Extra Goodies

We’ve covered most of the authentication and authorization options for Apache and mod_dav_svn. But Apache provides a few other nice features.

Repository browsing

One of the most useful benefits of an Apache/WebDAV configuration for your Subversion repository is that the youngest revisions of your versioned files and directories are immediately available for viewing via a regular web browser. Since Subversion uses URLs to identify versioned resources, those URLs used for HTTP-based repository access can be typed directly into a web browser. Your browser will issue an HTTP GET request for that URL; based on whether that URL represents a versioned directory or file, mod_dav_svn will respond with a directory listing or with file contents.

Since the URLs do not contain any information about which version of the resource you wish to see, mod_dav_svn will always answer with the youngest version. This functionality has the wonderful side effect that you can pass around Subversion URLs to your peers as references to documents, and those URLs will always point at the latest manifestation of that document. Of course, you can even use the URLs as hyperlinks from other web sites, too.

Proper MIME type

When browsing a Subversion repository, the web browser gets a clue about how to render a file’s contents by looking at the Content-Type: header returned in Apache’s response to the HTTP GET request. The value of this header is some sort of MIME type. By default, Apache will tell the web browsers that all repository files are of the default MIME type, typically text/plain. This can be frustrating, however, if a user wishes repository files to render as something more meaningful—for example, it might be nice to have a foo.html file in the repository actually render as HTML when browsing.

To make this happen, you need only make sure that your files have the proper svn:mime-type set. We discuss this in more detail in File Content Type, and you can even configure your client to automatically attach proper svn:mime-type properties to files entering the repository for the first time; see Automatic Property Setting.

So, in our example, if one were to set the svn:mime-type property to text/html on file foo.html, Apache would properly tell your web browser to render the file as HTML. One could also attach proper image/* MIME-type properties to image files and ultimately get an entire web site to be viewable directly from a repository! There’s generally no problem with this, as long as the web site doesn’t contain any dynamically generated content.

Customizing the look

You generally will get more use out of URLs to versioned files—after all, that’s where the interesting content tends to lie. But you might have occasion to browse a Subversion directory listing, where you’ll quickly note that the generated HTML used to display that listing is very basic, and certainly not intended to be aesthetically pleasing (or even interesting). To enable customization of these directory displays, Subversion provides an XML index feature. A single SVNIndexXSLT directive in your repository’s Location block of httpd.conf will instruct mod_dav_svn to generate XML output when displaying a directory listing, and to reference the XSLT stylesheet of your choice:

<Location /svn>
  DAV svn
  SVNParentPath /var/svn
  SVNIndexXSLT "/svnindex.xsl"

Using the SVNIndexXSLT directive and a creative XSLT stylesheet, you can make your directory listings match the color schemes and imagery used in other parts of your web site. Or, if you’d prefer, you can use the sample stylesheets provided in the Subversion source distribution’s tools/xslt/ directory. Keep in mind that the path provided to the SVNIndexXSLT directory is actually a URL path—browsers need to be able to read your stylesheets to make use of them!

Listing repositories

If you’re serving a collection of repositories from a single URL via the SVNParentPath directive, then it’s also possible to have Apache display all available repositories to a web browser. Just activate the SVNListParentPath directive:

<Location /svn>
  DAV svn
  SVNParentPath /var/svn
  SVNListParentPath on

If a user now points her web browser to the URL http://host.example.com/svn/, she’ll see a list of all Subversion repositories sitting in /var/svn. Obviously, this can be a security problem, so this feature is turned off by default.

Apache logging

Because Apache is an HTTP server at heart, it contains fantastically flexible logging features. It’s beyond the scope of this book to discuss all of the ways logging can be configured, but we should point out that even the most generic httpd.conf file will cause Apache to produce two logs: error_log and access_log. These logs may appear in different places, but they are typically created in the logging area of your Apache installation. (On Unix, they often live in /usr/local/apache2/logs/.)

The error_log describes any internal errors that Apache runs into as it works. The access_log file records every incoming HTTP request received by Apache. This makes it easy to see, for example, which IP addresses Subversion clients are coming from, how often particular clients use the server, which users are authenticating properly, and which requests succeed or fail.

Unfortunately, because HTTP is a stateless protocol, even the simplest Subversion client operation generates multiple network requests. It’s very difficult to look at the access_log and deduce what the client was doing—most operations look like a series of cryptic PROPPATCH, GET, PUT, and REPORT requests. To make things worse, many client operations send nearly identical series of requests, so it’s even harder to tell them apart.

mod_dav_svn, however, can come to your aid. By activating an operational logging feature, you can ask mod_dav_svn to create a separate logfile describing what sort of high-level operations your clients are performing.

To do this, you need to make use of Apache’s CustomLog directive (which is explained in more detail in Apache’s own documentation). Be sure to invoke this directive outside your Subversion Location block:

<Location /svn>
  DAV svn

CustomLog logs/svn_logfile "%t %u %{SVN-ACTION}e" env=SVN-ACTION

In this example, we’re asking Apache to create a special logfile, svn_logfile, in the standard Apache logs directory. The %t and %u variables are replaced by the time and username of the request, respectively. The really important parts are the two instances of SVN-ACTION. When Apache sees that variable, it substitutes the value of the SVN-ACTION environment variable, which is automatically set by mod_dav_svn whenever it detects a high-level client action.

So, instead of having to interpret a traditional access_log like this:

[26/Jan/2007:22:25:29 -0600] "PROPFIND /svn/calc/!svn/vcc/default HTTP/1.1" 207 398
[26/Jan/2007:22:25:29 -0600] "PROPFIND /svn/calc/!svn/bln/59 HTTP/1.1" 207 449
[26/Jan/2007:22:25:29 -0600] "PROPFIND /svn/calc HTTP/1.1" 207 647
[26/Jan/2007:22:25:29 -0600] "REPORT /svn/calc/!svn/vcc/default HTTP/1.1" 200 607
[26/Jan/2007:22:25:31 -0600] "OPTIONS /svn/calc HTTP/1.1" 200 188
[26/Jan/2007:22:25:31 -0600] "MKACTIVITY /svn/calc/!svn/act/
    e6035ef7-5df0-4ac0-b811-4be7c823f998 HTTP/1.1" 201 227

you can peruse a much more intelligible svn_logfile like this:

[26/Jan/2007:22:24:20 -0600] - get-dir /tags r1729 props
[26/Jan/2007:22:24:27 -0600] - update /trunk r1729 depth=infinity send-copyfrom-args
[26/Jan/2007:22:25:29 -0600] - status /trunk/foo r1729 depth=infinity
[26/Jan/2007:22:25:31 -0600] sally commit r1730

For an exhaustive list of all actions logged, see High-Level Logging.

Write-through proxying

One of the nice advantages of using Apache as a Subversion server is that it can be set up for simple replication. For example, suppose that your team is distributed across four offices around the globe. The Subversion repository can exist only in one of those offices, which means the other three offices will not enjoy accessing it—they’re likely to experience significantly slower traffic and response times when updating and committing code. A powerful solution is to set up a system consisting of one master Apache server and several slave Apache servers. If you place a slave server in each office, users can check out a working copy from whichever slave is closest to them. All read requests go to their local slave. Write requests get automatically routed to the single master server. When the commit completes, the master then automatically pushes the new revision to each slave server using the svnsync replication tool.

This configuration creates a huge perceptual speed increase for your users, because Subversion client traffic is typically 80–90% read requests. And if those requests are coming from a local server, it’s a huge win.

In this section, we’ll walk you through a standard setup of this single-master/multiple-slave system. However, keep in mind that your servers must be running at least Apache 2.2.0 (with mod_proxy loaded) and Subversion 1.5 (mod_dav_svn).

Configure the servers

First, configure your master server’s httpd.conf file in the usual way. Make the repository available at a certain URI location, and configure authentication and authorization however you’d like. After that’s done, configure each of your slave servers in the exact same way, but add the special SVNMasterURI directive to the block:

<Location /svn>
  DAV svn
  SVNPath /var/svn/repos
  SVNMasterURI http://master.example.com/svn

This new directive tells a slave server to redirect all write requests to the master. (This is done automatically via Apache’s mod_proxy module.) Ordinary read requests, however, are still serviced by the slaves. Be sure that your master and slave servers all have matching authentication and authorization configurations; if they fall out of sync, it can lead to big headaches.

Next, we need to deal with the problem of infinite recursion. With the current configuration, imagine what will happen when a Subversion client performs a commit to the master server. After the commit completes, the server uses svnsync to replicate the new revision to each slave. But because svnsync appears to be just another Subversion client performing a commit, the slave will immediately attempt to proxy the incoming write request back to the master! Hilarity ensues.

The solution to this problem is to have the master push revisions to a different Location on the slaves. This location is configured to not proxy write requests at all, but to accept normal commits from (and only from) the master’s IP address:

<Location /svn-proxy-sync>
  DAV svn
  SVNPath /var/svn/repos
  Order deny,allow
  Deny from all
  # Only let the server's IP address access this Location:
  Allow from
Set up replication

Now that you’ve configured your Location blocks on master and slaves, you need to configure the master to replicate to the slaves. This is done the usual way—using svnsync. If you’re not familiar with this tool, see Repository Replication for details.

First, make sure that each slave repository has a pre-revprop-change hook script that allows remote revision property changes. (This is standard procedure for being on the receiving end of svnsync.) Then, log into the master server and configure each of the slave repository URIs to receive data from the master repository on the local disk:

$ svnsync init http://slave1.example.com/svn-proxy-sync file://var/svn/repos
Copied properties for revision 0.
$ svnsync init http://slave2.example.com/svn-proxy-sync file://var/svn/repos
Copied properties for revision 0.
$ svnsync init http://slave3.example.com/svn-proxy-sync file://var/svn/repos
Copied properties for revision 0.

# Perform the initial replication

$ svnsync sync http://slave1.example.com/svn-proxy-sync
Transmitting file data ....
Committed revision 1.
Copied properties for revision 1.
Transmitting file data .......
Committed revision 2.
Copied properties for revision 2.

$ svnsync sync http://slave2.example.com/svn-proxy-sync
Transmitting file data ....
Committed revision 1.
Copied properties for revision 1.
Transmitting file data .......
Committed revision 2.
Copied properties for revision 2.

$ svnsync sync http://slave3.example.com/svn-proxy-sync
Transmitting file data ....
Committed revision 1.
Copied properties for revision 1.
Transmitting file data .......
Committed revision 2.
Copied properties for revision 2.

After this is done, configure the master server’s post-commit hook script to invoke svnsync on each slave server:

# Post-commit script to replicate newly committed revision to slaves

svnsync sync http://slave1.example.com/svn-proxy-sync > /dev/null 2>&1
svnsync sync http://slave2.example.com/svn-proxy-sync > /dev/null 2>&1
svnsync sync http://slave3.example.com/svn-proxy-sync > /dev/null 2>&1

The extra bits on the end of each line aren’t necessary, but they’re a sneaky way to allow the sync commands to run in the background so that the Subversion client isn’t left waiting forever for the commit to finish. In addition to this post-commit hook, you’ll need a post-revprop-change hook as well so that when a user, say, modifies a log message, the slave servers get that change also:

# Post-revprop-change script to replicate revprop-changes to slaves

svnsync copy-revprops http://slave1.example.com/svn-proxy-sync ${REV} > /dev/null 2>&1
svnsync copy-revprops http://slave2.example.com/svn-proxy-sync ${REV} > /dev/null 2>&1
svnsync copy-revprops http://slave3.example.com/svn-proxy-sync ${REV} > /dev/null 2>&1

The only thing we’ve left out here is what to do about locks. Because locks are strictly enforced by the master server (the only place where commits happen), we don’t technically need to do anything. Many teams don’t use Subversion’s locking features at all, so it may be a nonissue for you. However, if lock changes aren’t replicated from master to slaves, it means that clients won’t be able to query the status of locks (e.g., svn status -u will show no information about repository locks). If this bothers you, you can write post-lock and post-unlock hook scripts that run svn lock and svn unlock on each slave machine, presumably through a remote shell method such as SSH. That’s left as an exercise for the reader!


Your master/slave replication system should now be ready to use. However, a couple of words of warning are in order. Remember that this replication isn’t entirely robust in the face of computer or network crashes. For example, if one of the automated svnsync commands fails to complete for some reason, the slaves will begin to fall behind. For example, your remote users will see that they’ve committed revision 100, but then when they run svn update, their local server will tell them that revision 100 doesn’t yet exist! Of course, the problem will be automatically fixed the next time another commit happens and the subsequent svnsync is successful—the sync will replicate all waiting revisions. But still, you may want to set up some sort of out-of-band monitoring to notice synchronization failures and force svnsync to run when things go wrong.

Other Apache features

Several of the features already provided by Apache in its role as a robust web server can be leveraged for increased functionality or security in Subversion as well. The Subversion client is able to use SSL (the Secure Sockets Layer, discussed earlier). If your Subversion client is built to support SSL, it can access your Apache server using https:// and enjoy a high-quality encrypted network session.

Equally useful are other features of the Apache and Subversion relationship, such as the ability to specify a custom port (instead of the default HTTP port 80) or a virtual domain name by which the Subversion repository should be accessed, or the ability to access the repository through an HTTP proxy.

Finally, because mod_dav_svn is speaking a subset of the WebDAV/DeltaV protocol, it’s possible to access the repository via third-party DAV clients. Most modern operating systems (Win32, OS X, and Linux) have the built-in ability to mount a DAV server as a standard network shared folder. This is a complicated topic, but also wondrous when implemented. For details, read Appendix C.

Note that there are a number of other small tweaks one can make to mod_dav_svn that are too obscure to mention in this chapter. For a complete list of all httpd.conf directives that mod_dav_svn responds to, see Directives.

[47] Back then, it was called ViewCVS.

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