

3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project), 142146

4G/LTE. See cellular technologies

6Lo working group, 164165

6LoWPAN, 109

adaptation layers, 159160

fragmentation, 162163

header compression, 161162

mesh addressing, 163164

6TiSCH, 165167

802.11ah, 56


acceleration sensors, 77

access network sublayer (simplified IoT architectural model), 43, 4854

access technologies

cellular technologies, 142146

competitive technologies, 146

LTE Cat 0, 143

LTE-M, 143144

NB-IoT, 144145

standardization and alliances, 142143

topologies, 146

communications criteria

constrained nodes, 103104

constrained-node networks, 104107

data rate and throughput, 104105

frequency bands, 98101

latency, 105106

overhead and payload sizes, 106107

power sources, 101102

range, 9698

topologies, 102103

IEEE 802.11ah, 130133

competitive technologies, 133

MAC layer, 131132

physical layer, 131

security, 133

standardization and alliances, 130131

topologies, 132133

IEEE 802.15.4, 108118

competitive technologies, 117118

MAC layer, 114116

physical layer, 113114

protocol stacks, 108112

security, 116117

topologies, 116

IEEE 1901.2a, 124130

competitive technologies, 129

MAC layer, 127128

physical layer, 126127

security, 128129

standardization and alliances, 125126

topologies, 128

IEEE802.15.4g/IEEE 802.15.4e, 118124

competitive technologies, 124

MAC layer, 121123

physical layer, 120121

security, 123

standardization and alliances, 119120

topologies, 123

LoRaWAN, 134142

competitive technologies, 140141

MAC layer, 136138

physical layer, 135136

security, 139140

standardization and alliances, 134135

topologies, 138139

ACE (Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments) working group, 173

acid gas, 313

acoustic sensors, 78


in agriculture, 83

classifications of, 8283

MEMS devices, 8384

sensors versus, 8182, 83

Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV), 111

adaptation layers, 159160

adaptation of IP

adoption versus, 152154

for SCADA, 183185

adoption of IP, adaptation versus, 152154

advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), 371372

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), 116117


actuators in, 83

sensors in, 7879

AI (artificial intelligence) in machine learning, 212213

air quality monitoring in smart cities, 409411

airline industry, data generation of, 206207

alliances. See standardization

AMI (advanced metering infrastructure), 371372

analytic databases, 222223

analytics applications. See also data analytics

control applications versus, 5960

data versus network analytics, 6061

analytics processing unit (APU), core functions, 232235


leaky coax, 475

for wireless mesh topologies, 473474

antivirus (AV) management use case, 341

AODV (Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector), 111

Apache Flink, 228229

Apache Kafka, 227228

Apache Spark, 228

Apache Storm, 228229

application and analytics layer (simplified IoT architectural model), 44, 5963

application protocols, transport methods

application layer protocol not present, 180182

categories of, 180

CoAP, 191196

MQTT, 196203

SCADA, 182189

web-based protocols, 189191

applications layer

IoT Reference Model, 38

oneM2M, 34

applications requirements in mining, 479480

APU (analytics processing unit), core functions, 232235

architecture. See network architecture

artificial intelligence (AI) in machine learning, 212213

Ashton, Kevin, 4

asset inventory use case, 338339

asset location tracking use case, 334335

asset monitoring in oil and gas industry, 341342

ATSM Standard E2213–03, 432

Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments (ACE) working group, 173

authentication on constrained nodes, 173

automobile racing, edge streaming analytics in, 230231

AV (antivirus) management use case, 341

availability in OT security, 261


backhaul. See gateways and backhaul network sublayer

back-to-back links, 470

BACnet (Building Automation and Control Network), 16

balancing tier (GridBlocks), 353

BAS (building automation system), 16

Bell, Alexander Graham, 356

big data. See also data analytics

challenge of, 23

characteristics of, 220222

edge streaming analytics versus, 231232

Hadoop, 224230

MPP databases, 222223

NoSQL, 223224

biosensors, 78

Bluetooth for roadways, 427428

Building Automation and Control Network (BACnet), 16

building automation system (BAS), 16

buildings, sensors in, 1519

buses. See mass transit; school bus safety



challenges in, 418419

connected cars use case, 421422

connected fleets use case, 422

data generation of, 1112

self-driving, 89

sensors in, 9, 75

cellular technologies, 56, 142146

competitive technologies, 146

LTE Cat 0, 143

LTE-M, 143144

in mining, 474475

NB-IoT, 144145

for roadways, 428

standardization and alliances, 142143

topologies, 146

chemical sensors, 78

CIP (Common Industrial Protocol), 293294

city layer in smart cities, 394395

city planning. See smart cities

cloud computing

in data center layer (smart cities), 395397

on-premises versus, 398

relationship with fog and edge computing, 6870

cluster star topologies, 52

cluster tree topologies, 52

CNG (compressed natural gas), 313

CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol), 5859, 191196

DICE working group, 173

message fields, 193

message types, 194195

MQTT versus, 203

collaboration and processes layer (IoT Reference Model), 38

collaboration in mining, 465

Common Industrial Protocol (CIP), 293294

communication protocols for WSNs, 9293

communications criteria for smart object connections, 96

constrained nodes, 103104

constrained-node networks, 104107

data rate and throughput, 104105

frequency bands, 98101

latency, 105106

overhead and payload sizes, 106107

power sources, 101102

range, 9698

topologies, 102103

communications network layer (simplified IoT architectural model), 43, 4659. See also IP (Internet Protocol)

access network sublayer, 4854

gateways and backhaul network sublayer, 5456

IoT network management sublayer, 5859

network transport sublayer, 5658

competitive technologies

for cellular technologies, 146

for IEEE 802.11ah wireless access technology, 133

for IEEE 802.15.4 wireless access technology, 117118

for IEEE 1901.2a wired access technology, 129

for IEEE802.15.4g/IEEE 802.15.4e wireless access technologies, 124

for LoRaWAN wireless access technology, 140141

compressed natural gas (CNG), 313

condensate, 313

confidentiality in OT security, 261

connected buildings use case, 1519

connected cars use case, 421422

connected environment use case, 409411

connected factory use case, 1215

business improvements, 281

challenges in, 13, 278

edge computing in, 304306

IoT technologies in, 279

network architecture

CPwE (Converged Plantwide Ethernet) reference model, 284293

IACS (Industrial Automation and Control Systems) reference model, 282284

security, 299304

identity services, 303304

IDMZ (industrial demilitarized zone), 302303

NAT (Network Address Translation), 300302

software, ubiquity of, 279281

connected fleets use case, 422

connected oil field use case, 323324

connected pipeline use case, 324325

connected refinery use case, 326

network architecture, 326327

control room networks, 327

wired networks, 328

wireless networks, 328332

connected roadways. See roadways

connected stations use case, 446447

connected street lighting use case, 401404

connecting smart objects

access technologies

cellular technologies, 142146

IEEE 802.11ah, 130133

IEEE 802.15.4, 108118

IEEE 1901.2a, 124130

IEEE802.15.4g/IEEE 802.15.4e, 118124

LoRaWAN, 134142

communications criteria, 96

constrained nodes, 103104

constrained-node networks, 104107

data rate and throughput, 104105

frequency bands, 98101

latency, 105106

overhead and payload sizes, 106107

power sources, 101102

range, 9698

topologies, 102103

connections to IoT, statistics for, 78

connectivity challenges in mining, 457459

connectivity layer (IoT Reference Model), 3637. See also IP (Internet Protocol)

Connectivity phase, 5

Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), 5859, 191196

DICE working group, 173

message fields, 193

message types, 194195

MQTT versus, 203

constrained nodes, 90

authentication and encryption, 173

classes of, 103104

IP optimization, 155

constrained-node networks, 104107. See also LLNs (low-power and lossy networks)

authentication and encryption, 173

IP optimization, 156157


challenge of, 30, 32

RPL, 171172

control applications, analytics applications versus, 5960

control room networks in oil and gas industry, 327

conventional oil and natural gas, 310

Converged Plantwide Ethernet (CPwE) reference model, 284286

resilient network design, 286289

wireless networks, 289293

convergence in security, 272273

Core IoT Functional Stack, 4363

application and analytics layer, 5963

communications network layer, 4659

access network sublayer, 4854

gateways and backhaul network sublayer, 5456

IoT network management sublayer, 5859

network transport sublayer, 5658

physical layer, 4446

cows, sensors on, 19

CPwE (Converged Plantwide Ethernet) reference model, 284286

resilient network design, 286289

wireless networks, 289293

CSMA/CA (Collision Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance), 108

current differential protection, 364365


DAG (directed acyclic graph), 168169

daisy-chaining links, 470

DASH7, 117118

data abstraction layer (IoT Reference Model), 38

data accumulation layer (IoT Reference Model), 38

data aggregation in WSNs, 9091

data analytics

big data

characteristics of, 220222

Hadoop, 224230

MPP databases, 222223

NoSQL, 223224

business benefits, 6162

challenge of, 23, 30, 32, 206207, 211212

data in motion versus data at rest, 209

distributed analytics systems, 235236

edge streaming analytics

in automobile racing, 230231

big data versus, 231232

core functions, 232235

machine learning, 212

artificial intelligence in, 212213

IoT applications for, 218220

neural networks, 215218

supervised learning, 213214

unsupervised learning, 214215

in mining, 480481

network analytics versus, 6061

in oil and gas industry, 341342

predictive analysis, 220

in public safety, 506508

in smart cities, 386387

structured versus unstructured data, 207208

types of results, 209211

data at rest, 209

data brokers, 12, 181182

data center layer in smart cities, 395397

data in motion, 209

data management. See IoT Data Management and Compute Stack

data rate

of access technologies, 104105

in LoRaWAN, 135136

DataNodes, 225

dedicated security appliances, deploying, 269272

dedicated short-range communication (DSRC), 5455, 428434

deep learning, 218

demand response use case, 372375

demilitarized zone (DMZ), 272

IDMZ (industrial demilitarized zone), 302303

descriptive data analysis, 210

destination-oriented directed acyclic graph (DODAG), 168170

device insecurity, 254255

device mounting factors for smart objects, 48

diagnostic data analysis, 210

in school bus safety, 511

DICE (DTLS in Constrained Environment) working group, 173

digital ceiling, 1719


defined, 67

in oil and gas industry

benefits of, 319321

challenges in, 316319

directed acyclic graph (DAG), 168169

discrete manufacturing, 281

distance protection, 363365

distributed analytics systems, 235236

Distributed Network Protocol (DNP3), 183185, 252

distribution automation use case, 374376

distribution stage (power utilities), 347

security, 378380

distribution tiers (GridBlocks), 352

DMZ (demilitarized zone), 272

IDMZ (industrial demilitarized zone), 302303

DNP3 (Distributed Network Protocol), 183185, 252

DODAG (destination-oriented directed acyclic graph), 168170

driver behavior monitoring in school bus safety, 510511

driver safety in mining, 460461

drivers of network architecture, 2930

constraints, 32

data analytics, 32

legacy device support, 3233

scale, 30

security, 31

dry gas, 313

DSRC (dedicated short-range communication), 5455, 428434

DTLS in Constrained Environment (DICE) working group, 173


EBRs (enhanced beacon requests), 122

EBs (enhanced beacons), 122

economic impact of smart cities, 386388

edge computing, 68

in connected factories, 304306

relationship with fog and cloud computing, 6870

edge computing layer (IoT Reference Model), 3738

edge streaming analytics

in automobile racing, 230231

big data versus, 231232

core functions, 232235

Edison, Thomas, 356


in mining, 464465

of smart services, 6263

electric utilities. See utilities

electrical actuators, 82

electromagnetic actuators, 83

electromechanical actuators, 82

emergency response IoT architecture, 493494

mobile command center, 494501

compute and applications services, 499501

network and security services, 495499

mobile vehicles (land, air, sea), 501506

compute and applications services, 504506

network and security services, 502504

encryption on constrained nodes, 173

Enhanced Acknowledgement frame, 122

enhanced beacon requests (EBRs), 122

enhanced beacons (EBs), 122

environmental factors

in mining, 455, 457459

for smart objects, 4647

environmental monitoring in mining, 463464

ERPS (Ethernet Ring Protection Switching), 289

Ethernet, 56

EtherNet/IP, 293294, 295

evolutionary phases of the Internet, 56


CoAP URI format, 194

decoding temperature and relative humidity sensor data, 181

show wpan <interface> rpl tree command from Cisco CGR-1000, 172

Extensible Messaging and Presence (XMPP), 58, 190

external vendor dependence, 255256


factories. See also connected factory use case, sensors in, 1314

FAIR (Factor Analysis of Information Risk), 265266

FAN (field area network), 49

in utilities, 367376

advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), 371372

benefits of, 370

demand response use case, 372375

distribution automation use case, 374376

security, 378380

FFDs (full-function devices), 52


challenges in, 419

network architecture, 436439

use case, 422

Flexible NetFlow (FNF), 238242

Flex-LSP, 368

Flink, 228229

flow analytics

benefits of, 238

Flexible NetFlow (FNF), 238242

flow records, 240

flow sensors, 77

FNF (Flexible NetFlow), 238242

FNF Exporter, 240

FNF Flow Monitor, 240

fog computing, 6568

distributed analytics and, 236

relationship with cloud and edge computing, 6870

in smart cities, 398

force sensors, 77

forwarding in 6TiSCH, 167

fossil fuels. See oil and gas industry

Fragment Forwarding (FF), 167

fragmentation for 6LoWPAN, 162163

frameworks. See network architecture

frequency bands of access technologies, 98101

full mesh topologies, 54

full-function devices (FFDs), 52

future of smart grid, 381382


G3-PLC, 129

gas. See oil and gas industry

gas monitoring, economic impact of, 387

gateways and backhaul network sublayer (simplified IoT architectural model), 44, 5456

generation stage (power utilities), 347

global strategies for smart cities, 389390

GOOSE (Generic Object Oriented Substation Event), 253, 359, 359360

GridBlocks reference model, 350352

FAN GridBlock, 367376

advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), 371372

benefits of, 370

demand response use case, 372375

distribution automation use case, 374376

primary substation GridBlock, 356362

IEC 61850, 357361

resilient network design, 362

SCADA, 356358

system control GridBlock, 363368

current differential protection, 364365

distance protection, 363365

WAN design, 365368

tiers in, 352356


Hadoop, 224230

Hadoop ecosystem, 227230

HAN (home area network), 49

hazardous gas detection in mining, 462

HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System), 224

header compression for 6LoWPAN, 161162

headers, RPL, 170171

heavy oils, 311

High-Availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR), 362363


of IoT (Internet of Things), 46

of OT security, 246249

of public safety technology adoption, 488489

home area network (HAN), 49

HomePlug Alliance, 125126

hop-by-hop scheduling, 166

HSR (High-Availability Seamless Redundancy), 362363

HTTP, 58, 189190

humidity sensors, 78

hydraulic actuators, 83


IACS (Industrial Automation and Control Systems) reference model, 282284, 286289

ICCP (Inter-Control Communications Protocol), 252

identity services in connected factories, 303304

IDMZ (industrial demilitarized zone), 302303

IDS/IPS (intrusion detection/prevention systems), 269270

IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) protocols, 253

IEC 61850, 357361

migration to, 361

process bus, 360361

station bus, 359360

IEEE 802.11 wireless mesh networks

in mining, 468474

in oil and gas industry, 328329

IEEE 802.11ah wireless access technology, 130133

competitive technologies, 133

MAC layer, 131132

physical layer, 131

security, 133

standardization and alliances, 130131

topologies, 132133

IEEE 802.15.4 wireless access technology, 108118

competitive technologies, 117118

MAC layer, 114116

in mining, 476

in oil and gas industry, 329332

physical layer, 113114

protocol stacks, 108112

security, 116117

topologies, 116

IEEE 802.15.4e wireless access technology, 118124

competitive technologies, 124

MAC layer, 121123

physical layer, 120121

security, 123

standardization and alliances, 119120

topologies, 123

IEEE 802.15.4g wireless access technology, 118124

competitive technologies, 124

MAC layer, 121123

physical layer, 120121

security, 123

standardization and alliances, 119120

topologies, 123

IEEE 802.15.4u wireless access technology, 119

IEEE 802.15.4v wireless access technology, 119

IEEE 1901.2a wired access technology, 124130

competitive technologies, 129

MAC layer, 127128

physical layer, 126127

security, 128129

standardization and alliances, 125126

topologies, 128

IEEE P1556 standards, 432

IEEE P1609 standards, 432433

IEs (information elements), 122

IIRA (Industrial Internet Reference Architecture), 40

IMA (Intersection Movement Assist), 1011

Immersive Experiences phase, 5, 6

Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS) reference model, 282284, 286289

industrial demilitarized zone (IDMZ), 302303

Industrial Internet Reference Architecture (IIRA), 40

industrial protocols

CIP (Common Industrial Protocol), 293294

EtherNet/IP, 293294, 295

Modbus, 298

MRP (Media Redundancy Protocol), 297298

PROFINET, 294296

security challenges, 250254

Industrial Revolutions, 14

industrial security, 299304

identity services, 303304

IDMZ (industrial demilitarized zone), 302303

NAT (Network Address Translation), 300302

information elements (IEs), 122

information sharing in public safety, 485486

inter-agency collaboration, 491493

public-private partnership in, 486487

information technology. See IT (information technology)

inherited learning, 218

integrity in OT security, 261

intelligent devices. See smart objects

intelligent nodes. See smart objects

intelligent products. See smart objects

intelligent things. See smart objects

inter-agency collaboration, 491493

interchange tier (GridBlocks), 353

Inter-Control Communications Protocol (ICCP), 252

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) protocols, 253

Internet, evolutionary phases of, 56

Internet of Everything (IoE), 7

Internet of Things. See IoT (Internet of Things)

Internet of Things-Architecture (IoT-A), 40

nternet Protocol. See IP (Internet Protocol)

Internet Protocol for Smart Objects (IPSO) Alliance, 174

interoperability, challenge of, 24

Intersection Movement Assist (IMA), 1011

intra-control center/intra-data center tier (GridBlocks), 352

intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS), 269270

IoE (Internet of Everything), 7

IoT (Internet of Things)

challenges in, 2324

digitization and, 67

history of, 46

impact of

manufacturing industry, 1215

smart connected buildings, 1519

smart creatures, 1921

statistics, 78

transportation industry, 812

as Internet evolutionary phase, 5, 6

network architecture

constraints of, 32

Core IoT Functional Stack, 4363

data analytics in, 32

drivers, 2930

IIRA (Industrial Internet Reference Architecture), 40

IoT Data Management and Compute Stack, 6370

IoT Reference Model, 3539

IoT-A, 40

IT network architecture versus, 2830

legacy device support, 3233

oneM2M, 3335

Purdue Model for Control Hierarchy, 40. See also Purdue Model for Control Hierarchy

scale of, 30

security of, 31

simplified IoT architecture, 4043

IoT Data Management and Compute Stack, 6370

edge computing, 68

fog computing, 6568

relationship among cloud, edge, fog computing, 6870

IoT devices. See smart objects

IoT network management sublayer (simplified IoT architectural model), 44, 5859

IoT Reference Model, 3539

IoT World Forum (IoTWF), 3539

IoT-A (Internet of Things-Architecture), 40

IoTWF (IoT World Forum), 3539

IP (Internet Protocol)

adoption versus adaptation, 152154

advantages of, 150152

optimization, 154

6Lo working group, 164165

6LoWPAN, 159160

6TiSCH, 165167

constrained nodes, 155

constrained-node networks, 156157

fragmentation, 162163

header compression, 161162

mesh addressing, 163164

RPL, 167172

SCADA adaptation for, 183185

tunneling SCADA over, 185187

versions, 157158

IPSO (Internet Protocol for Smart Objects) Alliance, 174

IPv6 Forwarding (6F), 167

IPv6 Ready Logo, 175

ISA100.11a, 109

IT (information technology)

convergence with OT (operational technology), 2122

device mounting factors, 48

environmental factors, 4647

in mobile command center, 499501

network architecture, IoT network architecture versus, 2830

power sources, 48

responsibilities in IoT Reference Model, 3839

in utilities, 348350


Kafka, 227228


Lambda Architecture, 229230

LAN (local area network), 50

last-mile connectivity, 153154

latency of access technologies, 105106

leaky coax, 475

legacy device support

challenge of, 30, 3233

security challenges, 250

licensed spectrum, 9899, 467

lifecycle of mines, 450

light sensors, 78

lighting systems

connected street lighting use case, 401404

digital ceiling, 1719

lightning monitoring in mining, 461

liquefied natural gas (LNG), 313

liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), 313

living things, sensors on, 1921

LLNs (low-power and lossy networks), 104. See also constrained-node networks

data rate and throughput, 104105

IP optimization, 156157

latency, 105106

overhead and payload sizes, 106107

SCADA transport with MAP-T, 188189

LNG (liquefied natural gas), 313

local area network (LAN), 50

local learning, 218

location of bus in school bus safety, 508509

location services in mining, 461464

long range technologies, 98

LoRaWAN wireless access technology, 134142

competitive technologies, 140141

MAC layer, 136138

physical layer, 135136

security, 139140

standardization and alliances, 134135

topologies, 138139

low-power and lossy networks (LLNs). See LLNs (low-power and lossy networks)

LPG (liquefied petroleum gas), 313

LPWA (Low-Power Wide-Area), 134, 140141

LTE Cat 0, 143

LTE variations. See cellular technologies

LTE-M, 143144


M2M (machine-to-machine) communications, 33

MAC layer

for IEEE 802.11ah wireless access technology, 131132

for IEEE 802.15.4 wireless access technology, 114116

for IEEE 1901.2a wired access technology, 127128

for IEEE802.15.4g/IEEE 802.15.4e wireless access technologies, 121123

for LoRaWAN wireless access technology, 136138

machine learning (ML), 212

artificial intelligence in, 212213

IoT applications for, 218220

neural networks, 215218

supervised learning, 213214

unsupervised learning, 214215

machine-to-machine (M2M) communications, 33

MANET (mobile ad hoc network), 496

manufacturing industry

connected factory use case, 1215

business improvements, 281

challenges in, 13, 278

CPwE (Converged Plantwide Ethernet) reference model, 284293

edge computing in, 304306

IACS (Industrial Automation and Control Systems) reference model, 282284

IoT technologies in, 279

security, 299304

software, ubiquity of, 279281

industrial protocols

CIP (Common Industrial Protocol), 293294

EtherNet/IP, 293294, 295

Modbus, 298

MRP (Media Redundancy Protocol), 297298

PROFINET, 294296

Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS), 253, 359

MapReduce, 224, 226227

MAP-T (Mapping of Address and Port using Translation), 158, 188189

market forces in mining, 456

mass transit, 414

challenges in, 416417, 419420

network architecture, 440441

security, 441

South American bus example, 420421

use case, 422427

massively parallel processing (MPP) databases, 222223

master/slave relationships, 184

maximum transmission unit (MTU), 162

mechanical actuators, 82

Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP), 297298

medium range technologies, 9798

MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems), 8384

Mesh Access Point (MAP), 470

mesh addressing for 6LoWPAN, 163164

mesh topologies, 5354, 102103

for IEEE 802.15.4 wireless access technology, 116

for IEEE 1901.2a wired access technology, 128

for IEEE802.15.4g/IEEE 802.15.4e wireless access technologies, 123

in mining, 468474

in oil and gas industry, 328329

mesh-over, 116, 163164

mesh-under, 116, 163164

Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT), 59, 196203

CoAP versus, 203

message types, 198199

QoS levels, 201202

metrics, RPL, 171172

microactuators, 83

micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), 8384

migration to IEC 61850, 361

mining industry

challenges in

connectivity, 457459

environmental factors, 455, 457459

OT (operational technology) roles, 456457

safety, 455

scale, 451455

security, 456

volatile markets, 456

defined, 449450

lifecycle of mines, 450

network architecture, 467468

applications requirements, 479480

cellular technologies, 474475

core network deployment, 478479

data processing, 480481

IEEE 802.11 wireless mesh networks, 468474

IEEE 802.15.4 wireless access technology, 476

isolated versus connected networks, 476478

in underground mining, 475

security, 466

use cases, 459

collaboration, 465

efficiency improvements, 464465

location services, 461464

safety, 459461

mission continuum in public safety, 489490

mission fabric in public safety, 490491

mist computing, 68

MMS (Manufacturing Message Specification), 253, 359

mobile ad hoc network (MANET), 496

mobile command center in emergency response architecture, 494501

compute and applications services, 499501

network and security services, 495499

mobile process control network operator use case, 332

mobile vehicles (land, air, sea) in emergency response architecture, 501506

compute and applications services, 504506

network and security services, 502504

Modbus, 251, 298

motion sensors, 77

MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching), 365368

MPLS-TE (MPLS Traffic Engineering), 368

MPLS-TP (MPLS Transport Profile), 367

MPP (massively parallel processing) databases, 222223

MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport), 59, 196203

CoAP versus, 203

message types, 198199

QoS levels, 201202

MRP (Media Redundancy Protocol), 297298

mTLS (mutual Transport Layer Security), 401

MTU (maximum transmission unit), 162

multipath fading, 108

Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), 365368

multiservice IoT networks, FNF in, 241242

mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS), 401


NameNodes, 225

NAN (neighborhood area network), 49, 369

nanoactuators, 83

NAT (Network Address Translation) in connected factories, 300302

natural gas. See oil and gas industry

natural gas liquids (NGL), 313

NB-IoT (Narrowband IoT), 142146

NB-PLC (Narrowband Power Line Communication), 124130

neighborhood area network (NAN), 49, 369

neighbor-to-neighbor scheduling, 166

NERC CIP, 377378

NetFlow cache, 240

Network Address Translation (NAT) in connected factories, 300302

network analytics, 212, 236238

data analytics versus, 6061

Flexible NetFlow (FNF), 238242

flow analytics, benefits of, 238

network architecture

in connected factories

CPwE (Converged Plantwide Ethernet) reference model, 284293

IACS (Industrial Automation and Control Systems) reference model, 282284

drivers, 2930

constraints, 32

data analytics, 32

legacy device support, 3233

scale, 30

security, 31

GridBlocks reference model (for utilities), 350352

FAN GridBlock, 367376

primary substation GridBlock, 356362

system control GridBlock, 363368

tiers in, 352356

IIRA (Industrial Internet Reference Architecture), 40

IoT Reference Model, 3539

IoT-A, 40

IT versus IoT network architectures, 2830

in mining, 467468

applications requirements, 479480

cellular technologies, 474475

core network deployment, 478479

data processing, 480481

IEEE 802.11 wireless mesh networks, 468474

IEEE 802.15.4 wireless access technology, 476

isolated versus connected networks, 476478

underground mining, 475

in oil and gas industry, 326327

control room networks, 327

wired networks, 328

wireless networks, 328332

oneM2M, 3335

for public safety, 489

inter-agency collaboration, 491493

mission continuum, 489490

mission fabric, 490491

mobile command center, 495499

mobile vehicles (land, air, sea), 502504

Purdue Model for Control Hierarchy, 40. See also Purdue Model for Control Hierarchy

in school bus safety, 513514


challenges in, 249250

phased approach, 266269

simplified IoT architecture

Core IoT Functional Stack, 4363

IoT Data Management and Compute Stack, 6370

overview of, 4043

in smart cities, 390391

city layer, 394395

data center layer, 395397

on-premises versus cloud, 398

services layer, 397398

street layer, 391394

in transportation industry, 427

fleets, 436439

mass transit, 440441

rail, 442447

roadways, 427439

network characteristics, OT security and, 259261

network layer (oneM2M), 35. See also IP (Internet Protocol)

network resiliency. See resilient network design

network security monitoring (NSM), 273

network transport sublayer (simplified IoT architectural model), 44, 5658. See also IP (Internet Protocol)

Networked Economy phase, 5, 6

neural networks, 215218

NGL (natural gas liquids), 313

NoSQL, 211, 223224

NSM (network security monitoring), 273


OAuth, 401

objective function (OF), 170

occupancy sensors, 77

OCTAVE (Operationally Critical Threat, Asset and Vulnerability Evaluation), 262265

office buildings. See buildings

oil and gas industry

benefits of IoT, 319321

challenges in, 316319

current trends, 314316

data analytics in, 341342

network architecture, 326327

control room networks, 327

wired networks, 328

wireless networks, 328332

Purdue Model for Control Hierarchy, 321323


reference architecture, 337338

requirements, 337

risk control framework, 335337

use cases, 338341

terminology, 310313

use cases

connected oil field, 323324

connected pipeline, 324325

connected refinery, 326332

wireless use cases, 332335

value chain, 313314

oil field use case, 323324

oil sands, 311

oil shales, 311

oneM2M architecture, 3335

on-premises, cloud computing versus, 398

OPC (OLE for Process Control), 252

open systems, static systems versus, 6162

operational technology. See OT (operational technology)

Operationally Critical Threat, Asset and Vulnerability Evaluation (OCTAVE), 262265

optimization in IP, 154

6Lo working group, 164165

6LoWPAN, 159160

6TiSCH, 165167

constrained nodes, 155

constrained-node networks, 156157

fragmentation, 162163

header compression, 161162

mesh addressing, 163164

RPL, 167172

OT (operational technology)

convergence with IT (information technology), 2122

device mounting factors, 48

environmental factors, 4647

in mining, 456457

in mobile command center, 499501

power sources, 48

responsibilities in IoT Reference Model, 3839


device insecurity, 254255

external vendor dependence, 255256

focus of, 261262

history of, 246249

industrial protocols, 250254

lack of security knowledge, 256

legacy device support, 250

network architecture, erosion of, 249250

network characteristics and, 259261

phased approach, 266273

priorities, 261

Purdue Model for Control Hierarchy, 257259

risk assessment frameworks, 262266

in utilities, 348350

outstations, 184

overhead of access technologies, 106107


PAN (personal area network), 49

Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP), 361362

parking. See smart parking

partial mesh topologies, 54

passive defense, 341

patch management use case, 340

payload sizes of access technologies, 106107

PCNs (process control networks). See oil and gas industry

peer-to-peer topologies, 52, 102103

personal area network (PAN), 49

personnel safety use case, 334

phased approach to OT security, 266273

physical layer. See also actuators; sensors; smart objects

for IEEE 802.11ah wireless access technology, 131

for IEEE 802.15.4 wireless access technology, 113114

for IEEE 1901.2a wired access technology, 126127

for IEEE802.15.4g/IEEE 802.15.4e wireless access technologies, 120121

IoT Reference Model, 36

for LoRaWAN wireless access technology, 135136

simplified IoT architectural model, 43, 4446

pipeline use case, 324325

plant turnaround use case, 333

pneumatic actuators, 83

point-to-multipoint topologies, 52

point-to-point topologies, 51

population growth statistics for cities, 385386

position sensors, 77

power sources

of access technologies, 101102

for smart objects, 48

power utilities. See utilities

predictive analysis, 210, 220

predictive asset monitoring in oil and gas industry, 341342

prescriptive analysis, 210

pressure sensors, 77

primary substation GridBlock, 356362

IEC 61850, 357361

migration to, 361

process bus, 360361

station bus, 359360

resilient network design, 362

SCADA, 356358

PRIME, 129

priorities of OT security, 261

privacy, challenge of, 23

process bus, IEC 61850, 360361

process control networks (PCNs). See oil and gas industry

process manufacturing, 281

PROFINET (Process Field Net), 294296

prosumer tier (GridBlocks), 352

protection, 364

protocol stacks for IEEE 802.15.4 wireless access technology, 108112

protocol translation, 187188

PRP (Parallel Redundancy Protocol), 361362

public safety, 484

data analytics in, 506508

emergency response IoT architecture, 493494

mobile command center, 494501

mobile vehicles (land, air, sea), 501506

framework for, 489

inter-agency collaboration, 491493

mission continuum, 489490

mission fabric, 490491

history of technology adoption in, 488489

information sharing in, 485486

public-private partnership in, 486487

school bus safety, 508

bus and student location, 508509

diagnostic data analysis, 511

driver behavior monitoring, 510511

network architecture, 513514

push-to-talk communication, 513

video surveillance, 511513

Wi-Fi availability, 513

smart objects for, 484485

public-private partnership in public safety, 486487

Purdue Model for Control Hierarchy, 40, 257259

in oil and gas industry, 321323

push-to-talk communication in school bus safety, 513


QoS (quality of service) in MQTT, 201202


radiation sensors, 78

rail, 414

challenges in, 417418, 420

connected stations, 446447

network architecture, 442447

security, 447

ranges, 4851

of access technologies, 9698

topologies versus, 54

rank, 170

real-time asset inventory use case, 338339

real-time data analysis

challenge of, 30

in public safety, 485486

real-time location systems (RTLS), 14

in connected factories, 292293

reduced-function devices (RFDs), 52

reference models. See network architecture

refineries. See connected refinery use case

remote access control use case, 339

remote expert use case, 333334

remote learning, 218

remote monitoring and scheduling management, 166

remote terminal units (RTUs), 186

REP (Resilient Ethernet Protocol), 287289

resilient network design

in connected factories, 286289, 298

in smart cities, 394395

in substation automation, 362

REST (representational state transfer), 190

RFC (Request for Comments), 159

RFDs (reduced-function devices), 52

risk assessment frameworks, 262266

FAIR, 265266

OCTAVE, 262265

in oil and gas industry, 335337

reference architecture, 337338

requirements, 337

use cases, 338341

roaches, sensors on, 1920

road pricing, economic impact of, 388

roadways, 414

challenges in, 910, 415416

network architecture, 427439

Bluetooth, 427428

cellular technologies, 428

DSRC/WAVE, 428434

security, 439

use case, 812

RoLL (Routing over Low-Power and Lossy Networks) working group, 156

Root Access Point (RAP), 469470

RPL (Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks), 167172

RTLS (real-time location systems), 14

in connected factories, 292293

RTUs (remote terminal units), 186


safety in mining, 455, 459461

Sampled Values (SV), 253, 360

SANETs (sensor/actuator networks)

advantages/disadvantages of wireless, 88

communication protocols, 9293

defined, 8788

WSNs (wireless sensor networks), 8891

SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition), 153, 182189

adaptation for IP, 183185

MAP-T, 188189

protocol translation, 187188

in substation automation, 356358

tunneling over IP, 185187


challenge of, 23, 29, 30

of mining operations, 451455

scheduling in 6TiSCH, 166

school bus safety, 508

bus and student location, 508509

diagnostic data analysis, 511

driver behavior monitoring, 510511

network architecture, 513514

push-to-talk communication, 513

video surveillance, 511513

Wi-Fi availability, 513

sectorization, 132133


authentication and encryption on constrained nodes, 173

challenge of, 23, 29, 31

in connected factories, 299304

identity services, 303304

IDMZ (industrial demilitarized zone), 302303

NAT (Network Address Translation), 300302

for IEEE 802.11ah wireless access technology, 133

for IEEE 802.15.4 wireless access technology, 116117

for IEEE 1901.2a wired access technology, 128129

for IEEE802.15.4g/IEEE 802.15.4e wireless access technologies, 123

for LoRaWAN wireless access technology, 139140

for mass transit, 441

in mining, 456, 466

in oil and gas industry

reference architecture, 337338

requirements, 337

risk control framework, 335337

use cases, 338341

OT security

device insecurity, 254255

external vendor dependence, 255256

focus of, 261262

history of, 246249

industrial protocols, 250254

lack of security knowledge, 256

legacy device support, 250

network architecture, erosion of, 249250

network characteristics and, 259261

phased approach, 266273

priorities, 261

Purdue Model for Control Hierarchy, 257259

risk assessment frameworks, 262266

in public safety

mobile command center, 495499

mobile vehicles (land, air, sea), 502504

for rail, 447

for roadways, 439

in smart cities, 398401

in utilities, 376377

distribution network, 378380

NERC CIP, 377378

security intelligence and anomaly detection use case, 341

self-driving cars, 89

semi-structured data, 208

sensor/actuator networks. See SANETs (sensor/actuator networks)


actuators versus, 8182, 83

in agriculture, 7879

for air quality monitoring, 410411

application layer protocol not present, 180182

in cars, 9, 75

classifications of, 4445, 7678

defined, 76

in factories, 1314

on living things, 1921

MEMS devices, 8384

number of, 80

in office buildings, 1519

in physical layer (simplified IoT architectural model), 4446

for smart parking, 405407

in smart phones, 7980

in street layer (smart cities), 391394

serial backhaul, 470

services layer in smart cities, 397398

services layer (oneM2M), 34

shale oil, 311

short range technologies, 97

siloed strategies for smart cities, 389390

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), 190

simplified IoT architecture

Core IoT Functional Stack, 4363

access network sublayer, 4854

application and analytics layer, 5963

communications network layer, 4659

gateways and backhaul network sublayer, 5456

IoT network management sublayer, 5859

network transport sublayer, 5658

physical layer, 4446

IoT Data Management and Compute Stack, 6370

edge computing, 68

fog computing, 6568

relationship among cloud, edge, fog computing, 6870

overview of, 4043

Six Sigma, 281

slope monitoring in mining, 461

smart buildings, economic impact of, 387

smart cities

economic impact of, 386388

global versus siloed strategies, 389390

network architecture, 390391

city layer, 394395

data center layer, 395397

on-premises versus cloud, 398

services layer, 397398

street layer, 391394

population growth statistics, 385386

security, 398401

use cases. See also public safety; transportation industry

connected environment, 409411

connected street lighting, 401404

smart parking, 404407

smart traffic control, 407409

smart connected buildings use case, 1519

smart creatures, 1921

smart devices. See smart objects

smart farming

actuators in, 83

sensors in, 7879

smart grid. See utilities

smart material actuators, 83

smart meters, 371372

smart objects. See also actuators; sensors

access technologies

cellular technologies, 142146

IEEE 802.11ah, 130133

IEEE 802.15.4, 108118

IEEE 1901.2a, 124130

IEEE802.15.4g/IEEE 802.15.4e, 118124

LoRaWAN, 134142

characteristics of, 8586

classifications of, 4445

communications criteria, 96

constrained nodes, 103104

constrained-node networks, 104107

data rate and throughput, 104105

frequency bands, 98101

latency, 105106

overhead and payload sizes, 106107

power sources, 101102

range, 9698

topologies, 102103

defined, 75, 8485

device mounting factors, 48

environmental factors, 4647

in physical layer (simplified IoT architectural model), 4446

power sources, 48

for public safety, 484485

trends in, 87

in WSNs, 8891

smart parking, 404407

economic impact of, 387

smart phones, sensors in, 7980

smart sensors. See smart objects

smart services, efficiency of, 6263

smart things. See smart objects

smart traffic control use case, 407409. See also roadways

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 190

software in connected factories, 279281

sour gas, 313

South American bus example (mass transit), 420421

Spark, 228


cellular technologies, 142143

IEEE 802.11ah wireless access technology, 130131

IEEE 802.15.4 wireless access technology, 108112

IEEE 1901.2a wired access technology, 125126

IEEE802.15.4g/IEEE 802.15.4e wireless access technologies, 119120

LoRaWAN wireless access technology, 134135

star topologies, 5253, 102103

IEEE 802.11ah, 132

LoRaWAN, 138139

static scheduling, 166

static systems, open systems versus, 6162

station bus, IEC 61850, 359360

Storm, 228229

street layer in smart cities, 391394

structured data, 207208

student onboarding/offboarding in school bus safety, 508509

substation automation, 356362

IEC 61850, 357361

migration to, 361

process bus, 360361

station bus, 359360

resilient network design, 362

SCADA, 356358

substation tier (GridBlocks), 353

substation WAN, 363368

current differential protection, 364365

distance protection, 363365

WAN design, 365368

supervised learning, 213214

supervisory control and data acquisition. See SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition)

SV (Sampled Values), 253, 360

symmetric keys, 116117

synchrophasors, 359

system control GridBlock, 363368

current differential protection, 364365

distance protection, 363365

WAN design, 365368

system control tier (GridBlocks), 352


TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 178179

technology adoption in public safety, 488489

teleprotection, 363368

current differential protection, 364365

distance protection, 363365

WAN design, 365368

temperature sensors, 78

things. See smart objects

“things” layer. See physical layer

3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), 142146

Thread, 109, 174175

throughput of access technologies, 104105

tight oils, 311

Time-Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH), 121

topologies, 5154

of access technologies, 102103

cellular technologies, 146

IEEE 802.11ah, 132133

IEEE 802.15.4, 116

IEEE 1901.2a, 128

IEEE802.15.4g/IEEE 802.15.4e, 123

LoRaWAN, 138139

ranges versus, 54

Track Forwarding (TF), 167

trains. See mass transit; rail

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 178179

transmission stage (power utilities), 347

transport layer protocols, TCP versus UDP, 178179

transport methods for application protocols

application layer protocol not present, 180182

categories of, 180

CoAP, 191196

MQTT, 196203

SCADA, 182189

adaptation for IP, 183185

MAP-T, 188189

protocol translation, 187188

tunneling over IP, 185187

web-based protocols, 189191

transportation industry. See also school bus safety

mass transit

challenges in, 416417, 419420

network architecture, 440441

rail, 442447

security, 441

South American bus example, 420421

use case, 422427

operator and user challenges, 418420


challenges in, 417418, 420

security, 447


challenges in, 910, 415416

network architecture, 427439

security, 439

use case, 812

smart traffic control use case, 407409

subsectors of, 413415

use cases

connected cars, 421422

connected fleets, 422

mass transit, 422427

trans-regional-trans-national tier (GridBlocks), 353

TSCH (Time-Slotted Channel Hopping), 121

tunneling SCADA over IP, 185187


ubiquitous things. See smart objects

UDP (User Datagram Protocol), 178179

unconventional oil and natural gas, 310

underground mining, wireless communications in, 475

unlicensed spectrum, 99, 467

unstructured data, 207208

unsupervised learning, 214215

urban development. See smart cities

User Datagram Protocol (UDP), 178179


delivery stages, 347348

future of smart grid, 381382

GridBlocks reference model, 350352

FAN GridBlock, 367376

primary substation GridBlock, 356362

system control GridBlock, 363368

tiers in, 352356

importance of, 345

IT/OT challenges, 348350

security, 376377

distribution network, 378380

NERC CIP, 377378

utility tier (GridBlocks), 354


value chain in oil and gas industry, 313314

variety in big data, 221

velocity in big data, 221

velocity sensors, 77

vendor dependence, 255256

versions of IP, 157158

video surveillance in school bus safety, 511513

volatile markets in mining, 456

volume in big data, 221


WAMCS (wide area measurement and control system) tier (GridBlocks), 356

water management, economic impact of, 387388

WAVE (Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments), 428434

weather monitoring in mining, 461

web-based protocols, 189191

WebSocket, 58

wet gas, 313

WFNs (wireless field networks) in oil and gas industry, 329332

wide area measurement and control system (WAMCS) tier (GridBlocks), 356

Wi-Fi, 56, 120

in CPwE, 289293

IEEE 802.11ah, 130133

in school bus safety, 513

Wi-Fi Alliance, 130131

Wi-Fi HaLow, 130131

WiMAX, 55, 56, 120

wired access technologies. See access technologies

wired networks in oil and gas industry, 328

Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE), 428434

wireless access technologies. See access technologies

wireless field networks (WFNs) in oil and gas industry, 329332

wireless networks

in mining, 467468

applications requirements, 479480

cellular technologies, 474475

core network deployment, 478479

data processing, 480481

IEEE 802.11 wireless mesh networks, 468474

IEEE 802.15.4 wireless access technology, 476

isolated versus connected networks, 476478

underground mining, 475

in oil and gas industry, 328332

wireless SANETs. See WSNs

WirelessHART, 109

Wi-SUN Alliance, 120, 174, 374

Workgroup Bridge (WGB), 470

WSNs (wireless sensor networks), 8891, 9293


XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence), 58, 190


YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator), 226227


ZigBee, 109, 110111, 153

ZigBee IP, 109, 112

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