This chapter reviews basic theories of radar signal processing. Section 4.1 describes the principles of radar operation. Section 4.2 covers the basic configuration of a radar system. Section 4.3 and 4.4 discuss radar range equations, radar cross section, and clutter. Section 4.5 explains the Doppler frequency shifts from the wave propagation viewpoint. Radar resolution and ambiguity function are covered in Section 4.6.


By transmitting and receiving electromagnetic waves at regular time intervals, the radar is capable of identifying the distance from the target to the radar and/or the moving speed of the target. The detection and ranging functions can be accomplished either by timing the delay between transmission of a radio pulse and its subsequent return, or by calculating the difference in frequency between the transmitted signal and the echo signal. The pulse-based timing delay normally employs the amplitude modulation (AM) technique. Conversely, the frequency-difference-based ranging and detection method usually employs the linear frequency modulation scheme.

Consider the simple case of a radar system where a sequence of an AM pulse is transmitted. In this case, the information signal is a single pulse repeated at regular time intervals. The commonly used radar carrier-modulated pulse train is shown in Fig. 4.1.

In Fig. 4.1, the pulse repetition interval (PRI) is represented as T, which is the time interval between the start of one pulse and the start of the next pulse. The pulse repetition frequency f PRF is the inverse of PRI; that is, f PRF = 1/PRI. The pulse repetition interval T is equal to the sum of the pulsewidth time Tp and the receiver listening time. If the target delay time is τ, then its range can be computed by the following equation with c as the speed of light or EM wave:


FIGURE 4.1 Transmitter and receiver pulse trains.


The minimum and the maximum unambiguous detection range can be computed as follows:


Range ambiguity occurs when continuous pulse streams are sent and continuous echoes from the targets are received by the radar. Since all the pulses are identical, the radar cannot identify which echo originated from which pulse, and this gives rise to an ambiguity in the range measurement.

Figure 4.2 shows the problem of range ambiguity due to short pulse repetition period T, where a series of transmitted pulses and received echoes are displayed. In this case, target 2 exceeds the maximum unambiguous range. Echoes from target 1 show up after every transmitted pulse, but echoes from target 2 appear only after the second pulse was transmitted. For this type of pulsed radar waveform, the radar does not have sufficient data to decide which range corresponds to the correct target.

The most common method for resolving range ambiguity involves using multiple f PRF values. Since the amount of range ambiguity depends on the f PRF, it will change when the f PRF is changed, as stated in Eq. (4.1b). Switching f PRF gives the additional advantage of uncovering targets that are at the blind range for one or some of the f PRF values. Such targets would be invisible at one or some f PRF levels but clearly visible at the others.


FIGURE 4.2 Pulse repetition period and range ambiguity.

Range resolution is the ability of a radar system to distinguish between two or more targets at different ranges. Two pulses with duration Tp and separated by a time interval Δt are resolvable if ΔtTp. As shown in Fig. 4.3, the range resolution is then equal to one-half of the pulsewidth time, or


where the images factor comes from the round-trip traveling time of the radar pulse.


FIGURE 4.3 Range resolution.

The duty cycle of a radar pulse stream is defined as the ratio of the time ON to the time OFF of the transmitter. The equation for computing a duty cycle is



A typical radar system can be functionally divided into six essential blocks as shown in Fig. 4.4. These blocks and their interrelationships are depicted in Fig. 4.4.


FIGURE 4.4 Block diagram of a radar system.

4.2.1 Waveform Generator

The waveform generator produces and controls the waveform to be modulated and transmitted by the transmitter. Depending on the application, amplitude modulation, linear frequency modulation, and stepped frequency modulation are three examples of signal modulation techniques provided by waveform generators.

4.2.2 Transmitter

The transmitter generates powerful pulses and/or waveforms of electromagnetic energy at precise time intervals and sends them to the antenna block. Radar transmission normally utilizes either resonating microwave tubes or solid-state devices for high-powered transmission.

4.2.3 Antenna System

The antenna system routes the energy from the transmitter and radiates it in a directional beam. It also picks up the returning echo energy and passes it to the receiver with minimal loss of energy. The antenna system includes a transmitting function and a receiving function. The transmitting function has an antenna, as well as a transmission line or waveguide from the transmitter to the antenna. The receiving function consists of the transmission line or waveguide from the antenna to the receiver. When the transmitter and receiver operate on separate antennas for signal transmission and receiving, the system is called a bistatic radar system. When the same antenna is used for both transmitter and receiver, it is called a monostatic radar system. In this situation, a duplexer, which is essentially a microwave circuit or electronic switch, is required. The duplexer connects the antenna to the transmitter and disconnects the antenna from the receiver for the duration of the transmitted pulse. After the transmitting pulse has ended, the duplexer immediately disconnects the transmitter and connects the receiver to the antenna.

4.2.4 Receiver

The receiver receives the target reflected energy from the antenna block. It then performs amplification, filtering, and demodulation on the received signal. The preprocessed signal is then sent to a computer or signal processor for further processing.

4.2.5 Computer/Signal Processor

The computer/signal processor performs complex mathematical computations on the demodulated signal to extract target velocity and/or range information.

4.2.6 Timing and Control

The timing-and-control block provides timing information to synchronize various signals and to control the operation of other radar components.

After the echo signal is processed, the targets' range and/or speed information are/is sent out for display on cathode ray tube–liquid crystal display (CRT/LCD)-based devices.


The power density at range R from the transmitter is defined as the transmitted power divided by the surface area 4πR2 of an imaginary sphere of radius R. Let PT be the power transmitted by the antenna through an isotropic radiator (one that radiates uniformly in all directions); then the power density can be expressed as

Power density from an isotropic antenna images in watts per square meter (W / m2).

Let GT be the radar transmitter antenna gain; the power density SI received by the target from a transmitter with antenna gain GT then becomes


Let σ be the target's scattering coefficient or radar cross section (which is in units of m2 and will be discussed later); then the power density back at the input of the receiver antenna will be


In Chapter 3 we defined the effective area of receiving antenna Ae as the ratio of the received power at the antenna terminals to the power density of the incident wave. We also mentioned that Ae affects the received power. Therefore, let S be the power received by the receiving antenna; then


Let GR be the gain of receiving antenna, from Eq. (3.34), the gain GR is then related to its effective area by the expression


The total received power S scattered by a target is then


For a monostatic radar where the antenna performs both transmitting and receiving functions, then GT = GR = G. Therefore


There is always some energy loss due to circuit or equipment power dispassion. This energy loss will reduce the total amount of power received. They are lumped together and are denoted by L, where L < 1. The total received power then becomes


This equation can also be expressed in dB values as


Figure 4.5 illustrates the power density relationships between the transmitter, the target, and the receiver.


FIGURE 4.5 Key elements of radar range equation.

Equation (4.2b) or (4.2c) is called the Radar range equation, which can be used to compute the range of the target. The maximum detection range Rmax is the range at which the received power just equals the minimum detectable signal Smin. By equating Rmax for S = Smin, the maximum range can be computed as follows, from Eq. (4.2b):


Example 4.1 Calculation of Maximum Radar Range Given the following parameters of a range detection radar,

  • Antenna gain: 34 dB
  • Transmit peak power: 2 kW
  • Radar carrier frequency fc: 10 GHz
  • Overall system losses: 5 dB
  • Target RCS: 5 m2
  • Minimum detectable signal power: 1.6 × 10−13 W

The maximum detection range of the radar can be calculated as follows:

For a 10-GHz carrier frequency, the wavelength λ = c/f = 3 × 10–2 m. By applying the radar range equation (4.2c), with SdB = − 128, one obtains



Rmax images 15,848 m.


4.4.1 Target Cross Section

The “cross section” of a target relates the amount of transmitting power that strikes the target to the amount of power that is reflected back to the receiver. Let the power density of a plane wave incident on the target be Si W/m2, and the amount of power scattered isotropically be Sc; then the cross section σ is defined in terms of Si and Sc as follows:

Sc = σ Si.

Notice that the incident power density Si is referred back to the transmitting antenna. For a large value of range R, the power density received at the target can be roughly considered as the amount of power received at the target. The reflected power Sc is therefore a fraction of the incident power Si.

The power density Sr of the scattered wave at the receiving antenna is


Here Sr is referred back to the target.

The cross section can be rearranged in terms of the power densities Sr and Si as


To ensure that the receiving antenna is in the far field and that the waves are planar, the cross section is expressed as


In terms of the various fields that make up EM waves, this equation can be expanded as follows:


Here Er and Hr are the respective electric and magnetic fields at the radar receiver, while Ei and Hi are the respective electric and magnetic fields at the target.

4.4.2 Cross Section and the Equivalent Sphere

If a target scatters power uniformly over all angles, its cross section would be equal to the area from which power was extracted from the incident wave. Since the sphere has the ability to scatter isotropically, it is convenient to interpret its cross section in terms of the projected area of an equivalent sphere.

A sphere with radius a images λ will intercept power contained in πa2 of the incident wave. The cross section of a sphere is therefore equal to the area πa2 even though the actual area that returns power to the receiver is a very small area where the surface lies parallel to the incident wavefront. The cross section of a sphere is therefore one-quarter of the surface area, and it can be shown that the average cross section of any large object that consists of continuous curved surfaces will be one-quarter of its total surface area.

4.4.3 Cross Section of Real Targets

Target cross section is a complicated function of the viewing aspect, incident wave frequency, and polarization. It is often related to target physical size, and under certain circumstances, it may be significantly larger. The effective surface roughness of a target (as a function of λ) also plays an important role in determining its cross section. There are two popular reflection mechanisms: diffuse reflection and specular reflection. The diffuse reflector, such as a cornfield, scatters the EM waves in all directions and returns only a fraction of the energy back to the radar antenna. The specular reflector, such as a smooth paved surface, acts as a mirror and reflects the energy from the EM wave in one well-defined direction. The energy returned to the radar antenna could be either nonexistent or very strong, depending on whether the reflecting surface is at a right (90°) angle to the radar beam. These two reflection mechanisms determine individually, or in combination, the target reflection characteristics.

4.4.4 Radar Cross Section (RCS)

The radar cross section (RCS) of an object is a measure of its size as seen at a particular radar wavelength and polarization. RCS has units of m2 and is often expressed in decibels relative to a square meter (dBsm),

σ(dBsm) = 10 log10[σ(m2)].

The characteristics of RCS, or scattering coefficient, depend on the field polarity of the transmitter and the receiver. Since a radar receiver detects electric fields, the RCS is a function of polarity on Er and Et. Here Er and Et refer to the receiver and transmitter E field, respectively. The relationship between RCS and polarity of the transmitted and received electric fields can be expressed as


where the subscripts V and H refer to the respective vertical polarized and horizontal polarized E fields. The first subscript of σ HH refers to the scattering coefficient σ due to a transmitted horizontal polarized E field, or EtH. The second subscript of σ HH relates the scattering coefficient σ to the received horizontal polarized E field, or ErH. Similar relations apply to σ VH, σ HV, and σ VV. For most applications, the radar transmitter and receiver are arranged to possess the same polarity. The target RCS is therefore simplified as a single value that corresponds to either σ HH or σ VV depending on whether the transmitted polarization is horizontal (H) or vertical (V).

The following list displays the radar cross section of some well-known objects for comparison purpose:


4.4.5 Clutter

The EM waves reflected from the objects around the target are referred to as “clutter.” These returns may be from the surface surrounding the target (ground), or from the volume of space around it (rainfall) as shown in Fig. 4.6.


FIGURE 4.6 Surface clutter and volume clutter.

Clutter is thus defined as the undesired return from a physical object or a group of objects. Clutter may be divided into sources distributed over a surface (land or sea), within a volume (weather or chaff), or concentrated at discrete points (structures, birds, or vehicles). The magnitude of the signal reflected from the surface is a function of the material, roughness, and angle. Two main scattering types of clutter are diffuse and specular, as described before. Rain and dust are the two main contributors of volume backscatters.

In addition to detecting the target range, radar is also used extensively to detect the speed of a target. The detection of target speed is primarily based on the detection of Doppler frequency, which is discussed next.


For stationary and separate wave receivers and wave sources, such as sound or light, the frequency or wavelength generated by the wave source will be the same at the receiver site; that is, fr = fs or λr = λs, where the subscripts r and s refer to wave receiver and wave source, respectively. Only electromagnetic waves are considered in this book. Figure 4.7 shows a wave source S and a wave receiver R at some distance away. The concentric circles are the wavefronts emitted from the wave source S located at the center of the circles. The symbol ri, for i = 1, 2, 3, denotes the radius corresponding to the wavefront generated at time Ti = (i − 1) T with T = 1/fs as the wave period. The symbol Si is the origin of the circle ri. For a stationary wave source, Si = S for every Ti, and the distance between any two circles has the same wavelength λs = λr.


FIGURE 4.7 Wave propagation for stationary source and stationary receiver.


FIGURE 4.8 Wave propagation for moving source and stationary receiver.

4.5.1 Doppler Frequency

When the wave source moves, either toward or away from the receiver, the center of the concentric circles will move as well. As a consequence, a frequency difference occurs between the wave source and the wave receiver. This frequency difference or shift is called the Doppler frequency.

Figure 4.8a shows a situation where the wave source S is moving at the speed Vs toward the receiver R. For a wave period of T, the origin of the wave source S has moved to two locations, from S1 to S2 at time T2 = T, and to S3 at time T3 = 2T. The distances between S1, S2, and S3 are S2 − S1 = d and S3 –S2 = d.

Figure 4.8b shows the effects of the waveforms generated at different locations by the moving source. Consider the circle of r1, which has origin S1 at time t = 0. At time t = T, the source S moves to a new position S2 with a radius of r2 and having d = VsT away from S1. A dotted circle corresponding to the stationary case generated at time T with the same radius r2 is shown for comparison. The difference between radii r1 and r2 along the direction between S and R is the wavelength as seen by the receiver. In other words, the received wavelength λr is related to the source wavelength λs by


where c is the speed of the wave, in this case the speed of light.

Since λ = c/f, the received frequency can be computed from the source frequency by


The frequency difference between receiver and source, or Doppler frequency fD, is


The positive value of fD means that the received frequency is higher than the frequency emitted by the approaching source. If the receiver is stationary, then, after the source passes the receiver, the “speed of approach” Vs becomes negative, and the frequency recorded by the receiver becomes lower than the frequency emitted by the now-receding source. The Doppler frequency, caused by relative movement between source and receiver, is also called the Doppler frequency shift.

The same principle applies when the source is stationary but the receiver is approaching it at a speed Vr. For one receiver wave period T, which equals to 1/fr, the receiver will move a distance of d = VrT′. This means that the receiver will receive the source wave by less distance d than when the receiver is stationary. Figure 4.9 displays an example of a receiver moving toward the wave source at a speed Vr.


FIGURE 4.9 Wave propagation for stationary source and moving receiver.

The new received wavelength is related to the source wavelength by


Since the moving receiver now determines the period of the wave, the received frequency is related to the source frequency by


The frequency difference between the receiver and source or Doppler frequency is


Consider the case when both the wave source and the wave receiver are moving and Vs and Vr are the speeds with which they are approaching each other. Figure 4.10 displays a scenario in which the source moves toward the receiver at speed Vs for a time interval t = T = 1/fs, with a distance d1 = VsT. It also shows that the receiver moves toward the source at speed Vr for the same time interval T with a distance d2 = VrT.


FIGURE 4.10 Wave propagation for moving source and moving receiver.

The received wavelength λr is related to the source wavelength λs by


The received frequency is related to the source frequency by


where Vrs = Vr + Vs. For Vrs images c,


The frequency difference between receiver and source, or Doppler frequency, is


Notice that the value of Vrs, and therefore fD, is positive if the wave source and wave receiver are moving toward each other; otherwise, it is negative.

For most Doppler frequency detectors, both the transmitter and the receiver are stationary. Figure 4.11 illustrates one possible application where the transmitter (source) and the receiver are stationary, while the target is moving at speed V.


FIGURE 4.11 Doppler radar with separate source and receiver.

As shown in the figure, the radial velocity of the target relative to the transmitter (source) is − V cos θs, and the radial velocity of the target relative to the receiver is −V cos θr. The Doppler frequency arising under these circumstances can be calculated by assuming that

  • The target is moving away from the transmitter with a velocity −V cos θs.
  • The receiver is moving away from the target with a velocity −V cos θr.

These two assumptions are equivalent to the receiver moving away from the transmitter (source) with velocity − V cos θsV cos θr, even though both are stationary.

The Doppler frequency of the separated transducers described above can be computed as follows, from Eq. (4.7):


If the transmitter (source) and the receiver are collocated, then θr = θs = θ and the formula for the Doppler frequency becomes


Equation (4.9) is a very important formula for computing the Doppler frequency, which serves as the basis for detecting the speed of a target.

An alternative way to derive the Doppler frequency and the corresponding relative velocity between the radar and target is as follows. Assume that the distance between radar and target is R, and that the wavenumber over the transmitted and reflected paths is then 2Rs, where λs is source wavelength. Since one wavelength λs corresponds to an angular phase of 2π, the total phase images is 4πRs. The rate of change in images with respect to time t is the angular Doppler frequency ωD, which is then




Here fD is the Doppler frequency and Vr is the relative velocity of the target with respect to the radar. The value of Vr, and therefore fD, is positive if the radar and target are moving toward each other; otherwise, it is negative.

Example 4.2 Computation of Doppler Frequency Figure 4.12 shows a radar-carrying vehicle flying along the y axis at (velocity) V = 800 kilometers per hour (km/h), with a ground target located at (r0, 0). Let r0 = 20 km and the carrier frequency of radar be 3 GHz. The distance from the three radar positions A, B, and C to the target are r1, r0, and r3, respectively. Position B is at (0, 0), and the angles between the x axis and positions A and C are α and β, respectively. Letting α = β = 30°, the Doppler frequency at positions A, B, and C can be computed as follows. The wavelength of a radar signal is computed as



FIGURE 4.12 Example of Doppler frequency.

The radial velocity Vr at position A is


Given Vr and λ, from Eq. (4.10), the Doppler frequency can be obtained as


The radial velocity at position B equals zero; therefore the Doppler frequency fD = 0. The radial velocity at position C is





The primary function of a modern radar system is to detect targets of interest while estimating each target's position and velocity. Range and velocity determinations depend on the accuracy of measuring the time delay and the Doppler frequency, which in turn are related to the fundamental properties of radar waveform. The continuous-wave (CW) waveform and the pulse waveform are two of the most frequently used techniques in the radar applications. The advantage of CW radar is unambiguous Doppler measurement; that is, each target velocity produces a single unique Doppler frequency of the CW carrier. However, the target range measurements using CW radar are entirely ambiguous. This is because that all the returned waveforms are continuous; the radar cannot identify which echo came from which waveform, and thus an ambiguity in the range measurement occurs.

Most modern radars employ a pulse waveform technology, where a single antenna serves for both transmitting and receiving functions. A pulse-based radar waveform will provide both the range and the velocity information for a target. The waveform of a pulse-based radar can be single-carrier-frequency-based, frequency-modulated, or phase-modulated, as described in more detail in next chapter.

The target range of a pulse-based radar, with echo delay time τ, is computed as R = cτ/ 2.

Letting T be the pulse repetition period, the maximum unambiguous target range R occurs at τ = T, namely, Rmax = cT/ 2. The range ambiguity arises if the target is located at a range exceeding Rmax.

The Doppler frequency fD, which causes carrier frequency shift, is induced by a target having velocity V relative to the radar, specifically, fD = 2V/λ.

For moving targets, the differential phase change between successive pulses, denoted as Δimages, is given by Δimages = 2π (2ΔR/λ), where ΔR is the change in target range between successive radar pulses. When the phase change between radar pulses exceeds 2π, the Doppler measurement becomes ambiguous.

The most common method for resolving range and Doppler ambiguities involves using multiple fPRF values. This has the effect of changing the apparent target range estimated by each pulse or pulse burst, and allows for some ambiguity resolution in either Doppler frequency or range, depending on the particular application.

The ambiguity function (AF) is widely used in radar waveform analysis which shows the distortion of a matched filter output due to the Doppler shift of the echo signal from a moving target. It reveals the range–Doppler position of an ambiguous response and defines the range and Doppler resolution. The ambiguity function χ(τ, fD) is defined as the cross-correlation between a waveform s(t) and s*(tτ) exp (j2πfDt), which is a time-delayed and complex-conjugated, frequency-shifted replica of s (t):


Along the delay τ axis, χ(τ, fD) represents the autocorrelation function of s(t); along the fD axis, χ(τ, fD) is proportional to the spectrum of s2(t):



It is common to refer to the absolute value of χ(τ, fD) as the ambiguity surface of the waveform. A normalized expression of the ambiguity surface requires that


A short monotone pulse will now be used as an example to show the ambiguity surface |χ(τ, fD)|. Let the envelope of the rectangular pulse be




The rectangular pulse and its frequency spectrum are shown in Fig. 4.13. The frequency spectrum is a sinc function with its maximum occurring at the origin, while the first zero is located at 1/Tp and − 1/Tp away from the origin. It is clear that the narrower the rectangular pulse is, the wider the bandwidth of the spectrum becomes.


FIGURE 4.13 Rectangular pulse and its frequency spectrum.

The ambiguity surface |χ(τ, fD)| of the rectangular pulse can be expressed as


where x = fDTp(1 −|τ |/Tp).


FIGURE 4.14 Ambiguity function of a rectangular pulse in 3D view.

The ambiguity surface |χ(τ, fD)| is a function of both the time delay τ and the Doppler frequency fD. For |τ | < Tp and at a given value of τ, the sinc function has its maximum occurring at the origin and zeros located at x = ± n, where n = 1, 2, 3, ....

Figure 4.14 is a 3D display of |χ(τ, fD)|. The magnitude of the sinc function decreases along the delay-time τ axis and reaches zero when |τ | equals Tp. The bandwidth of the sinc function along the fD axis is stretched as the value of |τ | increases from zero to Tp.

Figure 4.15 displays the cross-sectional view of Fig. 4.14. The waveform in Fig. 4.15a shows the magnitude of |χ(τ = 0, fD)| against the Doppler frequency with τ = 0. The waveform in Fig. 4.15b shows the magnitude of |χ(τ = 0.5Tp, fD)| against the Doppler frequency with τ = 0.5Tp. The 3-dB bandwidth doubles at τ = 0.5Tp when compared with the one at τ = 0. The Doppler frequency is used to compute the speed of target, which has higher magnitude and narrow bandwidth at τ = 0 than do those at τ = 0.5Tp. This implies that the accuracy of the target's speed measurement is adversely affected when the delay time increases.

Figure 4.16 displays another cross-sectional view of Fig. 4.14. The waveform in Fig. 4.16a shows the magnitude of |χ(τ, fD = 0)| against the time delay with fD = 0. The waveform in Fig. 4.16b shows the magnitude of |χ(τ, fD = 2.5/Tp)| against the time delay with fD = 2.5/Tp. As can be seen, the magnitude of |χ(τ, fD)| equals zero at time delay τ = Tp and τ = –Tp in both cases. The function (τ, fD = 0)| corresponds to the output of pulse compression, which is used to measure the target's range. As shown in Fig. 4.16b, the outputs of pulse compression values are reduced at increased fD, and therefore cause errors or ambiguity in target range measurement.


FIGURE 4.15 Cross-sectional view of Fig. 4.14 with τ = 0 (a) and τ = 0.5Tp(b).


FIGURE 4.16 Cross-sectional view of Fig. 4.14 with fD = 0 (a) and fD = 2.5/Tp(b).


FIGURE 4.17 A 3-dB contour of ambiguity function of a rectangular pulse in 3D view.

The 3-dB energy contour of the magnitude of |χ(τ, fD)| is shown as a 3D view in Fig. 4.17. This is the region where the target's speed and range should both be measured.

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