1.4. Activating the compilers

Once you have installed the desired compiler filesets onto the system, the next step in the process is to enroll a license for the product into the LUM system. This section describes the process of configuring a LUM server and enrolling a product license. If you already have a LUM environment enabled, you may go directly to 1.6, “Enrolling a product license” on page 27.

1.4.1. What is LUM

IBM License Use Management Runtime, referred to hereafter as License Use Management (LUM), contains the tools needed in an end-user environment to manage product licenses and to get up-to-date information about license usage.

LUM is the replacement for the iFOR/LS and Net/LS systems that were used in previous versions of AIX and with previous versions of the IBM compilers.

The LUM run time is included with AIX Version 4.3 and higher and is automatically installed. A comprehensive description of the functionality of LUM can be found in the LUM online documentation supplied on the AIX Version 4.3 and higher product media in the ifor_ls.html.en_US.base.cli fileset, which is not automatically installed when installing AIX.

1.4.2. Configuring LUM

Normally, one or more LUM license servers need to be configured. However, no license server needs to be configured if the licensed product supplies a simple nodelock license certificate. Both the C for AIX Version 6.0 and VisualAge C++ for AIX Version 6.0 compiler products supply a simple nodelock license certificate.

The simplest method of licensing the latest compiler products is to use the simple nodelock license certificate. When this is done, there is no need to configure a LUM server; however, the installation of the certificate in large numbers of machines can be cumbersome.

If you wish to use the simple nodelock certificate, you can skip directly to 1.6, “Enrolling a product license” on page 27. If you wish to use the additional functionality available when using a license server, then the first step is to decide which server type is best suited for your environment.

There are two types of license servers:

  • Concurrent nodelock license server

  • Concurrent network license server

A concurrent nodelock license server supports concurrent nodelock product licenses. A concurrent nodelock license is local to the node where the LUM enabled product has been installed. It allows a limited number of simultaneous users to invoke the enabled licensed product on the local system.

A concurrent network license server supports concurrent network product licenses. A concurrent network license is a network license that can temporarily grant a user on a client system the authority to run a LUM enabled product.

Either or both of the above license servers may be configured on a single system. The number of concurrent users for the product is specified during the enrollment of the product license certificate, as described in 1.6, “Enrolling a product license” on page 27.

The advantage of using a concurrent nodelock license server is that the server is installed on the same machine as the compiler, and, therefore, users can obtain compiler licenses even if the machine is temporarily disconnected from the network. The disadvantage, however, is that installation of licenses is cumbersome in environments with a large number of client machines.

The main advantage of using a central network license server is that the administration of product licenses is very simple. The disadvantage is that client machines must be able to contact the license server in order to use the licensed products.

Configuring LUM requires answering several questions on how you would like to set up the LUM environment. It is recommended that users read the LUM documentation supplied with the AIX product media prior to configuring LUM.

A LUM server can be configured in several different ways. You can issue commands on the command line with appropriate arguments to configure the LUM server. You can issue a command that starts a dialog and asks a number of questions to determine the appropriate configuration, or you can configure the server using a graphical user interface.

Configuring a nodelock server

For small numbers of client machines (typically 10 or less), using a nodelock license server on each machine is the simplest method of configuring LUM.

Log in as the root user and perform the following commands to configure a machine as a nodelock license server:

# /usr/opt/ifor/ls/os/aix/bin/i4cfg -a n -S a
# /usr/opt/ifor/ls/os/aix/bin/i4cfg -start

The first command configures the local machine as a nodelock license server and sets the option that the LUM daemons should be started automatically when the system boots. The second command starts the LUM daemons.

Using the interactive configuration tool

As an alternative to using the above commands, you can use the /usr/opt/ifor/ls/os/aix/bin/i4config interactive configuration script to perform the same actions.

Log in as user ID root on the system where the license server will be installed.

Invoke the LUM configuration tool by entering the /usr/opt/ifor/ls/os/aix/bin/i4config command. This is the command line version of the LUM configuration tool.

Answer the LUM configuration questions as appropriate. The answers to the configuration questions are dependent on the LUM environment you wish to create.

The following are typical answers to the configuration questions of LUM in order to configure both concurrent nodelock and concurrent network license servers on a single system. You may change the various answers accordingly to suit your preferred system environment. For details on configuring LUM, please read the documentation that comes with LUM.

Select 4 “Central Registry (and/or Network and/or Nodelock) License Server” on the first panel.

Answer y to “Do you want this system be a Network License Server too?”

Answer y to “Do you want this system be a Nodelock License Server too?”

Answer n to “Do you want to disable remote administration of this Network License Server?”

Answer n to “Do you want to disable remote administration of this Nodelock License Server?”

Select 2 “Direct Binding only” as the mechanism to locate a license server.

Answer n to “Do you want to change the Network License Server ip port number?”

Answer n to “Do you want to change the Central Registry License Server ip port number?”

Answer n to “Do you want to change the Nodelock License Server ip port number?”

Select 1 “Default” as the desired server(s) logging level.

Enter blank to accept the default path for the default log file(s).

Answer y to “Do you want to modify the list of remote Nodelock and/or Network License Servers this system can connect to in direct binding mode (both for administration purposes and for working as Network License Client)?”

Select 3 “Create a new list” to the direct binding list menu.

Enter the host name, without the domain, of the system you are configuring LUM when prompted for the “Server network name(s).”

Answer n to “Do you want to change the default ip port number?”

Select 3 “Create a new list” to the direct binding list menu.

Enter the host name, without the domain, of the system you are configuring LUM when prompted for the “Server network name(s).”

Answer n to “Do you want to change the default ip port number?”

Answer y to “Do you want the License Server(s) automatically start on this system at boot time?”

Answer y to continue the configuration setup and write the updates to the i4ls.ini file.

Answer y to “Do you want the License Server(s) start now?”

Both concurrent nodelock and concurrent network license servers should now be configured on your system.

For more information on configuring and using LUM, refer to the LUM online documentation supplied with AIX. As an alternative, the LUM manual, Using License Use Management Runtime for AIX, can be viewed online in PDF format at the following URL:


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