svnserve Options

Unlike the previous commands we’ve described, svnserve has no subcommands—it is controlled exclusively by options:

--daemon (-d)

Causes svnserve to run in daemon mode. svnserve backgrounds itself and accepts and serves TCP/IP connections on the svn port (3690, by default).


When used together with -d, causes svnserve to stay in the foreground. This is mainly useful for debugging.

--inetd (-i)

Causes svnserve to use the stdin and stdout file descriptors, as is appropriate for a daemon running out of inetd.

--help (-h)

Displays a usage summary and exits.


Causes svnserve to listen on the interface specified by HOST, which may be either a hostname or an IP address.

--listen-once (-X)

Causes svnserve to accept one connection on the svn port, serve it, and exit. This option is mainly useful for debugging.


Causes svnserve to listen on PORT when run in daemon mode. (FreeBSD daemons listen only on tcp6 by default—this option tells them to also listen on tcp4.)

--pid-file FILENAME

Causes svnserve to write its process ID to FILENAME, which must be writable by the user under which svnserve is running.

--root=ROOT (-r=ROOT)

Sets the virtual root for repositories served by svnserve. The pathname in URLs provided by the client will be interpreted relative to this root and will not be allowed to escape this root.

--threads (-T)

When running in daemon mode, causes svnserve to spawn a thread instead of a process for each connection (e.g., for when running on Windows). The svnserve process still backgrounds itself at startup time.

--tunnel (-t)

Causes svnserve to run in tunnel mode, which is just like the inetd mode of operation (both modes serve one connection over stdin/stdout, and then exit), except that the connection is considered to be preauthenticated with the username of the current UID. This flag is automatically passed for you by the client when running over a tunnel agent such as ssh. That means there’s rarely any need for you to pass this option to svnserve. So, if you find yourself typing svnserve --tunnel on the command line and wondering what to do next, see Tunneling over SSH.

--tunnel-user NAME

Used in conjunction with the --tunnel option, tells svnserve to assume that NAME is the authenticated user, rather than the UID of the svnserve process. This is useful for users who wish to share a single system account over SSH but who want to maintain separate commit identities.


Displays version information and a list of repository backend modules available, and then exits.

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