1.6. Enrolling a product license

After LUM has been configured on your system, the product license certificates can be enrolled with the LUM license server. Three LUM product license certificates are provided with each of the compiler products:

  1. Concurrent nodelock license certificate

  2. Concurrent network license certificate

  3. Simple nodelock license certificate

You should enroll the appropriate license certificate for the type of LUM environment you have configured.

The default locations of the license certificates for the compiler products are detailed in Table 1-3.

Table 1-3. License certificate locations
CompilerLicense certificate typeLocation
C for AIX Version 6.0Concurrent Network/usr/vac/cforaix_c.lic
Concurrent Nodelock/usr/vac/cforaix_cn.lic
Simple Nodelock/usr/vac/cforaix_n.lic
VisualAge C++ for AIX Version 6.0Concurrent Network/usr/vacpp/vacpp_c.lic
Concurrent Nodelock/usr/vacpp/vacpp_cn.lic
Simple Nodelock/usr/vacpp/vacpp_n.lic

1.6.1. Enrolling a concurrent license

To enroll a Concurrent Network or Concurrent Nodelock license certificate, perform the following steps:

Log in as root on the system where the license server is installed.

Invoke the LUM configuration tool by entering the LUM Basic License Tool command as follows:


The i4blt tool contains both a graphical user interface and a command line interface. Note that the LUM daemons must be running before starting the i4blt tool. Refer to 1.5, “Activating the LUM server” on page 26 for information on how to check the status of the LUM daemons.

If the X11 run time (X11.base.rte fileset) has been installed on your system, the GUI version of the tool will be invoked. Otherwise, the command line version will be invoked, and an error will occur since the appropriate command line parameters were not specified.

Enrolling using the graphical user interface

When the GUI version of i4blt tool is available, follow these steps:

Select the Products pull-down and click on the Enroll Product item.

Click on the Import button. The Import panel should be displayed.

In the Filter entry prompt, enter /usr/vacpp/*.lic if you are enrolling a license for VisualAge C++ for AIX or /usr/vac/*.lic if you are enrolling a license for C for AIX, and press Enter. This will show the various product license files in the Files panel. The three license files for the product, as detailed in Table 1-3 on page 27, should be displayed.

Select either the prod_c.lic or prod_cn.lic (where prod is either vacpp or cforaix) license by clicking on the entry.

Click OK. The Enroll Product panel should be re-displayed with information regarding the product indicated.

Click on the OK button of the Enroll Product panel. The Enroll Licenses panel should be displayed.

Fill in the information on the Administrator Information portion of the panel (optional.)

Fill in the number of valid purchased licenses of the product under Enrolled Licenses in the Product information portion of the panel. (mandatory.)

Click on the OK button of the Enroll Licenses panel. The product should be successfully enrolled. You may terminate the i4blt tool.

Enrolling using the command line

When you use the command line interface of i4blt tool, follow these steps:

From the required product license file, as detailed in Table 1-3 on page 27, extract the i4blt command from the top of the file.

Replace number_of_lics from the command with the number of valid purchased licenses of the product (mandatory).

Replace admin_name with the name of the administrator (optional).

Invoke this command as root from /var/ifor. The product should be successfully enrolled.

1.6.2. Enrolling a simple nodelock license

Read the instructions at the top of the simple nodelock license certificate file. In general, this type of license will be installed when no LUM system has been configured. This means enrolling the license is simply a case of placing the indicated license information line into the LUM nodelock file, /var/ifor/nodelock.

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