Chapter 14

A1: The db2ptree command. On Linux/UNIX platforms, you can also use the ps –ef command.
A2: The db2fmp process is the fenced-mode process for fenced UDFs and stored procedures. Fenced means it is executed outside of the address space of the DB2 engine. Should it misbehave, it is not able to overwrite DB2 internal buffers.
A3: It is the DB2 page cleaner process, db2pclnr.
A4: Subagents exist in partitioned database environment, or the database manager parameter intra-parallel = ON.
A5: If the total number of idle agents in the instance is less than NUM_POOLAGENTS, then the subagent changes its name from db2agntp to db2agnta and it is returned to the idle agent pool. However, it is still associated with the application. When needed, it is called by the coordinator agent, or the active subagents, to service the same application again. Or it can be stolen by another application, if that application cannot find an idle agent or no more agents can be created (MAXAGENTS is reached).
A6: Per instance. The MAXAGENTS is a Database Manager Configuration parameter.
A7: The four types of agents are: coordinator agents (db2agent), active subagents (db2agntp), associated idle agents (db2agnta), and idle agents (db2agent (idle).
A8: You can use dbm snapshot.
A9: C. The NUM_INITAGENTS controls how many db2agent processes are created at instance startup time, not the db2agntp processes.
A10: A. The number of applications that can execute concurrently is controlled by MAXCAGENTS.
A11: D. There is one db2sysc process per partition.
A12: B. NUM_POOLAGENTS controls the number of idle agents.
A13: A. There is one coordinator agent (db2agent) per connection, and it exists on the partition where the application is connected to. The other partitions have the db2agntp processes.
A14: B. NUM_IOSERVERS controls the number of prefetches.
A15: D. db2sysc is the DB2 system controller process.
A16: A. The db2ipccm handles local client connections.
A17: C. Since MAX_COORDAGENTS is set to 100, the maximum number of concurrent connections for this instance is 100.
A18: D. Coordinating agents are named db2agent, active agents are named db2agntp, and idle agents are named db2agnta or db2agent, depending on whether they are associated with a coordinating agent. The process db2agnti does not exist.
A19: C. The connection concentrator is enabled when MAX_CONNECTIONS is greater than MAX_COORDAGENTS. This means you can have more connections than there are the number of available coordinator agents.
A20: B. The governor uses the process db2govd.

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