Airborne-based, 187, 227, 232, 233

Aliasing, 25, 31, 40, 223


Doppler, see Doppler ambiguity

function, 93, 110

range, 94, 95, 110, 115

resolution, 111,

surface, 111113

number, 224, 321, 325

Amplitude modulation, 93, 96, 116121


aspect, 200, 202, 209, 217

solid, 82, 83

squint, 159, 174185, 193, 198, 213230, 240244, 254, 267, 271, 283, 305, 309, 314, 325

Antenna geometries

single element radiators, 89

microstrip antennas, 91

antenna array, 78, 91, 92, 168, 169, 183

linear array, 63, 7481, 92

Antenna parameters

radiation beamwidth, 81

solid angle, 82

power density, 83

radiation intensity, 83

directivity, 84

gain, 84, 85

impedance, 84

efficiency, 85

effective area, 85

Array factor, 7678, 81

Autocorrelation, 111, 135


compression, 226, 227, 246274, 281, 293, 301303, 311331

matched filter, 255267, 274283, 290, 311, 312, 318, 324330

reference function, 247257, 268, 269, 290, 294, 301, 312318, 328

signal, 256, 259

Backscatter, 103, 188, 189,

Bandwidth, 25, 44, 45, 112144, 167198, 206234, 259290, 301, 321, 325

Baseband signal, 24, 116, 150, 152, 160, 202, 216267, 309, 321, 322

Bistatic radar, 97

Blackman window, 49, 50

Broadside SAR, 155174, 183, 184, 192199, 223235, 244, 251255, 261, 267, 269, 276, 285, 289, 294296, 301314

Beamwidth, 7984, 92, 158, 161, 166200, 209234, 254, 278, 322, 326

Bulk azimuth compression, 324

Chirp rate, 124136, 160, 173, 228, 322

Chirp signal, 129, 136, 142144

Circular convolution, 3942, 249, 322, 324


azimuth, see Azimuth compression

range, see range compression

pulse, see pulse compression

Continuous wave (CW), 110, 116, 117

LFM, 116, 124, 129, 142, 145

SFM, 131, 132

Convolution, 3, 5, 13, 23, 30, 34, 4044, 66, 126, 127, 136146, 196, 202, 203, 216, 249, 252, 318, 324, 331

Circular, see circular convolution

Linear, see linear convolution

Correlation, 55, 170, 172, 179, 285

auto, see autocorrelation

cross, 111

Cross range, 164, 174, 193216, 249, 252, 318, 324, 331

Cross-range imaging, 213, 214

Dechirp, 142147

Decimation, 2528, 51, 53

in-time, 5053

in-frequency, 5154

Differential azimuth compression, 293, 303, 314318, 324326, 331

Dipole, 6381, 89, 92

infinitesimal dipole, 6377

finite length, 77

half-wavelength, 63, 73, 74, 8992

Delta function, 1, 65

Discrete cosine transform, 35, 53, 54

DCT, 5357

Discrete Fourier transform, 35, 38, 43, 50, 58, 60

DFT, 5162, 127, 136146, 257278, 312, 317, 326

Doppler ambiguity, 224, 227, 321

Doppler centroid, 182, 223227

Doppler frequency, 103123, 148194, 210, 222, 227, 248289, 299332

bandwidth, 174, 181185, 192, 222234, 259, 264, 271, 321

centroid, 168, 172, 177, 185, 224, 225, 254, 268, 321, 325

lower bound, 171, 177181, 192

changing rate, 254, 261

spectrum, 171, 180, 223, 224, 257281, 298, 299, 311317

upper bound, 171, 177181, 192

Duplexer, 97, 129

Echo, 9397, 110, 111, 121123, 135, 142165, 194215, 228, 232246, 295, 298, 309

Electromagnetic (EM) wave, 63, 89, 93, 94, 101, 103

ERS-1/2, 173, 191, 193

Far-field, 7075, 78, 100

Fourier series, 619, 24, 36

Fourier transform, 1120, 126, 134, 196, 197, 203207, 286, 293, 298

Frequency modulation, 116, 123, 130

Linear, see Linear frequency modulation

Stepped, see Stepped frequency modulation

Frequency spectrum, 194, 226

Doppler, 171, 180, 223225, 257281, 298, 299, 311317

Fourier, 15, 19, 20, 4448, 57, 60, 112, 118, 126, 127, 137142, 197

Spatial, 208211

Frequency step, 131, 152

Geometric distortion

foreshortening, 189

layover, 188

shadow, 188, 189

slant to ground range, 189

speckle, 189

Geometry, 66, 91

cross-range imaging radar, 199

backward looking radar, 175

broadside SAR, 158, 164, 170

forward looking radar, 159, 174

imaging radar, 157, 159

squint SAR, 158, 184, 213

stripmap SAR, 155, 157

range-imaging radar, 195

Ground range, 160, 189, 191, 195, 229

Hamming window, 49, 50

Hanning window, 4349, 248

Ideal target function, 195203, 211220, 286

Impulse response, 4, 25, 42, 43, 65, 66

Incident angle, 158, 189

In-phase Quadrature-phase, 116, 129, 133, 222, 226, 248, 321

Interpolation, 2, 2133, 47, 48, 60, 62, 251253, 273, 281

filter, 2123, 289, 326331

Stolt, see Stolt interpolation

Interferometric SAR (InSAR), 156

Intermediate-frequency (IF) signal, 122

Inverse Discrete cosine transform, 55

IDCT, 55

Inverse discrete Fourier transform, 38, 257281, 298, 309, 322, 325

IDFT, 60, 61, 138, 260, 327

ISAR, 157

Jacobian, 2833, 289

Layover, 188

Linear convolution, 3942

Linear frequency modulation, 93, 96, 116, 124, 129, 168, 191

Linear system, 3, 4, 65

Lorenz condition, 64, 66

Main lobe, 22, 7682, 135, 151

Matched filter, 134

azimuth, 211219, 254267, 274283, 290, 311330

range, 111, 134144, 197, 198, 213, 226, 248275, 290, 301, 322, 329331

2D, 324, 330, 331

Maxwell equation, 6365

Monostatic radar, 97, 98

Multilook processing, 189

Nadir, 157, 158, 229

Nyquist, 19, 24, 36, 48, 145, 221, 222

Overlap-and-add, 42, 43

Overlap-and-save, 4244

Point spread function, 197, 198, 212, 213

Polarization, 89, 101, 102, 188

Principle of stationary phase, 203, 206, 207

Pulse compression, 115, 134, 136142, 146, 318

Pulse repetition frequency (PRF), 158, 222, 223, 233, 250, 269, 278, 299, 321

Pulse repetition interval (PRI), 93, 94, 131, 301, 326

Quadrature mixer, 132

Radiation, 64, 67, 69, 91

from an infinitesimal current dipole, 67, 69

far-field Region, 70

from a half-wavelength dipole, 73

from a linear array, 74

Radiation beamwidth, 81

Radiation efficiency, 81, 85

Radiation field, 69, 72

Radiation intensity, 8284

Radiation pattern, 67, 73, 74, 7891, 168, 169

Range compression, 163, 226, 227, 246261, 269, 276, 322330

Range-Doppler, 226, 227, 246264, 271285, 293, 298300, 309332

Range imaging, 173, 195, 197, 211, 212

Resolution, 4345, 118, 123, 155, 156, 173, 189191, 273, 289

ambiguity, 111

angular, 189191

azimuth, 192, 193

cell, 189, 190

Doppler, 111

frequency, 45, 118, 123

image, 155, 189193

radar, 93, 110

range, 45, 117119, 151, 152, 186, 190193, 198

spatial, 192


downsampling, 25, 26, 27

frequency, 2030, 36, 4448, 58, 60, 123, 145, 147, 160, 221233, 251, 289, 293, 314, 322

resampling, 2131, 6062

theory, 1924, 30

upsampling, 25, 27

Scattering coefficient, 98, 102

Sidelobe, 21, 22, 47, 48, 76, 80, 82, 248, 260, 289, 303


broadside SAR, 255, 261, 294

squint SAR, 267, 275, 305


filter, 21, 22, 252, 273, 326, 327

function, 2, 112, 113, 118, 127, 212

Slant range, 156165, 170183, 187193, 201, 210, 229234, 240, 241, 249251, 271, 279, 295, 296, 305, 308, 312, 325, 326

Slow time, 165183, 203, 213, 249, 254, 268, 301

Spatial frequency, 202222, 285287, 293

Spatial Fourier transform, 203, 207, 216219, 271287

Speckle, 189

Specular reflection, 101

Spotlight SAR, 156

Squint SAR, 155161, 174, 184199, 223233, 240244, 251255, 267285, 294, 301314, 326

Stepped frequency modulation, 96, 116, 130, 132

Stolt interpolation, 227, 285294, 303, 312315, 324332

Stripmap SAR, 155157

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) signal

broadside, see broadside SAR

squint, see squint SAR

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) system broadside, 161, 162, 229231, 244, 251255, 267, 276, 285, 296

squint, see squint SAR

Swath, 156159, 195, 289, 325

Time-bandwidth product, 134139, 206

Wave equation, 65

Wavelength, 67, 72, 81, 89, 91, 100109, 158, 173, 183, 191, 193, 233, 314

Wave number, 108, 194, 207210, 222, 285293, 324

Window, 22, 35, 48, 131, 247, 248

Blackman, see Blackman window

Hamming, see Hamming window

Hanning, see Hanning window

Zero padding, 4348, 123, 136, 249, 258, 263, 265, 330

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