

3Ms, 10

4B (Four B), 265


Aalto University, 267

abrasion, creative, 258

abstract patterns, identifying, 159

access, distribution channels and resources, 150

accommodating learners, 67, 7071

characteristics and strengths, 75

paucity of, 74

accountability, building during strategic planning, 26

acquire, drive to, 57

action research, 8, 25

activities as element of Business Model Canvas, 168

adaptive toolbox, 128, 140

adaptive tools, 137, 139

adoption, technology, 213

adult stores, improving overall experience, 201202

advertising as component of holistic experience, 200

advisors, 151

advocacy, word-of-mouth, 257

advocates, brand, 45

A-E-I-O-U exercise, 133

aesthetic value, 149

Agile Software Manifesto, 122

agile software revolution, 122123


turning expectations into, 91

unconditional, creating, 8788

Alexander, Gerianne, 206

alliances as element of Business Model Canvas, 168

alternative business models, 169, 171, 177, 260

Amundsen, Roald (South Pole explorer), 17

analysis phase of ethnographic research, 100, 108

analytic thinker, 96

Anderson, Ken, 101

anthropologists, corporate, 103, 111

anthropology, 132

Apple, Inc.

insularity, 230

iPod as iconic product, 243

name change reflective of mission revision, 20

applications, targeting, 246

Armbruster, Ryan, 191193

Armstrong, Tom, 242

Armstrong World Industries, Inc., 14

Arney, Mike, 4951, 249

arrows, double-sided, 23

artifacts as value indicators, 106


competency, 145

financial model, 161

innovation capability, 9, 162

as part of strategic organization process, 26

team, 145


classes of, 263

investable, 261

social, measuring and tracking, 174

assimilating learners, 67, 71

characteristics and strengths, 75


accuracy of, 151

articulating, 91

failure to examine, 116

translating into measurable goals, 26

asynchrony, contextual, 101

Atlantic, The, 227

attainability, 163

attention spans, 92

audience, flexibility in strategic plan implementation, 26

audit, definition, 133134

authority to pivot, 189

Autism Research Centre, Cambridge University, 206

Avastone Consulting, 175, 259, 264

awareness, brand, 243


Ba’tki, Anna, 206

Babeland, 202

Babson College, 2, 267

Back of the Napkin, 134

balanced learners, 71

Banerjee, Banny, 120

Bank of America, merger with Merrill Lynch, 236, 238

Barry, Michael, 56

Beckman, Sarah, 43, 50, 65, 123, 192, 269

Becton Dickinson, 53


changing, 98

future, predicting, 218

monitoring, 8

behavior-changing solutions, effecting, 219220

behavioral segmentation, 263

belated collaboration, 35, 37

Bell, Genevieve, 101

Ben & Jerry’s, 240

Benedetti, Elizabeth, 116

benefits, delivering, 205

Berns, Gregory, 60

bet-the-company pivots, 188

Beyond Hardware marketing strategy (MasterLock), 245, 247


confirmation, 101102

discovery-driven planning, 161

as risk, 151

biases, 98

cognitive, 189

Dunning-Kruger Effect, 62

BIF (Business Innovation Factory) Labs, 264

big why, 84

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 144

Blah, Blah, Blah, 134

Blakley, Johanna, 136

Blank, Steve, 2, 123, 126, 153, 170, 179, 258

blockbuster prescription drugs, 230

Blomberg, Jeannette, 103

Blue Ocean strategy framework, 170

bodystorming, 137, 257

bond, drive to, 57

Boscov’s department store, 116


cross-disciplinary, bridging, 97

disciplinary, 6, 12

Bowden, Emily, 243

brainstorming, 124, 130131, 257

charrette, 258

deep dives as type of, 211

expanding/contracting focus, 258

brand advocates, 45

brand audits, 133


delivering through facilities, 19

DNA, 241

equities, 237, 257

loyalty, 236, 240241, 257

perception, changing, 247

values, L.L.Bean, 249

brand strategy

interdisciplinary team benefits, 236, 238

L.L.Bean, 240, 242

process, siloed, 236

prototyping, 250251

branding, 191

customer experience, 184

innovation team benefits, 235, 239244, 247248

breadth of offerings, 150

breakup letters as tools, 207, 257

broad thinking, 197208, 258

Brown, Tim, 31, 128, 263, 266


developing, 25

instinct, 140

budget advisory committee, creating, 25


contribution to innovation, 163

world improvement through, 162

Business Case Simulators, 264

Business Design, 266

business design evolution, 169

Business Innovation Factory (BIF) Labs, 264

business model

College for America (CFA), 143

defining, 153, 167

Educause Next Generation Learning Challenge grant, 144

forming, 9798

as framework, 151

identifying and aligning, 98

pivoting, 179, 185

validating, 180

business model canvas, 69, 135, 155, 181

Business Model Canvas framework

blending with Blue Ocean, 170

components, 153

Customer Segments, 181

Doblin’s ten categories of innovation, mapping, 171

limitations, 171, 173

nine essential elements, 168

Triple Bottom-line approach, 173

Business Model Generation, 153, 168

business model innovation, 97, 224

business modeling, 143

business modeling tools, 169

business models

alternative, 169, 171, 177

components, mapping, 153

crafting, 1

deciding where to innovate, 227231

disruptive, 13, 193

green, 177

hybrid, 229

implementing innovation, 228, 230, 232

importance of market feedback, 143

library, creating, 139

patterns, 169, 260

shaping opportunity as, 12

SNHU (Southern New Hampshire University), 143

strategies, Apple, Inc., 230

sustainable, 173, 176

transitioning from exploration to implementation, 193

types of value, 149

validating, 170171

business plan, 151

Business Week, Industrial Design Excellence Awards, 247


effect of consistent evolution on, 54

transformation-based, 152

types of, 152

Butler, T., 57


cable providers, 224

California College of the Arts, 40, 267

Cambridge University Autism Research Centre, 206


avoiding, 227

risks, 224

of underperforming offerings, 225

capabilities, collective, 191192

capital, 151

access to, 150

financial or economic, 263

natural, 263

social, 263

types, 172, 263

capital requirements, assessing, 162

career trajectories, 3637

cars as cultural norm shift examples, 101

Catalyst IDEA, 247

Center for Integrated Medicine and Technology (CIMIT), 215

Center for Open Innovation, 262

Centers for Disease Control, 11

CEO, authority to pivot, 189

CFA (College for America), 143, 145

chalkboard drawing, 134

champions, in strategic plan implementation, 24

Chang, Annie, 133, 135, 141

change, rapid response to, 150

channel strategies, 245


distribution, access to, 150

as element of Business Model Canvas, 168

Channels (CH), 155156

charitable organizations, 168

Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, 215

charrettes, 3839, 41, 131, 255, 258

definition, 130

Charron, David, 144, 147, 170, 179

chat as tool, 198

Chesbrough, Henry, 262

chief innovation officers (CINOs), 50

Cho, Sooyoung, 109

Chobani, 130, 134, 138, 141

Christensen, Clayton, 116, 266

Cindy Tripp & Company, LLC, 142

CINOs (chief innovation officers), 50

clanning, 35, 258

Claro Partners, 95, 98, 265

Clerkin, Kris, 143, 145146

Cloud Gehshan Associates, 113

Coca-Cola bottle as iconic product, 243

COCE, 146

code of honor, 88

cognitive barriers to innovation, 60

cognitive biases, 62, 189

cognitive categories, identifying, 102

cognitive dissonance, 107, 258


belated, 35, 37

interdisciplinary, 34, 211

as result of successful strategic planning, 24

collaborative courses and degree programs, 3132

collaborative education, 12

collaborative teams, 240, 251

collective capabilities, understanding, 191192

College for America (CFA), 143, 145, 267

College Unbound: The Future of Higher Education and What It Means for Students, 37

colleges, creating integrated, 32

commitment, escalation of, 189

commodity business, 152

common sense as self-created filter, 90


during strategic planning, 24, 26

human, evolution of, 5

facilitating, 211

communication norms, 100

community colleges, 146

community support, garnering, 26

comorbidity, 209, 258

Company Building stage, 258


assessing, 145

core. See core competencies

design translation, 50

employer, tracking, 145

competency-based higher education, 143


as motivator for business model innovation, 224

as reason to pivot, 186

competitive advantage, types of, 150


business model, mapping, 153

user experience, 200

comprehend, drive to, 57

computer simulation, 215, 218

confirmation bias, 101102

conflict resolution, 90, 130

Connect and Develop, Open Innovation strategy (Proctor & Gamble), 31, 258, 262

Connellan, Jennifer, 206

consensus, building during strategic planning, 26

consoles, video game, 199

constraints, disciplinary, 6

consulting firms, 264

consumer electronics, designing, 203204

consumer needs, women versus men, 197, 200207

consumer purchases, women, 196

consumer snapshots, 135

consumers, women, 196

content, sourcing, 184

content model, pivoting, 184

contentment versus performance, 132

contextual asynchrony, 101

Continuum, 3940, 4951, 241, 244, 265

contradictions, TRIZ, 160

convergence, 258

convergence–divergence process, 258

convergent thinking, 131

converging learner, 67, 69, 71, 74

Core 77 international competition, 29

core competencies, 256

defining in strategic plan, 21

identifying, 45

leveraging, 50

maintaining focus during plan implementation, 25

core competency, innovation as, 45

core curriculum

DEC, 4344, 55

interdisciplinarity enabling, 211

Corlett, Tod, 10, 34, 96, 113

corporate anthropologists, 103, 111

corporate culture, 96

corporate risk management, link to sustainability, 176

corporations, structural organization, 50

cost, pivoting, 188-189

cost structure

advantageous, 150

as element of Business Model Canvas, 168

Cost Structure (CS), 155, 157

creative abrasion, 258

creative destruction, 4

credit card as multisided platform example, 261

Cromarty, Geoffrey, 17, 191

cross-disciplinary, 4

cross-disciplinary boundaries, bridging, 97

CT scanner as efficiency solution example, 213

cultural expectation, 5

cultural norms, 101105, 108, 111

definition, 99

shifting, 11


assessing, 191192

creating a unified, 218

entrepreneurial, 150

shaping through strategic plan language, 25

shared, 258

culture, corporate, 96


entrepreneurship, 12

establishing, 145

gaps, 39

outcomes, mapping, 39

curriculum development

DEC, 255

as process, 43

Customer Components, 155

Customer Creation stage, 258

Customer Development Model, 170, 258

customer development process, 1

Customer Discovery stage, 180, 258

customer experience, branding, 184

customer journey, mapping, 69, 135, 258

customer relationships as element of Business Model Canvas, 168

Customer Relationships (CR), 155156

Customer Segments (CS), 155-156, 168, 181, 186, 236

customer validation, 170

Customer Validation stage, 258

customer-based competitive advantage, drivers of, 150


assessing, 143

as co-innovators, 6

mass affluent, definition, 237

relationship with value proposition, 145

representing, 72

sourcing, 184


economic, 4

innovation versus entrepreneurial, 180


D School (Stanford University), 40, 268

D’Avella, Anthony, 119


pivoting based on wrong, 185

qualitative versus quantitative, 262

debate, collaborative team, 251

DEC (Design, Engineering, and Commerce) program, 4, 29, 71, 74, 162

core curriculum sequence, 4344, 55

creation, 31, 3443

mental models, 3435

revolutionary innovation, 63

decision making, delegating, 26

deep dives, 211

defend, drive to, 57

degrees (educational), competency-based versus credit-hour-based, 143

DELIs (Deeply Embedded Life Interests), 5758

Dell business model innovation, 224

demographic segmentation, 262


combined with social sciences, 96

contribution to innovation, 162

ethnographic research methods, 102

evidence-based, 217

Illinois Institute of Design’s description, 66

as innovation process, 113114

as simulation system, 115

world improvement through, 162

design audits, 133

design cycle, 123, 125

design process

funnel or filter, 120

stages, 110

system of spaces, 128

design prototypes, 117

design strategy, 95

design strategy consulting firms, 95

design thinking, 1, 6, 8, 31, 65, 95, 97, 265

definition, 10, 95

importance, 192

methodology, 12

multidisciplinary character of, 6

versus design translation, 4950

design-thinking process, prototyping as element, 250251

designers, gender statistics, 196


for/by women, 196

for overall user experience, 200201, 203

Designworks, 266, 269

develop phase, areas of focus, 41, 4344

di Resta, Ellen, 43, 50, 53, 116, 160, 191

diagramming, 134

differentiated competitive advantage, 150

differentiation, 152

differentiation strategies, 246

digital business models, newspaper and magazine industries, 227

dimensions, opportunity, 149

disciplinary boundaries, 6

discount retailers, 261

discover phase, areas of focus, 3435, 37


management and measurement, 97

validation instead of, 97

discovery-driven planning, 160


experience business, 152

facilities as theme park experience, 19

Disrupting Class, 266

disruptive business models, 13, 193

disruptive change, 9596

disruptive ideas, developing, 146

disruptive innovation, 4, 96, 255. See also innovation

approach, 16

through collaborative process, 243

importance of evidence, 193

launching, 191

disruptive teams, 80

dissonance, cognitive, 258

distribution channels, access to, 150

divergence, 258

diverging learner, 6769, 71, 76

characteristics and strengths, 75

paucity of, 74

diversity of learning styles, balancing, 74

divisional organization, 51

Doblin Ten Types of Innovation, 259

documentation of ethnographic research, 108

dot-allocation, 131

double-sided arrows, 23


internal, assessing, 160

motivational, 261

drives, emotional, 57

Dunning, David, 62

Dunning-Kruger Effect, 6263

DuPont, 14

dynamic (adjective), definition, 80

dynamics, definition, 80


eBay research, 249

ecological economists, 175

economic capital, 263

economic cycles, 4


experience-based, 152

information, 152

mixed market, 209, 261

ecosystem design, 138

Ecosystem of Design, 259

Edison Awards, 247


collaborative, 12

online, 143

as problem-solving stimulator, 7

educational models, types of, 144

Educational Testing Services (ETS), 145

Educause Next Generation Learning Challenge grant, 144

efficiency solutions, 213

Einstein, Albert, 33

Electronic Ink, 138, 141

electronics, consumer, 203204

emotional connection in product design, 205206

emotional state, recharging, 91

emotions as part of ethnographic research, 107

empathy, importance in healthcare culture, 191192

employee motivation, 57

employees, geographic proximity, 192


contribution to innovation, 163

world improvement through, 162

engineering prototypes, 118

engineers, 196

entrepreneurial culture, 150

entrepreneurial cycles, 180

entrepreneurial process, 3, 181

entrepreneurial thinking, 96, 115

entrepreneurship, 152, 180

entrepreneurship curriculum, 12

entrepreneurship education, 12

entrepreneurship movement, 189

environment, evolutionary versus revolutionary, 6061

environmental impact, 263

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), 176

envisioners (Continuum), 51

equity, brand, 257


framing, 97

hospital, 209

ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), 176, 259, 264

ETFs (exchange traded funds), 261

ethnographic research, 101102, 104, 109, 111

broad perspective within, 105106

bull’s-eye, 104

documentation, 108

phases of, 100

ethnography, 1, 3, 95, 97, 102, 139

ETS (Educational Testing Services), 145

evaluation, prototype, 250251

evaluation tools, Business Model Canvas, 155


gaining trust through, 213, 215

importance in disruptive innovation, 193

evidence-based design, 217

evolutionary innovation, 54, 5860, 62

exchange traded funds (ETFs), 261

execution, prioritizing, 160

execution phase, 181, 188

pivoting, 183184, 187

execution risk, 151


articulating, 91

cultural, 5

flexibility, 91

identifying during strategic planning, 22

unmet, 8990

value, 5

Experience Economy, The, 152

experience, user, 200

experience-based economies, 152

Experiential Learning Theory, 66

Extended Business Model Canvas, 174, 177

external fit, 149

external forces as reason to pivot, 186

extreme sports, 205


F. W. Olin Foundation, 268

facilities, university master plans for, 19

failing, better, 114


common elements of, 116

role in opportunity recognition, 10

versus mistake, 250


as design tools, 114

leveraging strategic, 114

manageable, 115

Fallacy of Detachment, 17

familiarity as key to innovation, 60

Fast Company, 143144


as barrier to innovation, 60

iteration, 124

as motivator for business model innovation, 224

feasibility, 163

Federal-Mogul Corporation, 1416

fee-for-service business model, 230

Femme Den, 196, 265, 267

Fenelon, Manoj, 130, 134, 139, 141

fidelity prototypes, 118, 132

fieldwork, 97, 132

fight-or-flight response, 57

filter, design process as, 120

financial capital, 263

Financial Components, 155

financial model, 151, 161

financial proxies, developing, 174

Finiw, Maryann, 191192, 235

Fischer, Jordan, 133, 141


internal and external, 149

as opportunity dimension, 149

strategic, 226

flexibility in strategic plan implementation, 26


attention, maintaining, 93

expanding and contracting, 258

focused strategy, 146

forecasting, 259

foresight, 172, 259

formulation innovation, 213

formulation phase, areas of focus, 3839, 41

Forum for the Future, 174175, 265

Four Actions framework, 170

Four B (4B), 265

Four Steps to Epiphany, The, 1, 123

Fowler, Brandy, 192193, 223

Fowler, Mark, 122

frameworks, 68, 96

Blue Ocean, 170

Business Model Canvas, 153, 168

business models as, 151

discovery-driven planning, 160

Four Actions, 170

Gearing Up, 175

Innovation Bull’s-Eye, 162163

innovation process, 30

iteration stimulus, 165

objectivity of, 151

opportunity evaluation, 149

screening matrices, 164

SSBMG (Strongly Sustainable Business Model Group), 175

sustainability, 263

sustainable business, 174177

TRIZ, 159

using to assess maturity, 177

versus tools, 140

frameworks phase of innovation process, 69

framing errors, 97

framing effect bias, 189

Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering, 268

Fraser, Heather, 266

functional organization, 51

funding, innovation team management, 97

fundraising as strategic plan support, 25

funds, reallocating to support initiatives, 25

funnel, design process as, 120

future labor demands, anticipating, 144

FutureWorks, 230


games, improvisational, 212

Gap, 240


curriculum, 39

as iteration stimulus, 165

Garzon, Carolina, 109

Gearing Up framework, 175, 259


appeal, Wii, 199

consumer to designer ratio, 196

marketing strategies, 245

stereotyping, 196

General Mills, 111

geographic proximity of employees, 192

geographic segmentation, 262

Gilmore, James, 152

Global Wealth Management Marketing (Bank of America), 238

GMAT test preparation, 184


measurable, translating assumptions into, 26

strategic, 1819

goods business, 152

Google, 11, 20, 229

GoPro, 205

government regulations as reason to pivot, 186

Gravity Tank, 133, 141

Green Business Model Innovation project (Nordic Innovation), 177, 262, 265

green business models, 177

grounded theory, 109


without cannibalization, achieving, 225

through differentiation strategies, 246

Groysberg, B., 57

Gur, Raquel, 206

Gur, Ruben, 206

Gutenberg, Johannes, 38


Haas School of Business, University of California, 65

Hahn, Nick, 131, 139, 141

Hambrose, Harold, 138, 141

Hamel, Gary, 21

hand hygiene, 218219

Harfoush, Nabil, 167

Harvard Business Review, 259, 261

Harvard University Medical School, 215

Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, 268


problems, solving, 209210

service design, 191

healthcare industry, 224

healthcare-acquired infections, 218219

Heath, John, 130, 134, 138, 141

helical thinking, 120

Helsinki School of Economics, 267

Helsinki University of Technology, 267

Heppner, John, 244, 247, 252

Hicks, Pamela, 7

higher education institutions

collaborative courses and degree programs, 3132

competency-based programs, 143

disciplinary boundaries, crossing, 12

strategic planning, 19

transformation business, 152

Higher Potential (in Business Model Canvas), 155, 158

Hill, Charles, 118

Hines, Melissa, 206

Hitchman, Tony, 238

holistic experience design, 200201, 203

holistic lifestyle programs, 231

holistic thinking, 236

hospital errors, 209

Houde, Stephanie, 118

Houghton Mifflin, 143

how (balancing with when, what, and why), 8283

Hui, Gordon, 135, 139, 141

human capital, 172

human condition, improving through design thinking, 7

human traits, importance in product design, 205207

human truth, 138

human-centered design, 266

hybrid models, 229

hypotheses, testing, 185

hypothesis-driven entrepreneurship movement, 189


i-Squad (General Mills), 111

IBM mission statement revision to meet market needs, 1920

iconic products, 243244

Iconoclast, 60

ideation, 124

IDEO, 211, 257, 263, 265

IDEO Berlin, 121

Illinois Institute of Design, 66

immersive research, 249

imperatives, 68

imperatives phase (innovation process), 69

improvisation, 136137, 259

improvisational games, 212

in-market prototyping, 119

individual interests, incorporating into broader strategies, 24

Industrial Design Excellence Awards (Business Week), 247

industries, shrinking, cannibalizing underperforming offerings, 226

industry maps, 69

inflection points, 146

information economies, 152

initiatives, developing and prioritizing, 23

Innosight, 266


adaptive tools, 137, 139

barriers, 60

through collaborative process, 243

contributions to, 162163

as core competency, 45

as cultural requirement, 16

cycles, 180

definition, 213

disruptive. See disruptive innovation

as dynamic phenomenon, 8

evolutionary, 54, 5860, 62

four dimensions of, 54

historic perspective, 255

measuring, 8

opportunities by identifying cultural norm shifts, 100101

pervasive, 12

pitfalls, 205

principles, TRIZ, 160

projects, importance of limiting to short-term, 193

realizing, elements needed, 162

revolutionary, 54, 5860, 62

speed, importance of, 167

targets and potential, 163

tools, 127

Innovation Bull’s-Eye, 162-163

innovation consulting firms, 95

innovation design education, Core 77 competition, 29

innovation process, 65

analytic and synthetic phases, 66

analytic versus synthetic phases, 69

compared to entrepreneurial process, 181

efficiency improvement through Business Model Canvas, 168

phases, 30, 3447

pivoting as form of, 184

theoretical and practical realms, 66, 7172

innovation strategies, Proctor & Gamble, 31

innovation structures, 255

innovation teams, 235, 255

balancing learning styles within, 7172, 74

benefits for branding, 235, 239244, 247248

building, 70

leadership of, 193

nurturing, 97

skills, leveraging, 76

innovation traps, 97

innovation, business model

deciding where to innovate, 224, 227231

implementing, 228, 230, 232

Innovator’s Dilemma, 266

Innovator’s Solution, 266

input during strategic planning, 21, 26

InSinkErator, 60

instinct, budgeting for, 140

Institute of Medicine (IOM), 209, 260

integrated colleges, creating, 32

integrated curriculum model outcomes, mapping, 39

integrated education programs, 267, 269

integrated leadership, 256

integrated strategy, 255

integrated teamwork, terms for, 4

integrated thinking, 269

Integrated Thinking Courses and Design Works (Rotman School of Management), 40

integration, 124, 150, 255

integrative thinking, 119, 259

intellectual capital, 172

intellectual property, 150

interaction, facilitating, 211

interdisciplinarity, 13, 217, 260

definition, 210

facilitating, 211

problem solving through, 220

interdisciplinary, 4

interdisciplinary collaboration, 34, 32

interdisciplinary education, 12

interdisciplinary learning (Philadelphia University draft plan), 23

interdisciplinary teams, 1, 235

creating a unified language and culture, 218

brand innovation, 248

implementation buy-in, 247

importance of geographic proximity, 192

leveraging brand heritage, 241

matrixed team composition, 248

usefulness in brand strategy, 236, 238, 240

internal development, 229

internal drivers, assessing, 160

internal fit, 149

internal innovation groups, 223

internal value, 149

International Business Machines (IBM), 1920

interviews, ethnographic, 107108

intuition, strategic, 262

inventions, patentable, 167

investable assets, 261

investing, socially responsible, 259

investment capital, 151, 189


liquid, 261

performance, enhancing, 262

Investopedia (, 162

invisible risks, 172

IOM (Institute of Medicine), 209, 260

issues, identifying during strategic planning, 22

iteration, 119, 124, 165

prototypes as, 250

types in business design evolution, 169

iterative cycle, thought modes in, 123, 125

Itin, Boris, 195


Jacobs, Valerie, 131, 137, 141

Jiffy Lube, 3

job satisfaction, 58

Jobs, Steve, 84, 117

Johnson, Mark W., 264

Jump Associates, 3940, 125126, 133, 135, 141

just-in-time production, 224


Kanbar College of Design, Engineering and Commerce (DEC), 29, 46, 55, 162, 255, 268

Kanbar, Maurice, 4, 46, 260

Kaplan, 264

Kassarjian, Sevanne, 136, 141

Kelley, David, 265, 268

Kennedy, John F., 93

Key Activities (KA), 155, 158, 184

Key Partners (KP), 155, 157

Key Resources (KR), 155, 158

kinesthetic brainstorming, 257

Kmart, 261

Kolb’s Learning Style Inventory, 71

Kruger, Justin, 62


L.L.Bean, 249

Base Camp war room tool, 249

brand strategy, 240, 242

Maine Hunting Shoe as iconic product, 243

Lafley, A. G., 31, 75, 258, 264

laminated padlock (Master Lock) as iconic product, 243

LAN airlines, 228

language, creating a unified, 218

latent need, 137

latent ROI (Return on Investment), 260

leader, team, 82, 84, 86


coordination, 193

positions, nurturing, 97

technology, 150

leadership tools

perspective pyramid, 85

Lean LaunchPad, 1

Lean Startup movement, 123, 180, 188

learning launch, 260

learning process, axes of knowledge creation, 66

learning styles

conflicts among innovation team members, 70

types, 66

typical majors in college, 74, 76

LeBlanc, Paul, 143145

Lee, L.-E., 57

left-brain people, 96

left-brain thinking, 236

Liedtka, Jeanne, 260

limitations, silo career trajectory, 3637

Lin, Yvonne, 192, 195, 245

LinkedIn, 143

liquid investments, 261

live chalkboard drawing, 134

Long Tail business model pattern, 169, 260

loss aversion, 189

love letters as tools, 207

low-fidelity prototypes, 260

Lower Potential

Business Model Canvas, 155, 158

characteristics, 158


brand, 236, 240241, 257

characteristics, 158

customer, 183

LPK international design agency, 131, 141


MacKenzie, Gordon, 111

Magoosh (, 184, 187188

manageable failures, 115

management consulting firms, 95

managerial thinking, 96, 115116


curriculum, 39

customer journey, 135

root-cause, 109

stakeholders, 137138

visual, 134

mapping exercises, ethnographic research, 102

mapping tools, 10

market flexibility, 26

market feedback, 143

market segmentation, 236, 260

market share, 150

marketing strategies, 245, 260

markets, target, 262263

Martin Prosperity Institute, 266, 269

Martin, Roger, 29, 31, 119, 259, 266, 269

mass affluent, 237, 261

mass merchandisers, 261

mass merchant shoppers, 244

Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), 215

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 215

Master Lock, 244, 247, 251

laminated padlock as iconic product, 243

marketing strategies, 245, 247

material culture, value shifts through understanding of, 106

matrices, screening, 165

matrix, fashion thinking, 136

matrix organization, 51

MatrixWorks, 130

maturity scale, 177

maturity stages, sustainability, 174

Maurice Kanbar College of Design, Engineering and Commerce (DEC), Philadelphia University, 34, 29

Mayo Clinic

culture, 191

geographic proximity of employees, 192

SPARC Lab, 191

McGowan, Heather, 1, 29, 115

McGuinness, Diane, 206

McKinsey Global Study, 255

measures of success in strategic plan implementation, 24

medical doctor (MD), 210

medical home, 261

membership, strategic planning committee, 22

men, self description, 197, 200

mental models, 34, 98

mental state, recharging, 91

mentors, 151

Meredith, Mukara, 130

Merrill Edge (launch of), 236, 238, 240

Merrill Lynch merger with Bank of America, 236, 238

Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, 237

metaphor exercise, 131

methodologies, TRIZ, 159

methods, ethnographic research, 103


contentment versus performance, 132

innovation-measuring, 8

team-tracking, 130

Metz, Justine, 238

Miller, Michelle, 137138, 141

mind map, 261

Mini Cooper, gender perceptions, 207

Minter, Marcia, 242

mission statements

Google, 20

IBM, 19

revising, importance in strategic planning, 19

Mission-Strategy-Critical Long-Term Initiatives, 8

mistake versus failure, 250

misunderstandings, revealing, 8

mixed market economy, 209, 261


business. See business model

financial, 151, 161

Model Viability, 170

Moggridge, Bill, 265

Morris, Doug, 116

motivational drivers, 5758, 261

multidisciplinarity, 210

multidisciplinary, 4, 6

multidisciplinary teams, 16, 45, 169

multisided platform pattern, 169, 261

myths, revealing, 8


NAE (National Academy of Engineering), 209, 262

name change as reflection of mission revision, 20

narrow teams, 220

National Academy of Engineering (NAE), 209

natural capital, 172, 175176, 263

Natural Step, The, 175, 266


emotional, 57

latent, 137

women versus men, 197, 200207

Net Present Value, 162

network effects, 150

New Sustainability Advantage, The, 176

New Venture Creation, 3

New York Times, 226

Newman’s Own, 240

Nexus Learning Approach, Philadelphia University, 42, 45

Nguyen, Mai, 135136, 141

Nixon, Natalie, 10, 34, 38, 97, 127

Nohria, N., 57

Nordic Innovation, 177, 262, 265

normatives, 100


communication, 100

cultural, 99, 101105, 108, 111

North Face, 240

Norton, 264

NSF Innovation Corps, 1


objectives, integrating as part of strategic plan, 23

observation, 132

observations phase (innovation process), 6869

OCAD University, 175, 269

occupational therapist (OT), 210


breadth of, 150

quality of, 150

Olin College, 268

online education, 143

online educational model, 144

Ontario College of Art and Design, 40, 268

open innovation, 262

Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology, 262


identifying cultural norm shifts, 100101

as reasons to pivot, 186

scoring with screening matrices, 165


crafting, 8

four main dimensions, 149

recognition, 3

shaping as business model, 12

spaces, 255

tools and tactics, 95

unlocking, 97

value, evaluating, 155

opportunity development, 3, 96, 122123, 125

opportunity mapping, 155, 161

opportunity recognition

Darwinian approach, 10

teaching, 12

optimization innovation, 213

optimization phase, areas of focus, 45

ORF, 214215


strategic, 26

structure of, 51

Osterwalder business ontology, 175

Osterwalder, Alex, 153, 168169, 172173, 179

outcomes, 8, 39

overconfidence, 189

ownership, building during strategic planning, 26


paradigm, pervasive innovation, 12

partnerships, 150, 168

Patnaik, Dev, 102

pattern-finding tools, 137


business model, 169

identifying, TRIZ, 159

Paul and Stacy Jacobs Foundation, 269

PepsiCo, 130, 134, 141

per-member-per-month fee (PMPM), 232

perception, spectrum of, 66


as barriers to innovation, 60

brand, 247

changing, 98

identifying during strategic planning, 22

of plan implementation success, monitoring, 25

user, 98

perceptual maps, 69


assessing, 225

versus contentment, 132

Performance of a Lifetime, 136, 141

peri-operative systems, 214, 262

perseverance as default, 185

personalities, evolutionary versus revolutionary, 59


importance in product design, 205207

types in interdisciplinary collaborations, 212


common, understanding, 34

how, 83

left-brain versus right-brain, 236

need for multidisciplinary, 7

pyramid of, 81, 84, 86

when, 82

perturbations, 86

pervasive innovation, 12

pharmaceutical industry, business model innovations, 230231


ethnographic research, 100

innovation process, 30, 3447

Philadelphia Textile School, 18

Philadelphia University, 23, 260, 268

DEC, 29, 31, 3443, 55, 63, 255

effect of consistent evolution on, 54

evolutionary innovation, 54

Integrative Design Process course, 74

interdisciplinarity, enabling, 211

interdisciplinary project examples, 13

organizational structure in 2008, 3334

revolutionary innovation, 61

Philadelphia University, strategic planning, 17

core competencies, defining, 21

drafting and adopting strategic plan, 2324

history and culture of planning prior to 2007, 19

identifying issues and perceptions, 22

implementing strategic plan, 2426

reasons for, 18

revising mission statement, 19

selecting and developing a model, 21

supporting initiatives, 2526

Philips Electronics, 120

phone, evolution of, 5

physical capital, 263

physical master plans, 19

physical state, recharging, 91

physical therapist (PT), 210

Pigneur, Yves, 153, 168169, 172, 179

Pine, B. Joseph, 152

pitfalls, innovation, 205

pivot, 143, 183

bet the company, 188

definition, 170

pivoting, 12, 188

company decline, 183

costs, 188189

definition, 179

how and when, 187

inability to pursue, 189

Magoosh, 187

reasons for and against, 185, 188189

requirements, 190

search phase versus execution phase, 181, 184

success in, 185

Uber transportation service, 186

place, quality of, 266

plan, business, 151

planning stage, ethnographic research, 100

PMPM (per-member-per-month fee), 232

political value, 149

Polo, 240

PONS Test (Profile of Nonverbal Sensitivity), 206

Pop-Tarts, 12

Popcorn, Faith, 258


identifying, Innovation Bull’s Eye, 164

product, 202203

“Powers of Ten,” 132

Prahalad, C. K., 21

prediction, shifting cultural norm, 11

pressure, effect on teams, 86, 88

pricing power, 150

principles, TRIZ, 160

print newspaper and magazine industries, 226

printing press as innovation, 38

problem scenes, 110, 112

problem solving, 2

interdisciplinary, 220221

transdisciplinary teams, 1315


framing, 127

healthcare, solving, 209210

wicked, 211

procedural errors, 209

procedural truth, 138

process, innovation, 65

processes, entrepreneurial versus innovation, 181

Procter & Gamble, 229, 262

Connect + Develop, 258

Open Innovation strategy, 31


gender perceptions, potential versus reality, 202203

as part of user experience, 200

product designers, gender, 196

product line, business model as, 152

product potential, 203

product-related segmentation, 263


iconic, 243244

undifferentiated, 152

user requirements, gender differences, 198, 200207

Profile of Nonverbal Sensitivity (PONS) Test, 206

programs, integrated education, 267, 269

progress, releasing periodic evidence of, 193

Project DNA (Continuum), 241

projects, innovation, 193

property, intellectual, 150

proposition, value, 255, 264

prototypes, 132

design, 117

resolution and fidelity, 118

solutions, 220

prototyping, 117118, 124, 132

failures in, 117

iterative, 120

usefulness in brand strategizing, 250251

proxies, financial, 174

proximity, geographic, 192

psychographic segmentation, 263

psychological value, 149

purchases, consumer, 196

pyramid of perspective, 81, 84, 86


qualitative data, 262

qualitative research, 139

quality, offering, 150

quality of place, 266

quantitative data, 262

quantitative research, 139


R & D centers, 56

Radka, Rich, 9597

Raheja, Mark, 131, 133, 138, 141

rapid prototyping, 214

rapid visualization, 212

reach, 150

real-life benefits, delivering, 205


predicting through computer simulation, 218

product versus potential, gender perceptions, 202203


brand, importance of iconic products in, 243

opportunity, teaching, 12

registered nurse (RN), 210

regulation as reason to pivot, 186

Reheda, Mark, 140

REI, 240

relationship, customer and value proposition, 145

relevancy, brand, 240, 242

reliability, 152, 242

reputation, 60, 150152

requirements, user (gender differences), 198, 200207


action, 8

ethnographic, 100111

immersive techniques, 249

quantitative versus qualitative, 139

women’s design needs, 197207

research and development (R&D), 167

research execution phase, 100

research respondents, 249

reset, power of, 91


prototype, 118, 132

team upsets, 88

resource acquisition (in pivoting), 188

Resource Components, 155


access to, 150

aligning, 145

allocating based on risk reduction, 160

definition, 151

as element of Business Model Canvas, 168

importance in innovation planning, 192

leveraging toward strategic goals, 18

as opportunity dimension, 149

types of, 151

respondents, research, 249

retailers, collaboration as strategy, 247

revenue streams as element of Business Model Canvas, 168

Revenue Streams (RS), 155, 157

revolutionary innovation, 55, 5860, 62

Rhode Island School of Design, 267

Ries, Eric, 180

right-brain thinking, 236


definition, 151

as opportunity dimension, 149

types of, 151

risk aversion, 255

risk reduction, optimizing, 161


cannibalization, 224

invisible, 172

known versus unknown, 151

minimizing, 117

Roam, Dan, 134

ROI, latent, 260

root-cause map, 109

Rotman Design Works, 266

Rotman School of Management, 40, 259, 266, 269

Rotman, Joseph L., 269

Rottenberg, Sarah, 11, 97, 99

routines, 98

RTLS (Real Time Locating System), 213

rubrics, establishing, 145

S, 145

Salvador, Tony, 101

SapientNitro, 235, 243

Sarah Singer & Company, 79, 266

SAT, 145

SAT test preparation, 184

satisfaction, DELIs, 58


scenario planning, 259

Scott, Robert Falcon (South Pole explorer), 17

Screen (Business Model Canvas), 155

screening matrix frameworks, 164

search phase, 181, 184, 188

search terms, monitoring, 11

secret shoppers, 219

Seelig, Tina, 56


market, 236

target market types, 262263

Segmentation, TRIZ principle, 160

Seizing the White Space: Business Model Innovation for Growth and Renewal, 264

Selingo, Jeffrey J., 37

Semmelweiss, Ignaz, 218

sensemaking, intuitive, 100

service business, 152

shared culture, 258

Shedroff, Nathan, 267

shifts, cultural norm, 99105, 108, 111

shrinking industries, 226

silo career trajectory, 37

siloed marketing process, 236


computer, 218

definition (healthcare), 214

Sinek, Simon, 240

Singer, Blair, 88

Singer-Nourie, Sarah, 9, 51, 79

single-domain teams, 220

skills, leveraging, 76

Skunkworks, 132

Skyy Vodka, 4, 260

sLab (Strategic Innovation Lab), 269

small companies, ethnographic research techniques, 111

Smart Design, 40, 135, 141, 257, 265, 267

Femme Den, 196

smartphone camera, 137

SMEs, 267

SNHU (Southern New Hampshire University), 143, 145

social assets, measuring and tracking, 174

social capital, 176, 263

invisible risks, 172

measuring, 174

social intelligence as barrier to innovation, 60

Social Return on Investment (SROI) theory, 174, 262

social science research firms, 95

social sciences

combined with design, 96

opportunity through understanding human behavior, 95

social value, 149

social worker (SW), 210

socially responsible investing, 259

socioeconomic change, 11

socioeconomic segmentation, 262

software, agile, 122123

solutions, 68, 159

solutions phase of innovation process, 70

South Pole exploration, as example of successful/unsuccessful strategic planning, 1718

Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), 143

College for America at Southern New Hampshire University, 267

space, importance in innovation planning, 192

spaces, opportunity, 255

SPARC Lab, Mayo Clinic, 191

Speed Dial combination padlock (MasterLock), 247

spending, consumer (women), 196

Spinelli, Stephen, Jr., 23

Spolin, Viola, 212

SROI (Social Return on Investment) theory, 174, 262

SSBM (Strongly Sustainable Business Model) Canvas, 176

SSBM (Strongly Sustainable Business Model) Ontology, 176

SSBMG (Strongly Sustainable Business Model Group), 175, 267

stages, ethnographic research, 100

Stahl, James E., 192193, 209

stakeholder interests, incorporating into broader strategies, 24

stakeholders, mapping, 137138

standardized tests, 74, 184

Stanford Research Institute, SWOT analysis, 158

Stanford University,

ChangeLabs, 120

D School, 265, 268

Starbucks, 143

experience business, 152

start-ups, 1, 153

state, mental/emotional/physical (recharging), 91

stereotyping, gender, 196

story, importance of, 139

storytelling, transmedia, 263

strategic fit, 226

strategic goals, leveraging resources toward, 18

Strategic Innovation Lab (sLab), 269

strategic intuition, 139, 262

strategic organization, steps to becoming, 26

strategic plan

adopting and implementing, 24

communicating, 25

drafting and adopting, 2324

fundraising, 25

implementing, 2426

revising mission statement, 19

supporting, 18

pivoting, 25

strategic planning, 8, 18. See also Philadelphia University, strategic planning; university strategic planning

committee, selecting, 22

core competencies, defining, 21

issues and perceptions, identifying, 22

model, selecting and developing, 21

requirements for transformational success, 18

successful/unsuccessful, South Pole exploration example, 1718

taking steps to support initiatives, 2526

strategic thinkers, 51

strategies, innovation, 31


focused, 146

integrated, 255

marketing, 260

Streep, Meryl (actress), 110

strengths, identifying during strategic planning, 22

Strongly Sustainable Business Model (SSBM) Canvas, 177

Strongly Sustainable Business Model Group (SSBMG), 175, 267

structure, organizational, 51

student learning as product, 43

support, importance of, 18

surgical demand, 214

sustainability, 143

link to corporate risk management, 176

maturity stages, 174

Sustainability Advantage, 264

sustainable business frameworks, 174177

Sustainable Competitive Advantage, 149150

sustainable environmental practices, 263

sweet spot

focusing on, 146

isolating, 144

SWOT definition, 22

SWOT analysis, 158, 170

Sylvain Labs, 142

Sylvain, Alain, 139, 142

Symonds, John, 206

Synaptics Group, 53

Synexe, 141

synthetic thinker, 96

system safety errors, 209

systemic risk, 151


T-shaped thinkers, 31, 263

tactics, 9596

talent, access to, 150

Target, 261

target markets, 262263

setting, 183

sweet spot, 144, 146

Uber transportation service, 186


energy, rebuilding, 91

misnomers, 79

upsets, handling, 88, 90

team dynamics, 80

team leader, 82, 84, 86

teaming, 129


assessing, 145

crafting, 145

developing, 129

disruptive, 80

effect of sustained pressure on, 86, 88

forming, 9

innovation, 65

interdisciplinary, 192

multidisciplinary, 16

transdisciplinary, 9, 1315

teamwork, integrated, 4

techniques, ethnographic research, 102

technologies, OR (operating room), 214

technology, 213

definition, 213

leadership, 150

telephone, 5

television industry, 224

terms, search, 11

testing, 185, 124

themes, developing during strategic planning, 22

Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ), 159

think tanks, 264

thinkers, T-shaped, 263


broad, 197

convergent, 131

design, 6, 4950, 97, 265

enterepreneurial, 115

evolutionary versus revolutionary, 60

helical, 120

integrated, 269

integrative, 119, 259

managerial, 115116

modes in design cycle, 123-125

vertical, 14

time, importance in innovation planning, 192

risk, 151

timelines in strategic plan implementation, 24

Titanium padlocks (MasterLock), 247

tool, mission statement revision as, 19

toolbox, adaptive, 128, 140

tools, 9596, 98

adaptive, 137, 139

auditing, 133

Base Camp war room, 249

bodystorming, 137

Breakup Letters (Smart Design), 257

business modeling, role in innovation efficiency, 169

charrettes, 130

chatting as, 198

customer journey mapping, 135, 258

definition, 128, 141

design, 1

diagramming, 134

discovery, 10, 38

ethnographic research, 103

evaluation, 155

failures as, 114

fieldwork, 132

foundational, 128

framing, 127

human traits, identifying, 206

improvisation, 136137

interaction, facilitating, 211

leadership, 85

observation, 132

pattern-finding, 137

prototyping, 132

purpose, 128

reflection, 130

versus frameworks, 140

visual mapping, 134

touch points, 258

Toyota Corolla, gender perceptions, 207

trade-offs, TRIZ, 160

traditional educational model, 144

traits, human (importance in product design), 205207

transdisciplinary, 4, 210, 260

transdisciplinary teams, 9, 1315

transformation, pressure effects of, 86, 88

transformation-based businesses, 152

transformative solutions, 213

transitions, importance in attention refocusing, 93

translation, design, 4950

transmedia storytelling, 263

transparency in strategic planning, 21

traps, innovation, 97

Triple Bottom-line approach, 173, 263

Tripp, Cindy, 131, 138, 142

TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving), 159

Truman, Harry, 218

trust, 90, 213

TVs, 204


U.S. education system, 74

U.S. News & World Report, 267

Uber transportation service, 186188

undercurrent, 131, 133, 141

underperforming offerings, cannibalizing, 225

undifferentiated products, 152

UnitedHealth Group, 191

Universal Music Group, 116117

universality, TRIZ principle, 160


collaborative courses and degree programs, 3132

competency-based programs, 143

disciplinary boundaries, crossing, 12

strategic planning, 19

transformation business, 152

University of Art and Design, Helsinki, 267

University of California, Berkeley, 262

Institute for Design Innovation, 269

University of Pennsylvania

facial expression recognition, 206

Integrated Product Design master’s program, 269

University of Potsdam, 268

university strategic planning

committee selection and management, 22

developing initiatives, 22

drafting and adopting strategic plan, 24

facilities master planning, 19

identifying issues and perceptions, 22

implementing strategic plan, 2426

integrating objectives, 22

selecting and developing models, 21

supporting initiatives, 2526

unknown risks, 151

unreasonableness as source of team conflict, 90

unsystematic risk, 151

upsets, team, 88, 90

upstream innovation failures, 114, 117

upstream prototyping, benefits, 119

Upward, Antony, 175

user experience, holistic design needs, 200

user focus, 98

user requirements, gender differences, 198207

user-centered design, 123

users, key understandings about, 98



gaining trust through, 213

instead of discovery, 97

valuable competitive advantage, 150

valuation assessment, 162


capturing, 149

creating, 12, 143144, 149, 163

delivering, 149

discovery-driven planning, 161

identifying, 163

as opportunity dimension, 149

product, gender perceptions, 202

shifts, observing through material culture, 106

types of, 149, 153

value expectations, 5

value proposition, 149, 152, 255, 264

brand, 236

clarifying, 144

sustainable competitive advantage of, 150

Uber transportation service, 186

Value Proposition (VP), 155, 168

value-based competitive advantage, 150


brand, 240

L.L.Bean, 249

Venn diagrams, 34, 38

ventures, launching and scaling, 143

vertical thinking, 14

vice presidents of innovation, 50

Vicks thermometer, 198

video cameras, designing, 204205

video game consoles, 199


crafting, 8

establishing in strategic plan, 21

visual mapping, 134

Vivaldi Partner Group, 131, 141

VUCA, 32, 43, 264

definition, 31, 95

factors, 54, 63, 115


Waldroop, J., 57

Walmart, 11, 261

war rooms, 249

warranty as component of holistic experience, 200201

Watson, Thomas, 19

weaknesses, identifying during strategic planning, 22


as component of holistic experience, 200201

Babeland, 202

GoPro, 205

usefulness in strategic planning updates, 22


balancing with how, when, and why, 83

versus why, 5560, 63

when, balancing with how, what, and why, 82

white space exploration, 125, 264

whiteboard, 135, 137

whole-brained thinking, 236

whole-system collaboration model, 137138


balancing with how, when, and what, 84

versus what, 5560, 63

wicked problems, 115, 211, 218

disruptive innovations as, 116

solving, 220221

Widder, D. R., 143, 147, 167

Wii, appeal to women, 199

Wikipedia, 11

Willard, Bob, 176177, 264

Wired to Care, 102


consumer purchase statistics, 196

design needs, 197207

marketing strategies and tools, 245, 258

self description, 197, 200

word-of-mouth advocacy, 257

workforce development, 144145

Workforce Strategy Center, 145

workshops, 39


“Yes, but” game, 212

Zelkowitz, Hy, 120

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