 349, 385

grouping 247, 406, 408, 413

groupSegmentationOutput method 410


h5py library, serializing tensors to HDF5 with 67-68

HardTanh 440

Hardtanh function 148

hardware for deep learning13-15

harmonic mean 329

hasAnnotation_bool flag 378

HDF5, serializing tensors to67-68

head_linear module 423

--help command 282

hidden layer 158

histograms 311, 428-431

HU (Hounsfield units)264-265, 293

hyperparameter search 287

hyperparameter tuning 118

hyperparameters 184


identity mapping 225

IDRI (Image Database Resource Initiative) 377

ILSVRC (ImageNet LargeScale Visual Recognition Challenge) 18, 20

image data representation 71-75

3D images

data representation 75-76

loading 76

adding color channels 72

loading image files 72-73

normalizing data 74-75

Image object 268

image recognition

CIFAR-10 dataset 165-172

data transforms 168-170

Dataset class 166-167

downloading 166

normalizing data 170-172

image recognition (continued)

example network 172-191

building dataset 173-174

fully connected model 174-175

limits of 189-191

output of classifier 175-176

representing output as probabilities 176-180

training the classifier182-189

image_a 394

image.size() method 466

imageio module 72-73, 76

ImageNet 17, 423

ImageView 472

img array 73

img_t tensor 47

in-place operations 55

indexing ops 53

indexing tensors

into storages 54-55

list indexing in Python vs. 42

range indexing 46

inference 25-27

__init__ constructor 470

init constructor 156

__init__ method 264, 283, 385

init parameter 218

_init_weights function 295

input object 22

input voxels 292

instance segmentation 360

ÌnstanceNorm2d 469

_irc suffix 268

_irc variable 256

isMal_bool flag 378

isValSet_bool parameter 275

IterableDataset 166


Java App 472


JNI (Java Native Interface) 472

joining ops 53

Jupyter notebooks 14


Kepler’s laws 105

kernel trick 209

kernels 195, 459


L2 regularization 219

label function 411

label smoothing 435

label_g 390

labeling images, pretrainednetworks for 33-35

LAPACK operations 53

last_points tensor 68

layers 23

leaks 408

LeakyReLU function 148

__len__ method 272, 340

len method 166

LibTorch 465-472

C++ API 468-472

running JITed models from C++ 465-468

LIDAR (light detection and ranging) 239

LIDC (Lung Image Database Consortium) 377-378

LIDC-IDRI (Lung Image Database Consortium image collection) 377, 417

linear model 153-157

batching inputs 154

comparing to 161-162

optimizing batches 155-157

replacing 158-159

list indexing 42

lists 50

load_state_dict method 31

log_dir 313 method 303

--logdir argument 310

logdir parameter 353

logits 187, 294

logMetrics function 297, 313, 393

implementing precision and recall in 327-328

overview 301-304

loss tensor 124

loss.backward() method124, 126, 212

lottery ticket hypothesis 197

LPS (left-posterior-superior)266

LSTM (long short-term memory) 217, 459-460

LUNA (LUng Nodule Analysis) 251, 256, 263, 337, 378, 417, 438

LUNA Grand Challenge data source

contrasting training withbalanced LUNA Dataset to previous runs 341-343

downloading 251-252

LUNA papers 439

overview 251

parsing annotation data256-262

training and validation sets 258-259

unifying annotation and candidate data259-262


Luna2dSegmentationDataset .__init__ method 380

LunaDataset class 271, 274,280, 284, 287-288, 305,320, 339-340

LunaDataset.__init__,constructing dataset in 275

LunaModel 285, 447


machine learning

autograd component123-138

computing gradient automatically 123-127

evaluating training loss 132-133

generalizing to validation set 133-134

optimizers 127-131

splitting datasets 134-136

switching off 137-138

gradient descent algorithm 113-122

applying derivatives to model 115

machine learning: gradient descent (continued)

computing derivatives 115

data visualization 122

decreasing loss 113-114

defining gradient function 116

Iterating to fit model116-119

normalizing inputs119-121

modeling 104-106

parameter estimation106-109

choosing linear model 108-109

data gathering 107-108

data visualization 108

example problem 107

main method 283, 471

malignancy classification 407

malignancy model 407

--malignancy-path argument 432

MalignancyLunaDataset class 418

malignant classification 413

map_location keyword argument 217

Mask R-CNN 246

Mask R-CNN models 465


caching chunks of mask in addition to CT 376

calling mask creation during CT initialization 375

constructing 302-304

math ops 53

Matplotlib 172, 247, 431

max function 26

max pooling 203

mean square loss 111

memory bandwidth 384

Mercator projection map 267

metadata, tensor 55-62

contiguous tensors 60-62

transposing in higher dimensions 60

transposing without copying 58-59

views of another tensor’s storage 56-58

MetaIO format 263


graphing positives and negatives 322-333

performance 332-333

precision 326-328, 332

recall 324, 327-328, 332

class balancing 339-341

contrasting training with balanced LUNADataset to previous runs 341-343

making data look less like the actual and more like the ideal 336-341

samplers 338-339

metrics_dict 303, 314


metrics_t tensor 428

millimeter-based coordinate system 265

minibatches 129, 184-185

mirroring 348-349

MIT license 367

mixed-precision training 475

mixup 435

MLflow 476

MNIST dataset 165-166

mobile deployment 472-476

mode_str argument 301

model design 217-229

comparing designs 228-229

depth of network 223-228

building very deep models 226-228

initialization 228

skip connections 223-226

outdated 229

regularization 219-223

batch normalization222-223

dropout 220-222

weight penalties 219-220

width of network 218-219

model function 131, 142

Model Runner function450-451

model_runner function453-454

model.backward() method 159

Model.load method 474

model.parameters() method 159

model.state_dict() function 397

model.train() method 223

ModelRunner class 452

models module 22

modules 151

MS COCO dataset 35

MSE (Mean Square Error)157, 180, 182

MSELoss 175

multichannel images 197

multidimensional arrays,tensors as 42

multitask learning 436

mutating ops 53


N dimension 89

named tensors 46, 48-49

named_parameters method 159

names argument 48

NDET (Nodule detection) 251

ndx integer 272

needs_processing event452, 454

needs_processing. ModelRunner 452

neg_list 418

neg_ndx 340

negPred_mask 302

netG model 30

neural networks

__call__ method 152-153

activation functions 145-149

capping output range 146

choosing 148-149

compressing output range 146-147

composing multilayer networks 144

error function 144-145

first-pass, for cancer detector 289-295

converting from convolution to linear 294-295

core convolutions 290-292

full model 293-295

initialization 295

neural networks (continued)

linear model 153-157

batching inputs 154

comparing to 161-162

optimizing batches155-157

replacing 158-159

nn module 151-157

what learning means for149-151

NeuralTalk2 model 33-35

neurons 143

NLL (negative log likelihood) 180-181

NLP (natural language processing) 93

nn module 151-157, 207-212

nn.BatchNorm1D module 222

nn.BatchNorm2D module 222

nn.BatchNorm3D module 222

nn.BCELoss function 176

nn.BCELossWithLogits 176

nn.Conv2d 196, 205

nn.ConvTranspose2d 388

nn.CrossEntropyLoss 187, 273, 295, 336

nn.DataParallel class 286

nn.Dropout module 221

nn.Flatten layer 207

nn.functional.linear function 210

nn.HardTanh module 211

nn.KLDivLoss 435

nn.Linear 152-153, 155, 174, 194

nn.LogSoftmax 181, 187

nn.MaxPool2d module204-205, 210

nn.Module class 151-152,154, 159, 207, 209, 293,385-386, 470

nn.ModuleDict 152, 209

nn.ModuleList 152, 209

nn.NLLLoss class 181, 187

nn.ReLU layers 292

nn.ReLU module 211

nn.Sequential model159, 207-208

nn.Sigmoid activation 176

nn.Sigmoid layer 368

nn.Softmax 177-178, 181,293-294

nn.Tanh module 210

nodule classification 406

nodule_t output 273

noduleInfo_list 262

NoduleInfoTuple 260

nodules 249-250

finding through segmentation

semantic segmentation 361-366

types of 360-361

updating dataset for369-386

updating model for366-369

updating training script for 386-399

locating 265-271

converting betweenmillimeters and voxel addresses 268-270

CT scan shape and voxel sizes 267-268

extracting nodules from CT scans 270-271

patient coordinate system 265-267

NoGradGuard 471

noise 350

noise-augmented model 354

non-nodule values 304

--num-workers 283

NumPy arrays 41, 78

NumPy, tensors and 64-65

numpy.frombuffer 447

nvidia-smi 305


object detection 360

object recognition, pretrained networks for 17-27

AlexNet 20-22

obtaining 19-20

ResNet 22-27

offset argument 385

offset parameter 349

Omniglot 166

onActivityResult 474

one-hot encoding 91-92

tabular data 81-83

text data

whole words 96-98

ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange) 446, 455-456

onnxruntime-gpu 456

OpenNMT’s original CTranslate 475

optim module 129

optim.SGD 156

optimizer.step() method156, 159

gradient descent optimizers 128-130

testing optimizers 130-131

options argument 470

ordered tabular data 71

OrderedDict 160

org.pytorch namespace 473

org.pytorch.torchvision.TensorImageUtils class 473

OS-level process 283

Other operations 53

out tensor 26

overfitting 132, 134, 136,345-346, 434-437

abstract augmentation 435

classic regularization and augmentation 435

ensembling 435-436

face-to-age prediction model 345-346

generalizing what we ask the network to learn 436-437

preventing with data augmentation 346-354

improvement from352-354

mirroring 348-349

noise 350

rotating 350

scaling 349

shifting by a random offset 349


p2_run_everything notebook 408

p7zip-full package 252

padded convolutions 292

padding 362

padding flag 370

pandas library 41, 78, 377

parallelism 53

parameter estimation 106-109

choosing linear model108-109

data gathering 107-108

data visualization 108

example problem 107

parameter groups 427

parameters 120, 145, 160, 188, 196, 225, 397

parameters() method156, 188, 210

params tensor 124, 126, 129

parser.add_argument 352

patient coordinate system266-267

converting betweenmillimeters and voxel addresses 268-270

CT scan shape and voxel sizes 267-268

extracting nodules from CT scans 270-271

overview 265-267

penalization terms 134

permute method 73, 170

pickle library 397

pin_memory option 216

points tensor 46, 57, 64

points_gpu tensor 64

pointwise ops 53

pooling 203-204

pos_list 383, 418

pos_ndx 340

pos_t 382

positive loss 344

positive_mask 376

POST route 447

PR (Precision-Recall) Curves 311

precision 326

implementing in logMetrics 327-328

updating logging output to include 332

predict method 209

prediction images 393

prediction_a 394

prediction_devtensor 390

prepcache script 376, 440

preprocess function 23

pretext tasks 436

pretrained keyword argument 36

pretrained networks 423

describing content of images 33-35

fabricating false images from real images 27-33

CycleGAN 29-30

GAN game 28

generating images 30-33

recognizing subject of images 17-27

AlexNet 20-22

inference 25-27

obtaining 19-20

ResNet 22-27

Torch Hub 35-37

principled augmentation 222

Project Gutenberg 94

PyLIDC library 417-418

pyplot.figure 431

Python, list indexing in 42

PyTorch 6

functional API 210-212

how supports deep learning projects 10-13

keeping track of parameters and submodules 209-210

reasons for using 7-9

PyTorch JIT 458-465

dual nature of PyTorch as interface and backend 460

expectations 458-460

scripting gaps of traceability 464-465

TorchScript 461-464

PyTorch models

enterprise serving of 476

exporting 455-458

ONNX 455-456

tracing 456-458

serving 446-454

Flask server 446-448

goals of deployment448-449

request batching 449-454

PyTorch Serving 476

pytorch_android library 473



quantization 475-476

quantized tensors 65

queue_lock 452


random sampling 53

random_float function 349

random.random() function 307

randperm function 134

range indexing 46

ratio_int 339-340

recall 324

implementing in logMetrics 327-328

updating logging output to include 332

recurrent neural network 34

RedisAI 476

reduced training 475

reduction ops 53

refine_names method 48

regression problems 107

regularization 219-223

augmentation and 435

batch normalization 222-223

dropout 220-222

weight penalties 219-220

ReLU (rectified linear unit) 147, 224

rename method 48

request batching 449-454

from request to queue452-453

implementation 451-452

running batches from queue 453-454

RequestProcessor 450, 452

requireOnDisk_bool parameter 260

requires_grad attribute 138

requires_grad-True argument 124

residual networks 224

ResNet 19, 225

creating network instance 22

details about structure of22-25

inference 25-27

resnet variable 23

resnet101 function 22

resnet18 function 36

ResNetGenerator class 30

ResNets 224-226, 366

REST endpoint 455

Retina U-Net 246

return statement 376

ROC (receiver operating characteristic) 420-421, 428, 433

ROC curves 431

ROC/AUC metrics 407

rotating 350

row_radius 373

--run-validation variant 432


samplers 338-339

Sanic framework 449

scalar values 314, 329

scalars 311

scale invariant 177

scaling 349

scatter_ method 82

Scikit-learn 41

SciPy 41

scipy.ndimage.measurements .center_of_mass 411

scipy.ndimage.measurements .label 411

scipy.ndimage.morphology 410

scripting 461

bridging CT segmentation and nodule candidate classification 408-416

classification to reduce false positives 412-416

grouping voxels intonodule candidates411-412

segmentation 410-411

semantic segmentation361-366

types of 360-361

updating dataset for 369-386

augmenting on GPU384-386

designing training and validation data 382-383

ground truth data 371-378

input size requirements 370

Luna2dSegmentation-Dataset 378-382

TrainingLuna2dSegmentationDataset 383-384

U-Net trade-offs for 3D vs. 2D data 370-371

updating model for 366-369

updating training script for 386-399

Adam optimizer 388

Dice loss 389-392

getting images into TensorBoard 392-396

initializing segmentation and augmentation models 387-388

saving model 397-399

updating metrics logging 396-397

segmentCt method 410

self-supervised learning 436

self.block4 294

self.candidateInfo_list 272, 275

self.cli_args.dataset 418

self.diceLoss 390 286

self.pos_list 340

self.use_cuda 286

semantic segmentation 360-366

semi-supervised learning 436

sensitivity 324

SentencePiece libraries 97

Sequential 160

serialization 53

serializing tensors 66-68

series instance UID 263

series_uid 245, 256, 260-261, 275, 375, 381, 410

seriesuid column 258

set_grad_enabled 138

set() method 452

SGD (stochastic gradient descent) 129-130, 135, 156, 184, 220, 286

shifting by a random offset 349

show method 24

Sigmoid function 148

SimpleITK 263, 268

singleton dimension 83

sitk routines 264

Size class 56

skip connections 223-226

slicing ops 53

soft Dice 390

softmax 176-177, 181, 293

Softplus function 147

software requirements fordeep learning 13-15

sort function 26

spectral ops 53

Spitfire 190

step. zero_grad method 128

stochastic weight averaging 436

storages 53-55

in-place operations 55

indexing into 54-55

strided convolution 203

strided tensors 65

submodules 207

subword-nmt 97

SummaryWriter class313, 392, 431

SVHN 166

sys.argv 398


t_c values 108-109

t_p value 109-110

t_u values 108

tabular data representation77-87

categorization 83-84

one-hot encoding 81-83

real-world dataset 77-78

representing scores 81

thresholds 84-87

Tanh function 143, 147, 149, 158

target tensor 81, 84

temperature variable 92 method 215

TensorBoard 284, 309-314, 343, 428-431

adding support to metricslogging function 313-314

getting images into 392-396

histograms 428-431

ROC and other curves 431

running 309-313

writing scalars to 314

tensorboard program 309

TensorFlow 9

tensorflow package 309


API 52-53

as multidimensional arrays 42

constructing 43

data representation

images 71-75

tabular data 77-87

text 93-101

time series 87-93

element types

standard 50

essence of 43-46

floating-point numbers 40-42

generalized 65-66


list indexing in Python vs. 42

range indexing 46

metadata 55-62

contiguous tensors 60-62

transposing in higher dimensions 60

transposing without copying 58-59

views of another tensor’s storage 56-58

moving to GPU 62-64

named 46-49

NumPy interoperability64-65

serializing 66-68

storages 53-55

in-place operations 55

indexing into 54-55

test set 433

text data representation 93-101

converting text to numbers 94

one-hot encoding

whole words 96-98

text embeddings as blueprint 100-101

time series data representation 87-93

adding time dimensions88-89

shaping data by time period 89-90

training 90-93

time.time() method 453

to method 51, 64

top-level attributes 152, 209

Torch Hub 35-37

torch module 43, 52, 127

TORCH_MODULE macro 470

torch.bool type 85

torch.cuda.is_available 215

torch.from_numpy function68, 447

torch.jit.script 463

@torch.jit.script decorator 464

torch.jit.trace function456-457, 463

torch.linspace 421

torch.max module 179

torch.nn module 151, 196

torch.nn.functional 210-211

torch.nn.functional.pad function 199

torch.nn.functional.softmax 26

torch.nn.Hardtanh function 146

torch.nn.Sigmoid 146

torch.onnx.export function 455

torch.optim.Adam 287

torch.optim.SGD 287 397

torch.sort 89

torch.Tensor class 19 module 185 166 173 class 174

torch.utils.tensorboard module 313

torch.utils.tensorboard .SummaryWriter class 314

TorchScript 12, 460-464

TorchVision library 465

torchvision module 165, 228

TorchVision project 19

torchvision.models 20

torchvision.resnet101 function 31

torchvision.transforms 168, 191

totalTrainingSamples_count variable 314

ToTensor 169, 171

TPR (true positive rate)419-421

TPUs (tensor processing units) 63, 65

tracing 456-458

scripting gaps of traceability 464-465

server with traced model 458

train property 221

train_dl data loader 297

train_loss.backward() method 138

training and validation sets

parsing annotation data258-259

segregation between 275-276

training set 433

training_loss.backward() method 156

TrainingLuna2dSegmentation-Dataset 383-384

transfer learning 422

transform_t 386

TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint method 268

TransformPhysicalPointTo-Index method 268

transforms.Compose 170

transforms.Normalize 171

translation-invariant 190, 194

transpose function 52

trnMetrics_g tensor 297, 300

true negatives 322

true positives 321, 324, 327,389, 392

trueNeg_count 328

truePos_count 333

tuples 259, 406

two-layer networks 149


U-Net architecture364-367, 388

input size requirements 370

trade-offs for 3D vs. 2D data 370-371

UIDs (unique identifiers) 263

un-augmented model 354

unboxed numeric values 43

UNetWrapper class 368, 387

up.shape 464

upsampling 364


val_loss tensor 138

val_neg loss 308

val_pos loss 308

val_stride parameter 275

validate function 216

validation 383, 409

validation loop 299-300

validation set 132, 433

validation_cadence 393

validation_dl 289

validation_ds 289

valMetrics_g 300

vanilla gradient descent 127

vanilla model 367

view function 294

volread function 76

volumetric data

data representation using tensors 75-76

loading 76

voxel-address-based coordinate system 265

converting betweenmillimeters and voxel addresses 268-270

grouping voxels into nodule candidates 411-412

voxel sizes 267-268


weight decay 220

weight parameter 200

weight penalties 219-220

weighted loss 391

WeightedRandomSampler 339

weights 106

weights argument 339

whole-slice training 383

width of network 218-219

Wine Quality dataset 77

with statement 126

with torch.no_grad() method 299, 447, 457, 471

word2index_dict 96

WordNet 17

writer.add_histogram 428

writer.add_scalar method314, 396


Xavier initializations 228

_xyz suffix 268

xyz2irc function 269


YOLOv3 paper 360


zero_grad method 128

zeros function 50, 55, 125

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