
  • “7 Steps to a More Strategic Editorial Calendar” (Raymond), 201
  • 301 redirect/302 redirect, 159
  • 404 server code, 160
  • A
  • Ableisms, 293
  • A/B testing, 123, 274, 334, 337, 361–362
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) HTML, 311
  • Accounts, usage, 85–86, 85f
  • Acquisition, 66–67, 165
  • Acquisition Behavior Conversion (ABC), 66–71
  • Actionable dashboard, usage, 270
  • Action dashboard, usage, 270–271
  • Actions/events, 68
  • Additive segmentation, 356
  • Address schema format, 149f
  • Advertisements (ads), 110–116
    • collection, 88
    • copy elements, 113–115
    • customer location process, 40–43
    • extensions, 89, 115–116
    • groups, 85, 88, 102–110, 104f
    • lines, 112–113
    • strength, 114
    • testing, 123–124
  • Affinity audiences, 36, 117
  • Affinity bias, 394
  • Agency life, 94–95
  • Aldi, ads, 12, 15–16, 15f
  • AlMheiri, Abdulla, 29
  • Alt attributes, 148
  • Alt text, usage, 291
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 286
  • Amplification rate, 76–77, 266–267, 272
  • Analysis (M3 model phase), 25
  • Analytics, 50–51, 350
    • ABCs, 66–71
    • alignment, 49
    • behavior, interpretation, 61
    • collection/processing/reporting process, 58f
    • company goals definition, 51
    • goals, impact, 52
    • interpretation, 340
    • mobile Internet traffic, impact, 340–341
    • objective measurement, 165–166
    • script, data identification/collection, 59–60
    • segments, defining, 50
    • surveys/research, comparison, 64–65
    • terminology/concepts, 50
  • Analytics, context, 73–82
    • click, 77f
    • CLV, 82
    • conversion, 79f
    • engagement, 75f
    • impressions, 74f
    • nurture, 81f
  • Answer the Public, 138f
  • App analytics, 338–339
  • App‐based businesses, products/services, 311–312
  • App indexing, 312
  • Applause rate, 76, 266–267, 272
  • Applicant tracking system (ATS), 375–376
  • Applications, 333–334
  • App marketing, web marketing (contrast), 308
  • App only, 332–333
  • AppsFlyer attribution model, 339f
  • App Tracking Transparency (ATT), 335
  • Architecture, 157–158
  • Ash, Tim, 285
  • Attention to interest, desire, and action (AIDA), 38
  • Attribution, 62–63, 98–99, 314
  • Auction, usage, 88–89
  • Audience
    • actions, SparkToro data, 42f
    • building, 2
    • education, 45
    • insights, organization, 37
    • intent clusters, 39
    • reaching, 37
    • targeting, 117–118, 214
    • types, selection, 36
  • Automated bidding, 101–102
  • Automated bids, 100
  • Auto subscribe, avoidance, 356
  • Average cost‐per‐click (average CPC), 91
  • Average session/engagement time, 68–69
  • Average time on website, 68–69
  • Awareness, decision‐making step, 95
  • Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action (AIDA), 280–281, 285
  • B
  • B2B Effectiveness Code, 182
  • “Back to the Basics” (Scott), 33–34
  • Bad actors, function, 365
  • Bailey, Matt, 44, 213, 219
  • Banner ads, 119
  • Behavior, 67–69
  • Behavioral marketing, 117
  • Benefits, 111–112
  • Bid, click payment amount, 89
  • Bidding, 88–89, 100–102
  • Bidirectional Encoder Representations (BERT), 163
  • Blogs, social media usage, 238
  • Bloom's taxonomy verbs, usage, 392f
  • Bluetooth beacon marketing, 315–316
  • Bots, 132–133
  • Bounce rate, 68, 279–280
  • Brand
    • awareness, 45, 214
    • lift, 7, 265–266, 272
    • loyalty, 309
    • name, 62
    • purpose/promise, 29
    • value proposition, 29
  • Breakpoints, 332
  • Brin, Sergey, 133
  • Broad match, usage, 109–110
  • BTS #PermissiontoDance Challenge, 203, 204f
  • Business goals, social media (impact), 233–234
  • Business objectives, KPI selection, 269–270
  • Business strategy (delivery), marketing (usage), 21–25
  • Business‐to‐business (B2B) content performance, 212–213
  • Business‐to‐business (B2B) context, 53
  • Business‐to‐business (B2B) goals, 3
  • Business‐to‐consumer (B2C) content performance, 212–213
  • Business‐to‐consumer (B2C) goals, 3
  • Buyer personas, 183–184
  • Buying cycle, keyword research, 136–137
  • Buying funnel, 95
  • C
  • California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), 369
  • Callouts, 115, 115f
  • Calls to action (CTAs), 112, 278, 288–289, 295
  • Campaign‐based marketing, 200
  • Campaign goals, establishment, 345–346
  • Campaigns
    • ad group housing, 85–86
    • comparison, 79
    • settings, targets (defining), 87–88
  • Campbell's Soup, SoupTube ad, 38f
  • Canadian Anti‐Spam Legislation (CASL), 306, 368
  • Canonical AMP page, building, 311
  • Canonical URLs, 158
  • CAN‐SPAM Act, 366–368
  • Capital expenditures (CAPEX), 25
  • Career, maintenance, 387
  • Careers/hiring, 371
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 310, 362
  • Case method, HBS usage, 4
  • Casting, 304
  • Causal factors, 74, 77, 78
  • Chick‐fil‐A, Whoopsery ad, 19f, 189–190
  • Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), 306
  • Clicks, 90–91, 123, 125, 346
  • Click‐through, 77–78
  • Click‐through rate (CTR), 64, 91, 121, 125
  • Cloud computing, 24, 60
  • CMO Tenure Study (Stuart), 20
  • Coca‐Cola, brand loyalty/connection/commercial, 17–18, 17f
  • Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), 302–303
  • Community participation, integration/allowance, 223
  • Competency document, 390
    • completion, 391–393
    • usage, 393–394
  • Competitive intelligence, 65
  • Competitor links, prospecting, 155
  • Conference speakers, recruitment, 397
  • Consumer Data Protection Act, 369
  • Consumer needs, 35
  • Consumer‐packaged goods (CPG), 4–8
  • Consumer Rights Protection Law (CRPL), 369
  • Contacts, pre‐screening, 214
  • Content, 150, 155, 158
    • delivery, 345
    • engagement, concept, 175
    • marketing/email, 348
    • mills/farms, 178
    • pages, organization, 157
    • profit center role, 169
    • relevancy, concept, 174–175
    • SEO element, 134, 134f, 148
    • shareability, concept, 176
    • single image, usage, 365
    • value, concept, 174
  • Content delivery network (CDN), 321
  • Contentful paint, 160
  • Content management systems (CMS), 145
  • Content marketing, 1, 93, 167, 224–225
    • benefits, 168–169
    • channel management/promotion, 200–211
    • context, 167–179
    • defining, 168
    • digital analytics, application, 213–214
    • matrix, 184–193, 185f
    • measurement/control, 212–218
    • metrics, change, 216–218
    • planning, 179, 180–182
    • post‐pandemic appearance, 181
    • problem, solution, 210–211
    • SEO/social media, contrast/relationship, 169–174
    • social media marketing, overlap, 224
    • strategy, 179
    • Venn diagram, 170f
  • Content Marketing (Lieb), 201
  • Contextual targeting, 118–119
  • Conversation
    • monitoring/participating, 226–227
    • rate, 76, 266–267, 272
    • tracking, 97–100
  • Conversion, 69–71, 78–80, 91
    • click value, determination, 90–91
    • copywriting, 292–293
    • data, 122
    • design, 277–280
    • engaged‐view conversions, 265–266
    • focus, 278
    • guidelines, 275–277
    • opportunities/considerations, 295–297
    • optimization, 273, 275–277, 280–289
    • rate, 91, 121–122, 125
    • tracking, 99
  • Conversion optimization, 1
  • Core Web Vitals, 160
  • Cost per acquisition (CPA), 91, 122, 125
  • Cost‐per‐click (CPC), 91, 269
    • cost, 140
    • determination, 78
    • max CPC, 89, 91
  • Cost per conversion goal, 97
  • Cost per mille (CPM), 64, 74, 327
  • Cost per Thousand (CPM), 269
  • COVID‐19, effects, 232, 282
  • Crappy dashboard, usage, 270–271
  • Crate & Barrel, customer journey (understanding/measurement), 24
  • Crawlers, 132–133
  • Credibility (building), links (usage), 150–156
  • Credibility/trust, building, 45
  • Cross‐platform content strategies, 247–255
  • Cumulative layout shift, 160
  • Customer lifetime value (CLV), 81–82
  • Customer relationship management (CRM), 53, 70, 82, 118, 313, 347, 353
  • Customers
    • acquisition, 346
    • customer match, 118
    • expectations, identification, 26–29
    • intent, understanding, 282–283
    • journey, 37–40, 39f, 96, 184
    • loyalty, 169, 282
    • personas, 183–184
    • research, 137
    • satisfaction, 346
    • surveys, design, 26
    • talking, time (increase), 182–183
  • D
  • Data
    • accuracy, 60–62
    • analysis, 277, 337
    • collection, 352–353
    • collection process, 50, 58–59
    • decision/strategy conversion, 382–383
    • governance, compliance, 44
    • monitoring, 121–123
    • navigation, 65–73
    • origin, 57–58
    • sampling, 60
    • sources, 44, 63–65
    • tracking, 63–65
    • transmission, 59–60
    • types, 44
  • Data‐driven attribution, 98
  • Data layers, visualization (combination), 339
  • Davies, Pete, 246
  • Day parting, 116, 124
  • Deep links, 312
  • De Graff, Justin, 34–35
  • Demographic information, knowledge, 229
  • Demographics, impact (absence), 259–262
  • Demographic targeting, 117
  • Description, usage, 144
  • Desirability, 278, 279
  • Digital 2021: The United Kingdom, 19
  • “Digital 2022 Global Overview Report, The,” 256
  • Digital advertising, 83, 95, 229–230, 349
    • practice areas, expansion, 392f
  • Digital Analytics, 28, 374
    • Ladder of Awesomeness, 21
    • Ladder of Success, 23f
  • Digital dashboards, usage, 217–218
  • Digital marketing
    • analytics, 49
    • discussion, 26, 43
    • job market, approach, 373–380
    • ladder of success, 22f
  • Digital Marketing and Analytics (Kaushik), 21
  • Digital marketing strategy, 1–4
  • Digital public relations (PR) (online PR), 40, 41f, 43, 156
  • Digital transformation, process, 22
  • Direct Line Group, “We're On It” campaign, 195, 197f
  • Directories/associations (links), 155
  • Disinformation, 226
  • Display paths, 113
  • Display relevance, maintenance, 119
  • Distance report, 126f
  • Distribution element, execution (requirement), 40
  • Distribution strategy, change, 197–200
  • Divisional organization structures, 179
  • Domain‐based Message Authentication (DMARK), 363
  • DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), 363
  • Domain reputation, 362–363
  • Donaldson, Jimmy, 199
  • DoubleClick, 324
  • Do You Love Me? (YouTube video), 211, 211f
  • Dynamic creative optimization (DCO), 325
  • E
  • Earned media, usage, 40
  • Economic value, 266–268
  • Editorial calendar, adjustment, 201–203
  • Educate Me (consumer need), 35
  • El Daheeh program, 248–249, 249f
  • Email clients, format, 362
  • Email content, creation, 361–364
  • Email deliverability, 358–361
  • Email double opt‐in, 369
  • Email frequency/timing/limits, 360
  • Email harvesting, 365
  • Email history/spam, impact, 364–366
  • Email list
    • growth, 351–356
    • hygiene, 356–361
  • Email marketing, 343, 348–350
    • list, building, 351
    • principles, 344–345
    • regulations, 369
  • Email metrics/reporting, 346–351
  • Email opens/clicks/forward, 346–347
  • Email opt‐in, opt‐out, 367
  • Email personalization, 353
  • Email regulations, compliance, 364–369
  • Email service provider (ESP), 350, 364, 369
  • Email subject line, correlation, 367
  • Embedded JavaScript, 59
  • Emergency plumbing ads, 104f
  • Emotionally engaging holiday ads, revelation, 187–193
  • Emotions (elicitation), M&S character/storyline (usage), 16–17
  • Empathy at scale, 24
  • Employees, incentivization, 396
  • Enchantment, meaning, 30
  • Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions (Kawasaki), 29, 185
  • Endless Coffee Cup podcast (Bailey), 219, 220f, 230
  • Engaged‐View Conversions (EVCs), 265–266, 272
  • Engagement, 75–77
  • Enterprise companies, PPC, 94
  • Entertainment preferences, 326f
  • Ethical SEO (white hat SEO), 178
  • European Union, regulations, 368–369
  • Everybody Lies (Stephens‐Davidowitz), 65, 135
  • Explicit data, 353
  • Explicit keywords, 106
  • External JavaScript, 59
  • F
  • Facebook, examination, 241
  • Facebook, Inc. v. Guerbuez, 366
  • Faggard, David, 253
  • Fake engagement metrics, 228
  • Fake Follower & Audience Credibility Checker, usage, 199
  • Fast‐moving consumer goods (FMCG), 4–8
  • Features, 111–112
  • Feedback, 90–91, 277–278
  • Felix Baumgartner's supersonic freefall (Red Bull Stratos), 205–206, 205f
  • File names, 148
  • Find My Audience tool, 35–36, 260
  • First input delay, 160
  • Fishkin, Rand, 26
  • Flatarchy, 178
  • Fou, Augustin, 259
  • Fournier, Lucie, 366
  • Friedlein, Ashley, 20
  • Frito‐Lay, holiday ad, 188, 189f
  • Functional organization structures, 179
  • G
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 306
  • Generations, comparison, 326f
  • Geo‐fence marketing, 316–317
  • Geographic targeting, 116
  • Geolocation marketing analytics, 337
  • Geo‐target information, 336–337
  • Gillard, Carol, 187
  • Gillette, “We Believe: The Best Men Can Be” ad, 32–33, 32f
  • Global System for Mobiles (GSM), 302–303
  • Global Video Measurement Alliance (GVMA), 264–265
  • Goals
    • conversion rate, 70
    • setting/managing, 96–97
    • value, 70–71
  • Golden Ruler Award (Southwest Airlines/SEO‐PR), 41
  • Google
    • account, access/login, 61
    • advanced machine learning models, application, 44
    • Campaign URL Builder tool, 200, 236
    • Engaged‐View Conversions (EVCs), 265–266, 272
    • Grow My Store tool, 208–209
    • privacy initiative, 335–336
    • quality guidelines, 42
    • search engine results page (SERP), 131f, 143f
    • shopping ads, example, 92f
  • Google Ads
    • account, representation, 86
    • campaign types, creation, 91
    • columns, modification, 125f
    • settings, usage, 261
    • usage, 28, 44–45, 64, 83
  • Google AdSense, 323–325
  • Google AdWords, pay‐per‐click (PPC), 323
  • Google Analytics, 60, 63, 69–70, 236, 319, 337–338
  • Google Analytics 4 (GA4), 44–45, 62, 67f, 72f, 265, 267
  • Google BERT (2019), 163
  • Google Brand Life solution measures, 45
  • Google Business profiles, 317
  • Google Cloud, BigQuery data warehousing/analysis tool (usage), 24
  • Google Director Mix, usage, 37
  • Google Display Network, 92–93
  • Google Forms, usage, 29
  • Google Fred (2017), 163
  • Google Hummingbird (2013), 162
  • Google Market Insights team, 38
  • Google MUM (2021), 163
  • Google News, launch, 40–41
  • Google Panda (2011), 162, 178, 179, 207
  • Google Penguin (2012), 162, 207
  • Google Pidgeon (2014), 163
  • Google RankBrain (2015), 163
  • Google Search, 108, 261, 337
  • Google Surveys, usage, 27–28
  • Google Trends, 141, 142f
  • Google Universal Analytics (Acquisition Channels), 71f
  • Google Universal Search, 172
  • Google, Year in Search ad, 191, 192f
  • Gordon, Aaron, 188
  • Government rules/regulations, 366–369
  • Gross rating points (GRPs), 6–7, 269–270
  • Growth Survey Systems, 214
  • Guest blogging, 154
  • “Guide to Social Media Algorithms & How They Work, A” (Jarboe), 239
  • H
  • Halo bias, 394
  • Harlequin Romance Report, survey findings, 42
  • Haters, presence, 253
  • Heath, Alex, 232
  • Help content, 202
  • Help Me (consumer need), 35
  • Henry, Casey, 26
  • Hensler, Vanessa, 183
  • Hero content, 202
  • Hiring manager
    • advice, 387
    • complaints, 388
    • scene, 375–376
  • Homepage algorithm, 240–241
  • Honeypot addresses, traps, 358
  • Hreflang attribute, 160–161
  • HTML 5, usage, 325
  • HTML complexity, avoidance, 362
  • HTML markup/page/links, 58, 134, 146, 147f, 150, 274, 321
  • HTTP protocol, 59–60, 320
  • Hub content, 202
  • Human judgement, links replication, 151
  • Human resource (HR) professionals, targeting, 28
  • Hygiene content, 203
  • I
  • ID for Advertisers (IDFA), 335
  • Impact Digital Creator Program (New Media Academy), 29, 248
  • Implicit data, 353
  • Impressions, 73–75, 91, 94, 125, 263
  • Impress Me (consumer need), 35
  • Inactive subscribers, reduction, 357
  • In‐app ads, 329–330
  • Incentives, 313
  • Incremental revenue, generation, 235
  • Influencer
  • Informational search, 105
  • Information architecture, 278
  • Information, dashboard (creation), 53
  • Inline HTML tag, 58
  • In‐market audiences, 36, 118
  • Inspiration, Entertainment, Enlightenment, Education (IEEE), 30
  • Instagram, examination, 242–243
  • Instant feedback, 277–278
  • In‐store PPC options, 333
  • Integrated marketing communications element, marketing competencies/capabilities requirement, 43
  • Intent, 67
    • impact, 259–262
    • keywords research, 136
  • Interest, decision‐making step, 95
  • Interlinking pages, 150
  • Internet
    • speeds, difference, 303f
    • transformation, 129
  • Internet of things (IoT), 300
  • Interview, 385–387
    • bias, 394–395
    • live interview time, usage, 396
    • questions, preparation, 384–385
    • structuring, 395f
  • J
  • JavaScript, 58–59, 320–321
  • Jefferson, Michaela, 215
  • Job cross‐training, 394
  • Job description, usage, 389–390
  • Job, hiring/matching, 375–377
  • Job interview, preparation, 382
  • Job skills, testing, 394
  • Job team, leveling up, 396
  • John Lewis Partnership, 10–20
  • K
  • Kaushik, Avinash, 9, 21, 39, 183, 257, 266
  • Kawasaki, Guy, 29, 185
  • Kellogg's Rice Krispies Treats case study (YouTube), 8f
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs), 73, 77, 214, 278
  • Keyword Planner, usage, 107
  • Keywords, 105–107, 107f
    • collection, 88
    • counts, 140–141
    • implementation, 141–150
    • match types, 109–110
    • optimization, 134
    • research, 102, 107–109, 135–141
    • stuffing/density, 133
  • Kotler, Philip, 25
  • Kraft Heinz, 4–10
  • L
  • Laban, Nate, 214
  • Ladder of Success, 22f
  • Ladders of awesomeness, 21–22
  • Landing Page Optimization (Ash), 285
  • Landing pages, 72, 113, 165
    • design, 285–287, 287f
    • details, inclusion, 289f
    • keyword reflection, 103
    • testing, 123–124
    • visitor, interaction, 315
  • Language attribute, 160–161
  • Last‐click attribution model, 98
  • Last touch attribution, usage, 99
  • Leading tasks, 278
  • Learning, decision‐making step, 95
  • Legacy advertisements, usage, 258
  • Let's Go‐‐The Emirates (YouTube video), 216–217, 216f
  • Levy, Tara Walpert, 46
  • Lewis, Elmo, 38
  • Lieb, Rebecca, 201
  • Lifetime customer value (LCV), 81–82
  • Linear attribution model, 98
  • Linkbait, 41
  • LinkedIn, examination, 246–247
  • Links, 134, 134f, 150–156, 290
  • Localized results, 164
  • Location‐based services, 314–317
  • Location, extensions/targeting, 115f, 116
  • Loyalty programs, 313
  • M
  • Macy's, holiday ad, 190, 190f
  • Manual bidding, 100
  • Manual bids, 100
  • Map pack, 317
  • Marketers, stakeholder reliance, 277
  • Market, group breakdown, 33–36
  • Marketing, 44–47
    • analytics measurement model, 52t, 54t–57t
    • automation tools, 350
    • channels, 319
    • execution (M3 stage), 37–38
    • skills, 383
    • strategy (M3 stage), 21, 27
    • usage, 21–5
  • Market Qualified Lead (MQL), 81
  • Marks & Spencer (M&S), character/storyline/ads, 12, 16–17, 16f
  • Markup, usage, 146
  • Matched to phrase, usage, 109
  • Matomo Analytics (Acquisition: All Channels Report), 67f
  • Matrix organization structures, 179
  • Maximum clicks/conversions, 101
  • Maximum conversion value, 101
  • Maximum cost per click (max CPC), 89, 91
  • Maximum revenue (max revenue), 101
  • “Media KPIs That Matter” (ANA), 269
  • Medium‐sized companies, pay‐per‐click (PPC), 94
  • Message, active reach, 43
  • Messaging strategy, 194–196, 195t, 196t
  • Meta‐description, usage, 146
  • Metrics, 44, 73, 262–265
  • Microblogging, 238
  • Microformats, 148–150
  • Micro‐influencers, impact, 235
  • Microsoft Ads, 91
  • Micro‐targeted conversion campaigns, 331–332
  • Mill, John Stuart, 2–3
  • Mishler, Adriene, 249–250, 250f
  • Mobile advertising, 321–334
  • Mobile banner sizes, 324f
  • Mobile channels, 319
  • Mobile connectivity, 302–304
  • Mobile developers, design path, 277
  • Mobile devices, 301
  • Mobile‐first indexing, 319
  • Mobile marketing, 1, 299, 348–349
    • analytics, 336–339
    • assets, 305
    • channel management, 317–322
    • communication, 304–305
    • components, 299–305
    • measurement/control, 334–341
    • rules/regulations, 305–306
    • strategy/planning, 307–309
  • Mobile measurement platforms (MPPs), 338–339
  • Mobile operating systems, 301–302
  • Mobile products/services, 311–312
  • Mobile search, 319–321
  • Mobile technology
    • components, 300
    • evolution/capabilities, 304f
  • Mobile users, reaching, 306–317
  • Mobile website
    • analytics, 337
  • Mobile websites
    • marketing, 310–311
  • Modern Marketing Model (M3), usage, 20, 21
  • Moeggenberg, Katy, 31
  • Momentum, 278, 279
  • Mondelez International, 7, 24
  • Mosseri, Adam, 172, 242
  • Mukherjee, Ann, 193
  • Multi‐ad group testing, 123
  • Multi‐channel effectiveness, 63
  • Multimedia Messaging Services (MMS), 304–305
  • Multi‐modal mobile interactions, benefits, 318
  • Multitask Unified Model (MUM), 163
  • Musk, Elon, 243, 256
  • N
  • Nadella, Satya, 201
  • Naji, Cassandra, 174
  • Name/address/phone, verification, 154–155
  • Navigational search, 105
  • NeedScope (Kantar), 35
  • Needs, description, 135
  • Negative keywords, usage, 110
  • Nelson‐Field, Karen, 186–187
  • New Google Analytics (Srinivasan), 44
  • News hook, 41
  • News Rules of Marketing, The (blog), 34
  • Nike, Dream Crazy ad, 193, 193f
  • Nostalgia marketing, 11–19
  • Nurture, 80–81
  • NVDA, usage, 292
  • O
  • Occam's Razor (blog), 257, 266
  • Ogilvy, David, 6
  • Ogilvy on Advertising (Ogilvy), 6
  • Online communities, resources (usage), 204–206
  • Online Marketing Certified Associate (OMCA), 1, 31, 49, 268, 354
  • Online Marketing Certified Professional (OMCP), 1–2, 4, 20, 43, 343
    • Professional Development Unit, 393
  • Online presence/profiles/posts, cleaning, 381–382
  • On‐page optimization, 141, 146–150
  • On‐site app ads, 330–331
  • OREO, holiday ad, 190–191, 191f
  • Organic reach, decline, 256–257
  • Organic social media marketing, impressions, 75
  • Organic video content, examination, 259
  • Organizational structure, 177–179, 230–233
  • Organizations
    • brand purpose, 184
    • goal, 51
  • P
  • Page
  • Page, Larry, 133
  • PageRank (Google), 133
  • Pages per session, 68
  • Panic stations, 207
  • Part numbers, 106
  • Paths, 113
  • Pay‐per‐click (PPC), 83, 84, 116–119, 323
    • account, 96, 119–120
    • advertising, 84, 90
    • analysis/reporting, 121–126
    • company fit, 93–95
    • platform, 98
  • People skills, 383–384
  • People with disabilities, design, 286
  • Performance measurements, 73
  • Permalinks, 157
  • Personal Data Protection (PDP), 369
  • Personalization, 353–355
  • Persuasion, ability (importance), 381–382
  • Photo sharing, 238
  • Pinning, 114
  • Pinterest, examination, 245–246, 252
  • Pitch, 156
  • Piwik Pro, 68f, 69f
  • Platform
    • convergence, 238–239
    • data, 64
    • experience, 378–379
  • Podcasters, prospecting, 155
  • Poison addresses, cleaning, 357–358
  • Poole, Bethany, 23
  • Position‐based attribution model, 98
  • Powell, Guy R., 25
  • Predefined reports, usage, 124–126
  • Predictive Audiences, usage, 268
  • Preview text function, 362f
  • Price‐per‐click, 1
  • Primary competencies, 391–393
  • Primary URL, 158
  • Privacy sandbox, 335–336
  • Problem keywords, 106
  • Problems/solutions, keyword research, 136
  • Procter & Gamble (P&G), 31–33, 32f, 33f
  • Product‐led content strategy, 209
  • Product‐led video content, benefits, 211
  • Products
    • multiple platform launch, 247–249
    • multiple platform sales, social commerce (usage), 251–252
    • names, 106
  • Products/services
    • change, 209–211
    • conveyance, process, 36–37
    • purchase, decision‐making step, 95
  • Profitability, increase, 51
  • Programmatic advertising, 92–93
  • Protheroe, Jonny, 38, 39
  • Push messaging, 337
  • Puzzanghera, Jim, 232
  • Q
  • Quality score, 89, 122–123
  • Quotes, usage, 74
  • R
  • Ranking reports, unreliability, 141
  • Rankings, measurement (problem), 164–165
  • Rathod, Carrie, 31
  • Raymond, Kelsey, 201
  • Reach, 198
  • Reader behavior, 346
  • Real Life Trick Shots 3 (Dude Perfect), 210f, 211
  • Reassure Me (consumer need), 35
  • Red Bull, demographics, 206
  • Redirects, usage, 158–159
  • Referrals, 66
  • Relevance, 111, 126, 151, 183–184, 198
  • Relevancy, 88, 103, 174–175
  • Remarketing, 92–93, 322
  • Rennie, Alistair, 38, 39
  • Reporting, 124, 271–272, 350
  • Reputational crisis, 255
  • Reputation management, 225–226, 253, 255
  • Resonance, 198
  • Responses, need, 214
  • Responsive design, 310
    • tenets, 310–311
  • Responsive search ads (RSAs), 113, 114f
  • Results, Resilience, and the Route to Ready for Three Brands (Poole), 23
  • Résumé, words/phrases (selection), 378
  • Return on advertisement (ROA), 122, 125
  • Return on advertisement spend (ROAS), 91, 97, 125, 269–270
  • Return on investment (ROI), 25, 126, 269–270, 278
  • Return on Marketing Investment (Powell), 25
  • Return on marketing investment (ROMI), 25–26, 44, 234–235
  • Revenue, 166, 345–346
    • increases, 53
  • Rhetoric (Aristotle), 210
  • Ritson, Mark, 4
  • Robots.txt, 159–160, 159f
  • Role competency document, usage, 390–391
  • Russia, disinformation campaign, 226
  • S
  • Sales, 345–346
    • contacts, usage, 53
    • funnel, 95, 95f
    • lift, 7–9
  • Sales Qualified Lead (SQL), 81
  • Scarecrow links, 290
  • Schema, 148–150
  • Schwartz, Barry, 207
  • Scott, David Meerman, 33, 253
  • Screen readers, writing, 292–293
  • Search engine, 102
    • algorithms, 161–163
    • auction, usage, 88–89
    • function, 132–133
    • impact, 129
    • index, 133
    • script, usage, 97–98
  • Search engine advertising (SEA), 84
  • Search engine marketing (SEM), 84
  • Search engine optimization (SEO), 28, 35, 93, 129, 167, 319
    • areas/elements, 134–135, 134f
    • audits, 275
    • content marketing, 169–174
    • defining/creation, 130, 273
    • efforts, 108
    • learning, 50
    • need, 225
    • results, measurement, 164–166
    • software, 139–141, 165
    • technical SEO, 156–161
    • value, 132
    • Venn diagram, 170f
  • Search engine results page (SERP), 130, 131f, 143f, 144–146
  • Search engines, usage, 61
  • Searches, types, 105–106
  • Search history, 165
  • Seed list, 137–139
  • “See, Think, Do, Care” framework, 39
  • “See, Think, Do, Care” model, 39f
  • Segmentation, 71–73, 355–356
  • Sender Policy Framework (SPF), 363
  • SEO‐PR, 41–42
  • SERanking, 140f
  • Server redirect, 158
  • Server reputation, 362–363
  • Shipley, Chris, 220, 223
  • Shopping
    • ads, 91
    • decision‐making step, 95
  • Short Messaging Service (SMS), 120, 304–305, 313, 315, 337
  • Single ad group testing, 123
  • Single Page Apps (SPAs), 320
  • Sitelinks, 115, 115f
  • Sitemaps, 160
  • Skills, maintenance, 387
  • Small companies, pay‐per‐click (PPC), 93
  • Small to medium business (SMB) space, 49
  • Smart app banners, 330
  • Snippet, creation, 142, 144
  • Social commerce, usage, 251–252
  • Social media, 220–230
    • accounts, economic value (comparison), 267–268
    • advertising, 255–262, 327–329
    • channel, 237–247
    • communities, resources (usage), 204–206
    • content marketing, 169–174
    • email, 348
    • impact, 233–234
    • influencers, 198, 228
    • measurement/control, 262–268
    • platforms, algorithms (usage), 243
    • reporting, 268–272
  • Social media marketing, 170, 219, 222–223, 348
    • areas, 223–224
    • content marketing, overlap, 224
    • organizational structure, relationship, 230–233
    • strategy/planning, 233–236
    • Venn diagram, 170f
  • Social networks, 237, 328f
  • Soft skills, 380–385
    • live interview time, usage, 396
  • Southern, Matt G., 241
  • Spam, 358–359, 365
  • Spammers, function, 365
  • SparkToro, digital marketing (usage), 26–27, 27f, 42–43
  • Speed (load time), 160
  • Spiderable/spiderability, terms (usage), 134
  • Spiders, 132–133, 157
  • Spoofing, 365
  • SQL programming, 374
  • Srinivasan, Vidhya, 44–45
  • Stahl, Stephanie, 181
  • Stakeholders, 214, 277
  • Stelzner, Michael, 239
  • Stephens‐Davidowitz, Seth, 65, 135
  • Storytelling, usage, 257–258
  • Strategy
    • absence, 20
    • tactics, relationship, 10
  • Structure, SEO element, 134, 134f
  • Stuart, Spencer, 20
  • Subscribers, attracting/repelling, 352
  • Success, alignment/capability, 25–26
  • Sullivan, Danny, 171–172
  • Surprise Me (consumer need), 35
  • T
  • Tactical marketing activities, 54–57
  • Tactics, strategy (absence), 20
  • Talent
    • pools, development, 388–397
    • scaling, 397–399
    • sources, 396–397
  • Talk Back (Android), usage, 292
  • Target audience, multiple platform engagement, 249–251
  • Target cost per acquisition (target CPA), 101
  • Targeting, 91–93
    • conditions, 116–117
    • intent, impact, 259–262
    • level, 75
    • parameters, 74–75
    • strategy, 194–196, 195t, 196t
  • Target ROAs, 101
  • Targets, defining, 87–88
  • Taxonomies, 279
  • Team performance candidate qualification, 389
  • Technical options, limitation, 332–333
  • Technical SEO, 156–161
  • Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), 306
  • Theme testing, 123
  • Thin content, example, 162
  • Thrill Me (consumer need), 35
  • TikTok, 244–245, 262
  • Time decay attribution model, 98
  • Time‐on‐site calculation, 61
  • Tim Horton's Roll Up the Rim campaign, 207–208
  • Title attribute, 148
  • Toscano, Jill, 47
  • Townsend, William, 38
  • Tracking mistakes, avoidance, 99–100
  • Transactional search, 105–106
  • Trends, keyword research, 137
  • Trolls, presence, 253
  • Trust, value, 296
  • Twitter, examination, 243–244
  • U
  • Uniform Research Locator (URL), 144, 154–155, 157, 320
  • Updates, handling, 163–164
  • Up Next algorithm, 240
  • Urchin Tracking Module (UTM) codes, usage, 63–64
  • Urchin Tracking Module (UTM) links, setup, 67
  • Usability designers, conversion design, 277
  • US Air Force, web posting response assessment, 253, 254f
  • U.S. Canned SPAM Act, 305
  • User experience (UX)
    • audits, 295
    • conversion design, 277
  • Users
    • actions, persuasion, 111–113
    • behaviors, study, 276
    • characters, 283
    • personas, creation, 283, 285
  • V
  • Value, 166
    • proposition order, 288f
    • providing, identification, 29–33
  • Vanity metrics, avoidance, 262–265
  • Video
    • advertising, 93, 325–327
    • content, importance, 176–177
    • importance, 202
    • sharing, 237
  • Viewability, metric value, 264
  • Viewable ad impression, Media Rating Council (MRC) definition, 263–264
  • Viral marketing, 186–187
  • Viral Marketing (Nelson‐Field), 186
  • Vocal minority, males (majority), 227
  • VoiceOver (Apple), usage, 292
  • Voice search, 138
  • W
  • Walk‐in traffic, increase, 132
  • Walmart, YouTube ad, 47f
  • Wear a Mask to Stay Protected During COVID‐19 (YouTube video), 204
  • Websites, 331–334
    • architecture, 156–161
    • banners, 323–325
    • change, 207–209
    • design considerations, 289–292
    • visitors, advocacy, 281
    • visits, increase, 132
  • Wegmans, holiday commercial, 187, 188f
  • Weinstein, Debbie, 19
  • White‐hat practice, 41
  • WiFi geo‐targeted marketing, 314–315
  • Willow Harrington sidebar, 283–285
  • Wire EDM, Zero Tolerance Machining ad, 191, 192f
  • Wojcicki, Susan, 7
  • Words, keyword research, 136
  • Wordtracker (keyword research tool), 139, 139f
  • Work
    • experience, 378–379
    • habits, 380–385
    • practice areas/competencies, focus, 391
  • Would YOU Rather Have a Lamborghini or This House (YouTube video), 199, 199f
  • Writing, ability (importance), 381–382
  • Y
  • Yoga (YouTube channel), 249–250, 250f
  • YouTube, 83, 202–203, 203f, 204f, 240–241
    • ads, 325–327
    • shopping experience ad, 46f
    • threat/opportunity, 5
  • YouTube and Video Marketing (Jarboe), 30
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