As Azimuth sample spacing along the azimuth or y axis, meters
α Frequency change rate for LFM signal, hertz per second (Hz/s)
β Frequency change rate for LFM signal along azimuth direction, Hz/s
B, Bt Frequency bandwidth, Hz
BD, BDop Doppler frequency bandwidth, Hz
BDs Doppler frequency bandwidth in terms of slow time s, Hz
BDu Doppler frequency bandwidth in terms of radar position μ, Hz
Bku Spatial frequency bandwidth in the ku domain, Hz
c Speed of light, 3 × 108 meters per second (m/s)
f Frequency, Hz
fb Baseband frequency, Hz
f0 Reference frequency, Hz
fc Carrier frequency, Hz
fs Sampling frequency, Hz
fm Maximum frequency, Hz
fPRF Pulse repetition frequency, Hz
fD Doppler frequency, Hz
fDr Doppler frequency in terms of slant range r, Hz
fDs Doppler frequency in terms of slow time s, Hz
fDu Doppler frequency in terms of radar position u, Hz
fDc Centroid of Doppler frequency, Hz
fDcr fDc with respect to slant range r, Hz
fDcs fDc with respect to slow time s, Hz
fDcu fDc with respect to radar position u, Hz
imagesDcs Derivative of fDcs, or slope of fDcs, Hz/s
imagesDc Derivative of fDc, or slope of fDc, Hz/s
imagesD Derivative of fD, or slope of fD, Hz/s
fDU Upper bound of Doppler frequency bandwidth, Hz
fDL Lower bound of Doppler frequency bandwidth, Hz
fDUr fDU with respect to slant range r, Hz
fDLr fDL with respect to slant range r, Hz
fDUs fDU with respect to slow time s, Hz
fDLs fDL with respect to slow time s, Hz
f0(x) Ideal target function along range or x axis
f0(y) Ideal target function along azimuth or y axis
f(x) Target function along range or x axis
f(y) Target function along azimuth or y axis
F0(k) Fourier transform of f0(x)
F0(ky), F0(ku) Spatial Fourier transform of f0(y)
F(k) Fourrier transform of f(x)
F (ky), F (ku) Spatial Fourier transform of f (y)
hr (t) Range matched filter
haz(s) Azimuth matched filter
haz(t, s) 2D azimuth matched filter
Haz(ω, ωD) 2D spatiotemporal Fourier transform of haz(t,s)
Im(ku) Gating function in wavenumber ku domain due to mth target
im(u) Inverse spatial Fourier transform of Im(ku)
kx Spatial wavenumber, corresponding to spatial Fourier transform of x, 1/meter (m−1; reciprocal meter)
ku Spatial wavenumber, corresponding to spatial Fourier transform of u, m−1
kum Spatial wavenumber, corresponding to mth target
ku Spatial wavenumber changing rate
ky Same as ku, m−1
k Wavenumber, corresponding to f, m−1
kb Wavenumber in baseband corresponding to fb, m−1
k0 Wavenumber, corresponding to f0, m−1
kc Wavenumber, corresponding to fc, m−1
λ Wavelength of electromagnetic wave, m
L Antenna length, m
Ls Synthetic aperture length, m
Lsa Ls for target located at range R0a, m
Lsa2 Half size of Lsa, m
Lsx Ls for target located at range R0x for x = b, c, d ..., m
Lsx2 Half size of Lsx, m
Lsai Lsa for ith target
Lsxi Lsx for ith target
Ltotal Sum of Lsx from all targets, m
M Number of rows in a 2D data array
Mamb Doppler ambiguity
N Number of columns in a 2D data array
Naz Number of azimuth lines within the synthetic aperture length Ls
Nazi Number of azimuth lines within Ls for target located at range R0i
Nr Number of samples within the transmitter pulse duration
Nrx Number of sample difference between range Rx, for x = b, c ..., and range reference Ra
p(t) Transmitted radar signal
P(ω) Fourier transform of p(t)
pb(t) Baseband transmitted radar signal
psf(t) Pont spread function in time domain
psf(ω) Fourier transform of psf(t)
R0 Shortest distance between target and radar, m
R0a R0 with target located at range x = a, m
R0i R0 with target located at range x = b, c ..., m
Ruin Slant range between target n and radar located at ui, m
Rc Distance between target and radar when target is under illunination of radar center beam, m
R1 Distance between target and radar when radar starts to illuminate the target, m
R3 Distance between target and radar when radar stops to illuminate the target, m
Rs Slant range sample spacing, m
RS shortest distance from radar to ground along the range (x-axis) direction, m
RL Longest distance from radar to ground along the range (x-axis) direction, m
R(s) Slant range in terms of slow time s, m
R(u) Slant range in terms of radar position u, m
Δ R Slant range difference with respect to R0 (broadside SAR case) or R3 (squint SAR case), m
Δ Rr Slant range resolution, m
Δ Rgr Ground range resolution, m
Δ Ra Angular resolution, m
s Slow time variable along radar moving direction, seconds (s)
sc Slow time when target is illuminated by center beam of radar, s
s(t) Target reflected signal
sb(t) Baseband signal of s(t)
S(ω) Fourier transform of s(t)
Sb(ω) Fourier transform of sb(t)
S(t,u) Target reflected signal when radar is at location y = u
S(ω, ωD) 2D Spatiotemporal Fourier transform of s(t,u)
sm(t,u) mth target reflected signal when radar is at location y = u
Sm(ω, ωD) 2D spatiotemporal transform of sm(t,u)
sbm(t,u) Baseband version of sm(t,u)
Sbm(ω, ωD) Baseband version of Sm(ω, ωD)
sr0(u) Range reference fouction for radar located at (0, u)
Sr0(ku) Spatial Fourier transform of sr0(u)
τ Pulse duration time or echo delay time, s
τui Echo delay time when radar is located at ui, s
τuin Echo delay time due to target n and when radar is located at ui, s
T, T0 Period of periodic signal, s
Ta Time duration when target is under illumination of radar beam, s
Tp Pulse duration time, s
u Radar position variable along the azimuth or y axis, m
ui Radar position at u = ui, m
u2 Radar location when target is under illumination of radar center beam, m
u1 Radar location when radar begins to illuminate target, m
u3 Radar location when radar ceases to illuminate target, m
images Radar velocity, a vector along azimuth direction m/s
Vr Radar's radial velocity, a scalar along the target direction, m/s
W Antenna width, m
Xc Centerpoint of target area along x axis, m
X0 Half size of target area along range (x-axis) direction, m
Y0 Half size of target area along azimuth (y-axis) direction, m
Yc Centerpoint of target area along y axis, m
yi Target location along y axis, m
<rn> 2D signal array corresponding to target n
ω Angular frequency, Hz
ωb Angular baseband frequency, Hz
ω0 Angular reference frequency, Hz
ωc Angular carrier frequency, Hz
σi Reflection coefficient from ith target
θ Angle, radians, or degrees
θH Horizontal beamwidth = λ/L, radians or degrees
θV Vertical beamwidth = λ/W, radians or degrees
θ3dB Antenna 3-dB beamwidth, radians or degrees
θm(u) Aspect angle with respect to mth target when radar is at location y = u, radians or degrees
θu Equal to θm(u) for single target
θq Radar squint angle, radians or degrees
Δ(t) Delta or impulse function
sinc(t) Sampling or interpolation filter function
Rect(t) Time-domain rectangular pulse with duration |t| ≤ ½
|χ (τ, fD)| Radar ambiguity function
images Fourier transform operator
images−1 Inverse Fourier transform operator
J(u) Jacobian of transformation
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