
When OpenGL was young, the highest-end SGI systems like the Reality Engine 2 cost $80,000 and could render 200,000 textured triangles per second, or 3,333 triangles per frame at 60 Hz. The CPUs of that era were slower than today, to be sure, but at around 100 MHz, that’s still 500 CPU cycles for each triangle. It was pretty easy to be graphics limited back then, and the API reflected that—the only way to specify geometry was immediate mode! Well, there were also display lists for static geometry, which made being graphics-limited even easier.

OpenGL is not young anymore, the highest-end GPUs that it can run on cost around $1000, and they don’t even list triangles per second in their basic product description anymore, but the number is north of 6 billion. Today these GPUs are in the middle of the single digit teraflops and several hundred gigabytes per second of bandwidth. CPUs have gotten faster, too: With 4 cores and around 3 GHz, they are shy of 200 gigaflops and have around 20 gigabytes per second of memory bandwidth. So where we had 500 CPU cycles for a triangle in the early days, we now have 0.5 cycles. Even if we could perfectly exploit all 4 cores, that would give us a paltry 2 CPU cycles for each triangle!

All that is to say that the growth in hardware graphics performance has outstripped conventional CPU performance growth by several orders of magnitude, and the consequences are pretty obvious today. Not only is the CPU frequently the limiting factor in graphics performance, we have an API that was designed against a different set of assumptions.

The good news with OpenGL is that it has evolved too. First it added vertex arrays so that a single draw command with fairly low CPU overhead gets amplified into a lot of GPU work. This helped for a while, but it wasn’t enough. We added instancing to further increase the amount of work, but this was a somewhat limited form of work amplification, as we don’t always want many instances of the same object in an organic, believable rendering.

Recognizing that these emerging limitations in the API had to be circumvented somehow, OpenGL designers began extending the interface to remove as much CPU-side overhead from the interface as possible. The “bindless” family of extensions allows the GPU to reference buffers and textures directly rather than going through expensive binding calls in the driver. Persistent maps allow the application to scribble on memory at the same time the GPU is referencing it. This sounds dangerous—and it can be!—but allowing the application to manage memory hazards relieves a tremendous burden from the driver and allows for far simpler, less general mechanisms to be employed. Sparse texture arrays allow applications to manage texture memory as well with similar, very low-overhead benefits. And finally multi-draw and multi-draw indirect added means the GPU can generate the very buffers that it sources for drawing, leaving the CPU a lot more available for other work.

All of these advances in OpenGL have been loosely lumped under the AZDO (Approaching Zero Driver Overhead) umbrella, and most of them have been incorporated into the core API. There are still significant areas for improvement as we try to get to an API that allows developers to render as much as they want, the way they want, without worrying that the CPU or driver overhead will get in the way. These features require a bit more work to make use of, but the results can be truly amazing! This edition of the OpenGL® SuperBible includes many new examples that make use of AZDO features and provide good guidance on how to get the CPU out of the way. In particular, you’ll learn good ways to make use of zero copy, proper fencing, and bindless.

Cass Everitt

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