Chapter 14. Mining

The term mining is often associated with old black-and-white images of hard-working men carrying pick axes and carbide lamps into dark underground tunnels and loading ore or overburden into small rail cars. While those pictures are historically accurate, technology has enabled significant progress in the mining industry, specifically around safety, production optimization, and Operational Expenses reduction.

At the most basic level, mining is the process of extracting minerals from the earth. Many types of minerals are extracted today, including copper, gold, silver, lithium, molybdenum, iron, salt, potash, coal, uranium, and precious gems. Most of these minerals, especially precious metals, are rarely just lying on the ground in large chunks, waiting for someone to pick them up. Instead, they are mixed in with other materials beneath the surface of the earth. In the case of copper ore, the average volumetric amount is less than 1%.

To separate and extract the desired minerals, you have to break up large quantities of earth and haul it to a processing facility, where it is further broken down and a variety of techniques are used to isolate the desired material. The techniques and technologies used in mining operations bear many similarities to other industries, such as manufacturing and transportation. As a result, many of the IoT principles discussed in this chapter have relevance beyond mining.

Mining can generally be classified into three major categories: surface mining, underground mining, and underwater mining. This chapter focuses on the first two categories. There are also three main types of minerals mined, in all three mining categories: coal, metal, and nonmetal.

In most countries, mining activities are regulated. For example, in the United States, mining is regulated by the US Labor Department, under the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) and is also regulated in each state. Working in a mine typically requires specialized training and certification from national regulatory agencies, such as the MSHA. In other countries, the type of mine and exploitation processes are also regulated.

The lifecycle of a mine, which goes far beyond the extraction of minerals, is shown in Figure 14-1. Much time and work is involved in the exploration, planning, construction, operations, environmental monitoring, closure, and reclamation of mine sites. However, this chapter mainly focuses on operations, which is the longest portion of a mine’s lifecycle, often measured in decades.


Figure 14-1 Mining Lifecycle

This chapter includes the following sections:

Image Mining Today and Its Challenges: This section provides an overview of the mining industry and will help you understand the tools, scales, constraints, and challenges of this industry.

Image Challenges for IoT in Modern Mining: This section examines the specific challenges in deploying IoT solutions in mining environments.

Image An IoT Strategy for Mining: This section details the multiple ways IoT can improve mining operations, from increased security and efficiency to lightning and hazardous gas safety, slope and environmental monitoring, and location services.

Image An Architecture for IoT in Mining: This section details the architecture of an IoT network for mining, from the client side, to the access layer, to the core network, and its security. This section also discusses the application layer and provides examples of how big data changes the way mining operations are conducted.

Mining Today and Its Challenges

Over the past 50 years, the size and scale of mining operations have grown tremendously, while at the same time processes and efficiencies of extracting minerals have greatly improved. Modern mining is the safest it has ever been. However, modern mine operators still face many challenges.


For the uninitiated, one of the most difficult concepts to convey about modern mining is the unimaginably enormous size and scale of many mining operations. If you have ever had the opportunity to visit Grand Canyon National Park, you can relate to this concept. No matter how many times you read or hear about it, or how many pictures you see, you can realize the size and scale only in person. That same concept applies to mining. In mining, sites can cover hundreds of square miles and can contain pits over 2500 feet deep, with widths spanning several miles (see Figure 14-2), not unlike a large valley.


Figure 14-2 An Open Pit Mine in Arizona

Many surface mines have several deep pits (see Figure 14-3) adjacent to each other, with long, winding haulage roads that are traversed by giant dump trucks called haul trucks. As shown in Figures 14-4 and 14-5, these haul trucks are machines that make full-size pickup trucks look like toy cars in comparison. Some of the larger haul trucks are capable of moving more than 350 metric tons of material at a time, with 13-foot-tall tires and powered by 4000-horsepower engines. The electric shovels used to fill these trucks (see Figure 14-6) are on the same scale.


Figure 14-3 An Open Pit Mine with Large Haul Trucks


Figure 14-4 A Typical Haul Truck Used in Copper Mining


Figure 14-5 Haul Truck Size Comparison


Figure 14-6 An Electric Shovel in an Open Pit Mine

The immense size and scale aren’t unique to surface mining operations; underground mines can have hundreds of miles of tunnels, also known as drifts, large enough to fit two city buses next to each other, spanning great vertical distances below the surface. This large scale also means that it can take a very long time to physically get to locations within a mine. From an IoT perspective, this means it could take several hours to get a technician to equipment locations in a site.

Mines are often in remote locations that can be difficult to reach, both physically and electronically. This means the infrastructure needed to support a large-scale mine (electricity, water, communications, rail/road/sea transport) is often not in place or not available at the scale required to facilitate mining production activities. This infrastructure must be put in place by the mine operator or a proxy. Sometimes entire towns, complete with housing, shopping, schools, medical facilities, security, and entertainment, are built and operated by mining companies to support sites that are not within reasonable commuting distances from existing towns. In addition, many mining locations are in locations where extreme environmental conditions such as altitude, humidity, and temperature must be managed and where diseases and fauna may present risks as well.


Mining is inherently dangerous, and safety is one of the most important considerations in this field. The danger of underground mines has been exposed in many movies and, unfortunately, breaking news around the world. The risk of collapse is always a concern, and monitoring the tunnel structure is always a primary priority. Explosions are also a risk. Various gases released from the ground during mining operations can reach an explosive concentration very fast. In case of collapse, the limited amount of air available in tunnels gives a very short window for relief to free trapped workers. Techniques have been developed to eliminate gas emissions and flow fresh air in all parts of mines. However, monitoring the air quality and the soundness of the tunnel structure are important everyday challenges of underground mining.

Open pit mines may look safer than underground mines. However, the forces involved in moving tons of earth and the processes required to extract minerals can be very hazardous. Landslides can be lethal, and monitoring the slopes of open mines is a key safety requirement. In addition, working around gigantic engines is hazardous. From the cabin of these very large vehicles, drivers may not be able to see pedestrians or even pickup trucks. Dust makes the problem worse, even for vehicles equipped with radar. Signaling positions and controlling locations of all workers and all vehicles is necessary.

Weather conditions can also present challenges. Many mines are located in regions of extreme weather. Sudden violent rains may quickly fill pits and holes. When thunderstorms strike, workers are exposed and may be miles away from safe, sheltered buildings.


Mining organizations have a duty to protect the environment from the effects of their operations. These effects include ground and water pollution, of course, and also noise, dust, and the effects of mining operations on flora and fauna. At the end of a mine’s lifetime, the site has to be managed to avoid any pollution and to revert the site conditions to the pre-mining state.

Mine failures, such as tailing dam failures, can lay waste to vast geographies, and impacts can last for tens to even hundreds of years. Failure to be a good mining corporate citizen will result in governments not releasing new mining leases. Mining operations are concerned about the effect of the operations on the environment and need to closely monitor the weather (and its possible consequences on dust or water pollution, for example), the air, the water quality, and so on.


Our modern society depends on mining to supply the minerals needed for just about everything: electrical wires in buildings, components used in every electronic device, batteries that run our gadgets, and metals that go into our buildings, cars, aircraft, ships, bridges, jewelry, and many other things. Minerals are at the very bottom of the global supply chain for almost all modern industry and a society that enjoys manufactured goods.

While general consumers do not know where minerals are located or even care how they are extracted, the people in close proximity to mineral deposits often do. Mining can be a very polarizing topic for a variety of reasons, especially geopolitical and environmental, sometimes involving local radical groups or nation-state–sponsored actors. Mining operators have a huge number of valuable assets. The obvious assets are the minerals that are mined and the equipment used to extract and refine them. However, perhaps not as obvious are assets such as exploration data and other intellectual property.

In some cases, mine operations are the target of political action groups that attempt to stop operations or use a mine as a geopolitical stage to publicize their message. In addition, some mineral deposits are located in parts of the world that are not politically stable or environmentally sensitive. When you factor in additional risks resulting from the remoteness of their operations, large-scale size, inherent safety considerations, and the use of both massive heavy equipment and explosives, physical security and cybersecurity are often top-of-mind topics for mine operators.

Volatile Markets

The output of most mines is raw materials that are sold on the commodities market. Therefore, the profitability of modern mining operators is at the mercy of market forces. Differentiation of product is typically not possible with commodities. For example, between 2011 and 2017, high-grade copper prices saw a high of $4.50 per pound and a low of $1.96 per pound. The volatility of commodities markets cannot be controlled, but having a highly efficient and adaptable supply chain can help maximize profits while prices are high and minimize losses during market lulls.

Challenges for IoT in Modern Mining

Many of the challenges in modern mining can be addressed with IoT solutions. However, deploying IoT solutions in mining environments is challenging.

The OT Roles in Mining

As with other industries, the objectives and requirements for traditional corporate IT networks in the mining industry are very different from those of OT. (The concepts of IT and OT are introduced and discussed in Chapter 1, “What Is IoT?”) Mines typically have technical roles focused on the OT side (see Figure 14-7):

Image Mine superintendent: The mine superintendent is in charge of operations and, ultimately, the profitability of the mine. He is in charge of balancing the investments (in IoT, engines, and people) and the output expected from the mine. The superintendent is interested in any IoT solution to increase profitability and safety or reduce costs.

Image Engineering manager: The superintendent works in coordination with the engineering manager. The engineering manager is in charge of the equipment of the mine. As such, he or she is interested in any solution that can increase the reliability of the equipment (by providing better monitoring, allowing preemptive maintenance) and decrease the energy consumption related to mining operations.

Image Operations IT manager: The operations IT manager is in charge of the IT network. Any device that will need to connect through the IT network needs to be reviewed and approved by the IT manager’s team.


Figure 14-7 Mining Key Roles


IoT depends on connectivity, and in the world of mining, connectivity can be especially challenging. The very nature of mining means that the physical layer is extremely dynamic, and the network can be in a constant state of change to meet the requirements of an ever-changing mine. Overall, these challenges can typically be broken down into three main categories.

Image Remoteness: In the remote areas where many mines operate, WAN connectivity can be difficult to acquire and is often extremely expensive, relatively low bandwidth, and often subject to high latency and high packet loss. This is especially true when traditional terrestrial circuits are not available and satellite communications links must be used. For many applications, these issues can be addressed with WAN acceleration and compression technologies. However, these technologies are usually not effective for real-time communications applications, such as VoIP and IP video conferencing. In addition, many mines are located in places where there isn’t even cellular coverage, which means the mine operators often need to deploy their own wireless communications infrastructure and may depend on satellite communications for some data services.

Image Extreme environmental conditions: Mines present a wide variety of extreme conditions in which equipment must operate. Some of these conditions relate to the remoteness of the mines, while others are linked to the nature of the process. Aboveground mining operations often experience extreme humidity and temperatures, both hot and cold, as well as extreme weather, ranging from lightning and wind storms to torrential rains. Many mines, especially in South America, operate at high altitudes, often above 15,000 feet, where the air is much less dense, and equipment cooling effectiveness must be considered. Some mining processes involve corrosive chemicals or flammable and explosive atmospheres. Appropriate equipment certifications or enclosures are required to both keep the equipment safe and prevent fires and explosions. Heavy machinery, especially tracked vehicles such as dozers, create extreme vibrations that could literally shake apart nearby equipment. Such environments require creativity when mounting equipment, such as using rubber grommets to isolate vibrations and neodymium magnets to simplify installation and removal of equipment.

Other environmental considerations include regular and intentional controlled explosions during the process of blasting. Table 14-1 summarizes some of the environmental challenges in mining and possible solutions.


Table 14-1 Environmental Considerations and Potential Solutions

Image Scale: Mining operations are at an entirely different size and scale than most industries. This often means that a network needs to provide connectivity to hundreds of square miles. To further complicate matters, some mining applications are not IP-based and cannot be routed. Layer 2 connectivity must sometimes be made available across a wide geography. Unlike in any other industry, the nature of mining means that the ground is constantly being moved. Physical locations that act as network distribution points today may be gone tomorrow. The topography of the mine changes daily, which often means the network’s logical and physical topology must be adjusted accordingly. Due to the highly fluid nature of network topologies in a working mine, wireless connectivity is often used for the last mile at the access layer. Even this flexible last-mile access method must undergo lifecycle modifications to accommodate the mine’s changing environment.

An IoT Strategy for Mining

There are a wide variety of opportunities for IoT in mining, from new operational efficiencies to life safety and environmental monitoring. Figure 14-8 provides several examples. IoT solutions provide significant benefits to mine operations, some with very short return-on-investment timeframes.


Figure 14-8 Examples of IoT Applications to Mining Operations


Improved Safety and Location Services

Among all the possible applications of IoT for mining operations, the first to come to mind for any mine operator is safety. Mining has long had a reputation for being dangerous because of the environment where it takes place and the vast amount of material being moved by very large vehicles. IoT provides very powerful means to improve mining safety, at multiple levels.

Driver Safety

Mines are inherently dangerous places, but IoT solutions are being deployed at mine sites around the globe to help improve the safety of miners. For example, the safety of a haul truck can be greatly compromised if the driver experiences drowsiness. A haul truck accident may cause damage to equipment and stall mining operations or, even worse, cause harm or death to the driver or workers at the mine site. To address this, IoT systems can be used to measure the level of drowsiness of a haul truck driver. These systems can operate based on three types of measures:

Image Physiological measures: Drivers may be required to wear a wristband (analogous to a fitness tracker) that measure heart rate, breathing patterns, and other factors and generates an alert when these patterns indicate drowsiness.

Image Behavioral measures: A camera mounted on the dashboard or the rear mirror can measure eye closure, eye blinking pattern (eyes blink slower when falling asleep), yawning, head position, and so on.

Image Vehicle track measures: Sensors on the truck can measure movements of the steering wheel, position in the lane, pressure on the acceleration pedal, and other factors. Sudden changes reflect drowsiness.

When drowsiness is detected, an alarm can be triggered in the truck or the control center, and the truck can be stopped automatically.

In some open pit mines where terrain topology is relatively stable (that is, the travel path between the extraction zone and the treatment machines is not overturned daily), autonomous trucks are beginning to be used. Figure 14-9 shows an example of one of these autonomous guided vehicles (AGVs).


Figure 14-9 A Komatsu AGV Haul Truck on Display

These trucks are driverless and do not have a cabin. As a result, they do not have a front or a back, and they can offload in any direction. They are programmed with a map of the mine and configured to go to a loading site, where they are loaded with ore. When the load reaches a determined threshold, the truck drives back to a treatment area and dumps the ore into a machine. Sensors and cameras, along with the mine map, help the truck navigate on the site. The operational advantage is that a single remote operator can monitor multiple trucks, and the trucks never get drowsy. However, with the current state of the art, this solution is not practical in sites where the topology changes often because the truck control system would need to be reprogrammed often. These autonomous trucks can be extremely complex and often require multiple sensors, including computer vision, high-precision GPS location, guidance systems, and collision avoidance mechanisms. When it comes to safety, there is a serious risk associated with removing humans from behind the wheel of a 300-ton vehicle. Most autonomous haulage systems rely heavily on IP connectivity and have strict tolerances for network availability.

Weather and Lightning

In surface mining, lightning and severe weather pose a serious risk. Lightning monitoring systems and small weather stations can be deployed across a mine site and connected to the network to provide real-time weather information to mine operators. When lightning is detected less than 5 miles away, workers can receive an alert on their cell phones, instructing them to take cover until the storm has passed.

Slope Monitoring

Open pit mines are especially at risk for mine pit slope failures, which can result in massive deadly landslides. Several companies have developed systems for monitoring the integrity of pit walls, often called slope monitoring systems. These systems can use a variety of sensors.

For example, a monitoring system can be installed on a trailer and positioned on one side of an open pit. The system shoots a 3D laser beam or radar bursts over a 180-degree span, measures the signal response pattern, and compares it to the baseline. Changes in the pattern indicate a change in the slope, usually resulting from a variation in the stability of the terrain. With such a system, an alert can be sent long before an actual landslide event is likely to occur, providing hours or even days of warning. This additional level of safety also allows the mines to operate on more aggressive slopes, which can be monitored for operations safety.

Slope monitoring systems are strategically placed in an open pit mine and require network connectivity to relay the information to the mine operators.

Location Services

With the enormous scale of mining operations, it can be very difficult to locate a specific asset or worker within a mine. While there have been advances in land mobile radio (LMR; a.k.a. walkie-talkies or handie-talkies) solutions that include the ability to track a radio via an embedded GPS sensor, these solutions do not work indoors or underground, and they may not be able to provide individual miners with the ability to locate an asset.

Wireless location services have the advantage of not requiring a GPS signal and can report the position of an appropriately equipped device or worker through a mine network. Some of these solutions require the use of choke points and beacons (to detect when an asset enters or leaves a given location), and others use the signal strength or signal flight time (such as time difference of arrival [TDoA]) of the device on the network to determine the location through trilateration (the intersection of circles). While these solutions may not provide the same location accuracy as GPS (trilateration accuracy varies between 3 and 25 yards, depending on the environment and the architecture), they are helpful in locating assets or workers where GPS signals are not available. This is extremely important during an emergency, as it allows first responders to know immediately where workers are located (without a manual call and count) and concentrate their efforts where rescue efforts are most needed, based on the location of the incident and the proximity of workers to that location.

Beyond emergency cases, worker tracking may be useful to alert a truck driver when a worker is detected on the ground. (Trucks usually include sensors and radar to alert when smaller objects, such as vehicles or people, are detected in the vicinity.) A specific warning can also be displayed in the control room when workers operate in a hazardous location.

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, flavorless toxic gas produced by the incomplete combustion of carbon-containing material such as coal or wood. It is a major hazard in underground mines. For many years, workers have been carrying devices to detect CO. Today, IoT sensors can alert operators of the presence of CO anywhere in the mine, in real time, and also show CO buildup trends. An IoT system can also regulate ventilation based on the detection of CO and further modulate it, depending on the presence of trucks (which produce carbon monoxide) and humans. These location systems usually require connectivity to the network and/or actually leverage the existing Wi-Fi network.

Hazardous Gas Detection

In both underground and surface mining, there can be a wide variety of deadly or hazardous gases present, depending on the minerals being mined and how they are processed. Locations at risk for exposing workers to these gases often have both stationary gas detection systems and portable solutions for workers entering these areas. Several of these portable systems are capable of being connected to the network either directly or by leveraging a gateway capable of supporting industrial wireless protocols like ISA100.11a and WirelessHART. (Both ISA100.11a and WirelessHART are defined in Chapter 4, “Connecting Smart Objects.”) The system sounds an alert when hazardous gas is detected, but connectivity also allows the system to report the hazard and its details to the control room.

Environmental Monitoring

As mentioned earlier in this chapter, mine operators are subject to strict environmental monitoring. The specific type of environmental monitoring can vary greatly, depending on the mine type, location, and regional regulations. However, it is very common for these systems to be connected to the network. They include air quality monitors, video cameras to monitor dust and particulate matter, and water quality.

One area of great environmental concern associated with mining is ensuring the integrity of tailing ponds. Tailing ponds are very large ponds that hold the waste products of mining, typically finely crushed rock, water, and any chemicals used in the mining process. Figure 14-10 shows an example.


Figure 14-10 View of an Earthen Dam from the Outside (top) and Tailing Pond with an Earthen Dam (bottom)

A recent example of why monitoring the integrity of tailing ponds is important is the August 2014 Mount Polly mine disaster, in which a tailing pond failure caused approximately 6.34 billion gallons of mine waste to contaminate the lakes and rivers near the town of Likely, British Columbia, Canada. In an effort to improve the mean time to detection of a tailing pond dam failure, while simultaneously reducing the labor costs of manually inspecting the integrity of tailing pond dams, many mine operators now put IoT systems in place to monitor conditions of the tailing ponds. These systems often use strategically placed ground probe sensors along the tailings pond’s earthen dams to detect signs and symptoms of failure (see Figure 14-11). The systems are often connected wirelessly to the mine’s IP network to report status and potential failures.


Figure 14-11 A Tailing Pond Earthen Dam with Sensor (Left) and Close-up View of Piezo Ground Monitoring Sensors (Right)

Improved Efficiencies

One of the most exciting use cases for IoT in mining is focused on improving efficiency. As you may recall from the beginning of this chapter, mine operations follow the commodities market. Cost is critical, and any efficiencies that can be gained directly impact the profitability of the mine.

Most mines have hundreds, or even thousands, of men and women working in various functions. When equipment fails unexpectedly, these people are often unable to perform their duties. Sometimes these failures are fairly insignificant to the overall operations of a mine (for example, failure of a light-duty truck). Other times, failures are very significant and cause major interruptions in production. This is the case in open pit copper mining when a fully loaded haul truck breaks down and interrupts the flow of ore from the shovel to the crusher. Another similar major event is when the primary crusher seizes because the tooth from an electric shovel made its way into the crusher. These types of incidents can cost a mine a significant amount of money in terms of idle labor, recovery, repair, and restart work.

Predicting equipment failures before they happen isn’t exactly new, but leveraging IoT and big data analytics to accomplish it is new. Many mine operators are now installing IP-connected sensors on heavy equipment to predict and prevent failures before they occur. When this is done correctly, the return on investment can be quick, not only preventing work stoppage due to unexpected failures but optimizing the preventive maintenance costs for equipment.

A very common piece of equipment for mines is the electric rope shovel (refer to Figure 14-6). At the front, a large bucket equipped with metallic teeth digs into piles of soil or ore. There are systems available that can monitor the hardened steel teeth of the bucket and automatically detect and notify an operator when a tooth has come off and might be headed to a crusher. The mine operator can then stop the load and prevent damage to the crusher and the associated work stoppage.

Energy, in the form of electricity and fuel, is one of the biggest operational costs to mines. Nearly all equipment in a mine consumes energy. This consumption ranges from heavy-duty equipment where a single haul truck (depending on equipment type and load) can consume more than 50 gallons of diesel per hour, to the massive amounts of electricity it takes to ventilate an underground mine, run a crusher, and process ore into usable minerals.

Many IoT applications attempt to solve these energy challenges. For fuel efficiency, applications can suggest the most fuel-efficient route for a haul truck (calculating the shortest route and avoiding detected slopes and bumps) or monitor a driver’s behavior and report suboptimal driving patterns. These systems can also record and report any violations of standard operating procedures, such as excessive idling. Detailed tracking of a vehicle’s performance and maintenance can also ensure optimal fuel efficiency.

In underground mining, forced-air ventilation systems require significant electrical power. Through IoT monitoring and analytics, the performance can be optimized along with longevity and energy consumption. These same principles can also be applied to many systems in a mine that rely on electric motors.

Improved Collaboration

Traveling to a mine site and a specific location within the mine site can be time-consuming and costly. Access can also be difficult. The primary collaboration method in mines has traditionally been radio-based voice-only communications. While half-duplex LMR systems and voice telephony services continue to be a vital part of mine operations, modern technology and connectivity have greatly augmented these systems, allowing much richer communications methods that can shorten cycle times. For example, a technician at a mine site can use the video capabilities of his IP-connected rugged computing device to send a picture or even a live video feed of the equipment to an off-site engineer for real-time assistance with troubleshooting, potentially reducing the time to repair significantly.

Immersive video systems can also reduce the cycle times at mines. While room-based video systems are unlikely to be used in active mining areas, they are frequently used in the business offices of mines and allow remote face-to-face meetings to happen. This technology may not be an option for all meeting situations, but it is a great option for time-sensitive meetings that would otherwise require people to travel great distances.

IoT Security for Mining

As previously mentioned, security is an important topic for mining. Like many industrial and manufacturing IoT systems, the systems in mining should, and often do, follow the Purdue Model for Control Hierarchy or ISA99/IEC-62443 framework to segment plant networks into logical zones. (For more information on the Purdue Model for Control Hierarchy, refer to Chapter 2, “IoT Network Architecture and Design,” where it is first introduced.) It is not unusual for individual process areas to be grouped into their own cell/area zone, but it is extremely important to separate these zones from the business or enterprise network with an appropriate DMZ, sometimes referred to as a “data diode,” to protect the industrial systems from external threats.

In addition to a DMZ for the IoT systems, traditional security best practices include network authentication, role-based access controls, regular patching, control plane policing, syslog auditing, and other relevant industry best practices. While it is never possible to completely secure systems from all possible attack vectors, layering security and following industry best practices significantly improves the odds in an ever-changing threat landscape.

Beyond the cybersecurity threats to IT and OT systems, physical security is a major area of concern that must be addressed in appropriate proportion to the risk associated with the mine’s physical location. Theft of assets and physical vandalism, including IoT infrastructure, is a major problem in certain parts of the world. What might initially appear to be failure of remote equipment may actually be theft.

Networking equipment theft, physical damage, or scavenging (an item being “borrowed” for a different function because borrowing is faster than waiting days while new equipment is being shipped) can also have a significant impact on the function of a mining operation. For example, it is much more difficult to recover from the theft of a wireless mesh root access point and all its associated components than it is to recover from simple remote equipment failure. To address this, it is not uncommon for mine operators to put significant physical security barriers in place to combat theft of equipment, as shown in Figure 14-12.


Figure 14-12 Physical Security Protecting Wireless Mesh Equipment at a Mine Site

An Architecture for IoT in Mining

Smart objects are at the entry point of the IoT network stack. In mining environments the large objects, including haul trucks and electric shovels, are now becoming smart objects. Because these large objects are often operated by a local human, sensors commonly connect to a human–machine interface (HMI) over a wired interface. The operator can directly leverage the information provided. However, in many cases, the smart object also needs to provide information to the remote operator. In this case, network connectivity is essential.

Because of their constantly changing landscape, most mines choose wireless technologies to connect people and smart objects. Many mine sites are remote and unlikely to experience interferences from nearby systems. However, because of the large scale at which wireless technologies are deployed on mining sites, powerful directional antennas are common. Due to the nature of radio frequency (RF) and the possibility of creating unintentional harmful interference with other systems, it is extremely important to coordinate all wireless communication technologies that are implemented at a particular site, regardless of wireless communications category, technology, or application. It is recommended that each mine site proactively track and manage its RF spectrum.

Again, this recommendation is not limited to a specific wireless technology. In fact, a variety of wireless technologies can be used in mining operations to enable communications for IoT. Wireless is extremely important at most mine sites as it is uniquely capable of connecting both stationary and mobile equipment and people. Most wireless networking technologies operate at frequencies in the microwave band, where line of sight is typically required for reliable communications and RF path loss is relatively high.

Wireless can be broken down into two main categories:

Image Licensed: As the name implies, licensed wireless spectrum requires a government license to operate equipment on an assigned frequency or band. These licenses are typically tied to a physical site location or geography. In mining operations, licensed wireless is frequently used for LMR (a.k.a. walkie-talkies or handie-talkies), long-distance wireless backhaul links (a.k.a. microwave links), and traditional 3G/4G/LTE. Some sites (such as multiple remote sites in Australia) use private LTE, while others rely on agreements with cell operators to deploy a basic cellular connection to the mine site.

Image Unlicensed: Unlicensed wireless spectrum is regulated by the same government body as the licensed wireless spectrum, but the equipment in this category does not require the owner or operator to individually seek a license to use the equipment within the rules. In the United States, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is the regulatory body, and unlicensed transmitters must comply with FCC Part 15 rules. This category includes technologies such as IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ah and IEEE 802.15.4, which includes ISA100.11a, ZigBee, and WirelessHART.


The concepts of licensed and unlicensed wireless spectrum are introduced in Chapter 4. Wireless technologies used in mining, such as LTE, IEEE 802.11, and IEEE 802.15.4, are also covered in Chapter 4.

Due to their relatively low cost and ease of use, unlicensed wireless technologies are very common in mining applications for data communications, including IoT. While unlicensed frequencies are convenient, care must be taken to coordinate frequency use in a mine to prevent interference. One of the most common sources of wireless communications failures in a mine is interference cause by infrastructure installed by two different teams that did not coordinate their planned frequency usage. For example, a 2.4 GHz wireless video transmitter (non–Wi-Fi) has the ability to obliterate nearby 2.4 GHz 802.11 wireless network traffic and isn’t easily detected without an RF spectrum analyzer.

IEEE 802.11 as the IoT Access Layer

Providing pervasive network connectivity at mine sites can be extremely challenging. The ratio of allowed RF output power to normal path loss for unlicensed data frequencies is relatively low compared to that of licensed LMR used for voice communications. The unlicensed radio spectrum available for use in IEEE 802.11, including IEEE 802.11ah, does not penetrate earth, rock, or metal and is susceptible to multipathing. However, a properly designed and managed IEEE 802.11 network can provide high-throughput, low-latency, low-loss connectivity to assets throughout a mine, including mobile equipment. A good understanding of radio frequency (RF) and the physics of electromagnetic field (EMF) is required for success. In addition to requiring traditional IEEE 802.11 WLAN skills, designing and maintaining IEEE 802.11 wireless networks in a mine requires proficiency in path loss calculations, reading antenna principal plane diagrams, understanding of the Fresnel effect, and being familiar with regulatory considerations.

802.11 Outdoor Wireless Mesh

One of the best ways to provide reliable wireless network access for an aboveground mine where cellular connectivity is not available is with 802.11 outdoor wireless mesh. Figure 14-13 provides an example of such a deployment. Unlike traditional indoor wireless applications, where every wireless access point is connected to the network with a network cable, mesh networking allows access points without wired network connections to service clients via a wireless backhaul connection. Client devices can connect to the wireless mesh with their own 802.11 WLAN adapter or via a wired Ethernet connection into a workgroup bridge (WGB), which in turn connects to the wireless mesh. A workgroup bridge is an access point that is configured as a client. Workgroup bridges offer significant advantages over traditional WLAN client interfaces, including centralized management, high RF output, ability to connect multiple wired clients through a single WGB, options for remote mounting and external antennas, and additional Layer 2/Layer 3 features (depending on the model of WGB).


Figure 14-13 Wi-Fi Deployment Example in an Open Pit Mine


Figure 14-14 Wi-Fi Mesh Architecture for Mining

From an architectural standpoint, a Wi-Fi mesh network is built on the following five components, displayed in Figure 14-14:

Image Root Access Point (RAP): Mesh access points have wired connectivity to the network to backhaul traffic. In an underground mine, these tend to be close to switch connection points. In an open pit mine, the RAPs tend to be closer to the control center.

Image Mesh Access Point (MAP): Mesh access points backhaul client traffic via a wireless radio interface, ideally on a different band than the client devices. Many MAPs support connecting wired clients to the network via their local Ethernet interface. All mesh access points (MAPs and RAPs) can be equipped with a GPS module so that control operators can locate them precisely on the mine map. Examples of MAPs deployed in an open mine are shown in Figure 14-15.


Figure 14-15 Examples of Mobile Wireless Mesh Access Points

Image Workgroup Bridge (WGB): A workgroup bridge is a dedicated device for bridging wired Ethernet traffic from mobile mining equipment onto the wireless mesh. Some models offer additional features such as support for multiple Ethernet devices, multiple VLANs, and Network Address Translation (NAT)/Port Address Translation (PAT). Often used as security feature and to allow multiple devices to share an IP address, NAT and PAT allow for the translation of an IP address and/or port as a packet transitions through a device.

Image Serial Backhaul: Backhaul links traverse multiple MAPs; client traffic travels multiple Layer 2 wireless hops to reach a RAP.

Image Back-to-back or daisy-chaining: For access points that do not contain enough dedicated radios for each function (one 2.4 GHz radio for client connectivity and two 5.8 GHz radios for backhaul), a virtual serial-backhaul MAP can be created with two access points cabled together.

802.11 Wireless Mesh Backhaul Considerations

Mining environments, including underground mines, are very harsh for electronic equipment. As a consequence, all access points need to be temperature hardened, vibration resistant, and waterproof. In wireless mesh networks, a common deployment method is to dedicate the 5 GHz radio for backhaul and the 2.4 GHz radio for client connectivity. Many 802.11 wireless mesh networks can be deployed with mesh access points that support only a single radio for each band. However, deploying in this mode, without the use of serial backhaul or back-to-back daisy-chaining, has performance and throughput implications. Most mesh networks are built with a tree structure, as described in Chapter 2. A RAP connects to the wired infrastructure and uses its 5 GHz radio to connect one or several MAPs that form the first hop. Farther away, other MAPs backhaul traffic through the first-hop MAPs. All mesh APs in this scenario are on the same 5 GHz channel. A standard mesh network can include several of these hops.

Because Wi-Fi is half-duplex, a MAP cannot simultaneously communicate with the upstream RAP or MAP (the MAP that leads toward the RAP) and a downstream MAP (a MAP farther away from the RAP). The MAP spends some of its time relaying traffic upstream, some of its time relaying traffic downstream, and some of its time relaying traffic for its own 2.4 GHz–connected clients. As a consequence, each hop generates additional delay. A MAP that relays traffic from three more MAPs will proportionally spend more time relaying and less time forwarding its own client traffic than a MAP that relays traffic from a single other MAP. In a multi-hop mesh, when a single radio is used to connect to both the upstream RAP and the downstream MAPs, the available bandwidth is greatly reduced with each hop.

The single 5 GHz backhaul radio architecture also reduces range. Imagine a deployment with a RAP and two MAPs organized in a straight line (that is, a two-hop deployment scenario). The first-hop MAP must use an omnidirectional antenna to reach the RAP on one side and the second-hop MAP on the other side. An omnidirectional antenna has a lower gain than a directional antenna. Such an architecture reduces the possible inter-AP distance. An ideal configuration would include dedicated directional antennas for each direction of the link, for example, using a narrow-beam antenna for upstream connectivity to the RAP and an equally appropriate antenna to service the downstream MAPs.

When designing and deploying a mesh that requires multiple MAP hops, a more efficient architecture is to dedicate a 5 GHz radio for the uplink and another 5 GHz radio for the downlink. This can be achieved with access points that include two 5 GHz radios or by using daisy-chaining or serial backhaul. In this topology, two MAPs are connected through their wired interface, as shown in Figure 14-16.


Figure 14-16 MAP Daisy-Chaining Topology

Upstream traffic is processed through one of the AP 5 GHz radios, called the master, and the downstream traffic is processed through the other AP 5 GHz radio, called the slave. Each AP has a directional antenna for increased range. Traffic passes from one MAP to the other via the Ethernet connection. The result is better overall throughput, over a longer range, as shown in Figure 14-17.


Figure 14-17 Daisy Chaining MAPs in a Wireless Mesh Deployment

In a standard mesh tree topology, a single RAP connects a MAP tree. It is common to install a second RAP as a backup. In the case of the first RAP’s failure, the MAPs automatically scan all channels in search of another RAP and can discover the backup RAP. Installing a secondary RAP increases the initial cost, but interruption of connectivity is usually costlier than a second AP. Using multiple RAPs is also common for load balancing the MAPs. Because Wi-Fi is half-duplex, each additional MAP reduces the available bandwidth of the other MAPs, regardless of the number of hops. In general, no more than 20 MAPs are connected to any given RAP. Depths of more than four hops are also uncommon.

Wi-Fi Clients

Large machines (for example, electric shovels, haul trucks, dozers, wheel loaders, borers, draglines) incorporate a multitude of sensors. For example, one popular haul truck model contains 32 engine sensors, 40 wheel sensors, and 120 load sensors. All these sensors provide a complete view of the truck’s operational state and also its position in space, travel characteristics (trajectory, inclination, and location in the mine), and load information (weight, volume, and pressure on each wheel). The truck may also have up to six external cameras monitoring the surroundings (potentially sounding an alarm when specific shapes are detected close to the truck). This information is used by the driver (when there is a driver), and is also fed back to the control room. In most cases, a set of specialized sensors is connected to a module (for example, tire monitoring module, load monitoring module, position and travel monitoring module). Each module is connected to a common ruggedized router that also incorporates a wireless access point configured as a wireless client (such as a WGB). A small system and HMI is present inside the driver’s cabin. The WGB relays critical data back to the mesh network.

The information gathered can be used in multiple ways. For example, dust is a critical issue in open pit mines in dry weather conditions. Sensors can help a loader get a sense of the position of a haul truck even through a dust cloud (see Figure 14-18, left side), allowing the loader driver (or the computer, in the case of a driverless loader) to get to the right range and angle before starting to load the truck. A level indicator and refined visualization (see Figure 14-18, right side) can also inform the loader about the quantity of ore loaded to the truck. The truck sensors can also provide feedback to the loader (sending a stop message when the load reaches a defined threshold). At that time, a load complete message can be sent back to the loader (and the mining operation control room) to inform the monitoring crew that the load is complete and the truck is starting to move toward the ore processing zone. This solution enables loading even in dry weather conditions, where the loader driver does not see the truck at all through the dust.


Figure 14-18 Sensors for Truck Loading

WGBs are access points configured as wireless clients. They can be mounted on vehicles equipped with a battery. Personnel typically also carry wireless devices, such as smart phones, tablets, or specialized wireless IP phones. All these devices have a Wi-Fi function, allowing their location to be tracked through trilateration. RFID tags are also common, especially in underground mines. An RFID tag includes a Wi-Fi card that is configured to emit a basic signal at a regular interval, allowing easy location tracking of each worker. More and more of these RFID tags have advanced functions, such as sensors (vibration, accelerometers, gas, or other), panic buttons, or multifunction signals.

Antenna Considerations for Wireless Mesh

With all 802.11 wireless networks, proper radio and network planning and engineering are required for optimal performance. This is especially true for outdoor wireless mesh networks in mining environments. For example, higher-gain omnidirectional antennas do not always result in better client connectivity, especially when there is a significant change in elevation.

An antenna is a passive device. The amount of energy it radiates depends on the energy inserted into the antenna. Various antennas can send energy in different directions, but the overall amount of energy sent stays the same. A classical comparison is an inflated balloon. You can press it to enlarge it in one direction, but the overall amount of air inside stays the same. Using antennas with higher gain means sending more energy in one direction and, therefore, less energy in the other directions.

A common high antenna gain changes the shape of the radiated energy from a sphere to a flat cookie, as shown in Figure 14-19. The result is a longer horizontal range but at the cost of a shorter vertical range. This is not a problem when the client and MAP antennas are at the same elevation, but it can create huge coverage gaps in open pit mines where there are often large elevation differences.


Figure 14-19 Antennas and Coverage Limits in Three-Dimensional Spaces

In the example shown in Figure 14-19, the haul truck’s omnidirectional antenna gain is too high, and the client cannot communicate with the MAP below or the RAP above. So you can see that antenna planning is a requirement for effective connectivity. Antenna types depend on the mine topology and the device to which the Wi-Fi system is attached.

The mounting location of an antenna in also an important consideration. 802.11 antennas need clear line-of-sight to communicate, but they also need to be protected from hazards. A balance between line-of-sight and protection from rock falls and other hazards must be considered. Many installations leverage multi-antennas to achieve optimal results.


Due to the remoteness of most mining operations, 4G/LTE services are typically not commercially available, and where they are available, their speed, cost, and reliability may not meet a mining operator’s requirements. However, in some regulatory domains (for example, many mines of central Australia but also in several locations in Canada), there may be options for a mine operator to install and run private 4G/LTE services. Farther distances from large towns are usually also associated with cheaper spectrum costs. Where available, this solution offers impressive performance and range compared to traditional Wi-Fi solutions.

The other advantages of private LTE over commercial LTE is that it can be tailored to a mine’s needs, including QoS, synchronized maintenance scheduling of radio networks, and so on. Mining has specific requirements, such as two-way real-time video or fleet autonomy management, which are very different from the requirements of traditional commercial LTE (which is more tailored to one-way video streaming, for example). However, it is important to note that private 4G/LTE solutions require significant planning and investment of resources. In many cases, the mine operator either has to purchase LTE spectrum from the government’s regulatory body or must partner with another private company that owns spectrum. This solution is often used in conjunction with Wi-Fi and wireless mesh (for example, ISA100.11a, WirelessHART) services to provide the appropriate coverage for all assets in a site.

Wireless in Underground Mining

Underground mining operations bring a unique set of challenges to wireless communications. The mine geology, construction, and vehicle movements all affect underground wireless environments. The radio frequencies used for cellular or Wi-Fi communications are not capable of penetrating earth or rock. This is great for lowering the overall RF noise floor but detrimental if using traditional aboveground wireless designs. Solutions to address this range from “leaky coax” (cables that act as long antennas) and traditional distributed antenna systems to wireless mesh designs that incorporate long runs of data cable or daisy-chaining either via RF or wired Ethernet. The latter is also an effective way to provide Wi-Fi location-based services for asset and personnel tracking.


“Leaky coax” is the subject of many controversies. The reason is that a leaky coax acts as a very long antenna. In a standard Wi-Fi deployment (for example, an indoor office deployment), the antenna is small, and clients do not move fast. As a frame transmission lasts for at most a few milliseconds, the client and antenna are considered to be static for the duration of the transmission.

In a tunnel, with a moving client and a long antenna, the situation is very different. There can be a physical distance between the point where the beginning of the signal is received on the antenna and the point where the end of the signal is received on the antenna. This can result in the Doppler effect, in which the signal is distorted (compressed or expanded). This alteration may be sufficient for the frame to generate an error. In addition, a long cable may create scenarios where two clients, in two different parts of the tunnel, may send traffic to the same leaky cable at the same time, resulting in undetected collisions.

Therefore, leaky cables are not a good solution for all mines. The speed of the vehicles and the path of the cable must be designed carefully to provide coverage without excessive distortion or collisions, while keeping the awareness that location services will also not be available with leaky cables.

Industrial Wireless

Wireless LANs and 4G/LTE do a fantastic job moving data bidirectionally at high speed, but they do so at the cost of range and power consumption. IEEE 802.15.4 wireless networks (discussed in depth in Chapter 4) can provide better range and lower overall power consumption at the cost of data throughput. These networks are often used in mining to wirelessly connect industrial sensors, such as gas monitoring sensors. In some cases, these systems can be merged with IEEE 802.11 wireless mesh networks. Some mesh access points incorporate an IEEE 802.15.4 radio (for example, ISA100.11a, WirelessHART) to communicate with field sensors, as shown in Figure 14-20. A 5 GHz radio is used to form the mesh network and backhaul data back to the surface and the control center.


Figure 14-20 Network Topology of a Combined IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.15.4 Industrial Wireless Solution

Isolated vs. Connected Mine Networks

Figure 14-21 shows an example of a wireless network topology for a mine. MAPs use their wireless radios to connect to the RAP. The RAP connects to the wired network. In most cases, a wireless LAN controller is in charge of managing and automating AP power and channel allocation.


Figure 14-21 Simple Mine Topology, with No Connections to External Networks

This sample topology is simple but includes a few important details. The MAPs use a PoE output port. This port can be used to connect CCTV cameras that send a live video feed through the backhaul. These images can be used with human monitoring or can be fed into a compute system to analyze traffic patterns on the mine. This information can then be used to optimize operations. Any other devices (such as sensors and other protocol gateways) can also use the PoE output port.

For example, slope sensors are devices commonly connected to the mesh network, and they can be powered from the PoE output port or have their own power source. As explained earlier, slope sensors can be used to anticipate abnormal terrain movements. Analysis software can also correlate the terrain 3D view generated by these sensors with mine mapping software and monitor the mining efficiency. This information can be used to organize the daily operations based on the proximity and density of the target minerals.

In some cases, different teams take care of various aspect of the operations (for example, slope monitoring vs. RFID and personnel location tracking). As a result, several Wi-Fi systems may be deployed and may compete for RF channels. A WLAN controller helps mitigate the resulting interferences.

In the topology shown in Figure 14-21, the operations are local, and no connection to an external network is required. Larger mines may require connections to operations control centers external to the mine site. When the mine is close to an urban center, this external connection may use Wi-Fi, with a point-to-point link to the mine. Cellular connection may also be possible. Sites that are remote need a satellite connection. As shown in Figure 14-22, this type of deployment allows for a different network infrastructure. The mine site may have a limited network deployment, sufficient to ensure proper operations (location tracking and communications, for example), while more advanced compute tasks (for example, slope monitoring, 3D mapping) may be performed in the remote control center.


Figure 14-22 Mine Network Topology with Connection Options to External Networks

Core Network Connectivity

Although a mine may be a single large geographic area, different teams may be in charge of different functions of the network. It is also common to see different control towers, each in charge of specific areas, or specific operations. As a result, a common LAN topology creates a modular design, with clearly defined service blocks, managed by each relevant team. This topology allows for deterministic service delivery. The key elements at the distribution layer are redundant, as shown in Figure 14-23.


Figure 14-23 Common Core Network Deployment for Mining

Security is also a key concern. The previous sections detail physical security, and network security is also critical. In a very competitive market, any disruption of operations and any theft of data can be very costly. When the network is modular, industrial firewalls should be installed between the modules. When the network connects to the business side of the operations, a firewall should perform perimeter security and control remote access to the mine network. Onsite, an AAA server is commonly used to control which devices and which users access the network.

Network Design Consideration for Mining Applications

Applications that are used to operate equipment in a mine may have specific network requirements that need to be addressed. For example, some mining dispatch systems rely on broadcast messages for communications between the server(s) and the client devices, thus requiring Layer 2 connectivity to be extended from a server room on-premises to the haul trucks and other heavy equipment throughout the mining pit(s). Other applications require the same private IP address scheme on every piece of heavy equipment, and thus require the use of NAT at a gateway device on the mining equipment. The network in a mine needs to support a wide variety of applications and use cases, and must be designed for both adaptability and reliability.

Due to the continuous operating schedule of many mines, where production happens 24 hours per day year round, resiliency and fault tolerance are also very important factors in network design. It is not uncommon for a backhaul link between intermediate distribution frames (IDFs, or intermediate wiring closets) and a main distribution frame (MDF, or central wiring closet) to be severed as a result of routine mining activity. Remember that mines are very dynamic places where the physical environment is in a constant state of change. The network needs to accommodate this constant change and allow extremely fast, if not hitless, convergence in the likely event of a physical link failure. In addition, power in a mine site can be very dynamic. Temporary power loss needs to be taken into account. Power conditioning, uninterruptable power supplies, and redundant power sources should be considered for critical infrastructure.

Data Processing

Regular 3D modeling of the mine site has become common. In open pit mines, slope monitors are complemented with drones that fly over the site and record images at various angles. These drones often use light detection and ranging (LIDAR) techniques, sending laser pulses to obtain very precise 3D representations of the environment. These representations are then fed into an operation management system, as shown in Figure 14-24. In this picture, 3D modeling is used to display the slope shape (white lines), and density estimates represent the various material types and density on a color scale. The system can analyze the current topology of the site and the size of each ore pile and compare this to the previous day’s data. This information can be overlaid with the 3D map of the mineral locations and operations to better determine the best (or safest or fastest) access to minerals. The result is an optimized daily operation that also contributes to greater longevity for the mine, as less time is wasted processing material that does not contain the optimal amount of minerals of interest.


Figure 14-24 3D Modeling of Drone-Acquired Images and Comparison to Initial Mineral Map

Topology data can also be fed back to the vehicles on site. For example, GPS sensors located on the blades of a dozer can guide the operator to position the blades optimally, as well as measure and record the new terrain that the dozer movement just created. GPS sensors on shovels can record the exact location of each bucket. This information can be compared to the 3D model of the site to allow the operators to predict with great accuracy how much material and what type of material will be scooped. This information can be used to adapt the production and its output to the state of the market.


Mining is an extremely important part of the global supply chain, providing the minerals necessary to produce everything from metals, batteries, and electrical components to the salt we use for cooking and the coal used to create electricity and heat. The scale of the plant and equipment, mining operations, and environments where these operations are conducted create very specific operational efficiency, safety, and environmental challenges, as well as challenges for IoT deployments.

IoT is rapidly changing the way mines operate. IoT allows mines to operate more efficiently and more safely than ever before, providing tangible results to mining operators, businesses, and consumers alike. By providing critical real-time information to systems and mine operators, IoT reduces risks that were considered an unfortunate but natural consequence of the vertical activity just 10 years ago. Smart objects can automate processes and make mining easier and safer. By connecting to fog or cloud data processing applications, real-time operations can be measured with very high accuracy and can further improve the life span and efficiency of mining equipment.

While this chapter covers a wide variety of topics in IoT and mining, it is far from exhaustive and is merely an introduction to the subject, based on a snapshot in time. The relevance and value of IoT in mining continues to expand every day.

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