The two-dimensional target locations (or function) of radar image can be obtained by processing the target-reflected signals in both the cross-range (azimuth) and range directions. Range migration correction may be required for some applications. The principles and basic characteristics of radar image processing have been covered in a previous chapter in terms of Doppler frequency. This chapter describes radar image processing in the wavenumber domain. Section 7.1 describes the range radar imaging in the wavenumber domain; Section 7.2 discusses the cross-range radar imaging. Both the broadside SAR and the squint SAR are covered. Section 7.3 reviews data acquisition and the frequency spectrum of radar images.


7.1.1 System Model

Figure 7.1 shows a radar system configuration for range processing. The radar beam is assumed to be narrow enough in the azimuth direction that all targets are located at y = 0 and randomly distributed along the range (or x axis) direction.

Figure 7.1a is a 3D display of the radar system. The radar, moving at speed V along the y axis, is located at (0, 0, H) and emits a pulse at t = 0. The ground area covered by the radar pulse in the range direction will reflect the pulse wave after a short delay. The shortest distance to the ground is RN, and the longest distance is RF. The echo delay time due to the target at RN is t0 = (2RN/c) = (2x0/c sin θ). The echo delay time due to the target at RF is tN−1 = (2RF/c) = (2xN−1/c sin θ). The corresponding ground ranges of t0 and tN−1 are x0 = [(ct0 sin θ)/2] and xN−1 = [(ctN−1 sin θ)/2]. The swath Dx, which ranges from x0 to xN−1, is related to the radar beamwidth as Dx images θV (RN + RF)/2 = λ (RN + RF)/(2W).


FIGURE 7.1 Geometry of a range imaging radar.

Figure 7.1b shows the relationship between radar pulse and returned echoes. Here the horizontal axis indicates the echo return time. The radar pulse emits at t = 0 and the echo returns at time t0 through tN−1. Since parameters t and x are linearly related by t = 2x/c, they are used interchangeably in the following discussion.

Consider a set of N discrete point targets, each located at xn with a reflectivity σn, where n = 0, 1, 2,..., N − 1. The ideal target function, which identifies the location of each target along the x axis, is defined as follows:


Figure 7.2 is an example of the ideal target function f0(x). The targets are randomly located along the x axis between x0 and xN−1. The magnitude of each target denotes reflectivity σn, and eventually reflects as a bright or dark dot on the radar image.


FIGURE 7.2 An ideal target function.

Let p(t) be the radar signal illuminated on a one-dimensional target area in the range (x) direction as shown in Fig. 7.1. The returned echo signal s(t) becomes


The Fourier transform of Eq. (7.2), with tn = 2xn/c, can be expressed as


where P(ω) is the Fourier transform of p(t).

Since the delay time tn and range xn are linearly related and interchangeable, the Fourier transform of Eq. (7.1) can be expressed as


From Eqs. (7.3) and (7.4), one obtains


The corresponding equation in time t or range x domain becomes

s(t) = p(t) * f0(t)



where the asterisk denotes convolution.

7.1.2 Reconstruction of Range Target Function

Mathematically, given the received signal spectrum S(ω), the ideal target function f0(x) can be derived from Eq. (7.5) as




However, for Eq. (7.7) to work properly, the function P(ω) must satisfy two conditions: (1) the bandwidth must be infinite, and (2) no zeros can exist in P(ω). Since P(ω) is the frequency spectrum of a radar pulse, its envelope has the sinc-like function. Therefore P(ω) cannot meet conditions 1 and 2 (above) to make Eq. (7.7) work correctly.

One practical method of finding the target function f(x) for range imaging is to utilize the concept of a matched filter as discussed in Chapter 5. Let the matched filter function P*(ω) be chosen as the complex conjugate of the transmitted pulse function P(ω), with the time-domain representation of p*(ω) as p*(− t). The returned echo signal s(t) can be considered as the output of a system (or target) function f0(t) with input p(t). This output signal s(t) is then applied to the matched filter to obtain the target function f(t). The block diagram for solving the target function f(t) is shown in Fig. 7.3.


FIGURE 7.3 Matched filtering for range imaging.

The output of the matched filter can be expressed, in the frequency domain, as follows:


Let psf(t) be a point spread function; that is

psf(t) = F−1[|P(ω)|2]



where psf(ω) is the Fourier transform of psf(t); then


Alternatively, the target function can be expressed in terms of range x as


The point spread function psf (t) depends on the spectral shape of the transmitted radar signal p(t). As an example, let |P(ω)| = 1 for ω images [−ω0, ω0]; then psf(t) becomes


An example of a matched filter output, or reconstructed target function f(x), is shown in Fig. 7.4. As can be seen, each target appears at a different location xn with different magnitude, which corresponds to the reflection coefficient σn. When comparing Fig. 7.2 with Fig. 7.4, one can see that the nth target location changed from a point δ(xxn) in the ideal target function f0(x) to a segment occupied by psf(xxn) in the real target function f(x). The point spread function psf(t) becomes sharper, from Eq. (7.9), if the bandwidth of p(t) increases. A sharper psf(x) improves the range resolution, and therefore the quality of the radar image.

The discussion above shows that range image processing detects the returned echo signal on the basis of a given transmitted signal. It depends only on the target distance or range, and is independent of the squint angle of the radar. Therefore, the prior discussion applies to both broadside SAR and squint SAR systems.


FIGURE 7.4 A reconstructed target function f(x).


This section discusses two cases of cross-range radar imaging. The broadside SAR is addressed first, followed by squint SAR.

7.2.1 Broadside Radar Case System Model.

The geometry of a typical radar system for cross-range image processing is shown in Fig. 7.5. Similar to but somewhat different from range image processing, the radar pulse is assumed to be narrow enough along the range direction so that all targets are located at the same range x = Xc and randomly distributed along the y axis direction. It is assumed that all targets are located within the radar beamwidth.

Figure 7.5a shows a broadside SAR imaging system with M ground targets located along the cross-range (or y axis) direction. Each target has a reflection coefficient σm, where m = 0, 1, 2,..., M − 1. The imaging radar is located at (0, u, H) and moves at speed V along the y axis. The radar illuminates the target area with beamwidth θH. The triangular shaded area shows a 2D plane where both radar and ground targets are in the same plane. Certainly the assumption that all targets have a range distance Xc is not practical in the real world. However, as will be discussed in Chapter 8, the radar image can be processed in range and cross-range directions independently if the range migration problems can be ignored. Therefore, the assumption that all targets in the cross-range direction are located at the same range Xc will not lose any generality in our future discussions.

Figure 7.5b is a simplified model based on the triangular shaded area of Fig. 7.5a. The x′ axis is perpendicular to the flight path. The y direction is the cross-range direction, and the targets are all located within the beamwidth of the radar signal. All M targets are located at x′ = Xc′, where Xc′ = (H2 + Xc2)1/2, and y = ym for m = 0, 1,..., M − 1. We will use x and Xc instead of x′ and Xc′ in the following discussion. With the radar located at y = u, the M targets are represented by their reflection coefficients as σ0, σ1,..., σM−1.


FIGURE 7.5 (a) A typical cross-range radar imaging system; (b) a simplified system.

Let f0(y) be an ideal target function in the cross-range domain, which identifies a group of M targets located along the y axis. Then f0(y) can be defined as follows, similar to the ideal target function described in range domain:


Cross-range image processing is based on the phase history of returned signals from the targets, which are located along the y axis and illuminated under the radar beam. Consider a single target at distance R from the radar, which has a 3-dB beamwidth θH. The single-target phase history is computed during the time interval T1 = Ls/V, where Ls = H is the synthetic aperture length and V is the velocity of the moving radar. For a group of M targets spread over a range of length Dy, the time interval for computing phase history becomes Ta = (Ls + Dy) /V.

Figure 7.6 shows the relationship between the radar beam and the targets. The M targets are assumed to be distributed between –Dy/2 and Dy/2. The radar moves between –Lu and Lu along the y axis and continuously illuminate the targets, where Lu = (Ls + Dy)/2.

Also shown in Fig. 7.6 are the aspect angles of radar with respect to a particular target. The aspect angle is defined as the angle between the x axis and the line that connects the radar to the target. With radar located at u, the aspect angle with respect to the mth target is defined as


FIGURE 7.6 Relationship between radar beams and targets.


where xm = Xc in our discussion.

Consider a system with radar located at (0, u), where u is within the range −LuuLu, and the M targets are located at {(Xc, y)} for y = y0, y1,..., yM−1. Let p(t) be the transmitted signal and Rm(u) be the slant range between the radar and the mth target:


The radar echo signal from M targets can then be expressed as


For purposes of simplicity and to preserve generality, the radar signal p(t) is assumed to be a single-frequency signal. Thus, p(t) = exp(jωt), and Eq. (7.14) becomes


where k = ω/c = 2π/λ. After a baseband conversion, Eq. (7.15) becomes




To simplify the notation, s(u) and sm(u) will be used to represent sb(t, u) and sbm (t, u) in the following discussion.

The instantaneous spatial frequency of sm(u) for u in the synthetic aperture region, −LuuLu, is


where θm(u) is the aspect angle of radar for the mth target when radar is located at (0, u) and can be computed as follows, as defined in Eq. (7.13):


Let an ideal reflector be located at (Xc, 0) with reflection coefficient σr = 1. Also let sr0(u) be a reference signal, which is the echo signal from this ideal reflector when radar is located at (0, u):


From Eq. (7.12) with y = u, the ideal target function becomes


The convolution of sr0(u) with f0(u) turns out to be


where s(u) is the baseband signal shown in Eq. (7.16).


FIGURE 7.7 Relationship between received signal and reference signal.

Equation (7.21) states that the baseband echo signal s(u) can be considered as the output function of a system, where f0(u) and sr0(u) are the system function and input function, respectively. Note that since the radar location u is a variable along the y axis, the parameters y and u are therefore interchangeable. Figure 7.7 shows the relationship between sr0(u), f0(u), and s(u) for the cross-range target (image) processing, which is similar to that of the range target processing discussed in the previous section.

The purpose of cross-range target processing is to find the target location and its corresponding reflection coefficient. Equation (7.21) states that the target-reflected signals are formulated as the convolution of the ideal target function with the reference function.

The spatial frequency (or spatial Fourier) transform converts the signal from the spatial (y or u) domain to the spatial frequency (ky or ku) domain. In other words, given a signal g(y), the spatial frequency transform of g(y) is defined as


The spatial frequency transform of sm(u), expressed in Eq. (7.17), can then be expressed as


As discussed previously, the radar movement is limited from u = −Lu to u = Lu for a group of M targets. It is difficult to obtain a closed form of the integration shown in Eq. (7.23). Instead, the integration will be approximated by the “principle of stationary phase.” This method ignores the integration regions at the far ends and is concerned only with some limited narrow regions, which are explained in the next section. Principle of Stationary Phase.

Consider a general waveform


where a(t) is a slow time-varying amplitude function relative to the phase function images(t).

The Fourier transform of s(t) is


Since a(t) is a slow varying function relative to the phase function ωtimages(t), the contribution to the integral value from regions of fast fluctuation of ωtimages(t) will nearly cancel. The integral expressed above is therefore approximately equal to the integrand at the points where the phase function is nearly constant, or the instantaneous frequency of the phase function is zero. In other words, the time ranges around t = ts that satisfy


will contribute to the integration in Eq. (7.25). Therefore, one can expand the integrand of Eq. (7.25) as a Taylor series around ts:


Because a(t) is a slow varying function, only the zeroth-order term of a(t) will be retained. However, both the zeroth- and second-order terms of phase function ωtimages(t) will be used for integration. Assume that only one stationary point exists, Equation (7.25) then becomes




where ± sign depends on the sign of images″(ts). Substituting Eq. (7.29) into Eq. (7.28), one obtains


Consider the following two cases of exp (± js2);

  1. Let exp(js2) = exp(−u2); then


  2. Let exp(− js2) = exp(−u2); then




Equation (7.30) then becomes


Example 7.1 Fourier Transform of Pulsed LFM Signal Consider a pulsed LFM signal, which is represented in Eq. (5.9) as follows:


Comparing it with Eq. (7.24), one obtains


From Eq. (7.26), one can compute the time parameter ts as






Therefore, the Fourier transform of p(t) becomes


This equation can be approximated as follows, from Eq. (7.32):


If the constants of exp (jπ/4) and α−1/2 are ignored, the Fourier transform of p(t) becomes


This equation shown is an approximate form derived from the principle of stationary phase, which differs from that shown in Eq. (5.12). However, it is reasonably accurate as long as the time–bandwidth product of p(t) is greater than 100, which normally is true in practical radar applications. Spatial Fourier Transform of Cross-Range Target Response.

The computation of spatial Fourier transform of Eq. (7.23) will now be approximated by using the principle of stationary phase. For illustration purpose, we will use kum, instead of ku, to represent the spatial frequency corresponding to the mth target. Thus, to compute


based on Eqs. (7.25) and (7.32), one can change t to u, ω to kum. In addition, letting


one can then obtain the corresponding us in ku domain by using Eq. (7.26), that is






By solving Eq. (7.34) for us, which corresponds to ts in the time domain, one obtains


One can then compute the corresponding images(us) and (d2images/du2)|u=us as follows:


The symbol kum is the spatial wavenumber related to the spatial frequency along the cross-range direction, which is quite small. The parameter k = 2π/λ is the wavenumber related to the carrier frequency and is much larger than kum. Therefore, for kum images k, one obtains


The spatial frequency transform of sm(u), from Eq. (7.23), then becomes


The term


is a known and slowly-fluctuating amplitude function. It can be ignored in the cross-range imaging process. The spatial frequency spectrum of the echo signal due to the mth target located at (Xc, ym) can then be expressed as


The characteristics of the spatial frequency kum are examined next.

Figure 7.8 shows the configuration of radar beams to be used for computing the spatial frequency band limitation. Figure 7.8a displays radar moving along the u- or y-axis direction with two radar beams at different locations, and one ground target located at (Xc, ym). Radar beam 1, originating from (0, ymLs/2) and shown as the shaded area with beamwidth θH, has its upper edge as the first beam illuminating the target. Beam 2, originating from (0, ym + Ls/2), has its lower edge as the last beam illuminating the same target. Figure 7.8b displays the geometric relationship between the beam angle θH, Xc, and Ls. Notice that Ls is the synthetic aperture length with beamwidth θH.


FIGURE 7.8 Computation of spatial frequency band limitation.

From Eq. (7.18), the spatial frequency kum is expressed as


where θm(u) is the aspect angle of the mth target located at (Xc, ym). For a group of M targets occupying an area with length Dy, the radar movement is within the range [−Lu, Lu], where Lu = (Ls + Dy)/2. However, for any single target located at (Xc, ym), the radar movement is within [ymLs/2, ym + Ls/2]. The spatial frequency kum corresponding to a single target m is therefore band limited to


Refer to Fig. 7.8b, with R = [Xc2 + (Ls/2)2]1/2 and θH = λ/L and Ls = XcθH, then sin(θH/2) = Ls/(2R). Therefore


The bandwidth Bku and the center of the spatial frequency kuc can be computed as follows:



Equation (7.38c) states that the bandwidth of spatial frequency kum is constant and independent of the target location. In other words, all targets occupying an area of length Dy in the cross-range direction will have the same spatial frequency spectrum, but with different phases. Therefore ku, will be used instead of kum for future discussion.

For a small beamwidth of θH, sin(θH/2) images θH/2 or R images Xc. Equations (7.38a) and (7.38b) then become


The bandwidth Bku and the center of the spatial wavenumber kuc therefore become



One can compute the changing rate of the spatial frequency ku, from Eq. (7.34):


Normally Xc images (ymu); therefore


The slope of the spatial frequency is a constant, which implies that ku varies linearly with the two ends of the ku equal to 2π/L and −2π/L, respectively. From Eqs. (7.39a)(7.39d), it is clear that the spatial frequency band limitation, bandwidth, center of band, and rate of change are all identical for all targets with the same slant range (x = Xc in this case).

Since ku in the spatial frequency domain corresponds to ωD in the Doppler frequency domain, it is interesting to see that the parameters derived in the spatial frequency domain match those derived from the Doppler frequency discussed in Chapter 6. In other words, the spatial frequency ku, the bandwidth Bku and kuc (the centroid of ku) derived from Eqs. (7.37c), (7.39a), and (7.39b) match ωD, BD, and ωDc, respectively, derived in Eq. (6.8). This match comes from the conditions set by assigning R0 = Xc, r = Rm, and ku = ωD/V. Reconstruction of Cross-Range Target Function.

Once the spatial frequency spectrum of the mth target located at (Xc, ym) is known, the spatial frequency spectrum for all target responses [sm(u), m = 0, 1,..., M −1] can be obtained:


The spatial frequency spectrum of reference signal sr0(u), defined in Eq. (7.19), can be obtained by letting m = 0 and ym = 0 in Eq. (7.40):


The spatial frequency transform of an ideal target function, defined in Eq. (7.20), is


From Eqs. (7.40)(7.42), one obtains


Again, the ideal target function f0(u) can be derived as the inverse spatial frequency transform of S(ku)/Sr0(ku), where S(ku) and Sr0(ku) are the spatial frequency transforms of s(u) and sr0(u), respectively. However, because of the bandwidth limitation, it cannot be solved in this way as discussed in the range imaging case, and a practical reconstruction method is again via the matched filter, which is defined as the complex conjugate of the reference function Sr0(ku). Multiplication of the spatial frequency function S(ku) by the matched filter function S*r0(ku), yields the following product:


Since the spatial frequency transform of each target is band-limited, one can rewrite Eq. (7.37b) as




Equation (7.44) then becomes


Assuming a small beamwidth, the inverse spatial frequency transform of Im(ku) is


Since u and y are interchangeable, the inverse spatial frequency transform of F(ky) becomes


Let psfm(y) = im(y) be difined as the point spread function of the mth target, similar to the point spread function used in range imaging shown in Eq. (7.11), the reconstructed cross-range target function becomes


Comparing Eqs. (7.49) and (7.50) with Eqs. (7.10) and (7.11) in Section 7.1.2, one obtains the following observations:

  • In both cases, the target functions are a group of sinc functions in the range x and cross-range y directions, respectively.


    FIGURE 7.9 Matched filtering for cross-range imaging.

  • The function im(y) in the cross-range y direction can be considered as the point spread function psfm(y), while the point spread function psf(x) in the range x direction is computed as F−1{|P(ω)|2}.
  • In both cases, a reference function is needed for reconstruction purposes. A matched filter defined as the complex conjugate of the time-reversed transmitted signal is chosen as the reference function in range image processing. For the case of cross-range image processing, a matched filter is chosen as the complex conjugate of the reversed slow time of the echo signal from an ideal reflector located at (Xc, 0) (or at the center of the cross-range targets).

On the basis of the discussion above, the cross-range image processing under the broadside case can be represented in a system block diagram as shown in Fig. 7.9.

7.2.2 Squint Radar Case System Model.

Figure 7.10 displays the geometry of a squint-mode radar system for cross-range imaging. Similar to the broadside mode, all targets are located at x = Xc and spread along the y axis with all targets located within the radar beamwidth. Each target is represented by its reflection coefficient σm, m = 1, 2,..., M. The radar is located at (0, 0, H) and moves at speed V along the y axis. However, in contrast to the broadside-mode radar, the center beam of the squint mode radar aims at the target area with a squint angle θq, which is the angle between the range axis and the center beam of the radar.


FIGURE 7.10 A squint mode cross-range imaging system.

Figure 7.10a shows the configuration of a cross-range imaging system, while Fig. 7.10b shows a simplified 2D model of Fig. 7.10a; Fig. 7.10b can also be considered as the overhead view of Fig. 7.10a. The center of the target area along the y axis is at (Xc′, Yc) in Fig. 7.10b, with R2 as the distance from the radar to the center of the target area. The distance R2 equals (Xc2 + Yc2 + H2)1/2 in Fig. 7.10a and equals (Xc2 + Yc2)1/2 in Fig. 7.10b, where Xc′ = (Xc2 + H2)1/2. To simplify the discussion, Xc will be used instead of Xc′ in the following discussion. R1 and R3 are the shortest and the longest distances from the radar to the target, respectively. The squint angle can be computed as θq = tan−1(Yc/Xc).

Figure 7.11 displays the relationship between the target area and radar beam. All targets are located at x = Xc, and spread along the y axis with the center of the target area at y = Yc. The length of targets spreading around Yc is Dy. The radar moves along the y axis from y = −Lu to y = Lu, where it continuously illuminates the targets located inside the region of Dy. The length 2Lu = 2Ls + Dy, where Ls is the synthetic aperture length. Here the length Dy is assumed to be less than Ls.

Consider the case when the radar is located at y = u, −LuuLu. Let the targets be located at {(Xc, ym)}, where m = 0, 1,..., M −1, and



FIGURE 7.11 Relationship between targets and squint radar beam.

The received echo signal due to the target located at (Xc, ym) is


The received echo signal due to a group of M targets can then be expressed as




The pulsed LFM signal is normally used for radar image processing. Again, we will assume that the transmitted signal is a single frequency; that is, p(t) = exp(jωt). The baseband received signal becomes


which is identical to Eq. (7.16) for the broadside case.

By defining an ideal reflector with reflection coefficient σr = 1, located at (Xc, Yc), one can express the reference signal sr0(u) received by a radar located at y = u as


Notice that the value of ym images [Yc − (Dy/2), Yc + (Dy/2)], where Yc is nonzero in the squint radar case. Similar to the broadside radar case, the ideal target function f0(u) for squint radar is also defined with Yc = 0. Therefore, by defining ym = ymYc, one can see that all targets are located at ym images [−Dy/2, Dy/2] and the ideal target function becomes


The convolution of sro(u) with f0(u) turns out to be


By comparing Eqs. (7.51) and (7.54), one can see that the baseband signal sb(t, u) is identical to s(u), which is the output of a system with input signal sr0(u) and system function f0(u). Therefore, the same system block diagram used for broadside-mode radar, as shown in Fig. 7.7, can also be applied to squint-mode radar. Spatial Fourier Transform of Cross-Range Target Response.

From Eq. (7.23), the spatial Fourier transform of sm(u) can be expressed as


Based on Eqs. (7.33) and (7.34), and following the same steps as used in the broadside case, one obtains





ku = 2k sinθm(u),

where θm(u) is the aspect angle of the target at (Xc, ym). The spatial Fourier transform Sm(ku) can then be approximated as follows:


Given a group of targets that occupies a length Dy and centers on y = Yc, the radar movement must be within [−Lu, Lu] with Lu = Ls + Dy/2 for the targets to be under radar beam illumination. However, for a single target located at (Xc, ym), the radar movement is in the range [−Ls/2+ymYc, Ls/2+ymYc]. The spatial frequency kum for the mth target is therefore band-limited to


Figure 7.12 shows the configuration of radar beams used for computing the spatial frequency band limitation based on a single target located at (Xc, ym), where the radar moves upward along the y axis. Radar beam 1, shown as the shaded area, has its upper edge as the first beam illuminating the target. Beam 2, also shown as the shaded area, has its lower edge as the last beam illuminating the same target. The squint angle θq is the angle between the x axis and the line from the origin (0, 0) to the center of targets (Xc, Yc). The squint angle can be computed as θq = tan−1(Yc/Xc). The corresponding sin θm(ymYc+Ls/2) and sin θm(ymYcLs/2) can be computed as


FIGURE 7.12 Computation of spatial frequency band limitation for squint radar.


For a radar with small beamwidth and small squint angle, Xc images Ls and Xc images Yc; therefore


The spatial frequency kum is then band-limited as


which is independent of the location of the mth target. The bandwidth and the center of the spatial frequency kum or simply ku can then be computed as follows:


The change rate of ku is similar to Eq. (7.39d), and can be expressed as


Therefore, all targets at the same range distance (x = Xc in this case) will share the same band limitation, bandwidth, center of band, and rate of spatial frequency change as shown in Eqs. (7.56a)(7.56d). The spatial frequency bandwidth Bku and the slope of the spatial frequency ku are identical to those in the broadside case. However, the center of the spatial frequency kuc = 2q is different from that in the broadside case.

The spatial frequency spectra corresponding to all received signals {sm(u), m = 0, 1,..., M −1} can therefore be expressed as follows, from Eq. (7.55):

images Reconstruction of Cross-Range Target Function.

The reference signal received from an ideal reflector is shown in Eq. (7.52) as


The corresponding spatial Fourier transform can be obtained as


The ideal target function for a group of M targets can be expressed as follows, from Eq. (7.53):


The spatial frequency transform of the ideal target function is


From Eqs. (7.57)(7.59), one obtains

S(ku) = F0(ku)Sr0(ku),

which is identical to Eq. (7.43) derived in the broadside case.

The matched filter, defined as the complex conjugate of the reference function Sr0(ku), is again used to reconstruct the target function. The output of the matched filter is


By comparing Eq. (7.60a) with Eq. (7.44), one can see that the only difference is the phase function exp(jkuYc). The phase factor exp(jkuYc) of F(ku) implies that in the spatial domain the target function f(u) is shifted downward along the u or y axis by Yc. This is because of the ideal target function f(u) in the squint case was defined with Yc = 0, which in turn caused the phase factor exp(jkuYc) to appear in the spatial frequency function F(ku). Since the true squint target area is centered on y = Yc, therefore, the correct target function in the squint case is to remove the phase factor exp(jkuYc) from Eq. (7.60a). Thus, the true target function in the squint radar is obtained by taking the inverse spatial frequency transform of F′(ku), which is defined as follows:


The spatial frequency transform of each target is band-limited as shown in Eq. (7.56b); therefore one can rewrite Eq. (7.60b) as




The band limitation of Im(ku) is the same as that shown in Eq. (7.56b). Notice that Im(ku) is a bandpass signal with the center of the spatial frequency kuc = 2q and bandwidth Bku = 4π/L. Let Ibm(ku) be the baseband signal of Im(ku):


Then, Ibm(ku) = Im(ku − 2q), and the inverse spatial frequency transform of Ibm(ku) can be computed as follows:


Therefore, the inverse spatial frequency transform of Im(ku) becomes

im(u) = ibm(u)exp(j2qu).

The final reconstructed cross-range target function can be obtained as


which is similar to Eq. (7.49), except for an extra phase factor exp(j2qy).

From the preceding discussion, one can see that the techniques used for cross-range image processing are quite similar for both broadside radar and squint radar. However, there are two major differences: (1) the reference function is defined differently—the broadside radar deals with an ideal reflector located at (Xc, 0), and the squint radar deals with an ideal reflector located at (Xc, Yc); and (2) the nonzero squint angle θq causes an extra phase factor exp(j2qy) in the squint radar case. Overall, the system block diagram of Fig. 7.9 works for both broadside and squint radar cases.


The 2D radar imaging data is formed by digitizing the received radar signal at sampling frequency fs, which satisfies the Nyquist requirement. This signal in general is a pulse or linear FM signal with carrier frequency ranges from tens of megahertz to tens of gigahertz, and its bandwidth could be a few megahertz to hundreds of megahertz. The 2D radar imaging data are arranged in a matrix-like array of complex numbers. Each row of data corresponds to one reflected radar pulse, while each column of data contains information on the same target from successive reflected radar pulses at a constant time interval. Each column of data serves as the along-track direction imaging data, and is equivalently sampled by the pulse repetition frequency fPRF.


FIGURE 7.13 I–Q radar signal generation.

The received radar signal is a downconverted intermediate signal. It is first passed through an in-phase–quadrature–phase splitter to produce the in-phase and quadrature-phase (or I–Q) components. These two signals are then lowpass-filtered and digitized to render a complex number pair that serves as one row element of the 2D radar image data. Figure 7.13 displays the generation of I–Q signals from a received radar signal, where the reference signal is dependent on the transmitted signal.

The sampling frequency fs in the range direction must satisfy the Nyquist requirement; that is, fsB, where B is the bandwidth of the transmit signal. Assuming fs = B, the range sample spacing is therefore


Along the azimuth direction, the radar moves with speed V and transmits a pulse at the time interval PRI = 1/fPRF. The sampling frequency is therefore equal to fPRF. In the spatial frequency domain, the wavenumber ku or ky equals ωD/V in the Doppler frequency domain. Given the bandwidth of Bku = 4π/L, the corresponding Doppler frequency bandwidth BDop = 2V/L. The along track sampling frequency fPRF must satisfy the relationship fPRFBDop. Assuming fPRF = BDop, the azimuth sample spacing can then be computed as follows:


7.3.1 Digitized Doppler Frequency Power Spectrum Broadside SAR.

For broadside SAR, the Doppler centroid fDc = 0, and the bandwidth of Doppler frequency is


Since each point of the azimuth data corresponds to the received signal along the flight path at a fixed-range cell, the Doppler frequency power spectrum is discrete and equivalently sampled at the rate of fPRF. The observed Doppler frequency power spectrum is therefore centered on the origin with replicas appearing at multiples of the sampling frequency fPRF. To prevent the Doppler frequency spectrum from aliasing to each other, the pulse repetition frequency fPRF must be chosen to be greater than BD. As an example Fig. 7.14 displays the Doppler frequency spectra of the broadside SAR image, where the true or absolute Doppler spectrum is shown inside the dotted box. The maximum Doppler frequencies appear at two sides of the absolute Doppler spectrum but with opposite signs. Their values are − V/L and V/L, respectively.


FIGURE 7.14 Doppler frequency spectra of a broadside SAR. Squint SAR.

For a nonzero squint angle θq, the Doppler frequencies corresponding to the two ends of the 3-dB radar beamwidth, namely, fDU and fDL, can be computed as follows, from Eq. (6.16d) or (6.16e):


The Doppler frequency bandwidth is then

BD = fDUfDL.

The Doppler frequency centroid for a nonzero squint angle is as follows, from Eq. (6.16c):


The Doppler frequency centroid computed above is the true or absolute centroid frequency, with fDU and fDL located at two sides of fDc. Because of the built-in sampling frequency fPRF, the absolute Doppler frequency power spectrum is then repeated at the multiples of fPRF. Let fDc be the absolute Doppler centroid and fDC′ be the observed Doppler centroid. The relationship between the absolute Doppler centroid and the observed Doppler centroid is given by

fDc = fDc′ +MambfPRF,

where Mamb is the Doppler ambiguity and is the smallest integer defined by


As an example, Fig. 7.15 displays both the true (absolute) Doppler frequency spectrum and the digitized and observed spectra of a squint SAR with Mamb = 2. Figure 7.15a shows the true frequency spectrum, where the Doppler frequency centroid fDc is nonzero with fDU and fDL located at two sides. Figure 7.15b shows the digitized and observed Doppler frequency spectra. The observed Doppler frequency centroid is located away from the origin and labeled as fDC′. The true Doppler frequency centroid fDc differs from the observed Doppler frequency centroid fDci by 2 times the sampling frequency fPRF. The observed spectrum is no longer symmetric around the origin because the Doppler frequency centroid fDc is not a multiple integer of fPRF.


FIGURE 7.15 Doppler frequency spectra of a squint SAR.

Both the true and the observed Doppler frequencies serve as important parameters for radar image reconstruction, which is discussed later.

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