• PACA (Patient and Affordable Care Act), 375

  • Paid time off

  • Paid time off bank, 386

  • Part-time employees

  • Patient and Affordable Care Act (PACA), 375

  • Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 70

  • Pay cut, 192

  • Pay-for-performance plans. See also Compensation

    • challenges of, 325334, 358359

    • corporatewide, 341344

    • for customer service employees, 350351

    • ethical issues related to, 326329

    • example of, 324

    • for executives, 344350

    • explanation of, 324

    • individual-based, 334337

    • labor unions and, 492

    • managerial perspective on, 324

    • plantwide, 339341

    • recommendations to implement, 330334

    • for salespeople, 350

    • in schools, 326

    • in small businesses, 351353

    • team-based, 337339

  • Pay freezes, 192

  • Pay grades, 300

  • Pay incentives, 287

  • Peer review, 215

  • Peer trainers, 249

  • Pensions. See Defined benefit plansbenefits

  • Performance, job

    • characteristics important to, 156

    • identifying causes of problems with, 223225

    • management of poor, 451452

    • motivation and, 156

    • predictors of, 164171

  • Performance appraisal interview, 221222

  • Performance appraisals

    • career development and, 269

    • choice of systems for, 214215

    • ethical issues related to, 211212, 228

    • example of, 203204

    • explanation of, 26, 205

    • forced ranking, 228

    • guidelines for, 456

    • identifying performance dimensions for, 206207

    • individual or group, 219

    • influencing of "liking" and, 217

    • job analysis and, 59

    • legal issues related to, 219220

    • managerial perspective on, 205

    • pay-for-performance systems and, 331

    • political perspective on, 217219

    • precautions related to, 217

    • rater errors and bias and, 216217

    • relative and absolute judgments for, 208209

    • software for, 230

    • trait, behavioral, and outcome data for, 210214

    • uses for, 206

  • Performance-contingent compensation, 293

  • Performance management

    • action plan for, 225

    • communication skills for, 225226

    • empowering workers to reach a solution, 225

    • problem identification as element of, 223225

    • supervisor skills for, 222

  • Performance measurement

    • challenges to, 215220

    • explanation of, 205

    • pay-for-performance systems and, 325, 336337

    • relative and absolute judgments for, 208209

    • trait, behavioral, and outcome data for, 210214

  • Performance plan units, 348

  • Performance share plans, 348

  • Performance tests, 437

  • Perks, 287, 348349

  • Perquisites, 287, 348

  • Personal analogy, 250

  • Personality tests, 166

  • Person analysis, 242

  • Personnel files, 432

  • Phantom stock, 348

  • Photographs, on Internet, 433

  • PHR (Professional Human Resources), 35

  • Physical ability tests, 165

  • Physician incentives, 326, 327328

  • Picketing, 468

  • Piece-rate systems, 331

  • Plantwide pay-for-performance plans. See also Pay-for-performance plans

  • Point factor system, 304

  • Policy capturing, 306

  • Political risks, 546, 558559

  • Polycentric management approach, 536

  • Portable benefits, 380

  • Position analysis questionnaire (PAQ), 62

  • Positive discipline, 446447

  • Poverty, 127

  • Power distance, 550, 551

  • PPOs (preferred provider organizations), 375, 377

  • Predictive validity, 164

  • Preemployment drug tests, 170, 437

  • Preexisting conditions, 374, 375

  • Preferred provider organizations (PPOs), 375, 377

  • Pregnancy

    • hazardous chemical exposure and, 517

    • Title VII and, 90

  • Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978, 90

  • Premiums, insurance, 376

  • Prima facie case, 89

  • Privacy

  • Privacy Act of 1974, 432

  • Private sector, defined, 9

  • Proactive behavior, 21

  • Proactive human resource management, 478

  • Proactivity, 10

  • Probable cause drug test, 437

  • Probationary employment period, 451

  • Problem solving, 123

  • Problem-solving teams

  • Processes, defined, 49

  • Product integrity, 17

  • Productivity, 19

  • Professional employer organization (PEO), 69

  • Professional Human Resources (PHR), 35

  • Profit sharing, 341

  • Profit-sharing Keogh plan, 384

  • Progressive discipline, 445446

  • Progressive discipline procedure, 188189

  • Promotability forecasts, 269

  • Prospectors, 29

  • Prospector strategy, 4546

  • Protected classes

    • explanation of, 87

    • recruitment of, 94, 162

  • Psychological contracts, 329, 431

  • Psychological testing, 269

  • Public recognition rewards, 420

  • Public sector, defined, 9

  • Punitive damages, 94

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