From C. Michael Pilato

Special thanks to Amy, my best friend and wife of more than 10 incredible years, for her love and patient support, for putting up with the late nights, and for graciously enduring the version control processes I’ve imposed on her. Don’t worry, sweetheart—you’ll be a TortoiseSVN wizard in no time!

Gavin, you’re able to read half of the words in this book yourself now; sadly, it’s the other half that provide the key concepts. And sorry, Aidan—I couldn’t find a way to work Disney/Pixar characters into the text. But Daddy loves you both and can’t wait to teach you about programming.

Mom and Dad, thanks for your constant support and enthusiasm. Mom- and Dad-in-law, thanks for all of the same plus your fabulous daughter.

Hats off to Shep Kendall, through whom the world of computers was first opened to me; Ben Collins-Sussman, my tour guide through the open source world; Karl Fogel, you are my .emacs; Greg Stein, for oozing practical programming know-how; and Brian Fitzpatrick, for sharing this writing experience with me. To the many folks from whom I am constantly picking up new knowledge—keep dropping it!

Finally, to the One who perfectly demonstrates creative excellence—thank You.

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