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  2. 2. Allport, G. W., and Odbert, H. S. (1933). Trait-names: A psycho-lexical study. Psychological Monographs, 47, 171–220.

  3. 3. Loden, M., and Rosener, J. B. (1991). Workforce America, 18. Homewood, IL: Irwin; Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). (2014). What are employee networks and should they be a part of our diversity initiative? www.shrm.org/diversity; Balimoria, D., Joy, S., and Liang, X. (2008). Breaking barriers and creating inclusiveness. Human Resource Management, 47(2), 423–442; Huffman, A. H., Watrous-Rodriguez, K. M., and King, E. B. (2008). Supporting a diverse workforce. Human Resource Management, 47(2), 237–254; Wong, S. (2008). Diversity—making space for everyone at NASA. Human Resource Management, 47(2), 389–401.

  4. 4. Rosen, R. H. (2000). Global literacies. New York: Simon & Schuster; Lynnes, K. S. (2002). Finding the key to the executive suite: Challenges for women and people of color. In R. Sitzer (Ed.), The 21st Century Executive, 229–274. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

  5. 5. Fortune (2014). Best companies for Asian, Black, and Hispanic employees. www.fortune.com.

  6. 6. Ibid.

  7. 7. Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). (2014). Diversity training. www.shrm.org/diversity.

  8. 8. www.diversityinc.com. (2014).

  9. 9. Heriot, G. (2008, April 28). The ABA’s “diversity” diktat. Wall Street Journal, A-19; Dass, P., and Parker, B. (1999). Strategies for managing human resource diversity: From resistance to learning. The Academy of Management Executive, 13(2), 68–80; White, J. E. (1999, August 23). Affirmative action’s Alamo. Time, 48; Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). (2014). How is a diversity initiative different from my organization’s affirmative action plan? www.shrm.org/diversity.

  10. 10. Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). (2014). Where HR meets the world: How should my organization define diversity? www.shrm.org/diversity.

  11. 11. Society for Human Resource Management (2014). Diversity management. www.shrm.org; Population profile in the United States. www.census.gov. Accessed 2014.

  12. 12. Coy, T. (2010, May 9). The wailing wall. BusinessWeek, 31–32; Bureau of Labor Statistics, Economic Surveys (2015). Data and reports. www.lib.gsu.edu; Dougherty, C. (2008, August 7). U.S. minorities surge in metropolitan areas. Wall Street Journal, A-4; Dougherty, C. (2008, July 19). The end of white flight. Wall Street Journal, A-1; Dougherty, C. (2008, August 14). Nonwhites to be majority in US by 2042. Wall Street Journal, A-6; Roberts, S. (2008, May 1). Rise in minorities is led by children, census finds. New York Times, A-1.

  13. 13. Dougherty, C. (2008, August 7). U.S. minorities surge in metropolitan areas. Wall Street Journal, A-4; Roberts, S. (2008, May 1). Rise in minorities is led by children, census finds. New York Times, A-1.

  14. 14. Navarro, M. (2008, March 31). Who are we? New dialogue on mixed race. New York Times, A-1.

  15. 15. Cohn, V. (2010, August). Recent reading about census topics. http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2010/08/17/recent-reading-about-census-topics/. Accessed 2014.

  16. 16. Roberts, S. (2008, May 1). Rise in minorities is led by children, census finds. New York Times, A-1.

  17. 17. El Nasser, H., and Overberg, P. (2010, August 27). Ethnicity shifts in youngest classes. USA Today, A-2.

  18. 18. Cohn, V. (2010, September). New unauthorized immigration estimates for the U.S. http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2010/09/01/new-unauthorized-immigration-estimates-for-the-u-s/. Accessed 2014.

  19. 19. El Nasser, H. (2011, March 15). Hispanic population outpaced estimates. USA Today, 3-A.

  20. 20. Fortune (2008).

  21. 21. http://census.personaltrends.org. Accessed 2014.

  22. 22. www.diversityinc.com. (2014).

  23. 23. www.diversityinc.com. Accessed 2011.

  24. 24. www.catalyst.org. Accessed March 2014.

  25. 25. Bell, M. P., and Kravitz, D. A. (2008). What do we know and need to learn about diversity education and training. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 7(3), 301–308.

  26. 26. Ibid.

  27. 27. Balimoria, D., Joy, S., and Liang, X. (2008). Breaking barriers and creating inclusiveness. Human Resource Management, 47(2), 423–442; Cappell, K. (2008, May 12). Cell phones from the street. BusinessWeek, 16; Huffman, A. H., Watrous-Rodriguez, K. M., and King, E. B. (2008). Supporting a diverse workforce. Human Resource Management, 47(2), 237–254; Metz, I., and Kulik, C. T. (2008). Making public organizations more inclusive. Human Resource Management, 47(2), 369–388; Roberts, S. (2008, May 1). Rise in minorities is led by children, census finds. New York Times, A-1; Williamson, I. O., Slay, H. S., Shapiro, D., and Shivers-Blackwell, S. L. (2008). The effect of explanations on prospective applicants’ reactions to firm diversity practices. Human Resource Management, 47(2), 389–400; Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). (2014). How can the results of our initiative be measured? www.shrm.org/diversity.

  28. 28. Kanter, R. M. (1983). The change masters, 52. New York: Simon & Schuster.

  29. 29. Author’s files.

  30. 30. Sheppard, C. R. (1964). Small groups, 118. San Francisco: Chandler; Gómez-Mejía, L. R., and Balkin, D. B. (2013). Management. N. J.: Prentice Hall.

  31. 31. Gómez-Mejía, L. R., and Balkin, D. B. (2013). Management. N. J.: Prentice Hall.

  32. 32. Ibid.

  33. 33. www.diversityinc.com. Accessed 2014.

  34. 34. Ely, R. (2004). A field study of group diversity, participation in diversity education programs, and performance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25, 755–780.

  35. 35. Wong, (2008). Diversity—making space for everyone at NASA. Human Resource Management, 389.

  36. 36. Fine, M. C., Johnson, P. L., and Regan, S. M. (1990). Cultural diversity in the workplace. Public Personnel Management, 19(3), 305–319 (p. 307). See also Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). (2014). How is a diversity initiative different from my organization’s affirmative action plan? www.shrm.org/diversity.

  37. 37. Wong, S. (2008). Diversity—making space at NASA. Human Resource Management, 47(2), 389–400; Cruz, C., Gómez-Mejía, L. R., and Becerra, M. (2010). CEO-TMT perceived benevolence in family firms. Academy of Management Journal, 53(1), 21–32; Harrison, D. A., Price, K. H., and Bell, M. P. (1998). Beyond relational demography: Time and the effects of surface- and deep-level diversity on work group cohesion. Academy of Management Journal, 41(1), 96–107.

  38. 38. Fine, M. C., Johnson, P. L., and Regan, S. M. (1990). Cultural diversity in the workplace. Public Personnel Management, 19(3), 305–319 (p. 307).

  39. 39. www.diversityinc.com. (2014); Merritt, J. (2002, March 11). Guess who’s pushing a bold plan for diversity? Big business. BusinessWeek, 56–58.

  40. 40. Manley, S. (2010). Managing diversity and equality in construction. Construction Management and Economics, 28(1), 103–105; www.diversityinc.com. (2011).

  41. 41. Dwyer, P., and Cuneo, A. (1991, July 8). The “other minorities” demand their due. BusinessWeek, 60; Pimentel, R. O. (2002, January 1). For Latinos, 2001 played tag with issues, emotions. Arizona Republic, A-18.

  42. 42. Roberts, S. (2005, February 21). More Africans enter U.S. than in the days of slavery. New York Times, A-1.

  43. 43. El Nasser, H., and Overberg, P. (2010, Aug. 27). Ethnicity shifts in youngest classes. USA Today, A-2. Cloud, J. (2008, June 30). Not separate, just equal. Time, B13; Dougherty, C. (2008, July 19). The end of white flight. Wall Street Journal, A-1; Kaufman, J. (2008, April 28). Rethinking racial progress. Wall Street Journal, B-5; Tedeschi, B. (2008, April 14). Beaming online services toward blacks. New York Times, C-3; Hamilton, A., and Bailey, P. (2005, January 17). Recharging the mission. Time, 5–51.

  44. 44. Paltrow, S. J. (2002, January 9). Life of Georgia nears settlement over race bias. Wall Street Journal, C-1; Crockett, R. V. (2005, February 21). How the NAACP could get its clout back. BusinessWeek, 18.

  45. 45. Cave, D., and Sexton, C. D. (2008, March 27). Florida legislature apologizes for state’s history of slavery. New York Times, A-1.

  46. 46. Levere, J. L. (2013). Marriott ties in with “42,” New York Times, www.nytimes.com.

  47. 47. El Nasser, H., and Overberg, P. (2010, Aug. 27). Ethnicity shifts in youngest classes. USA Today, A-2; Berstein, A. (2002, February 25). The time bomb in the workforce: Illiteracy. BusinessWeek, 122.

  48. 48. Kaufman, J. (2008, April 28). Rethinking racial progress. Wall Street Journal, B-5.

  49. 49. Ibid.

  50. 50. BusinessWeek. (2008, October 13). Tougher times for black families, 16.

  51. 51. Zielinski, D. (2014). Bias affects evaluation and hiring of minority leaders. www.shrm.org; Wall Street Journal. (2002, April 8). The good news on race, A-26; Koretz, G. (2001, September 3). Giant strides for U.S. blacks. BusinessWeek, 28; Hamilton, A., and Bailey, P. (2005, January 17). Recharging the mission. Time, 5–51.

  52. 52. Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). (2011). How is a diversity initiative different from my organization’s affirmative action plan? www.shrm.org/diversity.

  53. 53. Kaufman, J. (2008, April 28). Rethinking racial progress. Wall Street Journal, B-5.

  54. 54. El Nasser, H., and Overberg, P. (2010, Aug. 27). Ethnicity shifts in youngest classes. USA Today, A-2; Dougherty, C. (2008, August 7). U.S. minorities surge in metropolitan areas. Wall Street Journal, A-4; Dougherty, C. (2008, August 14). Nonwhites to be majority in US by 2042. Wall Street Journal, A-6.

  55. 55. Marosi, R. (2002, March 11). Study finds deadly spike in racial violence against Asian Americans. Arizona Republic, A-18.

  56. 56. Yamazaki, T., and Ito, K. (2010, January 4). Japan: Boosting growth with day care. BusinessWeek, 96–97; Loden, M., and Rosener, J. B. (1991). Workforce America, 18. Homewood, IL: Irwin; Lynnes, K. S. (2002). Finding the key to the executive suite: Challenges for women and people of color. In R. Sitzer (Ed.), The 21st Century Executive, 229–274. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

  57. 57. L H Research national phone poll. (1994, March 4). Chattanooga Times, 1.

  58. 58. Zhou, M., and Cho, M. (2010). Non-economic effects of ethnic entrepreneurship: A focused look at the Chinese and Korean enclave economics in Los Angeles. Thunderbird International Business Review, 52(2), 81–95; Colvin, J. (1999, July 19). The 50 best companies for Asians, blacks, and Hispanics. Fortune, 53–57.

  59. 59. Wong, J. (1996, February 9). Asian women migrant workers suffering abuse. Wall Street Journal, A-7.

  60. 60. Evans, K. (2008, May 27). New visa curbs hit seasonal employees. Wall Street Journal, C-1.

  61. 61. Ibid.

  62. 62. www.ada.gov. (2014). Information and technical assistance on the American with Disabilities Act; Legnick-Hall, M. L., Gaunt, P. M., and Kulkarni, M. (2008). Overlooked aid under utilized, people with disabilities are an untapped human resource. Human Resource Management, 47(2), 255–274; Zhang, J. (2008, June 4). Lawsuits test Disability Act. Wall Street Journal, D-1; Weber, J. (1988, June 6). Social issues: The disabled. BusinessWeek, 140; Savage, D. G. (2002, March). Wordaday rulings. ABA Journal, 34–35.

  63. 63. Koss-Feder, L. (1999, January 25). Able to work. Time, 25–30; Savage, D. G. (2002, March). Wordaday rulings. ABA Journal, 34–35.

  64. 64. www.ada.gov. (2014). Information and technical assistance on the American with Disabilities Act; Weber, J. (1988, June 6). Social issues: The disabled. BusinessWeek, 140; Greenhouse, L. (2005, March 1). Disabled cruise passengers ask for justices’ protection. New York Times, A-15.

  65. 65. Perry, N. J. (1991, June 10). The workers of the future. Fortune, 51–58; Barlett, D. L., and Steele, J. B. (2004, September 20). Who left the door open? Time, 51–63.

  66. 66. Briefs. (1993, February 22). Workforce Strategies, 4(2), WS-12; Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). (2014). How can the results of our initiative be measured? www.shrm.org/diversity.

  67. 67. Koss-Feder, L. (1999, January 25). Able to work. Time, 25–30.

  68. 68. Savage, D. G. (2002, March). Wordaday rulings. ABA Journal, 34–35.

  69. 69. Society for Human Resource Management (2014). Diversity Management. www.shrm.org; Thornburgh, N. (2010, June 14). The battle for Arizona. Time, 39–42.

  70. 70. Washington Post. (2014). Immigrant activists work to shape national debate through rallies, marches, sit ins. www.washingtonpost.com; Elliott, M. (2010, June 14). A fresh look at immigration: What happens when the ‘best and brightest’ leave home to find their fortunes? Fortune, 56–57; Chrysostome, E., and Lui, X. (2010, March/April). Immigrant entrepreneurship: Scrutinizing a promising type of business. Thunderbird International Business Review, 52(2), 77–86; Berfield, S. (2008, January 14). Illegals and business: A glimpse of the future. BusinessWeek, 52; Briefing. (2008, February 25). Immigration. Time, 8; Briefing. (2008, April 14). Immigration: 21.8 million. Time, 23; Capuzzo, J. P. (2008, February 6). Connecticut City plans to team its police with federal immigration agents. New York Times, A-18; Herbert, M. (2008, March 17). Guess who is getting the most work visas? BusinessWeek, G2–G3; Jordan, M. (2008, June 6). Factories turn to refugee workers. Wall Street Journal, A-1; Jordan, M. (2008, April 17). Crackdown on illegal immigrants spurs backlash among locals. Wall Street Journal, A-1; Jordan, M. (2008, July 31). U.S. to promote “self-deportation.” Wall Street Journal, A-2; Jordan, M. (2008, June 26). State Farm sponsors Hispanic voting drive. Wall Street Journal, A-16; Jordan, M. (2008, February 1). Arizona seizes spotlight in U.S. immigration debate. Wall Street Journal, A-1; Jordan, M., and Dougherty, C. (2008, September 23). Immigration slows in the face of economic downturn. Wall Street Journal, A-12; Rosales, R. (2008, February 5). Immigration misfire. Wall Street Journal, B-2; Rubiner, B. (2008, June 16). A crackdown’s unintended consequences. Time, 6; Preston, J. (2008, April 1). Visa application opens for highly skilled workers. New York Times, A-15; Von Drehle, D. (2008, June 30). A new land in the sand. Time, 31–36; Day, N. E., and Greene, P. G. (2008). A case of sexual orientation diversity management in small and large organizations. Human Resource Management, 47(2), 637–654.

  71. 71. Washington Post. (2014). Immigrant activists work to shape national debate through rallies, marches, sit ins. www.washingtonpost.com; www.w3.org. Accessed 2014; Moore, S. (1999). Study results cited in Shaffer, M. (1999, September 3). Importing poverty. Arizona Republic, A-1; Time. (2002, January 7). Immigration: The home front, 130; Bernstein, N. (2005, March 3). New study paints clearer picture of Mexicans in New York City. New York Times, A-23; Barlett, D. L., and Steele, J. B. (2004, September 20). Who left the door open? Time, 51–63.

  72. 72. Curci, R., and McKoy, R. (2010). Immigrant business enterprises: A classification framework conceptualization and test. Thunderbird International Business Review, 52(2), 107–125; Briefing. (2008, April 14). Immigration: 21.8 million. Time, 23.

  73. 73. Golden, D. (2002, April 2). Some community colleges fudge facts to attract foreign students. Wall Street Journal, B-1.

  74. 74. Washington Post. (2014). Immigrant activists work to shape national debate through rallies, marches, sit ins. www.washingtonpost.com; Pew Hispanic Center (2008, October 23). Latinos account for half of U.S. population growth since 2000. www.pewhispanic.org.

  75. 75. McKinley, J. C. (2005, March 22). Mexican pride and death in U.S. service. New York Times, A-6.

  76. 76. Bernstein, N. (2005, February 17). Caught between parents and the law. New York Times, A-24.

  77. 77. Washington Post. (2014). Immigrant activists work to shape national debate through rallies, marches, sit ins. www.washingtonpost.com; Thornburgh, N. (2010, June 14). The battle for Arizona, Time, 39–42; Archibold, R. (2008, May 2). In smaller numbers, marchers seek immigrants’ rights. New York Times, A-11; Berfield, S. (2008, January 14). Illegals and business: A glimpse of the future. BusinessWeek, 52; Briefing. (2008, February 25). Immigration. Time, 8; Briefing. (2008, April 14). Immigration: 21.8 million. Time, 23; Hawley, C. (2005, March 22). Undocumented coming to stay. Arizona Republic, A-1.

  78. 78. Thornburgh, N. (2010, June 14). The battle for Arizona. Time, 39–42; Jordan, M. (2008, February 1). Arizona seizes spotlight in U.S. immigration debate. Wall Street Journal, A-1.

  79. 79. McGregor, J., and Hamm, S. (2008, January 28). Managing the workforce. BusinessWeek, 31–40.

  80. 80. Ibid.

  81. 81. For a critical discussion of the higher figure, see Muir, J. G. (1993, March 31). Homosexuals and the 10% fallacy. Wall Street Journal, A13.

  82. 82. www.diversityinc.com. (2015).

  83. 83. Freedman, S. G. (2008, April 19). Gay men breaking ground at Jewish seminary. New York Times, A-15.

  84. 84. Liu, X. (2010). The diaspora solution to innovation capacity development: Immigrant entrepreneurs in the contemporary world. Thunderbird International Business Review, 52(2), 123–141; Portes, A., and Truelove, L. (1987). Making sense of diversity: Recent research on Hispanic minorities in the U.S. American Review of Sociology, 13, 359–385 (p. 360); Goodman, P. S. (2008, May 13). A tenuous prosperity lost. New York Times, C-1; Jordan, M. (2008, June 26). State Farm sponsors Hispanic voting drive. Wall Street Journal, A-16; Kang, S. (2008, January 8). Hispanic ads try more nuanced strategy. Wall Street Journal, B-7.

  85. 85. United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce. (2011). Overview of race and Hispanic origin, c2010br-02.

  86. 86. Porter, E. (2002, April 19). Hispanic targeted advertising outpaces overall ad growth. Wall Street Journal, A-1.

  87. 87. El Nasser, H., and Overberg, P. (2010, Aug. 27). Ethnicity shifts in youngest classes. USA Today, A-2; Dougherty, C. (2008, August 14). Nonwhites to be majority in US by 2042. Wall Street Journal, A-6.

  88. 88. Washington Post. (2014). Immigrant activists work to shape national debate through rallies, marches, sit ins. www.washingtonpost.com; Pew Hispanic Center (2008, October 23). Latinos account for half of U.S. population growth since 2000. www.pewhispanic.org.

  89. 89. Jordan, M. (2008, June 26). State Farm sponsors Hispanic voting drive. Wall Street Journal, A-16.

  90. 90. Washington Post. (2014). Immigrant activists work to shape national debate through rallies, marches, sit ins. www.washingtonpost.com; Porter, E. (2002, February 13). Quirky English course evolves into fixture of Latino pop culture. Wall Street Journal, A-1; Pew Hispanic Center. (2005). Latinos see race as a measure of belonging. www.pewhispanic.org/diversity.

  91. 91. Goodman, P. S. (2008, May 13). A tenuous prosperity lost. New York Times, C-1; Romero, C. C. (2002, January 19). Hard time for Hispanics. Arizona Republic, D-1; Porter, E. (2002, February 13). Quirky English course evolves into fixture of Latino pop culture. Wall Street Journal, A-1; Pew Hispanic Center. (2005). Latinos see race as a measure of belonging. www.pewhispanic.org/diversity.

  92. 92. Doyle, R. (2002, February). Assembling the future. Scientific American, 30; Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). (2009). How is a diversity initiative different from my organization’s affirmative action plan? www.shrm.org/diversity.

  93. 93. Washington Post. (2014). Immigrant activists work to shape national debate through rallies, marches, sit ins. www.washingtonpost.com; Kang, S. (2008, January 8). Hispanic ads try more nuanced strategy. Wall Street Journal, B-7; Russel, J. (1995, September). Trading with the world. Hispanic Business, 26–27; Porter, E. (2002, April 19). Hispanic targeted advertising outpaces overall ad growth. Wall Street Journal, A-17.

  94. 94. Kaufman, J. (2002, January 10). Whites and Hispanics fall out over quest for suburban dream. Wall Street Journal, A-1; Kang, S. (2008, January 8). Hispanic ads try more nuanced strategy. Wall Street Journal, B-7; Jordan, M. (2008, June 26). State Farm sponsors Hispanic voting drive. Wall Street Journal, A-16; Wingett, Y. (2005, January 21). More Latinos opting out of barrios. Arizona Republic, A-2.

  95. 95. Curci, R., and McKoy, R. (2010). Immigrant business enterprises: A classification framework conceptualization and test. Thunderbird International Business Review, 52(2), 107–125.

  96. 96. Pew Hispanic Center. (2005). Hispanics: A people in motion. www.pewhispanic.org; Pew Hispanic Center. (2005). A look at where Latinos live. www.pewhispanic.org.

  97. 97. Kang, S. (2008, January 8). Hispanic ads try more nuanced strategy. Wall Street Journal, B-7.

  98. 98. Kang, S. (2008, January 8). Hispanic ads try more nuanced strategy. Wall Street Journal, B-7; Wingett, Y. (2005, January 21). More Latinos opting out of barrios. Arizona Republic, A-2; Pew Hispanic Center. (2005). A look at where Latinos live. www.pewhispanic.org.

  99. 99. www.w3.org. Accessed 2011.

  100. 100. Munk, N. (1999, February 1). Finished at forty. Fortune, 50–64; Greene, K. (2008, September 22). Baby boomers delay retirement. Wall Street Journal, A-1; Greenhouse, L. (2008, April 24). Court hears arguments on burden of proof in age suits. New York Times, A-2; Lirio, P., Lee, M. D., Williams, M. L., Haugen, L. K., and Kossek, E. E. (2008). The inclusion challenge with reduced-load professionals. Human Resource Management, 47(2), 443–462; Newsline. (2008, August 28). The new generation gap. www.worldatwork.org; O’Connell, P. (2008, September 1). What’s eating Gen X. BusinessWeek, 60–66; White, E. (2008, September 3). Managers take advantage of generation gap. Arizona Republic, C-1; White, E. (2008, January 14). The new recruits: Older workers. Wall Street Journal, A-4; careerbuilder.com. (2008).

  101. 101. Chen, K. (2002, February 25). Age discrimination complaints rose 8.7% in 2001 amid overall increase in claims. Wall Street Journal, B-13; Quinn, J. B. (2005, February 4). Your retirement: How to land on your feet. Newsweek, 47–52; Gardner, M. (2005, January 22). Younger boss, older employees learn new ropes. Arizona Republic, D-3.

  102. 102. Bravin, J. (2005, March 31). Court expands age bias claims for workforce. Wall Street Journal, A-8.

  103. 103. White, E. (2008, January 14). The new recruits: Older workers. Wall Street Journal, A-4.

  104. 104. O’Connell, P. (2008, Sept. 1). What’s eating Gen X. BusinessWeek, 60–66.

  105. 105. White, E. (2008, Sept. 3). Managers take advantage of generation gap. Arizona Republic, C-1.

  106. 106. Newsline. (2008, August 28) The new generation gap. www.worldatwork.org.

  107. 107. Loden, M., and Rosener, J. B. (1991). Workforce America, 18. Homewood, IL: Irwin. 65.

  108. 108. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2015). Employment and earnings; Greene, K. (2008, September 22). Baby boomers delay retirement. Wall Street Journal, A-1; Greenhouse, L. (2008, April 24). Court hears arguments on burden of proof in age suits. New York Times, A-2; O’Connell, P. (2008, September 1). What’s eating Gen X. BusinessWeek, 60–66.

  109. 109. Greene, K. (2008, September 22). Baby boomers delay retirement. Wall Street Journal, A-1; Trilch, T. (2002, Winter). Young or old are about equally dedicated to their jobs. Gallup Management Journal, 32.

  110. 110. Lirio, P., Lee, M. D., Williams, M. L., Haugen, L. K., and Kossek, E. E. (2008). The inclusion challenge with reduced-load professionals. Human Resource Management, 47(2), 443–462; White, E. (2008, September 3). Managers take advantage of generation gap. Arizona Republic, C-1; White, E. (2008, January 14). The new recruits: Older workers. Wall Street Journal, A-4; careerbuilder.com. (2008); Freudenheim, M. (2005, March 23). Help wanted: Older workers please apply. New York Times, A-1; Fisher, G. (2005, March 21). How to battle the coming brain drain. Fortune, 121–128.

  111. 111. Gómez-Mejía, L. R., and Balkin, D. B. (2012). Management. N.J.: Prentice Hall.

  112. 112. Ghosh, B. (2010, Aug. 10). Islam in America. Time, 20–26.

  113. 113. Ghosh, B. (2010, Aug. 10). Islam in America. Time, 20–26; Comert, Y. (2008, February 10). Turkey moves to lift ban on head scarves. Arizona Republic, A-3; MacFarquhar, N. (2008, February 21). For Muslim students, a debate on inclusion. New York Times, A-12; MacFarquhar, N. (2008, March 21). At Harvard, students’ Muslim traditions are a topic of debate. New York Times, A-14; Slackman, M. (2008, September 22). Young and Arab in land of mosques and bars. New York Times, A-11; Tavernise, S. (2008, February 19). In Turkey, is tension about religion? Class? Or both? New York Times, B-1; New York Times. (2005, March 9). Census report details lives of U.S. Arabs, A-6; Lyall, S. (2005, March 3). British court says banning Muslim gown violates student’s rights. New York Times, A-13; Rauf, F. A. (2004, October 18). Bringing Muslim nations into the global century. Fortune, 80–81; Simmons, M. (2005, February 27). More Dutch plan to emigrate as Muslim influx tips scales. New York Times, C-16; The Economist. (2003, October 25). Islam in France, 32–33.

  114. 114. Leonard, B. (2014). EEOC files two religious bias lawsuits. www.shrm.org; Comert, Y. (2008, February 10). Turkey moves to lift ban on head scarves. Arizona Republic, A-3; Tavernise, S. (2008, February 19). In Turkey, is tension about religion? Class? Or both? New York Times, B-1.

  115. 115. MacFarquhar, N. (2008, March 21). At Harvard, students’ Muslim traditions are a topic of debate. New York Times, A-14.

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