


considerations, 52

of PDF files, 232

Adobe Content Viewer, versions of, 167

Adobe Digital Editions ePub reader, 203

Adobe Dreamweaver ePub editor, 207

Adobe Illustrator, creating audio controllers with, 144

Adobe Media Encoder, converting files with, 4546

Adobe Reader, downloading, 225

advertising designers, 4

Alternate Layouts, 91

creating, 9697

linking between, 9798

Liquid Layout menu, 97

master pages, 98

Name field, 97

options, 98

preset page sizes, 97

setting up Pages panel, 9596

source page, 97

text styles, 98

Android 10”, dimensions and resolution, 93

Android developers, guidelines for, 175

animated objects, setting delay for, 8283

animation order, changing, 83

Animation panel, opening, 66, 74

animation properties

appearance, 7778

location, 78

opacity, 79

proxy, 7980

Rotate controls, 78

saving custom settings, 80

Scale fields, 7879

visibility options, 79

animation settings, applying motion presets, 74

animations. See also playing animations

availability, 21

Duration field, 75

explained, 21

exporting, 73

exporting to PDFs, 250251

limitations, 21

motion paths, 8082

naming, 7475

playing together, 8384

previewing, 8487

rectangle frames, 74

removing, 82

Speed menu, 75

testing exports in browsers, 86

text frames, 74

timing, 8284

Appearance controls, 27

Apple Developer, signing up as, 175

apps, publishing to stores, 175. See also DPS apps; tablet applications

article properties

Byline, 167

Description, 166

Kicker, 167

setting, 165167

Smooth Scrolling, 167

Table of Contents Preview, 167

Title, 166


adding to folios, 161162

defined, 123

importing into folios, 162164

jumping to articles, 134

previewing, 167170

aspect ratios

automatic setting of, 94

comparing, 94

explained, 9394

audio controllers, creating with Illustrator, 144

audio files. See also Media panel

adding to documents, 46

availability, 20

explained, 20

limitations, 20

setting poster for sounds, 4748

setting sound options, 4647

audio formats, 4546

audio overlays, using with tablet apps, 141144

AVI format, support for, 45


Better Homes and Gardens magazine, 12, 14

blog, link to, 15

book designers, 5

book files

creating, 196

style source, 196

working with, 196197


availability, 20

creating, 3940

explained, 20

getting from TOC, 4041

limitations, 20

nesting, 40

using, 39

Bringhurst, Robert, 175176

bullets, including in PDF forms, 67

button effects

show/hide rollover, 5860

showing object states, 6063

button properties, removing from objects, 51

button states

applying text to, 57

deleting, 58

hiding, 58

Place command, 58

using imported images for, 5758

buttons. See also Sample Buttons and Forms

adding events to, 5253

Animation action, 54

appearances, 5557

appearances versus actions, 57

applying actions to, 51

applying actions to events, 5455

availability, 21

choosing actions for, 5354

Click state, 5556

comparing to hyperlinks, 51

converting objects to, 52

creating, 51

creating for DPS apps, 133134

creating for PDF documents, 51

deleting actions for events, 55

explained, 21

Go To actions, 5354

limitations, 21

naming, 51

Normal state, 5556

for playing animations, 7677

Rollover state, 55

Show/Hide actions, 53

Sound action, 54

Video action, 54


Calibre ePub reader, 203

Character Style menu, 26

Check Box form, described, 64

check boxes, using, 69

check marks, including in PDF forms, 67

clients, preferences of, 7

Cmd key. See keyboard shortcuts

column widths, setting, 117118

Combo Box form, described, 64

combo boxes, using, 6970

Content Conveyor, Map Styles option, 112

Content tools

Content Collector, 105

Content Conveyor, 106107, 112

Content Placer, 105106

linking objects with, 109

Load Conveyor, 107

using, 104107

Content Viewer, versions of, 167

controller, setting for video, 4950

cropping images, 116

cross-references. See also hyperlinks

appearance controls, 33

availability, 19

creating, 3032

in ePubs, 31, 33

explained, 19

formatting text in, 3233

limitations, 19

Link To options, 31

paragraphs, 32

pre-made formats, 33

setting, 31

text anchors, 3132

using, 30

Ctrl key. See keyboard shortcuts

Cunard customers, 6


days of month, form for, 70


hyperlinks, 28

object states, 44


in-house marketing, 7

magazine, 57

dictionaries, availability of, 13

Digital Editions ePub reader, 203

digital publishing formats

DPS, 9

ePub, 9

FLA, 9


PDF, 9

SWF, 9

Digital Publishing intent, using with tablet apps, 129

digital publishing

standards, 1415

terminology, 9

documents, previewing, 85

DPS (Digital Publishing Suite), 5

and Adobe ID, 159

animation support, 131

audio support, 131

button support, 131

hyperlink support, 131

support for native interactive features, 131

video support, 131

DPS apps. See also apps; tablet applications

creating buttons for, 133134

including audio files in, 141144

navigation, 124125

user interface, 124125

DPS format, 9

DPS resources, 175176

DPS tools

Adobe Content Viewer, 121122

Folio Builder panel, 121122

Folio Overlays panel, 121

Folio Producer, 122

Viewer Builder, 122

DPS workflow

creation, 123

distribution, 123

production, 123

Dreamweaver ePub editor, 207


eBook, defined, 179

EPUB 3.0 standard, 198, 213

ePub CSS, editing, 208

ePub document pages

book files, 196197

covers, 194195

image-based breaks, 196

metadata, 197198

page breaks, 195196

Rasterize First Page option, 194

TOC (table of contents), 193194

ePub editors

Adobe Dreamweaver, 207

Notepad++, 207

Oxygen XML Author, 207208

Sigil, 207

TextWrangler, 207

using, 206208

ePub export options. See also export options for HTML

Advanced pane options, 202203

Bullets menu, 199200

CSS Options, 202203

embeddable fonts, 203

EPUB Metadata option, 202

General pane options, 198200

Image pane options, 200201

line breaks, 199

Margins setting, 199

Numbers menu, 200

page breaks, 200

resolution, 200

Split Document option, 202

text options, 199

Version menu, 198

ePub files

adding properties to CSS, 210

anchoring graphics in text, 191193

Articles panel, 184185

cell styles, 187

changing standards, 213

character styles, 186

code knowledge, 188

Content.opf XML file, 206

converting to Kindle files, 211212

correcting problems in CSS, 209210

creating reader order, 183185

creation process, 180181

CSS folder, 206

CSS knowledge, 188

CSS resource, 211

distribution of, 5

document pages, 193198

enhanced, 213

explained, 179180

fixed-layout, 213

graphics, 190193

HTML knowledge, 188

inline graphics, 190

layout order, 184

loss of information via exporting, 181182

mapping styles to tags, 187189

META-INF folder, 206

mimetype, 206

multimedia, 213

Object Export Options dialog box, 191192

object styles, 187

OEBPS folder, 206

paragraph styles, 186

proofing, 203204

stories, 183

structure, 205206

styles, 186189

tablet styles, 187

TOC.ncx XML file, 206

uncompressing, 204205

unzipping, 205

validating, 204

workflow, 182183

XML structure, 184

ePub format

explained, 89, 179183

exporting files to, 213214

features supported by, 180

Kindle restriction, 182

ePub readers

Adobe Digital Editions, 203

Calibre, 203

EPUBReader, 203

Ibis Reader, 204

iBooks, 203204

export options for HTML, 216. See also ePub export options

Advanced pane, 219220

Content Order, 217

Copy Images menu, 218

CSS code settings, 219220

Export area, 217

Formatting, 217

General pane, 217

Image pane, 218219

Link to Server Path, 219

Optimized, 219

Original, 218

preparing ePub files for, 215

Export SWF dialog box, 240

Export to Interactive PDF dialog box, 249

exporting. See also PDF export

animations into PDFs, 250251

documents as SWF files, 239

FLA files, 246247

InDesign animations, 73

with SWFPresenter, 250251

exports, testing in browsers, 86


F4V format, support for, 45

FLA format

described, 9

exporting, 246247


importing presets from, 8182

using, 241

FLV format, support for, 45

Folio Builder panel

buttons in, 158

features, 157159

navigating, 158

opening, 159

previewing items, 158

using, 157

viewer version, 159

Folio Overlays panel, using with tablet apps, 131132

Folio Producer

accessing, 172

changing article properties, 173

creating ZIP files, 174

Editor, 173174

listing local folios, 173

Organizer, 173

using, 172175

Folio Properties dialog box, accessing, 164


adding articles, 161162

article properties, 165167

components of, 157

creating, 159164

filtering display of, 158159

image format options, 160

importing, 162164

JPEG option, 160

PDF option, 160161

previewing, 167170

saving to local hard drive, 160

sharing, 170171

sizing, 160

unsharing, 171

forms. See PDF forms; Sample Buttons and Forms

availability, 21

explained, 21

limitations, 21

frames. See also scrollable frames

modifying images in, 114118

modifying text in, 114118


Guide-based rule, using, 101102


HTML export options. See also ePub export options; exporting

Advanced pane, 219220

Content Order, 217

Copy Images menu, 218

CSS code settings, 219220

Export area, 217

Formatting, 217

General pane, 217

Image pane, 218219

Link to Server Path, 219

Optimized, 219

Original, 218

preparing ePub files for, 215

HTML format, 9

Hyperlink Options dialog box, opening, 27

hyperlink types, identifying, 26

hyperlinks. See also cross-references; Link To menu options

availability, 19

character style, 2627

comparing to buttons, 51

creating, 2123

creating destinations, 28

deleting, 28

destinations, 23

displaying, 26

editing destination options, 29

email destination, 23

explained, 19

fixing missing, 29

hotspot appearance, 27

inverting colors, 27

limitations, 19

navigating, 29

page destination, 29

renaming, 26

source settings, 27

style and appearance settings, 2627

text anchor destination, 28

URL destination, 28

viewing in Story Editor, 30


Ibis Reader ePub reader, 204

iBooks ePub reader, 203204

IDPF (International Digital Publishing Forum), 179, 198, 204

Illustrator, creating audio controllers with, 144

image sequencing, using with tablet apps, 138141


Auto-Fit options, 115116

cropping, 116

modifying within frames, 114118

resizing in frames, 116


articles into folios, 162164

presets from Flash, 8182


features, 1011

as “hub”, 10

interactive elements

animations, 21

audio files, 20

bookmarks, 20

buttons, 21

cross-references, 19

forms, 21

hyperlinks, 19

multi-state objects, 20

page transitions, 21

table of contents, 20

video files, 20

interactivity, using, 14


aspect ratio, 94

dimensions and resolution, 92

ICC profile, 127

interactive PDF files on, 225

templates, 129

iPhone, dimensions and resolution, 92


keyboard shortcuts

object states, 42

previewing documents, 85

previewing spreads, 85

Story Editor, accessing, 30

Kindle files, converting to, 211212

Kindle Fire

aspect ratio, 94

dimensions and resolution, 92

requirements for developers, 175


layout controls

Alternate Layouts, 91, 9598

comparing layouts, 114

linking items, 104111

linking styles, 111113

Liquid Layout rules, 98104

Liquid Layout, 91

modifying images within frames, 114118

modifying text within frames, 114118

setting page sizes, 9195


comparing, 114

Split Window feature, 114

LensWork magazine, 8

Level setting for TOC, 37

Life magazine, 19

Link Options

setting, 109110

Story and Objects dialog box, 111

Story dialog box, 109110

Link To menu options. See also hyperlinks

Email, 24

File, 23

Page, 2425

Shared Destination, 2526

Text Anchor, 25

URL, 23

linked text. See also text

releasing, 108109

updating, 108


styles, 111113

text, 108

Liquid Layout panel

opening, 99

using, 103

Liquid Layout rules

applying, 9899

Controlled by Master, 99

Guide-based, 99, 101102

limitations, 100

Object-based, 99, 102104

Off, 99

Preserve Existing, 99

Re-center, 99101

Scale, 99100

Scale rule, 100

tips for use of, 103104

Liquid Layouts

described, 91

Page tool, 98

List Box form, described, 64

Luce, Henry, 19


magazine designers, 57

Manage presets dialog box, 82

mapped styles, choosing, 113

marketing designers, in-house, 7

Media panel. See also audio files

previewing sounds, 47

setting sound options from, 4647

using with videos, 48

months of year, form for, 70

motion paths

customizing, 81

editing, 8081

importing presets from Flash, 8182

motion presets, applying to animations, 74

MOV file format

support for, 45

use of, 50


controlling in PDF documents, 50

previewing, 50

setting Poster menu for, 49

MP3 format, support for, 45

MP4 format, support for, 45

MPEG format, support for, 45

multimedia, adding, 1213

multi-state objects. See also object states

Align Centers command, 41

availability, 20

creating, 4142

editing, 4244

explained, 20

hiding until triggered, 44

limitations, 20

previewing, 4445

sizing, 41

stacking images for, 61

testing, 44


navto:// syntax, using with tablet apps, 134


aspect ratio, 94

dimensions and resolution, 92

Notepad++ ePub editor, 207

number styles, creating in TOC, 36


object states. See multi-state objects

converting, 44

creating remote rollovers with, 137138

creating slideshows with, 135137

deleting and removing, 44

displaying via buttons, 44

duplicating, 44

pasting objects in, 44

Object-based rule, using, 102104


animating, 74

converting to buttons, 52

linking with Content tools, 109

placing in single state, 42

playing together, 8384

removing button properties from, 51

orientation of pages, changing, 117

overlays, using with tablet apps, 130

Oxygen XML Author ePub editor, 207208


page numbers, controlling in TOC, 3536

page sizes

aspect ratio, 9394

customizing, 9495

resolution, 9193

screen dimensions, 91

setting, 9195

setting and saving, 9495

smartphones, 9193

tablets, 9193

Page tool, using with Liquid Layouts, 98

page transitions

availability, 21

explained, 21

limitations, 21

Page Transitions panel, using, 247248

pages, thinking about, 12

Pages panel views

By Alternate Layout, 95

Horizontally, 95

Vertically, 95

Pan & Zoom overlays, using with tablet apps, 151152

panoramas, creating for tablet apps, 146149

PDF bookmarks, creating for TOC, 38

PDF documents

accessibility settings, 52

controlling movies in, 50

third-party readers, 224225

viewing on Adobe readers, 224

PDF export. See also exporting

Acrobat layers, 228229

creating pages, 228

creating spreads, 228

embedding page thumbnails, 228

forms, 231

Full Screen mode warning, 231

Interactive option, 226227

Layout controls, 230

media, 231

Presentation controls, 230

Print option, 226227

targeting pages, 227228

View controls, 229

viewing after, 228

PDF files

accessibility controls, 231235

allowed features, 238239

Articles panel for accessibility, 233234

Changes Allowed settings, 238

compression, 235236

descriptions for accessibility, 232233

exporting animations to, 250251

image handling, 235236

interactivity on iPad, 225

JPEG quality, 236

listening to, 231

locking, 236237

Permissions password, 237239

Printing Allowed controls, 238

Read Out Loud feature, 231

reading order for accessibility, 233

resolution, 236

Section 508 Accessibility, 232

security, 236239

tab order for accessibility, 235

tagged PDF export for accessibility, 235

PDF format, 9

PDF forms. See also forms; Sample Buttons and Forms

applying actions to events, 6566

bullets, 67

Check Box, 64

check boxes appearance states, 6667

check marks, 67

Click Off state, 66

Click On state, 66

Combo Box, 64

creating, 6368

formatting, 66

List Box, 64

Multiline option, 65

Multiple Items option, 65

Normal Off state, 66

Normal On state, 66

Password option, 65

Printable option, 64

radio buttons, 64

radio buttons appearance states, 6667

Read Only option, 65

Required option, 64

Rollover Off state, 66

Rollover On state, 66

Scrollable option, 65

Selected by Default option, 65

Signature Field, 64

Sort Items option, 65

text field, 64

types of, 64

PDF interactivity, previewing, 84

PDF open source standard, 224

PDF workflow, 223225

People magazine, 6

Place command, using with button states, 58

planning ahead, 11

Play Separately icon, using with animations, 84

Play Together icon, using with animations, 84

playing animations. See also animations

creating button for, 7677

and replaying, 75

setting events for, 7576

Poster menu

setting for movies, 49

using with sounds, 4748

presets, importing from Flash, 8182


animations, 8487

articles, 167170

documents, 85

folios, 167170

movies, 50

PDF interactivity, 84

spreads, 85

transitions on page, 249

print designers

considering pages, 12

responsibilities of, 11

thinking non-linearly, 1112

publishing apps to stores, 175


radio buttons

accessing, 69

actions applied to, 66

form, 64

using, 69


educating, 1314

engaging, 13

Re-center rule, using, 100101

remote rollovers, creating with object states, 137138

resolution, explained, 93

Rollover or Click appearance, 58


Sample Buttons and Forms. See also buttons; forms

accessing, 68

button actions, 69

button types, 69

check boxes, 69

combo boxes, 6970

days of month, 70

months of year, 70

radio buttons, 69

Scale rule, using, 100

screen size, aspect ratio for, 94

scrollable frames, using with tablet apps, 152157. See also frames

Section 508 Accessibility, 52, 232

Sigil ePub editor, 207

Signature Field form, described, 64

slideshows, creating for tablet apps, 135137

“sliding drawer” effect, using with tablet apps, 155157

smartphone page sizes, finding, 9193

sound files. See audio files

Split Window feature, using with layouts, 114

Sports Illustrated magazine, 19

stories in ePubs, defined, 183

Story Editor, accessing, 30

style groups, using, 111112

Style menu for TOC, 36

styles, mapping, 112113

SWF files

exporting documents as, 239

Page Curl, 249250

Page Turn, 249250

previewing transitions on page, 249

SWF format

described, 9

support for, 45

SWF options

background color, 242

controlling pages, 240

Fit To menu, 242

flattening pages, 245246

fonts, 244245

frames per second, 243244

generating HTML files, 240

image handling, 246

interactivity, 242

previewing without exporting, 246

rasterizing pages, 245246

setting, 239246

Size area, 241242

text, 244245

viewing after exporting, 241

SWF Preview panel, 45

Clear Preview button, 8586

controls, 85

editing settings, 86

using, 8485

using from other panels, 8687

SWFPresenter, using, 250251


table of contents (TOC). See TOC (table of contents)

tablet applications. See also apps; DPS apps

audio overlays, 141144

buttons vs. hyperlinks, 132133

controller files for audio, 142144

creating panoramas, 146149

design considerations, 125128

Digital Publishing intent, 129

document setup, 129130

DPS (Digital Publishing Suite) apps, 121125

Folio Overlays panel, 130132

Folio Producer, 172175

fonts, 127

horizontal orientation, 126

hyperlink for jumping to articles, 134

image sequencing, 138141

images, 127

interactivity visual cues, 127128

jumping to articles, 134

native interactive features, 131

navto:// syntax, 134

overlays, 130

page orientation, 126

“pages” concept, 125

Pan & Zoom overlays, 151152

panel settings, 134

pre-set page sizes, 130

proofing, 128

publishing to stores, 175

remote rollovers with object states, 137138

resources, 128

scrollable frames, 152157

scrolling vs. individual pages, 126127

slideshows with object states, 135137

“sliding drawer” effect, 155157

source images, 139

vertical orientation, 126

video overlays, 144146

Web Content overlays, 149151

workflow considerations, 128

tablet page sizes, finding, 9193

tablets, dual orientation, 5

text. See also linked text

applying to button states, 57

modifying within frames, 114118

Text Anchor hyperlink destination, 28

text controls, Auto-Size options, 116117

text field form, described, 64

text frames, Flexible Width option, 118

text styles

copying, 111

mapping, 112

TextWrangler ePub editor, 207

Time magazine, 19

Timing panel, opening for animations, 82

TOC (table of contents)

applying character styles to numbers, 36

availability, 20

choosing listings, 35

choosing text for numbering, 35

controlling page numbers, 3536

creating, 3339

creating style for, 3839

explained, 20

flowing text, 38

getting bookmarks from, 4041

including book documents, 38

including non-printing text, 38

limitations, 20

More Options button, 35

numbered paragraphs, 38

paragraph styles, 35

paragraphs, 34

PDF bookmarks, 38

replacing, 38

setting to run as paragraph, 38

styling listings, 35

Title listing, 34

TOC entries, sorting, 37

TOC levels, setting, 3637

TOC options, setting, 3738

transitions, previewing on page, 249


URL, choosing as Link To option, 23


video files

availability, 20

explained, 20

limitations, 20

video formats, 4546

video overlays, using with tablet apps, 144146


adding to documents, 48

setting controller for, 4950

streaming to documents, 50

using Media panel with, 48


Web Content overlays, using with tablet apps, 149151

Wired magazine, 6


InDesign as “hub”, 9

InDesign features, 1011


Xoom aspect ratio, 94

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