front matter


When we started the PyTorch project in mid-2016, we were a band of open source hackers who met online and wanted to write better deep learning software. Two of the three authors of this book, Luca Antiga and Thomas Viehmann, were instrumental in developing PyTorch and making it the success that it is today.

Our goal with PyTorch was to build the most flexible framework possible to express deep learning algorithms. We executed with focus and had a relatively short development time to build a polished product for the developer market. This wouldn’t have been possible if we hadn’t been standing on the shoulders of giants. PyTorch derives a significant part of its codebase from the Torch7 project started in 2007 by Ronan Collobert and others, which has roots in the Lush programming language pioneered by Yann LeCun and Leon Bottou. This rich history helped us focus on what needed to change, rather than conceptually starting from scratch.

It is hard to attribute the success of PyTorch to a single factor. The project offers a good user experience and enhanced debuggability and flexibility, ultimately making users more productive. The huge adoption of PyTorch has resulted in a beautiful ecosystem of software and research built on top of it, making PyTorch even richer in its experience.

Several courses and university curricula, as well as a huge number of online blogs and tutorials, have been offered to make PyTorch easier to learn. However, we have seen very few books. In 2017, when someone asked me, “When is the PyTorch book going to be written?” I responded, “If it gets written now, I can guarantee that it will be outdated by the time it is completed.”

With the publication of Deep Learning with PyTorch, we finally have a definitive treatise on PyTorch. It covers the basics and abstractions in great detail, tearing apart the underpinnings of data structures like tensors and neural networks and making sure you understand their implementation. Additionally, it covers advanced subjects such as JIT and deployment to production (an aspect of PyTorch that no other book currently covers).

Additionally, the book covers applications, taking you through the steps of using neural networks to help solve a complex and important medical problem. With Luca’s deep expertise in bioengineering and medical imaging, Eli’s practical experience creating software for medical devices and detection, and Thomas’s background as a PyTorch core developer, this journey is treated carefully, as it should be.

All in all, I hope this book becomes your “extended” reference document and an important part of your library or workshop.

Soumith Chintala

Cocreator of PyTorch


As kids in the 1980s, taking our first steps on our Commodore VIC 20 (Eli), the Sinclair Spectrum 48K (Luca), and the Commodore C16 (Thomas), we saw the dawn of personal computers, learned to code and write algorithms on ever-faster machines, and often dreamed about where computers would take us. We also were painfully aware of the gap between what computers did in movies and what they could do in real life, collectively rolling our eyes when the main character in a spy movie said, “Computer, enhance.”

Later on, during our professional lives, two of us, Eli and Luca, independently challenged ourselves with medical image analysis, facing the same kind of struggle when writing algorithms that could handle the natural variability of the human body. There was a lot of heuristics involved when choosing the best mix of algorithms that could make things work and save the day. Thomas studied neural nets and pattern recognition at the turn of the century but went on to get a PhD in mathematics doing modeling.

When deep learning came about at the beginning of the 2010s, making its initial appearance in computer vision, it started being applied to medical image analysis tasks like the identification of structures or lesions on medical images. It was at that time, in the first half of the decade, that deep learning appeared on our individual radars. It took a bit to realize that deep learning represented a whole new way of writing software: a new class of multipurpose algorithms that could learn how to solve complicated tasks through the observation of data.

To our kids-of-the-80s minds, the horizon of what computers could do expanded overnight, limited not by the brains of the best programmers, but by the data, the neural network architecture, and the training process. The next step was getting our hands dirty. Luca choose Torch 7 (, a venerable precursor to PyTorch; it’s nimble, lightweight, and fast, with approachable source code written in Lua and plain C, a supportive community, and a long history behind it. For Luca, it was love at first sight. The only real drawback with Torch 7 was being detached from the ever-growing Python data science ecosystem that the other frameworks could draw from. Eli had been interested in AI since college,1 but his career pointed him in other directions, and he found other, earlier deep learning frameworks a bit too laborious to get enthusiastic about using them for a hobby project.

So we all got really excited when the first PyTorch release was made public on January 18, 2017. Luca started contributing to the core, and Eli was part of the community very early on, submitting the odd bug fix, feature, or documentation update. Thomas contributed a ton of features and bug fixes to PyTorch and eventually became one of the independent core contributors. There was the feeling that something big was starting up, at the right level of complexity and with a minimal amount of cognitive overhead. The lean design lessons learned from the Torch 7 days were being carried over, but this time with a modern set of features like automatic differentiation, dynamic computation graphs, and NumPy integration.

Given our involvement and enthusiasm, and after organizing a couple of PyTorch workshops, writing a book felt like a natural next step. The goal was to write a book that would have been appealing to our former selves getting started just a few years back.

Predictably, we started with grandiose ideas: teach the basics, walk through end-to-end projects, and demonstrate the latest and greatest models in PyTorch. We soon realized that would take a lot more than a single book, so we decided to focus on our initial mission: devote time and depth to cover the key concepts underlying PyTorch, assuming little or no prior knowledge of deep learning, and get to the point where we could walk our readers through a complete project. For the latter, we went back to our roots and chose to demonstrate a medical image analysis challenge.


We are deeply indebted to the PyTorch team. It is through their collective effort that PyTorch grew organically from a summer internship project to a world-class deep learning tool. We would like to mention Soumith Chintala and Adam Paszke, who, in addition to their technical excellence, worked actively toward adopting a “community first” approach to managing the project. The level of health and inclusiveness in the PyTorch community is a testament to their actions.

Speaking of community, PyTorch would not be what it is if not for the relentless work of individuals helping early adopters and experts alike on the discussion forum. Of all the honorable contributors, Piotr Bialecki deserves our particular badge of gratitude. Speaking of the book, a particular shout-out goes to Joe Spisak, who believed in the value that this book could bring to the community, and also Jeff Smith, who did an incredible amount of work to bring that value to fruition. Bruce Lin’s work to excerpt part 1 of this text and provide it to the PyTorch community free of charge is also hugely appreciated.

We would like to thank the team at Manning for guiding us through this journey, always aware of the delicate balance between family, job, and writing in our respective lives. Thanks to Erin Twohey for reaching out and asking if we’d be interested in writing a book, and thanks to Michael Stephens for tricking us into saying yes. We told you we had no time! Brian Hanafee went above and beyond a reviewer’s duty. Arthur Zubarev and Kostas Passadis gave great feedback, and Jennifer Houle had to deal with our wacky art style. Our copyeditor, Tiffany Taylor, has an impressive eye for detail; any mistakes are ours and ours alone. We would also like to thank our project editor, Deirdre Hiam, our proofreader, Katie Tennant, and our review editor, Ivan Martinovic´. There are also a host of people working behind the scenes, glimpsed only on the CC list of status update threads, and all necessary to bring this book to print. Thank you to every name we’ve left off this list! The anonymous reviewers who gave their honest feedback helped make this book what it is.

Frances Lefkowitz, our tireless editor, deserves a medal and a week on a tropical island after dragging this book over the finish line. Thank you for all you’ve done and for the grace with which you did it.

We would also like to thank our reviewers, who have helped to improve our book in many ways: Aleksandr Erofeev, Audrey Carstensen, Bachir Chihani, Carlos Andres Mariscal, Dale Neal, Daniel Berecz, Doniyor Ulmasov, Ezra Stevens, Godfred Asamoah, Helen Mary Labao Barrameda, Hilde Van Gysel, Jason Leonard, Jeff Coggshall, Kostas Passadis, Linnsey Nil, Mathieu Zhang, Michael Constant, Miguel Montalvo, Orlando Alejo Méndez Morales, Philippe Van Bergen, Reece Stevens, Srinivas K. Raman, and Yujan Shrestha.

To our friends and family, wondering what rock we’ve been hiding under these past two years: Hi! We missed you! Let’s have dinner sometime.

about this book

This book has the aim of providing the foundations of deep learning with PyTorch and showing them in action in a real-life project. We strive to provide the key concepts underlying deep learning and show how PyTorch puts them in the hands of practitioners. In the book, we try to provide intuition that will support further exploration, and in doing so we selectively delve into details to show what is going on behind the curtain.

Deep Learning with PyTorch doesn’t try to be a reference book; rather, it’s a conceptual companion that will allow you to independently explore more advanced material online. As such, we focus on a subset of the features offered by PyTorch. The most notable absence is recurrent neural networks, but the same is true for other parts of the PyTorch API.

Who should read this book

This book is meant for developers who are or aim to become deep learning practitioners and who want to get acquainted with PyTorch. We imagine our typical reader to be a computer scientist, data scientist, or software engineer, or an undergraduate-or-later student in a related program. Since we don’t assume prior knowledge of deep learning, some parts in the first half of the book may be a repetition of concepts that are already known to experienced practitioners. For those readers, we hope the exposition will provide a slightly different angle to known topics.

We expect readers to have basic knowledge of imperative and object-oriented programming. Since the book uses Python, you should be familiar with the syntax and operating environment. Knowing how to install Python packages and run scripts on your platform of choice is a prerequisite. Readers coming from C++, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, or other such languages should have an easy time picking it up but will need to do some catch-up outside this book. Similarly, being familiar with NumPy will be useful, if not strictly required. We also expect familiarity with some basic linear algebra, such as knowing what matrices and vectors are and what a dot product is.

How this book is organized: A roadmap

Deep Learning with PyTorch is organized in three distinct parts. Part 1 covers the foundations, while part 2 walks you through an end-to-end project, building on the basic concepts introduced in part 1 and adding more advanced ones. The short part 3 rounds off the book with a tour of what PyTorch offers for deployment. You will likely notice different voices and graphical styles among the parts. Although the book is a result of endless hours of collaborative planning, discussion, and editing, the act of writing and authoring graphics was split among the parts: Luca was primarily in charge of part 1 and Eli of part 2.2 When Thomas came along, he tried to blend the style in part 3 and various sections here and there with the writing in parts 1 and 2. Rather than finding a minimum common denominator, we decided to preserve the original voices that characterized the parts.

Following is a breakdown of each part into chapters and a brief description of each.

Part 1

In part 1, we take our first steps with PyTorch, building the fundamental skills needed to understand PyTorch projects out there in the wild as well as starting to build our own. We’ll cover the PyTorch API and some behind-the-scenes features that make PyTorch the library it is, and work on training an initial classification model. By the end of part 1, we’ll be ready to tackle a real-world project.

Chapter 1 introduces PyTorch as a library and its place in the deep learning revolution, and touches on what sets PyTorch apart from other deep learning frameworks.

Chapter 2 shows PyTorch in action by running examples of pretrained networks; it demonstrates how to download and run models in PyTorch Hub.

Chapter 3 introduces the basic building block of PyTorch--the tensor--showing its API and going behind the scenes with some implementation details.

Chapter 4 demonstrates how different kinds of data can be represented as tensors and how deep learning models expects tensors to be shaped.

Chapter 5 walks through the mechanics of learning through gradient descent and how PyTorch enables it with automatic differentiation.

Chapter 6 shows the process of building and training a neural network for regression in PyTorch using the nn and optim modules.

Chapter 7 builds on the previous chapter to create a fully connected model for image classification and expand the knowledge of the PyTorch API.

Chapter 8 introduces convolutional neural networks and touches on more advanced concepts for building neural network models and their PyTorch implementation.

Part 2

In part 2, each chapter moves us closer to a comprehensive solution to automatic detection of lung cancer. We’ll use this difficult problem as motivation to demonstrate the real-world approaches needed to solve large-scale problems like cancer screening. It is a large project with a focus on clean engineering, troubleshooting, and problem solving.

Chapter 9 describes the end-to-end strategy we’ll use for lung tumor classification, starting from computed tomography (CT) imaging.

Chapter 10 loads the human annotation data along with the images from CT scans and converts the relevant information into tensors, using standard PyTorch APIs.

Chapter 11 introduces a first classification model that consumes the training data introduced in chapter 10. We train the model and collect basic performance metrics. We also introduce using TensorBoard to monitor training.

Chapter 12 explores and implements standard performance metrics and uses those metrics to identify weaknesses in the training done previously. We then mitigate those flaws with an improved training set that uses data balancing and augmentation.

Chapter 13 describes segmentation, a pixel-to-pixel model architecture that we use to produce a heatmap of possible nodule locations that covers the entire CT scan. This heatmap can be used to find nodules on CT scans for which we do not have human-annotated data.

Chapter 14 implements the final end-to-end project: diagnosis of cancer patients using our new segmentation model followed by classification.

Part 3

Part 3 is a single chapter on deployment. Chapter 15 provides an overview of how to deploy PyTorch models to a simple web service, embed them in a C++ program, or bring them to a mobile phone.

About the code

All of the code in this book was written for Python 3.6 or later. The code for the book is available for download from Manning’s website ( deep-learning-with-pytorch) and on GitHub ( Version 3.6.8 was current at the time of writing and is what we used to test the examples in this book. For example:

$ python
Python 3.6.8 (default, Jan 14 2019, 11:02:34)
[GCC 8.0.1 20180414 on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Command lines intended to be entered at a Bash prompt start with $ (for example, the $ python line in this example). Fixed-width inline code looks like self.

Code blocks that begin with >>> are transcripts of a session at the Python interactive prompt. The >>> characters are not meant to be considered input; text lines that do not start with >>> or ... are output. In some cases, an extra blank line is inserted before the >>> to improve readability in print. These blank lines are not included when you actually enter the text at the interactive prompt:

>>> print("Hello, world!")
Hello, world!
>>> print("Until next time...")
Until next time...

This blank line would not be present during an actual interactive session.

We also make heavy use of Jupyter Notebooks, as described in chapter 1, in section 1.5.1. Code from a notebook that we provide as part of the official GitHub repository looks like this:

# In[1]:
print("Hello, world!")
# Out[1]:
Hello, world!
# In[2]:
print("Until next time...")
# Out[2]:
Until next time...

Almost all of our example notebooks contain the following boilerplate in the first cell (some lines may be missing in early chapters), which we skip including in the book after this point:

# In[1]:
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim

Otherwise, code blocks are partial or entire sections of .py source files.

Listing 15.1, def main

def main():
    print("Hello, world!")
if __name__ == '__main__':

Many of the code samples in the book are presented with two-space indents. Due to the limitations of print, code listings are limited to 80-character lines, which can be impractical for heavily indented sections of code. The use of two-space indents helps to mitigate the excessive line wrapping that would otherwise be present. All of the code available for download for the book (again, at and uses a consistent four-space indent. Variables named with a _t suffix are tensors stored in CPU memory, _g are tensors in GPU memory, and _a are NumPy arrays.

Hardware and software requirements

Part 1 has been designed to not require any particular computing resources. Any recent computer or online computing resource will be adequate. Similarly, no certain operating system is required. In part 2, we anticipate that completing a full training run for the more advanced examples will require a CUDA-capable GPU. The default parameters used in part 2 assume a GPU with 8 GB of RAM (we suggest an NVIDIA GTX 1070 or better), but the parameters can be adjusted if your hardware has less RAM available. The raw data needed for part 2’s cancer-detection project is about 60 GB to download, and you will need a total of 200 GB (at minimum) of free disk space on the system that will be used for training. Luckily, online computing services recently started offering GPU time for free. We discuss computing requirements in more detail in the appropriate sections.

You need Python 3.6 or later; instructions can be found on the Python website (www For PyTorch installation information, see the Get Started guide on the official PyTorch website ( We suggest that Windows users install with Anaconda or Miniconda (https://www or Other operating systems like Linux typically have a wider variety of workable options, with Pip being the most common package manager for Python. We provide a requirements.txt file that Pip can use to install dependencies. Since current Apple laptops do not include GPUs that support CUDA, the precompiled macOS packages for PyTorch are CPU-only. Of course, experienced users are free to install packages in the way that is most compatible with your preferred development environment.

liveBook discussion forum

Purchase of Deep Learning with PyTorch includes free access to a private web forum run by Manning Publications where you can make comments about the book, ask technical questions, and receive help from the authors and from other users. To access the forum, go to!/book/deep-learning-with-pytorch/discussion. You can learn more about Manning’s forums and the rules of conduct at https://livebook.manning .com/#!/discussion. Manning’s commitment to our readers is to provide a venue where a meaningful dialogue between individual readers and between readers and the author can take place. It is not a commitment to any specific amount of participation on the part of the authors, whose contribution to the forum remains voluntary (and unpaid). We suggest you try asking them some challenging questions lest their interest stray! The forum and the archives of previous discussions will be accessible from the publisher’s website as long as the book is in print.

Other online resources

Although this book does not assume prior knowledge of deep learning, it is not a foundational introduction to deep learning. We cover the basics, but our focus is on proficiency with the PyTorch library. We encourage interested readers to build up an intuitive understanding of deep learning either before, during, or after reading this book. Toward that end, Grokking Deep Learning ( is a great resource for developing a strong mental model and intuition about the mechanism underlying deep neural networks. For a thorough introduction and reference, we direct you to Deep Learning by Goodfellow et al. ( And of course, Manning Publications has an extensive catalog of deep learning titles (www.manning .com/catalog#section-83) that cover a wide variety of topics in the space. Depending on your interests, many of them will make an excellent next book to read.

about the authors

Eli Stevens has spent the majority of his career working at startups in Silicon Valley, with roles ranging from software engineer (making enterprise networking appliances) to CTO (developing software for radiation oncology). At publication, he is working on machine learning in the self-driving-car industry.

Luca Antiga worked as a researcher in biomedical engineering in the 2000s, and spent the last decade as a cofounder and CTO of an AI engineering company. He has contributed to several open source projects, including the PyTorch core. He recently cofounded a US-based startup focused on infrastructure for data-defined software.

Thomas Viehmann is a machine learning and PyTorch specialty trainer and consultant based in Munich, Germany, and a PyTorch core developer. With a PhD in mathematics, he is not scared by theory, but he is thoroughly practical when applying it to computing challenges.

about the cover illustration

The figure on the cover of Deep Learning with PyTorch is captioned “Kabardian.” The illustration is taken from a collection of dress costumes from various countries by Jacques Grasset de Saint-Sauveur (1757-1810), titled Costumes civils actuels de tous les peuples connus, published in France in 1788. Each illustration is finely drawn and colored by hand. The rich variety of Grasset de Saint-Sauveur’s collection reminds us vividly of how culturally apart the world’s towns and regions were just 200 years ago. Isolated from each other, people spoke different dialects and languages. In the streets or in the countryside, it was easy to identify where they lived and what their trade or station in life was just by their dress.

The way we dress has changed since then and the diversity by region, so rich at the time, has faded away. It is now hard to tell apart the inhabitants of different continents, let alone different towns, regions, or countries. Perhaps we have traded cultural diversity for a more varied personal life--certainly for a more varied and fast-paced technological life.

At a time when it is hard to tell one computer book from another, Manning celebrates the inventiveness and initiative of the computer business with book covers based on the rich diversity of regional life of two centuries ago, brought back to life by Grasset de Saint-Sauveur’s pictures.

1.Back when “deep” neural networks meant three hidden layers!

2.A smattering of Eli’s and Thomas’s art appears in other parts; don’t be shocked if the style changes mid-chapter!

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