2.9. Review Questions

1:How are DB2 commands classified?
2:What is a quick way to obtain help information for a command?
3:What is the difference between the Information Center tool and simply reviewing the DB2 manuals?
4:What command is used to create a DB2 instance?
5:How many table spaces are automatically created by the CREATE DATABASE command?
6:What command can be used to get a list of all instances on your server?
7:What is the default instance that is created on Windows?
8:Is the DAS required to be running to set up a remote connection between a DB2 client and a DB2 server?
9:How can the DB2 environment be configured?
10:How is the local database directory populated?
11:Which of the following commands will start your DB2 instance?
  1. startdb

  2. db2 start

  3. db2start

  4. start db2

12:Which of the following commands will list all of the registry variables that are set on your server?
  1. db2set –a

  2. db2set –all

  3. db2set –lr

  4. db2set -ltr

13:Say you are running DB2 on a Windows server with only one hard drive (C:). If the DB2 instance is dropped using the db2idrop command, after recreating the DB2 instance, which of the following commands will list the databases you had prior to dropping the instance?
  1. list databases

  2. list db directory

  3. list db directory all

  4. list db directory on C:

14:If the list db directory on C: command returns the following:
Database alias                       = SAMPLE
Database name                        = SAMPLE
Database directory                   = SQL00001
Database release level               = a.00
Comment                              =
Directory entry type                 = Home
Catalog database partition number    = 0
Database partition number            = 0

which of the following commands must be run before you can access tables in the database?

  1. catalog db sample

  2. catalog db sample on local

  3. catalog db sample on SQL00001

  4. catalog db sample on C:

15:If there are two DB2 instances on your Linux server, inst1 and inst2, and if your default DB2 instance is inst1, which of the following commands allows you to connect to databases in the inst2 instance?
  1. export inst2

  2. export instance=inst2

  3. export db2instance=inst2

  4. connect to inst2

16:Which of the following DB2 registry variables optimizes interpartition communication if you have multiple partitions on a single server?




17:Which of the following tools is used to run commands on all partitions in a multipartition DB2 database?
  1. db2_part

  2. db2_all

  3. db2_allpart

  4. db2

18:Which of the following allows federated support in your server?
  1. db2 update db cfg for federation using FEDERATED ON

  2. db2 update dbm cfg using FEDERATED YES

  3. db2 update dbm cfg using NICKNAME YES

  4. db2 update dbm cfg using NICKNAME, WRAPPER, SERVER, USER MAPPING YES

19:Which environment variable needs to be updated to change the active logical database partition?


  3. DB2NODE


20:Which of the following statements can be used to determine the value of the current active database partition?
  1. values (current dbpartitionnum)

  2. values (current db2node)

  3. values (current db2partition)

  4. values (current partitionnum)

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