Chapter 1. Understanding the Messaging Paradigm

Computers and people can communicate by using messaging systems to exchange messages over electronic networks. The most ubiquitous messaging system today is email, which facilitates communication among people. While email is an important human-to-human messaging system, this book is not about email. Instead, this book is concerned with messaging systems that allow different software applications to communicate with each other. These application-to-application messaging systems, when used in business systems, are generically referred to as enterprise messaging systems, or Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM).

Enterprise messaging systems allow two or more applications to exchange information in the form of messages. A message, in this case, is a self-contained package of business data and network routing headers. The business data contained in a message can be anything—depending on the business scenario—and usually contains information about some business transaction. In enterprise messaging systems, messages inform an application of some event or occurrence in another system.

Using Message-Oriented Middleware, messages are transmitted from one application to another across a network. MOM products ensure that messages are properly distributed among applications. In addition, MOMs usually provide fault tolerance, load balancing, scalability, and transactional support for enterprises that need to reliably exchange large quantities of messages.

MOM vendors use different message formats and network protocols for exchanging messages, but the basic semantics are the same. An API is used to create a message, give it a payload (application data), assign it routing information, and then send the message. The same API is used to receive messages produced by other applications.

In all modern enterprise messaging systems, applications exchange messages through virtual channels called destinations . When a message is sent, it's addressed to a destination, not a specific application. Any application that subscribes or registers an interest in that destination may receive that message. In this way, the applications that receive messages and those that send messages are decoupled. Senders and receivers are not bound to each other in any way and may send and receive messages as they see fit.

All MOM vendors provide application developers with an API for sending and receiving messages. While a MOM vendor implements its own networking protocols, routing, and administration facilities, the basic semantics of the developer API provided by different MOMs are the same. This similarity in APIs makes the Java Message Service possible.

The Java Message Service ( JMS) is a vendor-agnostic Java API that can be used with many different MOM vendors. JMS is analogous to JDBC in that application developers reuse the same API to access many different systems. If a vendor provides a compliant service provider for JMS, then the JMS API can be used to send and receive messages to that vendor. For example, you can use the same JMS API to send messages using Progress' SonicMQ as you do IBM's MQSeries. It is the purpose of this book to explain how enterprise messaging systems work and in particular how the Java Message Service is used with these systems. This book focuses on JMS 1.0.2, the most recent version of the specification, which was introduced in November 1999.

The rest of this chapter explores enterprise messaging and JMS in more detail, so that you have a solid foundation with which to learn about the JMS API and messaging concepts in the rest of this book. We assume that you are already familiar with the Java programming language—other than that, everything is explained.

Enterprise Messaging

Enterprise messaging is not a new concept. Messaging products such as IBM MQSeries, Microsoft MSMQ , TIBCO Rendevous, Open Horizon Ambrosia, and Modulus InterAgent have been in existence for many years. Newer messaging products such as Progress SonicMQ , Softwired iBus, and FioranoMQ have been built from the ground up, based on the need for doing reliable Business-to-Business communications over the Internet.

A key concept of enterprise messaging is messages are delivered asynchronously from one system to others over a network. To deliver a message asynchronously means the sender is not required to wait for the message to be received or handled by the recipient; it is free to send the message and continue processing. Asynchronous messages are treated as autonomous units—each message is self-contained and carries all of the data and state needed by the business logic that processes it.

In asynchronous messaging, applications use a simple API to construct a message, then hand it off to the Message-Oriented Middleware for delivery to one or more intended recipients (Figure 1.1). A message is a package of business data that is sent from one application to another over the network. The message should be self-describing in that it should contain all the necessary context to allow the recipients to carry out their work independently.

Message-Oriented Middleware

Figure 1.1. Message-Oriented Middleware

Message-Oriented Middleware architectures of today vary in their implementation. The spectrum ranges from a centralized architecture that depends on a message server to perform routing, to a decentralized architecture that distributes the "server" processing out to the client machines. A varied array of protocols including TCP/IP, HTTP, SSL, and IP multicast are employed at the network transport layer. Some messaging products use a hybrid of both approaches, depending on the usage model.

Before we discuss the different architectures, it is important to explain what we mean by the term client. Messaging systems are composed of messaging clients and some kind of MOM. The clients send messages to the MOM, which then distributes those messages to other clients. The client is a business application or component that is using the messaging API (in our case JMS).

Centralized Architectures

Enterprise messaging systems that use a centralized architecture rely on a message server . A message server, also called a message router or broker, is responsible for delivering messages from one messaging client to other messaging clients. The message server decouples a sending client from other receiving clients. Clients only see the messaging server, not other clients, which allows clients to be added and removed without impacting the system as a whole.

Typically, a centralized architecture uses a hub-and-spoke topology. In a simple case, there is a centralized message server and all clients connect to it. As shown in Figure 1.2, the hub-and-spoke architecture lends itself to a minimal amount of network connections while still allowing any part of the system to communicate with any other part of the system.

Centralized hub-and-spoke architecture

Figure 1.2. Centralized hub-and-spoke architecture

In practice, the centralized message server may be a cluster of distributed servers operating as a logical unit.

Decentralized Architectures

All decentralized architectures currently use IP multicast at the network level. A messaging system based on multicasting has no centralized server. Some of the server functionality (persistence, transactions, security) is embedded as a local part of the client, while message routing is delegated to the network layer by using the IP multicast protocol.

IP multicast allows applications to join one or more IP multicast groups; each group uses an IP network address that will redistribute any messages it receives to all members in its group. In this way, applications can send messages to an IP multicast address and expect the network layer to redistribute the messages appropriately (see Figure 1.3). Unlike a centralized architecture, a distributed architecture doesn't require a server for the purposes of routing messages—the network handles routing automatically. However, other server-like functionality is still required to be included with each client, such as message persistence and message delivery semantics like once-and-only-once delivery.

Decentralized IP multicast architecture

Figure 1.3. Decentralized IP multicast architecture

Hybrid Architectures

A decentralized architecture usually implies that an IP multicast protocol is being used. A centralized architecture usually implies that the TCP/IP protocol is the basis for communication between the various components. A messaging vendor's architecture may also combine the two approaches. Clients may connect to a daemon process using TCP/IP, which in turn communicate with other daemon processes using IP multicast groups.

Centralized Architecture as a Model

Both ends of the decentralized and centralized architecture spectrum have their place in enterprise messaging. The advantages and disadvantages of distributed versus centralized architectures are discussed in more detail in Chapter 7. In the meantime we need a common model for discussing other aspects of enterprise messaging. In order to simplify discussions, this book uses a centralized architecture as a logical view of enterprise messaging. This is for convenience only and is not an endorsement of centralized over decentralized architectures. The term "message server" is frequently used in this book to refer to the underlying architecture that is responsible for routing and distributing messages. In centralized architectures, the message server is a middleware server or cluster of servers. In decentralized architectures, the server refers to the local server-like facilities of the client.

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