A coded character set of 256 8-bit characters that represents textual data. It is typically used on zSeries and iSeries servers.

embedded SQL

SQL statements coded within an application program.

encoding scheme

A set of rules to represent character data.

escape character

See [SQL escape character]
Event Analyzer

A monitoring tool that provides information about the database events that have taken place. An Event Analyzer is used with the Event Monitor file to assess and record performance information.

Event Monitor

A database object that monitors and collects data on database activities over a period of time. For example, starting the database might be an event that causes an Event Monitor to track the number of users on the system by taking an hourly snapshot of authorization IDs using the database.

exception table

(1) A user-created table that reflects the definition of the table being loaded.

(2) A table that holds rows that violate referential constraints or checks constraints that the CHECK DATA utility finds.

exclusive lock

A lock that prevents running executing application processes from accessing data.

executable statement

An SQL statement that can be embedded in an application program, dynamically prepared and executed, or issued interactively.

execution time

The elapsed runtime of a query. This is the time between the start and the end of the query execution.

exit routine

A program that receives control from another program to perform specific functions.


To capture detailed information about the access plan that was chosen by the SQL compiler to resolve an SQL statement. The information describes the decision criteria used to choose the access plan.

explain snapshot

(1) A collection of information that is compressed when an SQL statement is explained.

(2) A capture of the current internal representation of an SQL query and related information. This information is required by the Visual Explain tool.

explainable statement

An SQL statement for which the explain operation can be performed. Explainable statements are SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE, and VALUES.

explained statement

An SQL statement for which an explain operation was performed.

explained statistics

Statistics for a database object that was referred to in an SQL statement when the statement was explained.

explicit privilege

A privilege that has a name and is held as the result of SQL GRANT and REVOKE statements, for example, the SELECT privilege.


(1) To copy data from database tables to a file using formats such as PC/IXF, DEL, WSF, or ASC.

(2) In the Information Catalog Center, to populate a tag language file with information catalog contents for use with another program.

export utility

A transaction utility that extracts data from a table.


An SQL operand or a collection of operators and operands that yields a single value.

Extensible Markup Language (XML)

A text-based tag language that is used for document processing and for publishing information on the Web.

Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)

A language for specifying stylesheets for XML documents. XSL consists of two parts: a language for transforming XML documents and an XML vocabulary for specifying formatting semantics.

Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT)

An XML processing language that converts an XML document into another document in XML, PDF, HTML, or other format.


An allocation of space within a container of a table space to a single database object. Data for any table will be stored on all containers in a table space in a round-robin fashion. This balances the data across the containers that belong to a given table space. The number of pages that the database manager writes to one container before using a different one is called an extent.

extent map

A metadata structure stored within a table space that records the allocation of extents to each object in the table space.

external function

A function for which the body is written in a programming language that takes scalar argument values and produces a scalar result for each invocation.

external name

The name of an executable file for a stored procedure or user-defined function that is written in a host programming language.

external procedure

An application program written in a host language, possibly containing SQL statements, that can be started with the SQL CALL statement.

external routine

A function, method, or procedure written in a host language and that possibly contains SQL statements.

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