16. Records

In this chapter, you will learn about

Image Record Types

Image Nested Records

Image Collections of Records

In Chapter 11, you were briefly introduced to the concept of a record type. You learned that a record is a composite data structure that allows you to combine different yet related data into a logical unit. You also learned that PL/SQL supports three kinds of record types: table based, cursor based, and user defined. In this chapter, you will revisit the table-based and cursor-based record types and learn about the user-defined record type. In addition, you will learn about records that contain collections and other records (called nested records) and collections of records.

A record structure is somewhat similar to a row of a database table. Each data item is stored in a field with its own name and data type. For example, suppose you have various data about a company, such as its name, address, and number of employees. A record containing a field for each of these items allows you to treat a company as a logical unit, thereby making it easier to organize and represent the company’s information.

Table-Based and Cursor-Based Records

The %ROWTYPE attribute enables you to create table-based and cursor-based records. It is similar to the %TYPE attribute that is used to define scalar variables. Consider the following example of a table-based record.

For Example  ch16_1a.sql

  course_rec course%ROWTYPE;
    INTO course_rec
    FROM course
   WHERE course_no = 25;

  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Course No: '||course_rec.course_no);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Course Description: '||course_rec.description);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Prerequisite: '||course_rec.prerequisite);

The course_rec record has the same structure as a row in the COURSE table. As a result, there is no need to reference individual record fields when the SELECT INTO statement populates the course_rec record. However, a record does not have a value of its own; rather, each individual field holds a value. Therefore, to display record information on the screen, the individual fields are referenced using the dot notation, as shown in the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE statements.

When run, this example produces the following output:

Course No: 25
Course Description: Intro to Programming
Prerequisite: 140

Next, consider an example of a cursor-based record.

For Example  ch16_2a.sql

  CURSOR student_cur IS
    SELECT first_name, last_name, registration_date
      FROM student
     WHERE rownum <= 4;

  student_rec student_cur%ROWTYPE;
  OPEN student_cur;
    FETCH student_cur INTO student_rec;
    EXIT WHEN student_cur%NOTFOUND;

      ('Name: '||student_rec.first_name||' '||student_rec.last_name);
      ('Registration Date: '||to_char(student_rec.registration_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY'));

The student_rec record has the same structure as the rows returned by the student_cur cursor. As a result, similar to the previous example, there is no need to reference the individual fields when data is fetched from the cursor to the record.

When run, this example produces the following output:

Name: George Kocka
Registration Date: 02/08/2007
Name: Janet Jung
Registration Date: 02/08/2007
Name: Kathleen Mulroy
Registration Date: 02/08/2007
Name: Joel Brendler
Registration Date: 02/08/2007

Because a cursor-based record is defined based on the rows returned by a select statement of a cursor, its declaration must be proceeded by a cursor declaration. In other words, a cursor-based record is dependent on a particular cursor and cannot be declared prior to its cursor.

Consider a modified version of the previous example. The cursor-based record variable is declared before the cursor (changes are shown in bold). In turn, when run, this example causes a syntax error.

For Example  ch16_2b.sql

  student_rec student_cur%ROWTYPE;

  CURSOR student_cur IS
    SELECT first_name, last_name, registration_date
     FROM student
    WHERE rownum <= 4;

  OPEN student_cur;
    FETCH student_cur INTO student_rec;
    EXIT WHEN student_cur%NOTFOUND;

      ('Name: '||student_rec.first_name||' '||student_rec.last_name);
      ('Registration Date: '|| to_char(student_rec.registration_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY'));

This example produces the following erroneous output:

ORA-06550: line 2, column 16:
PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is incomplete or malformed
ORA-06550: line 2, column 16:
PL/SQL: Item ignored
ORA-06550: line 12, column 30:
PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is incomplete or malformed
ORA-06550: line 12, column 7:
PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
ORA-06550: line 16, column 21:
PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is incomplete or malformed
ORA-06550: line 15, column 7:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored
ORA-06550: line 18, column 40:
PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is incomplete or malformed
ORA-06550: line 17, column 7:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored

User-Defined Records

So far, you have seen how to create records based on a table or a cursor. However, you may need to create a record that is not based on any table or any one cursor. For such situations, PL/SQL provides a user-defined record type that allows you to have complete control over the record structure.

The general syntax for creating a user-defined record is shown in Listing 16.1 (the reserved words and phrases surrounded by brackets are optional).

Listing 16.1 User-Defined Record Type

TYPE type_name IS RECORD
  (field_name1 datatype1 [NOT NULL] [ := DEFAULT EXPRESSION],
   field_name2 datatype2 [NOT NULL] [ := DEFAULT EXPRESSION],
   field_nameN datatypeN [NOT NULL] [ := DEFAULT EXPRESSION]);

record_name TYPE_NAME;

First, a record structure is defined using the TYPE statement, where type_name is the name of the record type that is used in the second step to declare the actual record. Enclosed in the parentheses are declarations of each record field with its name and data type. You may also specify a NOT NULL constraint and/or assign a default value. Second, the actual record is declared based on the type specified in the previous step. Consider the following example.

For Example  ch16_3a.sql

  TYPE time_rec_type IS RECORD
    (curr_date DATE,
     curr_day  VARCHAR2(12),
     curr_time VARCHAR2(8) := '00:00:00'),

  time_rec TIME_REC_TYPE;
  SELECT sysdate
    INTO time_rec.curr_date
    FROM dual;

  time_rec.curr_day  := TO_CHAR(time_rec.curr_date, 'DAY'),
  time_rec.curr_time := TO_CHAR(time_rec.curr_date, 'HH24:MI:SS'),

  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Date: '||to_char(time_rec.curr_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Day:  '||time_rec.curr_day);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Time:  '||time_rec.curr_time);

In this example, time_rec_type is a user-defined record type that contains three fields. The last field, curr_time, has been initialized to a particular value. Here, time_rec is a user-defined record based on the time_rec_type. Unlike in the previous examples, each record field is assigned a value individually. When run, the script produces the following output:

Date: 05/20/2014 10:26:32
Time: 10:26:32

As mentioned earlier, when declaring a record type, you may specify a NOT NULL constraint for individual fields. Such fields must be initialized. The following example causes a syntax error because a record field has not been initialized after a NOT NULL constraint has been defined on it.

For Example  ch16_4a.sql

  TYPE sample_type IS RECORD
    (field1 NUMBER(3),
     field2 VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL);
  sample_rec sample_type;

  sample_rec.field1 := 10;
  sample_rec.field2 := 'ABC';

  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('sample_rec.field1 = '||sample_rec.field1);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('sample_rec.field2 = '||sample_rec.field2);

The preceding example produces this output:

ORA-06550: line 4, column 8:
PLS-00218: a variable declared NOT NULL must have an initialization assignment

Now consider the correct version of this example (modified statements are highlighted in bold).

For Example  ch16_4b.sql

  TYPE sample_type IS RECORD
    (field1 NUMBER(3),
     field2 VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL := 'ABC'), -- initialize a NOT NULL field

  sample_rec sample_type;

  sample_rec.field1 := 10;

  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('sample_rec.field1 = '||sample_rec.field1);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('sample_rec.field2 = '||sample_rec.field2);

This version of the example produces the following output:

sample_rec.field1 = 10
sample_rec.field2 = ABC

Record Compatibility

You have seen that a record is defined by its name, structure, and type. Actually, two records may have the same structure yet be of a different type. In such a case, certain restrictions apply to the operations between the different record types. Consider the following example:

For Example  ch16_5a.sql

  TYPE name_type1 IS RECORD
    (first_name VARCHAR2(15),
     last_name  VARCHAR2(30));
  TYPE name_type2 IS RECORD
    (first_name VARCHAR2(15),
     last_name  VARCHAR2(30));

  name_rec1 name_type1;
  name_rec2 name_type2;
  name_rec1.first_name := 'John';
  name_rec1.last_name  := 'Smith';
  name_rec2 := name_rec1; -- illegal assignment

In this example, both records have the same structure, but each record is of a different type. As a result, these records are not compatible with each other on the record level. In other words, an aggregate assignment statement

name_rec2 := name_rec1; -- illegal assignment

will cause an error:

ORA-06550: line 15, column 17:
PLS-00382: expression is of wrong type
ORA-06550: line 15, column 4:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored

To assign name_rec1 to name_rec2, you can assign each field of name_rec1 to the corresponding field of name_rec2, or you can declare name_rec2 so that it has the same data type as name_rec1 (changes are shown in bold).

For Example  ch16_5b.sql

  TYPE name_type1 IS RECORD
    (first_name VARCHAR2(15),
     last_name  VARCHAR2(30));

  name_rec1 name_type1;
  name_rec2 name_type1;
  name_rec1.first_name := 'John';
  name_rec1.last_name  := 'Smith';
  name_rec2 := name_rec1; -- no longer illegal assignment

The assignment restriction just mentioned applies to user-defined records. In other words, you can assign a table-based or cursor-based record to a user-defined record as long as they have the same structure. Consider the following example:

For Example  ch16_6a.sql

  CURSOR course_cur IS
    SELECT *
      FROM course
     WHERE rownum < 2;

  TYPE course_type IS RECORD
    (course_no     NUMBER(38)
    ,description   VARCHAR2(50)
    ,cost          NUMBER(9,2)
    ,prerequisite  NUMBER(8)
    ,created_by    VARCHAR2(30)
    ,created_date  DATE
    ,modified_by   VARCHAR2(30)
    ,modified_date DATE);

  course_rec1 course%ROWTYPE;     -- table-based record
  course_rec2 course_cur%ROWTYPE; -- cursor-based record
  course_rec3 course_type;        -- user-defined record
  -- Populate table-based record
    INTO course_rec1
    FROM course
   WHERE course_no = 10;

  -- Populate cursor-based record
  OPEN course_cur;
    FETCH course_cur INTO course_rec2;
    EXIT WHEN course_cur%NOTFOUND;

  course_rec1 := course_rec2;
  course_rec3 := course_rec2;

  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (course_rec1.course_no||' - '||course_rec1.description);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (course_rec2.course_no||' - '||course_rec2.description);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (course_rec3.course_no||' - '||course_rec3.description);

In this example, each record is of a different type; however, they are compatible with one another because all of the records have the same structure. As a result, this example does not cause any syntax errors and produces the following output:

10 - Technology Concepts
10 - Technology Concepts
10 - Technology Concepts

Lab 16.2: Nested Records

As mentioned in the introduction to this chapter, PL/SQL allows you to define nested records—that is, records that contain other records and collections. The record that contains a nested record or collection is called an enclosing record.

Consider the code fragment in Listing 16.2.

Listing 16.2 Declaring a Nested Record

  TYPE name_type IS RECORD
    (first_name VARCHAR2(15),
     last_name  VARCHAR2(30));

  TYPE person_type IS
    (name   name_type,
     street VARCHAR2(50),
     city   VARCHAR2(25),
     state  VARCHAR2(2),
     zip    VARCHAR2(5));

  person_rec person_type;

This code fragment contains two user-defined record types. The second user-defined record type, person_type, is a nested record type because its field name is a record of the name_type type (highlighted in bold).

Next, consider the complete version of the script based on the declaration of the nested record in Listing 16.2. References to the nested record are shown in bold.

For Example  ch16_7a.sql

  TYPE name_type IS RECORD
    (first_name VARCHAR2(15),
     last_name  VARCHAR2(30));

  TYPE person_type IS RECORD
    (name   name_type,
     street VARCHAR2(50),
     city   VARCHAR2(25),
     state  VARCHAR2(2),
     zip    VARCHAR2(5));

  person_rec person_type;

  SELECT first_name, last_name, street_address, city, state, zip
    INTO person_rec.name.first_name, person_rec.name.last_name,
         person_rec.street, person_rec.city, person_rec.state,
    FROM student
    JOIN zipcode USING (zip)
   WHERE rownum < 2;

  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Name:   '||
     person_rec.name.first_name||' '||person_rec.name.last_name);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Street: '||person_rec.street);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('City:   '||person_rec.city);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('State:  '||person_rec.state);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Zip:    '||person_rec.zip);

In this example, the person_rec record is a user-defined nested record. To reference its field name, which is a record with two fields, you use the syntax shown in Listing 16.3. The parentheses are included in this listing solely for readability purposes.

Listing 16.3 Referencing Individual Fields of a Nested Record

enclosing_record.(nested_record or nested_collection).field_name

In this case, person_rec is the enclosing record because it contains the name record as one of its fields. In other words, the name record is nested in the person_rec record.

This example produces the following output:

Name:    George Kocka
Street:  24 Beaufield St.
City:    Dorchester
State:   MA
Zip:     02124

A nested record may also contain a collection as one of its fields. In the following example, given a value of a ZIP code, the names of the students residing in that ZIP code area are displayed on the screen.

For Example  ch16_8a.sql

  TYPE last_name_type IS TABLE OF student.last_name%TYPE

  TYPE zip_info_type IS RECORD
    (zip      VARCHAR2(5),
    last_name_tab last_name_type);

  CURSOR name_cur (p_zip VARCHAR2) IS
    SELECT last_name
      FROM student
     WHERE zip = p_zip;

  zip_info_rec zip_info_type;
  v_zip        VARCHAR2(5) := '&sv_zip';
  v_index      PLS_INTEGER := 0;
  zip_info_rec.zip := v_zip;
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('ZIP: '||zip_info_rec.zip);

  FOR name_rec IN name_cur (v_zip)
    v_index := v_index + 1;
    zip_info_rec.last_name_tab(v_index) := name_rec.last_name;
      ('Names('||v_index||'): '||zip_info_rec.last_name_tab(v_index));

The declaration section of this example contains declarations of the associative array type, last_name_type; record type, zip_info_type; and nested user-defined record, zip_info_rec. The field, last_name_tab, of the zip_info_rec is an associative array that is populated with the help of the cursor, name_cur. In addition, the declaration portion contains two variables, v_zip and v_index. The variable v_zip is used to store the incoming value of the ZIP code provided at run time. The variable v_index is used to populate the associative array, last_name_tab. The executable portion of the script assigns values to the individual record fields, zip and last_name_tab. The last_name_tab is an associative array, which is populated via the cursor FOR loop.

When the value of 11368 is provided for the ZIP code at run time, this script produces the following output:

ZIP: 11368
Names(1): Lasseter
Names(2): Miller
Names(3): Boyd
Names(4): Griffen
Names(5): Hutheesing
Names(6): Chatman

Lab 16.3: Collections of Records

In Lab 16.2, you saw an example of a nested record in which one of the record fields was defined as an associative array. PL/SQL also gives you the ability to define a collection of records (for example, an associative array where the element type is a cursor-based record). The following example illustrates this usage.

For Example  ch16_9a.sql

  CURSOR name_cur IS
    SELECT first_name, last_name
      FROM student
     WHERE ROWNUM <= 4;

  TYPE name_type IS TABLE OF name_cur%ROWTYPE

  name_tab name_type;
  v_index  INTEGER := 0;
  FOR name_rec IN name_cur
    v_index := v_index + 1;

    name_tab(v_index).first_name := name_rec.first_name;
    name_tab(v_index).last_name  := name_rec.last_name;

    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('First Name('||v_index ||'): '||
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Last Name('||v_index ||'): '||

The declaration section of this example contains a definition of the name_cur cursor, which returns the first and last names of four students. In addition, it defines an associative array type. The element type of the associative array is a cursor-based record defined as %ROWTYPE. In addition, this script defines an associative array variable and the index variable that is used later to reference individual rows of the associative array.

The executable section of the example populates the associative array and displays its records on screen. The notation used in the preceding example to reference individual elements of the array is shown in Listing 16.4.

Listing 16.4 Referencing a Collection of Records


To reference each row of the array, you use the index variable just as in all of the previous examples that employed collections. However, because each row of this associative array is a record, you must also reference individual fields of the underlying record.

This example produces the following output:

First Name(1): George
Last Name(1): Kocka
First Name(2): Janet
Last Name(2): Jung
First Name(3): Kathleen
Last Name(3): Mulroy
First Name(4): Joel
Last Name(4): Brendler

Next, consider a modified version of the preceding example. In this version, the collection type has been changed from an associative array to a nested table (all changes are shown in bold).

For Example  ch16_9b.sql

  CURSOR name_cur IS
    SELECT first_name, last_name
      FROM student
     WHERE ROWNUM <= 4;

  TYPE name_type IS TABLE OF name_cur%ROWTYPE;

  name_tab name_type := name_type();
  v_index INTEGER := 0;
  FOR name_rec IN name_cur
    v_index := v_index + 1;

    name_tab(v_index).first_name := name_rec.first_name;
    name_tab(v_index).last_name := name_rec.last_name;

    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('First Name('||v_index||'): '||
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Last Name('||v_index||'): '||

The only differences in regard to the previous version of the script are the collection type declaration and methods required for the collection initialization. All references to the record and its individual fields remain unchanged. This version of the script produces the same output as the earlier version:

First Name(1): George
Last Name(1): Kocka
First Name(2): Janet
Last Name(2): Jung
First Name(3): Kathleen
Last Name(3): Mulroy
First Name(4): Joel
Last Name(4): Brendler

So far, you have seen examples where a collection of records was defined on the cursor-based record type. Next, consider an example where a collection of records is defined on the user-defined record type.

For Example  ch16_10a.sql

  CURSOR enroll_cur IS
    SELECT first_name, last_name, COUNT(*) total
      FROM student
      JOIN enrollment USING (student_id)
    GROUP BY first_name, last_name;
  TYPE enroll_rec_type IS RECORD
    (first_name  VARCHAR2(15),
     last_name   VARCHAR2(30),
     enrollments INTEGER);

  TYPE enroll_array_type IS TABLE OF enroll_rec_type

  enroll_tab enroll_array_type;
  v_index   INTEGER := 0;
  FOR enroll_rec IN enroll_cur
    v_index := v_index + 1;

    enroll_tab(v_index).first_name  := enroll_rec.first_name;
    enroll_tab(v_index).last_name   := enroll_rec.last_name;
    enroll_tab(v_index).enrollments := enroll_rec.total;

    IF v_index <= 4
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('First Name('||v_index||'): '||
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Last Name('||v_index||'): '||
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Enrollments('||v_index||'): '||
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('--------------------'),
    END IF;

The declaration section of the script contains a user-defined record type, enroll_rec_type, which is subsequently used in the declaration of the associative array type, enroll_array_type. Finally, the associative array, enroll_tab, is declared based on the enroll_array_type.

In the executable portion of the script, the associative array, enroll_tab, is populated via the cursor FOR loop and the first four records of the associative array are displayed on the screen.

 When run, this script produces the following output:

First Name(1): Judy
Last Name(1): Sethi
Enrollments(1): 1
First Name(2): Larry
Last Name(2): Walter
Enrollments(2): 2
First Name(3): Winsome
Last Name(3): Laporte
Enrollments(3): 2
First Name(4): Hiedi
Last Name(4): Lopez
Enrollments(4): 1


In this chapter, you learned about the different types of records supported in PL/SQL and saw how to manipulate individual record elements. You have also learned about record compatibility and explored how it affects your ability to assign or compare records to each other. In addition, you discovered how different record types may be nested inside one another and learned how to define and manipulate a record that contains a collection element. Finally, you learned how to define and handle collections of records.

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