Chapter 10

Test of Significance—Small Samples


This chapter is devoted for the study of t-test and F-test that are known as small tests. The test of hypothesis about the variance of two populations is discussed in this chapter. The students’ t-test for difference of two means, paired t-test are discussed in this chapter.


Moments about mean; assumptions for t-test; uses of t-distribution; types of t-test; significance of values of t

10.1 Introduction

In this chapter we discuss tests of significance for small samples. The important tests for small samples are

1. Chi-square test

2. t-test

3. F-test.

χ2image Distribution was already introduced in the previous chapter. We now introduce t and F distributions in this chapter.


When population standard deviation (SD) is not known and size of the sample is less than or equal to 30, we use t-test. The parameter t was introduced by W.S. Gosset in the year 1908. But t-distribution was established by Fisher in the year 1920. t-Distribution is also known as students t-distribution. Let x1, x2, …, xn be the members of a random sample drawn from a normal population with mean μ and variance σ2. We define t-test statistic as



where x¯image is mean of the sample given by xi/nimage.

If we take (n−1)S2=ni=1(xix¯)2=nS2,image then we get



Since xi, i=1, 2, 3, …, n is a random sample from the normal population with mean μimage and variance σ2image, σ2x¯μσ/n~N(0,1)image.

(x¯μ)2n/σ2,image is the square of a standard normal variate and it is distributed as chi-square variate, with one degrees of freedom. nS2/σ2image is also distributed as a χ2image-variate with n−1 degrees of freedom. Hence t2/vimage is the ratio of two independent χ2image-variates distributed with 1 and νimage degrees of freedom, respectively. Therefore t2/vimage is a β2(12,ν2)image variate. For different samples, it was shown by Fisher that its distribution is

y=y0(1+t2ν)ν+12,<x< (10.1)

image (10.1)

The constant y0 is chosen in such a way that



i.e., area of the curve given by Eq. (10.1) is unity













y=f(t)=1νβ(12,ν2)(1+t2ν)ν+12 (10.2)

image (10.2)

Eq. (10.2) is known as t-distribution.

It is called the equation of t-probability curve.

The probability that we get a value of t between the limits t1 and t2 is given by






10.2 Moments About Mean

The origin is mean for a t-distribution. All the moment of odd order about the origin vanish. The moment of even order about the origin is






we get









In particular



As νimage, we get



10.3 Properties of Probability Curve

1. Equation of t-probability contains only even powers of t, therefore the curve is symmetrical about the line t=0.

2. t-Distribution extends to infinity on either side and is asymptotic to t-axis at each end.

3. t-Distribution has a greater spread than the normal distribution and its graph is similar to that of normal distribution.

4. Sampling distribution of t is independent of the population parameters μimage and σ2image, but it depends only on the size of the sample.

5. The curve has a maximum ordinate at t=0, the mean and mode coincide at t=0.

6. As νimage, ye12tνimage hence t is distributed normally.


10.4 Assumptions for t-Test

The t-test is applied under the following assumptions:

1. The samples are drawn from normal population and are random.

2. The population SD may not be known.

3. For testing the equality of two population means, the population variances are regarded as equal.

10.5 Uses of t-Distribution

The t-distribution is used to test the significance of:

1. a mean for small sample when the population variance is not known.

2. the difference between two means for small samples.

The values of t for different degrees of freedom are given at the end of this book.

10.6 Interval Estimate of Population Mean

Let x¯image denote the sample mean and n denote the size of the sample. Then the interval estimate of the population mean μimage is given by x¯±t0.05(S/n)image



10.7 Types of t-Test

There are two types of t-tests:

1. Unpaired t-test.

2. Paired t-test.

10.8 Significant Values of t

The significant value of t at level of significance (Fig. 10.1) and degrees of freedom ν,image for two-tailed test is given by


Figure 10.1 Level of significance.

The significant value of t at level of significance for a one-tailed test can be obtained from those of two-tailed test by referring to the values Zαimage. The significant values are given αimage in the table known as the t-table.

If the calculated value of t exceeds the table value at 5% level of significance then the null hypothesis is rejected at 5%.

Similarly for 1% level of significance, we can reject the null hypothesis at 1% if the calculated value of t exceeds the table value.

10.9 Test of Significance of a Single Mean

To test the significance of a mean of a small sample, the test statistic is



where x¯=xi/nimage; S/(n1)image is the standard error of mean; n=size of the sample (n≤30); S=standard deviation =(xix¯)2nimage.

If x¯image is a fraction, we compute S by using the formulae x¯=A+(d/n),d=xAimage



where A is the assumed mean.

If the calculated value of |t|image is less than the table value of tαimage (α=level of significance), we accept null hypothesis for the degrees of freedom νimage.

If the calculated value of |t|image is greater than the table value tαimage of at the level of significance α,image for the degrees of freedom ν,image we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.

10.9.1 Solved Examples

Example 10.1: A random sample of size 7 from a normal population gave a mean of 977.51 and a SD of 4.42. Find 95% confidence interval for the population mean?

Solution: Here we have n=7,x¯=977.51,df=n1=6andS=4.42image



95% confidence limits for μimage are



i.e., 977.51–(2.447) (1.8045)<μ<977.51+(2.447) (1.8045)

i.e., 977.51–4.4156<μ<977.51+4.4156

i.e., 973.094<μ<981.9256

The required confidence interval is (973.094, 981.9256).

Example 10.2: A sample of 10 camshafts intended for use in gasoline engine has an average eccentricity of 0.044 in. The data may be treated as a random sample from a normal population. Determine a 95% confidence interval for actual mean eccentricity of the camshaft.

Solution: It is given that

n=size of the sample=10

S=Standard deviation=0.044 in.

x¯image=1.02 in.

Degrees of freedom νimage=n–1=10–1=9



The confidence interval is






Example 10.3: Find the students t for following variable values in a sample of eight.

−4, −2, −2, 0, 2, 2, 3, 3 taking the mean of the universe to be zero.

Solution: Table for computing mean x¯image and S

x xx¯image (xx¯)2image
−4 −4.25 18.0625
−2 −2.25 5.0625
−2 −2.25 5.0625
0 −0.25 0.0625
2 1.75 3.0625
2 1.75 3.0625
3 2.75 7.5625
3 2.75 7.5625
xi=2image  49.5080




Test statistic:



Example 10.4: A certain stimulus administered to each of 12 patients resulted in the following increases of blood pressures:

5, 2, 8, −1, 3, 0, 6, −2, 1, 5, 0, 4.

Can it be calculated that the stimulus will be in general accomplished by an increase in blood pressure given that for 11 degrees of freedom the value of is 2.201?

Solution: For 11 df=2.201 (given)



Calculation of S

x xx¯image (xx¯)2image
5 2.42 5.8564
2 −0.58 0.3364
8 5.42 29.3764
−1 −3.58 12.8164
3 0.42 0.1764
0 −2.58 6.6564
6 3.42 11.6964
−2 −4.58 20.9764
1 −1.58 2.4964
5 2.42 5.8564
0 −2.58 6.6564
4 1.42 2.0614






Assuming that mean of the universe is zero, we get



Since the calculated value of t for 11 df at 5% level of significance is greater than the table value of t, we reject null hypothesis and conclude that stimulus will be in general accompanied by an increase in blood pressure.

Example 10.5: A random blood sample to test fasting sugar for 10 taxi drivers gave the following data (in mg/dL):

70, 120, 110, 101, 88, 83, 95, 107, 100, 98.

Do this support, the assumption of population mean of 100 mg/dL. Find a reasonable range in which the most of the mean fasting sugar test of 10 taxi drivers lie?

Solution: We have n=10



Null Hypothesis H0: μ=100

Alternative Hypothesis H1: μ ≠ 100 (two-tailed test)

Degrees of freedom ν=n−1=10−1=9

Level of significance α=0.05

Table value of t for 9 df at 5% level of significance=2.262

x xx¯image (xx¯)2image
70 –27.2 739.84
120 22.8 519.84
110 12.8 163.84
101 3.8 14.44
88 –9.2 84.64
83 –14.2 201.64
95 –2.2 4.84
107 9.8 96.04
100 2.8 7.84
98 0.8 0.64






Test statistic:





i.e., calculated value of t at 5% level of significance for 9 df is less than the table value.

Hence we accept null hypothesis.

The 95% confidence limits for μ are



i.e., [97.2–10.20, 97.2+10.20]

i.e., [87.0, 107.40]

i.e., The 95% confidence interval for is [87.0, 107.40].

Example 10.6: A sample of 26 bulbs gives a mean life of 990 hours with a SD of 20 hours. The manufacturer claims that the mean life of the bulbs is 1000 hours. Is the sample not up to the standard?

Solution: We have



Null Hypothesis H0: The sample is up to standard

Alternative Hypothesis H1: The sample is not up to the standard





Table value of t for 25 df at 5% level is 1.708. Since the calculated value of t is greater than the table value of t, we reject null hypothesis.

Therefore the sample is not up to the standard.

Example 10.7: The average breaking strength of the steel rods is specified to be 18.5 thousand pounds. To test this, a sample of 14 rods was tested. The mean and SDs obtained were 17.85 and 1.955, respectively. Is the result of the experiment significant?

Solution: Here we have n=14, x¯=17.85,image μ=18.5image



Degrees of freedom=n–1=14–1=13

Table value of t for 13 df at 5% level of significance=2–16 (i.e., critical value)

Null Hypothesis H0: The result of the experiment is not significant.

Alternative Hypothesis H1: μ18.5image

The test statistic






Calculated value of t is less than the table value of t. Hence we accept null hypothesis, i.e., the result of the experiment is not significant.

Example 10.8: A machine is designed to produce insulating washers for electrical devices of average thickness of 0.025 cm. A random sample of 10 washers was found to have a thickness of 0.024 cm, with SD of 0.002 cm. Test the significance of the deviation (value of t for 9 degrees of freedom at 5% level of significance is 2.262).

Solution: Size of the given sample=10 (small sample)

Sample mean=x¯=0.024cmimage

Population mean μ=0.025cmimage

S=Standard deviation=0.002 cm

Degrees of freedom=n−1=10−1=9

Table value of t for 9 df at 5% level of significance=2.262

Null hypothesis H0: The difference between x¯image and μ is not significant.

Alternative hypothesis H1: μ0.025image

The test statistic





Calculated value of t is less than the table value of t at 5% level of significance and 9 df. We accept null hypothesis and conclude that the difference between x¯image and μimage is not significant.

Example 10.9: A sample of 20 items has a mean 42 units and SD 5 units. Test the hypothesis that it is a random sample from a normal population with mean 46 units.

Solution: We have n=20 (small sample), x¯=46,image μ=46,image S=5image

Null Hypothesis H0: μ=46image

Alternative Hypothesis H1: μ46image

Degrees of freedom=n−1=20−1=19

Table value of t for 19 df at 5% level of significance=2.09

The test statistic






Calculated value of t is greater than the table value at 5% level for 19 df.

Hence we reject null hypothesis H0: μ=46image

i.e., the difference between sample mean and population mean is significant.

Example 10.10: A machine is designed to produce insulating washers for electrical devices of average thickness of 0.025 cm. A random sample of 10 washers was found to have an average thickness of 0.024 cm with a SD of 0.002 cm. Test the significance of the deviation of mean (Table value of t for df at 5% level is 2.2627).

Solution: We have n=10 (small sample), x¯=0.024,image μ=0.025,image S=0.002image

Null Hypothesis H0: μ=0.025cmimage

Alternative Hypothesis H1: μ0.025image

Degrees of freedom=n−1=10−1=9

Table value of t for 9 df at 5% level of significance=2.262

The test statistic






Calculated value of t is less than the table value at 5% level for 9df.

Hence we accept null hypothesis. We conclude that there is no significant deviation between the sample mean and population mean.

10.10 Student’s t-Test for Difference of Means

Suppose we want to test if two independent samples x1,x2,x3,,xn1image and y1,y2,y3,,yn2image of sizes n1 and n2 have been drawn from the normal population with means μ1image and μ2image, respectively.

Assume that the population variances are equal

The statistic t






is an unbiased estimate of the population variance σ2image.

t follows t-distribution with degrees of freedom n1+n22image

Under the null hypothesis H0, that

1. Samples have been drawn from the populations with the same means, i.e., μ1=μ2image

2. Sample means x¯image and y¯image do not differ significantly.

We compute the test statistic



The degrees of freedom is n1+n22image

If |t|image is less than the table value of tαimage for a given level of significance α,image and df=n1+n22image

We accept null hypothesis H0, otherwise reject the null hypothesis.

The confidence interval for μ1μ2image is a (100, 1αimage)% interval given by






where the degrees of freedom is ν=n1+n22image.

Example 10.11: The nicotine content in milligrams of the samples of tobacco were found as follows:

Sample A 24 27 26 21 25  
Sample B 27 30 28 31 22 36


Can it be said that the two samples come from normal populations with the sample mean.

Solution: We have



Calculation of sample SD’s

x xx¯image (xx¯)2image y yy¯image (yy¯)2image
24 –0.6 0.36 27 –2 4
27 2.4 5.76 30 1 1
26 1.4 1.96 28 –1 1
21 –3.6 12.96 31 2 4
25 0.4 0.16 22 –7 49
36 7 49
123 0 21.2 174 0 108






Null Hypothesis H0: μ1=μ2image, i.e., the two samples have been drawn from normal populations with the same mean

Alternative Hypothesis H1: μ1μ2image

Level of significance=5%,

Degrees of freedom=n1+n22=5+62=9image

t0.05image for 9 df=2.262

Test statistic is





The calculated value of t is less than the table value of t at 5% level of significance for 9 df. Therefore we accept H0.

The samples are drawn from normal populations with the same mean.

Example 10.12: A group of 7-week-old chicken reared on a high-protein diet weigh 12, 15, 11, 16, 14, 14, and 16 ounces. A second group of 5 chickens similarly treated except that they receive a low-protein diet weigh 8, 10, 14, 10, and 13 ounces. Test whether there is evidence that additional protein has increased the weight of the chicken (The table value of t for νimage=10 at 5% level of significance is 2.33).

Solution: Let the weights of chicken reared on high-protein diet be denoted by xi and the weights of chicken reared on low-protein diet be denoted by yi

We have



Null Hypothesis H0: μ1=μ2image

i.e., additional protein has not increased the weight of the chickens

Alternative Hypothesis H1: μ1>μ2image (one-tailed test)

Computation of SD.

x xx¯image (xx¯)2image y yy¯image (yy¯)2image
12 −2 4    
15 1 1 8 −3 9
11 −3 9 10 −1 1
16 2 4 14 3 9
14 0 0 10 −1 1
14 0 0 13 2 4
16 2 4    
98  22 55  24




Level of significance=5% (α=0.05)

Critical value, i.e., table value of t for 10 df at 5% level=1.81

Test statistic is



Since the calculated value of t is greater than the table value of t, at 5% level of significance for 10 degrees of freedom. We reject H0 and conclude that additional protein has increased the weight of the chicken.

Example 10.13: Two salesmen A and B working in a certain district from a sampling survey conducted by the head office. The following results were obtained. State whether there is any significant difference in the average sales between the two salesmen?

 A B
No. of sales 20 18
Average sales (in Rs.) 170 203
Standard deviation (in Rs.) 20 25

Solution: We have

n1=20, n2=18
x¯1=170,image x¯2=205image
S1=20, S2=25


Degrees of freedom=n1+n22=20+162image

Level of significance α=0.05

Table value of t=1.9 (for 36 df at 5%)









Test statistic is





i.e., the calculated value of t is greater than the table value of t at 5% level of significance, for 36 df.

Hence we reject null hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant difference in the average sales between two salesmen.

Example 10.14: A group of 5 patients treated with medicine A weigh 42, 39, 48, 60, and 41 kg. A second group of 7 patients from the same hospital with medicine B weigh 38, 42, 56, 64, 68, 69, and 62 kg. Do you agree with the claim that the medicine B increases the weight significantly (The value of t at 5% level of significance for 10 df is 2.228).

Solution: Let xi denote the weights of patients treated with medicine A, and yi denote the weights of patients treated with medicine B.

We have n1=5, n2=7, df=n1+n2–2=5+7–2=10

Null hypothesis H0: μA=μBimage

i.e., there is no significant difference between the medicines A and B regards their effect on increase in weight.

Alternative hypothesis H1: μAμBimage (Two-tailed test)

Table value of t at 5% level of significance for 10 df=2.228


x xx¯image (xx¯)2image y yy¯image (yy¯)2image
42 –4 16 38 –19 361
39 –7 49 42 –15 225
48 2 4 56 –1 1
60 14 196 64 7 49
41 –5 25 68 11 121
69 12 144
62 5 25
230 290 399 926




Test statistic is






The calculated value of t is less than the table value of t at 5% level of significance, for 10 df. Therefore we accept null hypothesis H0.

There is no significant difference between medicines A and B as regards the increase in weights.

Example 10.15: The students of two schools were measured for their heights, one school was in east coast another in west coast, where there is slight difference in weather. The sampling results are as follows:

East coast 43 45 48 49 51 51
West coast 47 49 51 53 54 55 55 56 57


Find whether there is any impact of weather on height taking other variable constant. (given t0.05 for 13 df=2.16)?

Solution: Here we have



Let east coast school be denoted by x and west coast student height be denoted by y. Then



Null hypothesis H0: Weather has no impact on the heights of the students

Alternative hypothesis H1: Weather has impact on the heights of the students

Degree of freedom=6+9–2=13

Level of significance=5%

Table value of t for 13 df=2.16





Test statistic is





The calculated value of t is greater than the table value of t at 5% level of significance for 13 df.

Hence we reject null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.

Exercise 10.1

1. Define t-distribution and write the properties of t-probability curve.

2. Ten students are selected at random from a college and their heights are found to be 100, 104, 108, 110, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, and 118 cm. In the height of these data, discuss the suggestion that the mean height of the students of the college is 110 cm. Use 5% level of significance.

Ans: Null hypothesis is accepted, i.e., mean height of the students is 110 cm

3. A machine that produces mica insulating washers having a thickness of 10 miles (1 mile=0.001  in.). A sample of 10 washers has an average thickness of 9.52 miles with a SD of 0.60 miles. Find the value of t?

4. Ten cartons are taken at random from an automatic machine. The mean net weight of the 10 cartons is 11.8 kg and SD is 0.15 kg. Does the sample means differ significantly from the intended height of 12 kg (t0.05 for 9 df=2.26).

Ans: H0 rejected. The sample means differ

5. A fertilizer mixing machine is set to give 12 kg of nitrate for every quintal bag of fertilizer. Ten 100 kg bags are examined. The percentages of nitrate are as follows. 11, 14, 13, 12, 13, 12, 1, 3, 14, 11, 12 is there reason to be believe the machine is effective (t0.05 for 9 df=2.262).

Ans: There is no reason to believe the t the machine is defective

6. Two samples of sizes 6 and 5 gave the following data:

 Sample I Sample II
Mean 40 50
SD 8 10

Is the difference of the mean significant? The value of t for t degrees of freedom at 5% level of significance is 2.26.

Ans: The difference of means is not significant

7. Samples of two types of sodium vapor were tasted for the length of life and the following data were obtained:

 Type I (h) Type II (h)
Sample No. 8 7
Sample mean 1234 1036
Sample SD 36 40

Is the difference in the mean sufficient to warrant an inference that type I is superior to type II regarding the length of life (Type I is superior to type II)?

8. Sandal powder is packed into packets by a machine. A random sample of 12 packets is drawn and their weights are found to be (in kg) 0.49, 0.48, 0.47, 0.48, 0.49, 0.50, 0.51, 0.49, 0.50, 0.51, 0.48. Test if the average packing can be taken as 0.5 kg (t0.05 for 11 df=2.20)?

Ans: H0 rejected

9. The following results are obtained from a sample of 10 boxes of biscuits:
Mean weight of the content=490 g
SD of the weights=9 g
Could the sample come from a population having a mean of 500 g (t0.05 for 9 df=2.26)

Ans: H0 is rejected

10. The wages of 10 workers taken at random from a factory are given as follows:
Wages (in Rs.): 578, 572, 570, 568, 572, 578, 570, 572, 596, 584
It is possible that the mean height of all workers of this factory could be Rs. 580 (given at 9 df t0.05=2.26)?

Ans: H0 is accepted

11. The 9 items of a sample have the following values 45, 47, 50, 52, 48, 47, 49, 53, 51. Does the mean values differ significantly from the assumed mean 47.5 (for 8 df, t0.05=2.31)?

Ans: H0 is accepted

12. Write short notes on:

a. Students t-distribution

b. Properties of t-distribution

13. Test whether the sample having values 63, 63, 64, 55, 66, 69, 70, 70, and 71 have been chosen from a population with mean of 65 at 5% level of significance (t0.05=2.31 for 8 df)?

Ans: The difference is significant

14. A certain medicine was administered to each of 10 patient’s results in the following increases in the blood pressure:
8, 8, 7, 5, 4, 1, 0, 0, –1, –1
Concluded that the medicine was responsible for the increase in blood pressure.

Ans: The difference is significant. The medicine is responsible for the increase in the blood pressure

15. The weight of 10 people of a locality are found to be 70, 67, 62, 68, 61, 68, 70, 64, 66 kg. Is it reasonable to believe that the average weights of the people of locality are greater than 64 kg. Test at 5% level of significance (Given t0.05=1.83 for 9 df).

Ans: H0 is rejected. Average weight is greater than 64 kg

16. Following table contains the data resulting from a sample of managers trained under different t programs:

Program sampled Mean sensitivity of the program Number of managers observed Estimate SD for sensitivity after the program
Formal 92% 12 15%
Informal 84% 15 19%


Test at 0.05 level of significance whether the sensitivity achieved by formal program is significantly higher than that achieved under informal program?

Ans: H0 rejected: The sensitivity achieved by formal program is higher than that achieved under the informal program

17. A random sample of 10 tins of oil filled in by an automatic machine gave the following weights (in kg): 2.05, 2.01, 2.04, 1.91, 1.97, 1.97, 2.04, 2.02. Can we accept at 5% level of significance the claim that the average weight of the tin is 2 kg.

Ans: The average weight of the tin is 2 kg is accepted

18. A random sample of size 16 has 53 as its mean. The sum of the squares of the deviations taken from the mean is 1.50. Can this sample be regarded as taken from the population having 56 as its mean? Obtain 95% and 99% confidence limits of the mean population (for v=15, t0.01=2.95, t0.05=2.131).

Ans: H0 is rejected, [50.316, 54.684], [50.67, 55.33]

19. A sample of 20 items has mean 42 units and SD 5 units. Test the hypothesis that it is a random sample from a normal population with mean 45 units?

Ans: The sample could not have come from the given population

20. The means of two random samples of size 9 and 7 are 196.42 and 198.82, respectively. The sum of the squares of the deviations from the mean is 26.94 and 18.73 respectively. Can the sample be considered that they have been drawn from the same normal population?

Ans: The two samples are not drawn from the same population

21. Two horses A and B were tested according to the time (in seconds) to run a particular track with the following results:

Horse A 28 30 32 33 33` 29 34
Horse B 29 30 30 24 27 27 -


Test whether you can discriminate between two horses you can use the fact that at 5% level of significance value of t for 11 df is 2.2?

Ans: The medicines A and B do not differ significantly as regards their effect on the increase of weight

22. A group of 5 patients treated with medicine A weighed 42, 39, 48, 60 and 41 kg. Second group of 7 patients from the same hospital treated with medicine B weighed 38, 42, 56, 64, 68, 69, and 62 kg. Do you agree with the claim that medicine B increases the weight significantly?

Ans: The medicines A and B do not differ significantly as regards their effect on the increase of weight

23. Memory capacity of 10 students was tested before and after training. State whether the training was effective or not from the following scores:

Before 12 14 11 8 7 10 3 0 5 6
After 15 16 10 7 5 13 10 2 8 8


Ans: Not significant

24. An IQ test was administered on 5 persons before and after they were trained. The results are given below. Test whether there is any change in IQ after the training program?

Ans: No change

25. Measurements of a sample of weights were determined as
8.3, 10.6, 9.7, 8.8, 10.2, 9.4.
Determine unbiased and efficient estimates of

a. The population mean

b. The population variance

Ans: 9.5 kg, 0.736

26. Ten students were given intensive coaching for a month in mathematics. The scores obtained in tests 1 and 5 are given below:

Serial no. of students: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Marks in first test: 50 52 53 60 65 67 48 69 72 80  
Marks on second test: 65 55 65 65 60 67 49 82 74 86  


Does the scores from test 1 to test 5 show an improvement? Test at 5% level of significance (t0.05 for 9 df=1.833 and two-tailed test t0.05 for 9 df=2.262)?

Ans: For one-tailed test null hypothesis is rejected

27. A certain stimulus administered to each of 12 patients resulted in the following changes in the blood pressure 5, 2, 8, −1, 3, 0, −2, 1, 5, 0, 4, 6. Can it be concluded that the stimulus in general be accompanied by an increase in blood pressure?

Ans: H0 rejected. The stimulus in general be accompanied by an increase in blood pressure

28. Experience shows that a fixed dose of certain drug causes an average increase of pulse rate by 10 beats per minute with SD of 4. A group of 9 patients given the same dose showed the following increase: 13, 15, 14, 10, 8, 12, 16, 9, 20. Test 5% level of significance whether this group is different in response to the drug?

Ans: H0 rejected: The given group is different in response to the drug

10.11 Paired t-Test

In this case the size of two samples are equal, i.e., n1=n2=n

Let x1, x2, …, xn and y1, y2, …, yn be two samples. Let d1, d2, …, dn be the differences between the corresponding members of the two samples.







then the t-statistic is defined as



t-statistic is applied for n−1 degrees of freedom.

10.11.1 Solved Examples

Example 10.16: A certain diet was newly introduced to each of 12 pigs resulted in the following increase in body weight:

6, 3, 8, −2, 3, 0, −1, 1, 6, 0, 5, and 4.
Can you conclude that the diet was effective in increasing the weight of pigs (given t0.05=2.20 for 11 df)?
Solution: Here we have n=12



where di denotes the increase in weights of the pigs.

Null hypothesis H0: There is no significant difference in the body weights of the pigs before and after introduction of the new diet, i.e., μx=μyimage

Alternative hypothesis H1: μxμyimage

Degrees of freedom=n−1=12−1=11

Level of significance=5%, t0.05 for 11 df=2.20





Test statistic t is



Since the calculated value of t is greater than the table value of t at 5% level of significance for 11 df, we reject null hypothesis. Therefore the new diet is effective in increasing the body weight of the pigs.

10.12 F-Distribution

In this section we introduce F-distribution and another statistic F

F-statistic is defined by









For the degrees of freedom ν1=n11,ν2=n21image

The value of F is always greater than 1.




F is given by



So that the value of F is greater than 1.

F-test is based on F-distribution which is defined as the ratio of two independent chi-square variates.

F-distribution with (ν1,ν2)image degrees of freedom is given by the probability function.



From the definition of F, we have



The numerator and the denominator of the second member are independent χ2image variates with ν1image and ν2image degrees of freedom respectively. Hence (ν1/ν2)Fimage is a β2((ν1/2),(ν2/2))image variate so that the probability that a random value of F will fall in the interval dF is given by



F-Probability curve is J-shaped. If the curve is bell shaped if ν1>2image.

The distribution of F is independent of the population variance and depends on ν1image and ν2image only.

F-test is used to test:

1. Whether two independent samples have been drawn from the normal populations with same variance.

2. Whether the two independent estimates of the population variances are homogeneous or not.

F-test is based on the following assumptions:

1. The distribution in each group showed to be normally distributed.

2. Error should be independent of each observed value.

3. Variance within each group should be equal for all groups.

When the sample sizes are large, the assumption of normality is not necessary.

10.12.1 Solved Examples

Example 10.17: Two horses A and B were tested according to the time (in seconds) to run on a particular track with the following results:

Horse A 28 30 32 33 33 29 34
Horse B 29 30 30 24 27 29


Test whether the two horses have the same running capacity?

Solution: We have n1=7, n2=6




Let the time taken by horse A be denoted by x and the time taken by horse B be denoted by y

Degrees of freedom=n1–1, n2–1=6, 5

Critical value, i.e., level of significance=5%

x xx¯image (xx¯)2image y yy¯image (yy¯)2image
28 −3.28 10.75 28 0. 0.64
30 −1.28 1.64 30 1.8 3.24
32 0.72 0.52 30 1.8 3.24
33 1.72 2.96 24 −4.2 17.64
33 1.72 2.96 27 −1.2 1.44
29 −2.28 5.20 29 0.8 0.64
34 2.72 7.40
219  31.43 169  26.84




Null Hypothesis H0: The two horses have the same running capacity, i.e., σ21=σ22image

Alternative Hypothesis H1: σ21σ22image

Table value of F for (5, 6) degrees of freedom at 5% level of significance is 4.39.

Test statistic is F=S22S21=5.3685.224=1.02(sinceS22>S21)image

Since the calculated value of F is less than the table value of F for (5, 6) df at 5% level of significance, we accept H0.

The two horses have the same running capacity.

Example 10.18: In a sample of 8 observations, the sum of squares of deviations of the sample values from the sample mean was 94.5 and in another sample of 10 observations it was found to be 101.7. Test whether the difference is significant?

Solution: It is given that



Null Hypothesis H0: σ21=σ22image, i.e., The difference is not significant

Alternative Hypothesis H1: σ21σ22image

Level of significance: 5%

Critical value, i.e., table value of F for (8−1, 10−1)=(7, 9) df is 3.29.



Since the calculated value of F is less than the table value of F at 5% level of significance for (7, 9) df, we accept Null hypothesis and conclude that the difference is not significant.

Example 10.19: In a test given two groups of students drawn from two normal populations the marks are as follows:

Sample A 18 20 36 50 49 36 34 49 41
Sample B 29 28 26 35 30 44 46   


Examine 5% level whether the two populations have the same variance.


Null Hypothesis H0: σ2A=σ2Bimage

Alternative Hypothesis H1: σ2Aσ2Bimage

Level of significance: 5%,

We have



Calculation of variances

Sample A Sample B
x xx¯image (xx¯)2image y yy¯image (yy¯)2image
18 −19 361    
20 −17 289 29 −5 25
36 −1 1 28 −6 36
50 13 169 26 −8 64
49 12 144 35 −1 1
36 −1 1 30 −4 16
34 −3 9 44 −10 100
49 12 144 46 −12 144
41 4 16    
  1134   386




We have





Table value of F at 5% for (8,6) df=4.15.

Calculated value of F is less than the table value of F at 5% level (8,6) df. Hence we accept H0 and conclude that the populations from where the samples have been drawn have the same variance.

Example 10.20: Two samples of sizes 9 and 8 gave the sum of the squares of deviations from their respective means equal to 160 and 91, respectively. Can they be regarded as drawn from the same normal population?

Solution: It is given that



Null Hypothesis H0: Both the samples have come from the same normal population.

Alternative Hypothesis H1: The samples are not from the same normal population.

Since S21>S22image, we have

Degrees of freedom (n1−1, n2−1)=(8, 7)

Level of significance: 5%

Table value of F at 5% level of significance for (8,7) df=3.73

Test statistic:



Calculated value of F is less than the table value of F at 5% level (8, 6) df. Hence we accept null hypothesis.

The two samples can be regarded as drawn from the same normal population.

Example 10.21: Two samples are drawn from two normal populations from the following data, test whether the two samples have the same variances at 5% level?

Sample I  60 65 71 74 76 82 85 87  
Sample II 64 66 67 85 78 88 86 85 63 91


Solution: Null hypothesis H0: σ21=σ22image, i.e., the two samples have same variances.

Alternative hypothesis H1: σ21σ22image (Two-tailed test).


Sample A Sample B
x xx¯image (xx¯)2image y yy¯image (yy¯)2image
   61 −16 256
60 −15 225 66 −11 121
65 −10 100 67 −10 100
71 −4 16 85 8 64
74 −1 1 78 1 1
76 1 1 88 11 121
82 7 49 86 9 81
85 10 100 85 8 64
87 12 144 63 −14 196
   91 14 196
600  636 770  1200




Since S22>S21image



Calculated value of F for (n1−1, n2−1)=(9, 7) df at 5% level=3.68.

Therefore the calculated value of F is less than table value of F at 5% level of significance for (9, 7) df.

We accept null hypothesis. The samples 1 and 11 have the same variance.

Example 10.22: In a laboratory experiment, two samples of blood gave the following results:

Sample Size Sample SD Sum of squares of deviations from mean
1 10 15 90
2 12 14 108


Test the equality of sample variances at 5% level of significance?

Solution: Here we have n1=10, n2=12



Null hypothesis H0: σ21=σ22image

Alternative hypothesis H1: σ21σ22image

Test statistic:



Table value of F at 5% level of significance for (10−1, 12−1)=(9, 11) df is 2.90.

Therefore the calculated value of F is less than the table value. Hence we accept null hypothesis. The two programs have the same variance.

Exercise 10.2

1. In one sample of 10 observations, the sum of squares of the deviations of the sample values from the sample mean was 120 and in another sample of 12 observations it was 314. Test whether the difference is significant at 5% level of significance?

Ans: H0 accepted, i.e., σ21=σ22image

2. Two random samples gave the following results:

Sample Size Sample Sum of squares of deviations from mean
1 10 15 90
2 12 14 108


Test whether the samples came from the same population?

Ans: The samples came from the populations with equal variance. σ21=σ22image, i.e., H0 accepted

3. Write short notes on F-distribution and F-test.

4. Mention the applications of F-test.

5. Two independent samples are of sizes 8 and 10. The sum of squares of deviations of sample values from their respective sample means were 84.4 and 102.6. Test whether the difference of variances of the populations is significant or not?

Ans: σ21=σ22image, i.e, Accept H0

6. Two random samples of sizes 8 and 7 had the following values of variances:

Sample A 9 11 13 11 15 9 12 14
Sample B 10 12 10 14 9 8 10  


Do these eliminates of population variance differ significantly?

Ans: Not significant

7. Two independent samples of sizes 9 and 7 from a normal population has the following values of the variables:

Sample I 18 13 12 15 12 14 16 14 15
Sample II 16 19 13 16 18 13 15   


Do these eliminates of population variance differ significantly?

Ans: H0 accepted. The difference is not significant

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