Chapter 2

Open Source Examination Platform

Information in this Chapter

Preparing the Examination System

Before using many of the open source forensics tools explored in the chapters to come, you will need to ensure that your system is prepared to build said tools. As they are “open source,” the bulk of these tools are distributed primarily in source form, that is, you’ll need to generate the executable code yourself. In other cases, the tools will be scripts that require a specific interpreter to run. This chapter deals with the setup required to perform examinations with open source tools using Linux and Windows hosts.

For each platform we will go through the following steps.

Building Software

Because we are going to be working with open source software, we are going to need to be able to take that source code and convert it into usable form. At a high level this is known as building, and we will need to have one or more working build environments on the systems we are planning to use open source applications on. This chapter sets up a generic development environment that can be used to build open source applications written in the C and C++ languages and to build (or install) any libraries these applications require.

Installing Interpreters

Some of the open source applications we will be using are written in interpreted (or “scripting”) languages, such as Perl, Python, or Ruby. To run these programs we will need the appropriate interpreter, and usually we will need some means to install prerequisite modules that the applications rely upon.

Working with Image Files

A key part of forensic examination is working with image files—forensic copies of media. This is easier on some platforms, but is necessary on all—if we can’t open the container, we can’t get at the contents. An important part of setting up an examination system is ensuring that you can access work with image files directly. While the forensic tools worked with in later chapters can access image files directly, having multiple means to access them is an effective means of verifying the operation of our tools. Having this capability also serves as a hedge in case our forensic tools fail to process a given image file properly.

There are two general classes of image files we will be working with: raw images and forensic containers. Raw image files are exactly what they sound like—a pure bit-for-bit copy of source media. Forensic containers are special file formats designed with forensic use in mind. Generally these will contain equivalent data found in a raw image and will also contain checksum information or metadata about the container. In addition, forensic container formats may allow for compression and encryption.

Working with File Systems

Finally, there will be times when we as examiners will need to interact with the file systems contained in image files using native system functionality (but still in a forensically sound manner). For example, to examine an Ext4 file system we’ll need to use native system capabilities rather than a forensic utility simply because (at the time of writing) there are no open source forensic utilities that can interpret Ext4 file systems.

Using Linux as the Host

Using Linux as the base is the most common way to set up an open source forensics platform, and throughout the book will be our “supported” use case. In the examples we are using Ubuntu, but if you have a different distribution you prefer using already it’s entirely possible to do so. We will use the Ubuntu package manager apt to install software throughout the book; however, none of the software we are installing is Ubuntu-specific, and most of the packages we install should be available via the package manger in your distribution of choice.


Brief Linux Command Line Refresher

Ideally you will come into this book with some Linux experience. If it’s been a while (or you’re brand new), here’s a refresher list of the basic terminal commands you’ll need to use to navigate and work with files:

• cd changes directories. “cd ..” goes up a directory, “cd /” goes to the top of the directory structure, and “cd ~” goes to your home directory.

• ls lists the contents of a directory (equivalent to “dir” in a Windows command prompt). ls will list the current directory, and ls –1 will provide a verbose listing.

• pwd will print the current directory you are in, in case you get lost.

• mkdir will create a new directory

• cp will copy a file. cp –r will copy a directory and all items in the subdirectory.

• mv will rename (or, move) a file or directory

• rm will delete (or, remove) a file. rm –r is required to delete a directory (and all its subdirectories!)

• cat will dump the contents of a file to the screen. Long files can be viewed a page at a time using less or more.

• The pipe character “|” is used to chain the output from one command to the input of the next. The greater than sign “>” is used to send the output to a named file instead of the screen. Double arrows “>>” append the output instead of overwriting.

• Finally, man and info can be used to get usage information for any command.

Extracting Software

Linux source code is usually distributed in compressed archives known as tarballs. To extract these we will use the tar command along with a handful of flags.

To extract tarballs with tgz or tar.gz extensions (GZippped tarballs), use the command:

tar xzf {filename}

To extract tarballs with tbz, tbz2, tar.bz2, or extensions (BZipped tarballs), use this command:

tar xjf {filename}

In either case you can add the -v option for verbose mode, which will display the name and path of extracted files to the console as the command progresses.

We’ll need to install a few pieces of software before we can begin building programs from source code. On Ubuntu, the “build-essential” meta-package will get us started. Build-essential is basically a grouping of packages essential for building software. To install this package we’ll used the apt-get command. The apt-get command is part of the “Advanced Packaging Tool,” the main method for installing precompiled software packages on Debian-derived Linux distributions (including Ubuntu). Because installing packages is a system administration function, on Linux systems we will need to act with super-user or root privileges in order to do so. We will use the sudo command to run apt-get with super-user privileges.

user@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install build-essential

[sudo] password for user:

The following extra packages will be installed:

   dpkg-dev fakeroot g++ g++-4.4 libstdc++6-4.4-dev patch xz-utils

Suggested packages:

   debian-keyring debian-maintainers g++-multilib g++-4.4-multilib gcc-4.4-doc

   libstdc++6-4.4-dbg libstdc++6-4.4-doc diffutils-doc

The following NEW packages will be installed:

   build-essential dpkg-dev fakeroot g++ g++-4.4 libstdc++6-4.4-dev patch xz-utils

0 upgraded, 8 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

Need to get 7571kB of archives.

After this operation, 24.6MB of additional disk space will be used.

Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Y

While we now have the basics of our build environment installed, we will come back to the apt-get command to install development libraries required by many of the applications we will be installing later. Most open source applications will come with a README or INSTALL document that will contain information regarding what additional libraries. Be sure to reference this prior to attempting to build software.

For more information on installing software on Ubuntu, please see the Ubuntu Help Guide [1].

GNU Build System

The majority of the software we will be building uses the “GNU Autotools” system to prepare and execute a build [2]. Building software that uses this system generally consists of running three commands, in sequence:

1.  ./configure

2.  make

3.  (sudo) make install


If the application being built has any configurable options, the included configure script is the method we will use to set them. Generally the configure script will respond to the --help flag by displaying all the available configuration options. We can use the configure script from LibEWF library as an example. We will discuss the operation of this library in detail shortly—for now it’s enough to know that it is a prerequisite for the operation of our forensic platform. We have truncated the output that follows due to space considerations—most configure scripts will allow you to tune many options related to the building and subsequent installation of the software.

user@ubuntu:~/src/libewf-20100226$ ./configure --help

’configure’ configures libewf 20100226 to adapt to many kinds of systems.

Usage: ./configure [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...


Optional Features:



       enable wide character type support (default is no)


       build the ewftools as static executables (default is



       use libewf’s low level read and write functions in

       the ewftools (default is no)


       enable low memory usage (default is no)

  --enable-verbose-output enable verbose output (default is no)

  --enable-debug-output enable debug output (default is no)

  --enable-python    build python bindings (pyewf) (default is no)

  --enable-v2-api    enable experimental version 2 API (default is no)


Here we can see handful of libewf-specific configuration options that may be of interest to us. Referencing the included README file tells us that libewf relies on zlib (the deflate/zip compression library) and libcrypto (the OpenSSL library). Different distributions will have these libraries packaged under different names, but in general these can be located fairly easily by searching for the development name of the libraries at hand using the apt-cache search command or equivalent command for your distribution.

user@ubuntu:~$ apt-cache search openssl | grep dev

libssl-ocaml-dev - OCaml bindings for OpenSSL

libcurl4-openssl-dev - Development files and documentation for libcurl (OpenSSL)

libssl-dev - SSL development libraries, header files and documentation

user@ubuntu:~$ apt-cache search zlib | grep dev

lib32z1-dev - compression library - 32 bit development

libmng-dev - M-N-G library (Development headers)

libzlcore-dev - zlibrary core - development files

libzltext-dev - zlibrary text model/viewer - development files

zlib1g-dbg - compression library - development

zlib1g-dev - compression library - development

libcryptokit-ocaml-dev - cryptographic algorithm library for OCaml - development

libniftiio1-dev - IO libraries for the NIfTI-1 data format

libtrf-tcl-dev - Tcl data transformations - development files

libzzip-dev - library providing read access on ZIP-archives - development

From the results, we see that we need the “zlib1g-dev” and “libssl-dev” libraries, which can be installed using the following command:

user@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev libssl-dev


Setting up libssl-dev (0.9.8k-7ubuntu8) ...

With our libraries installed, we are ready to execute the configure script. Upon execution, the configure script will check the build system to ensure that all the libraries required to build (and subsequently execute) the program are present, functional, and of the correct version.

user@ubuntu:~/src/libewf-20100226$ ./configure --enable-wide-character-type --enable-low-level-functions

checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c

checking whether build environment is sane... yes


config.status: executing libtool commands



   libuna support:          local

   libbfio support:         local

   libcrypto EVP support:        yes

   libcrypto MD5 support:        evp

   libcrypto SHA1 support:        evp

   guid support:           libuuid


   Wide character type support:      yes

   ewftools are build as static executables:    no

   ewftools use low level read and write functions: yes

   Python (pyewf) support:        no

   Verbose output:          no

   Debug output:           no

   Experimental version 2 API:       no

Note that this particular configuration script provides the name of the library providing the included functionality: “guid support: libuuid.” If the README or INSTALL documentation is missing, incomplete, or simply incorrect, simply attempting to run the configure script is a trial-and-error method that may provide more information about what libraries you need to complete the build.


“./configure not found”

Very simple programs that don’t have any third-party library dependencies may not have a configure script. Some of these may provide a prebuilt makefile, but if this isn’t the case you may need to compile the code directly. Check for a README or INSTALL document or, barring that, read the source itself for an indication of how to proceed with building the software.

A successful execution of the configure script will generate a “makefile”—a build script read by the make command, which brings us to the next step in the build process.


The make command reads through the “makefile” generated by the configure script, and proceeds to compile and link each of the executable files and libraries that make up the program at hand. This can take some time and will generate a lot of output while it is executing. A highly edited sample of what you can expect from a typical make execution appears here:

user@ubuntu:~/src/libewf-20100226$ make

Making all in include

make[1]: Entering directory ’/home/user/src/libewf-20100226/include’


make[1]: Entering directory ’/home/user/src/libewf-20100226/liberror’

/bin/bash ../libtool --tag=CC -- mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../common -I../include -I../common- g -O2 -Wall -MT liberror_error.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/liberror_error.Tpo -c -o liberror_error.lo liberror_error.c

libtool: compile: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../common -I../include -I../common -g -O2 -Wall -MT liberror_error.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/liberror_error.Tpo -c liberror_error.c -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/liberror_error.o


make[1]: Leaving directory ’/home/user/src/libewf-20100226’

Once the “make” completes, the final step is to actually install the application. Executing

sudo make install

will copy the finished executables, libraries, documentation (if present), and any additional materials to their configured locations—generally under the “/usr/local/” directory.


Other Build Systems

GNU Autotools does not stand alone in the pantheon of build systems for open source software. While it is the most venerable and still most common build system in use, there are others in use in various projects. Two of the most common are cmake and scons. Scons is python based and is therefore a popular build system for python-heavy programs. Cmake is an intermediary build layer used by cross-platform applications—it generates native build files for each target—Makefiles for Unix-like systems, Visual Studio Solution files for Windows targets, etc.

Version Control Systems

In addition to packaged tarballs of source code, many open source projects are available via version control systems. These services enable tracking of code changes among a distributed group of participants. Version control systems offer many capabilities geared toward ensuring clean and easy collaboration on development; however, for our use, we will only be “checking out” code—retrieving a copy of the source code from the repository. The end result will be a directory tree of code similar to what we would have after extracting a tarball.

Sometimes, code that is still under active development may only be available via a source checkout from a version control system; in other cases, the development version of an application may have capabilities required to perform a successful examination. As always, validate that any tools you use perform the functions they are designed for in a verifiable, repeatable manner, but above all work on copies or extracted data rather than original data.

Popular open source version control systems include

• cvs

• subversion

• git

• mercurial

We will discuss the operation of these tools to perform source code checkouts when we build tools that require this.


CERT Forensic Tools Repository

The examples throughout this book use Ubuntu as our base operating system. If you are a Fedora user, you may want to use the CERT Linux Forensics Tools Repository. This repository provides a prebuilt set of forensic packages for Fedora 10, 11, 12, and 13, including many of the tools discussed throughout this book.

Installing Interpreters

In addition to compiling executable code, we will need to be able to execute programs written in interpreted languages. To do so, we will need to install the appropriate interpreters—Perl, Python, and Ruby. On most Linux distributions the Perl and Python interpreters (and a handful of modules) will be already be installed. We’ll want to install the Python 3 interpreter in addition to our currently installed version, and we’ll need to install the Ruby interpreter. We will also explore how to install various modules in each of the interpreters.


Perl is one of the older nonshell scripting languages still in common use. Its longevity is one of its core strengths—over many years of use Perl has built up an impressive number of open source libraries and modules available for reuse.

To check our installed version of perl we can issue the following command:

user@ubuntu:~$ perl -v

This is perl, v5.10.1 built for x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi

The core repository for Perl modules is known as CPAN (the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network). Packages in CPAN can be installed from the terminal using the -MCPAN option to perl. Upon executing this command for the first time your CPAN preferences will be set up—defaults are fine for our usage so hit enter when prompted to accept them.

user@ubuntu:~$ perl -MCPAN -e shell


cpan[1]> help

Display Information             (ver 1.9402)

  command argument    description

cpan [n] quit



Like Perl, Python will be present on most Linux distributions by default. We can check the python version we have installed with the -V flag:

user@ubuntu:~$ python -V

Python 2.6.5

In addition to the Python 2.6 interpreter we want a parallel installation of the Python 3 interpreter. Python 3 represents a major change from the 2.x series and as such is not directly backward compatible with existing programs written for Python 2.x. Because we will be using a few programs targeted for the newer Python, we will need both. We can install Python 3 directly using the following command:

user@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install python3-minimal

[sudo] password for user:

Reading package lists... Done

Building dependency tree

Reading state information... Done

The following extra packages will be installed:

python3.1 python3.1-minimal

Suggested packages:

python3.1-doc python3.1-profiler

The following NEW packages will be installed:

python3-minimal python3.1 python3.1-minimal

0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

Need to get 4,995kB of archives.

After this operation, 17.7MB of additional disk space will be used.

Do you want to continue [Y/n]?

Unlike Perl and Ruby, Python doesn’t have a “standard” package management system. Python modules are instead expected to be handled by the operating system’s package manager or installed by the user manually. As we use programs that need specific packages we will install using both methods. That said, Python does have a centralized packaged repository, and there are several unofficial package managers available that leverage this repository. The most widely used is easy_install, provided by the “python-setuptools” package. We can install this for Python 2.x and 3.x using the following command:

user@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python3-setuptools


Ruby is the third scripting language we will need to ensure is installed. As a younger language, it is not present by default on our Ubuntu installation:

user@ubuntu:~$ ruby -v

The program ’ruby’ is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:

sudo apt-get install ruby

As just shown, we can install via apt-get. Once this is completed, we can verify the install and check the version with the -v option.

user@ubuntu:~$ ruby -v

ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249) [i486-linux]

Ruby packages are managed via RubyGems. This needs to be installed separately:

user@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install rubygems

The package manager is invoked via the gem command:

user@ubuntu:~$ gem

RubyGems is a sophisticated package manager for Ruby. This is a

basic help message containing pointers to more information.


    gem -h/--help

    gem -v/--version

    gem command [arguments...] [options...]


    gem install rake

    gem list --local

    gem build package.gemspec

    gem help install ...

We will use tools that require each of these interpreters more throughout the book. For now, ensuring that we have them installed, operational, and can install packages is sufficient.

Working with Images

Although we will be using forensic utilities that can interpret the file system on a raw image, it is in our interest to ensure that we can work with image files using native system functionality as well. This enables us to test our forensic tools for accuracy, provides us a much needed “safety net” in the event our tools don’t function properly, and, in some cases, may be the most useful way to access data of interest.


Automounting of Volumes on Ubuntu

One of the major benefits of using Linux as a forensic platform is the tremendous power the system provides to an educated examiner. However, as Linux distributions become more and more “user-friendly,” the operation of system becomes more and more abstracted away and difficult to access. One example is preventing the automatic mounting of external media. Historically, most Linux distributions did not automatically mount file systems—all mounts had to explicitly requested. For forensic examiners, this is terrific; end users, though, were obviously less than enthusiastic about this “feature.” Current Ubuntu systems will detect and automatically mount external storage in much the same manner as Windows systems. Given this, examiners should always use hardware write blocker devices whenever working with original media.

Any given Linux distribution should have the capability to work with raw image files natively. We will use the losetup command to create a “loop device” associated with our disk image. A loop device is a virtual device that allows a disk image to be treated as if it were an actual disk.

user@ubuntu:~$ losetup


  losetup loop_device          # give info

  losetup -a | --all          # list all used

  losetup -d | --detach loop_device      # delete

  losetup -f | --find          # find unused

  losetup [ options ] {-f|--find|loop_device} file   # setup


  -e | --encryption <type> enable data encryption with specified <name/num>

  -h | --help      this help

  -o | --offset <num>   start at offset <num> into file

  -p | --pass-fd <num> read passphrase from file descriptor <num>

  -r | --read-only    setup read-only loop device

  -s | --show      print device name (with -f <file>)

  -N | --nohashpass    Do not hash the given password (Debian hashes)

  -k | --keybits <num>   specify number of bits in the hashed key given

       to the cipher. Some ciphers support several key

       sizes and might be more efficient with a smaller

       key size. Key sizes < 128 are generally not


-v | --verbose    verbose mode

To determine the appropriate offset we will use the mmls command from the Sleuth Kit to read the partition table from a sample image. We will examine this command and the rest of the Sleuth Kit at length in Chapter 3.

user@ubuntu:~$ mmls /mnt/forensic/testimg/testimg.img

DOS Partition Table

Offset Sector: 0

Units are in 512-byte sectors

  Slot   Start    End    Length   Description

00: Meta   0000000000 0000000000 0000000001 Primary Table (#0)

01: ----- 0000000000 0000016064 0000016065 Unallocated

02: 00:00 0000016065 0312496379 0312480315 NTFS (0x07)

03: ----- 0312496380 0312499999 0000003620 Unallocated

We want to associate the loop device with the partition, not the disk, as this will allow us to mount the file system. To do this we provide losetup with an offset into the image file where we would like the loop device to begin. The output of mmls is measured in sectors, and losetup expects an offset in bytes, so multiplying 16065 by the default sector size of 512 gives us an offset of 8225280. We also want the device to be read-only (-r).

user@ubuntu:~$ sudo losetup -r -o 8225280 /dev/loop0 /mnt/forensic/testimg/testimg.img

We can test our math by checking for a valid file system at the beginning of the loop device. Using dd and the file command is one way to do this:

user@ubuntu:~$ sudo dd if=/dev/loop0 bs=512 count=1 | file -

1+0 records in

1+0 records out

512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0.0778169 s, 6.6 kB/s

/dev/stdin: x86 boot sector, code offset 0x52, OEM-ID "NTFS   ", sectors/cluster 8, reserved sectors 0, Media descriptor 0xf8, heads 255, hidden sectors 16065, dos < 4.0 BootSector (0x80)

The file command confirms that we have a valid file system at the beginning of our loop device. Now we can create a directory to serve as a mount point and mount the loop device.

user@ubuntu:~$ sudo mkdir /mnt/testimg

user@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount -o ro /dev/loop0 /mnt/testimg/

user@ubuntu:~$ ls /mnt/testimg/

CONFIG.SYS      IO.SYS   MSOCache   Program Files System Volume Information Windows   ntldr    python

AUTOEXEC.BAT    Documents and Settings I386   MSDOS.SYS NTDETECT.COM RECYCLER   boot.ini pagefile.sys


Mounting Split Raw Images

If you have ever dealt with sharing of forensic images across different groups you will have likely come across “split raw” images. Due to file size limitations and differing examination preferences and capabilities, raw image files split into 2-Gigabyte chunks are the lowest common denominator when sharing forensic data. Unfortunately, split raw image files aren’t directly accessible as a “virtual disk” using the loop device method just described. Historically, this meant the examiner would need to map devices to each segment and then combine them using the Linux md functionality. Luckily, Richard Harman has written a perl script called poorcase ( that handles this tedium.

Unfortunately, this only lets us access volumes contained in raw disk images. To access volumes inside forensic containers we will need to use software that understands these containers. The two forensic container formats we will need to be able to work with are EWF and AFF. EWF (Expert Witness Format) is the native format generated by Guidance Software’s EnCase software. AFF is the Advanced Forensics Format and is an open source forensic container format that provides many benefits over traditional “raw” images. These containers are discussed in more detail in Chapter 3—for now, being able to mount volumes inside the containers is all we’re after.


FUSE is a Linux kernel module that allows for “File Systems In User Space.” In addition to interpreting file systems, various FUSE modules will also interpret volumes or containers and allow for access to their contents. There are many FUSE modules implementing everything from cloud-based file systems to encrypted local file systems to Wikipedia as a file system. We can install a few FUSE modules (and prerequisites for additional FUSE modules) using the following command:

user@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install zfs-fuse python-fuse fuse-zip sshfs

The following extra packages will be installed:

libaio1 libewf1 libzip1

The following NEW packages will be installed:

fuse-zip ifuse libaio1 libzip1 python-fuse sshfs zfs-fuse

0 upgraded, 7 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

Need to get 1,917kB of archives.

After this operation, 5,759kB of additional disk space will be used.

Do you want to continue [Y/n]?

This will install:

• ZFS-Fuse—a driver for Sun’s ZFS file system

• Python-Fuse—a python API for implementing FUSE file systems

• Fuse-Zip—a FUSE module that presents ZIP archives as file systems

• SSHFS—a FUSE module that transparently presents remote file systems as local over SSH (SFTP/SCP)


MountEWF is a program that presents an Expert Witness Format forensic image as a raw image. It does this by leveraging the FUSE system via Python. It is not included with libewf directly but can be retrieved from the LibEWF project site [3]. Like a disk, the forensic container can hold multiple mountable file systems, so simply “mounting” the container is not desirable or even feasible. Instead, MountEWF provides a view of raw streams contained in the EWF container at the provided mount point. The raw streams can then be accessed directly using the losetup technique discussed previously.

MountEWF is a python script so it does not need to be compiled before running. We can copy it into our path to allow for easier execution:

user@ubuntu:~/src/afflib-3.5.12$ sudo cp /home/user/src/ /usr/local/bin/

Executing the command with no arguments will provide usage instructions:


Using libewf-20100226. Tested with libewf-20080501.

Usage: [options] <filename(s)> <mountpoint>

Note: This utility allows EWF files to be mounted as a filesystem containing a flat disk image. <filename> can be any segment of the EWF file. To be identified, all files need to be in the same directory, have the same root file name, and have the same first character of file extension. Alternatively, multiple filenames can be specified in different locations in the order to be reassembled.

ewf segment filename(s) required.

To test mount_ewf without creating an Expert Witness formatted image, we can use the image provided by Lance Mueller for his first forensic practical [4].

user@ubuntu:~/images$ WinXP2.E01 ~/mount_points/ewf/

Using libewf-20100226. Tested with libewf-20080501.

user@ubuntu:~/images$ ls -lath /home/user/mount_points/ewf/

total 2.0G

drwxr-xr-x 5 user user 4.0K 2010-08-20 23:52 ..

dr-xr-xr-x 2 root root   0 1969-12-31 16:00 .

-r--r--r-- 1 root root 2.0G 1969-12-31 16:00 WinXP2

-r--r--r-- 1 root root 293 1969-12-31 16:00 WinXP2.txt

The text file listed is the case metadata. The other file is the raw image.

user@ubuntu:~/images$ cat /home/user/mount_points/ewf/WinXP2.txt

# Description: WinXP

# Case number: Case 1

# Examiner name: Mueller

# Evidence number: WinXP

# Acquiry date: 2008-01-17T17:05:46

# System date: 2008-01-17T17:05:46

# Operating system used: Vista

# Software version used: 6.8

ce2211114a461a96bb2c4409b272dbee */home/user/mount_points/ewf/WinXP2

The last line of the text file is the MD5 hash of the content. We can verify this using the md5sum command.

user@ubuntu:~/images$ md5sum /home/user/mount_points/ewf/WinXP2

ce2211114a461a96bb2c4409b272dbee /home/user/mount_points/ewf/WinXP2

We can verify access to the raw content using the file command:

user@ubuntu:~/images$ file /home/user/mount_points/ewf/WinXP2

/home/user/mount_points/ewf/WinXP2: x86 boot sector, code offset 0x52, OEM-ID "NTFS  ", sectors/cluster 4, reserved sectors 0, Media descriptor 0xf8, heads 128, hidden sectors 63, dos < 4.0 BootSector (0x80)


AFFuse is a FUSE-based program that gives the examiner access to Advanced Forensic Format containers. From an examiner’s perspective, AFFuse operates in much the same manner as MountEWF—the forensic container is “mounted” to a directory provided by the examiner. This directory will have a file for each stream inside the AFF container, which can then be accessed as “raw” images via losetup.

AFFuse is part of the AFF library, available at

AFFuse requires the FUSE development library, and AFF itself requires the expat library for signature verification. On Ubuntu we can install these with the following command:

sudo apt-get install libfuse-dev libexpat1-dev

A simple “./configure” should eventually yield the following result:

configure: *****************************************

configure: AFFLIB 3.5.12 configuration

configure: Amazon S3 Support: no

configure: LZMA Compression: yes

configure: LIBEWF:     yes (requires uuid-dev on Linux)

configure: PYTHON Bindings:   no

configure: QEMU Image Drivers: yes

configure: FUSE:      yes

configure: LIBEXPAT:    yes (needed for AFF signatures)


configure: CFLAGS:   -g -O2 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wall

configure: CPPFLAGS: -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DFUSE_USE_VERSION=26 -I/usr/local/include

configure: CXXFLAGS: -g -O2 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wall

configure: LIBS:   -lssl -lcrypto -lexpat -lrt -lz -lewf

configure: LDFLAGS:   -L/usr/local/lib

We can complete the install with make and finally sudo make install.

Once again, executing the command with no options gives us usage instructions. In this case, the usage instructions are quite verbose as AFFuse is also displaying options that can be passed to the FUSE library and are not AFF specific. We won’t be using any of these at the moment so trimming them gives us the following usage:

user@ubuntu:~/src/afflib-3.5.12$ affuse

affuse version 3.5.12

Usage: affuse [<FUSE library options>] af_image mount_point


Use fusermount -u mount_point, to unmount

We can test out AFFuse using an image from Digital Corpora ( Ubnist1.casper-rw.gen3.aff is an AFF image taken from a Ubuntu 8.10 thumbdrive. We can mount the AFF container with the following affuse command:

user@ubuntu:~/images$ mkdir ~/mount_points/

user@ubuntu:~/images$ mkdir ~/mount_points/aff/

user@ubuntu:~/images$ affuse ubnist1.casper-rw.gen3.aff ~/mount_points/aff/

user@ubuntu:~/images$ ls -lath /home/user/mount_points/aff/

total 4.0K

drwxr-xr-x 4 user user 4.0K 2010-08-20 23:47 ..

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 1969-12-31 16:00 .

-r--r--r-- 1 root root 600M 1969-12-31 16:00 ubnist1.casper-rw.gen3.aff.raw

Listing the contents of the mount point displays a single raw image inside. We can use the file command to confirm that we have access to the raw content.

user@ubuntu:~/images$ file ~/mount_points/aff/ubnist1.casper-rw.gen3.aff.raw

/home/user/mount_points/aff/ubnist1.casper-rw.gen3.aff.raw: Linux rev 1.0 ext3 filesystem data, UUID=8717883b-0b7b-4149-8b76-d97117813599 (needs journal recovery) (large files)


XMount is similar to both MountEWF and AFFuse in that it provides the examiner “raw” access to container files. Where it differs is that rather than simply presenting a raw “dd” style image, XMount can also present the contents of the container as a VirtualBox or VMWare format disk image. It converts on the fly via FUSE and is tremendously useful for a Linux-based examiner who wishes to boot a virtual instance of an imaged system. XMount will redirect any writes to a cache file in a directory specified by the examiner. XMount is available from To install XMount, execute the basic “./configure; make; sudo make install” sequence described previously.


Checking Kernel File System Support

One of the major strengths of using Linux as a forensic platform is the wide variety of file systems supported as kernel modules. Modern Ubuntu has dozens of file systems available as loadable kernel modules. To view the available file systems in our running kernel, we first need to use the uname command to determine our running kernel version:

user@ubuntu:~$ uname -a

Linux ubuntu 2.6.32-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 08:10:02 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

Next, we can change directories to “/lib/modules/2.6.32-21-generic/kernel/fs”—this is the subdirectory where file system kernel modules for our running kernel are located.

user@ubuntu:/lib/modules/2.6.32-21-generic/kernel/fs$ ls

9p   affs autofs befs binfmt_aout.ko btrfs   cifs configfs dlm exofs   fat   fscache gfs2 hfsplus isofs jfs   minix nfs    nfsd   nls ocfs2 qnx4 reiserfs smbfs   sysv udf xfs

adfs afs autofs4 bfs binfmt_misc.ko cachefiles coda cramfs   efs exportfs freevxfs fuse   hfs hpfs   jffs2 lockd ncpfs nfs_common nilfs2 ntfs omfs quota romfs   squashfs ubifs ufs

Another way to check file system support in our current kernel is to browse through the kernel’s configuration (“/boot/config-2.6.32-21-generic”, for example) until we see the section entitled “File systems.”


# File systems






# CONFIG_EXT2_FS_XIP is not set










# CONFIG_EXT4_DEBUG is not set


# CONFIG_JBD_DEBUG is not set


# CONFIG_JBD2_DEBUG is not set




Using Windows as the Host

Setting up a working build environment on a Windows system is a bit more complex than on Linux or OS X. Many of the items we take for granted on a Linux system aren’t present on a default Windows system. An out-of-the-box Windows system doesn’t have a compiler or any of the interpreters we will need. It doesn’t have native capability to mount or examine image files and only supports a handful of file systems. Luckily, we can set up a reasonable development environment suitable for building open source forensics tools without too much trouble. That said, we can turn a Windows host into a capable open source forensics platform; better, stronger, faster. We have the technology.

Building Software

There are a couple different methods for building software on Windows, and they each have advantages and disadvantages regarding different use cases. For our purposes the best approach is going to be implementation of a Unix-like environment on our Windows system via Cygwin. Per, “Cygwin is a Linux-like environment for Windows.” Cygwin provides this environment through cygwin1.dll, a Linux-emulation layer between Linux tools and the Windows operating system. Through Cygwin we can compile and use Linux-targeted source code on our Windows examination workstation. Using a Cygwin environment ensures that we have the highest available compatibility with the bulk of open source forensics utilities, as these are usually written and tested on Unix-like systems.

To install Cygwin, download and execute the installer (setup.exe).

Using the Cygwin installer, we will install the following packages, which can be located using the search box at the top of the package installer window, seen in Figure 2.1.


Figure 2.1 Cygwin setup.

• automake

• make

• cmake

• cvs

• subversion

• mercurial

• gcc

• gcc-g++

• git

• python

• perl

• ruby

• mintty

This will give us a working Unix-like development environment. We should be able to use the majority of the utilities discussed in later chapters, barring any utilities that require native Linux functionality to work—for example, any FUSE-based utilities will not function under Cygwin.


Visual Studio and MinGW

Compiling “native” Windows code will usually require the use of Microsoft’s Visual Studio. While the full version of Visual Studio is commercial software, Microsoft releases “Express” versions of Visual Studio targeted toward specific languages at no cost. We won’t cover the installation or operation of Visual Studio in this book, but be aware that this may be an option worth exploring.

MinGW (Minimal Gnu for Windows) is another option for producing “native” Windows binaries from open source software. MinGW is a port of the GNU C-Compiler and GNU Binutils to Windows, which allows developers to produce truly native Windows binaries that don’t rely on external DLLs to function. This differs from the Cygwin approach, which produces binaries dependent on the functionality exposed by the cygwin1.dll file to operate. Additionally, developers can cross-compile native Windows code from non-Windows development systems. If you are interested in learning more about MinGW, please refer to

Installing Interpreters

We already installed the perl, python, and ruby interpreters via the Cygwin installer. We can verify the versions of each of the interpreters installed by opening up the mintty terminal emulator from the Start Menu and passing the appropriate “version” flag to each interpreter (see Figure 2.2). These installations will serve us well when working in Cygwin environment but we will need “native” interpreters for some of the code we will be running later.


Figure 2.2 Verifying the Cygwin installs of Perl, Python, and Ruby.


ActiveState’s Perl distribution [5] is the de facto Windows Perl in use today. It provides the Perl interpreter in an easy-to-use and easy-to-manage installer and includes a graphical package manger (shown in Figure 2.3) to handle modules. Installation is the straightforward “Click next/Accept defaults” until the installer exits.


Figure 2.3 The Perl Package Manager installed with ActiveState Perl.


Installing Python on Windows isn’t quite as obvious of a proposition as installing Perl. While ActiveState provides its own Windows Python distribution, there are also “native” Windows installers that provide functional basic Python installations. At the time of this writing the consensus seems to be that if you are going to be doing Windows-specific python development, the ActiveState installer provides some nice benefits. That said, the official Windows installer (shown in Figure 2.4) will be sufficient to run any of the python scripts covered in this book. You can choose to install either or both, as you can have multiple installations in different directories.


Figure 2.4 The Windows native installer for Python 2.6.5.

At the time of this writing, Python 2.x and Python 3.x are both in active parallel development and use. Python 3 is not directly backward compatible with Python 2—Python 2 scripts need to be rewritten for 3. Given this, there is a lot of existing Python 2 code, so we will definitely need at least a Python 2 installation. There is also a growing set of Python 3 code, so it is in our best interest to have a parallel Python 3 environment installed as well. Given this, the current newest versions at the time of writing of Python are 2.6.5 and 3.1.2.


Too Many Pythons…

Keeping track of the latest Python installer can be a chore, especially given the current 2.x/3.x split. Wesley Chun, author of Core Python Programming, provides a constantly updated matrix of Python versions for Linux, Mac, and Windows at


Getting Ruby on Windows is trivial using the installer from During installation, ensure that both checkboxes shown in Figure 2.5 are checked—this will let you run command-line ruby scripts without specifying the path of the interpreter and will ensure that ruby programs launched from Explorer are associated with this ruby installation.


Figure 2.5 Ruby installer configuration options.

Working with Images

Windows doesn’t have any native equivalent to the losetup command we used to access image files as disks. Fortunately, Olof Lagerkvist has written the open source ImDisk, which brings much of the same functionality to the Windows world. After downloading and running the ImDisk installer(, we need to manually start the ImDisk service the first time and configure it to automatically start in the future. To do so, we’ll need to start a command prompt with administrator access (see Figure 2.6).


Figure 2.6 Starting an administrator shell—Windows 7.

Entering these lines shown in Figure 2.7 in the administrator shell will set the ImDisk service to start automatically in the future and will start it now manually.


Figure 2.7 Starting ImDisk service manually.

The ImDisk service is located in the Control Panel, as shown in Figure 2.8. Upon launching the application and selecting “Mount New,” you should be greeted with a screen similar to Figure 2.9.


Figure 2.8 Locating the IMDisk entry in the Control Panel.


Figure 2.9 Mounting an NTFS volume image.

There are many options to experiment with here, but for our purposes the most important are the path to the image file and the “Read-only media” checkbox. Checking this will ensure that we don’t make any inadvertent writes to our image file. Figure 2.10 shows the ImDisk service after successfully mounting a test NTFS image from the Digital Forensic Tool Testing collection.


Figure 2.10 ImDisk displaying the mounted image.

Figures 2.11 and 2.12 show that the image file now appears exactly like a normal volume.


Figure 2.11 ImDisk mounted volume as shown in Explorer.


Figure 2.12 Browsing the contents of an ImDisk mounted volume.


Potential ImDisk Pitfall

Remember that when you access a file system from a Windows machine using your Windows examination machine, you are doing so using standard Windows functionality. If you attempt to access files on the mounted file system that your current user doesn’t have permission to access, you will not be able to access them!

Working with File Systems

While Windows doesn’t have the breadth of file system support our Ubuntu examination system has by default, there are some open source programs that allow Windows to access some commonly encountered non-Windows file systems. It’s important to note that in both cases, the forensic software we will be using is capable of interpreting both of these file systems directly.

Ext2Fsd is an open source Ext2 file system driver for Windows systems available from Using this we can examine Ext 2 (and Extended 3, minus the journal) file systems directly. Note that during installation we have the option to enable write support on Ext2/3 volumes as well—this is not recommended but depending on your use case this may be necessary (see Figure 2.13). When completing the installation, you will have the option to assign drive letters to any connected Ext2 and 3 volumes—deselect this (Figure 2.14).


Figure 2.13 Deselecting all options during Ext2Fsd configuration.


Figure 2.14 Finishing Ext2Fsd installation.

HFS Explorer (available from is an application that can read the HFS and HFS+ file systems used on Mac OS X disks (including some CDs/DVDs and the DMG container files used frequently on Macs). On installation, it will associate itself with DMG containers by default (Figure 2.15). This is generally a safe option, as we have no other means of accessing these files.


Figure 2.15 HFS Explorer installation.

Figure 2.16 shows HFS Explorer being used to examine a DMG container. Individual files can be extracted out for examination using the “Extract” button. The “Info” button will display detailed information about the currently highlighted file or directory, including time stamps and ownership information. Under the “Tools” menu, the “File System Info” option provides a plethora of detailed information about the file system.


Figure 2.16 Navigating a DMG file with HFSExplorer.


While using open source forensic tools has certain advantages, preparing the platform to build and execute these tools can be daunting to a newcomer. In this chapter we have gone through the process of building a development workstation that we will use to compile and run tools going forward. Additionally, we discussed the installation of various utilities that allow examiners utilizing Windows systems to use many of the tools and scripts we will be working with throughout the book.


1. InstallingSoftware—Community Ubuntu Documentation., (accessed 24.08.10).

2. GNU Build System—automake., (accessed 24.08.10).

3. libewf—Browse /mount_ewf at, (accessed 24.08.10).

4. Computer Forensics, Malware Analysis & Digital Investigations: Forensic Practical., (accessed 24.08.10).

5. ActivePerl Downloads—Perl Binaries for Windows, Linux and Mac|ActiveState., (accessed 24.08.10).

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