Chapter 8

Hypothesis Testing


This chapter explains about the Hypothesis testing. Sampling theory deals with two types of problems viz.: estimating and testing of hypothesis. The theory of probability plays an important role in decision-making and the branch of statistics which helps us in arriving at the criterion for such decisions is known as hypothesis testing. In this chapter we explain the basic concepts, types of errors, degrees of freedom, null hypothesis, and alternative hypothesis level of significance. The procedure of hypothesis testing for large samples is introduced.


Sample; population; test of significance of mean for large sample; computation of test statistic Z; test of significance for single proportion and confidence intervals

8.1 Introduction

In this chapter we shall deal with the problem of hypothesis testing, which enables us to make statement about population parameters. Many experiments are carried out with deliberate object of testing hypothesis. Hypothesis testing is a branch of statistics which helps us in arriving at criterion of decision making. We now explain the meaning of hypothesis and some of the basic concepts essential for better understanding of the hypothesis testing methods.

8.2 Hypothesis

Hypothesis is an assumption or statement, which may or may not be true. It is the conclusion that is tentatively drawn as logical basis. It is defined as follows:

Definition 8.1: A hypothesis is a statement about the population parameter.

A hypothesis is an assumption made in order to arrive at a decision regarding the population through a sample of the population. A hypothesis should be specific, clear, and precise. It should state as far as possible in most single term so that the same is easily understood by all concerning. It should state the relationship between variables.

A hypothesis should be capable of testing.

8.3 Hypothesis Testing

It is the process of testing significance, which concerns with the testing of same hypothesis regarding parameter of the population on the basis of statistic from the population.

8.4 Types of Hypothesis

To verify our assumption that is based on sample study we collect data and find out the difference between sample value and population value. If there is no difference, or if the difference is very small then our hypothesized value is correct. In general two types of hypothesis are constructed namely null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.

8.4.1 Null Hypothesis

In the process of statistical test the hypothesis concerning a population is rejected or accepted based on the sample drawn from the population, the statistician test the hypothesis through observations and makes a probability statement. The hypothesis (i.e., statement) we have assumed is called null hypothesis. It is defined as follows:

Definition 8.2: The hypothesis formulated for the purpose of its rejection under the assumption that it is true is called the null hypothesis.

Null hypothesis is denoted by H0.

8.4.2 Alternative Hypothesis

The negation of null hypothesis is called alternative hypothesis. It is denoted by H1. If the null hypothesis is rejected, then the alternative hypothesis is accepted, the acceptance or rejection of null hypothesis is based on sample study. Suppose we want to test the hypothesis that the population mean is equal to the hypothesized mean 60. Symbolically they can be expressed as





The possible alternative hypothesis can be stated in one of the following form:







In hypothesis testing, we usually proceed on the basis of null hypothesis, the probability of rejecting null hypothesis when it is true or the level of significance which is very small.

8.5 Computation of Test Statistic

Test statistic is computed after stating the null hypothesis. It is based on the appropriate probability distribution. The test statistic is used to test whether the null hypothesis H0 should be accepted or rejected.

8.6 Level of Significance

The level of significance is an important concept in hypothesis testing. It is always same percentage, it should be chosen with great care and thought and reason. The level of significance is maximum probability of rejecting null hypothesis when it is true and is denoted by α, the probability of making a correct decision is 1–α. The level of significance may be taken as 1% or 5% or 10% (i.e., α=0.01 or 0.05 or 0.1).

If we fix the level of significance at 5%, then the probability of making type I error is 0.05. This also means that we are 95% confident of making a correct decision.

When no level of significance is maintained it is taken as α=0.05.

8.7 Critical Region

A region corresponding to a statistic that amounts to rejection of null hypothesis H0 is known as critical region. It is also called as region of rejection.

The critical region is the region of the standard normal curve corresponding to a predetermined level of significance α. The region under the normal curve that is not covered by normal curve is known as the acceptance region.

8.8 One-Tailed Test and Two-Tailed Test

8.8.1 One-Tailed Test

A test of any statistical hypothesis where alternative hypothesis is one sided such as is called one-tailed test.



where μ is the parameter to be tested and H0 is the hypothesized value. When alternative hypothesis is one sided, i.e., one tailed, we apply one-tailed test. There are two types of one-tailed tests. When it is desired to see whether the population mean is as large as some specified value of the mean, we apply the right tailed test. In the right tailed test, the region of rejection (critical region) lies entirely on the right tail on the normal curve (Fig. 8.1).

Figure 8.1 Right-tailed test: rejection and acceptance regions.

When it is desired to see whether the population mean is at least as small as some specified value of the mean, we apply the left-tailed test.

In the left-tailed test the region of rejection (critical region) lies entirely on the left tail on the normal curve Fig. 8.2.

Figure 8.2 Left-tailed test: rejection and acceptance region.

8.8.2 Two-Tailed Test

A test of any statistical hypothesis where the alternative hypothesis is two sided such as is called a two-tailed test.





where μ is the parameter to be tested and μ0 is the hypothesized value. In a two-tailed test, there are two rejection regions, one an each tail of the curve (Fig. 8.3). If the significance level is 5% and the test applied is a two-tailed test, the probability of the region area will be 0.05. It is equally splitted on both sides of the curve as 0.025. The region of acceptance in this case is 0.95.

Figure 8.3 Two-tailed test: rejection and acceptance region.

Decision of rejecting Null hypothesis or not rejecting Null hypothesis: The statistical inference made on the basis of the sample mean is called a decision. If the sample mean lies in the region of rejection, null hypothesis is rejected while the alternative hypothesis is accepted, i.e., H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. If the sample mean lies in the region of acceptance, H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected. In this case the area in the tails is equal to the level of significance α. In the case of one-tailed test α appears is one tail and for two-tailed test α/2 appears in each tail of the curve. Instead of calculating the region of acceptance and rejection, we can directly calculate the value of the test statistic using the value of the sample mean calculated from the sample data.

Thus we have the following decision rules:

1. H0:μ=μ0AcceptH0if|x¯μ0|SE(x¯)tablevalueofZα/2ortα/2H1:μμ0RejectH0if|x¯μ0|SE(x¯)>tablevalueofZα/2ortα/2image

2. H0:μμ0AcceptH0if|x¯μ0|SE(x¯)tablevalueofZαortαH1:μ>μ0RejectH0if|x¯μ0|SE(x¯)>tablevalueofZαortαimage

3. H0:μμ0AcceptH0if|x¯μ0|SE(x¯)tablevalueofZαortαH1:μ<μ0RejectH0if|x¯μ0|SE(x¯)>tablevalueofZαortαimage


1. When the size of the sample is n≥30, i.e., the sample is large, we make use of the unbiased estimate of σ.
If the population standard deviation, σ, is known and n denotes the size of the sample the test statistic



2. When σ is unknown, and n<30 (i.e., small sample) the statistic is t=(x¯μ)/(σˆ/n)image, (σˆimage is the unbiased estimate of σ).

8.9 Errors

The decision regarding a null hypothesis may or may not be correct. There are two types of errors we can make:

 Accept H0Reject H0
H0 (True)Correct decisionWrong decision
  Type I error
H0 (False)Wrong decisionCorrect decision
 Type II error 

The probability of rejecting H0 when H0 is true is denoted by α and the probability of accepting H0 when H1 is true is denoted by β.


Prob (Type I error)=α

Prob (Type II error)=β

An increase is the sample size n will reduce α.

The probability that we will reject a false null hypothesis is given by 1−β. The quantity 1−β is called the power of a test. For a given α we may specify any number of possible values of the parameter of interest and for each compute the value of 1−β. The result is called a power function and the corresponding curve is called a power curve.

By adjusting the values of α, we can reduce the size of the rejection region. Probability of making one type of error can be reduced by allowing an increase in the probability of the other type of error. Hence a decrease in the probability of the other.


Of the two hypotheses, one is true and the other is false unfortunately we do not know which is which. Therefore we design a test and apply it and make a judgement. The problem is that there is no guarantee that we are correct in our decision or judgement.

8.10 Procedure for Hypothesis Testing

The main question in hypothesis testing is whether to accept the null hypothesis or not to accept the null hypothesis. The following tests are involved in hypothesis testing:

1. Stating of hypothesis: The null hypothesis H0, and the alternative hypothesis H1 are constructed in this step. It is of the form right tailed.



where μ is the population mean and μ0 is its specified value.

2. Identification of test statistic: For large samples (n≥30), when population n standard deviation (SD) is known. The test statistic is Z=(x¯μ)/(σ/n)image.
The corresponding distribution is normal for small samples (i.e., n<30) we use t-test.

3. Specifying the level of significance: Very important concept in hypothesis testing is the level of significance. It is always some percentage. It may be 1% or 5% or 10%. The level of significance is the maximum value of the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true and is usually determined in advance before testing the hypothesis.

4. Determine the value of the test statistic.

5. Check whether the probability value is less than or equal to α and accordingly reject the null hypothesis, or accept it.

8.11 Important Tests of Hypothesis

For the purpose of testing hypothesis, several tests of hypothesis were developed. They can be classified as:

1. Parametric test.

2. Nonparametric test.

Parametric tests are also known as standard the distribution-free test of hypothesis. In this section, we consider only the parametric tests.

The important parametric tests are:

1. Z-Test

2. t-Test

3. χ2-Test

4. F-Test

The parametric tests are based on the assumption of normality.

Z-Test is used for comparing the mean of a sample to some hypothesized mean for the population in case of a large sample. It is also used when the population variance is known. Z-Test is also used for comparing the sample proportion to a theoretical value of population proportion.

t-Test is used in the case of small samples. It is based on t-distribution and is considered an appropriate test for judging the significance of a sample mean or for judging the significance of difference between the means of two samples.

Chi-square test is used for comparing a sample variance to a theoretical population variance. It is based on chi-square distribution.

F-Test is used to compare the variance of the two independent samples. It is based on F-distribution.

8.12 Critical Values

The value of the test statistic that separates the critical region and the acceptance region is called critical value.

It is also called significant value and is dependent on

1. the level of significance and

2. the alternative hypothesis.

For large samples corresponding to the statistic t, the variable Z=(tE(t)/(SE(t)))image is normally distributed with mean 0 and variance 1. If α is the level of significance. The value Zα of the test statistic for a two-tailed test is given by



i.e., Zα is the value of Z so that the total area of the critical region and the two tails is α. Since the normal curve is a symmetrical curve.











Hence the area in each tail is α/2image.

The following table gives us the critical values of Z:

Critical value (Zα)Level of significance
Two-tailed test|Zα|=2.58|Zα|=1.96|Zα|=1.645
Right-tailed testZα=2.33Zα=1.645Zα=1.28
Left-tailed testZα=−2.33Zα=−1.645Zα=−1.28


8.13 Test of Significance—Large Samples

8.13.1 Test of Significance for Single Mean

Let x1, x2, …, xn be a random sample of size n drawn from a large population with mean μ and variance σ2. Let x¯image denote the mean of sample and S2 denote the variance of the sample.

We know that x¯~N(μ,σ2n)image

The standard normal variate corresponding to x¯image






We set up the null hypothesis that there is no difference between the sample mean and the population mean. The test statistic is

Z=x¯μσ/nimage (σi known and SE(x¯)=σ/nimage).

If σ is not known



where S is the SD of the sample. Solved Examples

Test of significance for single means:

Example 8.1: The heights of college students in a city are normally distributed with SD 6 cm; a sample of 100 students have a mean height of 158 cm. Test the hypothesis that the mean height of college students in the college is 160 cm.

Solution: We have

x¯image=158 (Mean of the sample)

μ=160 (Mean of the population)

σ=6 (SD)

n=100 (Size of the sample)

Level of significance: 5% and 1%

H0:μ=160image, i.e., difference is not significant


We apply two-tailed test

Test statistic is



Table value of Z at 5% level of significance=1.96

Since the calculated value of Z at 5% level of significance is greater than the table value of Z, we reject H0 at 5% level of significance.

Table value of Z at 1% level of significance is 2.58.

Calculated value at 1% level of significance is greater than the table value of Z, hence we reject the null hypothesis H0 at 1%, i.e., H0 is rejected both at 1% and 5% level of significance.

Example 8.2: A sample of 400 items is taken from a population whose SD is 10. The mean of the sample is 40. Test whether the sample has come from the population with mean 38. Also calculate 95% confidence interval for the population.

Solution: Here we have



Null hypothesis: H0: μ=38

i.e., the sample is from the population whose mean=38

Alternative hypothesis: H1: μ ≠ 38

Level of significance: α=0.05

Table value of Z=Zα=1.96

Test statistic:



Calculated value of Z=4 is greater than the table value of Z at 0.05 level of significance.

Hence, null hypothesis is rejected, i.e., confidence interval for the population whose mean is 38.

95% confidence interval for the population is given by






Example 8.3: The mean and SD of a population are 11,795 and 14,054, respectively. If n=50 find 95% confidence interval for the mean?

Solution: It is given that x¯=11,795image, σ=14,054, n=50







Hence the 95% confidence interval is



Example 8.4: It is claimed that a random sample of 49 types has a mean life of 15,200 km. This sample has drawn from a population whose mean is 15,150 km and a SD of 1200 km. Test the significance at 0.05 levels.

Solution: We have x¯=15,200image, μ=15,150, σ=1200, and n=49

Null hypothesis: H0: μ=15,150

Alternative hypothesis: H1: μ ≠ 15,150 (two-tailed test)

Level of significance=α=0.05

Table value of Z=1.96

Test statistic is



Since the calculated value of Z is less than the table value at 5% level, we accept null hypothesis.

Example 8.5: A sample size of 400 was drawn and the sample mean was found to be 98. Test whether this sample could have come from a normal population with mean 100 and SD 8 at 5% level of significance.

Solution: Here we have x¯=98image, μ=100, σ=8, and n=400

Null hypothesis: H0: μ=100

i.e., The sample comes from a normal population with mean 100.

Alternative hypothesis H1: μ ≠ 100 (two-tailed test)

Level of significance=α=0.05

Table value of Z at 5% level of significance=1.96

Test statistic:



Since the calculated value of Z is greater than the table value of Z at 5% level of significance, we reject H0, i.e., sample was not drawn from the normal population with mean 100 and SD 8.

Example 8.6: The average marks in mathematics of a sample of 100 students was 51 with a SD of 6 marks, could this have been a random sample from a population with average marks of 50?

Solution: Here we have x¯=51image, S=6, μ=50, n=100

Null hypothesis: H0: 50, The sample is from a population with an average of 50 marks.




Alternate hypothesis: H1:μ50image

Let the level of significance be taken as 5%

Table value of Z for 5% level of significance is |Z|=1.96



Since the calculated value of Z is less than the table value of Z at 5% level of significance, we accept H0, i.e., sample is drawn from a population with a mean of 50 marks. The difference is not significant.

Example 8.7: The mean of certain production process is known to be 50 with a SD of 2.5. The production manager may welcome any change in mean value toward higher side but would like to safe guard against decreasing values of mean. He takes a sample of 12 items that gives a mean value of 46.5 what inference should the manager take for production process on the basis of sample results. Use 5% level of significance for the purpose.

Solution: x¯=46.5image, μ=50, σ=2.5

Null hypothesis H0:μ=50image

Alternative hypothesis H1:μ<50image (one-sided test)

Level of significance α=5%

Table value of Z=1.645



i.e., calculated value of Z is greater than the table value of Z.

Hence H0 is rejected.

Therefore the production process shows a mean that is significantly less than the population mean and this calls for taking same corrective measures concerning the production process.

Example 8.8: A random sample of 100 students gave a mean height of 58 kg, with a standard deviation (SD) 4 kg. Test the hypothesis that the mean weight in the population is 60 kg.

Solution: Here x¯=58image, S=4, μ=60, n=100



Level of significance α=5%

Table value of Zα=1.96



Since the calculated value of Z is greater than the table value at 5% level of significance, H0 is rejected.



8.13.2 Test of Significance for Difference of Means of Two Large Samples

Let x¯1image be the mean of independent random sample of size n1 from a population with mean μ1 and variance σ12image and let x¯2image be the mean of independent random sample of size n2 from a population with mean μ2 and variance σ22image, where n1 and n2 are large.







i.e., Z is the standard normal variate.

Setting up the null hypothesis, we have



Since x¯1image and x¯2image are independent, the covariance terms vanish. We have



Hence under the null hypothesis H0: μ1=μ2, the test statistic is

Z=x¯1x¯2σ12n1+σ22n2 (8.1)

image (8.1)

If σ1=σ2=σimage, then the test statistic is

Z=x¯1x¯2σ2(1n1+1n2)=x¯1x¯2σ(1n1+1n2) (8.2)

image (8.2)

If σ1 and σ2 are not known then the test statistic is






If σ1=σ2image and σ is not known, we compute σ2 by using the formula



In this case the test statistic is



substitute S1 for and S2 for provided n1 and n2 are large.


Z=x¯1x¯2n1S12+n2S22n1n2 (8.3)

image (8.3)

If we want to test the null hypothesis μ1μ2=δimage where δ is a specified constant against one of the alternatives






We apply likelihood ratio technique and at the test based on x¯1x¯2image. The corresponding critical regions for the test can be written as









When we deal with independent random samples drawn from populations with unknown variances, that may not be normal. We substitute S1 for σ1 and S2 for σ2 provided n1 and n2 are large.

When the sizes of the independent random samples, i.e., n1 and n2 are small and σ1 and σ2 are unknown the above test cannot be used. For independent random samples from two normal population having the same unknown variable, we use the test






(Test of significance of difference between two means).

Example 8.9: Random samples drawn from two places gave the following data relating to the heights of children:

 Place APlace B
Mean height68.5068.58
Standard deviation (SD)2.53.0
Number of items in the sample12001500

Test at 5% level that the mean height is the same for the children at two places.

Solution: Here we have



Level of significance=0.05





Null hypothesis H0:μ1=μ2image

Alternative hypothesis H1:μ1μ2image (Two-tailed test)



|Z|=0.756<1.96, i.e., calculated value of Z is less than the table value. Hence null hypothesis is accepted.

Example 8.10: The mean produce of a sample of 100 fields is 200 lb, per acre with a standard deviation (SD) of 10 lb. Another sample of 150 fields gives the mean of 220 lb, with a SD 12 lb. Can the two samples be considered to have been taken from the same population whose SD is 11 lb. Use 5% level of significance.

Solution: It is given that













Level of significance=5%



Test statistic:



The calculated value of Z is greater than the table value at 5% level of significance.

Hence we reject null hypothesis H0.

Therefore the difference between the means of the two samples is significant and it is not due to sampling fluctuations.

Example 8.11: Two sets of 100 students each were taught to read by two different methods. After the instructions were over, a reading test given to them revealed x¯1=73.4image, x¯2=70.3image, S1=8, and S2=10. Test the hypothesis that μ1=μ2image.

Solution: It is given that



Null hypothesis H0:μ1=μ2image

Alternative hypothesis: H1:μ1μ2image



|Z|=2.4207>1.96, therefore at 5% level of significance H0 is rejected.

|Z|=2.4207<2.58, therefore at 1% Level of significance H0 is accepted.

Example 8.12: Samples of students were drawn from two univariates and from their weights in kilograms and standard deviations (SDs) are calculated. Make a large sample test the significance of the difference between the means.

Solution: We have



Null hypothesis H0:μ1=μ2image

Alternative hypothesis: H1:μ1μ2image

Level of significance=0.05

Table value of Z=1.96

Test statistic:



i.e., calculated value of Z is less than the table value of Z at 5% level of significance. Hence H0 is accepted.

Example 8.13: In a certain factory there are two independent processes for manufacturing the same item. The average from one process is formed to be 120 gm with a standard deviation (SD) of 400 items. Is the difference between the mean weights significant at 10% level of significance?

Solution: The given values are







Level of significance=10%

Null hypothesis H0:μ1=μ2image

Alternative hypothesis: H1:μ1μ2image (two-tailed test)

Z-value=1.645 at 10% level

Test statistic is



Since the calculated value of Z is greater than the table value of Z, we reject null hypothesis. Therefore there is a significance difference between the two sample mean weights.

8.13.3 Test of Significance for the Difference of SDs of Two Large Samples

If S1 and S2 are the SD of two independent samples and H0:σ1=σ2image is the null hypothesis, the test statistic is



If σ1,σ2image are known, then for large samples



If σ1,σ2image are not known, the test statistic is






Example 8.14: Intelligence test of two groups of boys and girls gave the following results:

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