
3D Paint Tool, 154, 157–158

Add Influence, 351, 352

Aim constraint, 233

Aliens, 6, 7

Animation, definition, 218

Attribute, 138, 223–235

Attribute control, 223

Cluster, 235

Connection Editor, 227–228

Constraints, 231–233

Expression Editor, 228–229

Group Nodes, 234

rotation order, 223–227

Set Driven Key, 230–231

Attribute Editor, 138

Automatic Mapping, 156–157

Bait, 346

Bake Topology to Targets, 140, 141

Bananas, 2, 4

Base shape, 134, 138, 140

Bat rig, 346

Beaver, Chris, 248

Beer–Lambert law, 155

“Bernie”, 10, 11, 132

Bind Skin, 349

Biped, 4

Blend shape, 133

adding, 138–140

to create facial expressions, 133–135

tools for, 135–137

Blinn, 155

Bokser, David, 166

“Botones”, 7

Burton, Josh, 129

Cabrera, Cheryl, 345

Cartesian coordinate system, 178–180

Channel box, xix, 49, 51, 224, 332

Channel Control, 332

Character analysis, 5

Character set, 233–234

Character sheets, 12–13

Child, 168, 180

Cluster, 235

Component Editor, 350–351

Component mode, 42, 183, 186

Connection Editor, 227–228

Constraints, 231–233

Aim, 233

Geometry, 233

Normal, 233

Orient, 232

Parent, 232–233

Point, 232

PoleVector, 233

Construction history, 50–51

Control rig, 215

attribute control, 233

kinematics, 218–223

workflow, 217

Control vertex (CV), 53

Corrective blend shape, 134

Create Deformers, 48, 136, 139, 235

Create Reference, 169–171

Creation, biped character:

modeling basics, 39

workflow, 41

Danyi, Sean, 1, 188

Deformation order, 142

Deformer, 48, 133, 142

See also Skinning

DeLaGuardia, Arturo, 7

Designing biped character, 1

analyze, 4–5

character sheets, 12–13

clothing considerations, 10–12

considerations, 5–8

proportions, 8–10

workflow, 3

Display Size, 177

Dolly, xvii

Double transformations, 174

DuBois, Nick, 13, 165

“Eddie”, 12, 151

Edit Smooth Skin:

adding influences, 351–352

mirror weights, 353

paint weights, 352

smooth skin, 351

Engelhardt, Nathan, 11, 152, 165

EP Curve Tool, 45

Euler rotation, 224

Exaggerated proportions, 8–10

Expression Editor, 228–229

Eyeball man, 218

Face language, See Facial expressions

Facial expressions, 129–142

blend shape, 133

adding, 138–140

to create, 133–135

tools for, 135–137

deformation order, 138, 142

workflow, 131

File referencing, 169–171

File texture, 157

Folsom, Katie, 8, 130

Forward kinematics (FK), 182, 218–219, 226

Frame, 8

Freeze Transformations, 186

Frog Ballerina, 169

FuMan, 348

Geometry constraint, 233

Gill, Jeff, 40

Gimbal lock, 225, 226

Gimbal mode, 224, 225

Graph Editor, 230

Grim, Chris, 74–75

Group Nodes, 234

Helfer, Fay, 9, 10, 165

Helm, Neil, 7, 218

Hierarchy, 168

Hotbox, xvii–xviii, 44

Hotkeys, xv, xvi

Hypergraph, xvii, 168, 234

Hypershade, 154–156

materials, 155–156

IK handles, 220–221, 333

IK spline curves, 333

Independent Euler-Angle Curves, 224

Inverse kinematics (IK), 181, 218–223

Isoparms, 52–53

Joint chain, 168, 169, 180, 221, 223

Joint driven poses, 133

Joint placement, 165, 182–183, 348

changing referenced file, 171–173

file referencing, 169–171

moving joints, 185

reorienting joints, 186–187

repositioning joints, 184

rotating and scaling joints, 185

setting, 173–176

workflow, 167

working, 176–187

Joint Tool, 176–177

Keyable, 332

Keyframes, 218, 334

Kinematics, 218

forward kinematics, 219–220

inverse kinematics, 220–223

Lambert, 155

Lattice deformer, 48–49, 137

Layer Editor, xix, xx

Left mouse button (LMB), xvii, 176,

“Left_Arm”, 171

Leonard, David, 11, 132

Levine, Adam, 12, 151

“Libby”, 9

List of Input Operations, 142

Little Billy, 1, 188

Local mode, 224, 225

Local rotational axes, 178–183

Local space, 180

Man of many eyes, the, 7

Marking Menu, xviii, 42, 155

McDonald, Mark, 165, 215

MEL (Maya Embedded Language) command, 187, 219–220

MEL Script buttons, 334

Menu bar, xviii

Middle mouse button (MMB), xvii, 142, 154, 367

Miller, Rob, 330, 331

Mirror Skin Weights, 353

“Model.mb”, 171

“Model:Left_Arm”, 171

Modeling biped character, 42

NURBS, polygons or subdivision surfaces, 42

Object mode and component mode, 42

X-ray mode, with wireframe, 42

See also Modeling tools, in Maya

Modeling blend shapes, tools for:

Lattice deformer, 137

Move Tool, 135

Scale Tool, 135

Sculpt Geometry Tool, 137

Soft Modification Tool, 136

Modeling tools, in Maya:

basic toolbox, 44–45

construction history and deleting history, 50

EP Curve Tool, 45

Inserting Isoparms, 52

Lattice Deformer, 48

moving individual CV, 53–54

NURBS Cylinder, 47

NURBS Sphere, 49–50

Revolve Tools, 46

Sculpt Geometry Tool, 52, 53

Morph process, 133–134

Move pivot mode, 179, 185

Move Tool, 135, 136, 185

Mr.Bojangles, 353

Mr.Hyde, 346

Nalker, Luke, 346, 353

Namespaces, 170

New project folder, xxiii

Ngon, See Polygons

Nichols, Dan, 6, 165

Node, 170, 171, 356

See also Cluster, Group Nodes; Transform node

Non-locked list, 333

Normal constraint, 233


NURBS curve, 210–220, 223, 227, 234

NURBS cylinder, 47

NURBS planes, 42

NURBS sphere, 49–50

NURBS surface, 46, 233

Object mode, 42, 183, 186

Object space, 178, 179, 180

Old Man, 166, 329

Option boxes, xviii, xix

Orient constraint, 232

Orient Joint Option, 186–187

Origin, 178, 179

Paint Skin Weights Tool, 351, 352

Parent, 168, 180, 232–233, 234

Parent constraint, 232–233

Parrish, Zach, 2, 4

Path, 170

Payne, Tonya, 346–347

Phong, 156

Phong E, 156

“Pick Up, The”, 330

Ping, 236

Pitz, Sarah, 169

Pivot, 179

Point constraint, 232

Pole vector constraint, 233

Polygons, xxii, 135, 155, 156–157

Preferred angle, 222

Primitive objects, 8

Quaternion rotation, 224

Rapp, Brett, 333

Real numbers, 178

Reference Editor, 171–173

Rendering menu, 157

Revolve Tools, 46

Rigging, definition, 2

Right mouse button (RMB), 135, 142, 154, 183

Rigid bind, 348

Rigid objects, 11

Robertson, Tim,

Robots, 6, 7

Rotate plane (RP) solver, 220, 221

Rotation order, 223–227

Scale Tool, 135, 185

Scene file, xxiii, 170, 332

Sculpt Geometry Tool, 52, 53, 137

Selection masks, xviii, 54, 183

Senner, Colin, 329

Set Driven Key, 230–231

Setting user preferences, xx–xxiv

Shader, 154, 156, 157

Shading and texturing, 151

3D Paint Tool, 157–158

Automatic Mapping, 156–157

hypershade, 154–156

workflow, 153

Shelves, xix

Single chain (SC) solver, 220, 221

Skeleton menu, 176

Skeleton setup, See Joint placement

Skin deformers, 333

creating, 349

Rigid Bind, 348, 349

Smooth Bind, 348, 349

Skin weights:

adjusting, –353

Component Editor, –351

Edit Smooth Skin, 351–353

Skinning, 142, 345–353

tools, in Maya, 349–353

workflow, 347

Smooth Bind, 348, 349

Smooth Skin Weights, , 351

Snack attack, 40

“Sniff”, 6

Soft Modification Tool, 136

Specular highlights, 155

Spline IK solver, 221, 223

Status Line mode, xviii, 44, 183

Stickiness, 220

“Sticky”, 8, 130

Storyboard, 8

Subdivision surfaces, 42, 52

Superman, 75

Tangent, 231

Target shape, 134, 138

Texturing menu, 157

Tiko, 129

Track, xvii

Traffic Light, 152

Traffik, 166

Transform node, 219, 234

Trigger, 6, 217

Tumble, xvii

Urban, Eric, 8

UVs, 156–157

Willis, Ben, 235–236

Wombat, 333

World mode, 224, 225

World space, 57–58, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182

Worried facial expression, 132

Wrap-up, setup, 329–334

workflow, 331

Yokley, Ryan, 6, 216, 217

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